According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change(UN-IPCC) the Earth may not heat up by more than 2° C on average.
Stefan Rahmstorf(Ocean scientist) says that all human CO2 emission have to be reduced to 0% by 2060 to stay under 2° C.
This means we may not burn more than 1 drop of oil, gas, or other carbon fuels.
Without fuel cars, tractors, boats, and airplanes no longer work.
Without transportation food and drink can no longer be transported on a large scale and more than half of humanity will die from food shortages.
De International Energy Agency(IEA) says that human energy deman will rise by 100% by 2060.
According to the United Nations the global human population will be 10 billion by 2055.
According to the United Nation the Earth can only contain 4 to 6 billion people to give everyone a healthy meal.
The Earth now contains a human population of 7.5 billion.
If all people on Earth live a Western lifestyle with a car, a house, a tv, a smartphone, and so on. We need 3 Earths to mine all resources and extract all the oil, but we only have 1 Earth.
Today there are approx. 750 million cars on Earth. There are not enough minerals on Earth to replace all these fossil fuel cars by electric vehicles. The batteries for electric cars and smartpgones use Cobalt, Lithium, and Graphite.
There are known Cobalt deposits in Afghanistan, Congo, China, and North Korea. The mining of Cobalt is poisonous en pollutes the environment where it is mined. Causing local water to be undrinkable. Because of this plants, animals, and humans die of diseases.
People who work in Cobalt mines have an average lifespan of 30 years.
There are Lithum mines in Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. Mining Lithium consumes a lot of water. This causes farms in around the mindes to have less access to water. Which reduces vegetable and fruit production. Groundwater can also become polluted destroying entire crops, which in turn reduces global availablity of some fruits.
Graphite is only mined in China. All other countries in the world have practically banned mining Graphite, because it is so polluting and harmful for health.
The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) of the United States says Graphite mining causes lung diseases including lung cancer and heart attacks.
The acid used for puryfing Graphite poisons local water sources which causes people to become sick or die.
Kevin Anderson (Climate scientist and UN consultant) says we have a 5% chance to stay below 2° C warming.
James Hansen (NASA climate scientist) says that if on average the Earth warms by 2° C it is a catastrophe and the human race can potentially go extinct.
When the Earth warms enough most plants will no longer be able to grow, causing animals and humans to die of hunger/starvation.
Vaclav Smil (Enviromental scientist and European Union consultant) says that we can 100% renewable energies around 2090.
But if the trend as it is now continues the human race will become extinct around 2060.
The CO2 levels in the atmosphere in 1850 was 300 PPM (Pars Per Million).
In 2017 the CO2 levels were 410 PPM.
NASA says that at 450 PPM the climate will become so unstable that glaciers and the polar caps on Earth will melt so fast they can never grow back.
All rivers on Earth en nearly all fresh water comes from glaciers. When glaciers melt practically all rivers of Earth will dry up.
Without rivers plants, animals, and human can no longer live. When the rivers dry up no life on land is possible anymore.
According to NASA we will reach 450 PPM somewhere between 2020 and 2040.
At 500 PPM complex life on the planet will probably not survive. This will be reached around 2060 if we continue burning fossil fuels.
Scientists are already sure that by 2020 there most likely wont be any sea ice in the northern hemisphere.
Because (sea)ice is white it reflects sunlight back into space which cools the planet.
But when the sea ice replaced by the darker ocean more sunlight gets absorbed which causes the Earth to warm up even faster than expected.
Because all the molten ice and warmer temperatures, more water can evaporate. The more water vapor in the atmosphere the more we will experience hurricanes, storms, and typhoons, that are also going to be stronger than normal.