We have proven that meme magic, and the collective power of suggestion that fuels it, gives us power over our ideological enemies. Through a medium as simple as internet memes we have manged to influence global events and ignite nationalist sentiments. Our potential is limitless. Whether it was a conscious decision or not, we now have ethnonationalist sentiments injected into song and visual art through fashwave and the co-opting of nostalgic vaporwave aesthetics found in vaporwave iconics, longing for greater days. Finding our presence in genres that are youthful and futuristic allows us to become an influencing factor in a young adolescent's life. Why not expand? We should encourage involvement in the arts as both a means of spreading our message and a method of self improvement. We should seek to meme ourselves into poetry, spoken word, video design, music production. Don't quit your day job. Just spend less time consuming goodgoy entertainment and spend more recreation time practicing an art. Like Ezra and the Italian futurists, we have the means to build legitimacy in our image through meaningful and wholesome expression.
Taking the Arts
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Good idea but you didn't post OC to get things rolling so you're a faggot.
I write, play music. Any drawfags here?
good ideas, im right there with you m8.
started learning guitar, singing, programming and penetration testing
Good to hear. I'll probably start this thread again during a busier time of day to get more traction.
Right there with you. Im a multi instrumentalist so i can do Guitar(Which is my main)/Bass, synths, Drums, Vocals. Im pretty damn young so i hope to at least do my part in making some Holla Forums tier Folk Metal.
I'm drawfag and I've been thinking about ways to express redpills in art already, though now with the holidays I won't have much time for that because I'll visit my family.
Programming (4th year) and about 1700 hours in Photoshop (rough estimate, self taught).
I drew a lot as a kid (was one of the only "autists" that drew things in 3D with great detail) but have not touched it since.
Is it worth getting a tablet and try to go from editing → drawing or should i start with pen and paper if I ever consider doing this again.
Is everyone familiar with Death in June? Embed related is a great starting point.
Good post, user. Been a fan of theirs for years.
become better than anyone else and create good art that represents western civilization ideals. if your goal is to make art that merely "really makes you think" you should kys because you are the same as (((modern))) artists and the like. shortcuts and easy ways out are for leftists. how many tedious hours do you think the ninja turtle artists practiced?
Sounds like this one could also need some more attention.
Just because we got a larger presence in youthful genres we do not need to reinvent the wheel.
After all, If we only seek to influence without nurturing what came before we are no better then those we fight.
This nigger knows.
This is very important. The left rose to power by becoming the content creators (or at least the ones who control the creators)
We need to reclaim the culture if we must defeat ZOG.
As an Ausfag, this thread is great timing as I am enrolling into university. I still can not decide exactly what I want to choose. I am torn between picking any of the following
What you're actually picking between:
english is the right choice
nah m8, either you start something of your own, get together with like-minded people, or you do a study in some field of technological advancement. bonus points if yes to multiple
I have been drawing for a while on pen and paper but have no idea how to use gimp or other programs. Should I learn to use them ?
Gimp is decent for image editing but it isn't that good for drawing. Get Krita or Photoshop.
The point of the thread is to take back the arts. It is no use in all of us going into STEM, if some of us are not good at maths and the sciences.
Most artists work with digital art by using a drawing tablet. You can go for either the Wacom or Huion brands. The cheaper models are the ones without the screen, and the expensive ones generally have a screen on there.
I'm a STEMfag with a day job. For a long time, I thought I just wasn't artistic or creative, that I didn't have the talent.
But recently, I decided to just try and put in the work to git good. My drawing is coming along. Still crap, but far better than where I started. I want to start writing as well.
I have been interested in learning Adobe Illustrator for (((Graphic Design))) but I heard about this program called Affinity Designer just got ported to windows and it's around 60 bucks. My question is, can you get by without a wacom? I would just be using a mouse.
Interestingly, someone on /lit/ made a similar post/idea. Anyway, I'm going to sleep. I'll post later if this thread gains more attention.
Inkscape is free ""advertising nigger""
I'm in the same boat, but considering physics, computer science or some kind of engineering. Maybe software engineering. I also want to do units in history/philosophy, maybe even journalism. Any tips? I know most arts courses are jewed these days but what about STEM?
My older brother did a double major in both history and classical history. He wants to do economics now, says that there simply are no jobs or opportunities in doing history, which is a shame because it is my favourite subject.
I keep hearing that this is the most useless degree and cucked beyond all belief.
Do not know too much about it.
Im downloading it
It's been a long time since I was an undergrad, so maybe things have changed, but all the STEM courses I took were absent from politics in general. I assume the general college environment is pretty pozzed, but I would think it's hard to shit up engineering and physics.
I really enjoyed physics, and did it as a second major, but I went to grad school for engineering. Programming is fun, and something I picked up on my own. You'd be surprised how much computer science you can learn with free resources online, and just doing challenge problems at places like TopCoder, CodeEval, Project Euler and so on.
Every curriculum is pozzed because you have to take your General Education (humanities) courses, but I luckily did them in AP tests.
Conservative Arts should be taught in school instead of the joke "education" we have now. You don't need to limit yourself to traditional forms of schooling though, they are not even able to keep up with the new stuff coming out these days. I bet there will be much increased discourse on internet memes and their ability to sway the populace.
I hope you faggots have watched this series.
Did someone say "idea"?? First things first: can we get some anons to get started on the name and the logo for this project? I'll look into web hosting and a Wordpress install. I've got some slick themes.
Good post.
Just got Logic Pro for Christmas. Hoping to create some fashwave as soon as I learn the ropes. My main inspiration is Genosavior.
Genosavior if you're on here man I'd love to chat with you about production, equipment, etc. Keep up the good work.