Extreme cringe - "Hey fewllow white guys" - MTV makes racist video against whites

Extreme cringe, MTV makes racist video against whites.

The cuck level in this video is insane

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they will never stop, will they?

These people have no idea what racism is.


Haven't they been irrelevant for a good ten years now?

We need to get better at genocide.

Don't pay it no mind. Only nerds watched MTV and BET when I was in high school. The cool kids were too busy getting high and fucking to watch TV.

God damn this entire video is the definition of social conditioning.

Amazing cringe. They're shoah'ing themselves at this point.

"can't we all agree that X"

Meanwhile they never look at themselves and realize the only reason why anyone harbors prejudice now is shit like this. Stop fucking putting on a fake cutesy voice, stop making those dumb fucking faces like you're so damn correct. They cry racism and prejudice while paining over everyone with the same broad stroke.

no. they've actually been at the center of the hebrew brainwashing experiment.



They've been irrelevant to men since about 2002 or 2003ish. They still played music videos back then, at least late at night. Once high speed internet allowed you to watch music videos, MTV was pointless.

Women (girls) kept with it for a while longer because they were more likely to get into some of the reality TV shit.

2007 is kind of pushing it, but maybe.

From what little I've ever seen of it over the last 10 years, it looks like they have totally disavowed anything white people would be into, including the whole genre of rock. Mostly nigger shit if/when they ever actually air anything remotely related to music. I think it's all reality TV shows now though. Not sure.

It's annoying as fuck but these fucks won't last a Trump presidency. Home stretch, boys.



I just can't help but smile through the whole thing. Their narrative is destroyed. They lost. Videos like this are the spasms before death for everything these people stand for. The whimper of a tantrum.

Also, with Trump tweeting out everything he's doing, the media is pointless for covering politics because everyone has a direct connection. It's just so nice. We just gotta keep praying for his safety when he gets in there. Liberals are all colors of crazy and I can imagine there will be a few attempts at him.

I know this is obvious to us, but that's why he's going to keep doing the rallies. It's essentially giving him his own "TV show" unofficially.


I just forced myself to watch that. Usually this shit makes me cringe, this nourished me. They don't realize they have no social clout.

yeah that is probably worse

No, the jealousy of the Jew has no end.

MTV died after Jersey Shore

Be that as it may I would rather live in America than Africa tbh.

Yes we can. ALM is a attempt at bringing all races together in solidarity because our lives DO matter. BLM is a terrorist organization created by a cop killer who is on the fbi most wanted list.

Stop saying "Problematic"

They why does she vote Democrat?

What? get abducted and thrown in a nut house against his will for supporting the president?

Well this is true. But were all a little bit racist.

This coming from the liberal scum that rioted for a month in protest of a Democratic election.

Is that the Patton guy whose wife died?


power plus prejudice. duh.

Why are they still acting like they're winning? Why do they still feel in charge?

But it's not ok for whites to advocate for their own interest right?

Remember when MTV showed music and bravos and butthead?

There's nothing they hate more than eye rolls at this crap. Also, MTV is still a channel?

Does this guy know about the jews yet?

They aren't, they're begging.

Nope, I used to be subscribed to him for a little while until I saw that some of his older videos mentioned the "illuminati", he even wrote a book about it. He's one of those people that realises that his country is slowly decaying because of leftism but can't make the last step to fully being redpilled.

And it never ends.

Yeah, and neither are most places where are the people are brown. Just a coincidence I guess. :^)

How problematic of you. What next? Are you going to tell me now that Israel should begin racemixing like all of the other goyim should?

he murdered her

It would be kinda funny to make a dear black people video with the exact same talking points and aesthetics just to watch them triplethink it into oblivion.



Encouraged her to OD and she died that night.


IT's truly tragic, because if everyone who believed that replaced Illuminati with jews, they'd only be correct in a more literal way.

As a far-leftist I believe that Israel should tear down their walls and make room for Greater Palestine™ :^)

he killed her, mate

Jeez I didn't know that part. I'm surprised he hasn't been driven to suicide by anons yet.

okay so its alright if my only friend is a kike? Its okay right?


They took it down and put it back up because of the massive thumbs down it got. Hit them again.

Done & done. Get on it faggots.

Dem sanpaku eyes on all of them tho


It's funnier when that Dindu chick does it, considering she gets trolled every single time she opens her mouth.

Checked lad


Can't forget Clone High and Aeon Flux

MTV is cucked beyond repair
They have no idea how racism works.
They can't tell people how to vote or how to think. fuck them.
I want Trump to make a new law that only white people can have children

Best part of this video is seeing how scared the guy acts at the end about 2016. Look how far we've come from "It's 2015, I mean COME ON!" The pendulum is swinging fast and it's not looking like it's going to shift back any time soon. Especially if the dislike bar for this video is any indication. Currently at 66 likes and 7,408 dislikes. I've seriously never seen a video with a dislike bar skewed that high on youtube.

Yes, it have a end.

It's called "the oven"


It's like everyone here was saying, the vast majority of our people were just waiting for permission.

And while we're at it, can our fellow Ahmeds slow down on exploding things and raping little girls next year?

Every once in a while a national socialist and a communist can agree on issues that are so obvious there is no other way. I'd be ok with invading Israel together before we eventualy start killing each other in another great war.

I think the original upload got to 25,000 downvotes to 200 up. We can do better.

mtv died with beavis & butt-head. no more vj's other than those faggots on tlr, no more rock videos, headbangers' ball or edgy original programming. just reality shows and nigger music. what jersey shore was is how things tend to shit themselves after they die.

jersey shore was just guidos acting like chads

I don't follow celebrities, what did Kanye do that was so bad?


Do they really not understand that shit like this has driven many of us away from liberalism?

Don't stop your enemy when they're making a mistake.


Here's the link to the official video, as of right now it has :

8594 Dislikes
Comments mostly look like they're from here.


Fuck you Holla Forums what have you done to me

talk to Trump

Good points. MTV is for teen moms.

kek blessed me with trips. shadilay.

This is what must happen.

GET beggars are not blessed.

mp4 version here

"2017 can't be worse dan dis." Is that a challenge?

That would trigger them into a coma user.

No thanks. I prefer the mp4

The reality is THE ENTIRE COUNTRY is fed up with this sjw horseshit. It's not just user's on Holla Forums

Oh I'm a retarded faggot. Just realized that I ripped the same thing that OP posted. Disregard it.


Probably, but I don't care about the challenge, my goal is their total destruction.

2017 is gonna be even WORSE for them.

Also, most people in our society are torn between the natural love for the people and the self hatred they've had beaten into their head by the media and education system. The way they previously resolved this tension was with the whole "c'mon guys, let's all be nice" bullshit. Now that the there is a media that encourages their natural instincts, you'll see a lot more honest discussion.

DO THIS Holla Forums

The White Man is Certifiably: Sick Of This Shit

So many response videos. This is a sign of a new era. We already hit peak SJW / Cultural Marxism, and now the blowback / counter-movement is approaching
critical mass.

These people are so delusional they won't heed any warning. However they might remember who tried to warn them.

I saw the same thing.

I'm glad they're not listening that way, we can encourage them to push further and further so no one cares about them if they get gunned down un broad daylight.

Styx is a left handed bastard but I can't help but like him.

Isn't not intentional?

It's not just the anti-SJW niche anymore. Here's a response from Philip DeFranco.

People are so sick of this shit in The Current Year, that Philip DeFranco is making videos like this for his 1 million followers, probably mostly young white kids aged 13-25.

youtube.com/watch?v=K4syEMiYsgE (can't embed)

Wrong link I think.


I wonder how many people reported this for hateful/racist content?


Talking about magically.

really makes my blood boil

Let it energize you.

minorities get affirmative action, black history month, their own college scholarships based on race, receive a disproportionate amount of food stamps/welfare, commit a disproportionate amount of crime, have their own tv channel, have political organizations for the benefit of their race, have diveristy officers in practically every company…. women can punch men but men cant punch back, are favored in divorces and child custody, are favored for hiring in STEM fields… and thats just the stuff on the top of my head…

Acknowledge only the right movements goys, no hypocrisy here.

right because women don't ever nag, whine, or act childish with muh hormones or muh moods

yes we could. I say all white people move the fuck out of america and start our own country else where…. I know some people will say why give them America and I say fuck it lets start our own thing,,,, just my opinion though

I actually think this type of stuff is the best thing that can happen to white people. The more this type of obviously hypocritical BS is pushed, the more white people will stop taking the race bait and start waking up and seeing the BS

Your opinions are fucking retarded. This country is ours. This land is ours.

Strap in, nigger

Uhhh how about no

more like hang in there, nigger

Shit, you're right. That was the wrong link.

Correct link for DeFranco vid: youtube.com/watch?v=UA2Ph9kCWbM

Not bad tbh

I think it is fair to say this was the official final nail in the coffin for media SJWism.

Wew. You expended all of Moloch's magic on getting fag marriage passed through the supreme court kiddies. You are fully vulnerable to the whims of Kek now.

I haven't watched this dude much because his thumbnails consist of him making retarded faces for clicks, so I assumed he's a cuck, but good for him for making this.

I agree with them, but I think you've missed the biggest thing: the cultural promotion of them (anyone not a straight white male) and the gaslighting of all things white. That's pretty massive, being told your entire life that you're bad, an oppressor, that you're "not cool" because you're white, being told that the females of your race should go and help end it (seriously, even the most lefty of lefties cannot seriously deny that white women are told to go racemix more than literally any other group). Just think of how many white men were turned into pussies due to being told that's what they should be; think of how many white women never had children because they didn't "want to make another oppressor"; think of how many whites racemixed out their genes for the same reason. Yeah, losing out on a job or a college position is pretty big on the micro front, but being told and being brainwashed from all sides (media, academia, etc.) to literally die out is a bit of a bigger issue if you ask me.

Keep talking like whitey is the weird spergy kid who needs your patronizing advice. You're gonna get yourself killed nigger.

they're going to make us fucking snap, even the most subverted normie has to be able to see through this shit by now, all these terror attacks happen and what we really need to talk about is white men exercising their rights as free citizens to have a fucking opinion of their own

I wonder if DeFranco started to become a bit uncucked after he had a kid and realized "Oh shit… maybe I should, you know, not try to have my white child end up prepping bulls because it thinks that its got original sin". I haven't watched his videos in like two years though, so I'm purely speculating.

That's the goal. Purge all xenos.

Women, everybody.

this idiot thinks it doesn't even have a gender at all as if it's a plant that reproduces asexually because she likes having a trendy haircut and wearing certain clothes

The beta pajama boys and life of Julia single mom's have been catered to for 8 years+. They're used to being in charge, saying condescending shit and being on the other-side of the DMV counter and affecting a "well too bad, we're in charge and that's the way it is , I don't have time to empathize with you." attitude.

They still don't get that they aren't in charge anymore. They think that going "sorry not my president. Verdict is in." is going to work like all the other consensus building shit they do but it's not.

They are going to have a full on existential crisis when Supreme Court justices get confirmed and their friends get deported. They're going to protest and civil disobedience on social media but they will actually go to a real jail and they will completely fall apart.

It's like with PewDiePie, I think you cannot be a Millennial White Man on the internet and not be aware of all the anti-White Male rhetoric out there.

Thing is: these are some of the last white guys who would speak out against this stuff. Anyone who communicates for a living via a public platform who has not noticed this or spoke out against it in some way at this point is a total lost-cause cuck.


Thanks for distilling the logical flaw to its very essence.

We should all identify as agender because gender doesn't exist, only sex does.

Haven't visited Holla Forums in a while. Never thought the tipping point would be so soon. feelsgoodman


He's also six foot something, which means he is taxonomically classified as a big guy.

This video showed up in my subscriptions feed today, from a channel that I never subscribed to.
Fucking strange.


Black Lives Matter has to be the most ironically named organization ever

If they cared about black lives, they'd try to stop the hilarious black on black murder rate, but that's not racebaiting and doesn't sell

John doesn't understand that someone who looks like an ugly kike can't actually look cool at the same time.

The organization's only purpose is to make people sound like they're saying black lives don't matter. They don't realize it's having the opposite effect, all they're doing is conditioning people to realize how much they fucking hate niggers.

I see what your saying and you're right. it just gets frustrating. Sometimes you wanna just hit the reset button. I would love to see an all white nation, but I don't think thats realistically going to happen in America gents. The best thing we can do is try to implement segregation. Call it a different name or something and slowly make it presentable to the public.

Solid points all around and I agree with what you are saying. I've known two white guys who bought into the whole white guilt thing hook line and sinker. It's sad and pathetic honestly and needs to be stopped.

I do feel that a lot of the white people who buy into this thing were the weaker ones honestly, and that if it wasn't this it would have been something else that would have been their downfall, but there is no doubt that that this is having an impact

but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. More people see the hypocrisy and with the rise of the internet more people are going to be educated about this thing and there is really nothing anyone can do about it. And the more they try to push this propaganda the more its going to motivate whites to stick together and do something about it… i hope…..

Sky Williams reality check

The time for politics is over. We have to terrorize these people.

This is the point of BLM and videos like this. For the last 20 years, liberals made it so that you couldn't say anything bad about black people, yet they were still in the victim mindset. Now they are making it so that people who had no problems with black people are racist.

Another very legitimate point that the other guy made was that their careers are over the absolute second they imply anything further than just asking the question. Can't have hate speech on you tube after all, and with their new queeros program the video wouldn't last 10 seconds.

they don't care about nig lives it's a power grab and a way to shake down whitey for more gibs, their list of demands basically amounted to more federal funds and placing nigs in positions of power

Thank you hilarious invisible nigger, now I have to find my sides.

Well, they also said that you can have sex with men and not be gay.

Terrorize through civil pranks.
I love playing pranks on my fed. :^)

It's a kike scam.

holy shit so clever #bluelivesmatter btfo how will they ever recover

DeFranco also got in a spat with Laci Green awhile ago.

His video is (tongue-in-cheek) entitled: Alt-Right Youtube Drama Queen Attacks Innocent Feminist Just Because She Is A Strong Woman!


I don't follow the guy, but I just note it as a sign of the changing Zeitgeist when these apolitical white guys with huge followings step into the fray.

My sides exploded there


look at that like bar!

this dude has a really annoying voice, also 1:24 muh hatespeech

I'm not sure if thats the answer friend. I understand your feelings, but if we do that its just going to be used against us( c dem wite peples iz razist we need mo money fuh dem movements and de programs gobment). I think this could make the problem worse.

It would be ideal to just remove them, but I dont think this will realistically happen

I say we use their strategy against them. Slowly but surely influence the media and propaganda to make segregation the norm. Let them kill each other off, keep the crime and the drugs, while white people stick together and naturally prosper.

No one knows what the answer is except this. Do your part in creating good, virtuous white families and a lot of these problems can solve themselves ( hopefully)

I had to do some forensics. Found a trace of like bar. 2 pixels long, 1 wide.

They deleted the video and had to re up it

So we'll fucking downvote it again.

Newfriend, please, we don't like that sort of language here.

I hate how legitimately disliking something and displaying your dislike for something that's SJW gets called "trolling" by the media and their cuck kin. If we all went to the video and gave it a positive vote, it would go down to them as "Internet rejoices at brave video telling white bois to piss off already!".

You need to go back to cuckchan if you think using "newfriend" is some sort of badge of honor.

Wew lads



Through pranks. Civil pranks. These people sustain themselves from their hugboxes and "causes." We're in a position to take all of that way from them. RWSS is a great start.

Came here to post that. Fucking hilarious how a pagan warlock LARPer has about as many subscribers as MTV News. He deserves many more tbh.

He single-handedly kept me sane up until election night, he never gave into the fear.


I'm sorry, OP. I shouldn't have doubted how fucking much cringe they were going to be able to pack into one video.


Not as cringeworthy as this.

Israel is a perfect place to send all the jews. Its one step down from the madagascar plan. If you remove dual citizenship and force jews to leave they will move to israel where you they will be parasites against their own people. Win win if you ask me.

Remember how they fucked it

Accccctualllyyyyyy…. Niggers who lived through slavery beg to differ:

All their other videos are like that. It doesn't look like there are many people watching their channel because they like the content. The 105 likes are probably from the people who produced the video.

Reminder that if it gets enough reports, it auto-deletes.

underrated post.

Alright Holla Forums



it's actually quite funny

Ask (((them))) a question.

You fucking retard.

Everybody make sure to leave plenty of red pilled comments about Der Juden.

Dont they know that "hey fellow X " is a meme ?

That's about all. Peace out.

MTV was never good, tbh.

There they are again: feces joke! ahahah!

He looks confused.

would wife tbh

There's also some girly white 'men'

more like hang, nigger

Resolution for White guys in 2017 to make things better.

Can we buy him some food? Jesus Christ.



How hard would it be to make our own 2017 New Year's Resolution for white men?

1) Lift
2) Study the classics
3) Avoid mainstream media
4) Revere a great man and emulate him
5) Gain financial independence and self-sufficiency
6) Build something that will last for generations
7) Redpill those who are suffering

That's the funniest part, they're trying to brainwash children without even being cognizant of youth culture.

Russia already sent him some MREs as a thank-you.

murdoch in one of the 300 top illuminati

"I'm sure we can win back working class whites in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin if we just call them racists a few more times."

John Doe reporting in, been comeenting on everything and upboating our goys.

Also makes usre to troll on some holocaust documentaries now and then, I can't do it all on my own.

nice dubs

What the fuck is wrong with her neck? Thyroid issues?

Let me interpret, because I happen to speak "self-important whining libtarded dipshit."

In English, they're saying if your white & not a cuck, and you don't acknowledge that everyone except white have it harder than you, and that THEY are more special than you so this is terribly unfair, then you're a racist.

I'd like to point out that, if this is truly their definition of the word "racist," then the word itself has no useful or realistic function, & therefore can be functionally ignored if it's used in a sentence or dissertation.

It is, in fact, an entirely superfluous word.


Do people still watch MTV? Seems it used to be only teens watched it, but now teens just go on youtube or facebook, so who is actually watching MTV? How is it still in business?

The more I look at it, I tend to agree. If he/she was a more yellow shade, it would have the face of a Japanese boy.

it's just year one bb

No one except some SJWs in their 30s, most teenagers of today don't actually like leftism.

Tranny/eating disorder weight loss/gain

This guy with his presumptuous self-glorification what a smart guy he thinks he is can't grasp how small minded he really is. It's cringeworthy that he explains the most obvious discoveries as something new and something he understood with his incredible intellect. MTV is not dumb and they did not lose money by being stupid. Nobody produced music videos anmore because people did not pay for music anymore and MTV had to change their concept. Their revenue came from labels paying for airing their stupid videos, but that changed and so did they. The owners are also evil motherfuckers who love cultural marxism and the indoctrination of the youth and that is the reason they produce their shit. It's planned and not by mistake. One must be rather stupid to not see this, but in any case you better not talk about something you really never did any research on. With other words. I can't take him serious.

You are not alone.

Moonman reacts, when?

Glad to hear it. You need to put some meat on those bones.

MTV died in the 90s. In the 80s it was cool only because they had cool stuff like Devo or Duran Duran videos. 90s music was gay and the videos worse.

I think she is cute. Now I can't unsee the neck though.

No, fuck you.

Sorry about the errors in my post, I'm doing 3 things at once, including ordering a throttle-body for my fucking Jeep, to get that currently useless 1500 lb. doorstop back on the road, because my goddam truck has frozen fuel line issues in sub-zero temperatures, because some goddam engineer, that I'd like to throttle with a bicycle chain, put the fucking fuel filter halfway down the chassis instead of in the engine compartment where it could be warmed, and there's probably a fucking chunk of ice half the size of a goddam golf ball rattling around in there, leaving me without a vehicle in the middle of the woods until the fucking weather gets above 20 degrees, so I'll probably have to fucking put a bottle of Heet in every time I get a tank of gas, and I'm pissed as hell and want to shoot something…
…like maybe a fucking engineer.
God I hate engineers.

Hard to be cute with shoulders like a line backer.

77 overcoming 666. Spirit, body in harmony. Good list.

I see the neck thing, but where do you get the shoulder shit?

Look at her hollow, soulless eyes user.
You know the golden rule of The D.

Even my captcha is trying to warn us.

He's a soulless bastard. He was right back to virtue signalling immediately after she died.

It's amazing how counter-intuitive these tactics become when people are even slightly WOKE.

It just exacerbates the process.

When they're weak, they act like they're strong. When they're strong, they act like they're weak.

All their tactics relying on shaming people with their liberal morality, it's completely ineffective if you don't share their morals, and incredibly aggravating if you know what's going on.

We only need to directly redpill as small critical mass, and they rest will happen on it's own due to the permanent "they live" glasses we hand out.

It is still relevant for middle school girls which is what videos like this are aimed at.

why don't you make your own videos then if you're so enlightened and smarter than everybody else

It's all gamergates fault.
If only those stupid goyim stayed quiet and took their poz loads like they should have, instead of punching and kicking back none of this would have happened.

He's a nice boy, he dindu nothin.

Step 3: Bargaining

I read Russian.
It says, "not to be taken internally."

literally who?

I'd fuck her.


It's not MTV, folks. Every single show broadcast on VIACOM is cancer. Prove me wrong

Oh boy that faggot thinks games are good now because they are not even thinly veiled propaganda pieces that barely have anything approaching gameplay anymore?

Liberals will not stop doing it because they lack the self awareness. Their motivations come purely from narcissism and neurosis. Politics for them is a therapeutic process for alleviating their psychological problems or boosting their sense of self worth.

Already do.

Have been since high school.

Already done.

There's no one greater than myself.

Already self employed…and poor.

Already had three kids, the rest is up to them.

Fuck 'em, goddam ingrates.

81' to maybe 87' at the latest and they were finished after that. They went full nigger by 88'.

Saw this one a little ways down. I lol'd.

Isn't it wonderful how much we've learned from gamergoy? To think that all we needed to do was to take our shitposting to the front lines of the culture war. They could have left us alone to shitpost in peace for 30 years, and then claim their brown victory without us ever noticing, but they just had to poke the sleeping bear.

And the bear is an army of NEETsocs.

That's why I posted it :^)

Well done my friend.

This is what happens when you make politics your religion, they have to keep attacking us because that's their form of worship and forgiveness. If they don't virtue signal then how will their god of equality know that they are true believers?

They are just turning more and more to our side.

Absolutely Haram


I know, right?
I never thought i'd ever use tweeter and here i am, using their logical processes and methods against them.
Watching them come out of the woods and squirm is beautiful.

Yeah I can't tell if he's one of our goys doing some deep cover reverse psychology, or if he's just a butthurt spicnigger. Gave up responding to him since others have got that handled.


I too, yearn for the heydays of 2011, user

I'm doubtful some 80 i.q. taco bender would even know what a recessive gene is. But funny nonetheless.

I'd be on twitter myself if they didn't require a phone number. I made a fake israeli account and was going to larp as an orthodox jew, but use our talking points and memes with white aoutreplaced as jew.

Then they shoa'd me a few seconds after making the account, never went back.


Kennedy is on fucking Fox Business News now and Lou Dobbs bullies the fuck outta her.

You were 2slow m8, when GG kicked off three years ago you didn't need a phone number to make an account, i still have no idea when they implemented that shit.

Die Juden. The plural article is "die". If you're going to use German, at least do it right.

Checked, but it could actually be Der Juden IIRC due to accusative case


its a good thing. Holla Forums should take an "accelerationist" route for MSM, MTV, etc. The more anti-white they become the more whites turn off their TVs and wake up

Video games were one of my first exposures to cultural marxism, it definitely set me down the path to Holla Forums.

Fuck, dative i mean


This. I can't even play games anymore. I don't know if games now a-days are just really bad or I've just grown the fuck up. The magic is gone. The only games I can tolerate now are GSG.

According to pic related, "der" is the plural genitive, and the plural accusative is "die". "About of the Jews" doesn't seem like the intended meaning.

Her frame could support three heads. Men should look like that, women should not.

Disgenics in action.

it's a little of both

LMFAO Hey Rob. How's it going?

@ 1:30

I have 58 inch shoulders.


Are (((they))) even trying to hide their propaganda anymore?
I seriously believe that even normies to some extent can understand that the content is retarded.

I think so. I only played Deus Ex for the first time last year and I had a lot of fun. I hope that one day the industry will get their heads out of their asses, until then I've essentially dropped the hobby.

You're a big guy

I guess, yeah

For Jews…

I fucking love this comment section.


That must be a sock puppet.

I've never said Woke in my life, but I'm just going to stat saying it now

Those are some nice tits in pic number 2, but she still has to go back.

Styx needs to cut his hair, drop the "metal" style, and eat a fucking burger. But I like him anyway.

I guess you could say she is a "woke" Mexican. If she swallows more redpills/gets more woke, then I think she might even deport herself.

I basically only play the "classics" and weeaboo games now, can't get into a game where I have to play as some tumblr fanfic's mary sue


this man pleases me

Yes, but he knows they'll let him on TV to promote his shitty books if he chases ghosts instead of telling the truth.

Yikes. Man, these are people that I want stuffed into high school lockers for eternity.

What's really awful about this is they probably spent hours ironing out that acceptance.

Yeah, the only decent game that's come out in the last 4 years was probably The Witcher 3, and Dark Souls 3 was ok. I hope they don't obliterate the Elder Scrolls series next, but looking at the latest Fallout entry that's probably a tall order.

check this trailer youtube.com/watch?v=Eiz3Iliy9os


I'm not watching your video budy.

My New Year's resolution is to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

being an sjw basically gave them a way to produce lazy garbage games and bait acclaim just like in movies and if the gamers don't like it just call them some ism as they constantly do

don't like a release full of fucking inexcusable bugs? well, here's a nigger main character that proves you're just a racist

Top fucking kek, he says he plans to eat them on a livestream or something a little later.

Fucking hell..

this is what happens when you don't bullly others in school


You've got a much more important game to play now user, saving the white race.

But don't feel to bad, when you have your kids you'll be able to share some vidya gems with them, and hopefully we'll have control of the vidya industry anyway so you'll have some modern classics to work with. We will Make Vidya Great Again.

That game bombed, btw.

(Kek agrees)

The 'Illuminati' and all Masons are just goy fronts for Jewery anyway.

unfortunately I think it still sold a lot, hope I'm wrong

For the love of Kek, if you're going to use German, do it right!

Maybe one day user, maybe.

I felt odd when I got a gift certificate for Amazon so I thought I'd get a bunch of video games since I have some time for them over the next couple months. Then I went through all the new games that have come out and it's ridiculous how shit they all look. I thought the crap like Battlefield was just going to be a couple oddities, but nearly every western release looks like that.

And then the western developers wonder why the Japanese always seem to kick their ass.

You messed up lad, that's what I did with mine, even with the minimal amount they have on there.

Joseph Goebbels, the tenth commandment of National Socialism:

"Believe in the future, for that is the only way you will ever win it"

Buy a workout bag & some weights & you won't have time for vidya games.

you're deluded

mundane detected. its okay, you'll make good cannon fodder

There is a difference, the saw way you don't use a screwdriver the same way you use a hammer. They're morally equivalent but it's still a team sport.


they took the vid down lol

I think they pulled it

How'd I do?


Again? That'd be the third time. They'll reupload it and hope we don't dislike it.

Yep, it's down again.




>not realizing magick IS the toolset, period
wew lad mundane much?

I believe if a video is removed by the user, it says the user removed it. If it says "unavailable" I think YT pulled it.




I've wanted to fuck Kennedy since Woodstock 94. She's even more fuckable now that she's straightened her hair.


it seems to be back, dislikes still way above likes

fug i accidentally forgot Holla Forums can't into formatting
105 ÷14857—————————————————————— 0,00706737564784

I've had a lot of success with sending this picture to people who venture into that territory. Even leftist degenerates seem to think it's funny, and getting them to laugh at their own shit is a good way to open a crack in a dyke.

I would recommend Thief 1 and 2 if you enjoyed Deus Ex. IMO it is the greatest blend of storytelling and gameplay ever achieved.

I'm pretty sure woke is a nigger term.


The 10th of a second as it flashes to a chubby asian guy….

It's funny. A year ago I would have told you that pewdiepie was the embodiment of the decline of white society. But now I have hope that he might actually be reaching the millions of children that idolize him.

here's mine, much lower effort than yours

This guy is on the edge of being "woke". Somebody explain to him why MTV isn't actually "white".

Effective civil action against the left, in normalfag friendly packaging. The people are coming over to our side, strike now while the iron embers are hot!

Magic is just hardmodding your soul bro.

Like Pottery

Sauce? i'll make a decent weebm


i am waiting for "MTV, delete your account" calls

The comment section has blocked me from replying, youtube says it's an "unkown error", they don't even try to be subtle about censorship.

I'd much rather white kids watch pewds than watch kike media.

Nice projection bro

I'm pretty sure the only reason Witcher 3 could be good is because Poles don't give a shit. If it were made in America, it would be pozzed for sure.


this guy is legit a homosexual faggot.

and now the video is back to private

Tell us how to get back there & we'll do it again.

Never mind, didn't see it was private until just now.

Again? Third time today.

Alright, no excuses on this one lad, sorry

you fucking weeaboos stop using my language

oh so that's why the link was broken? what's the new link?

i sexually identify as jetstream sam

Why does German have so many different words for "the"?
I reminds me of how English has 'persons', 'people' and 'peoples' even though technically those words should all mean the same thing.

just prepping for the new current year,is all

these digits mane

You didn't put it in the form of a question.

MTV used to be full of hot people or at least musically talented, why are these ugly faggots getting screen time?

No one wants to look at people uglier than themselves.

MTV hasn't streamed music in about a millenium.
They're basically the Holla Forums of music television.
Can't really blame them because like video games the last good songs came out long ago

lel, video is down again. Couldn't handle the bants

That was the premise of MTV2 Europe in 2005, they'd mostly play Guns n Roses, Alice in Chains and Nirvana, then around 2007 they turned it into Emo-central, so weird.

Haven't you heard?
You now have to check your attractive appearance privilege.

kektimus prime

Excellent list, wrote it on paper. Toe jambalaya looks delicious.

Attractive appearances are tied to a balanced genetic makeup. Ugly people are ugly mainly due to carrying genetic defects or being affected by chemical imbalances.

So what is in effect being promoted is genetic deficiency and being an evolutionary cul-de-sac… on what is meant to be cool place central.

The h'white bashing has gone way too far. You would think that, at some point, a dindu would stand up and say "That's enough, we released our anger, now (my fellow dindus) start being nice to whitey so we can all heal." That's what a white person would do - if the roles were reversed, you know some white would stand up and say enough is enough.

I think the dynamics of the game and the gravity of the situation are starting to become apparent to the patient tolerant whitefolk. The happy ending that was promised shows no sign of materializing.

Whites are beginning to notice that they've been trick'd.

It's like they want a race war…

Why do people think this is an attractive format? It's garbage. Plus the content is condescending and smug as fuck. This is only going to make people angrier.

This dumb bitch with comically oversized glasses wants me to believe that men talk to her.

I guess we're just gonna have to start calling you 'faggot' again.

The Overton Window will shatter.


They want to be seen as top dog. It is one of their universal defining characteristics.

do white guys really use "woke" a lot?

ive never used it myself


They want you to believe they have social capital over you. Kacyznski noted they are the enforcers of orthodoxy.

Only WN twitter trolls, p much.

This. I honestly can't tell if they are irrelevant or if I'm just old. MTV was a staple of the old media giants. It's a dinosaur.

Case in point: The young kids in my family watch music videos on Youtube. They don't buy music. They just re-play the music video for free on their phones.

Their "regularly scheduled programming" are just self-managed Youtube vloggers and Buzzfeed listicle videos. Who the fuck watches MTV on cable?

Furthermore, this is MTV drowning in the age of digital media. They are releasing these garbage web videos to stay relevant. It's pathetic.

What does this Irishman want?

Wow, been a while since I heard a Burma-shave reference.

They used to sift through the bad music and present the good in an easily accessible format, good curation of content saves you hours of searching for it… like Holla Forums.

Your wallet and a bumming.

It became popular after ben carson talked about saul alinsky at the RNC. Trump reddit people started saying woke immediately after that.

Myanmar Shave*

Good. The more they do this, the more whites will hate them.

For the second or third time! Don't let up on these faggots.

what do they think is going to happen if they keep reuploading it? third time is the charm and suddenly people will like it? not even normies like this shit anymore, diehard sjwism died even before Trump did, no one thinks this shit is hip anymore, as always MTV is behind the trend curve

*even before Trump came



To all Holla Forumsacks, especially the Dutchmen.


Check out the board and the thread.

Well the content is art (graphical design etc…) other than that it isn't just code that should be released under gplv3 so that people would stop be fucked by corporate jews.

I wanna kill that overly sincere nigger

Black lives don't matter though and that's a factually sound and correct statement .


You've got it backwards. GPLv3 is for code, Creative Commons and its derivatives are for art/music.

I hope that's a VM user because otherwise you're being fucked

I actually agree with that tbh.


I'm cordial to black people at work, don't mean i want them in my country.


No facts, no arguments. Just social pressuring in the place of logic and facts - just like a woman. "Oy vey wanna be cool like us goy! Don't you wanna be popular and cool like us?" Fucking bluepills man.

What in the fuck did I just watch. Wyman A has to Alien dudes on her side. Wyman B tells Alien B to just walk up on the bitch with his gun. She just takes it from him. Just pulls it out of his hands, is he a retard? Who wrote this?


We have had endless discussions about this on Holla Forums
The general verdict is that yes, an actual retard wrote this, and then a team of retarded animators and modelers used old assets to make this horrible thing come true.

Give him a break; he already admitted he has autism.

No we shouldn't bring all the races together, what kind of a globalistic jew are you? Stop trying to destroy my race you genocidal fuck.

They did ritual washing every single day while the Europeans were thinking that bathing was dangerous.

Nope because they themselves are inadvertively holding whites to a higher standard, which clearly tells us that even they, the paradigm of anti-racists and progressive liberals think the white race is the superior one.

The only difference is that we aren't hypocritical about it. Accept nature as it is.

oh so that's why the link was broken? what's the new link?

i thought woke was a berniebot or shillfag thing - didn't they have commercials? pretty sure the "alt-right" use of it was ironic / brand-hijacking

Now we can count.


yeah, that's why the Romans built huge baths everywhere they went


Fucking Kane is starting to sound fucking reasonable i cant even

Why not write letters to their mother company? (i think its Viacom?)

that workd for GG back in the day

The Romans knew that bathing was a good idea, yes. But by the Middle Ages it had fallen out of popular practice. And as for the ritual ablutions:

oh hai there bruh, didn't notice u in the background
Hail Kane

I'm going to need a citation muhammed

so… washing the sand out of your nostrils is now considered "bathing"??? come now, ishmael, you must remember white IQ is much higher than your people. you're going to have to make better arguments than that

That's because he's a niggerfaggot.

bathing is for pussies

I don't care what any darkie has to say about me.

Do you care what the monkeys at the zoo think of you?
No. You just let them chatter on and fling their poo, and you watch them and be amused.
We are the most advanced form of human on Earth, we have better things to think about.

Wudu isn't washing the whole body. Ghusl is, however, and is required every Friday and after having lost consciousness. And as for not bathing during the middle ages, it's true that not everyone refrained entirely from bathing, but it was less common, especially among the common people. See here:
(And for the record, I'm white, and an atheist to boot; I think Islam is a bad idea in general, on a similar level to Christianity, but that doesn't mean some good can't come out of either.)

So many people are shitting on them on youtube

You are part of the problem

So MTV got downvoted and reported so hard on this video that they took it off of YouTube. Now its only on their twitter. Lets use that handy new report feature on twitter.




Change webm to say "Can we smash 1,000,000 kikes!?"

God dammit. The link fucked up.

So MTV got downvoted and reported so hard on this video that they took it off of YouTube. Now its only on their twitter. Lets use that handy new report feature on twitter.


Did he steal your succubus or something?

dude… "bathing"… "going for a swim"… i mean, okay. I'm just saying you have to think its a different climate.

interesting article, tho I still don't think you've substantiated your earlier, stronger claims about the differences in bathing practices. It is interesting to know how this stuff has changed over time. thanks user
*tips fedora non-ironically

i read enough to know that the claims were incorrect, and I don't have to provide evidence in order to say "bullshit give me evidence," so actually
YOU are part of the problem

Some good bantz in that thread.



its seriously you illiterate dipshit, and styx is probably one of the most interesting jewtubers out there… i would legitimately like to meet the guy and fucking hate everybody… everybody

Literally my sides

w e w

Who is that guy?

Some these double dubs remain unchecked.
Is it because he's BLACK??

I don't know who started it just my own experience. I think it was a black/southern term that just got adopted cause trump's campaign was redpilling a bunch of southerners. You can see a small bump on google trends at the RNC which was ~ jul 20, but then a huge bump on election day.

Hey, wouldn't a good example of fake news be that Rolling Stone story that was completely fabricated and not fact checked at all before being published?

The story was proven false in a court of law and was presented as real news so this is clearly fake news right?

wait where is this from

dubs of truth!

Granted this guy sounds like he has a higher IQ than most niggers.

Holy shit he needs to do some curls.

Bad? What the fuck are they talking about? Do any of these fucking people even know what bad is?

Do any of these entitled faggots ever think of what it would have been like being in the trenches during WW1? Being dropped off on the beach during WW2?

They are saying it is bad because some niggers stealing shit got shot by the police?

This video angers me.

They took it down because it is so unpopular.

That's when aforementioned (>>8568334) WN trolls made memes about Ben Carson using the word "woke". Those memes spread through facebook and now those normalfags have unthinkingly adopted a post-ironic use of "woke" that previously only WNs were using.

Holy shit, he really is crypto-NatSoc, isn't he?

Trips confirmed. That guy who posted on here a while ago might've been him.

What the fuck happened Holla Forums?

I like this guy.

He's talking about the left-hand path, ie:Occultism instead of "good goy" magic, he's definetly not a leftist.

Pewds has always been, he's just very good at concealing it because he views himself as a "childrens entertainer" and now I guess just entertainer. I think he got redpilled around….2013-2014 after people started telling to stop saying "Triggering" words whilst he played FNAF and fandom games. Also because he got in trouble because the fans found his appearance on South park to be confirmation he was a nazi, his response was "So?"

I don't like his videos, but he and his wife are cool people.

Oh and Kek confirms it.

There are more celebrities on here than you'd think. Some you might not even expect and some you would.


It surprises me all the time, our reach truly knows no bounds. Government officials, celebs, e-peens, presidents, you name it.

Maybe it's just my perspective, but I think wiggers in the 90s is when it started to go downhill really fast. Shockingly fast, seemingly out of nowhere, 30-40% of the white kids I knew suddenly wanted to be niggers. Started dressing like niggers, trying to talk like niggers. Rap is what did it. Rap was a massive memetic win for the jews.

really makes you think


I was dreading this before I clicked on it, but then I did and immediately felt better. The first good feel was when I realized Patton Oswalt is obviously not thriving like he thought he would after poisoning his wife and claiming she died in her sleep.

The second good feel came when he announced Buzzfeed, and even at the hipster-faggot jamboree he could only get maybe three people to applaud. Their moms are clearly very proud.

The third good feel was when I saw them all clustered up there like that. They're all white and clearly swimming in privilege, except for fatty in the middle, and clearly oblivious regarding their eventual death by starvation in the camp some of them will take longer than the others In fact, they look almost exactly what I picture in my head when somebody says: "Here come those Buzzfeed losers."

Finally, I imagined each and every single one of these people, their polyamorous non-binary partners and wives' sons clustered together on Election Day, gaping at their precious MacBook Pros, howling in agony as their earth turned to sun and Trump won, and won, and won. . .

Pic related.

Tupac did nothing wrong, bro. Also I love fried chicken at reasonable prices. The fries are shit, though.


Excellent service tho, hope you don't ride your people too hard. Good service and great chicken.

Your sauce is too pricey tho.
Great chicken. Great service. Bad fries.

It's even worse now, take it from someone who went through public education in the 10's. White girls love black kids, and white guys emulate nigger behavior just to have a shot at courting. The white kids who aren't wiggers are cucks or outsiders, with a small contingency of Chad's hanging on to the end of the rope who play sports or something. All we did was read nigger poetry in English class, learned history from a kosher and "white people are evil" point of view. In the hallways, among the smell of must and unwashed vagina were (no shit) safe space posters everywhere and murals about no bullying and shit. It's a miracle I made it out alive, even if I had to act my way out.

If you think you need a burner youtube account or a proxy to dislike a video then you are seriously paranoid and should seek help. That's just so absurd.

Kek confirmes it.

perhaps this jewish whale?

That's where you dropped the ball, younganon. Girls respect strength, and the strength it takes to reject easy pussy because you heard a rumor she's been with a nigger might slap a few teen bitches back onto the straight and narrow before they start with the halfaninnies.

Seriously, those of you who still give a shit about women, practice saying this:

* Call niggers "blacks" around redpill prospects. Otherwise you're just KKK

No one checked these?

Maybe, but YouTube is Google, and Google is evil. YouTube and all of Google's "free" services are not there for your benefit, but to build an intricate and intimate model of your mind. Stasi on steroids.

Wrap it before you tap it.

From the top of my head all but confirmed:

We're fucking weird man.

Chads are the last hope of the white race. Well, a Chad/Wizard alliance. We need to help the Chads out with our memes.


To have an impact, you need to say this so women who haven't fucked blacks can hear it. If you just say it to the coal burner, what has been accomplished? She already burned coal, that can't be fixed.

Don't forget we've got the captain, too.

.. c'est impossible!

Young white men were memed into self-neutering. This is a net effect of a combination of factors, including abundant pornography, unquestioning submission to The Better "Gender", bending over while Terrell Ter'duquan fucks him and his lady bff in the ass, and the illusion of living in some kind of Star Trekian post-scarsity makebelieve land. And a state of perpetual boyhood that creates nu-males.

When the fire reignites and blazes fiercely in the soul of the young white man, the women will follow. But only then.

Shit was he confirmed channer?
Also did we give up trying to meme George Takei to death?

I want to marry that girl, impregnate her, and teach that her how to respect her husband, raise his kids, and be a good housewife.

You giant faggots. You're playing right into the jews' hands posting their porn.


I expect we're immensely secretly popular with Hollywood actors and writers. Think of (((who))) they have to work with all freaking day long. When we say the Jews are our misfortune, Tom Cruise feels it in his nut sack. When we say with Jews, you lose, Kevin Bacon nods gravely and wishes us well. When we break out and gas the fucking kikes in their homes and cars and the buses they've boarded to escape us, every discarded thirtysomething former child actress who was ever raped in a bathtub by Aaron Sorkin will get the closure she needs.

Is only a thing since the late 90s.

Cuckening of men started with baby boomers, after WWII.

You might be a bit biased because you're a Mormon.

We also had Clint Eastwood's unconfirmed twitter account going "Come on Florida, turn to Pepe" during the election
And then the account got banned


Chads need to realize that their responsibility, their mission, is to be a leader. They have to be a drill sergeant and help their nerd compatriots on the journey to working as an effective unit together.

It is no longer every man for himself. Divided we fall. We must make ourselves great again.

Ideally, she'll rethink her life and find a nice second- or third-tier white fella. Black dick isn't radioactive, user. As long as she doesn't have a nigger baby she might still be salvageable.

Nope, they want us gone. All of us. that's why (((they))) push for mass immigration in Europe and Soros (a Hungarian jew)funds race riots in the US

It's an indisputable fact porn was invented by the jews, as well as invested heavily into by them.

Source: williamlutherpierce.blogspot.com.au/2011/12/amazing-parallel.html

The jews are not known for producing material that helps us white people in any way, shape, or form.

Unmöglich.. gar genau unwissenschaftlich..

Epic memes muh boy

Nice and checked.

Rolling to get Clint Eastwood to say something in public about Hollywood Jews before the end of current year.

Rolling to get Clint Eastwood to say something in public about Hollywood Jews before the end of current year.

I'm cordial to black people at work, don't mean i want them in my planetary solar system.

This is correct, but you have to admit that the availability of pornography has increased exponentially due to the advent of the internet. Draining one's testicles furiously has a negative effect on testosterone levels and healthy and necessary masculine behavior in general.

The boomers were fools because they believed they were living in some kind of peacetime, let down their guard, and trusted the wrong people. Eternal vigilance and acceptance that one is always in a struggle as should be the behavior of any patriarch defending his family, God, and country is the best antidote.



The only way you could think this is a negative is if you think the girl should be "protected" from being a "sex object".

White men have made a pasttime out of looking at naked women for tens of thousands of years.

It even predates the jew, so what the fuck are you talking about you spastic?

Jews only hijacked a 10 thousand year old past time to piss of Christians and push their agenda. If porn is straight and has heterosexual white people in it, it's not kosher.

You're just pissed because you ARE the Mormon they're trying to piss off. And your reaction is to ban a 10,000 year old past time that promotes white breeding.

If Jews hijack air are you going to stop breathing?

Fucking autist.

I'm not bad at talking with girls really, nor am I ugly/fat or anything. I'm no Chad either. I guess I just lack the dominant personality, I'm more of a reactive, laid-back but composed and motivated kind of person. I don't know, probably just making excuses for myself. Now that I think of it I can't remember the last time I had a serious girlfriend.

You idiot. Fine. Keep buying into jewish products.

You might be a D&C shill, but I will nibble the bait.

Porn is a decoy. The decoy is harmful to necessary birth rates, it makes men docile. Men should be fucking, and pursuing, the real thing. At least much more than is happening now.

Actually user you're talking about the beauty of the female form being worshiped as art.

Any masturbatory inclinations or even sexually oriented view would have been literally illegal for at least the last 2,000 years.

Porn doesn't belong here retard. Also nice nice babbys first alt-right red haired feminist pic you got there. What is this 2014?

greentext is for quoting dipshit

pretty sure it was berniefags and they had youtube vids and Holla Forums hijacked it. I seem to remember being in that thread

according to this article it started in BLM and that's what i seem to remember as well. they were pretty much trying to compete with our "redpill" terminology but they can't meme worth shit


r u sure those are real?

Same thing we all do lad

He's a jew though, isn't he?


Porn, as it is deployed today, is a technology. You cannot separate the good parts of a technology from the bad parts. I argue that the bad parts (self-genocide, lack of reproductive fitness of young white male population, lack of ability to compete in real life) are, by and large, not worth the perk of playing with one's weiner.

You realize you're worshipping a Jew, right.

I just wanted to play video games, you fucking kikes. Had you left me in my goddamn bubble and left it the fuck alone, I'd have never seen first hand how a narrative is formed regardless of actual factual evidence, how centralized the whole thing is and how it's jews behind it, every single fucking time. All I ever wanted was to play video games, not train for RWDS, learn how to gunz in a nogunz country and become a meme wizard and tune my j-dar so finely that I see so much kike shit around me I was not even aware existed just mere two years ago.

And I used to be a good goy liberal with a bleeding heart, too. Kikes done fucked up if people like me take up arms and learn how to spot them and their devious ways. This is all on you, kikes. You did all of this. You created the golem and it is now crushing you slowly, savouring your pain.

You're worshipping their handiwork.
Kill yourself.


Heil Eris, direct all further questions to this post

I'm going to start Gym or Gracie BJJ by the end of this year what'd be better?

Good. That's a sign you're growing up. Spend your 20s making money and laying the groundwork for a productive life. You will absolutely not be alone in your 30s. Look for a girl who is:
1) Between 18 and 24 inb4 "muh 16-yo can consent too!!!!!!!!"
2) A virgin who isn't afraid to put you the fuck in check until you've made a real commitment.
3) Going to introduce you to her long-married mother and father, and god help you if her father doesn't approve.
4) Angry at feminists for pressuring her to pretend she's a man.
5) Not fond of drinking, but when she does it's a wine cooler.
6) Willing to trust your opinion of niggers, spics, and Jews. You can agree to disagree about orientals.
7) Eager to have children, specifically yours.
8) Not going to let you quit your job or just be unemployed while you have a family to support. Woman's job is partly to inspire you, and you need one who won't let you fail.

Find this woman, user. The fucking Mormons have a lot of them. Marry her, buy a 20-acre farm for the kids to play and work on, and breed the fuck out of her. She's a treasure of the white race, and it's up to you to make the most out of her for us all.

I don't know. These are the best tits I have ever seen. I've watched this video like 50 times now, paying close attention to how these.. objects.. catch the light from the window, the ambient light. Maybe you could do some videographic physical analysis.. but god damn i think those things are real.

This can only mean that if we harass MTV enough we will be provided with even more of the best tits the internet has ever seen.

This is the price you pay for being alive. Savor it. Embrace the suck. You are becoming a man, and this is what you were meant to do. Prepare for unprecedented challenges and finding strength and solace in the midst of insurmountable odds.

Do not squander the opportunity of being awakened. Make it count.

I don't think my face will ever recover from that video.

they don't seem real, but if they're fake they did a really damn good job. usually you can see the tit at least ripple a little funny. i have never seen a woman that isn't pregnant who has breasts that large while still being that plump and tight. its absolutely amazing. if that's real, she's a freak of nature

who is she? where did she come from? and how do i get morefor scientific study purposes of course

I'm calling for their channel to be hacked and destroyed. We deserve retribution.

I'd even pay if I was savvy enough to set up a vpn and proxies and pay through bitcoin but I'm not.

I mean her tits are ridiculous but she has no face user are you even aryan

I could pretend to be a Catholic or a Protestant, but pretending to be a Mormon is a bridge too far.

Criminally underrated post. Brought 14 tears to one eye and 88 to the other.

possible evidence of implant… look how the tit flattens out right there. maybe she just already had big tits and got (relatively) small implants to plump them up?

No shit


I woke up this morning with the thought that I was going to shoot for ten white kids with future wife.

All because I found Holla Forums one day. Weird times.

We need to send this to Holla Forums

Can't rile this heil.

Me too. Now I want a small farm and a young wife who can take the abuse I'll put her uterus through. Already have one white kid, but it's time to plan out the next round.

Former wife-chen was divorced when I married her. Mistake. Next time virgin for sure.


I woke up this morning wanting to work for the CIA, distributing lewd photographs of myself to unsuspecting embassies the world over, like a sort of a clandestine Santa Claus.

Oh for that list of resolutions. Add in taking a multivitamin every day and some Zinc or whatever. I am feeling like a fucking champion for taking them just 3 days in a row. And the Zinc gives you MASSIVE LOADS.

>Extreme cringe


I know those, too. Many of us do.

But think about it
They created us.

This wasn't an accident. We aren't an accident. Hold onto that and viciously analyze the last 4-8 years.
Obama 2017

I even ended up with a dental implant in 2012. Circumstances are irrelevant but long story short the dentist, in practice for 20 years, was fired. The owner of the dentistry, a bit of a passing friend, told me that he "didn't know where he got that implant, I've never even seen one like that. Just the fact that he brought it in himself is strange but that he used it as part of an operation is enough to make sure he never practices again." That was a part of a double root canal, he didn't want to say anything more because he 'didn't want any legal trouble.' I obliged and didn't ask questions: He'd been good to my family for many years and didn't have any direct involvement.
Later, I was having troubles with it, felt like there was air or a growth on the inside. An incredibly slight pain that I wanted to get checked. So I went to my dentist. He told me he had no idea and wouldn't even look at it, sent me to another dentist.
A well dressed aryan man with a military background spent 20 minutes scoffing at my concerns and telling me "that's normal." I even inquired about THE FUCKING IMPLANT DOESN'T FIT FAGGOT IT'S PRESSING THE REST OF MY TEETH OUT OF THE WAY AND MY PERFECTLY STRAIGHT SHIT IS NOW F U C K E D.
"that's normal."


A failed guacabowl merchant

its like you don't even want to be a champion

Wow, user. I guess your mouth is all sorts of fucked up.


It's an RFID implant user they've been in use in the military since at least 2000.

Jesus Christ. Tell me you found a dentist who would take it out.

He don't need no stinking dentist. They are all in on it! He can take care of it himself, like a big guy!

how do you know if the RFID one of your fillings? i swear my dentist put some weird shit in my mouth and it doesn't feel right


Agreed. All white people are racist, period. Racism is normal for whites. We should just call them all racists, all the time. This will normalize racism over time

With sand. One of Rome's main social activities was going to the baths, granted they used scented oils and scrapers. Germanic tribes were thought weird for bathing often with soap bars. Check out how awesome roman baths were, nigger: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Baths_(Bath)

Furthermore, Aquae Sulis wasn't even near the old Roman territories; this was their frontier. The detail and beauty thrown into a bathouse in an edge province speaks volumes of how important hygiene was to ancient romans.

It's not a filling. Both of my front teeth are fake. One of them is a normal implant, pic related.
So they put the screw in, and then they put a crown on top of the screw. The implant is the screw, the tooth is the crown. Implants are always 2 parts these days.
Mine is 1 piece. There is no crown. You can even see the metal on the backside where the dentist proclaimed "I can't shave any more off the back, your lowers are just going to have to deal with it!" Upon inspection, you would find that the backside of the implant extends further then any of my other teeth. He was worried about puncturing the internals and damaging the implant


A jury convicted Wendell Racette of sexually assaulting a young patient at his office between 1996 and 2000 but the Appeals Court overturned that conviction in 2015 saying a parade of witnesses brought in to portray him as a bad person probably swayed the jury about his guilt.

user, why? I have a toothache right now.

Oh yes. I've embraced it. Two years ago I'd never even considered the possibility I'd know how to dig trenches and how happy I'd feel to simply go to sleep in a forest at night without needing to dig a trench first. How after a week spent in a forest a simple tent feels like a five star hotel's bed when you have a raging rainstorm outside and you know that you don't have to sleep in the mud. How reassuring it feels to have a cold rifle underneath you as you go to sleep.

It's quite the change of perspective. It's like I tapped into some inner strength I never even realized I had, and I feel I have not even reached its limits. Two years ago I had no idea I'd know as much as I do now, that I could do as much if shit hits the fan as I do now. And this isn't nothing yet. This isn't even my final form.

It's hard to even to play video games anymore. It just seems so transient now. Instead of pulling all-nighters playing vidya, I do the same working and reading. Occasionally some vidya for nostalgia sake and to fuel my inspiration for work and writing, but that's about it.

Thanks, you filthy kikes. You pushed a good goy too hard. You pushed me out in the cold reality, forced me to look at it and realize, that the only way I can survive and protect what I hold dear is with my own two hands first and foremost.

I am having one of those homo faggot 'green shakes for breakfast have one of those nutrient extractors.

Some zinc is cheaper than a tray of eggs though too.

Tough it out, big guy. You don't want some steppe ruffian putting strange things in your mouth or put an innocent man in a ruffian place, do you?

Did you train yourself or take classes or what?
Do you maintain a day job or are you in full-time training mode?
I ask because I need to get myself into shape.

N-no sir

did the procedure hurt?

Strong men stand between the ages. We have a legion of samefags behind us, too.

Usually they just die from dysentery, but who gives a fuck?

stfu and masturbate, autist


If he wasn't strong enough to sit down and read a fucking book his weakness is what killed him.

WELL, shouldn't we be fucking immune from ass corrupting corpse bacteria by now then, dontcha think?

I did lift for a few years on and off (even just a few minutes a day of simple dumbbell exercises are better than sitting on your ass), then joined a defense force in my country (non-binding contract so theoretically I can drop out at a month's notice, but I doubt I'll do that), pretty much the fastest and cheapest way to gunz into a nogunz country. Gave me a more of an appreciation for the people around me, quite a few of redpilled people there from all walks of life, some regular blue collar workers, others the whitest of the white collars who simply realize that their fancy cars and big houses mean jack shit if they're not trained to defend them.

We have to do it ourselves.

*ahem* husky voice*

Use an internet phone number, they are free and anonymous.


I'm probably going to meme this but -


Oh one other thing for the people doing the new years resolution. When you do your cover letter for a job be sure to mention in your skills and traits for the job that you are white and of good genetics. Every job I mention this I get contacted back for it.

I think it gives you an advantage because it paints imagery in the persons mind when you tell them these things. If someone reads "Germanic lineage with solid build" What image will they think of.

He's 5'10"

Anthony Weiner pls go

You christcuck fundamentalist, National Socialists have nothing against pictures or video of nude Aryans. It's not porn unless there is sex involved.

I don't know what you were expecting, user. Try playing videogames from before they were pozzed. Problem solved.

Getting that White trash vibe from this post. At least the extreme and unjustified egocentrism endemic to them.

Oh ye nigger of little faith. 2016 was just the opening act.

Yes, you should have. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price.

It's ok user. We all die alone. Everyone.

I use it when taking the piss out of Kangz and Liberals because I love pissing them off with their own rhetoric.

I lasted 27 seconds before anger got me. The self entitlement and victim status is deplorable.
There are no immigrants or non-white people where I live. In the Pennine mountains of northern England. It is 100% white.
And cold. The weather is shit. It is always cold. It keeps the savages away. Brown people can't handle weather. That's why they live in the cities.

They lack the physical constitution and fortitude necessary for life in the sticks. The cold is my friend and their enemy.




Wow… That is just ridiculously awesome.

it's the only correct thing in the video, tbh. i can put up with the coons and spicks, but at the end of the day i don't care to be around them.

if you don't like your quotes you shouldn't make them in the first place friendo

You'd think these pigs would step back for a second and say "Maybe being a racist hypocrite on national television isn't the best idea." then you realize that these people are sub-human trash and deserve the guillotine.




that guy at the end walking

Well I'm fucking dead.
I've only ever seen this guy in dunkey's shit, I'll have to watch his youtube




I've created my own college newspaper for this purpose.
Printable PDF here: docdroid.net/L410nX5/action-van-news-1st-editionpdf.pdf.html

I'm not even an autist or a manchild. I just don't know how to deal with people

"learn what mansplaining is, and stop doing it."
Isn't she womansplaining just then?
I still don't understand what mansplaining is

I wonder how a major TV network can get away with being overtly anti-white.

I know it's owned by (((Viacom))) and all, but it still seems outlandish.

I remember MTV being politically neutral when I was in high school from 2004-2008. They must have hired some hardcore SJWs between then and now.

I gave it a shot.

white men are not allowed to argue

Women get triggered by how men are more intelligent/informed than them, so they try to say that men explaining things to them is sexist.

Kikes literally trying to get white men and women to hate each-other so we won't breed.

politically neutral but not culturally. Throughout their history they've always been an obelisk of pushing the boundary of sexuality on television and making more and more musicians household names and faces. They stretched into original television more and more as time went on and hosting their award shows. The Real World for instance started off as a neat little bubble experiment but when they realized if they got hotter people and put them in places where they could party and have sex constantly they'd get more kids watching.
Not that it was entirely socially conscious to begin with but what started off as a initial foray into the thoughts and morals of young people soon just became some sort of carnal alcohol fueled circus which devolved into Jersey Shore and 16+Pregnant. They glorify the shit out of degeneracy but I'm sure they're all assured over there that they're being informative and not enabling.

A challenger appears!



The classic bread and circuses distraction.

Keep the goyim drunk and stupid, so they don't think about politics or transcendent values.

Wait, was it the chinese or the egyptians who invented paper? I remember in school they told me it was the egyptians with papyrus

Water is wet

They deleted the video again?

Is it bad that I know exactly where this quote came from?

Where is it from?

link the jewtube then you retards. op is mp4

Both sides are racist. I just like right wing racists more. Left wing racists are mental. Right wing racists are just rude.

Simply stating the mission statement of the ALM movement is not an endorsement of it. By that logic you support Globalism because you're pointing out that it's mission statement is genocide of all races through mass interracial breeding.

Those digits, the likes are lower then the number of people involved in the production of the video :^)

A /d/ tier fetish flash game called corruption of champions. Made by a furfag, your character gets transformed by doing various things. I only remember it because Holla Forums had a couple of threads where anons would try to play through it without getting transformed.

Shatter is a Kike faggot. Fuck him

Then yeah, that's pretty bad.

dont know if anyone cares but this has had such blowback that a gay black guy youtuber/somewhat smasher (he actually houses alot of smash players) even went off on this video and called it out for what it is.

dont know what mtv was thinking

implying you don't want to rape monster girls
It was text-based, could have been worse.

Also the rpg aspect of it was kind of fun tbhfam

kanye is hella woke, dog



their other videos are good

I have no doubt he would always be more popular than me. Excellence is a niche.

nice bantz

where can i get one

spoiler that shit


Holy fuck that twitter response was savage.


Dubs confirm good goals.

MTV always existed to spread the degeneracy to our culture. They're just going with the times.

He is just another articulate guy who found a niche. Nothing wrong with him getting a slice of the jewtube pie.

Im gay now. why did you do this to me?!

Good job

The jude is relentless in its quest

this fucking nigger


Keine Ahnung, aber ist "its" nicht ein Possessivpronomen und wäre hier nicht zumindest "It's" angebracht? Ich frage ja nur, weil das lediglich meine vierte Sprache ist und du offenbar tiefe Kenntnisse über die englische Orthografie besitzt. Ich mache ja auch manchmal Fehler wie du festgestellt zu haben scheinst und weil ich nun weiß mit welch einem überragenden Geist ich es hier zu tun habe kann ich dich offensichtlich in jeder Sprache ansprechen. Also warum nicht in meiner eigenen. Dabei dachte ich ich hätte es nur mit Minderbemittelten zu tun, die nur eine Sprache sprechen, aber ich bin der Dümmste hier also muss du über mir stehen. Ach, wie schön. Was beliebtest du auszudrücken? Nichts? Dachte ich mir schon. Lass dir von der Satanschwuchtel mal erklären wie man den Schleier lüftet und erkennt, dass MTV einen Neger im Video eingebaut hat und des weiteren einen Sammelsurium an unterschiedlichen Identifikationsfiguren. Hat keiner vorher gesehen, bis der es entdeckt hat. Ehrlich. Hat keiner Augen, nur Ohren.

In the Quran it instructs you to wash yourself WITH AN ODD NUMBER OF STONES.
Because the Arabs lived IN A FUCKING DESERT WITH NO WATER!!!

Even in the modern world when mudslimes wash before prayer its a 3 second slap water on your face from some public faucet which is actually less hygeinic than washing with soap once per day.

ratings haven't improved much


Europeans thought bathing was dangerous because of a quirk of history lead many bathhouses to become brothels when the black death hit Europe. It was an anomaly that quickly disappeared when its cause did.

Holy shit, that's going to be my new wallpaper.

It's kind of like I'm living in a nightmare sci fi futurist movie from Britain in the 1970s sometimes


Moe grills may have big eyes but jews… their noses are big.

If every single last jew and nigger was vaporised, would anyone really miss them?

I don't think so.

If every single jew and nigger was vaporised, would the world be better.


Feel good man.

"Der Jude" is a masculine word, "die Jüdin" is a feminine word. The plural is the same.
"Jewish" is "jüdisch" and Judaism is referred to as Jewdom, "das Judentum".
Note: in German "j" is almost always pronounced as "y".
English "yes" would be written as "jes".

They were copycats and never invented anything.

You lying fuck. I am literally Roman myself and my ancestors built irrigation systems, sewers, bathouses, drinking fountain systems and aqueducts all over Europe 2 thousand years ago.

That guy has a different value system, but same conclusion, mate.

at least you got the right codec (h264)…

Sure, that's why Muslims got butthurt when Crusaders went for swims in the nude, right?

The half of the truth is that there were good medicinal advancements in the Golden Age of Baghdad (Islamic Golden Age), including the foundation of the first major hospital (Bimaristan al-Kabir), the other half is that the Arabs were intensely studying ancient Greek works with the aid of exiled Neoplatonic scholars.

It's almost as if the only solution to end subversive poison and race traitor treason is…

Okay chaim


I guess It was nice of them to preserve some of the science from the people they conquered.

But the problem is when you stop conquering people your science stops progressing and thats why the middle east is so far behind everyone else.

a) pharmacy does not equal medicine.
b) you are lying about the "first hospital". Literally every civilization ever has taken care of its wounded/ill (when circumstances don't prevent it)
c) having a "medical care center" doesn't mean they employed medicine to heal patients - medicine at the time consisted of utter bullshit, amputations and leeches.
d) pharmacy is an invention of the modern world
e) >neoplatonic scholars relating to medicine/hygene
You clearly also have no idea of what Plato wrote about, nor his master, Socrates.
f) >greek scholars only went to teach arabs
Greeks were the most respected of conquered civilizations for over a thousand years of Roman rule. Greek teachers have been exported EVERYWHERE in the Roman world ever since we conquered them.
g) What you reference to as achievement of the "Islamic Golden Age" is a text called " De Materia Medica", written by Greeks in Latin through the use of other medieval texts (all latin).

Are you kidding me?

its like you've never even heard of avidin.

what again?

You do realise that Jontron is jewish?

So he made some video about the lying media slandering him with all kinds of baseless insults such as "racist" or "nazi". I don't remember if he ever denied being a Nazi though. He just said the media was slandering him with no proof whatsoever.

Does Tay Zanday use it?

Wew lad, this might have been the first time in my life that I felt bad for niggers.

Every time you you use your logic/facts and not emotions in explaining something to an uninformed feminist woman, it's mansplaining.

dem dead psychopatic eyes

How in the holy hell could you stop someone from walking behind a bush and jacking it for 30 min in the roman era.

As a degenerate chronic masturbator with a thing for tits, I'm fairly certain those are real. The flattening does more to prove they are real than disprove it. Implants, even saline, usually hold their roundness quite well. I also see no scars. There is a possibility that the scars are underneath, but this is not likely. The ultimate test would be for her to get on all fours so her tits hang down. If they are fake we should see rippling, and we should also see a 'tit on a tit' effect. This is where one can see the fried egg of actual breast tissue hanging off the implant. You can see an extreme example of this is you watch "Fucking My Aunt (Nina Hartley)" on xhamster. The aging kikess has some mournful saggy tits hanging off her implants. Also, you can see how round her implants stay even when she's flat on her back. Granted they are silicone and not saline, but saline does it too.



That's because the only ones who worked to make it great WERE white guys, you numb cunt.

This type of shit needs to stop, it's outright lies like this that have instilled hatred for whites into minorities.

I don't remember seeing this shit anywhere in the 80's or 90's. Race relations were so much better back then, now our country is completely divided. (((Whoever))) is pushing this niggerdom is clearly employing a divide and conquer strategy.

The saddest part of the whole thing is how many whites these (((faggots))) have successfully brainwashed into believing this shit.

Jesus fuck, I've seen plenty of gore and many of the ones that were included in this clip, but taking it in all at once is crazy.

Great video and powerful stuff to redpill with against the invasion.

I want a version of this without Taylor Swift/music, any idea where this is from user? To avoid myself the work of cutting her out.

What the fuck do these retards think he did?

Seriously, they didn't blink an eye when he acted like a complete black stereotype, they didn't say shit when he ganked Taylor Swift's acceptance speech, they nodded their heads when he hijacked the Katrina broadcast to call Bush a racist, but he accidentally let his power level slip one time and it's game over? I never thought I'd say this, but I actually hate Kanye West slightly less than I used to.

School of Smut is better, as it has no furshit and you're in control of who you bang.



They are similar but they are different.

Papyrus scrolls are much more fragile than wood-pulp and is extracted from the plant without so much processing. Using papyrus on industrial scale would be very impractical.

That's the dude who turned Captain America into an "le ebil nazi agent of Hydra".

He also wrote a comic about fucking dogs.

Oh, zoophilia. The next step on the Semite Ladder.

You’re just not even trying.

More like the early 90s you underagged faggot

It didn't fucking help, that's for sure.
>The only band name I can remember was "Mudoven," and I got the joke before he did

The only thing that keeps me going, sometimes, is knowing that the little bro will eventually be banging on his rebellious teenagers' doors and screaming "TURN THAT RACIST SHIT OFF, YOU LITTLE SHITS!"

This is the trailer for the new Real World, now with more Black bodybuilders with blondes.

MTV was never good.


to think that so much of Holla Forums turned against GG. I said from the begining that it was redpill central. I had no idea what it would lead to however. I didn't think the change would be so huge, and it's only being felt now.

Maybe if you niGGers were less inclusive, ever apologetic, MUH ARE PEE faggots you would still be relevant today.

are you insane?

we should build a monument to muzzies.

they are the true sand in the gears of globalism.

their ignorance, their disgusting religion, their fake sense of superiority that badly hides a well warranted inferiority complex, their refusal to act like human beings and their generally being violent, envious pieces of shit, it's what remembered people of european descent who's who and where the world is going.

they are the disgusting filthy redpill everyone needed.

when they will be gone everyone will say "why didn't we get rid of them sooner". i will too. but i will also know how we got there.


No idea, I remember this clip being played a lot back in the day. Now numale fags call it muh racisms.


Hey fellow /italia/non

you sound like a woman, come here from reddit town or something?


Maybe you shouldn't have grown so arrogant and make your attacks so brazen. This all wouldn't have been a problem for you if you and your friends had just shut the fuck up for once in their lives, Spencer

thats a record on percentage downvotes

too bad they removed the video

Styx is fine for redpilling people up to a point, but he (somehow) believes in civic nationalism, I was pained to find out when watching one of his videos.
He said something along the lines of 'all I care about is culture'. Can the people who pretend to believe that everything will be fine if 'british' niggers would just drink tea just fuck off already? It's fucking failed, you dipshits. That idea failed decades ago.

I remember when Obongo was elected in 2008 and niggers were saying he was going to stop racism. Now race relations are even worse than under Bush.

What's worse is the (((producers))) at MTV are making it worse because with their constant white-bashing only gives fuel for niggers to hate whites. Whites are the only racial demographic where it's OK to bash.

MTV should have died a long time ago.



i thought trannies had to do things physically and chemically to themselves to actually be trannies, that just looks like a bunch of nigs crossdressing

can't tell if they're joking or not but they seem like they might be

Yea its just a bunch of niggas having a laff crossdressing

Problem is a lot of the new-age mormons (and all religious girls) are really sluts pretending

Pretty sure she's a trap.


You can't? They're obviously having a giggle or lost a bet or something. I only posted it because I was reminded of it by the horrible things in 's video.

It goes without saying at this point.

Takei's more of a jew than Shatner at this point.

Forget the video comments
We should flood the channel comments

they will stop when they're swinging from trees

Charlie holy fuck, this is totally Holla Forums related and not Holla Forums but in the off chance you're seeing this right fucking now. Please for the love of god find a way to do a live action "The Tick" movie with you as Arthur Mothman ( ironically a Jew who quit accounting to superhero, and who celebrated Christmas with no mention of Hanukkah).

I'm well aware how Autistic all that sounds.

Pretty sure you can circumvent that by using an android emulator to create the account. Pic related.

Lefty men do this too. They'll wear black lipstick/nil polish and call themselves "non binary" or "demigirls"


Is this the first time you've used the word 'clit' in a sentence?

They are just used to being able to dictate everything without any public criticisms. Over time this caused them to delude them selves and believe their delusions are true, because nobody was allowed to tell them they're wrong.

Now they cant come to terms with the fact that the normies are beginning to wake up, and their stranglehold over the public narrative is slipping more and more each day. Its no longer social suicide to disagree with them, so more and more people do. And the more people disagree, the less power they have.

tl;dr: yes they still feel in charge

Provide link to dislike reupload.

I wanna see the normie reactions.

You're late to the party m80, the reception was so incredibly poor they removed it multiple times after trying to reupload it.
definition of insanity

I think we still have a thread up discussing that video, but why would you not mention that he dresses in "nazi attire" and plays a Hitler speech while noding at the end of the video?

Why you do this to yourself, user?

That's what I find most amusing about that video.

They should realize that when they act up too much it becomes necessary to lift the curtain a bit.

So have they reuploaded it now?

gud post m8

yes, you can create a twitter account without a phone number using that method.
and the moment you post anything even mildly controversial, the account is locked until you provide a phone number. they police brand new accounts intensely.

"You want a 6 piece and some sides?"

I lost it.

I can only hope and pray that her brave stand on black lives will make her cringe every time she opens her yearbook in the years to come, like mine does whenever I see my quote from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

Activate it.

We are living in some dank MK Ultra shit fam

The memes jack.

Hey user, couldn't help but notice that the BLM types have this stereotype of a bitchy jewish woman called "Becky" (like we use Stacey and Chad).

Oy vey, the D&C.


Wait I've been out of the loop for a while, christmas and all that… is it back up?

Alright list, though I guess it needs adjustments:

1) Lift, throw, run, swim, jump, climb, ride, fight, shoot
2) Study the classics and the non-classics they don't want you to read
3) Keep in touch with mainstream media though several proxies to remain aware of the trends of the world around you and craft more effective memes
4) Emulate the old gods, don't revere them because they don't care
5) Gain financial independence and self-sufficiency
6) Build something that will last for generations
7) Find a white waifu and make white children
8) Redpill those who are suffering, not by telling them what to do, but by becoming an example to them

You'll see me on this list when I can finally fucking draw. Also,
Both'a them are jews, you realize that?
Replace Cry with EmptyHero and your list makes sense.

William Pierce really called out the Clintons

A Becky is a nigger stereotype for a White woman who fucks niggers.

Amazon is already doing it but without Charlie.

Checking very meaningful digits.

I would supplement 1) with running or some kind of cardio. Strong hearts are important. 2) is good. 3) should have become obvious by now but is still good. Be careful with 4) I'd say. I'd replace "a great man" with "great men." 5) is ideal and something that I am trying to do. Hard as a grad student. I have ALWAYS known 6), even before being redpilled. Its the only way to "live forever" in this world. 7) is crucial but people aren't doing enough of it. The redpill will at first hurt and depress you, but soon enough you will feel righteous energy coming to you. You will walk tall among the cucks.