Writing for free - Persuasive edition

Yesterday I made a thread (pic related), seeking for writers. It was shortlived before getting anchored, but sadly in that time didn't gain that much interest.

I currently have 1 quality writer (of burger persuasion), and in order to attract more I was proposed to show that the thing is already done. The webm related is running on my localhost, filled with junk posts (and changed title). The real thing is already running, albeit empty of content.

If you are interested in writing for free (TM), send me a message at [email protected]/* */
and read pic related for more information.

But to recapitulate:
5-6 people, half burgers, have yuropoors
see pic
maybe in future.

There's also a thread on semi-dead board of /polblog/ >>>/polblog/143



Pfft i know u.

Bethany sez hey


Why don't you just have open submissions or copy good threads and expand on them?

Thanks for the bump m80.

I intend to build for us social media presence.

I'm not a good writer, but if someone wants to use threads as inspirations and elaborate I'm all for it.

What length of article did you have in mind?
Short clickbait type stuff, or full length news/opinion pieces?

I had two in mind. In webm there's a sidebar that displays title and image. That's reserved for articles of short content, mostly links etc.

On the other hand, what goes to the left is a regular article which I suppose ought to be of 500+ words. I don't have much experience with that, but there's an article ready with 800 words and it looks sort of ideal for the format.

tl;dr - chunky - left side, short - sidebar

What is the overall goal of the project?
Is the target demographic anons, or normalfags?

No thanks. Besides, you're doing it wrong if that's your goal. It should be submission based.

Just say it user, you want an indi news outlet with free labor. Polite sage.

The goal of the project is:
-to be a hub for other projects (because everything requiring group effort here gets shilled to oblivion)
-to present our view
-to be entertaining to us
-to be readable for normalfags

Well I'm doing it for free. Ideally I'd like to pick up people that like writing as a hobby. Whether it'll pick up is another thing.

Also, I'm not sure how exactly that would work. Sure we might publish a good article even if it's not from our writers but we're not a message board.

cont. and in either case, we need something to start with to attract the audience and other writers.

Maybe your idea didn't gain traction because it's stupid

Like I said last thread, vet some anons and let them post whatever they want at a pace of their choosing. No strings attached. Let it be their hobby. That's how anonymous imageboards came to become so big.

I'm not sure what you're suggesting I'm doing right now.

It's not like I can force them to do anything else. I am trying to do exactly that right now.

I'm not making a messageboard, you fucking imbecile.

You're making something that chans render redundant, you fucking imbecile

m8, if you want staff writers, even for free, you need eyeballs. Why should I write for you for free when I could be writing for myself for free? If you can't get eyeballs, then I may as well just write shit and put it on a website itself.

You need an audience, not just a website.

Look, let's take pizzagate for example.

You make/compile all the connections and want to shill them on social media. What are you going to do? Link to a thread or subplebbit?

There is need for this, whether you like it or not.

Well that chicken or the egg argument. I obviously need content before I can get eyeballs.

As I said, I'm not much of a writer, and I have one qualtiy writer atm.

As far as why should you write "for me" rather than on your website? Simple, because I paid for a domain and hosting. It is needed for the prestige if we want to get eyeballs from social media.

I suggest you fake it till you make it. Do your best writing your own stuff. Plagiarize posts you find here that you think are well argued, nobody will give a shit about copyright. Lift ideas and stitch them together into articles. Let people send you articles to publish without all the theatrics of "joining your staff" or whatever.

Spread it on social media like usual

lol no there isn't. Your website idea is redundant.

Perhaps I needed to elaborate more. Yes, I intend to write few simple pieces myself to fill the space up.

The issue when it becomes desirable is that I will have to spend more time vetting for infiltrators, and that's where the anonymity I want to keep between us falls apart. Either way, I wanted to offer it to people that want to do it out of conviction. God knows I spend a lot of time here, doing something vaguely useful seemed like a good idea. I know for a fact that there are Holla Forumsacks that have free time and would do it out of conviction/entertainment. It's doesn't seem common though.

Alright, faggot.

There is no reason to worry about "infiltrators". Let people submit articles anonymously. If they are any good, post them. If somebody sends a shill article, ignore it.

You're getting pretty much no interest because your website's trying to fill a roll that's already filled. We just memed a man into the whitehouse, Holla Forums doesn't exactly need help with its social media game. You're wasting your time and remember if you listened to me YOU COULD HAVE PREVENTED IT