Deutsch/pol/ Nr.154 - Weihnachtsausgabe


Sen Angus King Rips Trump for ‘Premature’ Germany, Turkey Terror Condemnation

Berlin Attack Will ‘Radicalise the German Public’, Says Merkel Ally Let's hope so

Terror in Berlin and Ankara as Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey Shot Dead

AfD Hits Out at Merkel after Christmas Market Attack: ‘These Are Your Dead’ +

Turkey To Confront Austria ‘On All Levels’ After EU Veto

Turkish Spy Arrested Plotting Attacks in Germany

OY VEY: Egyptian Journalist Minimizes Holocaust Numbers, Argues Hitler’s Murder of Jews Was Justified

Germany Threatens to Sue Facebook Because They Aren’t Deleting Posts the Government Dislikes Fast Enough

German courts should tackle fake news now, says justice minister

Other urls found in this thread:


Pakistani ‘Refugee’ Arrested After 12 Killed and Dozens Injured in Berlin Christmas Market Attack

Migrant Youths, Locals Brawl at Christmas Market

German School in Istanbul Forced to Deny ‘Banning’ Christmas +

Muslim Girl Refuses to Shake German President’s Hand

‘We Are Losing Control of Our Streets’: Bavaria Minister Calls For Migrant Deportations After Cologne, Murders

Almost 40,000 Migrants Avoided Deportation By Going Into Hiding

Terror suspect arrested in raid on refugee home in Salzburg state


Austrian Gun Sales Quadruple as Migrant Crime Rises

IMF chief Christine Lagarde found guilty over tycoon payout


Deutsch/pol/ Archive:

Deutsch/pol/ data content: >>>/lippe/

AfD Spendenaktion - aktueller Stand 50,0%:

Propaganda of the week:

Terroranschlag - AfD Hugh Bronson on Berlin Christmas market attack:
Knackis nicht den rot rot grünen Teppich ausrollen! Dr. Berg AfD Berlin MdL:
Pressekonferenz AfD SafeMyplace Sicherheits-App. NRW am 16/12/2016:
Björn Höcke zum Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Rundfunk - Versorgungswerke mit angeschlossenen Sendeanstalten:
Björn Höcke - Wer die Begriffsherrschaft in den Händen hält, der beherrscht die Sprache:
Stephan Brandner zum Klimawandel - Es gibt kaum verlässliche Daten:

Erster fürs Vaterland

Erster für Merkels Rücktritt sofort

You have two fucking threads, kraut piece of shit.

Vierter für Dresdner Christstollen

This was made by some faggot.
the other one is the real one

He created this thread out of spite, because he got triggered by the pic of the original thread.

Calm yourself, it's just a glitch in the matrix

Merkel weint Krokodilstränen:

Den LKW als Bild zu nehmen war Geschmacklos, zumal Wheinachten nichts mit Coca Cola zu tun hat.

Kommt überhaupt nicht in Frage

Asylum seeker STORMS nativity play in Austria to read from the Koran

THIS IS WAR: German ministers turn on Angela Merkel amid call for martial law after Berlin

End of Merkel? German leader pictured MINUTES after Berlin attack as she honoured migrants

'MERKEL IS TO BLAME' Top US diplomat TEARS INTO German leader after Berlin terror attack

GERMANY TERROR: Cologne train station EVACUATED following BOMB THREAT


Coca Cola - Offizieller Sponsor des Deutschpol.

Musel aufm Weihnachtsmarkt?

Auf Shitter und Faqbook vielleicht, aber auf Holla Forums sollte das eigentlich nicht mal die äußerste Hautschicht durchdringen.

Leider hat es das doch, oder warum glaubst du sind die Weihnachtsfarben Rot und Weiß? Vor langer Zeit war der Weihnachtsmann noch blau gewesen, bis Coca Cola mit Komerz Änderungen vorgenommen hat. Heute gehört Weihnachten, zumindest aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht, Coca Cola.

Rot, Weiss und Grün sind schon seit Jahrhunderten Weihnachtsfarben. Damals gab es den Coca Coal "Santa Claus" noch garnicht.

There's no such thing these people are muslims in Germany.

Rot steht für das Blut, Grün für das ewige Leben und Weiss für Reinheit!?
Bzw. Grün für den Tannenbaum, Rot für die Kugeln und Weiss für den Schnee.

Der Tannenbaum ist immergrün = das leben kämpft und besteht weiter, selbst in der finstersten Nacht und bittersten Kälte.

Rot steht so ziemlich immer für Blut.
Früher hat man blutige Tieropfer an die Bäume gehangen, als Gabe für die Sonne undso.

Die roten Kugeln symbolisieren diese blutigen Fleischstücke.

Lichter auf dem Tannenbaum symbolisieren das Glitzern der Sonnenstrahlen am Morgen nach der längsten Nacht im Jahr.

Der Stern auf dem Baum symbolisiert unser streben nach Erhabenheit und Erleuchtung.

(Die ersten Menschen waren Bäume in die Odin Leben einhauchte. Von daher ist der Tannenbaum doppeldeutig.)

Mistelzweig ist das Versprechen von Freya die Pflanze niemals wieder für böse Zwecke zu missbrauchen.
Ihr Sohn Baldur war unverwundbar weil Freya alle Dinge der Welt dazu gebracht hat zu schwören ihren Sohn niemals zu verletzen.
Der Mistelzweig weigerte sich.
Loki bekam davon Wind und täuschte den blinden Hodr wie die anderen Götter Baldur zu testen.
(Es war ein Spiel/Sport für alle Speere undsoweiter nach Baldur zu werfen, die dann alle harmlos apprallten)
Hodr durfte niemals mitmachen weil er blind war und die andern Götter nicht unverwundbar.
Aber Loki, mit verstellter Stimme, lotste Hodr zum Wurf.
Ein Speer mit einer Mistelzweigspitze.

Dieser Speer durchbohrte Baldurs Herz, er starb.
Freya war mehr als nur ein wenig Traurig.
Etc. pp.
Sie schwor dass niemand mehr Mistelzweig für Böse zwecke missbrauchen soll und küsste stattdessen alle die ihn bei sich trugen oder sich in der Nähe aufhielten.

Da kennt sich jemand aus.
Weisst du mehr über die Mistel? Warum grade eine Mistel, die ja auf anderen Bäumen und selbst keine Wurzeln bildet. Es ist ja im Grunde eine parasitäre Pflanze.

Das andere stimmt alles, aber bei dem habe ich meine Zweifel.
Zumal das mit Küssen unter dem Mistelzweig aus den USA und England kommt

Gerade deshalb war sie sicher so hinterlistig.
Hat aber definitiv etwas Jüdisches, genau wie Gullveig.

Die Mistel ist aber auch eine Heilpflanze, die man im Winter erntet. Hier bei uns auf dem Land werden Misteln auch erst geerntet wenn alle Blätter von den Bäumen gefallen sind. Was die Heilwirkungen sind weiss ich allerdings nicht. Ich glaube die Dorfbewohner ernten sie nur aus Tradition und als Zierpflanze.

Vielleicht eine Variation.
Manchmal ist es ja auch ein Pfeil anstatt eines Speers, undsoweiter.

Ich glaube auch das sie verehrt wurde weil sie immergrün ist. Misteln behalten ihr Blätterkleid im Winter, deswegen kann man sie auch leicht finden.

Ja, das ist sicher auch ein Grund.

Die Beeren haben auch einen klebrigen, weissen Saft.
Vielleicht wurde sie deshalb auch genutzt um "Tinte in den Füller" zu befördern.

Sicher bin ich allerdings nicht.

Vid related is cringeworthy, but does a good job explaining the pagan origins of christmas (or at least the pagan aspects of christmas) The fir tree is an hardy evergreen and symbolizes everlasting life on earth.

Laut Kikepedia:
Von der Blüte im Februar bis zur Reife der Beeren in der Adventszeit vergehen circa neun Monate.
Das könnte diese Theorie verstärken.

Indeed, I really like the symbolism behind it.

Alright that makes that hypothesis of mine even stronger.



Wir können nicht anfangen ständig neue Fäden zu eröffnen nur weil uns das Bild im OP nicht passt!
Sind wir hier auf Tumblr oder was?!?

According to the sticky white sap represents the male seed. The berries are an aphrodisiac symbol. The mistletoe is an evergreen plant. It stays green throughout the winter even though the hosting tree seems “dead”. This gave the mistletoe a symbol of new life and immortality. I should also add that kissing under the mistletoe is a european tradition.

Berlin Killer Was ‘Soldier of the Islamic State’: ISIS Media

wüsste gern wer die T-Shirts gesponsort hat

German legislators want to fine Facebook for fake news

George Soros und seine Schergen, oder die haben Geld von der Landesregierung bekommen um Rassismus zu bekämpfen. Von alleine sind die da sicher nicht drauf gekommen.

Grade aus dem Krautkanal gekrochen gekommen oder was?

Warum ist Deutsch/pol/ heute so langsam?

Weil zwei Deutsch/pols/ gleichzeitig existieren.

freue mich schon auf die empörten artikel in der nordkorea-presse

kekek purer Autismus.

"Muslime für Frieden" ist eine Aktion der Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, die sich meiner kurzen Recherche zufolge am besten als stark missionierende muslimische Sekte beschreiben lässt.
Das klingt in Anbetracht der vorgesehenen Abgaben an die Ahmadiyya (1/16 des Nettoeinkommens plus Sonderabgaben) durchaus plausibel. Mein Fazit ist also, das sie einfach nicht wollen, dass ihnen die Konvertiten von den Snackbars vergrault werden, insbesondere da letztere sie ohnehin als Häretiker sehen.

Ich begebe mich dann mal in den echten Deutsch/pol/. Dem OP die Treue und so.

Muslims for peace scheint es in mehreren europäischen Ländern zu geben. Typisch für NGO Kunstrasenorganisationen.

How many of the public will believe this?

Hätten die das Photo auch veröffentlicht wenn es jemand mit "Südländischem Typ" gewesen wäre, oder müssten die sich dann selbst wegen Volksverhetzung in Haft nehmen?


It's an Australian "surfer dude"…They are well known for their "radical" moves ;^)

Probably Hitler tbh

12 people are dead…but these criminal traitors are still alive and free to roam Germany destroying it…

Nicht nur Deutschland, sondern ganz Europa und alles was hoch und heilig ist. Sie versinnbildlicht die verweibung des deutschen Volkes.

Austrian Gun Sales Quadruple as Migrant Crime Rises
Gun sales in Austria have “quadrupled” as citizens of that nation seek to secure means of self-defense in response to the “immigrant crisis” that has enveloped Europe.
Earlier in 2016, the crisis led Austria to “began limiting the number of asylum applications it would receive.” But gun sales began to skyrocket prior to this move being made.

According to The Local, the number of weapons permits issued in Vienna and Styria in particular in September 2015 more than “quadrupled in November (2015).” This is an indicator of the number of Austrians seeking out firearms for self-defense.
And the increased demand for firearms has continued. On December 18, 2016, the UK’s Express reported that Jeffrey Pang—an employee of Joh Springer’s, Austria’s oldest gun store—said the buying “surge in firearm sales coincided with reports of robberies, rapes and break-ins since the migrant crisis began.” He added, “Following the rise in attacks, customers want pepper sprays, combat training, small concealed carry weapons.”

“Our security level has diminished in the last couple months. You see the crowds They’re shouting, they’re drinking, there is no security anymore,” Pang said.
The Express indicates that Pang and others, like attorney Anna K, were interviewed by NRATV about the sharp increase in firearm purchases. Anna said she was “very open to the migrants” when the process began, then realized “it was very dangerous” for Austrians after only a few months.
“Ten years ago, it was no problem to go running in the park or go home by metro,” Anna said. “But not now, I don’t feel safe anymore. I never thought about having to defend myself; I did not think it was necessary. But I felt myself as a foreigner in my own country.”

Far-right leaders across Europe join together to blame Angela Merkel for the Berlin terror attack claiming she has blood on her hands over her immigration policy
Far-right leaders across Europe have accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of having blood on her hands following Monday's Berlin terror attack.
Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders tweeted a provocative photo of Angela Merkel with blood on her hands as he blamed Europe's 'cowardly leaders' for a 'tsunami' of Islamic terrorist attacks.

In a previous tweet, he wrote: 'They hate and kill us. And nobody protects us. Our leaders betray us. We need a political revolution. And defend our people.
The leader of the Dutch far-right tweeted a provocative photo of Angela Merkel with blood on her hands as he blamed Europe's 'cowardly leaders' for a 'tsunami' of Islamic terrorist attacks

Germany's far-right has also blamed Angela Merkel's immigration policy for the Berlin Christmas attacks as the chancellor insisted terrorists will not destroy 'freedom' in the country.

Mrs Merkel has laid white roses at the scene where 12 died after she said she was 'shocked and shaken' by the deadly attack in Berlin. She admitted it would be 'particularly sickening' if the terrorist was an asylum-seeker.
In Britain, the extremist Britain First organisation also claimed Mrs Merkel's immigration policy has put the entire continent at risk.
The party's 'acting leader' Jayda Fransen issued a two-and-a-half minute video for her organisation's followers claiming they had predicted such an attack would happen.

She said: 'After allowing millions of asylum seekers into Europe, Angela Merkel has put every single one of us at risk. There are now millions of people who are able to move freely throughout Europe who want us dead.'

Isis claims Berlin truck rampage, as attacker remains at large
The Isis terror group on Tuesday claimed responsibility for a truck rampage through a Berlin Christmas market that killed 12 people, as German police hunted for the attacker.
Isis on Tuesday claimed responsibility for a truck rampage through a Berlin Christmas market that killed 12 people, as German police hunted for the attacker.
"A soldier of the Islamic State (Isis) carried out the Berlin operation in response to appeals to target citizens of coalition countries," the Isis-linked Amaq news agency said, without identifying the perpetrator.
The claim came shortly after German prosecutors, saying they lacked evidence, released a Pakistani asylum seeker who was the sole suspect in the case, sparking fears of a killer at large.

Just 34,000 migrants out of 1.2million to arrive in Germany in the last two years have found work.

New figures show that 1.2million migrants arrived in Germany in past 2 years
However, only 34,000 of those migrants have managed to find employment
In addition figures show a quarter of those in work are on temporary contracts
The numbers mainly apply to those from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea

Just 34,000 migrants out of the 1.2million who have arrived in Germany in the past two years have managed to find a job, new figures have revealed.

The statistics from the German government's Institute for Labour Research (IAB) reveal how only three per cent of those who travelled to the country are now working.

And in addition out of those who are employed, nearly a quarter are just on temporary contracts, with the numbers applying to migrants mostly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea.

Joachim Moller, director of the IAB, said: 'If we manage to get 50 percent of them into work which pays for their lives in five years, that'd certainly be a success.

'But it would be an illusion to believe that we will manage to find jobs for a decent proportion of refugees in well-paid industry jobs like car manufacturing.'

Germany's year from hell: How the country has been rocked by seven terror attacks leaving 22 dead
Germany has been subjected to a year of terror with 22 innocent people killed in seven different attacks since January.

Some 112 people have been wounded in the attacks which have used explosives, firearms, knives an axe and now an articulated truck.

Several of the attacks have been claimed by ISIS and have involved asylum seekers from Syria and Afghanistan.

Communities across Germany have been hit by a string of terrorist attacks during 2016

On February 27, a teenage girl stabbed a policewoman in Hannover, northern Germany. The attacker, known only as Safia S told detectives she wanted to strike at home because she could not get to Syria.

A month earlier, she had tried to sneak into ISIS-controlled territory after flying to Turkey but was brought back by her mother. Her brother Saleh is in jail in Turkey after being discovered also trying to cross into Syria to join ISIS.

Three German-born Muslim teenagers have gone on trial for the April 16 attack on a Sikh Temple in the western city of Essen.

The teenagers are accused of leaving a fire extinguisher containing a bomb outside the temple having met online and became radicalised seeking to kill 'infidels'.

Wer hätte sich dass denken können.

Judenkram ist so voll mit "Poes Law" dass wirklich jeder Scheiss absolute glaubhaft ist.

Oder in anderen Worten.
Ich glaube das ohne weiter nachzuforschen.



yeah man im all for this until he said that the guys finger was photshopped on… what?

He'basically brainstorming on air. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.

German model and journalist Anabel Schunke says she is afraid to walk the streets thanks to Angela Merkel's migrant influx.

Fake News: Mainstream Media Whitewashes Islamic Terror in Berlin
Propagandists desperate to hide the obvious
Mainstream news outlets are already contradicting their own reports that ISIS has claimed responsibility for yesterday’s terrorist attack in Berlin, where at least 12 people were killed, and over 50 were injured.

“ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deadly Christmas market truck crash in Berlin,” stated the New York Post on Monday. “The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Force tweeted that the terror group was taking credit for the incident, which left at least 12 people dead and more than 50 injured at major public market Monday.”

The Washington Times corroborated the Post, asserting, “Suspect arrested, dead man found in cabin as ISIS takes credit for the attack.”

These revelations were voided hours later, with outlets such as Fox and CNN saying no group had yet claimed responsibility.

“Investigators are treating the attack on the market outside Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church that also seriously injured more than 50 as an act of terrorism, though no group has claimed responsibility yet,” asserted Fox News.

“No one has so far claimed responsibility for Monday’s attack,” reported CNN.

The New York Times avoided all references to Islamic terrorism in their initial reporting, instead blaming the truck itself, as they did in the wake of a similar jihadist slaughter in Nice, France, that claimed the lives of 86 innocents and injured over 200 more.

The Times and Washington Post are now acknowledging that an “act of terrorism” was executed in Berlin, and that ISIS has claimed responsibility.

A young Pakistani ‘asylum seeker’ was apprehended as the primary suspect, but officials allege have since released him due to “insufficient evidence,” and believe the responsible parties are likely armed and still on the loose.

ISIS have been openly calling for their operatives to weaponize vehicles as tools of jihad, which is common practice in the Middle East, and fast becoming a regularity in Europe, as well.

Oy vey, very very racist and bigoted and Islamophobic uneducated white woman! She needs some cultural enrichment!

The Paris-Berlin-Moscow Axis: Shattering the Power of the Atlanticist Narrative in EU
Russia’s French Connection & The Rapid Withering Away of NATO in the Foreseeable Future

In 1959, in the midst of the (old) Cold War, the French president Charles de Gaulle gave a speech in which he spoke of his vision of Europe, stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals. This vision of Europe included Russia. It was in clear conflict with the so-called Atlanticist vision, which was grounded in Europe (without Russia) institutionally tied to the U.S. and Canada.

The Atlanticist vision had its military arm, NATO, and its intelligence arm, the CIA and the MI-6. This was no secret to de Gaulle and he acted accordingly. He took France out of NATO, while, at the same time, trying to emancipate the French intelligence agencies from the U.S. tutelage. He was partially successful, but the French society paid dearly for that success. In the early 1960s, it was devastated by the Algerian war for independence and in the late 1960s, especially in 1968, it was repeatedly wrecked by strikes, revolts, and acts of terrorism.

With de Gaulle’s exit from politics, considering that there were no other politicians of his stature, France began a slow but sure return to the Atlanticist orbit. The last act of diplomatic rebellion against the Atlanticist vision was the president Jacques Chirac’s decision not to participate in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. France was thus not a part of George W. Bush’s imperial “coalition of the willing.” However, already the next French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, brought France back into NATO and then engineered NATO intervention and destruction of Libya. As for Chirac, he soon received a payback for his anti-Atlanticist efforts. He was investigated for corruption and almost ended up spending his political retirement in jail.

In 2012, François Hollande was elected president by the French public, in part, as a protest against Sarkozy’s obvious subservience to the Atlanticist agenda. There were other presidential candidates who wanted even firmer and deeper separation from the U.S-imposed policy directives, but they were disposed of in various ways. For instance, Hollande’s biggest rival and the most outspoken critic of the U.S. meddling in the European affairs, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, whose sexual proclivities were familiar to those in the know, was caught allegedly assaulting a New York hotel maid and was promptly discredited. It is also important to remember that the French political scene is no stranger to the suspicious suicides of former high-level officials.

"Not Sending Their Best": World Map of IQ Drop Due to Immigration
Well, apart from the Gulf states – thanks in large part to coming from such a low base that even subcontinental coolies are an improvement over the natives.

Otherwise, the cognitive impact of immigration – at least as proxied by the differences in performance on the PISA tests between the national average, which includes immigrant children, versus only native children – is almost entirely negative for its supposed beneficiaries across the entire world.

Even those few countries with expressly “cognitively elitist” immigration policies see only the most modest of benefits: Singapore: +0.7; Canada: -0.1; Australia: -0.2.

Otherwise, the only countries not to be significantly affected are those which see little immigration in general, such as Japan and Korea. So perhaps the best way of “winning” the game to attract quality immigrants is to avoid playing it in the first place.

Western Europe is a complete disaster zone, getting a harder cognitive hit even though the immigrant share of their population is considerably smaller than the US, where they constitute almost a quarter of the PISA-taking population. The German national average takes an astounding 2.4 IQ point hit due to immigrants. Moreover, there is no full convergence between first and second generation immigrants. Although one can hope the children of all those Syrian “doctors and engineers” will go on to become productive and loyal citizens, past experience suggests that they will merely bolster the sullen ranks of a permanent, growing, ethnically distinct, and highly criminalized underclass.

The situation in the US is actually considerably better than in Europe – the low-IQ Central Americans, who are not sending their best, are counterbalanced by the millions of talented East Asians, Indians, and other intelligent and highly motivated people who still want to make America their home. Thanks to that the world’s biggest immigrant nation only loses 1.3 IQ points due to all the newcomers. Donald Trump is promising a big beautiful wall to stem the rising tide of color from the south, but even if he fails to come through, at least the mestizos have better tempers and aren’t wont to blow up like the Mohammedans. The choice between Eurabian dhimmitude or fusing with La Raza Cosmica isn’t exactly hard.

Russia only loses 0.4 IQ points due to immigration, which sounds surprising low, given that Central Asia appears to be a cognitive black hole – Kyrgyzstan, by far not the worst state in the region, came dead last in PISA 2012, and Lynn and Grigoriev have estimated the IQs of Kazakhs and Uzbeks in Kazakhstan to lie in the 80s (very comparable to the chasm between European America and Central America).