Possible Happening


south front.org/breaking-14-us-led-coalition-military-advisers-captured-by-syrian-special-forces-in-aleppo/


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Hahaha Assad caught a kike!

Good riddance, but makes you wonder if (((They))) set this up to further their bullshit.

Happened yesterday, not a single word in the MSM.
Nothing will happen, they'll hush this up as much as possible, and that will be it

Not until Russia reveals it to the world in a political coup.


Usually the silence is when you should worry. That means something didn't go as planned, and could warrant a significant response while they construct a narrative for it.

I don't like where this is going but have a bump anyway.

That's a good way to ensure they make it back home legs first. That's in the unlikely scenario the (((UK goverment)) is willing to admit publicly their special zogbots got #rekt.


Why haven't they paraded them around on camera? Obama will be so assravaged.

Ayyyy looks like they got a live Mossad kike on their hands. Hope they re-attach his foreskin as a method of torture.

these guys are mercs, aren't they?


Mercs/CIA Agents/Undercover Special Forces Trainers

I know it's a common jewish name, but holy fuck.

Not so fast, Schlomo.

That's my initial impression. Very convenient all of this popping off. Just like the many domestic incidents around the debates and further back.

The "source" it links to says the list comes from the FB of "Fares Shehabi" who's an actual Syrian politician but he doesn't seem to have a public FB page and his Twitter doesn't mention it, but his Twitter has a lot of FB links that lead to (((404s))).


Shlomo is such a hilariously retarded name. It's what you call a cartoon character not your own damn child.

That shit right there? Earned respect a d appraise from the entire world, grudgingly, but it earned it. Damn that shit was awesome.

holy shit

Oy Vey goym don't talk about my son liek that
it's anudda shoah!

The Iraqis abandoned that equipment under orders. Think about it.

Run away on foot, or run away while inside a tank?

When you put it like that


Doesn't iraq military always turn tail and run though?

So this is why the CIA hates Russia?
Because Russia was destroying the CIA's subversion and would catch them in the act? :^)

That means Israel will now be very very nervous.

This will be the reason we "need" to intervene. This will be used as another justification for war with syria.

But thats the thing. Run away or drive away? Even driving away until you ran out of fuel. Like ok then , ISIS still gets the gear but its catterred. Thats not what hapoenes.

They exited the vehicles, and left.

Not to mention how long it took for the Iraqis to stop surrenders en masse. Its like for some reason, they were convinced the approaching force would accept surrender…as a matter of course…

Shit was weird in Iraq. Syria was extremely different but Iraq? Fucked up.

I don't think that's weird at all my man, it just means that someone got a call.

Honestly i'd be more weird'd out if the Iraqi military stood and fought against ISIS regardless of the outcome.

That's a lot if Saudis. One American, but it is US led. Quite the spin considering they have an actual jew in hand.

Check the source, gullible goyim!

Sounds like Argo 2.

So they basically captured the entire ISIS leadership.

ISIS has been contained lol.

Granted it will cause disorder to the ones in Syria right now, so hurrah for Syria!

Second this. There is no way in hell that they have been sent in without their bosses securing 110% deniability. Since the market for violence is pretty much the only truly global market, the passboards of merchenaries arent really political dynamite. I would love to see them run around with their contracts from CIA, but they most likely dont.

Are you retarded?

I wonder if they are intended to be used as a new Black Hawk Down kind of excuse for the American miitary to get openly involved.

trips confirm merchants are worried

It's not weird because it was part of the plan and we are aware of that


The US has been in a constant state of national emergency since 9/14/2001. Basically the President can do whatever he wants with the National Guard without need for Congressional approval.

Praise Kek.

Narh. Then Obama wouldn't be stalling on the comments. And frankly to many of them are Saudis. I find it more likely that this was a Saudi-led operation to begin with, given the sheer numbers and the fact that dirrect involvement on ground has mostly been handed to them so far. If USA was going to Black Hawk every time a Saudi operative fucked up in the vicinity of his Americun advisor, 90 % of American males would already have been drafted for the shitshow gallore that is Yemen.

You don't say?

"WASHINGTON — American soldiers will deploy to Ukraine this spring to begin training four companies of the Ukrainian National Guard, the head of US Army Europe Lt. Gen Ben Hodges said during his first visit to Kiev on Wednesday.

The American training effort comes as part of a US State Department initiative "to assist Ukraine in strengthening its law enforcement capabilities, conduct internal defense, and maintain rule of law" Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col. Vanessa Hillman told Defense News.

The training was requested by the Ukrainian government "as they work to reform their police forces and establish their newly formed National Guard," Hillman added. Funding for the initiative is coming from the congressionally-authorized Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF), which was requested by the Obama administration in the fiscal 2015 budget to help train and equip the armed forces of allies around the globe."

Then perhaps this is a way to shift the blame to the Saudis? That would line up with the fact that Americans are now allowed to sue Saudi Arabia over 9/11, just spitballing here

Yeah they gor a call, and instead of running away with and in their tanks, they left them for ISIS. I mean, I understand what that turd Maliki did, but still. That was bullshit.

I've actually met him. Shook his hand in a photo op. Completely unrelated but it still feels cool to say that.


If USA ends up with any significant blame in need of being shifted, the Saudis will take it. 9/11 lawsuits or not. Saudi Arabia is moving from a strategic to a tactical asset, due to US fracking making them self-suficient on energy. This means that they are up for butt-raping sacrefice, should the need arise. If Syria blows up globally, Saudi-Arabia might be handed over to Iran and Russia as an alternative to nuclear war.

Trump using twitter to let the world know about this kind of shit is going to be hilarious

You can count all the Saudis as Zionist puppets since the Saudi royal family descends from kikes.

Is this going to be Iran 2: Electric Boogaloo?

I'll be telling people about this and reading the names for proofs. I know I'll snicker a bit when I read the name.

Donmeh Jews.

THis is what happened when I tried to find out more yesterday. IT seems like bullshit but who knows.


Sounds about right.

Anyone remember the russian missile that supposedly killed 30 of these cunts? They seem to be getting careless with their operatives.

Key word there, this is another stupid lie. If this actually happened they would be in-front of Syrian TV news already.

Come on, this would be bigger than the Iranian shit skins capturing the US sailors. this would be world news, they could not hide it.

it's Jiddisch for Salomon

know your enemy, it will help you

Things sure make a hell of a lot more sense with this little piece of information.

Good luck Assad. Hang em, roast em, I don't give a shit.

Oops my bad, David Scott Winer is definitely an American, but I guess I will have to console myself with the fact that he bravely died for Israel.

Winer might be Jewish
Also, why so many Saudis? They aren't exactly good fighters, not who I'd want advising me.

They're there to convince the terrorists that the westerners are halal.

This must have something to do with the Russian ambassador getting shot.

you mean complete garbage and drama over nothing? Yeah

vid related, sorry about the gay tension music overlaid on it. Happened months ago. Supposedly 30 western intel officers were killed, including an israeli. I'm not sure about the veracity of the report but that's what the word on /sg/ was

checked and kek'd


Special forces or 'Special' Forces?

Oh, so this is what is behind today's assassinations of Russian diplomats.

And i was just starting to get worried with all this de-escalation. I hope based CIA manages to initiate The Happening.

not today.



download this shit


eh…could this be why all those assassinations happened to he russians?

(2 assassinations of diplomats and 1 plane crash)

Oboma's retaliation?

Not being contrarian but if you get killed by a missile there wouldnt be much left to be put on tv.

I dont know if i believe it either. From what i remember it wasnt reported in the west but was in middle eastern news.>>8558106

You can't Mossad the Assad…


You can Assad the Mossad!

related: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

not posted bc cia/kike board. they listen in.

check the fallback board with the greek letter.
ww3 imminent.

#FakeNews never told me #Ihadtoreaditon8chan


I don't get it…
Are you flaunting your autism?

That really is a real name. And all this time I thought it was a joke of sorts.