Do you think it's a good idea? Is it even worth the effort to reclaim place like southern florida and (((Cali)))?
Amerikaner Separatism
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Wtf is Amerikaner
Kek, that was my first thought. It must mean German-American.
Nah that's retarded, only the South has any precedent for secession and they failed when they tried. Better to make the whole USA White than some larping Balkanization bullshit. Northwest Front in particular is absurd to me, "oh let's just all move to the northwest corner of the country and make Seattle the capital of the Neo-Nazi Empire".
No, and the amerikaner thing is the lamest shit ever. Sorry Larry/Tree. We don't need a new ethnogenesis.
same idea. all or nothing. I do have this map of this supposed ethnostate for what its worth
Unacceptable losses. I am willing to compromise, ethnostate in green, white aristocratic class ruling over grey, still part of same state.
Do not agree
It takes from the term "Afrikaner", which refers to the descendants of the original Dutch Settlers of South Africa. They're a minority white group that has been there so long that they developed a unique culture and language, which is a fascinating creole of old-timey Dutch, native languages, and a touch of English.
Long story short, Afrikaner refers to the native, white minority of South Afrika. (It technically excludes the British descendants, but they're thrown in these days). In modern times, Afrikaners are suffering from nothing less than genocide and the SA government is doing nothing about it. It just goes to show what happens to a white minority in a non-white country. (cough cough, what will happen to America)
Anyway, as White Americans are heading more and more towards a minority, there seems to be little we can do to stop it, and repatriation to Europe is not only a bad idea, but it would't really work because the White American 'nation' is too different from our European roots. So "Amerikaner" is a term referring to White Americans, specifically White Americans that have generations of family here, though really all White Americans that aren't fresh off the boat.
Part of the reason I think I like the term is that "Amerikaner Nationalism" makes people interested, and want to learn more. "White Nationalism" makes people afraid.
I do not particularly agree that we need -that- state, though I did get the term from TRS. I have my disagreements with TRS, but I think the term might be a good way to repackage white nationalism to normie ears.
Also, you just push undesirables from Wayne/Washtenaw Countines into Canada. Boom, Michigan is solid (going by that map)
It doesn't make much sense to have some isolated city-states, just push them to Canada
The UN guarantees every people a right to self determination as we saw in Crimea. If the American people vote for it, they are allowed to split the country up, regardless of any constitution or the previous civil war.
Why would we want to break the country up? It's fucking retarded.
Interesting. Even more reason that once we become a minority, (It's far too late to change things, sorry fam), we should demand autonomy, and sovereignty, not just for our politics but for our survival.
Because guess what? We're going to become a minority. Unless you have any -real-, -possible- plans to prevent that from happening, we're going to have to give up something to achieve the ethnostate. If white nationalism had won 40, 30, even 20 years ago, things might be different.
Also I doubt a lot of places far within the south that are marked as other nation would just go along with that.
And even in Michigan, part of Lenawee County (hard to tell, maybe whole thing) appears to be in the non-white nation? Never in a million years
To save white people from extinction and marginalization in their own countries.
You do realize that with the negative replacement rate, the white population is shrinking at the same time niggers are being imported in droves, that niggers have upwards of a 6.0 replacement rate, and white children under 5 in the US are already the minority?
Give it 50 years and whites will be 20-30% of the population, with South Africa tier violence.
The only solution is to break away the whiter areas, cede some territory to the niggers and form laws the protect white people, making non-whites and foreigners second class citizens etc, abandoning modern liberalism and replacing it with extremist authoritarianism in favor of whites.
Nah, this is the same sort of defeatist shit that the left and Dugin want us to fall for so we willingly kneecap ourselves.
What are you proposing?
And how is your "exterminate all nonwhites" plan going? Could it be that normal people are repulsed by it?
We're going to need to get more people on board. Amerikaner Separatism is a way to do that. Purism and an unreasonable "Cede no ground" attitude will lead to a South Africa situation.
We don't need to exterimate them. All we need to do is actually enforce existing law and they'll stop breeding so fucking much. I don't but your doom and gloom math. That was before we got carte blanche over the US government. Remember, there's no longer a filibuster.
What goes in the lighter green area?
South Africa is in the situation it is in because the people willingly handed over power to nonwhites. The exact opposite just happened in the US.
Its actually what GLR was proposing decades ago, before he was assassinated.
It worked for India and Pakistan, anyone who calls you a racist, just point out its the peaceful solution Gandhi went with.
Im not a dutch descendant dummy.
I don't give a fuck what GLR proposed. We're in an unprecedented situation.
Do you honestly believe that Trump's victory was some huge victory for white nationalism? Yeah it's a step in the right direction, but a baby step at most. Trump's not only pro-legal immigration, he's enthusiastic about it. The Congress is still filled with enough Democratic Senators to filibuster anything worthwhile, and the Republican Party is still filled with enough Globalist hyper-capitalists that any nationalist agenda will fail in Committee. Repealing Hart-Cellar is not going to happen in these next 4-years, even if Trump -did- want it, which he doesn't. Reworking Birthright citizenship isn't going to happen in the next 4-years, either. Face facts and stop LARPing.
You seem to have failed to grasp the procedural power the man has been given. There is no longer a filibuster and he has control of both houses of congress and will have at least two supreme court appointments in then next four years. The left's plans are stalled, if not undone. More importantly, they have lost their cultural power, which means it is time for us to step the fuck up and actually act.
You're the fucker LARPng, proposing that the government or people of the united states will allow it to fucking Balkanize.
Tom Metzger proposed a solution years ago. Outdated as well I suppose since the entire U.S. Army is a multiracial transsexual pride group.
So really what do you do expect as a solution?
Mother nature has to anwser the call and bring a satan sized tsunami over california before a national emergency can be called and then spark a war with the chink with the nips splashing salt in their eyes in the south sea, then uncuck the U.S. With M.P's. Then segregate it up by race and leadership? Hell that race part is tricky now isn't it?
There is no longer a filibuster. Welcome to 2013.
Except the part where he explicitly called it out several times during the campaign, dumbass.
Were in the exact situation people like him saw coming.
The other alternative is going the WLP route, but when he was alive, he said it was far too early to make any progress "in the streets"
Meant for
Also, you'll cowards dont even read Turner Diaries.
I love Trump – November 9th was probably the greatest day of my entire 20+ years of life on this earth.
Nonetheless, you are severely projecting your political views on this man who has given zero indication he wants to deport all minorities and create a 100% white ethnostate. Trump is a crucial step forward to bringing right-wing nationalism into mainstream acceptance and hopefully controlling our borders and deport millions of illegal spics, but this is only scratching the surface in solving America's demographic crisis.
Unfortunately we do not have a white nationalist army like you seem to believe, so getting all of our fellow whites on board with kicking all non-whites out of the country is laughably naive. Ceding territory that is too far gone (California) and focusing on majority-white areas while enacting strict immigration laws to only allow whites is a realistic next step, and I believe that as the nigger parts of America inevitably fail, we'll be able to reclaim the lost territory once we've strengthened the state of the white race.
The republicans have a 1 person majority, if 1 republican dissents, nothing passes.
John McCain.
Lindsay Graham.
Rand Paul.
Source? I would be very happy to hear that, but I've heard nothing.
I agree that Trump bought us time. And we don't have much of that, so every minute counts. And the Supreme Court appointments are very exciting. But that doesn't change the crux of the issue, the Republican Party is not a Nationalist Party, not at the federal or the state levels. We're moving in the right direction, but we need to, and we need Trump to, put pressure on the Globalist elements of the Republican Party to get the fuck out. And we need Trump to actually start caring about Legal Immigration. If these things don't happen, and you refuse to cede an inch, then we become Brazil at best, South Africa at worst.
I want to believe you, but do you have a link for this?
direct quote from the man
That's encouraging, but hardly the direct call-out I was hoping for. It doesn't change that he's a civic nationalist through and through.
Go watch the speech nigger.
Oh god he's retarded.
Perhaps then, the solution is to seize the initiative and use the current political momentum to create a new nationalist party. The timing seems right.
Has a nice ring to it…
Except for the fact that literally nobody outside of TRS identifies as Amerikaner.
Do they have to? Ameri- is in it, I'm sure they'll catch on. It's not like our predeceasing parties have been much better in terms of naming. One was literally called the American Nazi Party, the other notable one was the National Alliance, so anything is fair game.
Splitting the Republicans are the last thing we want to do right now. But perhaps a Tea-Party style insurgency.
It does have a nice ring to it. And it's true, it's a baby-term. But it is so much more appealing to a normie than "White Nationalist". I'm saying we should use the term to agitate. Colleges, Unions, Workplaces, saying "White Nationalist" will get you expelled/kicked out/fired but saying "Amerikaner Nationalist"? That'll fly under the radar, for at least a while.
This could actually be used as a really good filter. Instead of letting it become a indpendent country though, let it become self governing. Think about it.
Are you fucking stupid? Just say American. We aren't South Africans. The entire thing is that fucking Tree decided to copy paste their ethnosgenesis onto America and pretend it's the same thing.
It's a meaningless term. You're just running away from the word white when we should be completely reclaiming the term American. No more hyphens, just refuse to call whites anything but Americans, and don't call the other races "blank"-americans anymore. They get to be called their race name.
I don't know why people still like the Turner diaries. A global nuclear apocalypse isn't my idea of a happy ending.
You still don't get it do you? It has nothing to do with South Africa or Afrikaners, It's a German term you dunce.
Too late, I think we want to get as far away from that name as possible actually.
Dude I literally listened to the Manifest Destiny where the faggots laid this shit out. The entire reason for using the term is to draw parallels to the Afrikaners.
Also, this entire thread is just American Vanguard trying to recruit,
What is it with Burgers and their raging hardon for Krauts and Boers?
Hi my name is OP and I do not belong to the American Vanguard.
Believe it or not I don't have a hard-on for Krauts and Boers. Honestly I feel like Nordic culture is meme'd way too hard what with the runes and all this shit. But he Afrikaners are a very good parallel to use.
Its not meant to be taken entirely as one lump, the lead up to the ending is what has relevance.
He made several predictions about things like immigration that have come true in that book.
the problem is this shit never stops
Also, he wrote hunter to be more "realistic"
It starts with a guy going around shooting random racemixers in parking lots.
It has everything to do with South Africa, the entire concept is just copy and pasted from the Boers. We shouldn't be copying the people who failed. On top of that, normal people aren't Germanboos or Boerboos or w/e you're trying to do here. If you want support from anyone other than autists on a Burmese finger-painting forum, you're going to have to work with the English language.
Wow it's almost like most Americans are German.
No jews allowed in the constitution. Rights for people of ethnic european ancestry only. Miscegenation illegal, punishable by death.
America was not founded explicitly as a white nation. It was founded implicitly as such, but nowhere was it codified. If we create a new, smaller state for the Amerikaner nation, and explicitly codify it, then it will become much more resistant to immigration.
What's your great name then hotshot? Lay it on us anytime.
He has been for restriction since day one. Notice in his speeches where he is "enthusiastic' about it he says they will be coming by the "thousands" and he repeatedly emphasizes that there will be "thousands" coming legally. Right now they are coming by the MILLIONS. He is deliberately using the term "thousands" to remind us (or as the left would say dog whistle) that it will be restricted. He has separately said that immigration needs to return to the "historic levels" , meaning much much less.
"Reworking Birthright citizenship isn't going to happen in the next 4-years,"
nigger it takes one supreme court ruling to overturn that bullshit and we packing the courts nao.
You're right though, he isn't 'extreme' enough for our needs but obviously the best choice by orders of magnitude. He is but a stepping stone.
And none of them have any connection to the Afrikaner experience. This is you guys trying to be too clever.
Yeah your name is Larry Murry and this is literally the one stupid idea you have.
We already have a fucking name, we're American. It's the other people who need to find a name, we shouldn't be conceding anything to them.
I completely agree with you.
Most Americans aren't German.
Don't cede land, let them self govern, with specific conditions like until it falls apart and take it back. Cutting off cancer and regrowing it later might be a good move to remove shit from within efficiently. We wouldn't need much force to get all those traitors out too, since most would leave volunteraly. Just make sure kikes, niggers, beaners, cucks etc stay out and die together with the cut off states.
Americans means Whites.
Yes, they are.
EXACTLY THIS. If we cede the name American, how the fuck can we be expect people to take us seriously when we demand anything else.
cucks and kikes will always work their magic to fuck it up, no matter WHAT is written on a piece of paper.
naturalization act of 1790 only allowed white men
30 years later, niggers were added
then indians
on and on and on
the white weakness is that we are too damn successful and we always fall into laziness
Pretty simple solution, just mimic "African Americans" and call yourself "European Americans"
Its what Duke for example has been doing. European nationalist.
No, they're not.
American is synonymous with being white. To call yourself "European American" is to imply that any other kind of American actually exists.
We're past Duke. He was in a position of weakness, we have the cultural winds behind us. We need to DEMAND not CEDE.
Slight problem, "Native American" is in the fucking vernacular as referring to the indigenous population. Not only this but "____-American" is also an extremely common way to refer to refer to non-whites in America. The world left the term "American" as a white demonym behind. Get used to it.
No we're not. German is the largest nationality among White Americans (well, maybe not if you merge "English"+"American"), but they're not a majority of the White population. When I was growing up I didn't even know German-Americans were such a thing because there aren't that many in my state. But if you go to Iowa or something then there they are.
Actually, American isnt a race, and like it or not, niggers are American too. African American.
How about North Americans?
Cuck harder. You're going to have to buy me a drink the next time we see each other.
No, just Americans. Stop ceding ground.
listen to this cuckold. American isn't a race, but it is synonymous with the white race since we built and defined America.
Nothing you've said goes against the idea that American is white only. African Americans are black, Native Americans are Indian, Asian American are Asian, ect. Americans are white.
Fine, stay holed up in your purism. When America becomes South Africa, or Brazil, you can be proud that you never ceded ground.
That's actually what the globalists want, ya jarhead. They want a North American Union (NAU) with USA, Canada and Mehico. They would love for us to abolish our national identity and call ourselves "North Americans" after the fucking continent.
ok this is a better idea. we should also have trade bans tbh so they collapse quicker.
Just an example of someone who was already doing it.
What about Canadians, what should white Canadians call themselves? Ive already thought this through, we are all white Europeans. Canadian isnt a race, American isnt either. I understand Americans desire to cling to the title, given America was a great country, made by whites, and giving it up is actually giving up a part of your history.
So dont, keep your title, ill go around saying Im not Canadian, and Im a white - or European nationalist.. and you call yourself a European American, or whatever you want.
American doesn't mean white though, and we really do need a title for white Americans to make a distinction between the people who are entitled to the land, and the people who just got off the boat, or have collected welfare for 4 generations.
Put yourselves in a Canadians shoes though for example, this country isnt worth anything - and its actually been made synonymous with people who love islam, and immigration, and hate white people. Canadians think white people shouldnt exist, I know Im not Canadian. Im of European blood, and Canadian isnt a race.
we must meme it
Are you literally mentally handicapped?
What a brilliant strategy, once we actually start winning let's immediately fucking cuck ourselves and attempt to force a new identity on the majority of the country against their will.
I was actually typing that sentiment out at the same time as you. You have more to hang onto than me, as a Canadian, because America was actually something to be proud about, and whites did that, yes.
Good luck explaining that to anyone who isnt racially conscious however, without getting lost in a pointless argument about slavery that you will eventually win, but wont get you anywhere in terms of actually furthering the cause.
Trump is going to make American a word everyone wants to identify with, good luck keeping that to white people, niggers will steal it, just like everything else. Its not yours to cede, the nigger already broke your window and stole it.
Once we annex you, feel free to call yourselves Frost Yanks. :
"German-Americans" don't even outnumber the English in the self-reported census, let alone the British groups in aggregate, and "Germans" are already overestimated while the British groups are (drastically) underestimated in that census to begin with. There is simply no universe in which "most Americans are German", no matter how much you might wish otherwise.
If you're a fucking Canadian why the fuck should I take you remotely seriously when you attempt to redefine my identity for me? Especially when it involves the BREAK UP OF MY FUCKING COUNTRY?
Canada is irrelevant, Im not a Canadian. I failed to make my own distinction.
America is the battleground for white people, Canada is irrelevant, Canada will have 100 million people by 2060. Theres 35 million people right now, 1 in 7 are foreign citizens given citizenship after the fact. Whites have a sub 2.0 replacement rate, which means when the immigration minister says 100 million, he means 65 million non white immigrants on top of the 35 million where whites are already approaching a minority.
Good luck stopping that, and the Canadians love it. They absolutely LOVE white genocide.
So yes, I will put my focus on America, and target my efforts at American politics. I might as well be an honorary American, I know more about your government and politics than 98% of the rest of the population.
It was certainly codified in the immigration laws at the time.
The majority are not but there are almost as many German Americans in the US as there are Germans in Germany.
I think a balkanization of the US is inevitable. The only reason it has held together so long is that gov power had primarily been at the state level and the population was largely homogeneous northern European white. Now we have an increasingly large non-white population that has views and interests diametrically apposed to ours. Add that to the fact that the states have been neutered and gov power has shifted to the federal level and you have a recipe for disaster. "States rights" that the left so loves to malign actually are more conducive for a diverse set of people to live in the same nation in harmony as they can live in their separate states and not really affect each other. As things become more national in nature vs local you start having shitlibs in CA and NY deciding things for people in Montana etc. etc.
I don't care. You have no stake in American identity.
The US already comes pre-Balkanized. It's a feature, not a bug.
I have a stake in white identity, are you not a white man? Were on the same team, and my being born in a communist anti-white shithole is irrelevant, besides me being against it.
America is 10 Canadas. The budget, the population, everything is 10x bigger in America in terms of politics and government, economy etc.
Why would I focus my energy on arguing with an 85% communist country about how they want to get rid of white people in that country, when America is what really matters, and the people aren't nearly as hopelessly brainwashed.
Canadians are beyond saving, the ones who aren't already absolutely outraged - are simply race traitors. Canada should just be nuked.
You still havent argued against my points.
Trump is going to make being "American" something to be proud about, and all the non-whites are going to be clinging to that title in the coming years. An effort to make "American" synonymous with "white person" is not going to go over well, you'll simply be laughed at, this is arguing about what alt right means tier discussion youre asking for.
You have no loyalty to your own people, why the fuck would I take your advice on how I should deal with mine? Fuck off.
The term Amerikaner is retarded and Anglin was dumb for pushing it. The 1790 Naturalization act specifically states that only free whites of good character can be Americans.
Americans are those cruel brutal whites who became the population of the individual states of the American Empire. 60% of all immigrants returned to their nations of origin prior to 1965. Only the taciturn ones stayed in our Anglo/Prussian/Dutch dog eat dog society.
There was a significant selective pressure for a certain type of individual and a legal preference for northern Europeans. That population was a distinct nation the johnny come lately patty Irish and Italian immigrants of the 20th century account for less than 5% of the white blood in the US. Most are german or anglo. Not a drop of my blood got to this continent after 1660, my family was exiled for supporting the king during the English civil war with cattle thievery.
This conflict is merely a continuation of the one we had with the Roundheads and that kike-lover Cromwell. The Roundeads' descendants are the costal libtards, the Cavaliers and Prussians became the white conservatives.
Once we exterminate all muds we should kill off all the Roundheads and end this conflict forever.
What a joke of a response.
Canadians elected this man and his approval is through the roof. Im officially not a Canadian, I dont approve of Islam.
Also, Canada isnt even a country. Its a post-national state.
Hunter kinda sucks, the action is good but some of the chapters read like essays on red-pill philosophy, which are logical, but are boring to read and probably turn people who are not full 1488 off from reading the book. It would've been really good except for that, and Pierce tries too hard to advertise the National Alliance.
Also responsible for white genocide, went around slaughtering entire villages of Irish simply because they were Irish, and those Irish according to him surely would have killed more English (on their own land) so it had to be done.
Sounds like a swell guy
They both had a purpose, I forget the exact explanation but TD was meant to be over the top and shocking IIRC, and he got a lot of complaints that people were put off by how extreme it was.
Hunter was not only meant to be more realistic, but also an educational piece for less informed people, which explains the main character needing to be thoroughly educated on the jews, and his original disagreement that jews were behind the problem.
Fucking why?
What census are you looking at? There are almost TWICE as many German Americans as there are English.
Don't be obtuse I'm talking about breaking into separate nations not red lined real estate.
Even the ones who move to the US to escape the poz are still blue pilled cucks. One of my best friends immigrated from Canada about a decade ago. He's a republican, reads Ann Coulter religiously, hates (((them))), has a large brood of h'white kids etc. I had always though he was on the level but when I told him about that cuck faggot Canadian who is proposing to add 100 million new Canadians through immigration my friend was like "awesome Canada will get all the smart people and the economy will boom".
Why the fuck would we want that? We can just deport the racial underclasses. What I'm putting forth is actually possible, yours is governmental suicide. Why anyone would advocate for this less than a DAY AFTER WE TAKE THE GOVERNMENT I don't know.
Irish are whiter than Anglos, and suffered over 800 years of oppression, 3 genocides and slavery.
Have you ever heard an Irish person ask for reparations unironically?
Dont treat Irish like niggers, they arent.
Well obviously, Jews aren't white.
Take this victim mentality to reddit.
We don't want that, we want shitskins deported, obviously. My comment is that it is inevitable on our current path. It will happen at the time of or just after Whites become a minority nationally. People talk of a "permanent democrat majority" and I just don't see it. What I see happening if the left continues to flood the US with third worlders is we will reach the tipping point and they will win 3 election cycles in a row. White Americans will not put up with being a minority and having no national representation.
They did, and they dont ask for anything in return, instead, they got themselves out of the hole with a war, and then continued to fight and still fight for the rest of what is rightfully theirs, to this day.
Dont cherrypick you fucking cunt. Niggers beg for free gibs and say they were kangz, Irish actually were kings. They had 1 king for each quarter, and a high king over them. Its how the whole thing started, a lower king was deposed, promised his land to Britain if they fought a war with the rest of Ireland to reinstate him, saying they would have what was his upon his death.
Irish law says giving land to Britain is illegal, succession laws and all, and that wasnt allowed.
The pope (who was english) gave his papal bull to signify the English were allowed to, against the Irish law, and this confused the fuck out of the catholic Irish.
TLDR Catholicism = white genocide
Nothing is inevitable. Politics isn't fucking physics.
That's not going to happen anymore. Stop being a such a fucking defeatist.
Hmm… very interdastinge… indeed…
Come out ye kikes and fags
Not an argument, get out Chatzkel.
Then talk about that and not "muh we just like niggers" shit.
I'm not interested in petty nationalism or Sectarianism.
Jews did 9/11. Never forget.
So youre saying people concerned about white genocide should go elsewhere.
Mods, found the kike, ban this guy, hes for white genocide openly.
Holla Forumsacks arent people like that, Holla Forumsacks kill people like that.
Pick one.
Less effort posting about potatoes.
Less effort supporting a kike lover responsible for 1 of 3 genocides cutting the Irish population in half.
I didn't realise this was /his/.
This basically puts a term on what I've been saying for a while. White Americans are racially white, yes, but we have our own unique ethnicity that is not really European. We're all the direct descendants of risk takers and colonizers. It's why we have more of an individualistic spirit here than the continentals do. Nothing wrong with that at all.
White normies already think of themselves as "White". How could forcing a term they've never heard as a new identity for themselves down their throat work better?
Well because we're all taught to hate the concept of "white nationalism", and indeed the white race itself. With human psychology, if you alienate a listener, they will cease to appreciably hear anything you're saying. "White nationalism" is a successful trigger word to alienate most white people, which means you won't even be able to try to convince them, since they won't hear you. But "Amerikaner nationalism"… well people have never heard about that. Lead in with some history about America, South Africa, even places like Israel, Japan, Cuba and Norway. Don't be racist, talk about how mono-ethnic societies are good for everyone, not just white people. By now you have their interest, and when they realize it's White Nationalism repackaged, they'll at least have heard something that they're not used to.
Is this board literally just a satellite for TRS and IM faggots to shill their respective garbage now, holy shit
I would be on board, but your flag is dumb. Just go with the Confederate flag.
The Confederate flag isn't really representative of the Amerkaner nation as a whole, just one part of it.
b-but the cool lolbergs from TRS said that was just a meme!?
Just listen to those merry Northern Irish! Truly the stuff of legends.
You've already lost the war.
No. Larpy's great idea was for everyone to call themselves anglo-american (even germans, irish, slavs, meds etc)
Amerikaner is a big improvement. Who cares about the German connection. The word America has a germanic connection anyway.
Afrikaner here. I am slightly confused as to why you call yourselves Amerikaners here - that is what we call you. If you're trying to act like you're us, don't. Things may be bad for you, but try living in ZA.
This thread is nothing but LARPing. If you really want to make a difference, get involved in the Republican party. Tiny separatist movements won't work until it's too late. Things might have been different in ZA if the right people had remained in charge of the National party. Instead, de Klerk betrayed us to die Jode and we are where we are. Don't mistake the same mistake.
no u
I'm saying we should work as a Tea-Party style party-within-a-party to pull the Republican party to the nationalist side of things.
I won't pretend to have a perfect understanding of US politics, but that sounds like a good idea. Watch out for spies though.
Yeah the CIA would not be happy. Or come to think of it like 40% of America and 70% of federal employees.
If they think you will pose a threat, you will get spies. The best way to deal with them is to stay on track no matter what, and ignore them.
If you want this movement to be successful, don't be explicitly WN. You won't get anywhere. But you can be WN in all but name. This difference would surprise you. As long as you LARP and focus on getting nationalist candidates elected for the Republicans (be thankful you have primaries) you should be successful.
*don't LARP
Yeah that's literally why I had this thread, was to try and float the idea of not calling a spade a spade. "White Nationalism" is a trigger word that gets moderate folk to turn off their ears. "Amerikaner Nationalism" is not, and I think has serious agitation potential.
Your idea is sound. I am not sure about your choice of Amerikaner - it sounds LARPy to me, given that you're taking the word from another language. Your problem is that you haven't cultivated a separate identity beyond 'white'. In ZA we have Afrikaners, and we have our own culture separate from everyone else, even the English whites. You will need to do something similar.
Using 'American Nationalism' may not be a bad idea. You will have plausible deniability about being WN, and you can still keep your policies. But then, it's up to you.
I know it's a bit LARPy, but I think that the comparison, if a bit grandiose, is valid. White American culture, as the broad mongrel culture of English, German, Irish, Dutch, and other european immigrants that have established mainstream white society for the past two centuries, are separate enough from both non-white and white subcultures (Like Black culture, latino culture, unassimilated eastern european culture, etc.) as well as their European heritage (UK, Germany, etc.) that it's a nation unto itself. This is the crux of American White Nationalism, nothing new. But by calling it something distinctive, something like Amerikaner though another term may arise, separates it from the easy criticism of "All white people don't have the same culture!" and "Europeans and Americans are so different even if they're both white!" and "You're racist/White culture doesn't exist!".
I don't like "American Nationalism" because too many people see "American" as a non-ethnic demonym, and calling people "Not real Americans" is just as much of a trigger word as "White Nationalism" for moderates that may otherwise be sympathetic.
Good to have input from a ZAer though! And forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't a lot of Afrikaner nationalist groups in modern-day ZA throw in British whites even if they're not technically Afrikaner?
If you work on making 'white American' an identity beyond skin colour then maybe it could work. But the issue is not really how valid it is (and personally I have problems with the comparison but it's your initiative), it's how it will look to moderates. I know PR is derided here but's important. If it comes off as too LARPy it won't even attract the converted, let alone moderates. If you were to use 'American Nationalism' you could eventually redefine 'American' to mean white, which is what used to be case.
It depends. The AWB are Afrikaner-only but support self-determination for all tribes in ZA. Most Afrikaner nationalist parties are open to all whites as far as I know, but they promote Afrikaner nationalism, not white ZA nationalism, which doesn't really exist.
Glad to be of help though, good luck.