Halfchan Posting is Fucked

Posting on halfchan is really slow and/or completely fucked at the moment.

Are they being DDOS'd for too much talk about pizza and the birth certificate?

(PS, I'm not a halfchan fan, I'm just saying this is a big event that could hit us next.)

Also, it seems like captcha is screwed up on both sites.

Commit suicide.

Good post.


you have to go back

le downboat

fuck off shill

You're only 5 years of captcha solving late.
All this time on 4chan and you never got paid for being a human google captcha solving node.

Daily reminder to report all refugee threads.

Pro tip: threads about some other site we don't care about are not good threads. Some other thread died for yours.

At most just point it out in a relevant thread where needed.


great post


OP here. I've been visiting both sites regularly since Holla Forumsharbor.

also these posts aren't mine:

I was legit concerned about us getting DDOS'd or investigated by the alphabet boys; but since you good goyim are so intent on dividing white nationalist communities, I'll just fuck off to the Tucker thread now.

Nobody cares about cuckchan fUCK OFF

A mod and his antifa friends are DDOSing 4/pol/ because we ended up making his homless due to the /diy/ threads, which he's also deleting.


Does this look like a civic "nationalist" lolberg shithole to you? Fuck off.

fantastic post

if it is a D&C attempt or a ddos against cuckchan (they get the most press) it could swing this way. something to look out for. i don't think there is anything wrong acting as advanced scouts doing some recon over at cuckchan

Reported for ban evasion.

Why are you telling us about this? Why do you think anyone here cares about 4chan? Are you having a hard time sharing your cuckold/trap/tranny porn with others?

GTFO loser.