In celebration of God Emperor Trumps' historic victory today, I'm dumping this:
Million Dollar Presents: How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't
In celebration of God Emperor Trumps' historic victory today, I'm dumping this:
Million Dollar Presents: How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, support the boys
will bump with excerpts from the book
there's no more copies
The book isn't even out yet.
Yes it is you autist
Fuck you I already bought the book.
there's digital and he is considering a second run. just buy it when it comes out.
You can buy an ebook.
Stupid kike.
Nice, I think I'll still drop sam a shekel once I cash my paycheck.
don't think i've fallen for your jewish tactics, kike.
i'll buy a physical copy next print. i've been a long time fan of MDE
I would definitely recommend it. Great book, lots of insight and lots of laughs. Make sure to read all the subtle fine print.
Why isn't this in easy to read PDF form? Did you scan it?
I am going to buy the actual paper book, it's not back in stock, yet.
Also the resolution of this copy is almost impossible to read for some pages.
Pics related are my favorite so far
I got the ebook PDF, these are actually low quality jps I ripped from the pdf. The link I posted has much higher quality pngs. The actual PDF file is like 1GB large. I don't want to upload it in case there is DRM on it. If you want the high quality PDF, you can buy it here:
wow, just skimmed through it. lots of degenerate gay porn and le random comedies. hopefully your next book is better you fuckin faggot.
Link is bullshit. The files are password protected except for one that mentions stormchan. Winrar doesn't even prompt for a pass.
I don't care what you have locally, the link you posted is fucked up. Your autistic ass couldn't even archive a bunch of png's.
Sam, the archive isn't password protected. Calm down and quit trying to MPAA your own book. You should know better than to try Jew tactics.
No doubt in my mind at this point. Kek is real.
You had doubts? Get a load of THIS heretic!
goddamnit sam just have it printed at Amazon
it's clearly satire so they shouldn't have any complaints about its content
it has swastikas in it, so probably not.
Thanks for the book Sam. I love you guys.