So, recently, after revealing my power levels publicly during the election, and ramping up my involvement in this right wing resurgance, I've received no shortage of suspicious friendship requests on social media. Some turned out to just be other open memers, some were obvious fake accounts, others were difficult to know for sure. But this is new: girls. Being added by "Trump supporter" girls.
Now, I do not wish to disclose too much, for risk of implicating myself, or a possibly innocent, redpilled kid, but I'm curious.
JAILBAIT: possible kikery at work. Anyone else?
Other urls found in this thread:
How young are we talking? Just under 18 or under age of consent in your state?
Ask for a timestamp just like in Holla Forums
There’s no real issue here. Don’t friend anyone.
15, but AoC is 16 where I live. I doubt AoC is a big concern here, more the risk of hard liability CP posession - the location would not work for meeting in person.
Tell her you think she's a sweet girl but she needs to be careful with whom she interacts online.
Just the usual chatbots trying to get my credit card numbers when I log into alt accounts I use for fucking with a local Pajeet cafe. If I did get contacted by someone like that, I'd be real fucking suspicious, though. Search high and low for info. If they don't appear to exist or every profile you find is sending up the same alarms, do not respond.
Where can I get a qt3.14 FBI gf?
I use social media to communicate with people. Regardless, this is not about "friends" or whatnot, I am just wondering if anyone else here has received similar suspicious attention. If it's just me, it's probably a coincidence. But it may well be a new kike plan in the works.
It's only entrapment if you're retarded enough to get trapped. Don't ask the underage grils for nudes. Problem solved.
Very obviously not a chatbot. But targeted marketing, yes.
Yep you're right to be wary, I'd stop responding to her if it was me. If she sends you an unsolicited nude report it immediately.
Feds have also had young looking female agents pose as underage girls before to entrap people.
I wonder if girls are going to start rebelling by going out with nazis, now that we're in the piblic eye
More like hiding malware in innocent looking files that will proceed to dl pizza.
You might be getting targeted for some kind of set up. Really when it comes to sexual foibles, just being legal and heterosexual immunizes you against all sorts of blackmail attempts. That said, I watched an MI5 whistleblower on youtube who said 10% of vid-conferencing they intercept online consists of long distance couples getting pornographic with each other. Probably not the sort of thing the couples would like published.
It's only entrapment if you're retarded enough to get trapped.
That's what I will do if it happens, yes. Anyone here actually experienced entrapment?
Is no one gonna check these digits of hope?
honestly I might be, so I'm worried. If this is a trap, this might not be the only one
OP you'd be super easy to entrap, quit while you're ahead.
Look into the laws, 15 might not even be illegal in her state, it sure as fuck isn't in mine.
I can fug 15 year olds until I'm 25 :^)
Feds have to follow the laws too, unless they can discredit you enough to hide whatever legal snafus occured, likely is a trick though, could be antifa looking to "expose" pedos in the aut-lite, you social media retards usually gravitate to aut-lite circles.
Fuckin' sick trips
I'd guess that most people here don't have a Facebook, I don't at least.
But to answer, the only social media I have is twatter and instagram, my faceberg has been collecting cobwebs on a "burner" computer that's sitting in a U-Haul center somewhere near Las Vegas.
I haven't been getting any sort of attention because I don't bring attention onto myself and only use social media to feed whoever wishes to surveil me disinformation.
this on facebook, or some other site?
You expect too much.
Fugging is generally fine, having pictures, less so. muh dick is making this more of a dilemma than it is
By the time I realized I need OPSEC, I was already compromised.
Just put away your dick and build a platonic instructor/student relationship.
A) If three letter bait, they will soon lose interest and move on to other targets.
B) If genuinely interested in the cause, you can help build the next generation of Right Wing Death Cuties.
It would be a wasted opportunity to burn option B just because option A is a possibility.
yeah, any picture of a girl less than 18 is CP regardless of AoC laws.
You don't want to fuck a girl who takes naked pictures of herself either, stop acting like a nigger.
Yep, you're a retard.
There is literally nothing wrong with befriending a minor on the Internet if you keep it platonic. If the conversation takes a turn for the sexual, then it might be a bait. But if you're just swapping dank memes and Holla Forums material, you have nothing to worry about.
I imagine a lot of people probably did what I did which was make one for the election season since you can use visual propaganda rather than just in person rhetoric.
It also allows you to option of linking videos which are the best of both worlds. Social media can be useful if you're not afraid of being spied on (for example if you're pretty sure you're already on whatever list they put people like us on, what are they going to do put me on a second list?)
No, van you.
That has basically been my thought process so far. If legit, any good girl is valuable to us. The trick is not getting compromised.
Jokes on them, I'm a 12th level meme wizard. They throw me in a van and monarch my third eye it'll be the most action I'll ever get - they'll be doing me a favor.
All jokes aside, women are almost always attracted to strong outsiders over 'normal' people. If you can manage to have strong, informed viewpoints AND seem like a balanced individual, the pussy will be yours
>implying 'underage' isn't one of the fundamental requirements for seemingly ideal.
Young women are at their peak of attractiveness and desirability as suitable, not-yet-fully-brainwashed-by-the-sjw-golems wife and mother material. Women were considered approachable for courtship at the onset of puberty for all human history user. It's only with the onset of the pozzed 20th and 21st centuries following the Women's Suffrage movement, and the wide adoption of AOC laws that the notion that they are somehow unsuitable for men has come about.
Ofc take all precautionary measures you see fit for your own welfare OP, just don't swallow the femshit bluepill on this issue while you're at it. These artificial contrivances have been devised primarily to allow these older, less attractive women to compete more effectively in the sexual and political power marketplaces. Nothing more.
Hi pedofag. Can't say I wasn't expecting you.
Nothing wrong with girls who are fully developed having kids but no anything younger than that is degenerate. Ideally they should be starting families with both parents young and around a similar age - the male being slightly older.
the fact that she is on kikebook and talks to older guys means she already is compromised. we dont need no whore on our side.
Well, there's no trick to it. Just don't get your dick out.
It's a matter of willpower and integrity. Both valuable traits to develop. In any case, taking advantage would be wrong here. Keeping it platonic (for now) is the right thing to do. Even if it gets hard. Consider it a personal challenge if it helps.
You are already on that list, maybe it is still early for you, drop that "girl" while you can.
Absolutely not, these people are persuasive and will do anything so to get you to say something incriminating.
While not necessarily entrapment, it's a known tactic of alphabet soups to use fake accounts and follow a target. Even if they don't directly interact with you, some of those Twitter/facebook accounts who seem to be bots posting only random clickbait articles, usually related to things that are similar to what you posted on your social media accounts, are operated by feds/intelligence agencies. After a while they'll unfollow if they deem you not a real threat and some other random accounts will eventually do the same thing if you post again "problematic" content. Problematic here means anything that is political or crime related, it's not only "right-wing conspiracy theorists" that are subject to it. Drug addicts, environmentalists, those defending freedom, double whammy if that freedom is the second amendment and anyone opposing ZOG wars are also monitored the same way, for example. Each have their subsets of strange fake twitter accounts set to follow them at random intervals.
I'd find out her age and as soon as she is legal get her over for breeding/wife purposes. As long as you go into it with the understanding that nothing could come of it you're fine.
But yeah I do recall the MO of SJWs is to try and cyber honey pot redpilled individuals. If your smart worst case scenerio is you get some beta make redpilled on how to be a decent woman best case you secure your lineage.
If she's still pure then some other guy will be breaking that hymen and putting a ring on it. Girls who go for older guys are intelligent, females are very malleable under OP's influence she could become a decent human being otherwise it is the toilet as you say.
This, never let your guard down. That moment when you think "there's no way this could be of be FBI" is the exact moment you should be most wary and tread lightly
Just for a good looking ebil nadse
always remember no hymen no diamond
Is enough don't get in a lewd conversation?
Getting hardly traceable anons to eventually participate in social media, in the hope of finding the pure, fresh MAGA wifus of their dreams.
So don't say anything incriminating. When they realize you won't, they move on to easier targets. They're after quick and easy targets for stats.
Unless they're targeting you specifically, then they might try a different vector. But that is highly unlikely unless you're a major leadership figure.
You have to be a brain dead moron or be weak to peer pressure to have a facebook. I keep getting asked by family members to make one and have told them to fuck off the kikes' stupid goyim database for the past 9 years.
Validate your claim from non-pozzed material substantially other than >source: user's ass. And no, I'm not promoting pedophilia. Young adults are, well adults, not children.
There are many external circumstances pressuring couples to wait until later in life to marry (if at all) and have children. Most of these are financial, as well as the artificial construct that women should be stronk, indepyndynt womyn. Most of the issues stem from the absolute necessity of the man to establish himself financially in life before he can hope to successfully support a wife, much less children. The physical development of the adult female certainly isn't an actual limiting factor outside of the (apparently) bluepilled mentality of individuals like yours.
One of the additional gains made by the enemies of solid, healthy families by insisting on taking any measures possible to prevent young women from becoming involved in raising families is in providing yet more fodder for the evil SJW-infested mill that the modern University has degenerated into. Early marriage prevents women from engaging in that brainwashing system.
once a coal burner always a coal burner. degenerates will corrupt the next generation. if you want to fuck a woman that much then go ahead mate. we will just take you out when the purge comes, you wont be any use for the western civiliazation if you think with your dick before your mind.
Some law enforcement has also used CGI children to catch pedos who wanted to see live underage abuse or exploitation. This gets into a very weird legal area where no real children were ever involved and no laws are broken. If a typical 18+ camwhore uses live 3d effects to make herself appear much younger or acts like a child for her audience how is that any different than what law enforcement is doing?
I wouldn't be worried so far OP, as long as the intentions are pure on your end it's just a conversation. Those doing this don't care one bit about the ethics involved and want to label their opponents as disgusting monsters to help entice others into harassing you. If this tactic fails they wouldn't think twice about planting CP on your computer.
This could be the start of a gang stalking campaign. That I would be worried about since there's real defence against it asides for keeping your mouth shut and taking it like a man.
risk of childbirth complications drastically increases in females under 16.
Faceberg is, and always was, a dangerous weapon you dumb fucks, and we are not living in peacetime. The best advice is to get rid of your Faceberg account, but in lieu of that, play it very carefully like a game. Everything you do on Faceberg is recorded, and it knows everything that has been exposed to your eyeballs.
You'll have to provide corroborating data to validate that claim tbh. It's rather a sweeping generalization. Women under the age of 16 have been spitting out kids for the entire history of man.
Besides, if you don't want to risk childbirth with a women under 16, then don't knock her up. I personally couldn't care less what you (or anyone else here) do or don't do in your private affairs. My goal is simply to point out that swallowing this feminist-derived narrative hook line and sinker presumably out of fear of social stigma is bluepilled mentality plain and simple.
cmon now user. you can get to know a 12 year old, even marry, doesnt mean you should fuck. its called agency, and white men have it.
Not worth it.
stay focused to your cause and find a good woman to have kids with.
Stop being a fucking degenerate.
this happened to me some time ago and then the parent came at me. the thing is, she never said she was underage. she said she went to school with me so i had no idea. i didn't think it was a big deal, but they basically implied that i was pedo. i had to explain that i live like 2000 miles away, but not sure that did anything.
found out later that I was being investigated by feds this whole time for god knows what. it might have been them doing the whole thing in the first place, like hijacking accounts to try to set you/me up. be vigilant user. get your OPSEC down tight
Nah it's probably legit. Go for it.
This guy knows whatsup.
It could be any interested group. Members of the US military are constantly targeted this way by fake female accounts. The same kind you see on skeevy dating websites.
Don't believe the AoC claptrap. That's a tool for feminists (((and others))) to corrupt young people.
If you're over 18 and they aren't, then it's illegal. Don't get caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
Moreover, due to your political expression, expect that you are actively being setup. Unfriend these people immediately. Never have direct contact with them. Never message them. If they still stalk your (((social media))) that's fine - such as being followed on Twatter, but don't reciprocate.
We've seen the how deep the pizza goes. Nothing good will come of this.
also: Spiderman
I wouldn't break contact until she does something stupid imo. Lay the ground rules, define the rules of engagement, and don't invest too much time in an unlikely online attachment.
Worst case scenario you have to block some cp-planting fed. Best case scenario (though incredibly unlikely) you groom a qt and she starts spitting out a litter for you in a few years.
Don't know if shill or idiot but, either way, you're doing the Jews' work.
No man should ever ask a girl for nudes. She should send them willingly on her own. Thots these days are doing it all on their own, which is going to get a shit load of people arrested in the future now that it's all electronic.
Do you have non-nude pictures of her?
We might be able to figure out if she's real.
I guess they're mad you found out about the elite's Cheese Pizza stash and are trying entrapment tactics.
But to be fair, the new new generation, thehomeland generation, is the most uncucked of any since the GG.
They are phishing you. There is no end to what they will stoop to for these reprehensible people
In more mundane arenas there are fake girls on tinder as well. Remember, it is the internet
But this campaign if specifically targeted towards the right is a new phase in the war for mankind.
I don't think you understand.
If OP is expressing his political views, that's fine. But having contact with people under 18 is legally risky, even if it is on the up and up.
There are no limits (((they))) won't go to - to silence someone they disagree with. It's easier to snuff out those voices early before a following builds up around them.
OP, keep up with what you are doing, just don't have direct contact with minors.
Pizzagate is pushing them to try and entrap Trump supporters. Once they have one expect the narrative pushed by MSM to be "Trump supporters are pedos"
Is there a way for OP to set up a counter trap? If he invites "her" to his property and a gang of violent marxists show up, then he can gun them down and be protected by the Castle Doctrine. Would that work?
hello fbi
case perhaps of interest
When did reddit got so big? Stuff on the frontpage used to get 6-10k upvotes tops.
Be EXTREMELY FUCKING CAREFUL OP. Back when I wasn't hiding my power level as much as I should have certain (((people))) in my personal life suddenly started trying to hook me up with like 16 and 17 year olds. Thankfully I figured what they were up to. Another guy I knew who was somewhat redpilled ended up with a 17 year old and then suddenly stopped talking about any of it. I asked him if he was being blackmailed to which he responded "No comment." Seriously don't fuck around with that shit. It's probably entrapment.
Story time?
Precisely zero. No one cares about you or the trannies you chat about Alex Jones with.
Douche bag thinks he's a secret agent being honeypotted by Russians or some shit for his edgy fagbook comments…
I had one text me before, said they found my number on some forum and started flirting with me, asked how old I was and then she said she was 13 and liked older guys.
I just said lol you're a bit young for me and never text again, not sure if it was anything dodgy but it freaked me out a bit.
Wizard master race
source on the sicc beats?
to reply to OP:
if they're doing this, they're probably doing it with the persona management software they bought for the election. if you wish to toy with them, act accordingly.
Mods: stop range banning VPNs, it's dumb
that "girl" is probably a federal agent user
or make "she" works for an NGO that works for the rothschilds
They've also been dying from it
For what possible reason other than hedonisti self-gratification would you fuck a girl who isn't capable of bearing children? Fuck off and kill yourself.
I accidentally posted a picture with tumbler in the filename and got murdered yet you admit to using social media and get flooded with legit replies. What the fuck is that?
happened to me too but she was real but in Romania
hold up how do age of consent laws work internationally? are all tit pics under 18 illegal no matter where they came from?
yes because everywhere CP is defined as under 18 (i think)
actually… does cp even include the chest?
In the states pictures are seperate from sex acts. 18 is a hard limit for any pornography which has no hard definition either. Ultimately kiddy porn laws are federal. You follow the law of the land, even if porn of 16 year olds is legal in some other country, ingesting that media will get you v& in the states. At the state level you can consent to sex acts but CANNOT consent to photos/video until you are 18. It's actually kind of interesting, in my state I could theoretically have sex with a 16 year old but if i were to take any photos/videos I would get v& in a heartbeat and sent to federal pound me in the ass prison.
They changed the upboat counting algorithm to seem bigger. saging my own thread for off-topic
It depends. They classify it as 'sexual' in nature. It isn't illegal to just take pictures. It's only when they are 'sexual' that it becomes illegal. There have been some very high level court cases where the focal point of dispute was whether the photo was 'art' or 'pornography.'
I'm not a fucking faggot like you
Sup OP, let me spare you some paranoia and instill in you a different kind:
You're worried this bitch is working for some Soros NGO bullshit to entrap Trumpineers. She's not. She is, however, trying to trap you.
While women may bitch about how "unfair" it is that men are attracted to youth, they still act accordingly. She's not trying to fuck you over to advance some leftist agenda. She's trying to fuck you so you'll put a baby in her and become her slave. She knows damn well that if you knock her up early, the only way you get out of it is to marry her and stay married.
As for her appearing "custom tailored to Holla Forumsacks", the truth is she's custom tailored to you. She knows what you're into. She's done her research. It's unlikely she understands Trump's politics. What she does understand is Trump supporters value loyalty, and that's all she wants; your undying loyalty.
So the only question you need to ask is whether or not she's wife material. If the answer is no, steer clear. That pussy grabs back.
No its not, don't spread lies.
That's fucking kids, a 16 year old isn't a kid.
yeah my state is 16 as well so I was confused
thanks though
Having a naked picture of an individual 17 years and 364 days old is still cheese pizza.
Yes, as part of provisions for busting international pedo rings.
pics are illegal, sex isn't. Law is a bit dumb.
Just to elaborate on the court side of it. I remembered this from when I took some criminal law classes about 5 years back. Pardon the wikipedia link
Essentially in that court class they classified 'Pornography' as such.
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that." -Jacobellis v. Ohio
So even the courts can't really agree on what is 'porn' they just kind of make a judgement call. The whole thing is kind of fucked IMO. There should be some objective parameter but there really isn't.
The laws and their subjective nature truly is absurd. There was some case a year or two ago where a teenage girl took a picture of her mother and her teenage sister in their hot tub topless. There was nothing sexual going on whatsoever. Somehow the picture got out and the mother got in trouble for both producing child pornography and abuse.
Yeah, in addition there are states that have pretty lax luwd behavior laws that allow women to be topless. Is a business owner expected to shut off their CCTV devices whenever a woman takes her top off? It's really just at the whim of the state/institution. If they want to fuck your shit up they will.
Why not just get circumcised and start paying dues at temple, that's how Jewed you already are.
Don't touch till legal and you'll be fine. People give you shit after its legal and you tell them most modern women are shit and you have to find a virgin to get a loyal woman these days.
Wanna advoid the honeypot while still keeping in contact with her/other teens. Speak to her as if she were your daughter. You can teach your daughter all of what it takes to be a good woman without the fear of being honeypotted.
Just don't tell em that's how you are viewing them.
Protip: Don't do anything illegal. Problem solved.
how old are you roughly?
What does this mean? 'GTKRWN' or 'I want to raise kids on a farm?'
If he can't prove he invited "her" to his property on the expectation that it wasn't really an underage girl, it doesn't matter who shows up legally, and proving he intentionally lured somebody to his house with the expectation of shooting them might not fall under castle doctrine.
Fucking kill yourselves (((trs)))
probably not these days
I thought grooming was just a britbong thing
Control over your fucking dick is the beginning of all mastery and freedom from baseness. A NATION OF FAPPERS AND VAGINA CHASING SIMPLETONS IS COMPLETELY UNDER THE THUMB OF THESE DEGENERATE TIMES. The jew slipping the whore into the king's bedchamber is nothing new; only weak and dishonourable men fall for it.
No you retard, US as well
Why would you expect someone to know that? Apparently no one cares in my part of the country.
Some women are just waiting for a man who knows how dangerous the world is to appear before them. Doing what you did sets you apart from the mass of bluepilled betas. But yeah, it might be a trap.
Why don't you ask her for coffee and talk to her face to face, and then let your gut decide.
Because if you weren't a total fucking newfag you would.
Seriously neck yourself. there are no girls on the internet and what you're recommending could land OP in jail
There's a reason people call it 3DPD. Whether she's real or not, getting into any situation with a female is always a bad idea, especially if they are the ones that seem to be pursuing you and seem almost custom-tailored to your every desire. If a woman is coming to you, she wants something. She doesn't want a relationship, she wants something material. Do not let down your guard. You want my advice? Get out while you still can. If you even begin to think it's a bit fishy, chances are its a very bad idea. Sure, finding a real woman is fine and all, but please make sure they're somebody you can absolutely trust and have known for at least a couple years. For people like us, caution should always be at the forefront of our concerns.
I haven't seen this but then again I don't log into my kikebook often at all. Good job at keeping alert user. Wonder if others fell for it.
Are they new? Dependant on which state? Something like 10% of girls I knew married guys who had positions of authority and I've never heard of a case.
Yes, and those friends met them in person, you've never heard of a case before it's because the way (((alphabet agencies))) fuck over anons isn`t going to featured on the front fucking page of the jew york times. Lurk moar or fuck off to (((trs)))
Chill with the paranoia, I wasn't talking about underage honeypots. Apparently we are using different definitions of grooming. And adding more parentheses won't change that.
Highly doubt she's looking to get married to user unless he's a 7 ft chad with money but this user could be on to something about her just being a different kind of bait.
I can see all sorts of situations where she may try to sue for emotional abuse or etc if she thinks she can get money from it. Possibly she'll blackmail you for money once she thinks she can take you to court for something.
it's newfags like you that are ruining Holla Forums
Holla Forums is kill
see >>>/polmeta/ for where to go next
fuck off /trs/
Wouldn't that also mean that any film taken of the sex act even without your knowledge could land you in the concrete ass-press, if it was found with your belongings? You wouldn't really be able to refute that in court, prints best case scenario from the cops or no.
years ago when I first saw vid related I had no idea the girl was a chosen, it wouldn't even have crossed my mind.
I can't stop spotting them these days, they're fucking everywhere, especially if the subject matter is degenerate like vid related.
Roger. Sadly I need Faceberg for my business. Been checking into places I've never been since I've been able to. Regularly dump the old posts using this:
That's not entirely beyond the realm of possibility.
OP, if she's that willing to let you push right, just make it clear you ain't into degenerate social media flings or some shit. Bring up one of the numerous times posting nudes has burned a slut online and make it clear you think it's on them. If that STILL doesn't send the message, I fucking dunno.
It is your duty to indoctrinate her and get her to narrate redpilled YT videos and shill them here endlessly until she is permabanned from both here and YT.
Spoken like a true wizard
ya fuckin nerd
If he did that, he could get charged with incitement of violence or some other bullshit overblown charges the moment he sends the script and it's not kike-friendly.
fuck off (((trs)))
goldstein sends his regards
lol cya cuck
He needn't write the script. Just provide good sources for certain subjects and give tech tips.
There are no women on the internet newfag
lurk moar
That applies to web forums, bbs, usenet, irc, and image boards only.
Not facebook and YT videos.
Are you fucking kidding me? You deserve to get busted. Yeah it just so happens that a 15 year old girl friends and likes you and understands deep political ideology. Go back to Reddit or half chan. You don't belong here degenerate.
>rule states there are no women on the internet
it's cute when the newfags think they know what they are talking about
OP might be 18 for all we know.
If they wanted to dispose of you via CP possession they have much more efficient means to plant that shit on your computer.
It's not cute when faggots use terms like newfag that were popular in 2007 and are only used anymore by idiots who read up on chan culture from ED and other sources, not realizing how dated most of it is.
Here is the original troll face. You might like it.
Many people think it is new troll face, but it is actually the original one.
next thing you'll say is that race is just a social construct :^)
i'm from 2007 original newfag. ama
I agree with you about trs, but that doesn't mean you made a lick of sense about the actual topic.
did we ever find out if he meant politics or her wanting to tradwife it up? Not that she isn't a plant either way.
ah, think I understand my mistake
Memes never get obsoleted, user. Hell I still occasionally throw out a decade-old macro when the situation calls for it. Memes don't die, they just become part of the background noise of the board, being used in passing as a matter of course rather than a focal point.
Or, would you like me to comment on your use of the age-old 'faggot'? You sound like you could use a new definition for the term, and I've just found a perfect example. Faggot.
when they started lying about their traffic
What would those ways be? I'm pretty paranoid about shit like this.
Like offering you CP so delicious that you can't resist it and download it all to your computer.
it doesnt matter in the end. we all die.
you know you didnt do it so who cares? your conscience is clear
you just need to make it thru the jail rapes
malware download and/or other trojans
get linux
Had a simmilar thing happen to me a few years ago caliming to be from a town I moved from, funny thing is it was such a small place everyone knew eachother yet nobody had heard of this random girl who decided to contact me out of the blue. It could've been someone fucking with me for the lulz and I think that was the case but I wouldn't rule out that an attempt to entrap me was made. It was all timed to well.
if she is legit, it's better you impregnate her before a nigger or dune coon does
oh boy
kek has lent credence to this claim
ITT people don't realize liking le ebil rayciss neo-nahtzee white guys is the new spiting daddy thing that grils raised by SJW femicunts do.
No more spiting daddy with a black guy.
We have all been accused of being right wing NEET virgins.
Says the filthy right-wing virgin .
OP here, Satan trips confirm suspicions. It's the feds, everybody get out, we're done here.
Stop being autisticly paranoid and go for it, if you really want to be extra careful just make your texting dosen't contain anything incriminating.
Hello cia
I wish that this site had a less autistic userbase.
So you are telling people to break the law senselessly but you're totally one of us.
Just act like a kike and fuck 13 year olds goy, I'm a polonium just like you. Sure.
must be office hours in tel aviv right now
I don't think user should have miss out on a potential relationship just because the girl is 15, and no I don't think it's a trap.
And the implication that I'm saying this because i want him to get in jail is completley retarded.
Fuck off, CIA, kek is on our side:
CIA should really stop trying, Kek has spoken and just keeps on speaking
You're resented by celebrities, MSM journalists, corporations, kikes, and politicians, yet you want to give leeway to them?
They will bait you, so don't give them that chance.
Just assume they're scammers. Remember: the Macedonian teenagers who created a lot of the click bait "news" websites tried to make money with pro-Clinton click bait "news" websites but it didn't work so that's why they made pro-Trump click bait "news" websites because he was a lot more popular than Clinton.
Scammers Are Pretending to Be Your Facebook Friends
This scam involves a guy pretending to be the father of a 15 years old girl with mental problems:
Underage Girl Sext Scam
" So I messaged the guy back, there was no way i knew this girl was underage (if it is even a girl). He then calls me from the number and starts yelling at me. He said the girl got my number from her babysitter and he names someone's name. Anyways he said he destroyed a laptop that she was using. She told him she was gonna run away with me and I was coming to get her and take her away. Something that I never said nor discussed. He asked if I was a threat to his family which I am not cause I dont even know where they live. He then said to me “we all make mistakes and I won’t go to the meeting if you agree to pay for the laptop” that is supposedly his company’s laptop that he works for.
He said there were 3 options:
1. I go to jail
2. I pay for the laptop or
3. he loses his job due to the laptop. "
" A girl named Donna Church sent me nude pictures and then told me she was underage. A "Detective Matthews" called me from Greenville South Carolina Sheriff's Office and informed me of the "charges." The phone he called from is 864-777-0283. I checked with the Greenville police and Sheriffs office… neither place have anyone by that name working there. The father then called me from a Las Vegas phone number 702-269-6521 and demanded money to withdraw the charges placed against me. According to him, his wife placed the charges and is epileptic but he was "on my side. "
It could be an attempt at entrapment followed by an offer you can't refuse to become an informant and you could end up as a patsy in a false flag attack. Better to be safe than sorry.
If local cops bend the rules then you can bet the corrupt FBI agents working in partnership with the SPLC definitely bend the rules most of the time.
Officers accused of bending rules on sex sting arrests
FBI posts fake hyperlinks to snare child porn suspects
>Undercover FBI agents used this hyperlink-enticement technique, which directed Internet users to a clandestine government server, to stage armed raids of homes in Pennsylvania, New York, and Nevada last year. The supposed video files actually were gibberish and contained no illegal images.
It makes sense that alphabet agencies spend all their time framing innocent men, meanwhile letting shitskins and mudslimes off with few consequences. In order to cover up their international sex trafficking business they have to also simultaneously appear to be fighting it, and apprehending suspects. Once you understand ZOG it all just makes sense.
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Nothing short of physical annihilation is the answer.
These cuckstian gomer-pile tier plebs make me fucking sick tbh. These deracinated perma-blue pilled white men convinced that just because they're agents they "must be doing something right in life." Meanwhile they do nothing except daily betray their race in favor of doing the bidding of the jew. This willfully self-imposed cognitive dissonance will be punishable by death on dotr.
tfw Trump "love the cops" vs realistically "hate the feds"
Indeed, I basically grew up on the internet, so I am very suspicious. The main reason I made this thread was to check if such a seemingly obvious ploy is part of a wider trend. If anons were getting shit like this in numbers, we could nip any op they have going on in the bud.
Wrong, women are most attracted by the strongest insiders within a group, we are SOCIAL animals, not fucking cheetas, snakes or foxes, they don't care about the "lone wolf" if he is a social retard who has no friends.
I'm not a lawyer, full disclaimer, but I'm pretty sure it would be whoever filmed (intentionally or not) and possessed that sex tape involving the sixteen year-old that would be put in prison. Since the sex act itself isn't illegal I don't see how they could put you in prison just because someone else filmed it.
Then it would be possession, and I don't think the law differentiates about whether it was knowing or unknowing possession. Hypothetically in the current state of things if you operated a drone or a security camera and a naked kid happened to walk past it that would be creation and possession of child pornography, and you'd get v& for it.
But if she didn't take the picture how would they charge her for producing child pornography? Or is the law structured in such a way as participants depicted in the pornography are considered complicit in its creation? I'm still not honestly sure how that would work if they weren't doing anything, but there you go.
Its one of my theories about speed limits and similar things that they exist only to add extra charges whenever the state decides you're more convenient inside prison than outside. That and as a revenue gatherer.
please cuckchan. fucking stop.
Maybe OP's just really hot? Post a fucking picture.
If you're ugly then it's obvious Soros bullshit. If you're not…
They fucked with the counting algorithm to stop the_donald dominating the front page. It did not work so they censored it from the front page (or limited how many threads they could have on the frontpage.
Why even talk to them online? What's the point?
There are multiple sentences there. They just happen to be separate paragraphs. Sorry if you don't understand formatting and everything should be a run-on sentence.
nigga please
Thats not FBI, that's actually an nightmare scenario for them. Lose / Lose every outcome on that one. That is one reason their doctrine is meet at their prepositioned containment areas with both heavy surveillance and with bot additional agents and local paramilitary police forces on standby. Also a reason they setup such sites outside your hometown, it is to get you off your footing so it is easier to take you down without risk. Not even in an 'open' public venue is acceptable since counter ops can still be brought into play beyond their resources. FBI would never go 'to your house' unless they have an warrant due to both the direct physical risks and legal underpinnings.
I've been trying to figure out what their response to an man in the middle type setup counter offer would be, it is not in their S.O.P. But would offer the in their eyes a chance for possible a 'group' to take down.
what a interesting video.
There wont be because then they wouldn't be able to keep up the degeneration.
Fucking newfag cancer. This is how you get in jail early for your views and your work against jewish establishment.
Holy shit, not even cuckchan is this short sighted. Reddit really is where people's intelligence goes to die.
Can't say too much.
But OP is absolutely right.
Stay frosty, friends.
Why do you go via a kike-company to keep private conversations? Are you retarded?
Daily reminder that it is our duty to become wizards until the time we have succeeded in all of our objectives.
==WE WANT YOUR SOUL== by Adam Freeland
On the internet you're never truly anonymous, it's just a matter of someone's interest. I get that facekike and other social media are terrible for nurturing the mind etcetc but Holla Forums needs anons active on them. Hub-anons with lots of friends are like double agents, perfect for redpilling and propaganda, also noticing trends on social media.
You can't defeat enemy you know nothing about and refuse to deal with on any level. I always say to my buddies irl- outjew the jew, use their weapons against them.
Subversion is a subtle process you faggot and
either retard from (((trs))) or disinfo agent, in either case fuck off
lurk moar newfaggot
What the fuck are you even talking about? I wasn't commenting on OP's shady as hell deal. All you did in this thread sounds like ass cancer, it's you who should gtfo
That's right sever all connections with the youth.
If they win in your mind and in your decisions, they've already taken your life.
Don't be a fool. Do as you please within the confines of the law.
kill yourself
This was OP's last post, why the fuck are you retarded faggots keeping this thread alive?
Circumcise yourself and eat it.
and you wonder why we hate you
Yes, I'm the shill. It's me.
lol yes 15 yo girl
I'm just going to wait until she's 16 and legal
What is the point of your chatting with these people to begin with? They are either real or fake. It takes effort to find out if they're real. Are they worth the effort?
Even if you believe they're real, you obviously shouldn't ask underaged girls for nudes over the internet (including cell phones, or any other technology).
Why do you have social media to begin with? Set yourself free user.
where do you think you are?
I'm the OP. The thread has served its purpose - if there was a jailbait op, more anons would have come forward by now