… to the problem of government. Not the kind you were expecting, but of grave importance nonetheless. TL;DR: at least read the last part nigger
So what exactly is the problem of government? Most people realize on some instinctual level that it exists, but few, if any, have actually tried to pose it and even fewer – to solve it. It’s been one of the biggest and most important factors contributing to the success of human races ever since the first super-tribal societies started forming roughly 12 thousand years ago. In short, the problem of government may be postulated as this: given a large set of humans, and various non-variable input conditions, how does one make said humans act towards a goal set by the asker? Much like an n-body problem in classical mechanics, this is not one specific math problem, but a generalized set of problems applying to individual situations.
True enough, the short of it is fairly easy to understand. But the second you start looking at the problem looking for a solution, you run into a brick wall. There is no way to solve this analytically. Anyone running a country immediately finds themselves trying to navigate a morass of personal interests, group interests, random shit happening randomly, environmental factors and imperfect control of their subordinates, to state but a few. So for the entire length of human history, imperfect rulers have ruled their imperfect states guided by barely more than intuition. On its own, and in the short term, this approach does not pose any problems so long as the individual or group of individuals in charge are of sufficient intelligence. Yet trouble starts to emerge when the time scale is increased. How does a king account for the actions of his sons? How does a president account for the actions of the voters currently in the crib?
Over the past century, with the emergence of sciences such as sociology, there has been an increasing movement towards governance by the numbers. Which has been failing abysmally. Where the fathers of modern science used experimentation to notice a trend, propose a general model that would produce that trend, and then test it, the social sciences have taken a cargo cult approach. Instead of producing an explanation, they take what amounts to an associative table approach. Run a large number of polls, censi, archival records, etc through some sorting algorithm, produce some distribution of results, write it down, link to a different distribution of results, call it a discovery and receive accolades. Students spend so much time learning statistics that they forget what statistics exist for: identifying trends. That’s it. 1/3
True, having a vast and detailed database of data points and associations gives one considerable predictive ability. As the number of data points and variables accounted for tends to infinity, the error in the prediction tends to 0. The problem here is very simple: the number of data points and the number of variables accounted for is never infinite in practice, and is often pitifully small. Furthermore, without understanding the core moving factors involved, you may always run into entirely unexpected results. Not to mention the amount of computation and analysis involved in producing a result is exacerbated the more complex the task gets. What social science is doing, in a nutshell, could be summed up as trying to obtain an artillery firing solution from a table of previous hits. After firing a hundred rounds with said cannon, accounting for everything you can imagine accounting for, you’ll have a pretty good idea where the gun is going to hit. But then you turn it around, and due to changes in terrain the entire system becomes inaccurate. Or you made all the previous shots on a windless day, and now there is a strong side wind which you don’t know you even have to account for, and lo and behold – the chinks have stormed your trenches. Obviously that’s not the way any war-winning army fights, is it? What’s needed is a fundamental model.
To continue the artillery analogy, now compare it to what the great thinkers back in the day did. They weren’t satisfied with guesses based on results, so they looked at what the projectile is doing when fired. Then, having determined that all shots follow a generally similar shape of path, they began looking for ways to explain that path. In short, it was soon determined that an earth-oriented force is accelerating the projectile downward, therefore its trajectory would be parabolic, giving a baseline. By determining and accounting for the air resistence of the projectile, the wind and the terrain, it becomes possible to solve the problem numerically – massively increasing the chances of hitting the target. It would not have been possible to obtain the model without analyzing data points, but now, with the model in place, it is no longer needed to perform a statistical approximation – a hard ideal solution exists. Errors from this ideal model due to inaccurate or incomplete input are quickly and efficiently mitigated by the use of spotters. Hard firing solutions keep gooks out of friendly trenches.
When we decide to tackle the government problem, it’s immediately apparent that a solution is impossible, not a practical one anyway. Human brains are incredibly complex and non-deterministic from any real world point of view: unless you are aware of the brain’s state at some point in entirety, and then account for every single input, decisions are basically impossible to predict without monitoring the person in real time. Trying to solve for the actions of millions of individuals is beyond the wildest dreams of even the most obsessed kike control freak. So we turn to statistics. But is there really no better way? 2/3
Levi Edwards
MEMETICS: TO PSYCHOLOGY WHAT THERMODYNAMICS ARE TO MECHANICS A container full of gas has many molecules. Too many to count. Far too many, in fact, to even ponder it. Each of those molecules can (in classical mechanics) be analyzed as a particle with its own momentum, kinetic energy, angular momentum and potential energy. Solving the state of every single one of those points would let us analyze the system, and give a reliable, hard solution. But it is in practice impossible. So what we do is we generalize. We introduce new fundamental terms to analyze, like temperature, pressure and entropy. The number is never going to be perfectly accurate at the microscopic scale, but we don’t care about the microscopic scale when it comes to running a car engine, building a rocket or figuring out how to keep a CPU from overheating. By re-expressing the problem in terms that approach reality as the number of individual elements goes up, we suddenly turn the incredibly difficult problem into one middle schoolers can do in their head.
Back to the government problem. It too, has an incredibly huge number of individual elements, interacting with each other, each subject to an even more huge number of variables affecting its behaviour in isolation. Solving for individuals is impossible. Statistical analysis, while useful, can never satisfy the requirement for a general solution. So why don’t we just generalize? Express it as a system? Apply ourselves to finding general solutions where such exist, taking into account the axioms of human behaviour? It will certainly not be easy, but should we do this, a million individuals sharing an image can become not a million individual acts, but a shockwave moving through a system, with measurable and predictable parameters. At the same time, the idea of the image can be modelled as an organism, subject to the pressures of natural selection. The rage of a population fed up with its government can become not a million cases of angry individuals committing violence, but the pressure in a system reaching a critical point and bursting its containment vessel. And the government policy can be viewed as a play in game theory terms. Statistics can show how a meme spread and how it affected people in the past, but can statistics actually provide a template for creating, spreading and controlling a meme? Statistics can tell you that higher IQ populations are more likely to be civilized than low IQ ones, but can it tell you how to actually establish that civilization, and run it, and prevent its collapse?
Memetics can. An entirely new field, where ideas are abstracted as measurable quantities, interacting predictably with the environment surrounding them, by controlling the behaviour of social molecules. Before the internet, the time component of memes was far too long for any individual to notice, on anything more than an intuitive, historical sense. But now we have seen the world-altering power of them in real time. Of course, the huge issue is that memetics don’t exist yet. There have been some early attempts at analyzing memes, but they fall into the old paradigm of lazy science. What we need is an entirely new approach. We need to introduce new terms, new quantities. We need to temper our conjectures through the burden of evidence and experimentation. We need to solve the problem of human government, and we can finally do what every civilization before ours has failed to achieve: survive.
Parker Hall
one time bump for exposure
Carson Stewart
thats why abstraction through unification is the way.
Given two constraints : behaviors which converge naturally and laws, the burden of the ruler is greatly lighten by those of the administrators which are in turn lighten by more subordinate roles.
Julian Morgan
I like this
Julian Foster
Brody Gray
Nice thread OP. I've thought long and hard about these same problems as you, and have so far come away with these as conclusions.
1) With reference to government, there is simply no solution. At all times, and even with superior technology (look up 'nooscope') we will only ever be able to gain an approximate sense and control of the complete contour of the social body. Even the human body, which may be considered a very sophisticated society of organisms, does not manage itself through centralization, but cybernetic feedback and flow. Society operates according to the same principles - for example, price signals operate to trigger increased/decreased production or consumption.
2) Memetics can be most rigorously modeled using information theory. In particular, memes should be understood as representing energy, because that is quite literally what they are. Memetic ecologies must operate according to the same principles as any natural ecology: except where a natural ecology depends on sunlight as its primary form of energy input, it depends on human attention. The capture and conversion of human attention into new forms of opinion may be aptly compared to photosynthesis or, alternately, metabolism. These are imperfect analogies, but they are similar enough to be instructive. If you want to understand memetics, go teach yourself a science that requires complex systems interactions, i.e. not physics (which is dominated by simple systems interactions).
“No information can be stored or processed without being represented in a physical form that, in turn, is subject to the laws of thermodynamics.” mdpi.com/1099-4300/11/4/606/htm
Brayden Mitchell
The fact that sane people have personalities is the proof of a centralized mind. Consciousness is the organic structure that works as one entity fully unified. Multiples flows that do not converge together belongs probably to the unconscious part subject to interferences, meaning that it is uncontrolable.
Owen Cox
Adding a little more to this.
prosexosynthesis = the capture and conversion of attention into opinion and behavior
Root words 'prosochi,' Greek meaning "attention" ('pros' meaning 'towards', 'exo' meaning 'to have'). An individual meme is like a leaf, with the associations that meme triggers acting in a way akin to its chlorophyll. Some memetic ecologies might be comparable to ferns (e.g. liberalism) - they grow fast and plentiful, but are intrinsically opportunist and are inevitably choked out by longer-living plants such as bushes and, eventually, trees. Following the metaphor, something like the Catholic Church is a whole forest unto itself. And like forest fires invigorate forest ecologies, making them more resilient and robust in the long run, memetic ecologies tend to benefit from resilience.
The liberalism meme is, as stated, a fern. It is only able to grow in the immediate aftermath following a forest fire or if virgin land has been exposed. At which point, ferns will rise up quickly. But they are short term in the long run of things, and tend to be replaced by ecological successions which eventually see them permanently displaced by trees.
How was liberalism able to grow so quickly and vastly? Well, because the "virgin land" of memetics is media. In the 16th century, the Gutenberg Press was invented, providing a sudden influx of "virgin paper" on to which ideas could be planted easily and without needing to grow in an already-developed forest. Technology and innovation with the introduction of mass media provided an immense influx of more virgin media to take over. However, now that time has passed, more rugged, longer lasting memes are taking hold, growing tall with foliage so that they block out the light of human attention.
This is why an emphasis should always be to build. A fern can always grow back no matter how many times you cut it down. The only way to kill the fern ultimately is to grow so tall the fern can't get any attention to itself. Our memes are better, plus liberals have gated media for so long that we can rip through the landscape like an invasive species.
Chase Watson
The emergence of a central consciousness is still rooted dynamically in cybernetic flows. Compare neural nets with the brain. The brain is practically an individual society unto itself, with the neurons acting individually and only on the basis of immediate feedback from their neighbors. That we perceive any centralization is only a construct (all senses are constructed at some point). The brain might be considered an instance of centralization with respect to the other body's organs, but even then it cannot command them directly. Who movies the body does not move the organs, for the organs are doing the moving as it were. But this is a metaphysical point now, so. Important point is the the brain is no more in control of us than the president controls the US Gov.
Luis Roberts
tl'dr me at the beginning faggot. learn to literature
Mason Morgan
People like you are the reason board quality is going down the drain and how the board is minute by minute getting ever so closer to eternal september.
I'll be lurking OP.
Kayden King
Counter-bump. Usually long text filled threads are about gay autistic shit, but this is actually important.
This is an issue I've come to grips with as well. My personal interest is not "what is the correct government?" but rather "what is the correct policy that will encourage people to destroy malevolent governments?" I'm not quite at the level you guys are at, but this thread is a step in the right direction.
Nolan Bell
(checked) Well, it is difficult to say anything conclusive seeing as a meme-based approach of modelling behaviour has not really been tried. But I have a strong suspicion it could vastly simplify and cancel out many terms. Just look at this mongol coloring book forum - it consists of many individuals, yet functions in many ways just like the human brain, with anons as neural nodes and discussions like synapse-chains firing in response to inputs. The physics analogies I used purely to illustrate the sort of change in approach a memetic model would be. I'm thinking the approach might have to be a combination of the processing network - which consists of a neural network of humans, connected by synapse-like communication channels - overlaid with a memetic framework, representing an associative system - like an individual brain. On these two things we then introduce memetic inputs and receive memetic outputs, which would then be possible to translate into real world activity.
Colton Ramirez
This isn't cuck/pol/. I enjoy shitposting and rapid discussion too, but this is a topic that is quite complicated and not of much interest to the general population of the board anyway, so accessibility is not of much concern. Wall of text threads used to be a large portion of the content on this board, before the election.
Zachary Barnes
Precisely. These systematic ways of thinking about interconnection and networks will be most profitable for approaching memetics. Formulate hypotheses, perform experiments where you can, and revise. One phenomenon in particular that is fascinating is synchronicity: how similar ideas are generated at the same time by disparate sources. This indicates that in both humans and memes there is an underlying order, a logos if you will.
Within the next year I should finish my studies on this subject and I'll be prepared to write something on the subject. I've been attempting a theology of Kek, and memetics is obviously central.
Henry Reyes
What subject might that be? I don't think I've ever seen any majors relating in any way to a unified theory of memetics. Honestly, such a theory will not come until some sperglord from our lot decides to suck it up and actually start doing the math, because as it stands, the academia is full of kikes and cargo-cult mentality good goys. Someone will have to spend actual time and effort digging through this shit. Though perhaps, if we could gather a group of enthusiasts on here, we could actually develop such a model in collaboaration - far more quickly and efficiently. Then disseminate it anonymously to the internet at large. and yes the math will be ugly, it will be really fucking ugly by any norman's standards for sure. Haven't given this too much thought, but we're basically modelling a survivability bias onto a network of black-box transfer functions connected in an associative table network expect imaginary numbers out your ass :^)
Carter Reyes
Forgot to mention I'm OP, though it should be obvious in context. I use a mobile ISP on my laptop and a landline on my desktop.
Christopher Baker
The solution to 2017 is 1488
Landon Russell
I don't study at the behest of institutions, user, I AM an institution. The subjects which I have so far gone over in my attempt to produce a working model of memetics are: information theory, ecology, biology, philosophy, media theory, and most promising - cybernetics. Naturally academia only teaches the most tenuous, watered-down version of these things, which is why you have to completely free yourself from these institutions and create your own, as I have done.
While not a mathematician by any means, you don't really need to be an amazing mathematician, you only need the conceptual toolbox. That is why I have focused on the ability to generate analogies, because mathematics just is the abstract refinement of analogy. However, at this point mathematically rigorous confirmation is becoming more important, which is why I have turned my studies that direction. Message me user, I'd like to hear more about how you would approach a unified theory of memetics.
Cooper Moore
(checked) Make a disposable e-mail, post it here, we can discuss A good grasp of mathematics is an absolute requirement if you wish to create a model of reality. Without math you can't even decide which way an object will go when multiple forces push on it.
Nathan Price
Seemed like around %60 long-posting %30 shit posting and %10 shilling/sliding
Jackson Collins
What the fuck am I sliding? I am looking for other anons to drop my collective spaghetti with about memes. And I'm going to do it on Holla Forums. I know very well that this is an autistic post and an autistic way to post, but it's what I want to do and what might be necessary to actually have any meaningful discussion on the subject.
Carter Smith
Hi Op
Do you think reality is ALL physical, or ALL mental (ideas), or both?
Chase Hall
For certain things, I am beginning to recognize this. I did manage to make it through calculus in high school and I have also engaged in a number of logic systems (symbolic, predicate, modal, etc, even made up my own in order to model the logic of self-reference - which is relevant for these things) so I am no slouch on that front, but I avoided math in college since I was afraid that would only harm my GPA and it wasn't relevant to my majors. That, and I always used to have people on hand who could do the heavy lifting and explain to me what I needed to know. But now I've struck out on my own. You could say I'm an eremitic magician wandering the desert (literally and figuratively).
Unfortunately places like this are not as conducive to intellectual discussions as they used to be. Twitter, in fact, used to be great for this - the 140 character limit forced you to compress your meaning, which made you figure out the most salient parts of your meaning which needed to be expressed in order to complete communication. lutsen . berger 333 at proton mail . com I am 100% a believer that places like this are changing the world in tangible but nigh-imperceptible ways - in part because we are changing the conditions of social perception. We have entered into the narrative and become a central component in the formation of memetic architectures. This is why monolithic memeplexes can never succeed ultimately - they face a limit beyond which they impose greater costs on society than they might benefit the group due to the lack of competition. Imagine that, for a hundred years, a group of humans expended a massive amount of resources to preserve one particular ecology from any change, and suddenly, they are no longer able to prevent "invasive" species. That is the current media landscape, you had a few gatekeepers but now anyone can grab a microphone. Cacophony. Ecology. Anyway, this is all bluster to deter prying eyes, I look forward to your email user.
John Wood
Great post OP. I completely agree that the social sciences, and really it seems academia as a whole, are rotten with people who are more concerned with making headlines than digging deeper into their fields. I've been thinking for awhile that this whole thing that we call memetics needs a completely new scientific dialect to really do it justice. You're talking of trying to explain memetics mathematically, and I'd be interested in how you'd do this because it seems like a pretty tall order.
Caleb Phillips
Cooper Reyes
A meme is a piece of information. Some memes mutate, reiterate and coalesce as a symbol. As in language, a chinese symbol doesn't mean shit anywhere but china, and the same for memes.
A gene is a piece of information. Some genes mutate, reiterate and coalesce as a species.
I'm talking about information organisms, step your game up OP. The newest quantum theories even posit information as the most basic building block of existence, basically particles that are called tensors. Read the paper brother.
Isaac Lopez
Nothing new.
Wise men and (((others))) have known meme magic and quantum reality for thousands of years.
Kevin Green
No. It's still too long. My attention span is goldfish tier.
Nicholas Brown
Shit mane ur modern age books list on esoterism is just flashy worthless crap.
Lincoln Price
I was wrong, the list is even worst than i thought. Run and never look back, this is a list made by an ignorant that likes to throw people in front of the speeding train.
Chase Cook
The real problem here is that the virality factor of memetics has no actual logic behind it. Sure, you can study the mechanics of the meme propagation, but there is no predicting which memes will be deemed worthy of propagating at the point of their conception. Many excellent meme attempts have completely failed, and quickly fizzled out into nothing, while arguably far less worthy memes endure. There is no predicting what will resonate with enough anons (and then normalfags as the meme spreads) at any given moment to spawn a new meme. Some of the most successful and enduring memes arguably have no actual discernible value whatsoever. Eg. Baneposting.
If Kek has taught us anything, it is that memetics is entirely chaotic and cannot be predicted at all. Forced memes are almost universally despised as poor imitations of the real thing.
Jonathan Jenkins
I believe that predictions about future are too much to ask at this point as no real research has emerged yet (but certainly someone is looking into it). What is interesting on the other hand is to what extent it is possible to analyse and model previous events. So for example with the government question, be able to have a retrospect on a previous time frame from another (new) angle in order to move forward.
Jason Walker
Guenon and his fellow (((traditionalists))) should be shot for trying to polute the development of Western culture.
Grayson Lopez
All is mind. The universe is mental.
If you're like me and require logically sound arguments backed with scientific evidence before you can truly accept an idea like this, start with a book called the Holographic Universe. There are many less than great books on similar subject matter but this one is very well researched and not too complex to still at least get the gist of for most people. You won't be able to look at things the same after. Meme magic, religion, spiritually, jewry, etc will all take on new meaning. There really is something to all of this.
Kevin Brooks
What do you think about the Kybalion?
Jaxon Sullivan
GTFO progressivist moron. Deal with the fact of cyclical history.
Nolan Allen
They already use it in government. Can't find the doc I read about it but it was something like this:
Social systems are like electrodynamics
Every household is a unit with some input (coffee, food) and a state (money, etc)
They get valued and are inputted in industry units.
They used electromagnetics to use social systems as capacitors to store energy and release it in full force on targets they choose.
Will try to find the doc, can't believe I did not store it somewhere
Thomas Gutierrez
Very good analogy, but wouldn't we be the same as (((them)))? That is, by growing out of the "vigin land" that is the internet? Does that then imply that our memes will be overshadowed by some trees in the future?
Austin Baker
Impermanence is the only permanent feature of the world, user. Yes, of course - and that is a good thing. Our own memes will eventually become stagnant and replaced by even more glorious memeplexes. What does not change is dead. We are only one part of a great Chain of Being.
"It is not impermanence that makes us suffer. What makes us suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not." Thich Nhat Hanh
Isaac Morris
Liberalism is an environment created by sociopaths in order for them to flourish off humanity like a parasite. This is because the weapon of choice of sociopaths is the pity play (ref ww w.psychologytoday.com/blog/take-all-prisoners/200912/your-conscience-the-sociopaths-weapon-choice). They attempt to create a society of shallow, self centered, and easily triggered individuals so that they can blend in and have easy food for their narcissism and pleasure seeking drive.
Liberalism and modern society has been poneorized through the spread of virulent memetics by sociopaths. http s://ahousewithnochild.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/ponerization-human-evil-transmitted-one-host-at-a-time/
The severity of the alt right is as akin to the response of the immune system when it is finally roused to action against an invading pathogen: Total War.
Christian Baker
I want to add that such sociopaths are in our midst. We must ensure their un-humanity is not leveraged against our aims or subverts our purity.
Jaxson Rivera
shit user, i own the book of that third image, some indian sage brahmana stuff.
Noah Butler
Hello Mitchell. Still finding sociopaths everywhere you look it appears.
Jayden Hernandez
This is the best analogy in the thread. The metaphor of attention being like light to a meme is a good one, particularly combined with the difference between ferns and trees etc. Self-centered memes, that focus on pleasure for the self catch on a lot faster than ones that require sacrifice and work, while of course the ones that require work tend to be more valuable and more enduring. It's like the difference between hookup culture vs getting married with the goal of having children, hookups are a lot more appealing, but cannot last much more than a generation.
The attention a meme gets nourishes the idea within the society, making it larger and more prevalent. The stronger the meme the more it nourishes the idea. Humans carry ideas and in a sense "plant" them in new or old ground, like when the exodus to twitter spread our ideas through our memes.
The question is then two-fold, how to attract attention to the memes, which is necessary to the growth of the idea, and how to ensure the memes we are pushing endure.
The attention varies on the environment, just as in a forest. A plant in the canopy will have different shaded memes than a pant at the ground-level. Interestingly, the plant at the ground-level will have darker memes. You can see this on twitter where the people with more followers tend toward brighter more lighthearted memes and people with less often have darker humor. Perhaps it is not that lighter memes cause you to get more attention, but that they are more suited to when you are already getting a lot of attention, just as lighter leaves are better suited for when a plant is getting more sunlight.
The second one is perhaps more difficult to come up with something new, but in the meantime we can look at what has worked in the past. One thing underlying the memes that tends to endure is a focus on the truth. You can say truth doesn't matter, as the left often does, but this does not endure. The political winds change and then you have nothing to stand on, there is nothing about your position that still is. On the other hand, no matter what they say or do, the Holocaust either happened or it didn't, and objective evidence suggests that it didn't. The political winds will (and already are) changing on this. We will certainly either win this fight or the world will end.
Some other lasting things might be having a lot of children, "by their fruits you shall know them," and a belief that one ought to prudently do what is right to the best of their ability.
Michael Davis
Expanding the metaphor of 'prosexosynthesis' (I suspect I will have to write a treatise or something now):
One of the central problems of memetics is considering how they relate to humans. Clearly, memes have an essential dependence on humans giving them attention; they are reproduced through human energy. I like to take an information science perspective as well, so we should say that somehow humans contribute their energy to memes, and this energy forms the basis for memes competing among themselves for that energy. Now, unlike the biological ecology, the primary source of light is not singular, but a vast and differentiated aggregate. That is to say, there are many sources of energy for this ecology, but not all shine equally bright.
This would lead us to infer that 'intelligence' simply represents a 'potential to dissipate entropy to an external environment.' One of the the elements of this external environment is the memetic ecology: just as human interaction with the natural world leads to subsequent effects on humans (all actions have an equal and opposite reaction, i.e. transfers of energy are always bicausal), the memetic ecology also transmits energy into humans as well. Greater intelligence simply represents 'greater potential to dissipate entropy to an external environment.' Observe, however, that this suggests with greater intelligence comes increased attention over time - consider that if an individual thinks themselves poor at math, they will not continue to study it. Meanwhile, a genius who finds math accessible and appealing will give it much further of his attention, and will therefore contribute exponentially greater energy to the 'mathematics memetic ecology' than the stupid person has.
Going even further, human attention may not be necessarily unidimensional, i.e. energy increasing along a single dimension. Rather, it might be multidimensional, e.g. differentiated along traits such as the verbal and visuospatial. (The implications of this extend much further than I'll elaborate on for now.) We must also point out the role of media, e.g. that which mediates human attention (to the memetic ecology), and the subsequent power that can be developed through the coordination/concentration of this energy in a singular direction…
But that focuses mostly on the human side as a cause, as pointed out above the memetic ecology is also a causal influence on humans. This must manifest itself as behavior: at the very least, an idea represents the increased likelihood of acting in a particular way in response to a situation rather than another way. For our purposes we can adopt a behaviorist approach. The mind is a black box, we don't need (for the purposes of memetics) to understand psychology. We are interested in observing how humans react to memes.
How does a pack of wolves hunt a deer? On the one hand, they have an idea in their mind already about the likely behavior of the other wolves in their pack (Bayes). On the other hand, they must also react spontaneously to the changing conditions they observe (OODA loop). If you are able to understand how a wolf hunts its prey, then you understand the basic principles of memetics, and how we can employ that.
tl;dr working theory of memetics
Connor Rodriguez
If Gnosis is so great then why is is so close too chaos undivided, Holla Forums-tier anarchism, and lolbergitarianism?
1.Which books were made by Jews? 2.Which books were made under Jewish influence? 3.What else is wrong with the list?
Joshua Martinez
Bumping to give this more exposure.
Owen Adams
Capp'd for posterity.
Lucas Jackson
You fail to recognize that the social media is becoming an extension of government that scrutinizes it. Social media is becoming a form of direct democracy.
Easton Martin
I disagree. If you can get social media to BE the government - the whole nation becomes the government. Sure there will not be complete cohesion between people - but you will be able to form a direction.
One person wants to go fishing, the other lies on the beach. Both can choose a destination to do both and steer the boat to that destination.
Ian Allen
I don't think there's ever going to be a "system" of memetics, any more than you can teach someone creativity. You can give them tools for self-expression, like photoshop or more generally language itself. You can give them the space/time necessary for the introspection from which creativity springs. Talent can be cultivated under the direction of a Master, but I think there's something inherently magical about memetics - its wellspring is the human soul. It will never be successfully systematized or broken down into algorithms. We may be nearing the point where a computer can write a grammatically correct book, but can it write a funny book? A witty book? A wise book?
I think the Hymn of the Pearl is a useful thing to read for this conversation. At least in my opinion, there's no method to the soul. gnosis.org/library/hymnpearl.htm
Jacob Reyes
Also, WRONG. It is not energy, it is the structure energy passes through. A program, a script. It only works when energy passes THROUGH it. It cannot be without people to think it.
Luis Adams
Put it this way, a program can be: 1. created 2. transferred Memes are the action of transferring an idea. It is not something that has a form without it being in motion It requires a vector
Christopher Brooks
Fucksake. Why does the most interesting thread in a while have to be posted on the one day I am unable to pay much attention to this board?
Isaiah Nelson
A centralised starting point with a threshold of movement to either side. If it goes beyond the threshold - it becomes destructive to others objectively. That's the point - where it OBJECTIVELY (i.e. majority wise) effects people negatively.
Frankly, ima bail from this horrible machine in space :^)
Isaiah Ramirez
That is bang on. Liberalism is an uncoordinated mess.
Blake Edwards
There is no correct government or ideology. But unpruned trees tend to be destructive to the environment and the tree itself. :^)
Joshua Wilson
When did that change? I thought this was the only place able to discuss meme magic sorta cohesively.
Noah Sanders
Thank you for at least approaching this question, I've been thinking about this for days with no clear answers.
Lincoln Fisher
Can someone cap OP? On mobile right now. Very interesting, thank you for your contribution OP. Memes are field yet to be truly pioneered. When we can understand it, use it efficiently and retroactively… god will fear the power men hold.
William Bell
This nigger acting like society = government. Even if everyone were on social media, there would be more to society than social media. Like I've argued above, if you want to make some coherent headway with memetics you need to learn some other scientific fields first.
Representing memes as energy and structures relating the flow of that energy makes perfect sense given information science, thermodynamics, and cybernetics. Make yourself familiar with these.
You underestimate science.
Anyways, some of these replies are a little undewhelming.
Josiah Torres
Anthony Foster
Whoever dominates a new medium ends up owning that memespace and being the progenitor of the future. Kikes assumed radio and loudspeaker was just a verbal newspaper after they had dominated the newspapers so they ended up getting caught by surprise when Goebbels dominated the memes and thoughtspace of Germany and they got schlonged by the Third Reich. Clinton, Bush, etc. managed to dominate a political system in which newspapers, magazines, and television had a meme monopoly and did well with this strategy for a good while until the internet schlonged them in 2016. It is possible to dominate new memespaces indefinitely, but we must remain constantly vigilant and proactive and never, ever dismiss any new medium of any kind for spreading information. My guess is that VR and Oculus rift are going to be the new memeplex ecosystems and if we do not stay on top of that we will get kiked big league. Either way, any and all new mediums of communication need to be studied and mastered no matter how obscure or trivial they may seem at first. I am not sure what is going to supercede the internet after the internet has superceded television, radio, print, etc. but it will be of utmost importance since each iteration of meme environment is exponentially more effective than the last and whatever supersedes the internet will control the planet. I would be keeping a very close eye on AI and virtual reality if I were you, as well as expanding whatever existing territory we have in social media. We have won the meme war but complacency could destroy us if we do not keep finding new mediums and innovating.
Eli Thompson
Absolutely. In fact, this is exactly what I have set my sights on. I won't give away details, but I'm going to out Zucker the Zuckerberg, you could say. I have found an Achilles heel in their domination of memetic ecosystems, and there is more to it than just VR, but that will be an integral element. If anything, Holla Forumsacks should be getting into VR ASAP to gain the early adopter/first mover benefits. Anyone interested should check out Eugen Hadamovsky's work "Propaganda and National Power." Hadamovsky was basically second to Goebbels for shaping propaganda in Germany. In the book he elaborates extensively on how the National Socialists progressively gained control of radio stations throughout the country. It has more than historical value to meme magicians:
What kind of resources would you recommend for learning how to create content for VR? I am interested in mastering this medium too but know next to nothing about how to create content for it.
Elijah Martinez
Memes are the key to anarchism
Time to walk amongst Gods, Anons
Isaiah Flores
You will need to have a good grasp of basic math relating to location in space (e.g. calculus and geometry). The rest is simply programming and design. No more difficult than learning how to work a radio station for the persistent user.
For these subjects you can easily learn from online classes that are put out for free from places like EdX. Start with the 101's and work your way up. I admit I'm not a programmer myself so I am not certain which programming languages you should focus on, but I suspect that doesn't matter too greatly since VR is so knew.
Godspeed user, you will be able to exert a disproportionate influence by not simply creating the content of memes, but the media on which they are promulgated.
Carter Sanchez
How do you want to measure an idea? The only way to measure an idea would be to survery groups and how they're opposed towards the idea. Then you can compare groups draw conclusions or say stuff about the idea that you're trying to measure using a questionnaire. Otherwise in no other way would an idea in someone be statistically measurable.
It's not lazy science. It's a fuckton of work to conduct a proper survey under the right people to make it representative, while also justifying to your faculty that such a research would be useful in any way. It's not something you're going to set out and just do because it is lazy.
If you're talking about how ideas spread, in the past ideas spread quickly through newspapers which everyone read. Now it's stuff on facebook that almost everyone reads. Of course there would be movement in what humans prefer to communicate, always the most convenient way of course. But that still doesn't dismiss network theory. If you've never heard of network theory I suggest you read a book or two about it since it is a lot of material.
Leo Barnes
VR is facing tons of issues, the technology is expensive to create because it needs to be resaerched. Research into it costs a lot of money. If the research doesn't meet with consumers demands (which is currently the case) then VR products will fail (which they are doing). There are many challenges for VR, some of them are social and can be overcome. A lot of them are technical.
Xavier Barnes
Not quite user, go into the thread on leftypol memes and you should be able to quickly notice the difference between them and us. Or better yet go to the thread of edits of this libshit comic and compare our work to the originals.
There is a very tangible quality to memes that make it possible to identify which ones will survive, take the one you posted It's got enough going for it to be both funny, memorable, and introspective (relating to how something you take completely seriously can be just as easily dismissed as horseshit by someone else). There's also a more subtle aspect, the meme refers to a group of "everyone", which could either refer to the people in this thread, which is a common chan culture meme along the lines of "I happen to be an expert on this subject", or it could be referring to the world in the picture where that guy is actually giving a lecture while wearing that hat. Either way, the meme works on multiple levels of the human mind, and relates a situation that everyone can understand at once, to something deeply connected to out chan culture, it doesn't depend on this connection but is strengthened by it if you see it.
I can feel the autism flowing
Tyler Brown
silent weapons for quiet wars, good thought exercise even if it's unknown how much of it is true, kinda like the protocols.
William Jackson
You measure memes the way you measure information. The most basic unit is the bit, either 0 or 1, yes or no, on or off. yes/no is the most basic element of information, but obviously giving meaning to any given 0 or 1 depends on context and an interpretive system, i.e. an observer with background knowledge. A bit, and whether it is yes or no/1 or 0, will influence the implicit Bayesian calculus memetic systems (e.g. minds) reproduce.
From there, it is a matter of measuring the connections that observers associate between given bits of information and the complexity inherent to a given structure of information.
Sure, there are technical issues, but those will be overcome. The killer technology for VR will, ironically, be AR. AR presents a much more direct interface from present technologies, and will enable the development of full, sophisticated VR.
Wyatt Garcia
To be honest that was a pretty good flow of autism, I appreciated it. If I may translate your reasoning to my information science perspective, a good meme is able to make relevant associations between what it is a commentary upon and the elements from which the individual memetic structure is composed.
Example given: a meme that would be hilarious on the 4/lit/ board, but probably doesn't do anything for most Holla Forumsacks. Why? Because of the relevant associations: Holla Forumsacks do not have the relevant background knowledge in mind for this image to trigger the threshold for "this is not serious, and has humorous intent."
Landon Cooper
it already exists you dipshits. just most of its application has been done by frenchies from Saussure to Baudrillard to Derrida and you fucking niggers won't read it bc "hurr durr dat sunds liek commernism to me boah and jeebus say dat bad"
Logan Evans
The most droll answer is with the mathematical branch of /measure theory/, it's a formalism used to assign weights and/or probabilities to various concepts, and could with some preliminary work be applied to memetics. You could have measures of transmission, memory retention, permutability, emotional responses. Right now we can only talk in vague math analogies, but with a more concrete theory to underlie it, and with some research, we could focus on more specific traits of memes.
For instance, with pepe we can measure how many people know of him, how long it takes for people to forget him (if ever), how many variations and edits of him exist and of what type (feels bad man edits, kek edits, pepeyfying a person edit, pepeyfying another meme, putting his hand gesture onto other entities), we could survey what reactions people have to various pepes. There's a lot of options here but to do it justify would require some equivalent of academia operating exclusively for us with decent funding, so it's a ways off and we'll have to deal with laying down the philosophical boundaries instead of the technical ones.
Nolan Walker
Not to mention there's also media theory with people such as Marshall McLuhan, Walter Lippmann, and Paul Lazarsfeld who have already performed analytic studies of media.
But that's not the same as a single coherent discourse. Rather, it's a number of different discourses that have some overlap and congruent 'lines of flight'. It must be - as Frenchies might say - deterritorialized (e.g. imbibed by anons) and reterritorialized (e.g. spouted by anons) first.
So yes, I see how you want to humblebrag for reading some dark materials, but you're not really helping. How about instead you go ahead and give your own explanations of their releance? Why don't you at least explain some key passages from Debord that are relevant here?
Kayden Sullivan
OT: has anyone tried teaching neural networks to recognize (and reproduce) good memes? That might provide interesting insights into the observation and reproduction of memes.
Jack Flores
I wasn't making a list. I simply had three, one of the first and two of the most popular of the latest. that is all.
stopped reading there bc obviously ur a pretentious Holla Forums cunt
Anthony Sanders
While i'm very inexperienced with it, I can see some variation of graph theory being a another good formalism for studying both the structure of a meme and it's connections with others. You could categorize various domains of information as individual points on a graph, with weighted connections between them, probably multiple different weights to determine how closely related they are and which is the cause to the others effect. Then you can get recursive and treat each point as a black box containing within itself it's own highly structured graph.
With that in place we can attach more measurements to each point, now representing a meme, such as date of creation and number of spin-off memes, it's popularity over time and relations to the popularity of other memes, you get the picture.
(short answer, we're not there yet) Interesting that you bring up neural nets, because they operate on a graph theoretic formalism as well. I can't find the video but there was a multi part sereis that showed how you go from mathematical equations to graph based program to machine learning to calculations involving matrices, it's actually very simple to train a computer.
So I'm thinking that a practical starting point for a theory of memes would be to create a program that, given some input data on memes, could generate its own variations by permuting parts of it with other memes, then we train it to produce memes similar to what we create here, once we you get it reasonably accurate you feed it some new material and see what it spits out.
Of course i'm thinking long term here when image recognition tech has advanced and we're in possession of our universities so that we can have government funding for this kind of research, but I think it's good to get this meme out there.
Dominic Ortiz
It changed with an influx of redditfags and the election.
Juan Davis
You folks should desist your efforts at understanding meme magic. All that matters is that it works and it's on our side, and the less we know, the better.
Austin Allen
Yes. One of the important features of memetics might be summarized through the principle "No meme is an island." That is, they are always interdependent, they must always make reference to some background knowledge already possessed by the observer.
We should distinguish between "first-order memes," which are memes that gain their information directly from the observable environment. These are memes whose meaning can be grokked by looking out at the world. For example, if someone points with a finger and says "Look over there," you will get the meaning of what they are talking about if you actually look.
Then there are nth-order memes, which are memes that make direct reference to other memes (first- and nth-order). However, it is not necessarily the case that such memes do eventually reference first-order memes, and can become detached from reality, creating a sort of internal memetic system that has only glancing interaction with first-order memes. These could be memes about religion, morality, essentially anything that fails to have a component that might be observable.
A "meaningful" meme must eventually be translated to some first-order meme. This "set of first-order memes" that every nth-orderered meme must reference might be explained through something like AJ Ayer's verificationist principle: the meaning of a proposition is just those conditions in which you would recognize it to be either true or false. But we don't need to get bogged down by questions of meaning (even if it is philosophically interesting), and we should be able to get by adequately with first- and nth-ordered memes. This concept can help us to identify memes that are susceptible to refutation through observation, and which (even if they might otherwise seem to be refutable through observation, i.e. through a "literal" interpretation of the claims) are not.
This ties into some other threads anons were making discussing the role of the amygdala in regulating individual's responses to claims that challenged their political/religious beliefs. That is, strong emotions might 1) cause a severing between the first-order content of some memes (e.g. "Immigration is harmful to natives in most cases") and/or 2) may more easily attach to beliefs that are void of observable content, because this allows the person to continue holding the belief because it hasn't been refuted (and never could be, but that's not noticeable to the individual in question).
As to a theory for measuring connections, what about network topology? I just got myself a book to teach myself topology this Christmas in fact, I have yet to see how it will be relevant but I am sure it will be.
Levi Perry
Dunno anything about nettop, but a quick lookover and it seems to be what I'm thinking about. It's worth noting that we're almost certainly not going to start this from scratch, sometime in the future when we have our academics researching this they'll be building off of some pre-existing notation, but with some tweaks to definitions and axioms.
At this stage the key thing is to look at how memes fit into the sum-total of scientific knowledge. It was originally conceived as an analogy to genes but with information instead of DNA, so we already have a partial evolutionary framework to start off with. Going back to earlier posts in this thread, I think the idea of meme ecosystems with it's own "nutrition cycles" and species of flora and fauna is a good first approximation. The first order memes you mention are analogous to photosynthetic plant life, they transform the input "attention" into something more malleable by "herbivorous memes", which are then modified by carnivorous memes. Pepe is quite obviously an apex predator meme.
And with that I'm reminded of another mathematical discipline, using Differential equations to solve for population changes over time. A similar approach could be used to study the life cycles and interplays between memes over time, though we would probably be working with a more numerical/statistical description of time series.
I'm not sure there's much more I can contribute to this thread, but it should be apparent to everyone that this can easily be extended into a multi-disciplinary subject that can immediately use a lot of tools and techniques that have already been built up and made rigorous, the only thing lacking is funding and a culture of Holla Forumslack academics to pursue it.
Adam Martinez
Okay, how about some that *aren't* incomprehensible, badly-written, overhyped, nonsensical, pointless, pretentious, overlong, and generally total shit?
Dominic Roberts
Ethan Perez
I see memetics as a discerned attempt to go back to the past. Humans have always associated pictograms or objects with ideas, and only wordly progress and scientific breakthroughs have elevated those who associated words with ideas. Maybe it's the era in which we live, maybe humans weren't meant to be governed by words, maybe I'm a sucker, but it is clear that no matter how much knowledge there is out there and not matter how easy it is to access it, it is often a remote worry for most people. There is good hindsight on this in Farhenheit 451; nobody cares about books, and nobody listen to those who read it.
It is will known that images affect the human brain and stimulates certain areas relevant to the whole thought process. Why this board chooses to overcomplicate things and dress up a silly frog into the savior of humanity is beyond me.
Other than that, high energy thread.
Josiah Jackson
So, there are others.. and I thought 8/4chan was polluted exclusively by swine.
Asher Nguyen
So the symbol is the tail, and the attention the head? What is between?
Brayden Campbell
I understand and agree with what you're saying. But to truly understand the macro, it might help to begin with a refresh of the micro. If we lose touch with what is literally going on, it becomes easy to get lost in abstraction and end up with a model which is at best useless and at worst wildly inaccurate:
On the micro level, the idea is quite simple. There are physiological responses associated with looking at an image or receiving an idea. This is the focus of meme research so far. An individual receives a bit of information that incites some kind of response which then gives him the urge to spread it. Other people then may receive a response of their own which will give them the urge to spread it themselves, possibly changing it along the way. There's extensive research on which reactions tend to have the strongest drive towards replication, so i won't go into that here. But the common analogy of this behavior as a whole is evolution through natural selection. Ideas compete for space in the public consciousness. Some ideas will die off immediately, the ones that live on interact with each other dynamically. Some will be hostile towards each other, others will peacefully coexist, and some expand so quickly that many other ideas die off as a result. This is where things take a bit of a turn, though.
In terms of evolution, the environment is a critical factor. And the environment of a given species is made up 1 part of other species and another geographically. This isn't the case for memes, though. When it comes to memes, the environment is nothing but memes. Geography can effectively be taken out of the picture. While a squirrel lives among trees as well as the ground beneath him, a meme has but a sea of other memes. This sea is without spacial dimension and when ideas collide, it is as if they both just popped into existence for as long as the conflict arose. This is where the "evolution" happens, in the conflicts which arise between ideas already present. The human mind might as well be removed from the equation when talking about the competition of ideas, as the mind is the sea itself. And each sea is in a state of relative isolation from every other sea. Every so often, they meet and copy a bit of their contents to one another. Note that I didn't say "transfer," for the act of spreading an idea only seeks to strengthen that idea's influence on the sea from which it came. This calls to mind some advice an instructor gave my class a while back: "the best way to refresh yourself on course material is to teach it to those who haven't taken the course." He was right. By broadcasting information, you are reinforcing it for yourself. To go into the "why" is a bit trivial at the moment, but the point is it works.
Now, is where we come full circle and back to your dilemma: This model is absurdly complex. To effectively utilize this particular model, you need an understanding of how to get an individual to retain an idea, then understand how it will interact with other ideas within an individual's mind, then go on to analyze who that individual will spread the result to. And after all of that, MAYBE you will be able to get a meme to spread far enough to have an impact and remain close enough to its original to have the desired impact. This post is simply a refresher on the current state of meme research with a bit of personal insight. The hard work is in unifying the three systems I just described.
tl;dr on these systems+additional information that i couldn't quite fit elsewhere: is this idea going to stick in an individual's mind? is it going to incite him to respond to it? or is it going to fall on deaf ears? if the idea does stick, how long until it is altered? how long until the receiver wants to transmit it? how long can it even survive in the mind of an individual? the mind is constantly seeking a working model of the world around it, so it's only a matter of time until an internal inconsistency is found and the idea may come out the other side completely unrecognizable if not be wiped out completely by the hostile environment. how far can an individual spread the idea? will he receive new ideas in the process? will these new ideas influence the one in question? Sorry if this post is a bit rough around the edges, it's late and this whole post is basically done ad hoc. I think I might be able to unify them, but im pretty much gonna figure it out as im posting.
Mason Williams
First off: thinking in terms of individual ideas and individual people is a non starter. Each idea is dependent on other ideas to thrive. You're obviously not going to convince an open borders-loving faggot that the jews need to be exterminated without first breaking down his core values. Im gonna post this now as i believe it is integral to attempting to grasp the nature of memes and it will take a while to get the rest of the post off
Jonathan Peterson
after scrapping several revisions, i think im onto something. Everyone likes math, even if they don't think so. When you make it math, people can begin to work and make predictions.
allow me to start with variables (the letters are subject to change obviously): E= the emotion value. emotions are the natural language of the human brain. They dictate our response. To solve for this value, you need the following 2 variables e= the emotion type. this is anger sadness, joy, etc. these would be a set of constants which have a higher number depending on their tendency to be spread. anger tends to spread the fastest while sadness spreads the slowest if i remember correctly. so a meme which incites anger will have a higher e value a= emotional amplitude. this is a multiplier dependent on how intense the emotion is. So we have E=ea.
R= the reception value. This is either a positive or negative value dependent on which group you're transmitting a meme to and how likely they are to give a fuck (a group can still spread an idea if they disagree. fervently so seeing as it will likely insight anger). to solve for this, you need the next two variables. c= community type. much like e, it is a set of constants dependent on that kind of community you're interacting with. unlike e, this can be negative as some communities simply don't care about the idea you're spreading and will just disregard it without enough influence from the next variable i= the context multiplier. this is a finicky one as it relies on timing. you want to enumerate how your idea relates to what's currently going on (or an orchestrated event). this can be negative as well. it also gets multiplied by E as the emotional impact is what we're actually trying to achieve. So we have R=c+iE
r= retention. this is how long it will stay in the consciousness of the group. im ignoring evolution as changing the meme to have a different idea is essentially killing it as far as effective purposes go (except in the familiarity variable) F= familiarity. this is intuitive. it's the extent at which they will recognize your idea. not necessarily whether they heard the idea before, but how alike it is with something they heard before. if they can relate your idea with something else, they will hold onto it much longer. k= repetition. we all know the role of repetition in retention. If there's a lot of in-group fighting about the issue, expect the idea to be repeated a lot. so we have r=RFk
now we have to discuss T T=transmission. the tendency for the idea to spread. t=time. how long has the idea been making its rounds? B= the broadness of the group. how often do they intermingle with other groups? C= competition. this is a value determined by how much discussion about other topics is going on. the less related these subjects are to the idea in question, the higher the number (greater than 1 if the current competition is a hindrance to the idea, less than 1 but greater than 0 if it aides its spread). so T=(rtB)/C
expanded version here: T=((c+i(ea)fk)tB)/C what numbers go in these variables is still up in the air. what we can do now is observe these factors as they relate to the rise and fall of memes throughout the past and then fill in the numbers until we have an actual working model.
Jaxon Ward
This is reasonable. they are certainly not energy themselves, but conduits of energy, they attract attention and when spread continue to do so. It is like a leaf that turns the energy of sunlight into stored energy in the form of sugar. In a similar way, memes transfer people's attention into thoughts and beliefs, which are potentially much longer lasting. There's a chain-effect, though, as the meme can be spread and the thoughts or ideas can be used to create new memes.
Totes. Liberals love to declare like Monty Python "You have to figure it out for yourselves." but this is impossible. Tradition is absolutely necessary.
VR weirds me the fuck out. I honestly think it should be outlawed. Even when you're on a computer you can look up and see out a window/can be intruded upon by the world around. VR with a combo of modern noise-cancelling headphones seems like actually seriously potentially the beginning of "programing" the mind. Probably still will come up against limitations in terms of the body-mind connection, but it's potentially a terrible technology for humanity.
Landon Smith
Why not just start a Holla Forumsacademia? I've pretty much always been an independent researcher, it's great because you're not beholden to some Jew telling you what you're allowed to discover and what not. If you're interested, shoot me a message lutsen.berger 333 at protonmail dot com and make sure to give sufficient evidence you're not a shill, e.g. expand on these concepts more.
Jayden Kelly
Not sure if same person as other post, but I'd like to hear from you too. Could you elaborate on your mathematical model, and try extending it to some specific cases? Will help us to see where this model will go.
Isaac Flores
Yeah well banning new technology, even if it is a good idea, is utterly futile, no government has ever succeeded at suppressing a technology long term, except maybe Tesla's technlogies if you buy the allegations. VR has enormous potential for harm and undoing any progress we have made with the internet meme ecosystem, if kikes manage to control VR it will undo any progress we have made in memetic warfare. Kike Fuckerturd may be evil but he is not stupid, and he didn't blow $1.2 billion on Oculus Rift on a whim, he understands its yuge potential for evil. Like it or not we need to get ahead of VR before the enemy does or we will end up with tyranny and social engineering on a scale we can hardly comprehend.
I was drawn here for a reason. Hotwheels even represents something, but if I told you, you'd have to die, Mr. Bond.
David Thompson
More like "know twink ass"
Ayden Reed
>>>Holla Forums Enjoy your ban, faggot.
Luis Morris
mathematical models tend to be postulated and then the kinks worked out. what went through my mind was things like ohm's law where the guy literally just said "volts divided by ohms equals amps" when coming up with a model for calculating the flow of current in an electronic system. It was essentially pulled out of his ass but it's what we still use today. amps IS volts divided by ohms BY DEFINITION.
now, solving for every variable is gonna be a bitch. there's a lot of patchwork that needs to be done in enumerating these seemingly subjective values. and that's where the work comes in.
you asked for an example, so ill give you "torches of freedom." edward bernays used feminist outrage against an unfair system to get women smoking. that outrage was E. c was was feminists,of course i was an orchestrated even where bernays had a large congregation of activists light up cigarettes in front of news reporters. this lead to great reception, or R. this became a big story many people were talking about, so you got the F and k factors emerging from this. allowing for great retention (r). the transmission was aided by hitching on the back of the feminist movement, which was very broad at the time. and a C factor was less than 1 as feminism was doing a lot at the time. and whenever people thought of feminism, they were reminded of the torches of freedom.
Carter Foster
You're right. The fucking ride never ends.
Jordan Lewis
Great, so someone has laid groundwork. But is it anything even approaching a unified theory of memetics? Because as said, it's not the same thing. The entire point of this thread is that wide and diverse fields of social sciences would do us more good if we made an attempt to actually make a unified theory.
It never occurred to me before seeing the current year and current year +1 events that this might be possible, but having see the way memes propogate and affect real world events has convinced me that this is something we can model mathematically. As for people having studied this before, great, how about you bring what they have to the table so we don't have to start from scratch. After all, very few people ever have a completely original idea - if someone else has put the work in, awesome.
Camden Wilson
While I have no doubt all this philosophy tier stuff is interesting, it has very little to do with this thread. This has more to do with brainstorming ideas for a rigorous approach to this shit. And sadly, that rigorous approach will have to come from outside established academia, because:
Ayden Miller
I like the idea of modelling a meme as a neural net - after all, ideas are broadly definable as a very long and complex collection of weighted sensory inputs. But we also need a good model of how memes get transferred and changed. Some sort of, again, network model of how information gets transmitted from one mind to another, and from groups of minds to others.
So we're really dealing with two very closely connected and yet very different problems, that will end up having to use similar looking network notation. The meme, and the environment it exists in. Keep the ideas coming, lads.
Isaiah Price
William Edwards
Very interesting if it can ever be made workable. Is it possible however, to work a truth value in there?
There's an example cited in this thread of the 'torches of freedom.' The meme that cigarettes=liberation.
The idea that smoking cigarettes is liberating is absurd since cigarettes are a drug that does absolutely nothing for you except get you addicted. And an addict can't exactly be called liberated. So the meme represents an idea that is false.
As is stated in pic related, I believe that memes that represent ideas that are true will ultimately outlast memes that represent ideas that are false.
The latter must necessarily be repeated over and over again for the idea to stick, while the first simply needs to exist in order to win in the end.
If meme growth can ever be mapped it would be interesting to see if this theory is true.
Jaxson Ward
you're right. this is even something bernays (the guy who came up with torches of freedom) talked about. pic related ("propaganda", page 108)
i gave reference to this fact as well here however, people determine the truthfulness of something by comparing it to other information they hold.
this equation i procided should be treated as an iterative process. the context multiplier (i) changes each time the idea is repeated. as does the community type and the familiarity. The truth will come to light eventually but only after enough interaction with truthful ideas
Luke Taylor
also, after sleeping on it. i realize a few flaws. the emotion type, for example, is dependent on the community type as well as the context. familiarity is amplified by repetition, not independent of it. competition is VERY related to context as well, though making a function of this would be a bit of a mind tangle.
in short: a lot of things which are intrinsically related are represented as independent variables either new equations need to be developed to represent this (which would result in a change in the expanded formula as things cancel out or are converged) or the formula needs to be reworked from the bottom up.
Jeremiah Wright
Slightly off-topic, but here's a couple of notes I've made regarding the topic of meme warfare (created a separate thread without checking catalog).
My basic thinking is that if we can break the memetic warfare concept down into logically separate tasks, we can work on improving the approach to each task in order to improve overall effectiveness.
Memetic Warfare.
Current Year + 1 has seen the development of a form of asymmetric propaganda development and distribution that has leveled the playing field between state and non-state actors. This mechanism is the direct result of certain technological, social and psychological changes that affect affluent western peoples - in particular, the mass adoption of social media platforms as a primary means of communicating with others.
Although the dissemination of propaganda through social media platforms is not a new phenomenon, the type of "memetic warfare" seen in the CY+1 US presidential race certainly is. Further, these refinements are interesting in that they generally were not the result of a centralized decision-making process, but were the result of trial and error experimentation by completely anonymous shitlords lurking within the foetid bowels of the internet.
Isaac Scott
Memetic warfare can be understood in the form of a traditional system compromise killchain. This is possible because of the fundamental similarity between the two activities - in a traditional hacking attack, an attacker exploits technical vulnerabilities in order to gain unauthorized access to a system or data, whereas memetic warfare leverages vulnerabilities in human group psychology to subtly shift the target's perception of reality, thereby achieving some political end.
At the time of this writing, the killchain can be described as such:
1. Meme development: Development of propaganda content (typically in the form of images or videos) designed to shift the victim's perception of reality. In order to be effective, the propaganda element must have memetic properties - i.e. it must be sufficiently engaging that the intended victim will voluntarily propagate the meme amongst their peers. This is, in effect, development of the "exploit" in this killchain.
2. Meme seeding: Once a memetic payload has been crafted, it is then spread using social media platforms. Vulnerabilities inherent to social media platforms are exploited in order to get the largest amount of victim exposure to the memetic payload. At this stage, if the memetic payload is sufficiently well crafted, victims will further propagate the meme of their own volition.
3. Signal boosting: Once a memetic payload has gained sufficient traction with the intended targets, mainstream journalists typically begin to notice and report on the trend. This mainstream media attention further propagates the memetic payload to victims that would otherwise not have been exposed.
Christian Gray
While not directly part of the killchain, a number of other components are critical to the successful development and distribution of memetic payloads (and were observed over the course of CY+1). There are:
4. Weaponized autism: This effectively refers to skilled and dedicated manpower, particularly with respect to performing open source intelligence gathering (OSINT), analysis of gathered information and execution of the crucial elements of the memetic killchain.
5. Strong culture: Shitlord culture is a brutal meritocracy, is paranoid and actively hostile to outsiders. While an exploration of culture is beyond the scope of this thread, one extremely important point is that this "community" is completely decentralized, and thus cannot be destroyed or subverted through influencing specific individuals (e-celebs).
6. el8 haxing: While this is not explicitly part of the killchain, CY+1 saw information gathered through hacking activity being used to great effect by shitlords. In particular, the use of weaponized autism [4] to derive useful insights, and forcing mainstream media to address these findings by kicking off meme seeding [2] and signal boosting [3] activities.
Hudson Jackson
Don't mind me, just checking these quads
Nicholas Moore
you are correct. but the primary focus here is development. what makes a meme engaging? how do we properly understand its propagation through society?
sure, you can give all kinds of answers to these questions, but the barrier is in the way we think about them. there are memetics companies which specialize in this field and have more information on the subject and capacity for data collection than anyone here (see, "applied memetics." they were embedded in Cruz's campaign). yet somehow we're able to have much greater success than them.
Nicholas Russell
Honestly, mathematical modeling of memetics without experimentation is pure folly. Memes are an incredibly chaotic system where the slightest modeling error will completely kill any meme warfare plans in its tracks. The best thing to do would be to have some means of tracking memes in a small, controlled environment like a college campus, workplace, etc. and track their spread and evolution, you would need reliable data before you could attempt any modelling, and while we seem to have a knack for dank memes we just kind of shitpost until something works out and it is unpredictable even to us, I thought baneposting was forced and gay at first but it caught on so much that we literally memed the crash into existence.
Carter Fisher
Kek has truly blessed me, brother.
With respect to this thread, I don't have a fully formulated methodology for meme development, but here's a couple of thoughts:
1. Some sort of repeatable mathematical model for meme development (and meme propagation) would depend on relatively accurate models of human group psychology. Further, reliable data is required in order to populate the variables in such models. I'm not sure if any such models currently exist.
2. A model of this nature is not currently required since we have the benefit of crafting memetic payloads through trial and error, as was seen through CY+1.
3. In order for a memetic payload to be effective, it must be self-propagating. The most effective way we've so far seen of creating a self-propagating meme is to make it humourous. This may not be the only meme propagation mechanism, but it's currently the most effective and also the most fun to develop.
4. Humour is difficult to define, but a core component of humour is truth and taboo. The political right has, at this stage, a virtual monopoly on objective truth and has absolutely no fears of breaking taboos, which currently gives us complete memetic supremacy.
5. At this stage, a humourous meme that derives its humour from truth is sufficiently subversive to change an individual's perception of reality. An excellent example of this was the draftourdaughters campaign - simply by highlighting the fact than women may well be drafted and would be at risk of being sent into combat triggered natural female self-interest and instinct of self preservation in a way that was beneficial to us.
6. Whatever redpill is embedded in the meme has to be sufficiently subtle not to trigger the target's automatic reflex to ignore "wrongthink". Again, the draftourdaughters thing was a perfect example of this.
Joseph Anderson
it's a bit of a two-way street. you can't have a complete model until you observe the subject in action, but mere observation is worthless without being able to enumerate any of the results.
let me bring up Ohm's law again to demonstrate this: we understood THAT electricity ahs a form of potential energy (voltage) and kinetic energy (current) as well as the fact that certain things resist that flow (resistance). What Ohm did was he found a way to quantify these values. Voltage was already pretty well understood, from there, he defined the resistance and current in relation to each other and voltage. he came up with 1Volt/1Ohm=1Amp. from there, we were able to get all kinds of calculations off and the field of electronics blossomed beyond the wildest dreams of its pioneers.
unfortunately, we can't just take a meme battery and hook it up to a meme circuit with a meme load to get exact measurements. we need to take our understanding and turn it into a mathematical model, then attempt to apply said model and see where it breaks down. above all else, we need to know WHAT the variables are before we begin doing any of that.
Wyatt Thomas
now that i think about it, would 4/b/ be a good testing ground for meme experimentation?
after getting a grasp on the actual workings of a meme, we could design memes/coordinate events which will cause it to spread, learning from successes and failures but cataloging the results of each experiment. we can stray away from ideological stuff and just focus on learning what makes memes in general propagate.
John Parker
This is a bad idea, like most of modern technology.
Autists can be trusted and understand these things intuitively. Every time autists have codified how we do things the only thing to come of it is that the normies can be taught those things.
Memes are too powerful to hand over to normies, OP is either extraordinarily short-sighted or a willing shill.
Elijah Bailey
The only non-autists I know of who actually understand memes are PsyWar types, and those are mostly on our side.
Hudson Morgan
Yeah, we are. Most of us psywarspecialists get banned from everywhere else when were being ourselves, so we wind up here. Just like the shitposters and trolls. as if we are not all one truth, manifesting our whiteness through the internet. I feel more at home here being called fag and shill by my brothers, than out there being called "friend" and "brother" by my enemies.
Kayden Watson
For anons in this thread that would be interested in pursuing this subject, here is a list of books, subjects, and individuals I would study. Consider this an attempt at putting together a 'syllabus' if you will. I would consider this to be a mixture of theory and applied memetics, if you will, there are instructive lessons for both.
Paul Lazarzfeld - Mass Communication, Popular Taste and Organized Social Action
Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy
Eugen Hadamovsky - Propaganda and National Power
Walter Lippmann - Public Opinion
Edward Bernays - Propaganda
Mencius Moldbug - How Dawkins Got Pwned
Dale Carnegie - How To Win Friends and Influence People
Nassim Taleb - Anti-Fragile and The Black Swan
Donald Hoffman - The Interface Theory of Perception
Lettvin, Maturana, McCulloch, Pitts - What the Frog's Eye Tells the Frog's Brain
Annila & Salthe - Economies Evolve by Energy Dispersal
Francis Heylighen - The Global Superorganism: an evolutionary-cybernetic model of the emerging network society
Teilhard de Chardin - Phenomenon of Man
Toupo, Strogatz, Cohen, Rand - Evolutionary game dynamics of controlled and automatic decision-making
Ross Ashby - An Introduction to Cybernetics
John Pierce - An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals, and Noise
Bert Mendelson - Introduction to Topology
Advanced reading:
Aristotle - Rhetoric and Metaphysics
Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation
Rene Girard - The Scapegoat
AJ Ayer - Language, Truth, and Logic
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching
Isaac Peterson
That's certainly how I ended up washed up here. Most people like a little troll/countertroll, but I was so godfucking good at it that people ran out of patience with playing with me. Still, I couldn't have ended up a better place. This is the only place in the world where I feel like I'm really talking to people on my own intellectual level, and who have the skills required to riposte my strongest attacks. But it's also kind of lonely and alienating too. Billions of people in this world, and yet somehow I only have genuine camaraderie with the smallest sliver of the smallest sliver of the most elite splinter of the population.
Aiden Ross
For your dubs, I will put suggest one postulate:
A key ingredient to a meme's reproducibility is its potential to morph. A meme which also represents a category of memes thus becomes its own niche within an ecology. Once the transmorphing trend has been established, it should be easier to maintain through inertia. Here is a methodology which laborious anons could complete:
1) Create a series of memes that have low intrinsic relation to each other
2) Randomly separate these into two groups. For the first group, create a series of five subsequent transformations. For the second group, do not create any transformations.
3) Release into the wild which controls for similar variables (e.g. 2 am on a Wednesday night - further tests could examine the effect that time has, but for now we need to establish this basic effect)
4) Keep very organized notes and captures of the threads for documentation and evaluation purposes
5) Determine if an effect such as "transformation inertia" can be reasonably inferred from the data
Ethan Flores
Create an image that shows the network for each component (e.g. meme development) and how each network relates (in a causal sense) to the next part. I think the OODA loop would be an apt description of meme development, as the process of meme seeding and signal boosting does not imply that meme development isn't over. It would be a continuous process, in which meme development -> meme seeding, and meme seeding then passes on information/motion to both the meme development and signal boosting components of the memetic killchain as you've described it. Does that make sense?
Brayden Mitchell
It will probably look like a fractal of OODA loops as each step in the process can be rather complicated. Then there's in interplay that you've described.
John Allen
Yes, the concept of an OODA loop is one that makes sense, assuming that you have the "Observe" component. At this stage this is not something we're good at doing - we don't have any way of measuring objectively whether a particular memetic payload has been successful or not. Everything is based on intuition, lulz and salt.
To be honest this concerns me also. All I've done so far is logically describe an existing process, but there's a risk that doing so will disproportionately benefit our opponents.
Having said that fullchan and cuckchan are not exactly secret clubs, and we've been watched all through CY and CY+1 without any real negative consequence.
Jason Myers
To see what government by meme would look like, read Excession by Ian M. Banks. Holla Forums is the Happy Fun Times Gang.
Jonathan Gonzalez
I'm glad another user is writing about this. I tried to go with a similar angle early-mid 2015 got shilled out by meme magicians (pre-kek) in hindsight esotericism has advantages.
Connor Jenkins
I've been reading those books lately! I think you mean "Interesting Times Gang." But I'd hate to be so, you know, derivative. I think of us as a separate but equal club of memetic miscreants - The Big Guys.
Sebastian Sanders
The Observe component can be tracked via social media metrics. That's more on the meme seeder's side of things.
Really we need to stop being lazy and get some twitter bots going.
Xavier Cruz
Memetics is a field that was initially attempted to be research on at least one Holla Forums board, namely /BMW/. The results never were collected because at every turn discussion of memetics as a potential vector for disseminating information pertinent to halting the current social decline was derailed by at best genuine occultist believers and at worst malicious subversives. To begin memes are potentially a groundbreaking way to communicate many messages in a concise, compact and most importantly of all, humourous way. indeed the same meme may contain numerous messages, for example the (by user standards) ancient Pedobear meme, this conveys a huge number of meanings, depending on minor changes and additions to the meme itself, so when depicted with a person with normal expression this clearly indicates of course that the pictured is a pedophile, when alone or in an approval seal it is simultaneously a warning to anons to not go into the thread, and a call to the mods for removal of the thread. The chans actually hold a major advantage in this medium of information dissemination as old media or even new media who are late gen X or early millenials for some reason do not quite have the required ability to read the subtle nuances of a meme, perhaps it's a matter of age, perhaps a matter of left-leaning offence and elitism, some combination of the two or neither. however it does stand as a significant advantage to the various chan boards most notably Holla Forums in getting information out to people beyond normal social media and bloggers etc's speed of adaptation, a fantastic example of this being the meme and slur "dindu" or "dindu nuffin" which evaded media call outs for the hilariously racially charged epithet it truly is for more than a year and indeed most people until the /k/-baltimore altercation would not have known what you meant had you said it but those who looked it up or who paid attention to context. as such memes have two particularly beautiful applications, one of which being pseudo-cryptography, in which multiple layered meanings on a meme allow it to be used in different settings via posters or some such to communicate something about a place or group frequenting it, or as this piece seeks to explore for disseminating a trail to be followed, a notable example of which would be "with open gates" and its eclipsed but in many ways more skillfully executed with less opsec violations "cinder to cinder". memes can also be used to draw people insidiously into spaces where one may want them, in a twist upon the (also ancient) summerfag meme, what one ought to do is create a particularly innocuous seeming but also completely hilarious meme that leads exactly where one wishes such a thing to go, so in the case of Holla Forums create something leading to their world view, /r9k/ effectively still uses pepe to this end with varying implications. the applications of memetics as being able to lead people without preaching is in and of itself an art that was lost to 8ch before it could even come to be due to the "meme magicians" who thought that ebola chan was real and the reason it worked had nothing to do with african paranoia at westerners as a whole being exacerbated but instead was because ebola-chan is "an egregore" suffice to say while an amusing and useful lie, when widely held as truth by the community crafting the memes that are supposed to in some way in the case of Holla Forums resist social degeneration and the spread of islam into the west and into every european woman they can get their hands on's crotch, it prevents the spread of the idea, now thankfully for Holla Forums trump has already figured this out and it is scaring the media, it is scaring the establishment. and they will do anything to shut him down as a result. The problem with this knowledge is how dangerous it is, the left is unable to craft humourous and effective memes since they have run out of any material that isn't seen as the same old unfunny tripe that is simply shitting on what everyone wants, a stable society where their children do not run the risk of being blamed for their own rapes at the hands of foreigners as seen in germany. as such with the lefts inability to have a real sense of humour about anything the art of memetics remains forever partially closed to them, to grasp it successfully they would have to change their entire goals to not amount to western civilisation's devastation and replacement. That said Holla Forums is currently unable to grasp it properly too, Holla Forums seems since to instead of prefer thinking about memetics rationally believe the meme magic lies and seem unable to get beyond it. if however they somehow do get beyond it, unfortunately with the voraciousness of the media's hawkish gaze upon us, they will attempt to destroy all attempts to capitalise on such advances. the situation as such remains in a seemingly perpetual stalemate with neither side able to gain the upper hand in this battlefield
Hunter Jenkins
The OP of a /32/ thread made reflecting on research at the old Bureau.
Kayden Harris
In hindsight the esoterica served a very useful purpose and need not be dispensed with however a rational understanding among some may prove useful.
Asher Young
Well, I mean, what is the occult but the traditional systematization of memetics? A Tarot deck is a perfect example of this. It's filled to the brim with memetic symbolism, and then as the reading progresses, the psycho-spiritual elements react with one another. When I think about trying to break memes down to constituent elements… First you need a hook. There's got to be something that taps into the gestalt of the audience you want to reach. baneposting has survived a long-ass time around here, because the Batman movies were very popular among normalfags but they also seemed to capture a little of the spirit of chan culture. So the hook is what gets your attention in the first place.
Okay, as I type this seems to clarify itself. You start with the hook, but then you need the twist. The twist is the transformational element. You smash one meme into another, or you tie the hook into another popular, easily-recognizable thread in the popular consciousness of the medium you're targeting. Earlier today I posted a picture of Madoka wearing a Bane mask. That's the perfect example of what I'm talking about. The hook grabs, the twist extends.
Here's Wojack wearing an SS uniform. It's arguable which is the hook and which is the extender, but combined, it's a picture that conveys far more than a thousand words.
Jason Lee
Man I've forgotten about that place.
He looks quite smug too. Now, what's the hook, what's the twist, and what's the modifier?
Is smug a modifier, or a twist while the uniform is the modifier?
Robert Sanders
Very true. I did recant upon realising how useful esoteric kekism is for obfuscatory and also simplificatory purposes. Best explanation for memes really. Every bit as valid as a scientific one but infinitely less useful to the uninitiated.
Jaxon Powell
Just spitballing here, but I'd say Wojack is the hook, because he serves as the blank slate - the Fool card in the Tarot deck, the ignorant apprentice. Wojack is the character who is unshaped potential. He is clay, often in the hands of Pepe, who makes a mockery of him but with the hope of molding him into something greater. The twist would be the SS uniform. We've been taught to despise the Nazis for our entire lives. Yet, as we get older, wiser, and more informed, what we've been told seems to ring increasingly hollow. Okay here we go. The hook is Wojack because he resonates with our community. The twist is the SS uniform because it's the essence of the forbidden yet secretly revered. And the modifier, or the flow, is the smug. That image represents Wojack on the verge of enlightenment. He's finally found his calling and he is filled with self-satisfaction and numinous joy.
Elijah Nguyen
Another hugely important factor in memetic performance is the process of selection. If you throw a meme into an unmoderated fast board and it recurrently appears you've got a good meme going. If you have a couple of dedicated autists who have to keep reposting over and over without whom the meme vanishes? That's a failure (a là leftypol)
Jacob Ramirez
He was saying the percentages of posts pre election
Tyler Ortiz
I think you just made me get burnt out on memes. I don't like memes anymore.
Ian Taylor
(checked) That's how and why Oathbreaker failed. It was pretty much one dedicated autist who thought he had a good thing going. If 1, or 10, or even 50 anons were to be assassinated, a good meme should be able to survive that loss.
I've been thinking a lot lately about racial consciousness. For most of my life, I simply didn't have one, even though my genetic phenotype is factually endangered because I've inherited many recessive genes (blue eyes, red hair, light skin.) It's slowly come to my attention that I am part of a superorganism that has lasted dozens of generations and which comprises millions of individuals. In the same way that an individual human being is a composite organism, made of millions of cells, so too are we part of something greater than we ourselves could ever be. We can't say for sure whether cells "think" in any meaningful way. It's quite unlikely that the cells in the heart muscle have any conception of why we release hormones because we want to run up a hill. Perhaps memes are closer to the thoughts of the racial superorganism we comprise. In the same way our thoughts and personality survive the death of individual cells in our bodies, perhaps memes are the intelligence of a transcendent mind.
James Campbell
Well the genetics that are passed are the ones that best suit the environment they are in Same thing with Memetics, with memetics even if a part of a meme is easy to get rid of, if the meme is fit enough to the environment to propagate then it will thrive
Cameron Green
OP, the mistake you're making is thinking that popular opinion should effect how the government operates and what decisions it makes. Similar to how many of the best memes are those that are not well known, many of the most logical and sound ideas are ones that the public does not hold at all. What makes a meme (as in the modern connotation of memes) is the fact that quality content has been created from it, it has a running idea/joke behind it that is consistent, and dedicated and intelligent people have cultivated clever content depicting it. A picture of a cat with text superimposed onto it criticizing conservatism can be spread and seen by millions of people on Faceberg and Plebbit. That does not make it compelling or intelligent. Rather, real memes (memes actually based on an idea rather than just a crappy image macro) are the ones that are great. And whenever the masses get their hands on them, they bastardize and ruin it. Ideas are very similar.
A government should be ruled by the best of the best of your nation, and popular opinion should have little to no effect on the choices made by it. That's what National Socialism was all about; the idea that humans are organisms and should be ruled by the best among them to improve their nation. Sure, sometimes the masses are correct, but more often than not they are led by a charismatic leader. What we are beginning to see is leadership on the internet, a hierarchy of the communities. That is why our ideology is spreading so much more quickly than we could have ever formerly predicted; leaders are cultivating and refining our ideas, making them great. A small group of intelligent people are signal-boosting their message using humor. You would be quite surprised at how few people on lower end of the internet actually understand the images they are spreading, and aren't just spreading them because we have become something that they want to be associated with.
Oliver Reed
I like that. Very good analysis user.
This is probably the best way to test a meme before widespread deployment via social media. No sense in burning a good hashtag if the associated meme is crap.
Asher White
can you please find that video, it would be much appreciated. even clues, institutions involved, time published? anything more that you have given.
Chase Myers
witnessed/thx ,wtf is this doing unchecked
wew checked>>8609560
good god, a foundation also mfw the Bernays of the 21st cent is an user posting on a delta prawn frying board
also mfw our bernays is Hari Seldon
so which one of you is it?
Lincoln White
delete this, cerialy
all the rest of this is far abstracted and coming down, but your insight is boiled all the way down to truth… i know they can still fuck this up but still
Wyatt Martinez
This whole thread has served it's purpose. It should go.
Allowing it to continue is allowing the knowledge to possibly fall into the wrong hands.
Juan Walker
It's a natural, organic meritocracy of content. The best content is posted more often. We need to take the initiative and be the distributors and figuring out which types are reposted more often and which aren't. Is there an efficient way to track where an image ends up being posted besides just reverse image searching it?
I don't think that it's anything that's really that useful to the opposition. They can't control diffusion yet.
Kevin Mitchell
move it to bmw , the place is dead and the seeds of truth here will be hidden by the endless horizon gravel
Luke Young
i've archived this thread along with one other, we need to preserve this knowledge after threads are pruned.
/C8Omr /7D0PP
Jace Martinez
Post it to bmw then. A few people do poke their heads in there from time to time. It's more like a dead drop now instead of a board.
What does that mean?
Asher Williams
It's a natural, organic meritocracy of content. The best content is posted more often. We need to take the initiative and be the distributors and figuring out which types are reposted more often and which aren't. Is there an efficient way to track where an image ends up being posted besides just reverse image searching it?
that is why cuckchan uses google analytics google has the ability to track the evolution of feels good to 2016+1 pepe
Thomas Torres
Sebastian Ramirez
smart move sageing this
Josiah Cooper
pop them into archive.whatever. i was attempting to be discrete.
sage to kill this thread as soon as possible
Charles Reyes
Justin Clark
yeah, i have never deleted a post , i have the code, where do i apply it? for >>>>8612129
Ayden Thomas
did hide work?
Tyler Turner
im not sure either, im still only like a 6.5 on the scale
Nathaniel Martinez
Jaxson Gutierrez
sage goes in the email field newfriend
im not on the scale but i think you cannot delete on this board, only hide can you see post no
Bentley Cooper
yeah i forgot a couple of fields. i've been reading though the thread and this knowledge is like a 20th level wizard's spellbook left lying on the ground
Carson Johnson
If any shills are in this thread and don't have a mental disability then they'll just follow us.
Thomas Adams
true, but some of (((them))) are much more dangeorus than others
Evan Smith
i know, pycohistory being born in new/pol/ unanchored being saged to death
Christopher Hill
Lucas Thompson
i tried to move it to bmw prune to plum tread, the board is so slow we need to pump all other treads and sage the one we are using then hide all references to it.
mfw we second foundation now
Luke Peterson
Blake Richardson
one final sage ,sleep. out of the top 3 rows atleast
damn OP if i had a hat on i'd tip it.
made a tread so good it got the lurkers to touch a keyboard and had to be destroyed
Connor Barnes
my watch hasn't yet ended. still stuff to read and i don't work for another 9 hours.
Xavier Gutierrez
Isaac Kelly
dubdub of vigilance
Josiah Clark
kek is pleased with our dedication
Carson Wilson
David Clark
Ayden Davis
Landon Harris
Eli Williams
Receptions/Reaction has 3 sub-components: 1) Is the meme archtypical? Does it play on the deep inherent sub-circuits of the mind? The mind evolved by building on previous layers. Somewhere deep in our brain are residual frog brain structures: pepe. Trees, fathers, dragons etc are examples. 2) Connectivity. How many connection does this meme have with other accepted memes. 3) Emotional payload. Will the meme be memorable for its inherent emotional content?
Retention/Evolution 1) Connectivity: The more a meme is connected the more its recall is triggered. 2) Contrast: The rate of evolution is dependent on its connection with opposite or opposing types 3) Recall: Memeory recall is a well studied subject. Recall relies on the body. Emotions trigger the face. Actions trigger the body. The more tactile and sensory the more memorable.
Transmission/Replication 1) Template-able: Gotta make that meme technically easy to reproduce. Blanks states are helpful for new memes. 2) Simplicity 3) Evolution. Evolved memes are more potent than new memes. They already have a meme environment to exist within.
Josiah Howard
negro, there's a paper that said that the memes that spread do so because they have a high emotional valence.
In particular, memes that trigger outrage and anger spread very successfuly because the only emotional release the observer has is to "share" the meme forward in order to feel he has done something to solve the cause of outrage.
Liam Bell
You misunderstand totally, I'm suggesting we should make memetics a science. Memetics being the study of information propogation in mass society. Or, in short, how large groups of humans think collectively. That most definitely has to have an effect on government, since government is just as subject to this as anyone else. And to rule, they need to understand this.
David Anderson
Reminder that if you can't take this shit in, and can't have the sense to ask for a dumbed down synopsis, you don't belong here.
Alexander Green
sagebro for the win
Evan Barnes
holy shit, this really is a good analogy. Even Holla Forums itself is a good example of this. Over time growing from a pure shitposting central, to an ideologically pure natsoc board where any dissent has been discussed a million times and therefore gets shouted down.
Brandon Powell
Ayden Myers
Isaac Lee
Only if we give them the most retarded of the names, so that normies and kikes can never be taken seriously using our technology. The names must be fucking internal jokes, like the Goebbels factor(measures how true a meme is)
Jace Bailey
Talking about troll physics: Atomic Fusion is what happens in a sun, Hydrogen (Or anything smaller than iron really) gets fused together, making bigger and bigger atoms (Until iron), meanwhile generating energy.
However, M = EC² right? Iron have 55 atomic mass, meaning it could be converted into energy, and then into 55 hydrogens at "no energy cost".
If you loop Hydrogen -> Iron -> 55 Hydrogens don't you get infinite energy?
Caleb Nguyen
Yes, that's exactly how it works. Don't let the shills tell you any different.
Landon Ortiz
Sebastian Perry
ferns, trees. bullshit. we need the roman empire back, that worked long enough.