There's a point where it could all just be a coincidence and we're way WAY past that point.
Just what exactly did we wake up?
There's a point where it could all just be a coincidence and we're way WAY past that point.
Just what exactly did we wake up?
Look at your pictures and you'll find out.
If you don't believe in the divinity of Kek at this point, you best start believin
Part of me detests the kek worship on Holla Forums, but part of me is hoping you faggots will meme a giant frog monster into existence that will stomp its way through Washington like a slimy Godzilla.
Follow your own pattern.
Shillary got dubs, meaning she would have won if not for Trump superceding her with whatever cosmic numbers he checked.
Not sure if i should take that as a sign or not.
Do you really need 2 threads?
That giant frog is Trump.
Not sure if that one (2-2) is as significant. I do not remember what this method is called but here is what i saw (another 7)
7+2+7 = 16 = 1+6 = 7
It's still kind of unreal how Trump ended up winning by 77 votes in the electoral vote. Before this he was ahead by only 74. Those couple of morons that were pushing electors to be unfaithful actually memed a 7-7-7 victory.
written at
1+9+3+6+2+7 = 28
1+6 = 7
also, checking those double dubs.
Who exactly assigned number 7 to Kek? Kek has nothing to do with muh magic numbers. He's chaos, remember?
However, 7 has always been an incredibly significant number in Christianity. So if anything, this supports God more than it does Kek.
I think any sign of repeating digits represents Kek, like how Trump might end up being the true 44th president
Repeating digits, maybe. But OPs post was implying the number 7 specifically, which I've never seen a connection to Kek before anyway.
Numbers have always been important to almost every culture/religion.
7 is not "The Kek Number" per se, but I think it was memed into power thanks to the 7777777 GET on halfpol
Or perhaps Kek was God all along. That's certainly some food for thought.
Who is this "God" you speak of? Are you referring to the YHWH of Israel? If so, you should be glad to know that the Old Gods will kill him when they return.
Inform Christine Lagarde
I'm sure she will be pleased to know.
Don't try and start this D&C nonsense like you always try to Holla Forums.
Btw Kek bows to God in the end. Sorry you chose the wrong team :^)
If I recall correctly, intl was a Jewish organisation. How can I be intl when I spit on the YHWH of the Jews? Kek bows to noone you Yaldabaoth death cultist, maybe you would be seen as respectable if you simply loved Jesus instead of the Jewish volcano demon YHWH/Moloch.
Where the fuck do you even get your history from? YHVH and Moloch are not the same entities. Besides, YHVH is what the Jews call their God, not Christians.
Yes they are. The demon god of the Jews goes by many names. He is YHWH/Yaldabaoth/Moloch/El Elyon/El Shaddai/Tetragrammaton/Jehovah all in one. Christians who worship Jehovah, YHWH, the "God" of the Bible, worship the same demon that breathed life into Jewkind - But Christians who simply love Jesus can be respected.
How so? I simply said the number is more significant in Christianity than in reference to Kek.
Are you so thin skinned that any mention of a religion you dislike has to be some form of D&C. I'd like to remind you that Christianity was much more buddy-buddy with Holla Forums far longer than Kekism ever was.
Congrats on being the mudshit equivalent here on Holla Forums.
You actually gonna try and answer my question, or keep dodging it? Where are your sources?
I get my sources about Christianity from the Gnostics, Demiurge cultist.
It's not subversion, it's augmentation. You want a Christian Holla Forums? Go to >>>/christpol/
Oh, so you're basically spouting bullshit about something you have no clue about? I've been seeing this "Volcano Demon/Moloch" meme bullshit constantly, but no one's ever cared to explain what the fuck they meant by that. Glad to know I've found the source.
Sorry, but we aren't going anywhere. Your tiny minority of vocally butthurt anti-Christian fags will just have to deal with it. Holla Forums has and always will be a Christian board.
Hmmm, care to back your "Majority Christian" claim? I recall a poll that said most people on Holla Forums are areligious.
Here's a poll conducted on /christian/ - I doubt you'll like the results, Abrahamist.
The election is over, faggot. Trump worship doesn't make you fit in anymore.
I just finished this dank OC, and I see this on the frontpage.
So I find it appropriate to post it - a sign if you will, in the name of kek.
As to answer your question OP; I say we woke up something awesome - the numbers dont lie.
Remember thine curse. Remember what your ancestors did to their host societies. Remember, the curse laid upon your race by all who exiled your kind. Remember: you were never meant for this world.
Doh, off by one!
kek, why have you forsaken me?
Got evidence of said poll, or just spouting more bullshit?
I could find you some images on Normiebook of white girls with nigger boyfriends. Does that prove white women are hopeless?
Besides, their religion demands proselytization, so living in a non-Christian country of whites to convert them would be more in line with doctrine. Showing screens of /christian/ as evidence of the uselessness of the religion is disingenuous, and I think you know that.
Shills can plague Holla Forums, but when it comes to other boards, they don't dare try it, do they? Why would a shill want to try and turn the entire board against Holla Forums? Doesn't make a lick of sense to me, no siree.
Hi CommonFilth.
The point of that poll was to show that even your brothers of faith on 8ch disagree with you. Have another image depicting your /christian/ friends as the cucks they are.
Also, you worship the lying Biblical "God". Enjoy your false Book of Exodus, Jew dog.
I see christkikes are trying to ruin a meme magic thread as usual.
I came here to smug at you.
That's a sad poll to see. I'd much rather live among white pagans. You can have any ideological differences you want at that point, since your blood is the same so it won't matter at the end of the day at all.
I mean if you're just going to use random operations until you find 7 you can go even further.
lus you didn't even mention that it will be 2017
And you completely ignore the entirety of my post. Thanks for proving just how disingenuous you really are.
We were here first. Don't like it? Fuck off.
We've been up for a while guy. Welcome to the party
And I'd be happy to accept you if you renounce your theological penchant for Evangelism/proselytization. No point having a brother in blood who wants to wage another Northern Crusade because I refuse his religion.
Heh. Holla Forums is a Kekite board.
Ok sure. You can have your Tawainese board. We'll keep the land :^)
Áss Almáttki, Brahma, God Almighty the creator. Not to be confused with the semetic tyrant on the mountain.
Go search for Numerology. The operations are not random, but whether or not it has something to do with reality is the tricky part and where you can choose to believe or laugh.
That's where all the big get's (primarily before the election) comes in, as some predictions matches real events. Then again it is up to you what you make of it all.
He wishes to defend his internet safe space since he feels threatened by reality like most worthless degenerate millennial NEET's.
Has anybody else noted the connection between Mr. Trump's involvement in Vegas and the gambling meme? What I'm hedging at here is the importance and high regard in which the number 7 is held in the casinosphere. Any thoughts? Remember, goyim, it's never a coincidence!
In particular the one before Castro died and some about Trump.
This is a forced meme started by the mods on halfchan around the time of the Priya incident.
Who said "Might is Right"? If that were true, I'd have to renounce NatSoc for proving less mighty than Communism. I simply brought up the fact that Holla Forums went from an areligious board to one charged with Kek's energy. There was never a time when Holla Forums was Christian, a failure on your part. We succeeded where you failed because Kekism is truth and your demon god YHWH is false.
I am getting really fucking sick of butthurt anti-Christians and Christians [email protected]/* */ and fucking up threads.
Make designated religion argument thread and stop fucking up other threads you goddamn Cunts
All you would have to do is say " nah, i dont want anything to do with your religion "and the worst a christian will do is pout
Or just make christian memes and shit to try and persuade people
kek is scary to me tbh
i just got this image in my head of this giant frog with huge eyes like the basilisks in dark souls and its pitch black like the tomb of giants also in dark souls and then you just see his eyes
a huge semi-sentient primordial frog known as kek
then he gobbles you up and thats what you get for worshipping him
All that DEUS VULTing kinda failed tbh.
Kek would seem scary to those with certain sensibilities, but not to me. I wouldn't mind basking in the waters of the Void.
There's more significance to the number seven than meets the eye here.
Remember the pajeets in pic related who literally worshipped Trump? They believe that there are seven figures prophesized to bring an end to Kali Yuga (age of materialism, death of cultural soul.) They believe that Hitler was the sixth figure. Guess who they believe is the seventh and final figure prophesized to end the Kali Yuga once and for all?
That's right.
Kekism is edgy and contrarian, that is why it wins here. Look at the demographics of this place and half-chan and you can see why edgy uber alles. Personally, I adhere to a very edgy interpretation of Christianity which is not incompatible with Kekism or Erisian chaote practices. That is why I like it here, I think you guys are "doing it right" regardless of what you call it.
I think Kekists are great.
A lot of christians hate "deus vult" and call it larping.
Wicca faggots are annoying, but they don't oppose "smite them with Thors might" talk.
And if they do, then only to use some curse or spell instead.
The demoness of the Kali Yuga (Whose name escapes me) is supposed to come riding on a DONKEY (Symbol of Democrats). Perhaps the slaying of Hillary is the beginning of the end of the Kali Yuga.
Why not the whole party?
Any form of Christianity that worships YHWH is incompatible with Kekism. If you simply love Jesus as Truth then yes you could be compatible.
Well the democrats have plenty of naive kids with good White blood in them. No sense murdering them. Also, the Pendulum Swing works both ways and we should work to accomplish as much as possible during this rightward swing. A liberal world can survive without Jews.
I meant the donkey not the people. Unless they change internally they might loose a lot in 8 years and by then a third party might step up to fill the void.
Firstly, you don't decide what Kekism is, the greater overbody of esoteric kekist followers decide that. Ecumenically speaking your approval is unimportant. As revealed by dubs you don't always speak for Kek, you just sometimes get it right.
Secondly, I doubt your understanding of the religions of the world, let alone Christianity, is deep enough to understand any sort of unpacking I could do to explain the syncretic nature of my world view (you might call it religion, but to me it is holistic - samsara if you will). Needless to say I am a social chameleon when it comes to these beliefs and I don't explain them to any other than my inner-circle.
It behooves one to be a Christian at work, a Kekist on half-chan and a chaote in bed.
What have we done.
Fine, try to commune with the Old Gods with YHWH the Usurper still in your heart. Don't blame me when it fails.
Ye slay the donkey.
is this true? it can't be true
No, YOU don't decide what Kekism is. You sound like a total fag, in fact.
Jewish deception is to use inversion endlessly. Their MO is to subvert anything of importance while maintaining its outward appearance. That being the case, who knows how many legitimate symbols and ideas have been tainted by Kike co-opting?
Hey, it's fair.
nu-Holla Forums is like old-/x/ - man 2017 is going to be a wild year.
You're right, I don't decide. Truth is nobody will decide because at that point the magic dries up. The second you guys attempt to establish canon or an ecumenical council, or a physical church, that is when the shark has been jumped. It would then literally be a forced meme at that point.
Some people call me a holy man, others call me a shit head. Perhaps we should embrace and pray together? you can feel the bulge through my robes.
Jews don't own numbers.
Yes it's true.
A dark object will pass before the sun on the day of his anointing, but will only be visible from where he stands.
No faggot
Lad everyone knows 8 is the true holy number.
The only evil number is 6 right?
seven sevens forming one seven, m8
Heavenly sevens put it beyond question, get onside with the trump train or side with the unclean ones.
Taking digits as truth only weakens them. Observe them with a clear, concentrated mind but follow them. Kek must maintain his cover of plausible deniability at all times.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: DO THE MATH.
Trump will be 70 years, 7 months, and 6 days old on January 20th. OFF BY ONE!
So lads what happens in 18 years when Trump turns 88?
Beginning of the SPACE REICH?
Honestly that depends on how you count the days.
His inauguration will be on the 7th day of the 7th month of his 70th year. It's your math that's off.
It will be the 7th month of his 70th year, on the 7th day. It will be his 7th day. He will be 70, 7 months, and 7 days on January 21st, because the 7th day of his 7th month of his 70th year will have passed. Inauguration day is that day.
I hope. Barron will take the throne of his father and lead us all into a new golden age in space.
Barron is the MC
Also this is the 5777 year of the Hebrew calendar.
Just another interesting "coincidence"
Try again and remember: nobody is ever "0 days" old. You have to start with 1 day old.
His first day in office is Inauguration Day. The instant he takes that oath, he is President of the United States. You can't move the goalposts to fit your narrative.
So a baby's first day of life doesn't start until 24 hours have passed since it left the womb?
fug, i cri evertiem
A baby's first day out of the womb is their 1st day. They are "1 day old" for the first 24 hours.
Again it really really depends on how you count the dates.
you don't belong here, queer
No, it doesn't. That's how it works. It's the same reason there is no "January 0th". The first 24 hours are "January 1st". Only Jews change rules to fit their narrative. You a Jew?
That's not how it works. It is obvious you never had a child. Painfully obvious.
You sound like a fat wiccan larper
I made no mention of his first day in office. You can't move the goalposts to fit your narrative.
By that logic, a person is 1 year old for the first 365 days of their life, therefore they are 1 year old the instant they come out of the womb. That's not the case though. "X time old" indicates how much time has PASSED. You're one day old after your first day, you're one month old after your first month, and you're one year old after your first year. Use your fucking head.
Whatever fits your narrative, Jew.
Looks like we've found the kike
OP did:
That is Inauguration Day.
Singledubs confirm.
You can't even into kek
Praise be to Kek.
It changes nothing about what I said. You're trying to distract from the fact that you have no argument. You sound like a Jew.
Good idea.
I'm not Jewish but Jews have a tendency to always blame others of what they themselves are guilty of, unprompted.
In the Ogdoad, repeating digits created the universe.
Kek brings light from darkness, order from chaos.
I am a Christian but tend to agree with this. For the most part the Old Testaments' "God" doesn't count as benevolent being. What kind of a good deity murders all the firstborn infants of a country because kikes summoned him with blood magic?
Your first mistake was defining God by man's cuckish standards. God is God. He can slay who he wants and save who he wants, since all that Is is his to begin with.
kill yourself with your forced memes
the others were cool though
Holla Forums has always hated christcucks. Fedora-tipping atheists are more respectable than cucks to a jewish "faith".
You can attempt to force the meme that Holla Forums is christcuck all you like, but it's only going to end the same way every other kike scheme does; it will backfire on you.
The majority of Holla Forums is either non-religious or unironically praising Kek. Christcucks are a cancerous minority, much like their Abrahamic cousins, the mudslimes and the kikes.
Even kikes don't believe this.
cuckstianity not even once
okay. The animals certainly don't buy into that larping.
Oh so you're a kike. Because only kikes use the non-logic you obviously run on.
Well I guess we should choose Jews before Egyptians just because "Lol God lmao". Exodus didn't happen but the Jews want you to think it did, and your precious YHWH abided by it.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Attend to your head injuries.
Not an argument. You're cucking and you know it.
Egyptians are gone, idiot. All that's left are a pack of sandniggers.
O fuck here it comes. SPAMNIGGER
Reported for intl.
Fuck off Goon
This is why you Christcucks, like Holla Forums had to go off and make your own board, then even that was too much for you, so you fractured AGAIN.
Reported for intl.
Man people really are desperate to [email protected]/* */ Kek threads lately.
Are Goons mad that we didn't become Discordian faggots?
Ye Egypt died slowly after the (((Bronze Age Collapse))) and it wouldn't surprise me if your YHWH's precious Israelites were the ones behind it. I mean, the latter days of Egypt were marked with (((Mass Immigration, Miscegenation, and Stagnation))) after all.
Okay. Complain about God's methods if you want. It won't change diddly. This smacks of democracy, where the tinest pleb should have equal voice with men of high objective value.
Goons also seem to be employing the typical tactics of being insufferable faggots on both sides of the argument and then forcing anons into an argument where they're tricked into falling for a false dichotomy.
Keep this shit up faggots and we're going to remember Combetta and make a concerted effort to get SA's servers seized by Sessons's DOJ for CP.
First off, the jews need to be lined against a wall and shot, from the jew in the cradle to the jew in the elder's home. I don't care about them. They're a pack of lying homosexuals, the first holocaust didn't happen but it definitely should have.
And yes, mass immigration is another reason why. From what I know, Rome also fell to mass immigration. It's the sole killer of nations.
The biggest mistake I see in these threads is the inclination to think God still cares about these Jews when the Jews put Him on a cross, when even Pilate the Pagan asked thrice for Christ's amnesty and to be allowed to live.
But God isn't cucking you.
Your belief of Yaweh, created, controlled, and manipulated by kikes, is what is cucking you. Jews are cucking you. You are cucking yourself for jews.
It's probably a mixture of shills, trolls and authentically butthurt christcucks.
So not believing in Yaweh and his totality of alleged powers means that I believe in democracy? You rationalizing being a cuck by calling me a democratist?
Also how does refusing to accept the power of a deity mean that one believes in equality of all things?
If Yaweh wants to rule the Universe, he needs to fight for it.
Not even the Jews worship Yaweh anymore aside from the Orthodoxies. Yaweh is weak, and you are a slave moralist for following him.
>Goons keep trying to [email protected]/* */ Holla Forums knowing that we can sicc the DOJ on them in 30 days
How butthurt are they that they lost the election?
The god of the Old Testament (Yaweh) is fundamentally different than the god Jesus brought forth.
The Jews in the streets cried for Jesus's blood because he was a heretic and defied Yaweh.
Understanding this is the first step for Christians to uncuck themselves.
of fug here they come
that's like saying tavistock
I wonder who is behind this post.
Yaweh is a demon.
Jesus spoke of God, not the demons jews worship. Christians understood this back before Protestantism (created by jews) came along and poisoned the well.
Damn that girl is jewish as fuck, just look at the nose and face.
You take Trump's perfect genes and you get that rat abomination after one generation of jew mix. Disgusting, sad!
You guys do know that if you keep antagonizing us we are sending you all to prison right?
No. Your statement of
is what smacks of democracy. God, as is commonly defined, has complete omnipotence. Next time it rains, go outside and scream loudly against the rain that it needs to stop. You'll do as much good.
First off, I worship God, as defined by total omnipotence and omniscience, and man prospers in his universe based on obedience to the Laws he has set forth for man to follow. I don't fight for some jewish tribal made up god that says they can sin as much as they like and it doesn't matter.
Second, if this "Yahweh" the jews speak of really does have complete power and is, in fact, God of all, then it doesn't matter, because we're all screwed.
Fortunately he's not. Jerusalem existed for centuries and centuries in the Old Testament, despite them killing prophets. You will observe, however, that the God I worship removed his protection from them the moment they crucified Christ. Jerusalem was utterly shattered shortly after.
I worship Jesus, yes. I never claimed to worship Yahweh. My worship is exclusively God and Jesus Christ, who are the same in purpose, albeit separate in bodies.
Anyone found to have ever purchased a SA account is gonna get gassed. Doesn't matter if you did it when you were "just an edgy teen", no exceptions.
Praise kek
Praise Ammit
Still not an argument, just ad hominem.
Could you expand any on this? That is terribly interesting.
Hindus wanting to end this Kali Yuga sounds like something I could get behind.
Yaweh is even described in every fashion as a blood god, he wants first borns, wants foreskins, and makes insane, non-nonsensical demands constantly.
He isn't all that different from Moloch.
Color me surprised.
(off by one) Kek shuns thee!
That's only of the description of the Abrahamist gods.
The more esoteric Gods are fundamental forces of nature and reality personified, not some retard who contradicts himself.
Your view of God is strictly a Jewish one. Jews had inverted nature and made god in the image of a rabbi, with all the faults that follow.
I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your post, because it devolved to "MY BIBLE SAYS" as it's a pointless exercise and has no bearing unless I was also a believer in the Bible.
Also referring to the idea of self-determination as "democratic" is retarded, since you Christians constantly yell "LOL FREE WILL" as to explain away the total impotence of your god.
You believe in theology derived from jewish interpretations of the Word of Christ, there's no point in arguing with someone who believes in bullshit to the very core of his being.
That thing is not a girl, it's a faggot with a boob and a nose job. In ancient times it would've been thrown in a bog along with the rest of the Trump clan.
Only Christcucks are so deluded. Anything that's not a DIRECT QUOTE of Christ is BULLSHIT.
I was talking about the baby rat in the pink not Ivanka you shill.
I see Trump winning just made your resolve to shill harder Liz, this has become your life huh.
Neck yourself.
Yet another harmless delusional.
Man has none. He follows the Laws of this world or he pays a price for it. The only self determination man has is in choosing whether or not he will break the ironclad laws God. If he does such, he pays a price for it. Hence every homosexual is a miserable faggot who should just be put out of their misery with a noose. (replace God with Nature if you must. They are the same. Nature is his handiwork and thus obeys every Law he set forth that our universe runs by.)
You've outed yourself for a kike. Everyone with two braincells knows that Jesus being jewish is a recent disinfo scheme crafted by kikes.
It's extremely obvious that this thread is filled with shills.
Just fumigate it with anime and gore there's no point anymore.
It's gotten worse since Trump was elected. All the DHS shills have switched sides and are now shilling for Trump in order not to lose their job. It's quite a sight to behold.
Let me guess, you got a three hour long autistic youtube video that has no index, bibliography, or sources?
Nice proof, faggot.
You really think you're blending in? You're like a guy in forest camo in the tundra.
It's always been learningchodes life.
That's completely retarded, and in a thousand years your god will be forgotten.
There is no "law" that isn't broken. Sure the 10 commandments are probably somewhat decent suggestions, but there are much better ways to live your life than under the guidance of a rabbinical god-form.
Certainly a very compelling reason to follow Yaweh.
Jesus was essentially trying to reform the Jews from being less evil. It's a shame that European Christians believe that their reformed Judaism is intended for them and not simply a means to curtail the eternal jew.
We truly live in the age of deception.
It's fun watching a dying animal lash out in it's last breaths.
I am here for my entertainment. You guys even act like old-/x/ by calling everyone who disagrees with you a the latest term for outsider. I am just harvesting your loosh, its thick and creamy.
>>Goons keep trying to [email protected]/* */ Holla Forums knowing that we can sicc the DOJ on them in 30 days
Why, how, and what for? What'd they do, again?
Well yeah, Jesus' family was a Berber family integrated into the jewish community. He got woke early seeing jews jewing everyone.
Kill yourself Smiley everyone knows you're a jew. Enjoy the mental institution?
CP and money laundering on their servers and on EVE online.
He's just LARPing. Deep down he knows that he's been had.
If Jesus was a Berber I'll accept him. I'll never accept the God of (((Monotheism))) though.
On the contrary. Some people live by only breaking minor laws. Like eating a cookie. They pay a price for it by packing on fat, but it's not that big a deal by the end of the day.
Can you prove the untruth of this statement? What degeneracy can you plunge into that doesn't have consequences, like turning you into some fat, mentally broken 50 year old hippy after your break said laws for long enough?
t. goon
Jesus didn't even preach monotheism, his followers were just kikes and not smart enough to understand his message. There is no integral difference in the message of Jesus of Nazarene and Prince Siddhartha. Jesus wasn't even trying to create a religion, just get people woke.
I never said that degeneracy doesn't have consequences, I'm saying that god as an entity, who created everything, including evil, is retarded.
Because that means that god is both responsible for the actions you commit, and the punishments that beget from them.
This goes back to my earlier point, about Abrahaminism being an inversion of nature.
So we can be okay with Jesus but still hate Christianity. Sounds like a lovely compromise.
You can't make me go back. The simple fact is I am a harbinger of that which will come here eventually. Enjoy the ride, the demographic shift as the refugees flood into your board will be devastating.
We come from 4chan, your anime posting and gore is old hat, friendo.
t. Trump cuck
Anons are arguing over which Jewish lie is the truth. Yet, they do not seem to understand the crux of the issue.
honestly, we both touch on the same objective truth at this point and are just arguing semantics and route to said objective truth. I just care that man follows objective truth as unbreakable law, I don't care how he does it. That's why I like pagans, and atheists need to be thrown into a lake.
Not everyone who disagrees with you is in some paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy to harm your failing mental well being. Although if others here are doing that, I applaud them.
Unfortunately though, this place already feels like half chan. Albeit with less reddit. I might lose interest and leave depending on how much loosh there is to be had.
Go REEEEE somewhere else you shitty NEET.
It's called a paragraph, you illiterate millennial.
Not everyone but you show clear signs of being exactly what you get get defensive about and proceed to attempt to downplay.
Is the CP part actually confirmed?
They worship a frog unironically. There isn't much more harm anyone can do.
It being "law" is incorrect in the way we would think of actual laws you can't break without having real immediate punishment from an entity like the state. Sure it's probably a semantic difference we're arguing about.
Sitting on your ass eating cookie dough all day doesn't need a law to guide people from it. The action of doing that is intrinsically what begets the consequences of turning into a fat slob who dies prematurely. You don't get punished for it because divine scripture says so, but because actions themselves often beget reactions. That is nature, things happen and interact with each other and only very rarely is there no discernible reaction.
What is the source of this image?
It's called reddit spacing you fucking goon.
I'm thirty years old you stupid goonigger.
If you were born from 1981 to 1997 you're a millennial. After '97' you're post millennial.
No clue. you can probably crop the photo part and do an image search.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of discourse, and can have one or more sentences. Of course, being autistic and illiterate you wouldn't know that. It's ok, I understand how hard it is to sit still for more than 15 minutes without trolling for feedback from some user in a desperate bid to garner the attention your father never gave you.
Downplay? I am a paid shill and shitposter, just not the kind you think I am.
No, comrade general, this is only the beginning.
Jesus Christ, that was easier than I thought!
This is one spicy outsider meme, it's great how cuckchanners out themselves on command.
Hitler dubs are now required to explain basic grammar and status of boards.
something has gone very wrong.
I was taught that a paragraph needs to have 6 sentences minimum, and it makes your writing look less like a nigger wrote it.
Why are you replying to yourself?
It may be a different ID but it's still your own post.
Only if I have schizophrenia I never knew I had. Check my ID history and you'll see me and user I posted too have been having two very different conversations with different anons through this thread.
And yet your posting styles and use of idiosyncratic language is identical. Either you're the same person or all from cuckchan.
Your mind is ripe for implantation of memes. You are not reeady for what is next.
Also, yes, I am from 4chan, nothing to be ashamed of really. I already told you earlier in this very thread. It is a warning, the demographic shift is now.
So everything you write is a niggerpost, 10-4 rubber ducky.
Mental illness is no joke. The horror of these threads is what keeps me coming back. What is even better is when people claim they analyze the writing style of your post so that they can claim that all who are against them exist as some monolithic and singular shitposter.
I don't know which is more delusional and horrifying (ie. entertaining): The "all the shitposters are in a conspiracy against me" folks or those who take the aforementioned "everyone is a samefag but me" route.
Kek is not the god of chaos, it is the god of order surging from chaos.
noice brooch
You misunderstand chaos.
Chaos brings forth order and order reverts to chaos. It is Jewish dualism that would lead you to believe that Chaos and Order are in opposition.
This guy gets it.
video related, learn your place
As in donald trump's situation, his inauguration is basically this; 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old, the 7 is special because that is the number of God.
now lets look at the 7 faithless electors and 77 electoral votes, you tell me that none of this shit is prophetical, you'd be insane to refuse these numbers have any meaning.
sukk a dick, rabbi
Nice nerd posting / CTR formattting
reported for child pornography and cancer.
Learn the context of the old Gods.
Blood God means God who demands sacrafices.
The gods of the Ogdoad and ancient Europe don't demand sacrifices and are therefore not blood gods.
Old gods are mirbund, Hitler himself said it. You aren't gonna revive them anymore than larping fat wiccan bitches dancing in the park thinking its the woods.
Also furthermore, Hitler had a public image as being a christian, yet had the SS which was a militarized Occult force that was devoted to understanding their european pagan roots and traditions.
If you think Gods can die like a man, you don't understand the circumstances that allow them to exist.
Source on the frog in the super hero comic, please.
The attempt at division between le larps and le christcucks is wholly created by intl and leftypol, probably jidf as well at this point since they cannot consensus crack anything except by artificially inflating that only apparent point of contention on Holla Forums and it's a tiny contention at that.
He really was a great man. Did you know about the guy who trained him? He went from being a painter to being a bit of a dilettante in that time.
So 25% of /christian/'s population.
Who? I know about the various figures that inspired him or he consorted with, but I'm not sure as to who trained him in the esoteric.
The Sumerians held the number 7 in high regards and taught that to the Akkadian, with whom they later formed the Babylonian Empire. They then taught the Ancient Egyptians about this number, and how to empire, too. The New Testament was written to "absolve" the Old Testament which was largely stuff taken from the Ancient Egyptians and rewritten to fit the Semites.
The Babylonians and the Egyptians were white. The Hebrews weren't.
Europoor spotted.
They tried to get God on their side and gave him a name. Later he came back, slapped their asses in their Second Temple, and refused to die. Now he's had enoguh and came back and we call him Kek.
I like how it sounds.
We sacrificed being "chads" (alpha negative) in a chad culture. Before knowing him it did hurt. It did hurt bad. It still hurts.
This is why we say "tfw no gf".
He doesn't demand. He wants remedy.
First we need a proper theology and some rules to live by.
Then again, greenpilled folks will say organized religion in itself is a cancerous meme, which is why the Hingus prosper.
Fixed a typo.
who don't exist just like YHWH doesn't exist.
Not sure, I believe fellow died in '38 and had been Hitler's confidant and money man, making sure he had a place to live. The guy was an occult figure, and Hitler then took the helm of the fellows cult upon his passing. I hope some of that rings a bell with you, as the book is at home and this thread might be dead before I can look it up.
guess what year it is in (((our land)))?
Sounds familiar, I might have heard about him.
I'd be interested in reading about it if you ever find the name of the book.
It's a good rule of thumb to have paragraphs consisting of between 3 and 6 sentences, depending on the length of the sentences. This whole "reddit spacing" meme is, in my opinion, pretty much just shitposting, but there are good and bad ways to format your text. The goal should be to make your text easily readable and pleasant to look at, not some autistic "hurr X number of lines/characters/sentences is good/bad!" bullshit.
Normally I wouldn't give a shit, but this stuff is starting to get real annoying, since we have this argument in every fucking thread. How about instead of arguing about "REDDIT SPACING" and "MUH PARAGRAPHS" you just format your posts in a way that isn't an eyesore? It's not hard!
I'm still waiting for the radioactive sharks.
That's deep mang
Go back to israel
No you don't, and I don't want to argue with you about it. There is a book you might be able to find called "The Occult Technology of Power", it is very concise about how to do it. I will not provide a summary as I feel the internet for as much as it spread data, reduces knowledge as people are spending more time looking for shortcuts to their issues instead of using the vast amounts of data to enlighten themselves.
Eh, I get your point about trying to format your text to be a non-eyesore, but I don't think a rule of thumb is applicable. Joyce's Ulysses comes to mind as a stark counterpoint to your assertion.
It is in the final chapter of Jonathan Vankins' Conspiracies, Coverups and Crimes. It is not easy or perhaps even possible to find a digital copy.
But on Inauguration Day (Jan 20) when he takes the Oath, which is when his term officially begins, he'll be 70 yrs 7 months and 6 days old — so close!
But I guess Jan 21st will be his first full day on the job, and on that day, sure enough, he'll be 70 yrs 7 months 7 days old.
Yeah, there is no 0 AD/BC, new era
Sounds anarchic.
Sounds semitic.
I'd rather have virtues and community rather than simple power.
With power you can lead and protect your community. With power you can instill your community with the virtues and laws you decide, and they will accept them because they respect you.
The reason I do not wish to argue is that there is no point to it. This is no democracy, and since I do not know you I do not respect you. It sounds awful to say that, but it is true. You do not have my respect simply because you are born a human and you certainly have no vote since you cannot compel one through your personal power. Religion isn't a constitutionally derived institution, it's dogma and theology isn't decided by a committee in the open for all adherents to see and agree to.
Arguing with you would be like arguing with the wind.
Do you happen to have a link to this text of power? I don't want to (((google))) it.
Maybe I didn't say anything because, like I said, I wont argue with him. Maybe I knew he would superficially judge the book without making any attempt to have a reasonable discussion with me.
Why are you so upset that I am doing what I said I would do? Is consistency and intellectual honesty triggering you?
It is not on undernet or tpb, you might be able to find it in your local library system or Amazon.
Pick one.
Prose needs to be formatted differently from an imageboard post, since the two are obviously not comparable in terms of complexity. However, this doesn't mean you should just put a line break after every sentence. Just write shit legibly(greentext though is a whole different beast when it comes to grammar rules).
Care to explain?
I'm just pointing out to you and everyone here that you are the reason why "everyone is stupid but me.jpg" exists. Feel free to be a blowhard and throw more non committal statements while pretending to be on the intellectual high ground.
Muri des
Palingenesis such as the fascists believed in implies a cyclical conception of time, much like what was held prior to the rise of Abrahamic religions with their historical, progressive, "eventful" time - eschatology, a continuous coming to be of Being to climax somewhere in the future (Judgement Day, but also Communist utopia) in place of the cyclical regeneration of the "quality" of Being. This is why in belief systems with an underlying cyclical conception of time there are ages like the Kali Yuga since every cycle ends with a degeneration of Being's "quality" with chaos taking over. Once chaos completely reigns, the world "dies" to be reborn afresh, whereas in eschatological time there is a continuous outgrowth.
It is important to note where the "utopia" is placed: In progressive or eschatological time it lies in the future, for the cyclical time it is in the past. The past with its mythical heroes and ancestors is therefore typically venerated in the latter as they belong to a rejuvenated and qualitatively superior phase. Saints and martyrs, on the other hand, are much rather representatives of critical and unique events better fitting into a framework of progressive time.
After the way 2016 has gone, I can only hope 2017 includes me finally having a chance to ask out the aryan qt I work with.
Praise his holy name and smite those that insite HIM.
Praise kek. Praise his holiness. Praise his Grace.
Kek Is the light.
Well, why don't they move to africa then. There are tons of 100% christian tribes in Congo.
Stop posting your trash waifu everywhere, the hairclip doesn't even makes any sense, fuck.
7 is a number that holds significant meaning to people already, it has nothing to do with Kek. But since that number is significant, Kek might choose that number to communicate significance to us. 88 is also thought to be used by Kek in this manner.
For this great deed I propose a virgin sacrifice to Kek!
Also this, in case anyone forgot
and in Bliblical years, 2017 is 777
holy shit..
Gobble me up Kek!
so close, looks like k-k doesn't like 88 after all
Your divisive shilling is weak
Go try and divide and conquer somewhere else, schlomo
Obvious goons are obvious.
Isn't that practically renounced by the pope himself?
The Old Gods failed before and they'll fail again
source? Everything i saw said 6.
I am troubled by your methodology
maybe he does something crazy on jan 21st?
How did Jeebus not fail? Only niggers and mexicans believe in his kikery.
Uuodanz will only be slain once all his children are dead.
The Germans still live.
Have you taken the time to bow before your master. How does it make you feel?
You might have thought me to make this but these are real Orthodoxy images, and I have more.
Interesting goys, I saw the same thing posted in this thread, and post related
Trump is destined to lead our people.
I had a dream last night that a big guy handed me a green frog and it started to shit all over the place, not like a little frog shit, but like a few shovel loads of really goopy brown shit that smelled REALLY bad.
What does this mean?
no the biblical year is 6017
the modified jewish calender is 5777
I'm not even surprised anymore. Kek works in magical ways.
He's a big guy
Behold! The death of man has come!
There is a better word for that, you underage fag.
Only to be reborn as SUPERMAN.
More like trees and animals. From compost.
That's a pretty nigger-tier mentality user.
7 is gods perfect number, lay down your heathen ways and know that the true lord of the cosmos is smiling down upon you, not some frog.
Reminder that the tribalism and religious fanaticism in the bible, contradicts Mein Kampf.
What's the difference?
Die human abomination. We must secure the extinction of mankind and a future for animal children.
new covenant is some antichrist bs, if you are an israelite you must uphold the covenant as always, if you are not you can be made part of the nation if you do decide to uphold it and do gods will regardless
Kek is the cancer killing Holla Forums