NeXT was kind enough to let Free Software world have this gem long before XDG was a thing, and instead we went with that horrible GTK instead (it used to even be many times worse).
Why aren't we all using GNUSTEP and Objective-C?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because I don't need a graphical-interface for most of my computing anyway.
Because this is a meritocracy, a marketplace of ideas, and you are bankrupt in both.
Just stick to MacOS you fucking idiot.
I can't program, but I'd love to use an alternative DE with GNUSTEP and a wm like Windowmaker or something.
What kind of parallel universe do you come from?
I'm sure you have a source to back that up. GNUSTEP is just a GNU project.
I'd rather just use plain Athena widgets everywhere tbh. It's been default part of X for ages already, so adds no bloat. That and a small WM is enough for everything.
A universe where only C-compatible languages exist.
I used Cocoa once. Objective-C was pretty nice, but fuck trying to find what you are looking for in Cocoa. Not even Apple knows this ancient labyrinth, you'll find bad practice even in their official documentation.
Is GNUStep any good today? Last time I checked it looked like something out of a time capsule and the main maintainer was busy sperging about Drumf.
You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes...
Repost that shit opinion from a browser written in pure ObjC and maybe I'll care.
Objective-C transforms C into an Object-Oriented language with exactly one syntax addition to C and a dozen additional keywords.
No other language exists that is this close and compatible with base C. If you have anything bad at all to say about Objective-C, then you'd also be leveling those complaints at C.
It's obvious though that you have never touched regular C, let alone Objective-C.
It's not part of GNU but the FSF has contributed a lot to it in the past. It's still hosted on their servers, it's affiliated and listed on their site, and the FSF holds copyright to certain GNUSTEP applications such as GWorkspace (check it's about menu).
It doesn't have all of Apple's widgets and it could use some polish but it works.
They've been keeping the backend apis up-to Apple's newer Cocoa specs so you won't be building against 90's OPTENSTEP, it's actually compatible with the Modern Mac platform.
*See pic 2 for more details.
GNUstep is an official GNU project. Note that GNUstep is listed in the GNU project list and also maintains a distinct site within the GNU website.
Apple's dead, Tim Cock buttfucked it to death.
I‘m glad Apple exists. Their products are much better alternatives to Microsoft and Google for normies who are not into Autism/Linux and pajeet edition android roms.
Get some standards faggot.
Homosexuality isn't normal, user.
what DE is that on the right? it looks very nice.
what does popalsya tolstyak mean
It's Free Software retard.
You know that you're using Apple software every time you print on Linux or BSD right?
Are you a Rust fag, pajeet?
C/Obj-C are factually the best languages ever made. C++ is absolute cancer.
There you go, bringing class into it again.
It's more likely to see pajeets coding in Obj-C than in Rust.
попался, толстяк means:
you've been caught, fatso
(an obese man was caught being obese)
there is no "best language ever made", but there are a couple of those which have a good design, and none of C "family" are among them.
A more recent release of the Etoile Desktop.
You're thinking of C-Sharp
C and Objective C are the domain of the white man.
>t. web developer
Stop with this blatant shitposting.
It's pretty obvious that you doing even program and that you're just talking out your ass to be contrarian.
Either that or your an actual brown person who couldn't even understand pointers.
C is wiggerware. Their skin may be white, but they have the mind of the brown/black man. White men take responsibility for our mistakes. Brown men blame others for their mistakes. White men always want to learn or invent new ways to do things better. Brown men revert to an inferior culture when more advanced civilizations are gone. White men fix our own problems. Brown men get white men to fix their problems. White men care about facts and find them interesting. Brown men think facts can be changed depending on how they feel.
Exactly. That's why C programmers take responsibility for handling memory allocation and releasing. It's also why C programmers are considerate of testing their software instead of relying on the compiler or VM or interpretter to 'fix' things with 'optimization'.
Seriously. I advise you get out of your country some time and actually meet some of those "brown men".
What does any of that have to do with C programmers? You sound like Pajeet trying to explain to me what a "loo" is and how to use one. Do you think not-C programmers don't know what memory or testing is?
I'm pretty sure they don't since they never had to ever deal with it
I didn't think Indian education was this bad.
doesn't even make sense. confirmed nodev indian street shitter.
Qt is a library. you can build it and use it with whatever compiler you would like. they provide msvc++ and gcc binaries, as well as the source.
Actual answer though, Qt and C++ is a far superior system.
qt-quick is C++ AIDS. Only retard game developers and indians like the bloat that is C++. You've probably never done serious programming and you're just praising C2 because its popular.
Qt-quick is split between QT and Kirigami convergence webshit. Its also the ugliest toolkit
I love Window Maker and GNUSTEP
Apple's main problem is that their hardware doesn't appeal to me and neither does their license.
That said, in a complete reversal of a decade ago, OSX is the least retarded of the proprietary OSs even with the Mac Finder in place of NeXTWorkspace.
Feels good.
Password-bug OSX?
Of all the proprietary Unices, you chose the braindead husk of Unix wrapped around Darwin/XNU.
Just use visual basic smdh tbqh fam
If you must use a proprietary unix, at least use mac because it has exclusive shit.
Agreed. GTK was a mistake. NeXT were awesome computers. I quite like Qt though. I've written many tools for data analysis and plotting with it over the years. Without much work it compiles and runs on the lab Windows machines, home BSD machine, and work laptops.
Also OSX is shit. Used to be alright. Shit now.
Went to shit after Tiger or whenever they left PPC. After Lion (or whenever they went flat)was the point of no return.
GNUStep has a command-line
By "command-line", are you trying to say "terminal emulator"? Because having a "command line" is sort of a prerequisite of X.
lmaoing @all of you dummies for not using the superiorest Enlightenment toolkit used by all TRUE Unixmen. Here's the proof:
looks like embedded shit
GNUStep runs on xorg so it's not for niggers.
Enlightment is shit, it's made by a nigger who doesn't know what typing is.
That's why Samsung is the sole modern-day developer.
GNUStep is favored by the Japanese so it's obviously superior.
When you respond to someone's post, do you take a second to consider what they're trying to convey before you come up with your own response? Or do you just wade through life without empathy? Without consideration for how other people's true feelings and sentiments might enrich your life far more than simply relying on your reptilian response to stimulus, a certain combinations of words and motifs that convey abstractions you're vaguely aware of, to synthesize knee-jerk reactions for the benefit of no one?
Motif and CDE did nothing wrong
Being proprietary for most of its existence probably didn't help.
Cool pasta
Enlightenment is shit
Boy, are you stupid.
You never programmed before. Armchair pundits spouting others opinions on tech, lol
What opinion do you think I'm trying to convey?
enlightenment still sucks
TUI is true stockholm syndrome.
Did you even read the article? If you would, you would have realized that the article is literally bashing Enlightenment. Maybe it was telegraphed by the facetious prose or the article name or even simply the website address itself, but you were so eager in your rush for alpha nerddom that you didn't even take the time to click the link before you made your kneejerk comment. Congratulations, you are that stupid. You are so stupid that you are having an argument with someone who has said literally nothing to contradict you. Someone who made a concerted effort to share an amusing article with everyone in hopes that maybe someone my get a vague chuckle out of making fun of how abysmally bad Enlightenment is. But you're so vain and lazy you completely missed that in order to attain some pathetic validation from your Internet peers.
I don't know if it's stockholm, but I find myself spending more and more time in the framebuffer in Emacs between sessions for miscellaneous reasons like reconfiguring fvwm.
Emacs doesn't count.
cocoa is ugly, better use qt
objective-c is an failed experiment, move to c++
fucking nigger stop your shit