Holla Forumsacks with imdb account give that piece of garbage the rate it deserves

Holla Forumsacks with imdb account give that piece of garbage the rate it deserves


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sage for NYPA slide thread

you think I have something personal with that movie or the people behind that? Are you stupid or just a jew?

"Essential truth."


You created a thread asking for us to give le ebin downvotes to some hollyjew movie.
Sounds pretty personal to me.

It's a film bashing holocaust deniers, dumbshit.


traitors like you will die btw


I skimmed the first page of reviews on the movie.
They were all pretty much what would be expected, but I am not going to sign up for a retarded movie review website just to argue the joos most sacred fable with a bunch of mouth breathers.
One of the biggest tells in the movie itself is who they casted for each character and the absolute lack of physical appearance they possessed for their roles.

quote is not edit btrw

I don't know. They seem to be failing pretty hard without our help. It's also been out for months, so I think it's safe to let it die and be forgotten. 2D Nazi frogs attacking the pile of shit may resurrect it and cause (((them))) to rally behind it.


>>>Holla Forums

The first one might not have been real, but I assure you, the next will be.

Bumping thread merely because the kikes were dumb enough to sockpuppet against it.


Go back to your AIDS ridden squat house. Oh wait, it was shut down LOL

jesus, it never ends does it?

why can't jews make more movies like this one?


Holy kek how have I not heard of this

ZortMcFleen has been busy.

I like how he pretends to be an expert, but claims Dr. Pierce ran "The Spotlight".

If you look at his profile page, this film is the only one he's actually ever discussed - even though he's been a member for 5 years.

Most of the accounts that gave bad reviews to Hellstorm and TGSNT were the same way.

Wait … is this real?

David Irving is Jewish.

Supposedly, but this movie is meant to be an attack on Holocaust revisionism in general, not just Irving.

That's the same kind of shilling which they use on leddit, they (marketing jews) create a bunch of sleeper accounts to win credibility that remain inactive until necessary.

Jesus. This is some next level kind of thing. I dont wanna sound defeatist, but if this is what we are up against, hot damn.

I think you don't know what NYPA means. At least you broke the link.

quite possible