Can this be word filtered into something funny, please?
Not an argument!!!!! xDDDD
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tbh, kys. You are simply too salty,cucked and triggered individual for this board.
You don't even sound like a tankie, tbh.
Not an argument.
Tankiefag is right, stop being a faggot.
"Not an argument" is the best thing to keep people on this board from spewing bullshit since "spooks"
Le not le argument maymay is fucking retarded, yes, but I am more worried about the unironic usage of "tbh, fam" and related cancer language.
I don't know, I've been kind of into it since we appropriated it into "famrade"
This is why I can't use the tankie flag anymore. You're ruining everything
I hope that guy gets in a debate with a real philosopher some day so I can watch him get his ass handed to him.
Please try at least a little harder.
He already got BTFO'd by Chomsky.
You already complained about it on another thread. Just let it go, liberate yourself form the flag or join the funposting vanguard.
God I hate these comics
Here's some ad hominem
Why would you like the phrase to be filtered? Hit me. Bonus points if you can explain why you find it unfunny.
Nope, didn't intend any resemblance
Like this? Is this what it's like to be in the vanguard?
I wouldn't have as much as a problem with using the tankie flag if people didn't fling your words away and respond "TANKIE" like it's some kind of insult instead of actually talking.
Because it's incredibly obnoxious and was popularized by a raving lunatic.
Flags were a good idea at start, but at this point for a board that is supposedly against identity politics people sure are emotionally invested in these flags.
when? how?
So should do away with flags altogether, or keep a few to broadly define oneself? We don't need a dozen flags for all of the snowflake anarchist ideologies, they could all fly a black flag or whatever. Same for others.
We should rather do away with the meme flags like /politics/ has done. After all, we want this board to be base for serious left-leaning discussion.
The first flag that should go is yours.
I always find it funny on leftypol how anons complains about ML repression and whatnot, then go on to say something about "not wanting us here."
Anyways, I"d be fine with the tankie flag disappearing if it meant some alternative ML flag that wasn't edgy
I can't speak for everyone, but I know I don't want you here.
Marxist-Leninism is a shit ideology, and the vast majority of MLs on the Internet do nothing then worship the USSR as a divine being and completely alienate anyone that might be inclined to become a leftist. You're all cancerous pieces of shit that discredit leftism.
stay mad, snowflake
Stay completely and utterly irrelevant, tankie faggot.
most people who use that flag have barely read shit about marxism and unironically believe in the "300 billion ded man" meme, they're falseflagging retards who should be sent to gulag
Whoops, left my shitposting flag on.
kek falseflagging shitposter tard who forgot to take off his flag spotted
I'm aware that far too many MLs spend far too much time discussing the USSR compared to other topics of interest, and that this is alienating. However, if the USSR is brought up I'm not going to "admit" it failed or something (pre-1953).
Literally can't go a post without contradicting yourself.
most people who are "libertarian marxist" or "debordist" or whatever the fuck you are havent read shit about marxism and reject marxism-leninism based off memes, but you're not delusional enough to be an anarchist of course.
I reject "Marxist"-Leninism because of the utterly insufferable faggots like yourself that call themselves MLs.
what did we do that was "insufferable"?
Oh so not because of any reasons related to theory or content?
i seriously doubt he's even read anything by marx, not to mention lenin or mao
All of the MLs I've run into have been living memes. Just endless circlejerking about a shitty dead country and even shittier figureheads. You're nominally leftist Holla Forumsyps. You're all constantly saying that everyone needs to be gulag'd, shot, hanged, ect, ect,. You faggots provide endless material for the right to paint all leftists as genocidal lunatics.
Still, this says nothing about the ideology (or better yet, the content/theory of the ideology) of Marxism-Leninism. It's literally the same as painting anarchists as "edgy kids" - it's not an argument.
Didn't pay for it, can't use that as an attack point
so all anecdotal evidences? do you have any valid rejection or criticism for a vanguard party, dictatorship of the proletariat, democratic centralism, anything at all? or are you just going to oppose us with some ad hominems based off personal experience?
i can say the same about every group, anarchists do nothing but engage in mindless "direct action" that doesnt solve anything, propaganda of the deed is a joke that only alienate themselves, snowflake socialists are completely irrelevant in the real world and only flourishes on the internet because of kids who learned about marxism-leninism through anarchists and liberal memes. every group has toxic elements, but that doesnt mean all of us are. personally i think the 20th century is in the past and the cult of personality around stalin is retarded, and supporting actual left wing movements is more important than arguing whether stalin ate toasts or eggs for breakfast.
please give some actual arguments
oh good, you proved to us that you read an essential document that literally every single leftists have read. how glorious
Show me the wonderful successes of Marxist-Leninism. Show me the legacy.
you're using the exact same argument as liberals, you're starting to show yourself as a falseflagging shitposter once again.
now, show me the wonderful success of your version of socialism? where in the world does your perfect form of socialism exists?
I should mention, this whole cult thing that popped up wasn't even intentional by the leadership. The peasants at the time just had an obsession with images as you'd expect of people raised in near-feudal conditions.
Would you happen to have the interview where Stalin himself criticizes his cult of personality?
Nowhere, as of now.
Just a random observation to the OP's picture, but I find it particularly amusing how Ben Garrison has to overtly label every single metaphor he's using in the most ham-fisted way, likely under the correct assumption that his audience is obviously too brain-dead to understand nuance. He does this in every single drawing.
This is just a start, videos like this hardly do justice in full. If anything, let this serve as an interlude before reading some essentials. I highly recommend Lenin's "The State and Revolution."
ok. so do you have any other objections to marxism-leninism, or do you actually not know anything about it and only criticizes it based off liberal and anarchist memes?
shit like that is hard to find i think, >>>/marx/ is probably a good place to ask
Apart from that it was a dismal failure and killed a lot of people, not really. I know that 100 million people weren't killed. No where close to that. Still though, according to people like you, even acknowledging that cessation of life was a process that humans underwent in the USSR, I'm a brainwashed liberal.
so you dont have any actual objections to marxism-leninism in its theory, a vanguard party, a dictatorship of the proletariat, etc? good! we welcome you on board
I gtg, but I'll dump muh graphs cus death tolls got mentioned.
Over the course of nearly 20 years, less than 2 million were killed in total.
edgiest kids ever.
i dont see how the second pic is wrong, he actual makes an extremely valid point saying us supporting jill is like libertarians supporting trump
"Nice argument it convinced me"
Well, they're Holla Forumsacks but they're not leftist.
Firms inability to manage themselves without permission from a central authority lend to the issues we see in the USSR regarding supply of goods. How about that?
That is absolutely horrifying. What is it?
ben garrison draws trump more handsome each passing day.