What's the best flag for a market socialist?
What's the best flag for a market socialist?
One of the flags for liberals like anarcho-communism
What is the difference between Mutualism and Market Socialism, anyway?
Mutualism is anarchism and Market Socialism still has a state
make pokemon real tbqh fam
Also, why does the concept of market socialism make people here mad?
It only makes some people here mad, mainly because of the first part, also because of the stigma against evolutionary socialism.
I like it, though.
The same reason anarkiddies, ML's, and Trots all trigger each other. Sectarianism and banter.
No. Mutualim is a libertarian form of market socialism.
do you not know who saint sputnik is? on SA it is a goatse.cx meme, the random star is a reference to his ring, i tihnk you know the rest now
Right, I'll just go /gulag/ myself now.
took me a few seconds, clever
There are too many leftist varieties.
Its the only form that hasn't completely failed :^^)
This. Success breeds jealousy.
Pic of the most successful AnCap society.
Marksoc are not leftists. They are centrist at best. Crypto-Right, when you are not pointing gun at them. Full-right if they have guns and are pointing them at you.
Says the tankie state capitalist.
Ah, tankies. Always here to brighten the day.
Fucking this
There are people who have so sloppy criteria that they are willing to call state capitalism socialism, and there are people who's standards are so ridiculously strict that they won't accept markets as a part of socialism, but what the fuck is with being both simultaneously? How does that work?
Maybe once we actually progress to socialism, until then they're lefties and there's nothing you can do about it :^)
Do not reply to bait anymore, anons.
Stalin moustache knows his shit though.
He thinks "leftism" is commissar caps, gulags and jackboots.
No he doesn't he's a fucking retard tinfoiler that thinks the USSR's dictatorial taylorist command economy was socialist and that environmentalism is a fascist conspiracy to take away the proles' gas guzzlers or something.
sure is. gotta respect those folks
What am I missing?
Fuck sectarianism
nothing, its plain as day
Read the filename
We have this thread every day commrades.
No the same, but what is socialism to you?
I'm on line with marx
serious ownage ITT
None of that centralization means jack if the workers don't control the state, which they didn't in the USSR.
Mutualism is built on a bunch of mid 19th century economic principles, and includes mutual-credit banks, currency controls, and labor vouchers.
it's p. dumb.
does not compute
We've debunked this shit almost two centuries ago.
Got proofs? Because I remember factory administrators being extremely eager to throw off worker's yoke and embrace capitalism at all costs.
Doesn't look like they got free reign in USSR.
> As we have said, the ideological unity of Russian Social-Democrats has still to be created, and to this end it is, in our opinion, necessary to have an open and all-embracing discussion of the fundamental questions of principle and tactics raised by the present-day “economists,” Bernsteinians, and “critics.” Before we can unite, and in order that we may unite, we must first of all draw firm and definite lines of demarcation. Otherwise, our unity will be purely fictitious, it will conceal the prevailing confusion and binder its radical elimination.
The USSR was an undemocratic oligarchy. Dissent from the party line was not tolerated and elections offered only one candidate. If the state controls the MoP but is not democratic, then the workers don't control the state, and by extension they don't control the MoP.
Read Lenin
Can you get educated?
You have only two points:
But both are distortion of actual situation.
Never change.
Read Marx, FFS.
Market socialism is for people that still fall for the neoclassical memes that the invisible hand of market is the ultimate tool for the alocation of resources, and that people acting for their self interest is going to result the best result possible for every one.
I recomend this lecture for declasscucking, and a real marxist perspective on the market
Onward to victory!
Marxist-Leninists have claimed this board in the name of Stalin!
Can't you stay in r/FULLCOMMUNISM?