if this isn't how it ends, Genndy is confirmed greatest hack of all time
Jack and Ashi finally find some way to travel back in time
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So you basically just want the end of Gurren Lagan without the epilogue?
Try again, fag.
Gurren Lagan was shit.
Let's be real, Jack will just stay behind and let the future be the future.
No matter what Genndy does people will complain.
If we're going by that time travel logic..
Even just going by your model
Someone post that bullying comic.
It's the best concept of time travel I've seen.
Everything in the future has already happened meaning that anything you do was mean't to happen, you can't change anything.
nigger wut
That's even sadder than the OP post
I like
Holla Forums in a nutshell.
And don't you ever forget it.
No that would be Holla Forums shitposting considering summer is finally here.
At this point tragedies are the stereotype. Happily ever afters aren't cool anymore, don't you know? Even though I find stereotypical shit like fucking boring. Especially in terms of time travel, this kind of shit is way too predictable. There's a reason why these fags aren't writers.
Samurai Jack already gave us a happy ending: imgur.com
very reddit sounding post you got there
wow epic yo
did you post that on reddit too, betcha got some sweet karma for that one amirite bro?
You know Genndy is going to copy this scene at some point
You almost had nothing worth a reply.
There's no reason why he'd have to impale himself. That sounds stupid. However, the art of that art does look cool. What's it from, user?
Ashi will still be born in the future but will not have the same purpose.
Ronin, which inspired Samurai Jack at least a little
In the original context, the sword had to be purified in the blood of one who was pure of heart to kill the demon. So pure of heart, in fact, that a newborn baby didn't make the cut Although that was maybe because it wouldn't have had enough blood
your post is starting to reek of tumblr.
All of those sound terrible. You guys are shit writers.
Trips of truth. Unless this bitch suddenly lands inside of a fridge, and Jack goes on to take Aku on, one on one, with no bitch in the way, then he's just another lying kike.
yeah THAT'S not cliche at all
Okay, that one is pretty good
It's the only way to fix SJ.
Huh, I actually like this.
that would just mean another cliffhanger
I'd watch it.
I like Aku's new voice though, it's the best we have
Nice nier ending.
Piss off with your shitty meme anime.