100.000€ Bounty for Berlin Attacker


Name: Anis Amri
Clothing: white scarf, bright shoes, dark clothes
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Dangerous: Armed

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All of this info could have been in the media within hours.

they had the wrong guy at the beginning

you would never say his parents and grandparents were all first cousins…

The wrong truck too apparently.

Don't ask me, they fucked up bad with this one. He could be out of the country already! This is a huge fuck-up!


Remember the last time they were publicly searching for an invader?
It ended with three other invaders apprehending him and handing him over to the police. The whole thing was accompanied by shitloads of "See? Invaders are our friends. Don't be racist." narrative-building by the Lügenpresse.
I wonder if they have the audacity to try that again.

Wait, his ID just happened to be conveniently left inside the truck for the cops?

Isn't that also what conveniently happened after the Paris shootings?

I think they just assumed his gender.

I think the cops usually find out through some other means (mass surveillance, anonymous tips, etc) and just make up some bs like this so they can keep their surveillance programs running out of the public eye

I think it's the police covering their asses of how they got the ID of the perp. It's just a shitty lie. More likely they did some ultra NSA type shit which they want to keep from the public.

Every time there's a terrorist attack there's a #notallmuslims article placed nearby on the beeb. They've already prepared the one for this terrorist attack. I should probably start archiving them.

They didn't find his ID, they found some papers with his name on it. It wasn't a ID

Whenever the BBC opens comments, people are quick to call them out on their bullshit. Fewer and fewer people are buying into their propaganda.

Anis "Plow Fucks with a Truck" Amri
Anis "My Asshole" Amri
Anus "my sandnigger" AMIRITE

Wait, is it a public bounty?

Yea but still, quite the coincidence.

Seems pretty fishy still… Dunno who would go commit a murder spree but leave a utility bill in the front seat. I think I'd be traveling pretty light that day…

Yeah, sure.

that first guy has a large nose

These people are Angela Merkel's personal invitees, you're crazy if you think anyone under the current German administration is allowed to touch them.

10bux says this is just some doctored randomface so they can guarantee the guy will kill some more before long.


Isn't it racist to arrest this guy? The far right is already growing which is worse than 6 gorrilion holocausts.

Merkel doesn't want this to happend fag, this is the worst that could happen to her and her open borders shit. She is done!

Who is offering the reward? No way the government is sanctioning this. Merkel is probably hoping he'll turn himself in so he can get the reward money and get pardoned.

remember when the '9/11 hijacker's' ID was found in the wreckage of the twin towers?

Name: Agala Merkel
Cothing: anything that hides flab
Age: immortal
Sex: unspecified
Dangerous: only to white Europeans

I'll remove her for free

Yeah, I can see that happening as well.
Somewhere this or next week, maybe even on christmas eve just as cherry on the top, a brave muslimbrother will find and detain the terrorist, with pictures of him bound and gagged under a christmas tree that the muslims had, just to show how they respect german culture.
And then they of course will give the bounty away to some homeless children or whatever becasue christmas.

And two days later the terrorist justso happens to find a convinient rope in his cell with no wardens around, right…

You're cute trying to bring logic into this.

Hahahaha fuck I remember reading that in my history textbook way back when in high school and saying something to the teacher like "is that a fucking joke" and everyone looking at me strangely….

Ganbatte, Geman-anons!

I'd pay good money for that ~P R I V I L E G E~


is that 1st pic merkal too?

Haha good joke!

A failed asylum seeker, who was already wanted for previous terrorist attempts in Germany.

Hope the victims family members sue Merkel personally - along with joining in class action lawsuits that have already been filed against Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, for enabling these terrorists.


I'm old and I'm only 21.

If there was any justice, Merkel would be strung up by her heels and left to rot. Unfortunately, every single western government is run by people selfishly promoting this insanity. The entire system is rigged against people who don't want Europe to commit cultural suicide. Nothing short of native Europeans rising up in armed resistance against the refugees themselves is going to stop it.

In the US, 9/11 needed to be added to every textbook by 2002 in order to make sure that no child could escape indoctrination.

Identitarian generation activist carried away at protest after terror attack in Berlin

Well hello Mossad.

weird.how do all those ids magically manafest hours after the fact its like the government is so scared to be labled a GOATFUCKERaPHOB By not telling the public that a Snackbar Snackbared WE KNOW THEY DID IT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
. the world is at war the Enemy is atacking right now and nobody is doing anything

Who wants to go kebab hunting?

Soon your reign ends, kike slave.

i tell people stuff like this all the time and i think they think im crazy

Pure coincidence, I'm sure :^)

MIDF kike shill.
Oceania IS the enemy, stop trying to cast doubt on the mainstream media with your wild conspiracy theories.
Why would the government harm its own people? That's stupid.



Not just any truck cabin.

It's a STOLEN TRUCK cabin.


Jesus some times you faggots are retarded. How does this benefit the globalist kikes? They push for these fucks to get let in so why are they going to "plant" an ID to match it to them? That turns people towards the right and against open borders and importing third worlders. If this was a Jewish trick, the ID wouldn't have been a goat fucker, instead the right suspect would be the white suspect.


Hey 100k for finding a shitskin, so he can fry, idc if he was responsible or not thats a damn good deal!

Well when/if independent journalism reports that gaza is gone we might just be a little more understanding if every country in the UN has been "ravaged by these medieval barbarians" like the poor Israelis.
They can collect all private weapons and rule us with an iron fist that will be harder to break than the current stranglehold they have over property, justice and information.

Now the question is are you the retarded faggot or yet another paid operative? The ID of the 9/11 attacker was used as part of the proof that America needed to attack the closest most powerful enemy of Israel. That and the non-existent WMDs.
The number that understand who is doing what and why is growing exponentially, I doubt you can stop it now. God bless Sir Tim Berners Lee. That's the Englishman that invented the interweb burgers.

Wait, they know his name and looks?
Which means they should know the mosque he was a regular at?

And they haven't made an example of the "high priest" there?
Catching him in his own home, sawing off his head.
Bringing it to the mosque and proclaiming that failure for keeping the sheep in check will result in progressively harsher punishment?

Don't they know that that is the only language muslims understand?

You're not going to exact proper justice from this shitskin in a German court that is high on multiculturalism.

Oy vey,

I wonder what will happen to all the CIA installed shills once the dust has settled and all of Trump's jewish appointees pretty much ban free speech and jail any dissent before they realise what a colossal CIA con-trick the whole Trumpstein vs Hillary Cankles Clinton psyop was.

When the majority of so called jew-wise websites all have unified and collectively decided to ban all dissent against the jewish Plan C Trump, and dismiss entirely out of hand any possibility of any incomprehensible attack on Western soil being a state false flag to serve the jewish agenda is the day to realise The Purge needs to be greater than just those on the left like their jewish hero Anders (((Behring)))-Breivik.

In essence those that go along with the jewish Lugenpresse narratives are in essence easily controlled malleable Golem normies that don't deserve to live in the new world any more than a retarded nigger that thought Obama was going to personally pay their rent for life.

As they say the internet never forgets and all you worthless oxygen thieves who have spent the best part of the last year or so working to undermine the global awakening to juden are working for jewry; whether knowingly and paid (like Paul Joseph Watson, Pat Condell or the non-thinking persons (((alt-right)))) hero like CIA-kike Anglin) or unconsciously(dumb easily brainwashed golem slave), deserve nothing but our contempt and ridicule, perhaps we can make use for these unwitting slaves by boiling them down for glue to stick the wax seal on the immigrants deportation orders.


If the hijacker and the driver had cell phones (very likely) the police could have gathered the last hours tracking data for the drivers phone. This would give them the hijackers phone number and cell ID since both phones obviously shared positioning in space and time.

Then they would have to backtrack the hijackers phone number to find out when and where he had been and who he had called. Then its leg work and all this takes some time no matter what. I think thats how they "found" his lost ID papers under the seat. In America this is called "paralell construction".

no you are the retarded one, pic related

That's some nice governmentbux for the local mosque, 200m away from the Police HQ.

You have my attention. Sauce?

You will need that bounty money to pay your own court costs for being deemed a terrible racist for turning in this poor refugee.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

He kinda looks like Q from Star Trek in the right side of the 2nd pic.

Nice try Satan.