Media is going full RaceWar on whites


Bill wasn't fucking wrong here….

Yahoo will undoubtedly perpetuate violence against innocent white women, children and elderly people. Young Kangs will go out and do more crime against people because they be okaybe APRESSSS'd

There comes a time when the gold loses its lustre and the gems cease to sparkle. Its like they are praying for White people to get pissed and tear the shit out of the world.

the solution is obvious: get rid of non-whites

What just slays me is that the white Left wants non-whites to be in charge of them because they think it will benefit them…

Holy fuck they are SUICIDAL.
Do they not understand that they are shooting for their own genocide.

its enough to drive a sane man up a rope.

the ID deems it so, "1776ed"

Keep pushing you dumb fucking kikes. People are seeing through this shit now that we've given them permission.

Waaaah its whiteys fault that I'm too stupid to ever amount to anything

Perfect time to spread shit like vid related

Also, has anyone replied to that faggot with similar Juden stats?

There is no White establishment only Jewish establishment. What the Left/Jews really want is destruction of what's left of the White middle class.

The solution is to overthrow the Jews and everything else will sort itself out.

Reminder that White controlling everything is fair, because we are the only ones who have the right intellect and moral backbone.

What is needed is enforcement of ANTI BRIBERY.

We need REAL term limits on politicians.

The problem is that's White's don't control everything, they actually don't control anything. The Banks, Media and pretty much every other stable industry is controlled by the Jews.

Let's celebrate this with a song.

If they control EVERYTHING…why haven't they killed off all the whites yet?

Ask the nigger in the OP why he's so anti-semitic.

They're trying to do so right now.

You still don't get it user.
They don't believe it is their suicide.

These are the sort of people who I have heard legitimately argue, "Well, does it MATTER if White people go extinct? We've done a lot of bad stuff, like slavery. Besides, as long as HUMANITY continues, then that's what matters, right?", without a hint of irony.
They aren't merely suicidal, they are deracinated – they don't see any difference between the present population of, say, Germany or the US, and the consequential result of White Europeans being driven to extinction in those lands.
They'll simultaneously argue that being a minority equates to being oppressed, while arguing that its okay and even beneficial that White Europeans become minorities in their own lands, because at the core of themselves, they hate White Europeans, themselves included, and have become so pathologically altruistic and convinced of the inherent evil of their own kin, that they believe themselves noble for not caring over the destruction of their folk.

There was a TDS episode where they interviewed a former Gawker reporter, and I'm pretty sure he outright said as much at one point. It was very disturbing.

I agree, they don't control everything. It's white people being naive and passive ;)

What a faggot

Oh shit! O'Reilly is talking like he has some regard for what's strategically advantageous for white people! Didn't he get the memo that when you bring up whiteness it must be in a disparaging, apologetic or at the very least snarky way? Get used to it yahoo and get fucked while you're at it.

You are genuinely retarded

That is pretty disgusting

I consider myself pretty normie and have been redpilled and see whats happening but I never stopped to think of the thought processes behind these leftists.

its disturbing.

I'm afraid of what we are up against. I'm physically afraid.

why are you typing like that?

Don't worry he manages to always recuck himself by bringing up our (((greatest ally.)))




Murderers of niggers: 97% black
I think we should add some fairness :^)

Greetings, fellow Holla Forumsack.

I share your enthusiasm.

And your concerns.

While it is encouraging to see more people take part in racial consciousness.

It is at the same time disheartening to know that they are not yet ready to gass all kikes and race war now.


If we continue to make our memes salient

We will win over more converts.

It has been a pleasure talking with you, fellow Holla Forumsack.

geeze user-1776-kun…what gunz shuld I buy!





All of them.


I now see the truth of how deranged they are.

That sort of comparison posting is highly effective

don't need an alarm clock if you're always woke.

would ya lookit the honker on that feller

I don't have a twitter account. Can you guys report him down? It is obvious racism (just imagine the outcry if you change "white" with "jew").


It's crazy how many of those Whites are Jews. I think we need some White equality in this day and age.


Also Obama saying it, but Obama is too much blackpill. Use Biden's its more damning.

USA: 2% jewish.
Congress: 8.4% jewish.
Top CEOs: 48% jewish.

Yes, it will be fair when it actually happens
There is no white establishment but there will be
The holocaust never happened but it will

so only 44% of ceo's are actually white

Just water filters.

It actually infuriates me that there are people on Earth who are THIS narrow sighted, even though it's Extremely Beneficial for Us. The fact that people like this survived thousands of years of Evolution disgusts me greatly.

In the year 1900, there were a billion people on Earth, and we were a quarter of them. Now there are 7 billion and we're only 9%. (((Mass media))) and modern medicine, plus two World Wars, have us at low enough number that they've initiated the open hostility portion of their program. They don't need to annihilate us entirely, just reduce our numbers to the point that they can shut us out of every institution while still demanding that we pay for everything.

Bill Clinton said the same thing back in 1998 when he gave a speech at Portland State University. Skip to 47:56 on the video.

how long have you been asleep?

They didn't survive "evolution" they fucking survived in stable societies that allowed their weak genes to flourish. They basically piggy-backed off the success of virtuous people. That's how it works.



History repeats itself

All that needs to be pointed out is that jews aren't White.

Correct. Global white supremacy is a moral imperative.

1776 will commence again!
followed by 1933

This is unironically one of the most cognizant things I've seen stated on an imageboard

It's almost like they've been sustained in defiance of Divine Nature for millenia by worshipping Satan.


Yep, I'm surprised it's even that high.

It's even worse than you think, before the outbreak of WW1 the European diaspora accounted for about 40% of the world population; today it's closer to 5%

Good, either we'll finally get it and can mop them up quick, or people will realize they're being controlled and will wake up. Either way we win.

Soon it will slay them and their children. It is a testament to how well the brainwashing works. You can convince people to do anything


What chimpout is this pic portraying?

Haiti most likely.


user what have you done?

Overthrowing the Jews wouldn't mean there are instantly deathsquads indiscriminately liquifying non-Whites. There's more to be done than that, but yeah it is the most important step.

It would mean that there would be no one to poz the MSM and our ideas would flourish quickly, since they're the truth.

How big of a production do you think it would be to rebuild the land bridge and send the "natives" back home?

seems like it
makes me wonder what contingencies they have planned

>pic related

America is supposed to be fucking white

Why the random capitalization?

Of course. But none of our so-called leaders have the will to do so. There will be a collapse as we are completely overwhelmed by the non-white masses. God help us.


it would mean there would be no one directing this white guilt nonsense. ever notice how when ever the cultural marxist whining starts to die down a bit a jew always comes running with an article or a msm special on how bad whites are to get the ball rolling again?

Without the kikes.. this refugee nonsense stops, this blind eye being turned to illegal immigration will be stopped, the shitskins that came to white nations and failed to assimilate will be sent back.

Sure it wouldnt be a 100% victory at first but it would cut the nonwhite populations in at least half in every white nation in very short time. From there the remaining shitskins will prove to be garbage and unable to sustain themselves without kike pushed handouts and affirmative action and they too will be sent packing.

Whereas… lets say me, you and every other red pilled user the world over grabbed our guns and started the purge. Lets say we even did a real fucking good job of it. The flood would keep coming with the kikes at the helm, we would be painted as hateful monsters and the white guilt propaganda would be in full swing turning anyone not sympathetic to the cause into our enemies and then it would stop being a purge and start being us fighting an army of white bluepilled cucks.

Its the art of war man.. You win the war before you start fighting, i.e. you prepare and plan accordingly so that your victory is ensured. Attacking the brown horde before the hydra that spawned them is dealt with is folly.

That was pretty good