Holla Forums tries to decipher

post your guesses, and if you think someone else's guess is right, then elaborate on it!

my guess:
division between two worlds. east and west. christian vs. communist. both sides will rise and make a comeback to fight each other. We all know Trump wants to fuck with China. We all know this SJW/PC culture is marxist at the core.

Trump will use the USA to rule globally, and retake the US' role as policemen of the world. Expect more invasions and interventions.

We see the three branches of government. We see books, paintings, theater and divine books. All on a globe, across all continents. This is about world government, world religion, world education and entertainment. All being globalized.

Definition of "Hermit":
You see the anti TTP signs, streets full of people, broken globe symbolizing anti-globalism. Expect mass protests and uprisings. Rise of a new reclusive mentality, people want to live isolated from everything else. MGTOW fags come to mind, and men hating feminists. End of nuclear family and collectivism.

Nuclear war. Famine/Starvation (like in Venezuela atm). Drought.

Automation of labor. 3D printing bringing a new era of industrial production. VR being used to distract people from their meaningless jobs.

Cycle of politicians. Being recycled, two party systems going back and forth. Being elected, and being punished (like the torture wheel).

Not sure. May be about the rise of internet celebrities, being idolized as stars (stars as used in the bible). Or us sending settlers to outer space.

shit I hope it's way wilder than that fucking bullshit you posted. I want to fucking kill people in the U.S. and I am fucking going to.

Magician is meme magic

and infinity is Holla Forums

I was just going to post the lyrics to Roundabout, but fuck you for being stupid.

Chaotic times and downfall of a power
Not to be TAKEN literally, it signal change.
Great potential and/or talent
Represent changing fortunes

Didn't we cover this ages back?

We are the original meme magicians. 4chan are just posers.

Well the OP seems to be the cover of some magazine or something. We've definitely covered tarot cards and such in the past regarding trump though you're right, that's why I'm saging. Newfags may find this thread interesting though who weren't around then.

Christianity and Communism fight each other, while from above a force representing lighting (the old European gods) destroys the tower they are both build on.

Nah, we've covered this whole thread before. The cover is like a month old or something.

It also signifies powerful masculine energy.

Yes. It derailed into anons posting birth cards near the end. Holla Forums acting like 15 year olds who just found a personality quiz website, not something I wish to see replicated

holy shit you newfag

I think it's three levels.

branches of government
education, art and media

all being the same across all continents.

Well they were interesting.
Our recent interest in mysticism has yielded interesting results.
I don't think we'd have made the pizzagate connections without the better understanding of symbolism.

I'm still Hitler's grandson.


It's one and the same



Fuck this faggot rothschild bullshit kikery.
Regards, user.

Relax, Francis.

Dont forget satan the lightbringer in The Hermit. Just like the art cover of stairway to heaven, from ledzepplin

my guess is, is their sliver of credibility is so fucking shit and trash (not enough penn jilette memes in existence to express that now, they have to resort to hocus pocus gypsy bullshit I.E. Tarot cards for anyone to bother paying attention to what they have to say for more than 10 seconds to their utter failure of propaganda

are the marchers in the hermit frame doing a seig heil?


One of the stars seems to be Rachel Maddow so I guess it means globalist shills who will save liberal-democracy or something.

Agree with the rest.

the order/layout

Depends how you do it.
I use a fifteen card spread usually.
There's also the cross pattern too.