Reminder that Clover now supports this site.
Reminder that Clover now supports this site
Other urls found in this thread:
Does anyone know how to make a landline show up as a cell phone?
I'm really confused
Use Dashchan.
lol no thanks
imb4 daily floooooeeens threads
Well, your lost.
Why "dash”chan..?
It's like a better version of the old Overchan app
Abandon all hope.
into the trash it goes.
Yes, this is bait, try it somewhere else.
Not in google play store were pater Google watches over us, this is probably a virus. Your smartphone warns you.
umm no sweetie
Holla Forums is an iphone owners club
postin from clover
Into the trash it goes.
4chan is now broken but now we can shitpost here
Bunch of /g/ normalfags here I see.
Wew keep that degenerate level of shitposting on cuckchan.
Clover is available on f-froid
Isn't working for me
dev builds
Overchan (forked) is literally the best experience for shitposting on mobile.
It is. I just wish it was available for a better mobile operating system.
I haven't used overchan for a while, I like chan burauza, it does most of what I need
based floens
what’s wrong dear?
go to conversion therapy
That's nice.
that's libreboot you're thinking
why don't you follow uriel if you can't deal with real, proprietary software, honey?
Its pretty shit compared to dashchan
russian botnet
it's 2018, why can't freetards make something that just werks on the iPhone?
make it yourself faggot
Apple doesn't allow wrongthink in their store.
phonecucks literally killed imageboards and internet culture.
clover is comfy
Clover posters out now
Prefix the number with 0197.
delete this
user, it's even worse. Redditors
It doesn't seem to give me the option to add 8ch boards to clover though.
Never mind, I seem to have missed the search box.
There's no fucking difference anymore.
clover is on f-droid
can you elaborate how its a russian botnet? i do hate that dashchan has separate apks for different sites but it does look cleaner over overchan.
because it's made by some russian dude
back to 4chan! and don't forget to do your homework : )
kill yourself
I can't upload image
I want a good fucking app for browsing this fucking site.
then use dashchan
That doesn't qualify as "good". This website is a disaster.
Here's what you should do:
I've been on Holla Forums since before gamergate,, and on Holla Forums since day one. I've looked at a lot of its code. I've had very minor involvement in its development, and I've written a library to wrap around Holla Forums's API, for personal use.
This website is a disaster.
It‘s good enough for me ;^)
Sent from my iPhone
Care to share your scripts?
page 15 save rave
this is important thread
Dashchan is the best mobile chan client
back to >>>/g/
I wish it supported my country's small chans too
I don't see no updates on f-droid
You need to install the development build right from hipgut.
You can make if yourself.
I'll use it when you rename it.
DashChan is fine as far as I know, but you should remember that Chromium is FOSS too. It gives you no guarantees about the behavior of the software.
Oh, so that's why I've been seeing a lot of shitposting today.
speaking of Holla Forums, what are equalilent of 4chanx and oneechan on Holla Forums? i'm new here - coming from 4chan.
You will find that none is needed
Yeah me too :'(