Terry A. Davis
Born: 12/15/1969
Height: 5'11
Currently disappeared.
He last published a video the 15th of December, and since then we only know that he had a complaint against on December 27th.
These are part of the gathered data:
Terry A. Davis
Other urls found in this thread:
Help to find Terry, he may need help.
Wasn't he living with some woman in his van? Any burger tried to call the parking place?
Some faggot called the jail he was supposedly in and he isn't in any jails in nevada supposedly. Probably some cianigger offed him.
He hasn't been with that one for a while.
He mad a video about the more you care about chicks the crazier they are.
That was me, and I simply sent an e-mail to the county's office.
He dropped her because she was too crazy and exploiting him.
Do you think they really monitor who is and isn't there?
From Terry's vids doesn't seem like anyone was there, besides some occasional ranger.
Fucking CIA niggers
She stole his keys and ran, but he didn't take the bait and stayed with the van. He said he would have to hotwire it, but only Terry knows if he was able to do it. Hopefully people will understand he needs help when he calls them cia niggers. He was most likely knifed and left for dead somewhere on the streets.
He has court tomorrow. If he makes it then we know he is in the loony bin.
If he skips it then we know he is still out there somewhere being terry.
I blame that thot that took his virginity. Now he's probably balls deep in a mass of local crackhead concubines.
1. He's dead.
2. His laptop broke.
3. Someone stole his van which includes his laptop and didn't have the decency to update the TempleOS Blog.
4. Something else happened.
Maybe he got tired of streaming, or the donations were making problems with his disability income.
That's what I've been speculating.
what happens when he's in jail or a mental institution and the dns for temple os doesn't get renewed? it's going to be off the internet forever.
surely people have archives and will throw them back up immediatly.
The Vatican needs to name him chief computer scientist and give him one of their apartments.
I hope CIAniggers didn't get him.
He'd kill all of them for being homos and child molesters.
He's most likely in a mental institution. They don't always disclose such information
Nows the time for someone to step up and update the Shrine fork
You're probably right, he wouldn't go on his own.
I guess we'll know in 5-6 hours, if the Arizona Court's site gets back from the maintenance.
Terry dropped that witch off in Vegas. The CIAniggers pushed her on him to steal from him and deplete his precious bodily fluids. It's part of their zersetzung strategy to break Terry.
Stop derailing the attention to the fokkin whore and focus on the real point of interest.
He's in jail retard.
Can you fucking read?
Also, he hasn't published videos since December 15th, and the file against him has been opened only 12 days later.
How do we bust Terry out of Jail?
Why do you think he is in jail?
people should start submitting missing persons reports
Any updates?
are there more of these?
because i want more of these...
You had the chance of calling this thread The Disappearance of Terry A. Davis, and you fucked it up. Just for that, I'm taking your autist card.
24h have passed.
did he go?
Its only 5pm there so we may have to wait a bit for the website to update.
Why does this post resemble a missing child's poster? Terry is an adult, and he does adult things regardless to all things otherwise.
got link?
Is this the new Skinny Puppy?
2nd post in this thread
I don't really care about fancy titles, this isn't a Hollywoodian movie.
It's about Terry and it's well expressed.
It's past mid-night and nothing has changed.
If any burgerfag is willing to call the court (623333-5800), we may know what happened before the site eventually updates.
The phone says they are closed.Its 9AM in AZ and they open at 7 AM and close at 6 PM. It also stated they only close on legal holidays though.
Ill call his parents landline
They didn't answer. I left a message autistically expressing my concern.
Thanks for the effort, user.
Regarding the landline, it seems to actually be of Terry, and not his parents'.
The phone still rings, I tried multiple times, but so far no one ever picked up the call.
He's in a black site user.
So he's dead
Oh, fuck off Satan.
Is it just a coincidence that the last day Terry uploaded a video was on his birthday?
Wait what??
I don't think committing suicide is too out of the question for someone like him
He lost it to some crackwhore named margie during early december
He's flying around in his saucer beating the fuck outta glow in the dark asshats
A devoted christian taking his life? No, I don't think so.
If he was deceased, the court would have received a death report and cancelled the meeting.
maybe if his os wasn't a piece of shit with no network drivers he could use it to signal for help
Might be a good way to contact Terry, find a way to reduce some loc from templeOS and email him about it. Otherwise he would just ignore the email.
Space aliens don't use VMWare.
RIP Terry
What wrong with ASCII?
Tell him a literal CIAnigger got pulled off the space station.
Damn, should we start downloading the streams before the site gets the axe?
see you space cowboy
please anons share more videos
Did he pay her?
since templeos doesn't have network support, maybe he went full templar and said fuck the ubuntu bullshit
the irc users confirmed his cellphone is turned off. As of a week or 2 ago it would have taken $270 to turn it back on.
Das racist!!!! YT don't want our peoples to into space nsheeit.
It came from israe^H^H^H^H^H USA
Hope he's doing OK
>The way they laugh at the end ;(
t. 5'9"
so he's still out there somewhere. i wonder what's stopping him from making videos
Who are those people?
u wot
He had the AT&T unlimited plan for his cellphone and would tether his laptop to that. He apparently has not been paying the bill. Or autopay got fucked up when he posted his debit card# on the stream and monkeyniggers jacked it.
He owes a few months worth and they wont turn it back on until the back balance is paid.
That sounds like bullshit to me.
If it was true, then why would he go to Starbucks and talk about finding new places with Wifi in his vids?
I think we should realize it's a good thing he's taking some down time from jacking off in front of the live camera to instead focus on the third Temple.
Why doesn't he use the thousands of $ that the Steve guy sent him?
i think that stopped after Terry dox'ed him by showing his info on the stream.
The last few videos he mentioned money problems. He was chainsmoking every waking second and with what cigs cost now.. and beer.. and gas. 1400/month is pushing it.
He's fucking right, again.
It's just his mental problems.
Dude, just kill yourself now.
you do not want to see them.
It's just his three-digit IQ.
I really don't. Neither do I care.
Just a reminder that Terry was literally always right and ((they)) pushed him into this.
Mental problems or not, it doesn't make him wrong.
Not sure if his illness made him racist or racism made him ill.
you mean other races made him ill, or (((doctors))) misdiagnosed him and his (((meds))) exacerbated his problems even more
Polite bump
Seeing too many foreign faces in your land could definitely drive a man to such extremes.
Terry should join the KKK.
Go back to cuckchan, CIA nigger.
Any updates on Terry?
Why don't you do some research yourself and try to contribute a little?
Nice try. You do understand that babies prefer their own race more than others and are way more kind, even adults are less stressed out or nervous around their own, no matter how well they know the other people from a different race. They can see this with 6 months old kids even as they prefer in-group more than out-group. So in order to "combat" racism you'd have to lobotomize kids at a young age or brainwash them when they are older. Racism is nothing more than seeing races for what they are, different, and that's perfectly fine.
and are way more kind towards them*
[Citation Needed]
i think terry has reached the logical conclusion of his arc and is now pushing a shopping cart down skidrow, ranting about diana and CIA niggers. someone should check the homeless areas in vegas and phoenix. maybe put up some missing posters.
This isn't kikepedia, nobody's gonna hold your hand.
i feel bad for him now, he went from an oddity to a tale of woe. It's sad that such raw talent is going to waste out there in the streets, and he'll probably get stabbed and left for dead. The sadder part is that in a few years no one will even know who he is, just dust in the wind.
I live in the area. What's weird is he is put at Avondale Municipal Court, but in the filing it has his address in Tempe "TEMPE, AZ 85281". That's a 45 minute drive from Tempe just to go to court. Estrella Park is in Goodyear, which is right next to Avondale, which makes sense.
Does anyone know the color of Terry's minivan? Also the make and model? I can look for it.
The plate is 022-RVL. The color is grey-ish, not sure about the exact model.
I'll check precisely as I get back home.
Kia sadona
Its a 2010ish sedona
this is not his just posting for reference so you know what the front grille looks like.
i'm not sure which is more pathetic. RIP Terry.
i really, really, really like this image
come on dude i seriously doubt he's dead. he can't, i refuse to believe it
some faggot on cuckchan posted a screencap of him posting earlier today. he said something about being 'dazed and confused but joyful'. not sure where he posted it but it looked like youtube.
it's gone by now and i'm not gonna go post there again so good luck ;)
the fuck are you talking about? read your post and reformulate.
learn english nigger
Some faggot, as in, a fellow poster, on cuckchan, alternatively known as 4chan, posted a screencap of Terrence A. Davis posting earlier today, January 25, 2018. I do recall seeing in Terry mention in this screencap his state of being 'dazed and confused but joyful'. However, I am not certain where this information was actually posted by Terry. The screencap appears to from on the popular video hosting website, Youtube. Unfortunately, the thread on cuckchan mentioning said screencap has been deleted, or removed, from the board index by a faggot moderator who sides with the CIA niggers and not God, and I do not wish to make a sequel to said thread. However, if you wish to do so I bid you the best of luck. Godspeed, and may Terry bless us all.
Praise Jesus
Is he back home?
That doesn't look like his parents house. Maybe his brother set him up somewhere ?
Im so glad, Im crying right now :3
Maybe he killed someone and is just hanging in their house.
Well, regardless of where he is right now, i'm glad he's safe.
I wish he would get back to youtube and work on templeos
But he looks like he is degenerating into full madness.
He is smoking more than usual.
Maybe he just rented that place.
More likely that Mr.God killed someone to let Terry use their place.
From Pope2.mp4
So I guess he was in a mental hospital all this time?
I'm so glad he's safe
that was on his site earlier. now removed.
Do you have an archive?
no. just happened to copy it when i saw. he contradicts himself though, in pope9 he mentions going to jail for 3 weeks for DUI. 14 min in.
He says 20 days in jail for a DUI and then he got a C in differential equations, so I think he was talking about the distant past
Seems like he was in the mental hospital though
has Terry ever not been crazy?
i dunno i sorta got impression it was his parents>>854743
she ripped the wing mirror off his kia
He's stuck somewhere between the past and present
TempleOS needs its own blockchain implementation. Terry hates cryptography so it can be a faith-based clearocurrency for the purpose of building and sustaining the Holy Temple. Instead of encryption, sign each token with the divine word of God.
Naming ideas:
Divinity Protocol
He was probably captured by the CIA and is being turned into a CIA nigger as we speak.
pope6.mp4 is top tier
He talked about this in a video, I forget what exactly he called it.
- GodWallet
- HolyWallet
- HeavenWallet
- GodDebt??
having the video would help
It's good to know Mr. Terry sees the issues with x86.
What did you expect from someone who has divine intellect?
Fuck, I wish my university course was that exciting.
Are you a Yuropoor? Because I'm starting to think that in here Universities simply fill you with useless crap, mostly related to an abstracted-logical-mathematical view of things, forgetting to focus on stuff that really matters.
Please don't tell me you're enrolled in a computer science degree.
I did and quit after the first semester.
Yes, and we never got to touch bare metal.
Talk to your prof and get into some entry-level research programs. Get access to the labs and equipment. Even computer programming has research. They might teach you how to print circuit boards outside of class or early in your degree.
Universities have so many students and so many limited resources that everything is scheduled to the bone. Labs are often always occupied.
>entry-level research programs
Not a thing where I've been. Any kinda of research was limited to post-graduates.
You don't get anything like pic related
TempleCPU when?
Why did you spoiler all your words?
I don't care about stalled memes.
If a student, even an undergraduate, shows initiative to a prof, and shows some talent or even skill, a professor will likely give the student a chance to work outside of class in other areas. Fucking check a bulletin board outside the student union or school and look at all of the postings asking for undergraduates to help participate in research.
You are obviously just writing words.
Because they are off-topic.
They don't give a fuck, and don't bother to do anything that isn't lesson-related.
Where-ever you live, seems like Wonderland, from what you describe.
All I found were posters about web-dev positions/projects and shit about college-parties.
If you don't put any effort into your education, why should you expect any teacher or institution to coddle you into a degree then job?
As for off-topic, suck a fat raspberry.
You can get used electronics trainer boards for cheap. Or just get some breadboards and a powersupply. Transistors and DIP ic's are cheaper then dirt.
You stupid fuck, why would you assume that your advice helps in a "university" environment that has no focus on education but on getting as much students as possible and milking their money for a extended period of 5 or more years?
t. not that guy but someone on a similar situation.
I do care about education, not so much about educational institutions, though.
>getting as much students as possible and milking their money for a extended period of 5 or more years
wew, this user is woke
Why don't you do it instead of being a nay-saying faggot who has never done anything for himself in his entire life?
Not caring about educational institutions is the problem. They have millions of Dollars at their disposal to train and educate students. These millions of Dollars can afford equipment, square footage, and sometimes remuneration for those who actually make an effort in learning and applying what they learned. What you are saying is that you don't care about taking a risk and dedicating yourself to have access to these resources. It is your job as a student to put yourself into the spotlight with your professors and school. It's not their job. It's yours. Understand that first, then move on.
He has a good point about microcode based CISC. Sounds like he's going to work on his compiler some more.
what did he mean by this?
You fell for the meme. What you SHOULD have done is computer engineering.
My Little Coin: Imaginary Money Is Magic
kys boomer
Terry A. Davis has done more with computers than all of the rest of cryptoniggers combined. If you can't see the potential in a TempleOS based blockchain, you are a gorilla nigger cattle retard. And He can create a fully-fledged decentralized space alien trading ledger based out of TempleOS, commisioned by God. TempleCoin is primed to take the its hold in the top 10 currencies of the year, based on credentials alone:
- Divinely ordained as King of Western Civilization
- Constantly talking to God
- Wrote a Divine Intellect Operating System and the HolyC programming language from scratch
- Architect of the digital Third Temple
- Ran down a CIA nigger with his car in 1999
- Is a genius level rocket engineer whose father designed nuclear missiles
- Was just released from the mental hospital after 6 weeks because he's """schizophrenic"""
- Only days after being released from jail for saying fuck the system and skipping court
- Literally has a space alien
- TempleOS is the framework for a space alien trading post
- Lives out of a fucking van and knows no boundaries
- Has started multiple companies in the past
- Trying to start his own company to make CPUs without CIA spyware
- TempleOS is the only Ring 0 based operating system currently available, and Ring 3 is for peasants
- Offers Poems and Hymns to the Lord on a daily basis
- Will eliminate x86 from the face of the Earth entirely
- Is not a virgin
Over 15 reasons, just off the top of my head. Terry hates cryptography so TempleCoin will be different. TempleOS is not connected to the internet. This will be a faith-based, RS232-compatible clearocurrency for the purpose of building and sustaining the holiness of the TempleOS platform. Instead of encryption, sign each token with the divine word of God. TempleCoin Wallets will be custom designed and printed according to God's blueprints and will not incorporate the x86 architecture anywhere, and available for presale from templeos.org as soon as Terry gets around to it.
Terry A. Davis has done more with computers than all of the rest of cryptoniggers combined. If you can't see the potential in a TempleOS based blockchain, you are a gorilla nigger cattle retard. And He can create a fully-fledged decentralized space alien trading ledger based out of TempleOS, commisioned by God. TempleCoin is primed to take the its hold in the top 10 currencies of the year, based on credentials alone:
- Divinely ordained as King of Western Civilization
- Constantly talking to God
- Wrote a Divine Intellect Operating System and the HolyC programming language from scratch
- Architect of the digital Third Temple
- Ran down a CIA nigger with his car in 1999
- Is a genius level rocket engineer whose father designed nuclear missiles
- Was just released from the mental hospital after 6 weeks because he's """schizophrenic"""
- Only days after being released from jail for saying fuck the system and skipping court
- Literally has a space alien
- TempleOS is the framework for a space alien trading post
- Lives out of a fucking van and knows no boundaries
- Has started multiple companies in the past
- Trying to start his own company to make CPUs without CIA spyware
- TempleOS is the only Ring 0 based operating system currently available, and Ring 3 is for peasants
- Offers Poems and Hymns to the Lord on a daily basis
- Will eliminate x86 from the face of the Earth entirely
- Is not a virgin
Over 15 reasons, just off the top of my head. Terry hates cryptography so TempleCoin will be different. TempleOS is not connected to the internet. This will be a faith-based, RS232-compatible clearocurrency for the purpose of building and sustaining the holiness of the TempleOS platform. Instead of encryption, sign each token with the divine word of God. TempleCoin Wallets will be custom designed and printed according to God's blueprints and will not incorporate the x86 architecture anywhere, and available for presale from templeos.org as soon as Terry gets around to it.
Wat. CS isn't something you need millions of dollars of equipment to learn. You must be thinking of some other major. CS doesn't even need a school, or at least someone with the kind of self-driven mentality you're describing doesn't.
Remember what he said user. The temple is to be a house of prayer, not a den of thieves.
Those are a lot of assumption you are making there you little nigger, did i strike a nerve or something?
He sounds more normal off his meds and he looks high as shit. Proof doctors don't know shit.
post more clips this is fuckin hilarious
eat shit from your own gaped asshole faggot
I don't care what major some college kid is in, but having access to equipment, records, and knowledge is indispensible, if he is serious about his education at all. If not, then he must already know how to mop and sweep.
Take your assumptions and put them where they matter. You fell for the 'college is for losers because it costs money' meme. If you don't know how to take advantage of an opportunity, then continue bumbling around like some broken record.
How can we fuck Terry’s boypussy in jail?
Looks like your education only reinforced a very rigid form of linear thinking where only two options can ever exist.
This is how thirdworld inhabitants are being currently taught at higher education facilities, for them the concept divergence is almost non-existent, And as such they will never strive to make something either different or better, they will simply stick with the most common and widely used tools and methods.
You are pathetic.
anti psychotics take time to work, as in resolve the psychosis. weeks sometimes. and it's tricky to find something that works without producing (to the patient) unacceptable side effects.
Nice try, niggercattle, but everybody knows that psychotropic drugs have never worked and never will.
If only someone would tell him that niggers aren't a problem.
Cool story bro
Sounds an awful lot like Zydrate.
Gas yourself.
It's good he is safe.
Mineral oil cooling: youtube.com
Wew lads I was worried about Terry.
TempleCoins lads.
Well since van living is over he now doesn't have to worry about food, parking, getting jumped, and finding internet constantly. Maybe he will get back to TempleOS.
Is Terry living in a looney bin now?
Cigarette lens flare is aesthetic as fuck
He's talking pretty coherent, could he be on meds?
More likely he's off, to be quite honest.
Meds cause to be foggy.
templeos.org is all weirdly worded now. like a lawyer wrote it.
Yeah, I noticed that too. At least the videos are still there... but for how long?
We gonna need to help Terry with some shekels it seems.
actually, all the new pope vids are gone. i think maybe his meds are kicking in.
This is more disturbing than when he went missing.
FUCK! there goes my evening.
he was talking about a lawyer in one of his pope videos, i think it was the last one
in pope21. he seems very confused. also, in pope22 he mentions having to see a psychiatrist or the cops will come pick him up.
Well, whatever they are doing to him is not good.
indoctrinating him into cuckoldry
Which of you losers want to go on a rescue mission
If he's in the looney bin why are they letting him still make videos? How does he have access to a computer?
Maybe he's willing seeing a psychologist or something? A bit out of character, but possibly.
It's fucking annoying when I bump my head to low-hanging objects
Stop going off-topic, faggot. Either discuss about Terry or get lost.
Was there another batch that I missed?
I missed them too, apparently they were deleted pretty quickly.
wtf is this file?
I would assume a list of corrupted videos, that were uploaded on templeos.org but wasn't possible reproduce.
I gathered that user, but wtf is SexTalkWank.mp4?
he had a wank for dianna. there was once a folder called 'for dianna'
idk nigger why don't you actually contribute?
Terry is afraid of CIA niggers. Why don't you tell him that cucking is a cia nigger subversion to take down god's OS?
Okay i'm fucking confused now, why is he talking so coherently? Where the fuck is he living right now? It doesn't look like his old room.
W H A T D I D T H E C I A D O T O O U R T E R R Y?
He was recently discharged from a psychiatric hospital and is now living with his sister.
That makes sense, it's obviously someone's house
Thanks, missed those
Don't tell me you think he can consistently do programming work while his stability is gone. That's not going to happen on a long term basis.
He seems to be more lucid when he's off his meds. I hope he gets back into his routine.
You mean when he's ranting about aliens and being the king of Nevada?
(((HeBrews))) will supplant JVM.
Sauce on this pls
Terry has always been a walking Amber Alert and now that TempleOS is more or less complete, he's even more dangerous. Put him in a room with a 4 year old and when he's in custody afterwards he'll claim the CIA tempted him.
100% agreed. Fuck the CIA for creating Intel just to botnet our CPUs.
ayy lmao
You think that posting this will absolve the CIA of guilt, but you're wrong. God is perfectly just.
here's a bigger version, friend
CIA nigger detected
Does anyone know specifically what 1 dollar CPU he's referring to?
Don't really have the same ring to them.
Yes. They're quite easy to program too. en.wikipedia.org
I manipulated this image using the GNU image manipulation program.
Yes before Pi and arduino we had Basic Stamps. They where pic powered and fun to work with.
They worked great for single tasks and didn't have botnet. Their biggest problem was the the cost. The company that made them screwed themselves with their greed.
He could be doing ironically
so use avr chip microcontroller cost $1.50 - $2 zero botnet
The basic stamp PIC's where popular because in the early 90s you could go to any Radio Shack and get one as well as a few decent books on how to use them. It was the 1st uC I ever played with. They where what you moved on to once you outgrew the Radio Shack's 'X in 1' kits. They used a BASIC language that was easy for non-programmers to pick up on. I could see why Terry equates C=64's to PICs.
In leafland, RadioShack no longer exists and was replaced by TheSource, which seems to be little more than a phone store. They still carry a few components, but that stuff is relegated to the back without much variety.
Radio shack is gone on burgerland. Some franchise stores held on to the name but they are just a typical ghetto indy cellphone store.
RS thought they could live on nothing but sprint phones and beats headphones forever. I remember when they ditched their own well established Tandy brand PCs for Compaq branded ones. That worked out well.
Sad, because they helped expose a lot of young people to computing and electrical engineering, especially with those X in 1 kits posted above. Seems like a lot of poor decisions were made at the top though.
I love AVR micros. Open source tools, cheap as hell, convenient packages. Really the perfect microcontroller. If you need more power, you might as well upgrade to a DSP or ARM based system. But if you just need something to automate a simple task, AVRs really are perfect. I hope Microchip continues to make them, because if not, I'll be taking out a loan to buy out Digikey's entire stock.
You can still shop at Allied Electronics, the company they sold in favor cellphone stores.
Not that microcontrollers are any more expensive nowadays. I bought a NodeMCU for less than 2 bucks from chinkland.
Anybody else having trouble getting TempleOS to run in VirtualBox? I keep getting the guru error.
I wish they would allow him to continue his work on TempleOS.
U need to run it in 64-bit
Sounds comfy af tbh. I wish I grew up learning electronics with radio shack kits.
>you could just buy what you need for cheaper from (((amazon)))
God here.
I just borrowed Terry for the night for some more divine inspiration.
He'll be back at the cock's crow(pacific Time)
Did you enable 64-bit virtualization in your bios?
What kind of demon is keeping Terry from fulfilling his role as high priest? What can we do about this?
The same one who has prevented the Temple's construction all this time. He seems to realize that TempleOS is already built.
they really jacked up his meds
is he still wanted?
laughing about someone's schizophrenia isn't funny.
Maybe not wanted, but he still missed an appeal in court...
Who is laughing at him?
He doesn't seem the same, what happened lads? What the the glowies do to Terry?
This happened.
Well, we just have to be glad he is alright, I guess.
It seems like whoever's care he is in, is preventing him from doing videos (the deleted Pope vids off the site)
I hope he gets better and can start working on templeos once again.
Hahahaha ...
Stop samefagging, CIA nigger.
I guess that is the end of TAD. CIAniggers finally managed to neutralize him. He had a good run.
God will help him escape, even if it takes time. This is the same man who jumped out of a moving police car.
Shit I can't understand half of what he's talking until 40 seconds
Which video was that?
It's good that Terry is getting the help he needs
Some people made printers with these.
What website from chinkland is reliable ?
Where'd you find this?
There might be more
How much of a faggot are you?
Did you even watched last Terry's videos?
It's an extract from Pope13, ya dumb nigger.
is he making more vids?
How would I know? I'm not the CIA agent keeping him imprisoned.
As far as I know, he hasn't made a video since January 29th.
Listen, fag, he's a beloved and revered person here. Ok, ironically for now, but give it some time and some weirdos will join in and take it seriously and turn it into actual worship. Some more time and anyone who doesn't pray to TAD will be exiled.
This is how prophets are born, you know. Just watch.
Based Terry. Why's he so perfect?
I unironically respect Terry. He independently created both a programming language and an original operating system with no outside influence or assistance. And schizo or no, he's still right about pretty much everything he says.
>this is (((music))) in CY+x
Fucking weak niggerfaggot.
His dad was hot stuff I hear.
Do you realize where the fuck you fucking are you goddamn gorilla glow in the dark cattle monkey fuck nigger?
God's chosen one.
How many other people have graphics/sprites in their source code?
It doesn't even matter if he's "original" or not, whatever that means (since nothing is every trully original but builds on older foundations).
Nobody else has implemented a modern C64 style OS that can run on cheap, widely available commodity hardware. There are plenty of other OS, but nothing like this. Instead I've seen plenty of idiots diss him on 4chan threads, and claim that any undergraduate can do the same thing, that making an OS and compiler is average stuff. Well where are all those completed OS+compiler projects for similar hardware? Hey, a lot of people can talk the talk, but this guy actually walks the walk. And he makes it look easy, but you go ahead and try to do it. Let's see you finish that project all by yourself. A lot of people start, but never get close to finishing. Then they talk a lot of shit to try and make excuses for their failure.
Why do you people care so much about this sick bastard?
did you even read ?
The funny thing he wrote everything with his own text editor, no bloated Emacs or Vim.
>got the (((help))) he needs :^)
I remember him saying that he used to write everything in VisualStudio before creating his own text-editor and compiler.
I think I remember reading that TempleOS actually started out as a FreeDOS program too.
Lmao ayy no wonder it sucks freedos sucks it doesn't even come close to MS-DOS by Microsoft.
Fuck off, Bill Gates. You already know your ultimatum.
u may think I am bill gates, but I am actually just an embedded systems programmer who writes proprietary software and knows it is better
He used VS and FreeDOS back in 2003 when he resurrected the project. I don't know what he used before then. web.archive.org
Let's talk about Terry's space alien. Is it actually God?
So, I've been watching Terry vids and... so, mentally ill people usually have fairly diverse mental states, right? So, the question is, are these videos a random sample of Terry's mental states, or does he basically only make videos when he's in a particular mental state? Has anyone else wondered this?
He never seems to look happy. Its tragic
I'm puzzled at how to describe this webm. On the one hand, its absolutely correct, and what he says is amazingly perceptive. Most people never get this far, make these realizations. On the other hand, he's clearly insane and rambling.
Any more vids on that? I'm new to the Temple of Terry, and I'm interested in this alien.
If there's a video where he goes into detail about it, I haven't seen it. He just casually mentions having a space alien in a lot of his other videos, but doesn't go into details (probably so the CIA doesn't hear) . If you consider the possibility of the Ark of the Covenant being of extraterrestrial origin, however, it makes a bit more sense. Maybe Terry is literally talking to space aliens from biblical times who are more commonly known as "GOD" or other 4 letter names. Maybe he's the only sane one out there.
It used to be that he was nearly constantly streaming. Once he got banned, he was nearly always recording videos, so we have a pretty good idea of how Terry usually acts, at least in the last year or so.
As for the space alien, it seems to be a term he occasionally interchanges with God. I've never seen him make an actual distinction between the space alien and God. He also sometimes refers to TempleOS as a space alien trading post.
My fucking sides.
Any news? Has anyone tried to contact Terry?
Last time I sent an e-mail I never got a reply back, which is comprehensible...
interested-as-well bump
Ubuntu ...
I emailed him asking if he was okay. No response.
There must be a sacrifice to bring Terry back with a Miracle. God says: make an altar for burnt offerings of x86 processors.
crescent diary isolation eastward riveting demystify punch banish profile barn circus flagstone
currently in prison
Just remember what he said:
not found
Literally a CS degree with a few low level breadboard courses, minus compiler design.
Check, please.
As fair as we know he's living with some sibling/relative of his.
And apparently he wasn't in prison even earlier, but rather in something closer to a psych-ward.
That directory has been removed a while later its publication... you can still find the content here, archive.org
Generalizing like that is quite useless, since, at least in Europe, every University, no matter the course's name, can have classes/exams completely different from one another.
So why was manlet Tom Hardy cast as Bane?
banned from where? he streams on youtube, right? Did he get banned from jewtube for saying nigger all the time? And, what sort of person would report poor Terry? disgusting
I don't think all the pope videos are there, though. It looks like there's only ~11, and it seems like someone had been talking about pope20+
idk, I'd say he's a pretty big guy
Could it be possible that Terry was the CIANigger this whole time?
He doesn't glow in the dark, so no.
You docile nigger cattle
He got banned because someone sent him a porn link and he opened it on stream. I guess it was completely kosher for him to rant about the glow-in-the-darks, but porn just crosses youtube's line.
what an asshole
levels of asshole that shouldn't even be possible
what possessed you that you would speak such heresy?
When he was in his van, and his laptop screen was on, he was glowing in the dark.
No thank you, I have had plenty.
Think about it. He is running around, putting his revolutionary OS on CD's and burrying them. He deletes his videos at random. He disappears for months at a time.
Are you fucking dumb in the head? On that archive there clearly are 22 Pope vids.
Terry probably would be able to fix it though
lolwut? I haven't seen this one
meh... I'm going to need more than that
I acknowledge this is suspicious
I think you forgot the most damning piece of evidence of all: he literally has an alien. Who else would have an alien other than a CIAnigger? I can only think of one person (since Alf) that had an alien on TV, and he works for the CIA (Stan, American Dad). We're definitely going to need to get this alien thing clarified
well, I'll be damned. how did I miss that? man, I must have been super tired the other night
He doesn't disappear because of his will.
He disappeared because he was forced to.
He kept posting new videos and streaming even during his homelessness, which is a pretty damn good demonstration of his dedication.
Fred Flintstone
...had an alien? i don't think so. those were dinosaurs
You are niggercattle.
you're the one watching talmudvision
The space alien actually is God
What the fuck?
He is smoking shit?
I had a lot of respect for him but it is ruined now.
Where the heck do you see the pipe?
He's just smoking cigs, as usual.
I forgot about that one. But there are videos on archive.org in which he describes hiding and burying CD's of TempleOS all over town because he 1) stopped writing TempleOS and 2) thought he was being followed.
Why isn't he streaming now that he is at his sisters? It must be easier to stream there than while living in a van.
That's what I call shit.
smoking cigs is almost like eating human feces. the latter perhaps has less long-term side effects though.
I hope you studied your Bible yesterday, heathens. You think Terry's just making this shit up?
SSRIs block serotonin metabolism and are literally poison that kill your drive for everything, the CIANiggers may have finally lobotomized him.
Did Terry ever explain how he ended up in the hospital?
In the pope vids Terry hinted that there are house rules and he was "talked to" about mentioning the family on his streams. I suspect some faggots started calling the sister once it was realized that is where he is. She probably freaked out and told Terry no more streaming if he wanted to stay.
Also in the pope vids it sounds like something happened to the van (broke down, wrecked, impounded, repo'ed?) that we don't know about. If there is no van then Terry has to chose between listening to his sister or sleeping on the street.
I only heard I think up to 13.
You don't remember which ones?
I often wonder if Terry wasn't a TI, and that his schizophrenia was actually induced by gangstalking
nah, worse... they probably put him on shittons of atypical antipsychotics, which cause weight gain, metabolic syndrome, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, sleepiness, tardive dyskinesia, sexual dysfunction and a great number of other disorders. These are extremely dangerous medications, and the psych industry hands them out like candy. It's disgusting
I second this question
They are the absolutely worst things you can take. They throw off your brain chemistry, your brain starts to change itself (some evidence suggests it can start after only one dose, although if that's it then it probably will revert back quickly), and you become a different person. You also become reliant on them, and you can end up feeling worse if you ever go off of them later.
I encourage anyone prescribed these to avoid taking them as much as possible. If someone is watching you or forces you to take them, stick them under your tongue or go throw up afterwards. Definitely avoid taking them daily. They _will_ change you, and even if you feel better in the short-term it will do nothing for you long-term. Psychiatrists are liars and frauds. A real psychologist or therapist can help you talk out your problems.
While Terry probably does need help for his schizophrenia, this is absolutely not the solution. It's to keep him docile, not to actually help him be an effective person. Hack fraud psychiatrists just don't know any other way to treat people.
Prescribing these should be illegal excepting cases where people are literally suicidal at all times, and even then... I think I'd take death than brain-altering drugs.
Fucking ebin raidfags always ruining shit. This is why we can't have nice things.
Not currently. I will look around when I have more time. It might have been on one of his templeos.org streams however. IIRC, he was tired of working on TempleOS but also tired of worrying about it getting into wrong hands, so he started leaving CD's all over the city, some even inside street overhead lights. Someone might remember, but he deleted TempleOS off his computer, and he had to use one of those CD's that he hid to start work on TempleOS again. This was before he said 'fuck it' and made everything public domain.
This actually belongs in a biblical parable.
It has a good ring to it.
Parable of the Hidden Temple
And God said: Let not thy Temple fall to corruption. It must be hidden.
The Temple shall be placed onto shining discs,
and scattered amidst the desert sands.
I am the LORD your God.
And Terry went forth with the Temple, and placed it onto shining discs.
And he hid it throughout the city.
And the Temple was scattered amidst the desert sands.
And the covenant between the Temple and the Ark of the Divine OS was destroyed.
And he went forth, and said:
Let no CIA nigger touch my Divine Temple.
And the Temple was hidden.
And on the fourteenth day, at even,
The LORD spake unto Terry, saying,
Go forth again, recover thy temple, thou shalt reinstall 40 times on 40 virtual machines.
And Terry said, FUCK IT.
And the Temple was public domain.
Anybody notice that TempleOS has changed again? Both are version 5.30 but there are obvious file size differences. Does TempleOS have a diff utility? One could load up TempleOS and then mount the other ISO and compare them.
-rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 17346560 Jan 23 20:57 TOS_Distro.ISO-rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 17350656 Feb 20 14:07 TempleOS.ISO
so TempleOS was a TerryDavis Inc. black project? He didn't originally create it for distribution? I suppose, since it allows you to talk to God, that makes some sense
Codex TerryDavicus
checked and kek'd
from what I can tell it was always a personal project for him, and whatever paranoia he has was another reason to keep TempleOS low-key. However, after taking a hiatus working on it, he decided that he will just let anyone who wants it to use it. Maybe putting in all that work he wanted to see where it would put him.
Terry didn't even have his YouTube account until 2012, but he began work on TempleOS around 2003. So for about 10 years, TempleOS was his own deal to occupy his time.
Terry gets a lot of ridicule on other boards, but he did write an OS and compiler by hand from rote memory, and that warrants recognition of his talent and skill.
absolutely. honestly alot of what he says isn't that crazy. he just apparently can't control his own thought structure sometimes. I wonder how much of his current mental health problems are due to isolation. Also, I still have a hunch that he was followed around at some time for some reason, and that probably made his paranoia go off the charts. Once you catch the paranoia bug, its really hard to get rid of it bc anything can be reasoned to mean anything, and there are so many meaningless coincidences in life that you can always justify further paranoia by attributing some meaning to them.
I don't remember any videos, but on his old templeos.org page there was a whole lot of text and documentation. Somewhere in there he descrbed losing, and then finding again his OS several times. Old page might still be on web.archive.org.
Also it had other names than TempleOS before.
I don't know. Maybe his isolation is an effect of his mental problems, or you could be right. He seemed friendly on stream with randos walking by when he was on. He also got a free sandwich from Gemma's cafe: "I can't fathom not to eat the ham."
Maybe that's where I picked it up and confused it with a video? I thought it was during his van streaming sessions though that he brought up.
As with much of mental illness, there's an autocatalytic effect there. It's circular. But, you have to think that spending 10 yrs designing your own compiler and OS must have taken extreme isolation, and he probably got much, much worse during that period. I've gone through periods of extreme isolation like that, and it really fucked with me. I've seen CIA and RAND Corp studies on isolation, and it destroys the psyche. Iirc, 3-7 in complete sensory deprivation is all it takes to revert someone to infanthood (rolling around on floor in fetal position etc) and often people begin playing with their own feces. It's pretty crazy
I knew you guyz were here!
Terry is updating TempleOS? Anyone try this yet?
Did you even read the post you are replying to? Its possible the cia niggers have been tampering with it.
Terry has been in and out of the IRC lately. He has been trying to summon his old boss from ticketmaster there. I guess she was a qt3.14.
what server?
i had no idea before i checked his website
its amazing what 30 seconds of research can do
He was living with his parents, and his pet birds and dog. That's not at all like a sensory deprivation environment.
Good to know he's still alive.
Sadly his IRC channel is filled with teen cuckchanners...
You say that like those two things aren't mutually inclusive.
I said isolation. And, living with parents doesn't mean you're not isolated. Further, if those parents are loony-toon christcucks, there's a whole other element of psychological trauma that could arise. He seems to lack gainful employment and meaningful relationships. That can really wear on a person
we miss you terry
Why can't you stupid goyim ever be grateful for something for once in your pathetic lives eh?
How is it possible for people with schizophrenia to have gainful employment?
Ah, just like the jews, or so they would like everyone to believe.
How the fuck do you want him to have any meaningful relationships ?
Even us we can't even show a hint of power level because each time we bring up CIA/NSA or botnet facts normies look at us like we're insane and terry is schizo all the time when he goes about CIA nigger and space aliens.
well, he wrote a goddamn OS, didn't he? anyway, I think you're missing the point. The point I was trying to make is that his environment has probably been making his condition worse. How to fix that isn't really relevant atm.
No, I agree. Part of the reason I'm saying this is because of my own personal experience. But, whatever the solution is, the point is that this environment can make symptoms worse.
You call it "schizophrenic"
We call it "Woke"
Please don't joke about this. Schizophrenia is scary.
All me.
I can only agree to that but we don't really know what the environment is and if terry doesn't want to do something else than staying where he is or talk about something else then there's little to be done.
We could start on TempleOS 3.0 HD
i agree. i mean, at this point he's probably way too far gone. Its too bad.
So what is Terry exactly up to these days? He still wants to build these botnet-less CPUs from scratch he mentioned in a video some time ago?
It is scary. It is lonely and frightening and very very confusing at times. Terry is actually a legitimate genuis and the fact life dealt him a very unfair hand is a net loss for the entire world. That he can focus and be able to produce something with this much autistic grandeur is, frankly speaking, a miracle. I am not excusing shit like hitting his parents, but you need to understand there are extenuating circumstances. He will probably never be medically compliant since psychiatric medicine likely plays into his psychosis. I genuinely hope for the best but I know in all likelihood it never will get any better. When his parents die he probably will be dead or in a facility within a year. The whole mess is sad and ugly and my prayers go out to him and his family.
We need to get him hired at Intel. Doesn't matter what position, he just needs to be onsite at a CPU manufacturing facility. The space alien will take it from there.
I need some kind of elaborate theory to prove that basic common sense is wrong.
I was just thinking about that the other day. It won't be long. Hopefully, he can keep staying with his sister or whoever it is and go from there.
Dude, it was on the cover of Time magazine or whatnot, with a headline like "Are Babies Racist?" It's completely true.
someone said they thought he was staying with his sister
>you mean other races made him ill, or (((doctors))) misdiagnosed him and his (((meds))) exacerbated his problems even more
this. imagine him going on one of those -- perfectly correct -- rants he does in front of his (((psychiatrist))). How long has Terry been a meme? Do we have any proof he's gotten better/worse since his diagnosis?
Isn't that true for many if not most neckbeards neeting their life away in a basement? Or will they survive on neetbux alone (if any) indefinitely?
Is the space alien implemented pretty much the same way we are (i.e. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen etc.), or is its implementation abstracted away with it manifesting only as one of multiple streams of data?
Are you serious fucken ape nigger? It's divine.
he was diagnosed back in the 90's, so not much to go on there, but his early videos showcasing templeos were pretty chill. he still had plenty of rants, but that was because no one was listening and couldn't figure out how to get templeos installed, so they all called it crap. he would get mad and go off. his videos weren't like his streams in which he runs off tangent.
What's your definition of "divine" then? "That the implementation details of which are forever and under any conditions abstracted away"?
You are the very definition of nigger cattle.
Why is he so obsessed with the CIA? What makes him think they give two shits about him?
Because they are a bunch of niggers.
because they harassed him into insanity, of course. also, he admits that it could be SS, FBI or others, but for some reason he mostly calls them CIA
the young ones will probably eventually get jobs. many of the others will probably an hero at some point
I couldn't figure out how to work the damn OS myself. But, I only spent like 5 mintues with it. The tutorial wouldn't work right for some reason
it was designed originally for Terry's specific hardware. it wasn't until the past couple of years that others have put in work to make it capable on more generic hardware.
How can an OS be hardware specific?
Bls egzblein
He's nigger-cattle, doesn't know what he's talking about.
How old is "too old"?
Oh yea? So what's the difference between "hurr it's divine" and "its exact nature will forever remain a mystery to everyone"?
Thread reached bump-limit
New one here:
Depends on what skills you have, I guess. If one is used to living in mum's basement, then getting a simple job like as a cashier or teller or something, it seems like would sustain that lifestyle
TempleOS is not a meme.
Terry A. Davis is an Avatar
Leigt >200 IQ
God is speaking to us.