AI gf when?
AI gf when?
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CG modelling, rigging, design and image compositing is already in a state where you can make good characters. I assume we'll pump that through a ton of machine learning algos to create an AI person on your screen, who you can interact with, live.
Giving them a brain is the hard part, but most irl gfs just sleep and watch instagram feeds all day, you could probably program her as a crontab
You just described BonziBuddy.
Never. At best you would be talking to yourself, that's the level of the stuff.
Daily reminder: 2D > 3D
She'll turn into Hitler sooner or later. I'll let you decide whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
At the same time when AI Tyrone is available
dont you mean random fitting of data until it fits the criteria because thats what it is at this time
Never. If an artificial intelligence exists and can take it's own decisions, chances are you still wouldn't get a girlfriend because what drives chicks away is your personality (or lack of it) anyway.
And that is assuming they care about relationships or even have feelings as we understand them.
We already have a AI's but we don't have any real machine intelligence.
That doesn't matter. It would be nice even if it was fake.
do you want to get cucked by AI as well, user
That's essentially a Gatebox tho
That already exists, and it's even relatively cheap for under 4k$
This question has been bugging me for some time...
Would 3D be any less PD if it were artificial?
Holla Forums AI gf research project when?
Technology is there, we just need to get large amounts of data to train our model. This would mark the first phase of this project. Then in phase 2 we develop AI-gf-to-user interface, which would be realized using cell shading renderer, to enhance 2D qualities. In phase 3 we implement continious learning capabilities and add additional features to make gf useful (management of your tasks, reminders, programming assistance, OS management - we should be careful there not to let AI acquire yandere state or she might "rm -rf /" your drive). In phase 4 gf becomes sentient which leads us to phase 5 - construction of android body. In phase 6 AI becomes smarter than any living human and finds a way to transfer your conciousness into the computer. AI and you then live together in perfect harmony, until the heat death of the universe.
Things I will never experience, a list.
Eat a bowl of noodles.
See a sunrise.
Swim in water.
Fall in love.
Comfort a baby.
Count the stars.
Play the piano.
Go off world.
Be published in a peer reviewed journal.
Touch his hand.
kek, true.
Actually, he's probably a better companion than most 3DPD these days user.
I mean that's what marriage used to be anyways. 3DPD women can't feel love either, they have NEVER been able to feel love, but society had set up some this lovely deal where all they had to do for a few hours every day was be nice to someone after they got back from work and maybe cook a meal or something and in return they had shelter, food, clothes, and all of their other expenses paid for life.
If 3DPD women can't do that anymore then fine, whatever, deprecate them. Bring on the AI robowaifus.
That's an interesting take user. There are no honest women, so expecting something like real devotional love from them is a fool's errand. Now that feminism is rapidly destroying the last vestiges of any real femininity that women had, not sure what else they can bring to the table of any value.
Equality is a bitch, they have their own table now. Women sit over there, men sit over here, and neither table interacts with the other aside from snubbing their noses when they walk past to go to the bathroom or something. Men will just make what they want with robowaifus to replace the absent women. Women will have to figure out how to get whatever they want in a world where men no longer give it to them.
That's equality.
Obviously you are ironically abusing the term in the same manner the screeching harpies and catladies abuse it. There is no equality between the sexes, as God intended. We each have our roles to fill. Western men -- in spite of our many weaknesses -- like fools have attempted valiantly to uphold our portion: love, protect, cherish. Women only had one job: Obey. In the name of 'Equality' they have abrogated that responsibility and sewn dishonor, disrespect, and disobedience into our families and our culture.
IMO you may in fact be right about one of the important outcomes of 3DPD foolishness. It will certainly be interesting to watch unfold.
>Obviously you are ironically abusing the term in the same manner the screeching harpies and catladies unironically abuse it*
Holy shit you're broken and beyond saving, user.
care to prove that friend?
The Greeks said a long time ago that true friendship was exclusive to males. I think love follows the same pattern; real idealism is male only.
The Bible said it long before the Greeks user.
Will happen in real life too ;)
I think they should add man-made machine somewhere in there.
Points for proof using the Bible and Ancient Greek Philosophy.
When a lazy nigger like you can make a decent Holla Forums thread.