Gemini PDA (CES 2018)
Modern PDA
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So it's a mobile phone. Nice botnet.
Question is with the CPU is it it botnet?
it's literally just a phone with a keyboard attached.
truly revolutionary
nice botnet.
it's already got a gaping hardware back door, botnet CPU or otherwise
for what purpose. are you going to be running virtual machines on this? on an ARM?
and what kind of abortion is this?
it's not a 10-core processor. it's 3 separate processors. at 3 different clock speeds.
all 3 cpu's also come with (((trustzone))) botnet for the goyim's safety
that's standard now user. we need it for all the data analysis
There's also pic related
On the other hand, there are plentiful of japanese ultra portables (PDA) with debian and ubuntu. You just have to look for them.
It ships with debian and not windows so that's a real game-changer.
the problem with pyra's is the existing version is starcitizen is going to release first and it's $700
and it also comes with (((trustzone)))
"the problem with pyra's is the existing version is $700 and starcitizen is going to release first"
so much botnet i can't think or type straight.
i don't know why this ARM Cortex meme is so popular on netbook sized devices. not that old intel atom's don't come with intel ME botnet and they've gotta be faster than an ARM.
What's the problem if board has open-source boot firmware?
That said, for the price you're better to build your own small device from one of these boards:
ARM uses less power. Also some of them dont have the meltdown/spectre bugs.
All the botnet is on one card, there is no reason why you can't create another SOC board.
The Pyra, like the pandora, is delayed because it's made my autistic krauts, they plan and prototype into eternity.
Do you have any examples, user?
So it's garbage and it'll probably be running Linux 3.4.2 at launch and at EOL. fucking dropped
not user but
Real artists ship. Even Germans know that. They could have spent years prototyping perfect gas chamber designs, but they arrived at 'good enough' and got to work.
PDAs sucked then and they will suck now, fuck off.
In relation to what?
A single sized battery of course.
The point is to optimise power efficiency. The three core clusters target different points on the power-performance curve, the OS is supposed to migrate threads to whichever cluster fits the current load the best.
Most of the time you're likely to be idling, so the weakest cores will be enough and will use the least power. When you ramp up the load, the faster (and less power-efficient) cores will power on as needed.
He wouldn't be dead if he weren't a very bad goy.
You'd be surprised. The Cortex A7x series pack quite a punch.
they will be next time, for you
Why do shitty Chink ARMshit makers ALWAYS fucking do this?
Yes, it has 10 cores, but its overall performance is no doubt equivalent to a 4 core ARM chip with actually decent single core performance
Allwinners are especially guilty of this Chink shit
Has anyone seen the supposed MIPS Dragoncore? I've seen them on sale in china for 2000USD
fuck you PDAs were great back in 2004, well, the pocketPC was great
I still fucking use mine, but it's so deprecated that once something dies, it's pretty much gone for good. Internet already can't work on it now because it's so outdated, and websites long since stopped caring about pocketPC even before the advent of smartphones so even if I could get internet to work on it now, no website post-web2.0 would display properly.
I just want an option after my pda dies to find a new one that gives me the basic functionality of a pda with a robust design with interchangeable batteries, the ability to disable wireless capabilities, voice recorder and a touch screen designed around the use of a stylus and not my fucking fat thumbs.
Also why the fuck did IR transmitters die out? You know how much more convenient it is to transfer a document to someone by just beaming it over IR to their device is compared to them having to email something to themselves with a phone so they can email it to you later? OR GOD FORBID, FUCKING GOOGLE DOCS, JESUS CHRIST IT'S LIKE WE TOOK A FLYING FUCKING LEAP BACKWARDS IN TERMS OF PROGRESS
Bluetooth with NFC pairing is the modern way.
more complex and less secure
better tracking precision
IR required line of sight communications. In addition, it was affected by light. In practice, using IR meant taking the two machines next to each other to communication.
It's because it became easier to set up bluetooth/wifi then shake your phones to confirm using GPS coordinates botnet
you can't nowadays unless you use a specific barebones OS. PDAs have killswitch IIRC and I miss them.
Better go to Japan. They still use IR beams and the ones with tech companies are oldfags from generation X though they're probably botnet PDAs The best you can do is devuan on a good custom SBC board + chink screen with drivers + an external 3G/4G dongle to use with modemmanager or a 4G pocket WiFi with a nice browser CPE with call and messaging.
The choice is yours. No one will build it for you because they're busy catering to facebook machines(tm). You can build it very cheaply and get parts from alibaba or aliexpress, just lern2composition cyberpunk started in 2011.
His name was Purism Librem 5.
That's the point. You get rid of clunky key exchange / pairing procedures and can be sure nobody is eavesdropping on traffic`.
For it's intended purpose that is fine.
That's what NFC is for.
Remember SDIO cards? You could add Bluetooth, GSM, WiFi, GPS to your PDA at any time and safely remove when not needed. If only someone could make a modern palmtop device capable of interfacing these, plus a 4G card at a price of a burner phone, well, there would be no need for burner phones either.
Man, that's what Project Ara should have been. Too bad there's almost no market for something like this, people want glass slabs without ports and stuffed with every EM signal protocol known to mankind for convenience.
Sadly, project Ara is another consumerist planned obsolescence bait for normies.
>if something breaks cheap chinese plastics or hipster 3d-printed detail you could always replace it for only $49.99!
Modularity is needed when it's not retarded. removable storage is good because you can restore your non-backed up files when system board kicks the bucket. I even think that eMMC, despite its smd design should be removable, like on Nintendo Switch for example, yes it's an ugly hack, but it's not like you replace your PC system drive every day, right? Just to be sure to read it's data after without soldering and possibility to fuck things up. Easily removable battery is good when you don't have access to running electricity or your old battery is about to explode. Radio switches (in case of Librem are good reduce power consumption), removable radios are only good if you need to escape the botnet, since there is no legal or proven (apart from some Mediateks) way of changing IMEI device number. SOC, RAM and LCD however, go in groups when certain generation and/or market price range are taken in mind. For example, you won't ever be able to separately "upgrade" a display on SOC that's designed for budget market with 720p resolution output, or if it's a SOC for Eink devices only, it can only interface with Eink displays. What "normies" need is a waterproof droppproof device that works for 5-7 or even more years without "lagging", and then maybe it would be worthwhile to replace all insides with newer generation system board+display combo, this is where "enthusiasts" like us come into play. Think of something like iPhone 4 with newer hardware and slightly better display, cool? Cool. All those stainless steel frames go to dumpster despite not being even slightly worn out.
sorry for my autistic text presentation
I don't mind modern hardware as much, but I really think there should be laws granting owners the right to open the bootloader (especially on iPhones) and for manufacturers the obligation to publish drivers.
Aside from the botnet aspect, it's an incredible waste to produce billions of smart devices that are obsolete within a year or two, and then insecure computers that are trusted with most personal information.
this looks interesting
at least it's AMD
The SDIO interface is still alive inside devices.
Especially for wifi chipsets.
Unless you're not using project Ara as a smartphone then you'll be fine but the normies do so who cares if they don't get a slice of the cake? Just feast on their hype to generate profits for the next release.
Most UMPCs aren't durable as the average app toys they drop on floors and bucket of water in under a week.
For a UMPC or PDA usage, it's a good idea. Even better if they release a 7" frame. As long as they implement an unlocked bootloader IDGAS about tampering the warranties they offer but hopefully they slap in at least a coreboot in there.
The catch is they are letting various companies compete each other making components or whatever they call it. Once this becomes the hype others will try imitate the concept and improve it (assuming the entire modular idea isn't completely patent jewed).
Librem 5 is better
The version without a SIM slot is 100$ cheaper and still available.