This story was posted on cuck Holla Forums

This story was posted on cuck Holla Forums.

The responses can be summed up as follows:

So, Holla Forums, is this a terrible racist white man and an unacceptable backlash against peaceful muslims who simply want to spread sharia without being bottled, or was this the greatest news story of 2016 next to Donald Trumps election?

Other urls found in this thread:

Personally I think anyone who says Happy Holidays in response to someone wishing them a Merry Christmas, in a western country, should be bottled.

I wish this story was every day, you know, like the stories about them raping little boys and claiming they couldnt understand the kid saying stop.

I have absolutely no sympathy myself, and when I see other people trying to pass the story off as fake, or as some kind of terrible thing done to muslims, I feel like bottling those people too.

it probably is fake and that's sad.

The story about getting off the train and the 2 white guys 1 with a MAGA hat and the other with a Trump Pence sweater beating her was fake.

The article is real, I understand some would question if it actually happened.

Story says several witnesses. That fake muslim story had no witnesses.

Gay people and non whites are afraid to travel to Russia.



White man assassinates black state senator

Random acts of spontaneous violence against people clearly hostile to our culture

Peaceful poster campaign exposing cultural marxism and white genocide, saying we have a right to exist as white people

Im really getting tired of this.

Pic related is a story about 120 niggers going around Temple University and beating all the white people they could find mercilessly, not leaving an inch of their body unmarked, even little girls, no remorse, no hesitation.

I assure you, this was not a false flag, and I think any rational person that reads the part about the cops not arresting them would agree, justice should be served.

Just a drunk Aussie. This story wouldn't even be clickbait-tier if both had been male.

I can understand the unarmed countries hating on muslims, especically with the way your government buses them in. But I don't understand the rage over holiday greetings. We have freedom of religion in America and that means being able to say Merry Christmas or happy holidays to whoever you want. I grew up in the 80s/90s and remember a whiter, happier America where everyone said Merry Christmas and they fucking meant it. And even though it pains me every time some blue-hair tells me happy holidays in a smug voice, I don't want big-gov sticking their ((noses)) into more parts of our lives.

This will end well…


Christmas is derived from the celebrations of Yule, faggot.

Fake as fuck


In response to the claims of whether or not this is a false flag? Who cares if it is, or isn't?
At worst its an isolated incident involving a clearly drunk person, and at best it never happened and Muslims are continuing to be faggots
More importantly, whites and Christians are being brutally killed and jailed in the middle east for even LESS reason and nobody says anything. Just remember an isolated incident proves nothing.

If it's real then good and if it isn't then it should be.


>A man called her a 'f*ing Muslim c*'

All Muslims deserve to be killed. I fully support this.


Kill yourself.

Visit northbridge at night for a week and you'll see someone get jumped while getting called a white dog/cunt, though I'm sure this will turn into on the slim chance it did happen.

It might have happened but the premise and set up seems very fake. "He was wearing a trump hat and chanting MAGA Conservative forever sir! He said he was a White Christian Male sporting toxic masculinity!"
That is added to the fact that by and large whites are less violent and more rational (barring russians)

Which the Founders intended to mean “any branch of Christianity only”. Kill yourself.

I'm sure we could identify Muslim groups over here that would be willing to do some Sharia enforcement on their own if they were given the appropriate information about Muslim violators of Sharia. Call it Operation Honorable Kebab. Similar lulz were had exposing Muslim women in Muslim countries, but the same principle should apply because, regardless of the country, a kebab is a kebab.

I hoped this actually happened, lmao.


It's probably fake, but if it was real Ibwoupd not give a shit anyway. Muslims kill white people in Europe every few months, one bottled bitch is nothing in comparison.
Muslim kills white person - not all Muslims
White person kills Muslim - stop the nazis!!!

I've literally never seen a single one of these stories turn out to be true, and there have been thousands of them. A beer bottle to the head leaves quite the evidence.

It's not true, but it should be.

You mean she's lying.

Expect yet another article talking about how the stranger, who turns out to be her christian boyfriend, did not actually bottle her, or pull her headscarf off in public.

when I worked at Mcdicks, they drilled into my brain the fact I had to say happy holidays instead of merry chritsmas. thankfully my new job doesn't care that I say it so finally I can go back to saying it again.

Mudshits are always calling wolf. Assume it's fake unless proven otherwise.

Some white men are just dicks
I have no control over what they do


Can't wait for a police report to never be filed

W-would ppl really do that OP? Just go on the news and tell lies?

If you don't celebrate Christmas (or Yule) you are literally not an American.

go back to Reddit, cuck.

Dude wtf, Brazil is mostly white.


The only people who sit around drinking from glass beer bottles in public are niggers. Story is fake and an attack on Christians. After this attack in the Germany Christmas market (((they))) will ban all public displays of Christmas as to not provoke further violence from the religion of peace…

Fuck off lolberg.

You've never been to Australia, have you?

This sounds just like the Holocaust. Something that never happened, but should have.

What kind of shit hole do you live in where the people aren't trusted to use glass bottles in public?


Muslims are semites and they do falseflags all the time

I can also tell the industrial standard for muslim hate gangs attacking and robbing whites is if they get caught they_ always_ counterclaim assault and hate crime.

Thank you. I was gonna make a Bane pun, but ultimately decided against that.

I hope this is real. This is what needs to start happening to these fucking immigrants.

is there a police report?

4/pol/ is shit. Literally every thread there on the German terrorist attack is going an about how Germans all "deserve it", how they are to blame for "destroying europe" and the fall of Rome, and how they should have all been exterminated at the end of world war 2.
I wouldn't be surprised if the faggot lefty mods are in on it.

You will hear the same from some britpol morons. Just block and ignore. Or even better don't go to shillchan to begin with.

Nah. The police'll catch up to her, ask her for pointers, and she'll admit right then and there that everything beyond the "Merry Christmas" was an utter lie.

Doesn't surprise me. Half are probably shills trying to stir the pot and the other half are just edgy faggots who have heard of Holla Forums over the last year because of Know Your Meme and hard hitting news stories of the frog that drove Hilary to madness.

Theres a lefty/pol/ mod they got onto cuckchan named prickliestcactus and hes shutting down everything he can get away with, like nigger hate threads for example, and the communist DIY spaces reporting thread which Hiro himself said was fine.

I hate cuckchan so much, the entire catalog on 4/pol/ is nothing but /r9k/ and Holla Forums shit sprinkled with race mixing threads everywhere and "POL BTFO", every person with an American flag on there is a shitskin or civic cuck and the Canadians go out of their way to act as obnoxious as possible

Honestly, there's just too many fucking things wrong with that place and that's not even getting into the other boards where any whiff of "Holla Forumsspeak" gets you banned within 5 minutes while left wing politics are allowed on every other board no matter how off topic it is

I'm really tired of >reddit spacing

Leaf here; doesn't surprise me about the Canadians. So many in this stupid country are just eternally assblasted at anything American. They're more or less like any other liberal except with added "le we're more cultured and le smart" smugness even though they're in denial that we depend on America for a lot (trade, military protection should we ever need it, etc.). Keep in mind too that half of them are probable Pajeets and Ahmed's or just from Hongcouver anyway.

don't worry user
when we annex you they're all going back

I could imagine that happening, but did it?

user got turned down by a Muslim in college: the post

Did you also believe the scenario from a while back of another Muslim getting her headscarf pulled down by white fucking males?

I'll have you know that hair is seen as a very lewd part of the body, in most Middle Eastern societies. Their women are basically implying that flocks of white men are chasing after them, spewing offensive phrases, and violating their "innocence".

You'll hang first.


what you sound like right now.

It seems fake because the controlled opposition shills who carry out propaganda operations like this make sure to tick off every box when playing their role as "right-wing extremist."
e.g Matthew Heimbach.

Again, this "assailant" probably just wished her a "Merry Christmas", and everything after that was simply a fantasy of hers about ravenous white men tearing away her headscarf, and revealing her hair to to the public.

You mean the Charleston chimp-choking champion killing Clementa was a false flag?


Get the fuck out. We have a minimum standard of discourse here that you just don’t meet.

Yes, but that's a typo. It was supposed to read "freedom from religion".

nah christmas is truly european with a small layer of kikeworship over it

I don't think that'd go over well, with the puritans.

watch game of thrones season 4 to 6 and focus on the sparrow storyline, or look at the middle east, supporting crazy religious groops because your interests overlap to some extent is a shitty idea

no, christmas is truly (((saturian))) with roots back to babylon, caanan, egypt, sumer, etc. its been a kike thing since before judaism. why do you think kikes are ones who pushed it in america so heavily and profit from it massively every year?

now start asking yourself where the fuck 'easter' and 'halloween' come from, and ask yourself why the kikes pushed both of those so hard in america too…

its all (((saturn))) worship.

How's it feel to be intellectually stunted?

Happy holidays bitch.

Y am I laffin

What the fuck are you going on about? Get the fuck out of here, with the defense of your brown whores. This is why I post this in these threads.

ye of little faith

It is okay. I remember trying to find a place to go to get away from that shit right before the exodus. I remember actually getting caught up into an argument with someone trying to say the Darren Wilson should have used judo against Mike Brown. Me and other anons argued the obvious, but there were so many fucks arguing….

4/pol/ went to shit long ago.

Sorry, I couldn't even continue the story.

The funny thing about these fake news articles is that what "happens" to these muzzies under "evil oppressive white christian males" is still much better than how they're treated under Islam. Honestly, would you rather get glassed for being a cunt, or be raped, have acid thrown on your face, then stoned to death for not wearing a garbage bag on your head?

Is it still the land where women glow, the men plunder, the beer does flow, and men chunder? Current events tend to tell me the place has underwent a bout of decadence.


You do fine in these threads until you post that. It doesn't even make sense once we understand your point. And there aren't enough shitskins for it to trigger, if they even could figure out what she was.

There's more of them on here, than you think. Not suggesting any kind of "MIDF" exists, but there's definitely a presence of them.

So fucking gay. Please don't use this faggot term.

You must have poor reading comprehension.

Nah. He's just another Muslim. The "bitch" should have tipped that off.

Muslims are professional lairs. If a bong really bottled that kebab, next beer is one me.

so when are they gonna ban glass bottles? they already have stupid laws about forks

They'll do it, inevitably, and hike up taxes, to boot.

Ban assault bottles!

The Muslims in America need to know that the bullshit they pulled in the EU will not be tolerated in America. Who gives a fuck if a few Muslim cunts get hit over the head with a bottle.

They need to be living in constant fear. ALL OF THEM NEED TO. We see how they act when they don't fear retribution. They rape women, men, kids, grandmas, animals, run people over with trucks, blow people up with bombs, and burn down refugee centers when the candy dries up. All the while they act like they are being oppressed because we want to celebrate Christmas and live like human beings that value freedom.

Merry Christmas you filthy animals


I hope Holla Forums keeps saying that.

in related news, the holocaust