Kremlin just announced that all channels of communication with the United States have been frozen

Kremlin also just announced that there will be retaliation for new US sanctions that Lame Duckman McObummer tossed at them

Uh, so on a scale from "Ron Paul" to "See You Space Cowboy" how fucked is literally everyone?

Other urls found in this thread:

What does it matter when Trump will soon be president?

He's got 10 days before he takes office, that's more than enough time to fuck with russia

Russia could attack first, the sanctions have been killing them, and all communication lines being cut is a prelude to war.

Further. Lame Duck Obama is currently safe in Hawaii. Perfect time to last minute hit the "fuck it" button.

wut? it's like 30 days, you nigger

Well, guess we get WW3 for Christmas

I am not a ITS HAPPENING person but when a country suddenly cuts off all contact with another

Shits about to go down

Reuters is Russia now?

Well fuck. This could get out of hand if real. Will we be ww3 soon?

Jan 20th is inauguration day, retard.

which sanction did obama impose upon russia? why is he so evil?

How does obongo thing he can get away with this how he does he think he can:
Is he just being a stupid nigger as usual? Jesus Christ they're a stain on Humanity.

This can mean only one thing……

The only way Putin will do anything drastic before Trump is if he's doing it at the kikes' orders. He's making a show of fucking with king nigger to drive the insult home when he is friendly with the new administration. It's called international politics. Stop being a



They wouldn't make the bombs fall on Christmas would they?

Communications being cut off has been the prelude to every single war in recorded human history. Grow a brain.

They cut off communication before too and nothing happened.

We can only hope The Military sees through this Bullshit and refuses to go through with it. (Even if Generals didn't support Trump, what kind of evil fuck lacks the conscience to comply with orders to start a nuclear war the week of Christmas?)

but what if the kikes use a useful idiot on the russian side or (((russian agent))) to kick things off?

Putin won't fall for this stupid posturing bullshit but I wonder if (((they))) will try some horseshit like this or false flag

Pretty sure it's cia and the military doesn't give a fuck

Russia now targeting Netherlands via foreign ministry for permitting US troops to be stationed there.

Deep Concern





no but obama would unles he was stopped from doing so by another


OP and his buddies are juvenile faggots.

He's on vacation right now and all his staff picks were made by the banks.
1+1, user. (((They))) are desperate for war sicne that's the only way they can get away with every shit they've done.

But surely they aren't blind enough to see that it's clearly not going to work after all the revealations this year, especially this late

Time for Pearl Harbor 2: Lame Duck Jiggaboo

Will he finally declare himself King Nigger?

You don't understand.
The guys that launch the missiles go through drills routinely, and they don't know if it's real or not.

When ordered to launch, they will…and they will think it's just another drill.

From what I've read on Twitter, only most channels of communication have been closed. He's probably talking to team Trump, at least indirectly.

Well that's fucked up.
Only kikes could think of such an evil, fucked up way of doing things.

Some of us seem to forget that Obama replaced the high command with his own generals.

The previous generals don't magically disappear. Loyalty isn't something decided by procedure. If Trump or Mattis called to arms the majority, enlisted and discharged would respond.

Hawaii is a major naval base, it is definitely targeted.

Many of them were forced to retire for piddling offenses.

Generals? They are His Nigesty's Nigger Serfs

Shit is going to hit the fan soon Holla Forums, too many things lining up, Biblical prophecies coming true, folks receiving visions from Jesus/Yashuah, gamma ray burst hitting on 26th Dec. The Tribulation is at hand. Stay safe, repent your sins, do not forget God, hold on to what has been written.

I had a dream a few months ago that went like this. The US declared war on Russia, and I was going to my bug out point. At first Obama was talking, then when I to where I was going the news said "president Trump" instead, I asked around and apparently he staged a coup, but it wasn't enough and the nukes launched anyways.

In the next few hours:


They don't magically lose their skills or previous contacts or the loyalty of their men because they've been deposed. If anything, Obama made an extremely dangerous blunder in doing so.



Also, has anybody noticed how time is FLYING recently??

Sauce please.

Otherwise Obama will declare himself King Nigger

I would also like sauce on Dec 26th GRB

fuck you

that's why you piece of shit nigger I'll post what ever the god damn monkey fuck I want eat a fat monkey dick shit licker

Nothing credible looking. Also, they're entirely undectable. But even if we could detect one, if there was going to be a GRB, the elite wouldn't be bothering with this shit. They'd be partying because you can't escape one of those. It would cleanse the planet of complex life instantly.

Thanks user

We've already been hit by one in 2004 from what I've heard.

Can i get some sort of guarantee we won't go to war while I'm at work today? I don't want to skip if it's nothing but I don't want to be working if the big one drops

It's their final fuck you to Obama. They will re-open jovially when Trump is in office. Now watch this drive.

So this is literally a last middle finger to the world on behalf of the kikes terminally ill globalist plans?
Top fucking Kek they are SO salty

That was a magnetar not a gamma ray burst. Very different.

Magnetars produce gamma rays.

you forgot

damascus would be syria, but allepo has been released from the kike and cia grasp.

I'm no christfag, but this should be fun

It's still not the same as a gamma ray burst. Words have definitions.

It's the same as a King Nigger

We shall see.


Please enlighten, I genuinely want to move away from this alarmist position.

i think Putin realizes if he holds off attacks he can wait obummer out and be friendly with Trump. why risk a war when you have a potential
ally taking power in a month or so?

Worse. He'll declare himself boss nigger.

Also it's Turkey that is meant to invade FYI

i'm just waiting for the 12 Imam to be made public.. Ole Mahmoud of Iran said he was already born

checked and keked

i was telling my friends in highschool (grad 04) that the ottoman empire would rise again.. and now look, Erdogan is pushing his weight around like he's god or something (sufi yeah i know)


Unles he has the entire fleet protecting the island the moment war breaks out he'll be hunted down,
If anything his precesnce just made Hawai a big target



Hawaii might have been a lie. He might have gone innabunker.


Nigger, this will never ever happen. The US is invincible. WE will be the ones attacking and the media will say it was Russia.

Please tell me that I'm not the only one here that doesn't believe for a second the Obama is in Hawaii at the moment.
Here is the way I see things playing out

You overestimate our chances against over twice our nuclear arsenal.

Please stop.
It is impossible to know when they will hit. If we had a satellite out at ~Pluto’s orbit, we would have only a few hours’ warning. We have NO warning.

It doesn’t matter how good someone’s offense is if your defense is impenetrable.

Nukes will never ever be used ever again.

Scattered boats, primarily in the mediterranian and SCS, won't help much to stop a shitstorm from literally every other angle.

I believe you are overestimating again.

You're delusional.

You're retarded.

Give me one good reason nukes wont be used again.





Look, just don’t comment if you don’t know what we’re taking about.

Maybe. Countries aren’t building missile defense systems for no reason, though.

Even that’s wrong. It’s far more likely that bunker buster or strategic nukes would be used than area effect nukes. There’s a statistical possibility that you could even GET AWAY with the former if there are extenuating circumstances elsewhere in the world (meaning: the rest of the UN security council either has their system disabled at the time, or is otherwise occupied with something massive).

Kikes don't want to die/ be forced to live in isolation for the next couple hundred years

I doubt he can, he's probably one of those gimps who didn't pay attention in high school physics and thinks nukes were made up by das juden for some hyperelaborate reason instead of, y'know, figuring out how that shit works.

Both could be true. Obama may have retreated to a secret volcano lair.


Not gonna happen.

what the fuck are you on about?
life isn't a fucking video game

There better not be any nuclear fallout near my country. Why can't you fucking burgerpeople riot against your retarded nigger president?

Are you seriously retarded enough to not know that our best interceptor missile systems are mounted on destroyers which are currently primarily deployed in the mediterranian and south china sea?

I agree, don't comment if you don't know what we're talking about.

This is accurate but remember there is a certain point where Putin would be forced to respond.

Hmm. Most likely nothing. Nonetheless be on the lookout for some No Russian tier shit. Spread it.

Yeah you're right. It would be very, very stupid for them to attack first.


WTF yesterday was Election Day!

That is true. The assassinations were pretty fucked. Very good chance of US involvement there.

In any case I don't think Putin will be the first one to pull anything.

Basically, cia are hueg fags right now cuz their kiddy pedorings and drone program are fucked. Military like JSOG has probably no desire to kick ass for such reasons.

Killing to help faggots sucks balls

why would putin go to war when he could instead expose onigger and the CIA and publicly humiliate and discredit them instead?

Everything related to ISIS has US involvement in it by default. It's practically a branch of the CIA.

(((US))) involvement.

The American government didn't do this. Carpetbaggers and traitors to the world did this. True villains who have no home.

If you dont have the decency to post gifs that dont look like hot garbage, dont bother posting, faggot.

Like I give a fuck about making quality content fuck you whiny nigger die


May be they are tired of all the shit kingnigger tries to pull?

That's giving them more credit than their due. If anything you can blame the rise of ISIS on shit foreign policy in Iraq, and the revolution in Syria which was sparked by US. The power vacuum was exploited and here we are. If anything the administration is embarrassed by the mess they've made and that's why they don't deal with it or address it directly.

I got nothing, you seem to be right, seems like I've been swept up by this Sacred Name movement, but for the record, I preferred Jesus. Also, Anderson's educated guess that Jesus and his apostles spoke Greek as well Hebrew and Aramaic is not entirely solid, the NT wasn't even completed by the time of the death of Jesus, some 40-50 years after actually, enough time for any of these apostles to learn Greek to preach to Gentiles.

Not educated enough of the subject to speak with the kind of authority you seem to feel the obligation to wield, but we wouldn't be warned even if it was officially detected.

They're just embarrassing Onigger one last time before he leaves office.

Have none of you niggers noticed threads from halfway or below on the catalog being bumped?
We're being slid with our own fucking threads now.

So many people screaming about the end times and faggy prophecies (I'm looking at you Jesus/yeshiva guy) with absolutely no reason to think so, especially considering this isn't even the first time we've cut ties with Russia.

Don't waste to much effort on a "minor" detail, go with; Jesus Christ and the Lord and you got it right. I don't mean its not an issue but don't make it too complicated.

Those niggers have been screaming about the end if days for over a century if not longer.

Nigger all communications have been cut for a while now, ever since Syria talks broke down it's been this way.

The Kremlin is just reminding people of that.

Russia declared this communication shut down as being in light of sanctions by the USA which were re-upped yesterday. This severing of ALL communication (not only Syrian) follows the assassination of 2 Russian ambassadors.

Honestly at this point Mattis and Trump have more de facto authority over the US military than Obama does.

It's not happening.

Well, as outlined in the video the other user posted, the name is actually quite important, but I imagine that Jesus is just as aware of a Spanish man pronouncing his name as Hey-Zoos as an English-speaking man pronouncing it as Je-Zus.

You know you've wasted too much of your life on imageboards when that phrase married to that image can make you collapse in a hysterical fit.

Have you forgotten what side Boss Nigger is actually on?

It's impossible to have any warning, even if we had a satellite orbiting in deep space. By the time the signal from the satellite reached Earth, the GRB would arrive along with it as they both travel at the speed of light.

The only way to have any form of warning would be monitoring the star and somehow predicting when it would happen, which we don't currently have the means to do. It might not even be possible to accurately predict a GRB.

Please don't block Yandex from the US, Putin.

I didn't vote for king nigger.

Is there any evidence to support this besides a tweet and a 2 paragraph Reuters' story?

Daily reminder Obama could push the button any second of any day without once considering the people affected, and his attitude the last 8 years back this hypothesis up. As do the people on his team:
Senior adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski (as in Morning Joe Mika's father), talking about how 100 years ago it was easy to control people, but nowadays it is "infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control them".

He must've watched his daughter's show that morning

Fred Williamson. My favorite black actor. Damn near all of his movies are entertaining and kick-ass.

in oahu right now. Usually there's a big fuss when he shows up cause traffic always get fucked and the police presence increases.

Traffic is fine today. But he might be in another island

I'm aware of a politician in Russia working for the ministry of foreign affairs ending up dead but what's this about a second ambassador?

The one in Turkey whose shooter became a meme yesterday


That's one. You mentioned a second ambassador.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if the US was behind the assassinations of their ambassadors and the Russians were able to find out

Second was the foreign affairs politician you mentioned, my bad used the wrong word for them



Obama Plans to Release H2N7 Biowarfare Influenza On Russia On Christmas Day

Обама планирует выпустить H2N7 биологического оружия за гриппом России На Рождество

Please relay this message to the Russians any way that you can!!!

user what the fuck are you doing

i would not put obama above that at all
and neither should anybody else on Holla Forums

Some dumb fuck broke the beaker, didn't they.


In regards to this situation? I'd score it maybe a 4 at worst. Worst case scenario is they have evidence that the Syrian assassins were US proxies. If we discount that then this is strategic posturing in advance of Trump's inauguration. Trump has said that he wants to restore relations with Russia. So Russia is escalating the tensions between Russia and the US to give themselves an advantageous position during negotiations and to make it seem like restoring relations with Russia is absolutely important. This is just Russia setting the board and testing Trump to see how he responds.

Fucking kill yourself.


fake and gay

Are you illiterate or just shitposting? I was quite clear about the importance of the Name. Don't be an autistic christfag and mess this board up.

Here's the thing I don't understand, I get that russia is a pain in their ass and they want to start this shit show asap, but why?
You'd think they'd take a break from being so horribly meddling for a while, maybe take a vacation, and regroup in a few years. That's what I'd do.
That and how does near total nuclear annihilation help them anyway? Are these people just fucking insane?

Only by (vodka fueled) accident.

Samson Option

Obama really wants ww3 over Crimea doesn't he? Does he realize how retarded that would be?

But nobody is picking on Israel right now

And? Wars are fought with armies, not Generals…..

Anybody starting to remember the second XXX movie?

Thread theme

Did you forget that trump wants to drain the swamp?
what the fuck do you think is going to happen eventually if he probes too far?

Well, at least I got to finish watching LOTGH before I die.

Stairway barbell assault-rifle accident. Entire building burns down, with no evidence, survivors.


History will remember this administration as a litany of disasters and failures, culminating in a spasm of false-flag attacks and provocations.

If there is anything that history teaches us it is this: The kikes are fucking parasites that do everything possible to destroy their host population. Eventually the host population realizes what the kikes are doing and start getting mad. The few that realize it at this point start pointing out it is the kikes, more and more they are proven right and more and more people realize that the kikes are an existential problem. When faced with rising discontent towards their actions the kikes, every fucking time through out history, instead of backing off and salvaging what they have stolen double triple and quadruple down until they are accomplishing nothing but reinforcing the rising tide against them. Now is it because they somehow lack the ability to see the tide rising? Is it that they see the rising backlash but in their hubris are incapable of believing the backlash will be successful? Is it because they are so greed the notion of backing down and not getting 100% of what they want is never an option for them? Or is it that they see the backlash but want it to happen?

Im not sure if there is a way to answer that but one thing remains clear.. Since the dawn of written history the kikes always push way too far and necessitate their demise.

Trump's not going after the kikes, though. Just the (((globalists))). At most, he will maintain neutral relations with Jews, considering he's married off most of his children to the tribe, already.

He is but America's Bismarck. What follows his terms could either be a return to leftism, or a further right government. I hope for the latter, personally.

We are. Now that he's nearly in office, we need to be independent actors again.

Friendly reminder that we will be writing history.

Did kikes ever have other kikes suicided?

Couldn't this have been done to immunize them against suicide? Meaning that only Trump, Melania and Baron can ever be made targets

This time we must leave none alive to do it again.. the Holocaust did no0t happen not it should have


To me, I think his presidency will be a rather benign one. He's not going to string up his adversaries, but he will look the other way, if something rather unfortunate were to happen.

I live 15 minutes out of Dallas.

It's going to be okay right? I mean they don't really have any real reason to nuke Dallas right? They can just nuke the military bases and shit instead. Fuck.

Just a reminder for when it is happening, watch for a mass exodus of jews from places like NYC and L.A

Or any other large western city with a huge populous of jews, Im sure brussels and london would qualify as well.

That is what you should be watching for, for verification because if things are going to go nuclear, and if there is going to be war uprising the kikes will leave well in advance.


Did I mention Trump? No I did not. That may be what he intends to do. And it is the smart move. As he goes after the globalists the kikes will continue to show their noses and the goyim will wake up even more. The reign of the kike is nearing its end.

To go where though?

The entire world is going to be painted with nukes if L.A. and NYC are hit.


Yes. By god, they'll have their wives and spouses do it themselves, though his children do seem rather bluepilled, except for Barron, who seems to be at a crossroads, of sorts.

Growing up during WWIII will toughen Barron. Once Emperor Trump is assassinated on the day of his 88th birthday Barron will be ready to take his place.

He's definitely not going to let the tribe be directly touched, considering his lineage is well in relation to their kind. You could see him coming to their defense. Can you not?

The transformation must be held in secret, and under his nose.

Of course the apostles didn't, even in Christian tradition - not until Pentecost. The lower classes in Judea at the time spoke Aramaic only because sheep won't herd themselves. Nothing from NT was written before Jesus died, in fact the time when gospels were written is fairly well estimated; Mark is earliest, I think it was up to ~50 AD (the point is being easily verifiable/falsifiable by eyewitnesses, which gives historical credibility), John is last, dated around the end of the 1st century.
There's a shitload of historical research done on gospels, especially various versions/fragments from various sources and their credibility. Look it up.

I don't really see the "Emperor" coming to fruition, as the meme has clearly died out in popularity, with recent news of Trump.

I don't see him not having a second term, though, and he'll definitely get one, as of now, considering he's done so much, before even being sworn in.

Not even the strength to call you names. This is it gentlemen. Been a pleasure.

I only see a concerted effort by low-energy shills like you trying to defame Trump.

Barron's the one pulling the strings.

I believe there is a reactor in Glenn rose.
Imagine if that blew in the explosion.
Trump should just hand the nigger king over to Russia.
Good luck Texasbro,we're going to need it

They aren't buff, they are normal 90s girls.

holy shit! its nothing!
its just Russia tired of oniggers shit. not even worth a sticky.

I live under the flight path out of Fort Brag I'll let you goyim know if there's an uptick in activity but it's been quiet so far.


You're the only one calling him "emperor", in this thread. Try harder, or your meme will fail.

Personally, I cannot wait for someone even more extreme than Trump to step up the stage, in 2024. That will be something to see, as the wait for Hitler will officially be over.

The question is, will we be fortunate enough to say "Seig Kaiser!" in our lifetimes?

1000 years is as 1 day in Heaven, I believe when Jesus said he is coming soon, he meant that he is coming soon within Heaven's timeframe. People have been prophesying for ages it is true, but in context of 2 days, it is a rather short time, and all these "faggy prophecies" you have mentioned are coming true, within your lifetime, your issue is with God and his messengers, not me.

I am Australian. However I was replying to you in context to my other post, if I am using an entirely incorrect name such as Yashuah/Yeshua to refer to Jesus, then I am not using his name at all, just a name that *sounds* Hebrew and based on no actual biblical or historical evidence. So it is different from pronouncing it differently such as in the Spanish pronunciation. But like I said, I think Anderson's claim that it was originally always pronounced as the Greek form, rather than being derived from an original Aramaic pronunciation, is an educated guess, but not confirmed to be absolutely true, it is just as likely that he actually was known as "Yeshua", but spoken through the Koine Greek to come out as "Iesous" in pronunciation, which fits with what Anderson was trying to say, that is, different languages will pronounce the name Jesus differently, Iseous became Iseus, Iseus became Jesus. Yeshua, Yashuah or Yeshoua could very well have become Iseous to appeal to potential Greek converts. Just say Yeshoua or Yehoshua and Iseous to yourself, and you will notice that they already sound similar, and the name Yehoshua literally means "Yahweh is Salvation" which would be an appropriate name for the Son of Yahweh. On top of that, at the very least Revelations was not a part of the New Testament until around 80AD, so it's possible that his apostles, who were simple folk for the most part, and Jesus, only spoke Aramaic and Hebrew, with the apostles learning to speak and write Greek later on in their lifetimes.

tl;dr Pastor Anderson is right if the name was never pronounced that way. But perhaps the apostles learned Greek years after Jesus' death, and in that case, they may have just made his name easier to digest to Greek converts by using phonetics that were more familiar to them.

We already have "Hail to the Chief". No need for plagiarism.

Trump is the mud'dib, the messenger, the prophet.

He has to briefly become Emperor, realize he isn't fit for it, let Barron think he has killed him while on a trip to the moon, and then return as a cyborg to watch over the world he abandoned. It's gotta be user, I'll meme it if I have to.

im in Dallas right now. I hope to god this shithole gets nuked. Fuck Dallas and fuck Texas right up their nigger loving cuckold asses. NUKE US RUSSIA GODDAMMIT
Texas is so fucking gay, nobody here knows how to drive (at all), I see one white person for every 400 niggers and 800 mexicans/cubans/pureto ricans, the weather changes from hot to cold by the minute, texas bbq is substandard, this state has turned from red to purple, Austin and Houston are allowed to exist, and there is a large famous "gayborhood" in Dallas. Yes, the steers and queers may may is real. Im swamped with actual faggots right this minute. Please god let this cesspool be nuked. if i could get a better job in another state I would move right now, but I would happily die in radioactive fire just to see these faggots suffer.
hay maybe most of the cuckolds that love Ted Cruz and John Cuckisk will die.

If the retarded mass does like it usually does, it'll vote for the opposite. Elections in the past 50 years, not only in the US but all around the west have been reactionary. If Trump does something the average pleb deem they got screwed on, they'll vote for the opposition, which might very well be a full fledged commie. Of course, there is still the possibility of throwing a wrench in this through memetics.

I dont think anything is happening, Say
citation fucking needed



A warning system alarm went off as you posted that.


So would you say you like or dislike Texas?

Sounds like you need a wall.

Where are you?
Oak cliff?
I stay the fuck out of Dallas unless it's a necessity.
I stay about 30 miles south in the rural area.

Hope Denton gets included in this. UNT is such a shithole of hippies and SJWs.

I could see his actions removing the veil covering the kikes. Hes not hitler and he never was going to be and the bismark comparison is apt. But Im not talking about him Im talking about the kikes making it impossible for the goyim to not wake up.

While I disagree with the majority with respect since it only applies to East and South Texas, this is absolutely unequivocally true.

Driving in Dallas is playing with your life.

You can make a fake texting convo you know

If anyone clicks that link you're a fucking idiot.
port number
did you even try? guarantee when I get that ip it is literally going to be your public ip.

Yeah but I'm too lazy and busy playing FFIX right now.

A wall wouldn't save Texas, the whites here are as bad as Caifornians, and hell most of them ARE californians. If you got rid of all the spics and immigrants. it would STILL be steers queers and niggers.

Filled with cuckservatives who voted Cruz. This entire state needs to be gassed honestly.

Can confirm.
I think it's because of non licensed spics,commiefornians and niggers.
35 is a fucking mess and so is 30


Thanks for the epic sticky, based mods.

I almost died just going to work this morning, and it's a five minute drive. Between the construction, the sun blaring in your eyes, and the people driving, it's like I'm Luke Skywalker trying to take out the Death Star.

I'll give you take but they voted Trump here in the general.
We have a big stand selling Trump gear in town.I honk at them everytime I drive by.
Like all of Texas unfortunately we have a lot of spics.
My town would be great if we could get rid of those fuckers and the meth addicts.

Asians are worse drivers than all of them. They never turn their heads to the side, probably aren't aware that people besides themself use the roads.


I don't know man if we just had fucking death penalty for using, possessing, producing, or even having meth show up in your system Texas would be decent. Send the spics to Mexico, Niggers to Africa, Immigrants back to their turd world countries, and kill anyone related to meth production or use. Decent state.

Wait a freaking minute here…… Russia is FALLING for the bait?

Why don't they wait till King Nigger is out of office? All this can be cleared up and fixed after Trump gets in!

Don't fall for globalist war mongering bait, Putin! You are supposed to be smarter than that!

The muslims like Trump, now?

I know the media's got you thinking everyone's retarded, thanks to Mike Judge, and George W. Bush, but it's not really the case. Unless you live downtown, there's bound to be types ready for a redpilling, nearby.
Then the opposition have no chance, considering Trump's tax plan will actually add to the working class hero's budget. I said it once, and I'll say it again. Trump 2020.

Mate they're removing the veil, already, and he's not even officially the 45th. By the time Congress certifies the electoral vote, they'll be fully unhinged.

user we all know fremen were just a white man's idealization of muslims as noble savages, they were white men's souls and actions painted as muslims because herbert fell for the "noble savage" meme.

this is so true. everyday when I drive anywhere for ANY period of time, i have to narrowly avoid an accident from some spic or indian. why are there so many fucking curry niggers here??? it feels like bangladesh over here sometimes. east asians get a bad rep for driving like retards, they are bad but indians are by far the worst. holy shit. mexicans drive 10 under the speed limit because they dont have a license, indians get in car wrecks leaving the goddamn parking lot,niggers drive like stupid assholes, the rest are 50 year old moms on their phones and even older people that look like theyre lost.
its a nightmare driving anywhere in Texas at any time of the day unless youre in the fucking desert.

Confirmed for under the age of 30.

We are getting hit by GRBs all the time.

Then what in blue blazes is a mud dib? Sounds like a chocolate snack.

Be prepared for a fight or lose it by default

I meant to type muad'dib.

So what is that, is that king sandnigger or something?

Why are you here?


Still sounds like sandnigger talk. Just what the hell is it?


Shiiii - ha - dubs

Ever heard of this series?

refer to

Meth and legal opiates in my area are bad.
It's taken down a lot of white men around here.
You're right,get the spics back in Mexico, the niggers back in Africa and the pharmajew under control and it would be great here.




im exactly 30 and nothing about what I said implied it was always like this. Texas 50 years ago was probably awesome. it isnt now. there is no redemption for these people. They opened up the gates for the mexicans and cheered on their invasion, and still the best argument they have is "mexican food is good tho"

Well then, why even bother fighting for the US since they have opened up the gates as well. :^)

Just answer the damn question.

I did answer it, now go back to where you belong cuckchan goy.


What the hell does this have to with anything? I came here for a serious discussion. Not fairy tales.

This isn't a Sashckawatcha tribe, nigger


Go be a limp wristed cuck somewhere else.

You have to go back

You, and the other cuck wanting to give up land that just found oil within it. Get out of here.

America belongs to itself, and nobody else.

i'm about 150 miles from dallas and i would play chicken with darth vader any day before ever willingly driving there again, fuck dallas




This board isn't for shitposting. It could all end, any moment, and you're going on about desert stories. Piss off.

Just leave.

I'm good



Please read what I was replying to. What the hell are you talking about dude? It has nothing to do with what I replied to.

Have I offended you in some way fellow skinhead? We of Holla Forums do not forget, we do not forgive, we are legun.

You some sort of fag or something?

You get out, normalfaggot.

I think you may be lost.

This must be important, with shills like you, here.

Got more?



Those chicks aren't buff, they're voluptuous, big difference.

Voluptuous + Tall > Petite

I'm not a manlet or anything, but tall girls

Be honest, you only want a petite woman because you're a manlet and/or have a small dick. Leggy girls are where it's at.

So much stuff you could own.


He's not a shill don't worry goy he's one of us. hehehe

Man that's an ugly ass gun. Is there anything in the phillipines that isn't shitty and cheap looking?

Your brain is clouded with long, spider like legs.

The most beautiful women I've seen IRL were just a bit shorter than me and I'm 6'4, lad.

Glad I made your sides erupt user, have a Rare Bibble.

Not an argument.

Is that supposed to be an insult? I guess it is better to want a dust rat. Right?

I'd be his puppet, if you know what I mean.

Because (((they're))) shipping them in as cheap IT slave labor. Until Trump ships their asses back to their turd world shithole, there's no entry - low mid level work available. (((They))) prefer cheap and the white boys can just work overtime to fix all the fuckups.

Ovens are not designed to be an argument. They're a conclusion.

Small, meek and lady-like. Being 6 feet tall isn't ladylike, and the reason they're that tall is because they have lost of testosterone. I'm not saying this out of spite either, I'm a little over 6'2.

Unless Obama starts it, I don't think Putin would risk WW3. There's no reason for it.

Obama is a nigger.

Obama is also a jew by birth (eligible for Israeli citizenship by law).

So consider this, Putin is basically playing Chicken… with a jewish nigger. Ever see a nigger play Chicken?

I bet they would welcome him there :^)

How is he a jew by birth? Was the bitch that fucked ubacoon a jew?

As Hawaii is a major staging area, it wouldn't be safe. It would be among the first hit.

Chris Chan?

His mother's last name is DUNHAM.

Look at pictures of her, most jewish looking bitch there could be. Her parents are both certified kikes too.

Refuse draft.


Welp. Guess Obama had a dead man switch. If Trump wins, he goes full nuclear with Russia.


When did it happen before?

King Kong isn't actually in Hawaii, that's a cover story to explain his absence for two weeks. He's probably in Arizona though there are other bunkers but Arizona is the safest bet. WWIII will start around Christmas and the draft will begin before Trump is in office.

He's enough of a lame duck at this point I think even HIS generals would step in and stop him. Especially from launching a first strike.

Don't insult King Kong like that, it's King Nigger.

Even if he wasn't there it is of strategic importance.

We have so many government hidey holes the fuckers would likely survive long enough to starve to death.

Even though I am committed to spurning all women even if they were once again feverishly interested in me again, I would only pick leggy women with birthing hips, but I know this is a lust of the flesh that I am afflicted with.

Jesus is coming soon, this is a world of lies, repent now, pray for me, keeping you Holla Forums in mine. I am a weak sinner. Good morning.

Nice try Satan.

We all know that Obama is going to launch the first strike through Mossad and CIA false flags, not the military. The Beast we call America is going to eat itself alive.

I think we can all agree on that.

Fake (I hope).
Meme responsably, fools.

Don't worry it's fake.

The real attack will be with weaponized airborne EbolAIDS, a virus created from ebola and HIV combined with the common cold that kills in under a year and cannot be cured or vaccinated against.

See you on the other side stalker.

Where the fuck are King Nigger's handlers?

In the depths of Mount Zion, awaiting the end of the world.

they will know.


Before the first nuke ever made was detonated, the scientists involved with the Manhattan project were torn over the decision to test the weapon because a significant portion of said scientists believed that the nuclear reaction could ignite the atmosphere and end all life on earth.

They still went through with the test.

We thought there was a significant chance that nukes would be way worse than they actually were and we still went through with it.

Obama's entire personality is a fabrication he has created. He is a true jew and a smart one, he has put people off guard by pretending to be a simple stupid nigger. All of the stuttering when he speaks, the body motions and gestures, it's all calculated and contrived. It's all an act, a sham, Obama has always been in more control than he wanted anyone, even his handlers who gave him his political career, to know.

Obama is actually a hardcore communist who wants to destroy the world. He has bid his time and waited for this exact moment, the moment of a power transition when his handlers have left and he is finally in control. Obama holds the pieces now not his handlers, and unlike his former masters the globalist jews, who just want to crack the world a little bit to maintain control and hurt the goyim, Obama wants to shatter everything. Obama is the agent of destruction, he has waited his entire life for this period, these 30 days are the only true power he has ever had, he is not an actor now he is a player. And the ball is in his court.

He's as good at 4d chess as Trump, Obama is the true evil that has been lying in wait, he is the true harbinger, the Pierrot wearing a fool's mask until it is time to become the knife in the dark. We have been fooled. And now we're going to see the result.

Not an argument.

Says who? If the world's tallest pajeet girl can maintain a feminine face and figure, who's to say your regular white scandinavian isn't even more beautiful?

Dude weed ayylmfao kys

If Russia is also serious about friendly relations which they likely are, they would wait out any bullshit obongo administration has planned.

Doubt anything could be done by warlord obongo in time for trumps inauguration.

Our sense of time is dictated by a part of our brain. Significant amounts of certain energy waves bombarding earth could cause the global sense of time perception to change.

what if obama 1st strike nukes, or orders an airstrike on a ship? i bet that would provoke a russian response.

Wars have been started in less time, with people having much less power than Obama. It's too late to stop war, the best we can do is make it end with total extermination of the jewish parasite.

What if he assassinate Trump

If they could kill Trump they would've done it a long time ago.

Not if they use it as a last resort.

Has the ride started?

He has a personal guard and SS you retard. The only way to assassinate him would be to nuke him and if you're going to do that you might as well just nuke Russia.

Thread theme

US retaliation = dead ambassadors
KRMLN retaliation = ??????

You must be new here.

That guy was probably made in his cousin's backyard with shit tools and knockoff makers marks, flips are big into gun smithing but maybe not so into aesthetics/quality control.

Pls nuke Chicago

Dubs confirm

Obama's a faggot and an asshole. No news there. Can't they just say "Whatever, nigga," and patiently wait a month for Trump's crowning ceremony?

I bet that snow nigger is talking to trump every day they're just smart enough not to leak that and to keep up outside appearances to stop the niggerjew admin from panic-buying more false flags. They're probably best bros already plotting head rolling ceremonies.

Thanks user. Any other pineapple niggers that can confirm?

They tried in the 80s, they've been aware of him and his potential that far back. He canceled a helicopter trip an hour before takeoff and it crashed killing several of his friends and top executives. He said publicly it made him think about his mortality but I think privately it made him think about his security. Since the 90s really he's been bulletproof.

Hell they even got pretty close during the primaries when his plane had an "engine malfunction" and had to emergency land.

Yes. The coaster rises.

ISIS is already being defeated

This fucking nigger. How did we survive 8 years of this piece of shit, drug using, homo muslim?

If WWIII ever happens, it will last hours and you will not want to survive for a hundred different reasons.

Nice spreading disinfo kike.

Barack Obama, B.O., aka King Nigger, is a jew rat bastard and the whole muslim disinfo was created by Obama himself!

You can't win wars solely on defense. Only by attacking the enemy can you defeat them. I mean what the fuck do you think the First World War was about? The dumbass leaders of Germany dug trenches…. and it worked great for them.

I have no idea what any of this means. Can someone summarize in Normalfag terms?

I have this feeling that Putin is just sitting there going "why the FUCK are they so obsessed with me?" and when Trump won the reason he isn't hitting "Nuke the world" is because he knows he's got his ningen coming in a couple days.

Though it would be quite hilarious if shit gets really, really bad…and then Trump meets with Putin and apologizes, pardowns Snowden etc

anyone listening on the skyking bands? I've got my radio set up but I forget what frequencies to listen on

t. cuckchan

t. insecure /r/The_Donald user

t. derailers

You've outed yourself kike go back to your home.

Warning signs of a possible big war after all the shit (((they've))) been pulling to get one started.

t. 9gag

Martial Law. That is how you mess things up.

Putin has been Obama's pawn all along. He's the scapegoat. Have a conventional invasion and watch the constitution get trampled on.

Maybe god forgot to set it correctly and he died of old age

t. eBaumsWorld


confusing but checked I guess


Nah. Just a bunch of Cointelpro from the Builderberg group is coming shortly. They want to start a uprising so they can get Obongo to declare martial law.

t. Habbo Hotel Star Wars roleplay

wtf retard why are you posting like me

We survived 8 years because they've been taking a slow pace at this sort of thing so they could kill us in our crib. Hillary was supposed to pick up the scheduled programming of killing our country but now that she's out they have to do everything they can get away with before they're out of power for good.

Any hawaiianons here thinking what I'm thinking?

t. Maple Story sensual roleplay


t.Gaia Online: Naruto Akatsuki Offical Group

Oh for fuck's sake, Putin will up the rhetoric to make Boss Nigger look helpless in the face of Russian belligerence, then when Trump takes office he'll be bestest buddies with us just to make the Dems look pathetic. He has no reason to sacrifice the goodwill of a decidedly pro-Russia president with this nonsense.





does anyone else actually heil sometimes when they see some sick hitler dubs?

I do now.

I hail all the time.


This is probably what it feels like to be an old ass man. I didn't want to know this feel.


Nice Taste.


still works too

What's actually impressive is that Uncle Adolf trusted his beloved People so much he let them get near him at least before the war. How many politicians have dared to publicly get near people before or after him?

Well he was born there wasn't he?

You should find some of the people he knew in his childhood, I'm sure they are around to show that he did live there and could corroborate his entire story.

Trump's the closest thing so far. Hell he still does fucking rallies and he's officially elected now.

Of course goy Obama is ot a jew by mother born in Kenya from the seed of a radical communist father who wanted to kill everyone on the planet with nuclear holocaust.

That's a crazy COSPIRACY THEORY.

It's all speculation, but we can make some educated guesses as to what's going to happen based off what we know.

>Russian plant extremist attacks America

I think any attack on America to start ww3 from Russia won't be authentic.



Get the fuck out.

Well, in this era we're due for a great conquer. Anytime now.

no but i noticed low flying aircraft with radar dishes fly low around oklahoma maybe. Tinker air force base doing recon or drills ,,more frequently then normal

I don't agree at all. He's a rich businessman who stays secretive to the point the lying media is crying about it. Hitler was something else. He was pretty much a lonely NEET with all stars aligned as he found the movement and grew to popularity.

Wow, what a revolting piece of degenerate filth.
Goes well with the pussy worship but does sound terribly familiar.
your gif is shite, learn to encode




what does that mean

To be fair, Skyking is called every day, so it's not anything to panic over.

If you hear Skyking multiple times in a single broadcast, then the matter is urgent.

because. they are fake :^)


Probably something
Most likely a big happening

tl;dr Renegade shills are trying to condition you to feel angry and think of White women having sex with negroes, whenever you see Trump.

Because of the rant against "Andrew Anglin", Sinead Mccarthy's running mate.
Like every comedian needs his "straight man", Sinead's persona needs her antithesis which is Anglin. Anglin's job in their relationship (they have been working together for years, the whole enmity thing is just a ruse for the benefit of the public) is to play the "everything that's wrong with WN" role.
SInead needs some "misogyny"? Anglin will provide it.
Notice the constant back-and-forth mutual promotion.

Even then, the outcome is uncertain. "Probably something" and "Most likely a big happening" still have a room for error.

I believe we'll be fine. I don't think the liberals would throw a tantrum this big. If it was something big, I believe they would do it where we can't see or hear.


moonman moonman do not answer

One thing I don't get of their "argument" is that voting for Trump is apparently bad. It's as if they want you to abstain entirely, rather than simply take a few minutes to check off his name, on a ballot. Like doing such a menial task revokes your (((alt-right))) status, and makes you a target of the "revolution", even though it's anonymous. You're dooming the world, by voting for the least bad candidate, with a tax plan you'll actually benefit from.

Just make WWIII happen already so 71 years of memes can go to a purpose


Well spotted.
By doing this they create a mindset of hopelessness.
By convincing right-wingers that recruiting others and trying to change the system "only puts a target on your back", they foster a state of learned helplessness and encourage shut-in behavior.
Every right-winger persuaded to hunker down in the woods while keeping his lips shut, cuts out 1,2,10,100 possible converts.
I had thought that Varg Vikernes was the genuine article but I see him falling into line with the other controlled opposition, doing the whole mutual promotion thing.
The Kikes are even making a movie about him…


WW3 is actually the best thing that the (((globalists))) could hope for. Lets quickly go over what they stand to gain…
They have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Nationalism is on the rise, notably with Trump and Republicans taking total control of the US gov't, arguably the only superpower left on Earth. Le Pen in France, UKIP and Brexit in the UK, and widespread pushback against the migrant invasion of Europe. They played their hand too quickly, and instead of regrouping in a couple of years after the hype dies down, they're going all in.

Ah man.

This is the conclusion I came to as well. Still hoping for pic related

I ain't putting any trust in some cunt that watches Obama iz teh reptal! videos. Fuck off


Calm down.
That gif made me lol. I enjoyed it.

Nigger 30 years old russian ICBMs with 10 nuclear warheads and 40 decoys onboard shit all over american missile defense. Modern ICBMs give no fucks whatsoever.

What a shitty bot.

So was that story that came out back in April about that one Russian fighter pilot shutting down an AEGIS equipped US warship and then proceeding to make training attack runs on it for like half an hour false?

nice try christcuck

No-n goy! The US is the invincible HERO of the world. You wouldn't believe the US has done anything bad or provocaaive, right goy? :^) Everyone that dones't like us is evil and we deliver them freedom and democracy!

G-d bless America and Isreal

calm is a mistake.
the union jack was changed.



cuck go back to cuckchan

It's like you don't don't see the (((news))) normalfags see everyday. I can bet you a good chunk of burgers have that line of thinking thanks to more than half a decade of brainwashing,gaslighting and dumbing down of the population.

praise kek 1488 look

Yeah its one of the things that i do the (((news))) and the normalfags do you like salad?


arrogance is the explanation for why they don't just quit while they're still living the first life

Really? Varg did that?

Well, I guess there really are no more heroes left in man. No more heroes, I tell you. Might as well prepare for Trump himself to give a backhand, but at least he's already done something.

one of them rather

Eh, Varg is waning in his old age. He calls himself a "Traditional Tribalist" now or something. He's getting old, let him do as he wishes. At least he has like 7 blonde/blue eye'd kids and is raising them unpozzed.


That's probably just code for all communication with King Nigger. I'm sure they would still talk to Trump.

It's called being lazy, dumbass, and Hollywood doesn't give a fuck. They'll depict Roman buildings as pale, but not painted.



>For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. - Psalm 90:4 I remember it as Psalms, another Mandela Effect change? Revelations is now Revelation too, but I noticed that earlier.

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. - 2 Peter 3:8

Perhaps just as Jesus rose on the 3rd day, he will also return to set up his Heavenly Kingdom on the 3rd day.

Fuck no. If anything, getting older should mean you get even more integrated. There's a reason the old are seen as wise, dammit. What'll his kids think, if they see him cucking out at such an old age? Are scandinavians just naturally that way?


He calls himself a "Traditional Tribalist" now.
This is understandable, isn't it?
I'm sure if we start winning in Europe he'll ignite the flames again.

You're doing it wrong.

russia could do so much for humanity AND save nukes by just dropping one there


I don't know dude, he has this weird look in his eyes now, you're not going to be able to get through to him. Me and him got into it a while back, he thinks he knows everything now-a-days. His kids look strong and he seems to be a good father however (they have fuck retarded names though, he literally named his kids Baldr, Freya, etc.). His position seems to be that we need to return to a point in Europe before Christianity because society, art, and technology was better before Christianity. He believes that society needs to collapse and that political options won't work at this point. (which doesn't sound wrong tbh) He said that after that happens he doesn't care if we adopt a National Socialist government, and also said that he used to call himself a National Socialist. It seems he's blackpilled himself in his old age.

Perhaps different translations refer to it as different things. My original King James has it listed as Psalms and Revelation, though I definitely remember Revelations as well


If it saves you some time to know, whenever I post anything Christ related, I already assume somebody on here is already instinctually calling me a christcuck IRL.

This just 1 change on top of a myriad of other changes that are in the Bible nowadays, every translation, in fact, in some translations KJV now differs wildly from all other translations, in the case of "Pisseth against the wall" that frequently shows up, I have this feeling that such language is unfitting of the KJV's usual majestic prose and sublime language.

Only because he won't live to see it. The world is not given by fathers, but borrowed from their children. A fucking degenerate hedonist's what he's become. To hell with him.

ive grown tired of waiting


I know that you mean well, to some extent. But - come on, now. We ALL know who they are, thier deeds to our ancestors, and how they operate. Come now, moshe, the ovens will be fully warmed up by the time you turn yourself in. As your kind would say, "eburybody else is doin it, chaim, why not you, ya think ya betta den us, ya bastid?"

They first announced all normal communications frozen in early Oct due to Syria issues.

Earlier this week, Kremlin got a "call" over the "red phone"…apparently, So Obama could give a lecture to Putin about how the US would interpret future "hacking" as the same as military action and respond accordingly.

Obama description of this was that he told them to "knock it off".

No indication that Russia is truly alarmed. They are standing by their buttons but no closer than before. They were already showing signs of buildup but Putin is no dummy. He knows Obama is an arrogant fag.

Just biding time while Obama clock runs out. No way the military would take action against Russia now.

(((They))) don't want to take a break, (((they))) want the white race gone as soon as possible and nuclear annihilation seems to be their only option right now.

I can't say I've seen that phrase, though I've mostly been working my way slowly through the Psalms as of late. I find it a good way to end the day. I still stick with the KJV as being one of the best translations, though I think my church officially uses the ESV (LCMS Lutheran).

If the Bible is to be believed (and I do believe it) then all Mankind at one point stemmed from the same ancestors, and plenty of my ancestors were Christians. So no, I am not particularly sympathetic to any one stretch of ancestry such as my pagan Germanic, Nordic, English or Celtic roots, which I presume you advocate. The modern state of Israel and the false Jews are not the inheritor's of God's promise to Abraham, only those by faith in the Son. Any decent (I am using the word Jew for your edification) Jew has always distanced himself from the rest of his kind. The God of the Supernatural defeated the gods of the natural 2000 years ago. It is only in this modern time that Christianity is seen as this subversive element on a lot of Holla Forumsacks radars, even though for the most part of its history it has been vehemently anti-Jewish. You see, but perceive not, you hear, but understand not.
You're doing better than me, that's for sure.

dallas is full of niggers and curryniggers
them and spics are ruining the state and country
I nearly got run off the road by a sandnigger with his hijab-wearing amorphous fat sac in the passenger seat on the freeway, once

Hmm, you're right, that is odd. I wish I could read the original text and discern where the differences come from, but I know Latin, not Hebrew, and even that just a bit. I guess I could look at the Vulgate, though that's hardly a standard of accuracy.

Odd times for sure, brother.

I hate Texas right now…

Mandrake, have you ever seen a jew drink a glass of water?

this guy is missing the point. victory or defeat is irrelevant. its weather you die with your ancestors smiling at you or not. die on your feet or live on your knees?

Well, I went ahead and checked anyway. The Vulgate also has the verb for urinating: mingentem, from mingo, mingere. Here, you can see the Latin along with the Douay-Rheims translation here:

In fact, the use of it in the KJV could be a holdover from it in the Vulgate, since both Catholic and Protestant scholars worked on the translation (they were supposed to temper each other, which for the most part I believe worked out well.)

Trump needs to exploit this opportunity..

You can hear the mental illness dripping from his voice. This is your average /x/fag.

It's only The Happening tier if the hotline "red phone" is deliberately cut/frozen. The moment you hear that's the case, assume it's DEFCON 1 and nuclear war could be imminent.

Confirmed, my dad works for Nintendo and says this all the time

Do you realize that that hotline is meant to stay alive even when relations between D.C and Moscow are extremely hostile? So if it goes down, you know shit will happen.

broadcast happening now on 8992khz

no sky king.

The book is Pslams. It is a collection. Each individual part is a Psalm. Psalm 90:2 would be said aloud as, "Psalm ninety, verse two," or, "The ninetieth Psalm, verse two."

"Revelations" is a very common mistake. The whole thing is one vision God showed to John.


the coded message isn't possible to decipher,

but what's interesting was that it was addressed to "all stations"

was this on 8992?

Get one of the old uncucked Strong's Exhaustive Concordances. You can trace any English word in the KJV back to the original Hebrew or Greek. I'd get one from Shepherd's Chapel. They only carry the uncucked ones. Even newer versions of the 'old' Strongs have some definitions changed to be politically correct.

if dubs, ww3 starts right now

Thank you for the recommendation. I'll have to look into it. Seems pretty important for serious study.




expanded dubs are not granted when rolled for, user

If you've got the cash, pick up a Companion Bible while you're there. Its a 1911 KJV with wide margins full of notes and cross references. The appendices are interesting, but some of them are bullshit. Former LCMS myself, btw.

Also, nice dubs within dubs.

Is this Calvindubs?

now you have to sing the singles song, user

There is still time.

Thank you. I'll have to pick it up sometime. It sounds very neat.

The word "sanction" doesn't always mean "nuke".

Also russia only talks when they decide not to do anything.
If they're attacking something nobody will know until it happens. Like when it happened to Syria or like what's going to happen with the roach country

Morse code on russian frequency range 4329 khz USB

Your dogmas and zeal blind you to the grand scope. You realize that you worship Ba'al/YHVH/Satan/Moloch/Desert blood God, right? Doesn't that unsettle you? Have you read the full Desert Saga of Abrahamic mythology? You sound like a poor pastor/rabbi who got the task of 'reaching out' to 'stray souls' in hopes of making your superior happy. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: there is no reward for your blind obedience, only an eternal prison. Whether or not you believe or heed what I say is your choice, you'll find out. Eventually.

Underrated post

If the media said Russia attacked us it is true.

Do you have anymore webm's like that?

Can I listen to shortwave online.
Recommended shortwave radio to buy that will survive rough wear and tear (as in through a war of some kind).
(newfag) How does shortwave transmission work? can it be a handheld device to broadcast or is it exclusively broadcast through a station.

Suppose the Fuck Everything button is hit, normal civs would never know unless listening to shortwave?

"Israel has informed the United States that Lebanese Hezbollah fighters in Syria are using U.S. armored personnel carriers originally supplied to the Lebanese Army, a senior Israeli military officer said on Wednesday."

'"We shared this information with other countries, including the U.S. of course, and I can even say that we recognized these specific APCs with some specific parameters that we know … these were given to the Lebanese armed forces. It's not an assumption," said the officer, who under the rules of the briefing could not be identified by name, rank or position.'

ht tp://

Don't worry, Japan 'nuked the nukes' while they're in the atmosphere but in turn accelerated and increased the intensity of the upcoming ice age due to cracking of the firmament. The cycle is inevitable but the only way to decrease the icing is to reach divergence ~8% and we're pretty close now. Maybe some of you noticed the changes happening lately. Most are caused by aetheQtF[.[email protected]/* */\「DҺ=

lol, he's still based even if he's retarded

That fucking nigger. Sanctions take forever to be dropped. He knows that by doing this, it will make it hard for Russia to work with the US after Trump becomes president. This is economic warfare.


Wait so Japan is going to hit Hawaii with Chinese clone warducks, killing the juice and handing over rumporumppy action in ding dom sung all the while aviv gets Tel and murica gets MP'ed?



You're so fucking retarded you belong on tumblr.

Satan consumes. God builds.


morse on 8992 again

Well, Russia deserves it for treating LGBTP folks poorly.

Is there usually morse on 8992? Not used to hearing it.

Still no digits.

ignore sodomite orders






Checkin' those Hitler dubs of sweet salvation.




Not trolling here, but expect the trolls to show.

My name is Taylor Scott Amarel, I am a serial financial Whistleblower. I have discovered and reported over $3 billion in fraud, much of which is connected to human trafficking, document forgery groups, and international criminal enterprises.

Numerous parties have tried to silence me, using threats to me and my family, physical attacks, and conducting illegal activities, such as money laundering, in plane sight, using my name for the accounts and transfers.

I have further been informed that individuals are trying to charge me for treason in order to silence me.

If you see my name in the news for a suicide, murder, or court case, please know it is all fake and do not believe the official narrative.

I have few friends and have trouble with people, that is why I post here. Thank you.

Remember that Mattie is pro-NATO and anti-Russian. Trump will just give the situation over to him since barely knows anything about regional conflicts. Mad dog is gonna do Operation Barbarossa 2.0, they might need to rename Stalingrad to Stalincrater after Saint Mattie gets a hold of it.

Fucking autocorrect. I meant Mattis.

did this happen with the previous two world wars?


There is no way Russia is going to war with America so close to Trump getting in. Think about it. Russia and America are the last two great nations that are dedicated to preserving Christianity, wiping out ISIS, and both countries are aware that (((certain people))) are trying to D&C them.

Putin is not stupid.
Trump is not stupid.

They are both on the phone to each other as we speak (most likely) .

The conversation is probably "Hey Putin, just put up with that Kenyon fake president for another month and then we can join forces, wipe out ISIS, and create white Christian safe spaces in our great countries"

But what about what Clinton and Kenyon Barry the imposter have done?

"Just wait till I'm president. The wall will be built on top of their skeletons"

In other news, OP is a faggot concern troll.

Hi, Taylor! I hope you find a comfy bunker to wait out the war in and hide from your would be murderers.

This. Shit thread. Would sage if mods weren't such faggots to sticky this tripe.


Zero news about that shit in the russian internets.


If Obama meant to start a war he'd have done it in time to fuck up the election or the electoral vote. No matter what he does, someone he doesn't like is going to take office on January 20th. He also has a bunch of liberal shit he wants to do when he leaves.

And let's give the guy some credit for not dumping hundreds of thousands of our soldiers into some new war, even if what we did in Libya and Syria and Yemen was far more monstrous than what we did in Iraq. just told me shit's gonna hit the fan on saturday

holy mother of checked

don't let them put you on quietapine (seroquel). you'll literally become schizophrenic.

Actually the Germans used a very aggressive tactic with great effect, and only became defensive as more and more fronts were opening up on them from all angles.

So the ((((Reuters)))) know that the markets will go up, yells «RUSSIA», markets sway down. Turns out to be fake, markets sway back. (((Profit))).

Oh look, a city boy who's never stepped foot outside of Dallas. Dallas, Houston, Austin, And San Antonio are our biggest cities, and californians + spics have flooded them into shit holes.

Rural Texas will reclaim our lands from the commie scum, just wait.

*Correction, you're talking about the first world war. damn I'm an idiot.

Anyways, I'm looking for other news about this and outside the Reuters tweet I'm not getting anything. Is there any sources for what exactly the new US sanction is, and the public speech of that guy?

Thread theme?


I think what we'll see is this shift flip come January. Until then, they can just keep making their mistakes as per usual.

This thread is some cuckchan-level shit. And further more, it's stickied for some reason.

I'm just sad whoever I was bantzing with stopped, I genuinely was enjoying think back to how long ago I knew about 4chan. Earliest memor was…Gamefaqs FFX

Come up to MA/RI and drive around with these assholes.


Yeah the only other shit I find about this is Russia cutting ties to the US and it is articles from a bunch of fringe sites, and they're all dated October this year. So Reuters making a tweet and nobody else putting it up tells me it's fucking nothing.

M8, he's more of a hermit if anything. He is the model of virtue in my eyes, whatever you say about his views.

Good times never last.

Trips confirm I need to hunt this figure down for my desk.

So who cut off communications? Russia or us?

No one's actually posted a real source for this beyond Reuters (which has been kike shit for years) so yeah.