Can we permaban the rustfag?
He's literally a 12 year old faggot who shits up the entire board by himself.
Can we permaban the rustfag?
wew. reported btw
We should ban the faggot that shits up Rust threads instead.
Only after the Holla Forumstards and you are banned.
I'm actually a Holla Forumstard when I'm not LARPing as Steve Klabnik
not possible unless Tor posting is also banned, in which case I will be also abandoning the board, because an imageboard pretending to be anonymous and preventing anonymity can go fuck itself.
I am sure you will also lose a couple of other quality posters.
everyone should get on tor and spam every thread and max out the catalog with spam until the rustfag threads are deleted
What is dynamic IP??
What is proxy???
I will just make a new one abd keep bumping it.
then more spam will be posted until that one is deleted.
this will continue until the board is completely filled with rust shilling or spam, and the board will be useless until the mods get their shit together and auto-ban any thread with mention of rust.
ok. you sound like a petulant child
forgot to sage XDDDDD
I'm sick of the rust spammer talking about rust without even doing anything in it. If it's so great, share your projects and discuss the technical merits of the language which aided you.
you first
not possible on Holla Forums
Stop it then. You're just posting bait pictures of Steve looking like he's about to attend an antifa rally.
The rustfag doesn't even use rust.
that's because the rustfag is a paid mozilla shill.
More than a year ago I was shilling Rust here without LARPing as Steve Klabnik. But my threads always got flooded by anti Rust shills. Same as now.
I'm doing it for free XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I appreciate your persistence.
Thanks. Next Rust stable release will be YUGE. You won't miss it as I'll make a thread about it.
It's the Ctards falseflagging.