Why are anarchists like this?
Why are anarchists like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why aren't you?
why does this thread exist
what are you, a fag?
Who dat
I quite like the smell of burning petrol, and I'm willing to try new things.
Not saging to draw attention to the seemingly endless well of tankie stupidity.
This is now a dubs thread
Check em
wow good job
Because anarchists have no theory and their cultural level doesn't exceed that of Adbusters
Is somebody pretending to be a tankie to make them look bad? I don't know what else could have possessed someone to make a thread like this.
TOP KEK the anarkiddies truly are triggered today
And yet, many posts in this thread are agreeing with OP, indicating that this is what tankies are actually like.
It's probably just the one autismo from /marx/.
They post here every now and then and do nothing but, well, this.
It seems that there are two tankie shitposters on this board right now. and I`m one of them. Who are you OP?
Are all tankies virgins?
I am the alpha and the omega
Wait shit wrong flag
Virginity should not be seen as negative trait, rather it should be ignored.
This bourgeois cultural hegemony along cultural norms that have been influencing western culture since 60`s are full of degeneracy.
Sex is not commodity, nor thing that you should have with strangers or people who you barely know.
Sex is thing that should be ideally reserved between lovers, to strenghten their relationship, an intimacy shared by only them. Also, all research indicates that sex does help in emotional bonding with person you´re having it with.
All of you sick fucks who still support this cesspool culture of "sexual liberation" set forward in this capitalist society to make it commodity and norm make me sick.
Our modern culture in this regard is destructive both for mind and spirit of my fellow men out there.
This culture that is fed to masses by capitalist class via mass media and mainstream culture is destroying our views on sex and society.
There should be no reason to tolerate this degenerated culture and not to strike against it via counter culture.
I agree "virginity" is stupid but you're still pretty assblasted m8
Aren't you that faggot that was obsessed with the socdem youth party whatever and got cucked by a conservative?
I don't know how else you could live as a tankie without taking this philosophy in life
nice trips gomrade
Anarchism and virginity cannot coexist. Its either fuck or become a bootlicker.
Aren't anarchists just people that never grew out of the FUCK YOU DAD phase of their teenage years?
Yup that's us
What makes you think so? Where have you heard that?
Yep. Rational mature grown up folks love to lick boot, its sensible and completely sane to give up individuality and liberty.
No that's the alt-right with their obsession with Daddy Trump.
We're the people who play in shitty bands and have weird sex.
Some guy posted a bunch of pictures of her and complained that he wanted to fuck her a while back. If you are him it explains why you're so autistic about sex.
Nice trips
I think that my obsessions are fairly normal for a 20-year old virgin.
[no argument available]
So that was you?
Or maybe statists are manchildren that need to be taken care of by an omnipotent authority figure.
This is why anarchists need theory. Not even a virgin
How does it feel to be cucked by a conservative?
Why are moralfag retards like this?
If anything, that's exactly the sort of thing anarchists would oppose. Pretty sure that poster was just memeing.
Why Tankies are fucking Nazis?
what is it about authortirianism that draws in autists like insects to a lantern? Parental issues? Feelings of sexual inadequacy?
I wasn't passing that post off as theory, it just saved me the time of typing up a response. And why do you think that user was "memeing?"
Never said that
They feel inferior by their own, so they have to compensate it, by joining in a group that will fill their internal voids and shortcomings.
Just look at Joseph goebbels for example.
I think most tankies are legitimately autistic. Lots of them can't seem to tell shitposting apart from sincerity.
Dude, this is leftypol. Why would you expect anyone to give a fuck about virginity? We're not Holla Forums.
It's pretty fucking implied when you state:
To spell it out, you're objecting to his argument on the basis that virginity should be seen as a negative trait.
Do you know how to take a joke
Are you in the same thread? And no, not everyone is as mature as you to quit making a big deal about nothing
Do you know how to make a joke?
maybe they just think ironically enjoying the society of the spectacle means capitalism is winning.
Tbh, I laugh at anyone who's past the teenage years and is still a virgin.
But that's just me.
i chuckled but you should still pull the stick out of your ass.
Someone who you used to look up to for years ideology succeeding in life(getting elected as MP,rising in party ranks into the position of party chair) on itself is quite painful. Add into that the factor that she used to be a former crush whom you happened to confess your feelings too? Feels horrible on so many levels, not to mention the actual cucking part or the fact the she seems ideologically so far gone that there is no saving her just adds up to my pain.
would you laugh at someone who lost their virginity at 19 ?
Not him but yes. But I laugh at everyone.
Are you a tankie because you're bitter at getting cucked? Because honestly that would explain a lot.
Jason pls.
Lemme see.
Nineteen, nine+teen… teen, teenage.
No, tbh.
There is that, but I think it has to more to do with fact that I did read up on theory what eventually made me change those views.
wew I'm safe
Feel free to laugh at me, then. I'm just too schizoid to form any real relationships with anyone, let alone sexual ones. Also I'm grossed out by people and think sex is disgusting.
Fuck you, asshole.
For an "anarcho-nihilist" you sure have a lot in common with the types over at Holla Forums
This FFS!
comrades! the revolution cant be done with wankers!
Wait, what?
Isn't Holla Forums filled to the brim with whining virgin faggots?
whining virgins and people claiming they're so much better than the whining virgins because they got their dick wet one time before their partner realized how horrible a person they were.
Its another we pretend to be dumb tankies thread.
not possible
What kind of triple postmodern irony is that?
Clearly joking autistic tanky
You mean check these.
Feels awkward tbh fam.
A simple 'yes' would have sufficed
Are you Adrian Mole?
Anarchist are opportunistic faggots
What do you mean?
Whenever anarchist and communist join forces to stop fascist you faggots attack your own
u talking 2 me u stupid tankie faget?
kekalonia never forged
kronstadt never forged
Oh please you idiots never have any idea what to do after you win
Neither do you though.
Atleast we win from time to time
Can't we be friends guys?
Nothing says winning like collapsing into capitalism run by oligarchs.
some anarchist said something irrelavant on the internet, anarchism destroyed
all hail the state
look lads we both know that humans haven't evolved to the point where they can be leaderless and live in commune with each other, instead of actively fighting against it, let nature take its course.