The Chinese ant people have found a new way to stuff new living spaces into their overcrowded cities.
Housing for Ants
Sewer pipes stacked together? This is actually a better idea than containers, at least for thermal comfort. Those don't look like ant houses though. Too trendy.
That makes very little sense. There's no reason for the cost to be so high.
Of course it makes sense. This isn't supposed to solve anything. This is just someone trying to coast on a real issue to build their own reputation.
Better than living in a cage I suppose, like these people do in Hong Kong.
I thought about making a home out of a pipe like this when I was a homeless teenager. It lay hidden and forgotten on an overgrown property belonging to a railway company. I ended up solving the whole homelessness issue instead, but I am not surprised to see other people having the same idea.
I would have spent less than $15 and still made it more comfy than those concepts.
There was also Diogenes
I'm not surprised you would, because both are rather stupid concepts. I was just saying that one is less stupid than the other.
shit utilization of space tbqh.
should have used hezagons instead of circles.
fucking typo
I think the point was to use commodity materials though.
Chinese people eat rice
That looks really space inefficient. Just look at the second picture, all that wasted space on every other floor.
Not to mention incredibly structurally unsafe.
Then again, it's China. They build bridges consisting of trash with a thin shell of concrete around it. I doubt they're very interested in western things as "structural safety" or "loss of life".
Where to poo?
mah nigga
Chinese people once again confirmed to not be capable of creating an original idea.
Just hang your ass out off the door.
Open the door
Get on the floor
It's a sewer pipe
Made a chicken curry with special pajeet sauce
Would it really cost any more to make them rectangular instead? It would be more space efficient and easier to stack. Just add some kind of lego notches if you really want to stack them without extra attachments.
designated feces alleys*
They are sewer pipes. Your already in the loo. Just poo.
Honestly I really like the idea in a sort of techno-punk way. Like if I only had to pay $200 for my entire housing expenses (including internet, heating, etc.) and be able live in New York City or something then it'd be worth it. I'm not going to spend much time at my abode if I'm in a big city with tons of stuff to do, and even living in a ~600 sq ft. apartment I only own a handful of stuff anyways. Maybe people would have a bigger sense of community if they actually left their house for something other than work.
That looks more like bee hives than ant hill.
The japs already tried that, the idea was shit and the only prototype is halfway to being demolished.
I honestly wouldn't mind living in a tiny space as long as it was big enough to accommodate a bed, a PC with internet connection and a bathroom. Everything else in a house is irrelevant to me.
What about a kitchen?????????
user sustains himself on creamy memes and light from a monitor.
How much of greek culture was stolen from the Jews?
If it's like a hotel or one of those vaporwave commie bauhaus early-century dormitories with cafeteria and communal laundry, then kitchen is not needed. An act of food consumption is a social experience and making small kitchens in tiny one-person cells would be actually depressing for inhabitants.
There's a loo and shower, though. Look closer, two sections, one on the back has a wet bathroom.
Did you write that the wrong way around?
You have almost invented precast concrete apartments.
Seems like the Jap idea was better in every way though. No wasted space between capsules, structurally safer, and the interior also isn't round, therefore you have much more floorspace with the same external dimensions.
Japanese one-room apartments are for you.
Nigger, cyllinder is the second absolute strongest shape, after sphere.
I'm mad that "bugman" is one of the "once specific, now generic insult for everyone I don't like" du jour because this is exactly the kind of thing it was made to insult. The Chinese are now designing literal hives for their city-dwelling swarms and yet I feel like an idiot for using that word.
If it includes deployment, electric/water installation, etc it makes sense. In China for sure it can be done for much less.
In Asia, you can eat consistent meal at any time for a couple of $$ in every street corner. Actually, buying stuff in supermarkets is quite pricey. Only the richs cook because it's fancy "western style"
I'd definitely buy a house like this if it has decent sound and heat isolation. I lived in worse places for more expensive in Europe.
enjoy the gutter oil.
Straight outta Neuromancer, I like it.
Nigger, being strong doesn't equal being structurally sound.
Stacking cylinders creates all sorts of sideways loadings not present in a normally constructed building. It would only take one failure for a large part of the stack to catastrophically unravel.
You can see these idiots have no clue by looking at the shop-job where they've stacked them between two buildings. The reality of that is that it would be placing massive lateral loads on the walls of the neighboring buildings which were not designed to take them. Brick walls have poor tensile strength, they're mean to support loads under compression. A collapse would be inevitable.
I'd be ok with a tiny apartment as long as I had access to a large public living area, and designated spots for quiet access. Which is pretty much the setup I had in University.
Ideally though, I'd prefer to live remotely surrounded by a forest.
If you're going to code Java, this is the ideal setup.
What stops hobos from smashing a brick through one of these and taking off with your autismal items? You'd have to shit and piss in a bucket.
these people will still be living in cages
these are for the middle class
Except Hymenopterans aren't bugs you dumbfuck.
It somehow manages to look more depressing than capsule hotels from Japan. Maybe it's because these are intended for more long-term use, rather than relatively short stays.
In Hong Kong triads will deal with them, that's why they pay extortion.
You mean like it is for any other modular building? Also clearly they aren't simply stacked, they're also welded together. Lateral loads means it's preloaded and is harder to put out of balance. A house made of plastic cups is much sturdier than a house made of playing cards.
The poor can live in the gaps
No, worse. Typical cuboid modular designs only bear the load of the modules stacked directly above. This spreads it out sideways and introduces the potential for modules to roll.
There is no advantage to the circular design whatsoever, and many disadvantages. It's nothing more than a gimmick.
Is that Romania?
Chinese cities ARE overcrowded. Ghost towns do not disprove this. It's due to their public policy decisions, like special economic zones with hard borders and pushes to "modernize" their economy by making everyone work in a factory.
Hong Kong shouldn't be used to support your example at all.
With hexagonal stacking though, it would take a very specific and large failure to cause significant collapse, a failure of any individual module in the middle will not cause damage - modules have nowhere to move because they are preloaded from all sides. The only scenario where it could collapse spectacularly like cuboid stack is if an edge module fails. Then again, welding will make it much sturdier and make it survive much more abuse. Concrete panel houses collapse like playing card houses, quite literally. Then again, chinks are known for making indestructible houses, like that one that rolled over to its side but wasn't damaged significantly.
In China they use hobos for organ harvesting. A hobo isn't going to do anything that risks him standing out there.
hexagons would use the space better.
also they should all be elevated on current building rooptops, and with doors at both ends but a stairway only at one end. that way when you get tired of making iPhones you have an easy way to kill yourself without messing up the pipe-home for the next apple employee
It's in the past, soviets tried this and it was total shit. They made these houses with many rooms you could own but shared kitchen, bathroom and everything else. Kinda like dorms except you can buy units all for yourself. These were the absolute worst fucking communities, choke full of drunkards, poorfags and criminals. And that's in a white country that fostered heatlhy lifestyle and general camaradeire, mind you.
They'd make suicide booths like in Futurama if the government didn't enforce the opposite.
Their reality is coming your way, fam. When people talk about competing with China, they really mean making you live like them while they get rich as fuck. This is why I invested in crypto currency, and why I'm currently suicidal.
It makes perfect sense. This will be the new standard. Only the rich Chinese will have apartments that don't look like this.
This is what scares me. When communism was tried, even with high IQ whites, it was a total disaster. Can you imagine mixing in niggers to one of those communal houses? Can you imagine sharing a bathroom that a nigger had just used? Imagine trying to read in the quite room with rambunctious niggers yapping and bopping around.
I did this. It's called the US Army, and they weren't that much different. Infantry tends to not be the smartest, but even the black guys managed to act like human beings. Weird shit.
That's school these days. Thanks, boomers!
There's a reason tourists are warned against eating street food. That shit gets contaminated.
Well imagine that, a brotherhood that is based on trust, respect and discipline causes black men to be civil! It's almost as if there is a correlation between culture and behavior!
Compared to what exactly? Capitalism?
In general. It was worse than everything else.
Military barracks aren't comparable to a home you pay for out of your pocket with the expectation of a level of privacy and peace & quiet. I was also in military, and lived in squad bays and later room with 3-4 others. You just don't have as much privacy or personal space unless you're an E-6 or above (staff NCO). Even lower NCO's like myself had to live with another guy in same room.
Just another fucking gay technology fail. Just like the hyperloop, spacex and solar roadways. i cant help but feel there is a tech bubble that will pop sooner or later and bankrupt most of these retarded, hipster companies.
I bet they never thought of fire safety laws, running water, ventilation, heating and longevity. I hate these pretentious, smug shitheads and i hate the idiot who constantly fall for their kickstarters more
That's ok, their target market is China.
He said Chinese, not Hong Kong
China stronk at stacking things.
That company scammed the Chinese government.
Scam scam scam, everything's a scam. All forms of research and development and pilot programs are guaranteed scams. I guarantee it from the safety of my doctorate in armchair economics.
You fucking uninformed retard. The whole project was a kikestarter tier scam. Educate yourself
Stupid post. Waste of quads.
I have literally had nightmares about this.
And they're worth over a million dollar each
What a time to be alive
Have we meme'd too far?
Haven't you seen asian water supply/sewage pipes hanging in chunks on outside the buildings? This is how they usually do because water never freezes there.
Try billion.
Every hexagon would fold like nobody's business under load.
In fact the entire Pearl River Delta encompassing Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhongshan and Macau is a good example of how overcrowded chinese urban sprawl has become.
what are bee hives?
Hive cells are cylindrical inside
they don't look very circular to me
but all i did was search for 'bee hive' on an image search
Literally all they did was enlarge the capsule hotel.
If you give an Asian a hammer...
He makes more hammers.
Horrifying. For contrast, here is a Swiss 'hotel' you can stay in.
It seems to me that the empty cells can be more hexagonal but the more full they get the more load they have to bear, so they get progressively more circular as they get fuller
It doesn't rain much there, I hope?
Is the guy in the white shirt the buck?
I don't think that's possible. It seems to be only for hipsters, nobody else would be stupid enough to pay to sleep with insects, even a cheap tent would be way better.
In real life the top 75% of these images would be a sickly yellow-brown gradient.
le epic retorte xD!
They could make millions of soybucks if they did this colorscheme
They get hexagonal when the wax dries and shrinks a bit.
t. Has beekepers on town
lots of wasted space when stacked, fire-hazard, seems like something China would waste energy on.
why? you're forgetting that for the outlining compartments space will be wasted based on the shape.
just use fucking squares.
You're the bee's knees, user
>destroying the shooting range beautiful landscape of switzerland
Japanese Ryokan is far better tbh
Hong Kong's urban sprawl is so out of control it doesn't obey Euclidean geometry.
The term is "bull", you philistine.
It's really nice, but it feels like the style really loses a lot when the buildings aren't only floor-level.
Can I stand their and feed Koi?
That's fucking inefficient as hell.
my mind
found the bee
i have seen hell
Yes, yes you obviously are.
and that's not the reason heh.
While technically the PRD region is now a bigger megalopolis, the greater Tokyo Megalopolis is far more sophisticated region overall and is only slightly less populated.
Note this picture is only a tiny part of the overall area containing >40M Japanese. It extends for dozens of miles down the Honshu coastline.
It's a nice building you got there, it would be a shame if someone smoked and accidentally burn the whole thing
Tokyo Metro Area is just one big suburb comprised of 2-5 storey homes, and accidental parks. Very comfey. In China that would be a 40-story commeblock every 10 meters, a factory dumping wastes to local river and a ricefield next to them. Very depressing.
The walls were also extra thin, so that the inhabitants could snoop and snitch on each other.
And notice how the skyscraper development is spread out. In the West or Communist China they would be packed all very densely. This ameliorates quite a number of the problems of a typical megalopolis and lets in lots of light and fresh air and generally a better possibility of having parks in the same areas for example. The downside is longer commutes to the central core -- a reasonably good compromise imo.
IMO it's certainly a far more livable environment than Hong Kong or most other megalopolis' of the world.
Made possible by smart transportation networks. You can avoid skyscraper clusterfucks and concentrate around each node in said network if it has a high throughput. No need for zoning laws or anything like that. It will just happen naturally. The success story of Tokyo is in large part due to a hands-off approach.
Not that I'm scolding anyone (especially America) for poor planning. It's a lot easier to plan out inner city transportation networks when your cities are systematically razed to the ground in the span of a couple years.
you mixed in shit?
where does shit go?
Each home is envisioned as two pipes. One is a living space, and the other is a bathroom with shower obviously with plumbing hookups. In India, the second pipe would be entirely optional, and a luxury provided to the very finest Senior Enterprise Java engineers.
To be honest, Tokyo doesn't have much parks in European sense of it. For those not familiar with the city in person, you'd probably noticed how usually there are some kind of small playgrounds with a bunch of trees and benches in anime or movies. This is what is considered a park in Japan. Public spaces completely lack in the downtown area too, most of what you could expect is a small rooftop smoking area/food court walkway. Though, I suppose, the overall tropical greenery and private yards compensate for lack of parks.
How the fuck do you even climb into it? Do you have to use the gaps and clamber past everyone elese tube?
South Africa had a bettter idea with the shipping container flats, cheap, more space and easier to stack.
All those people, all trying to compete with you for the world's limited resources. Definitely a very strange feeling as I sit in a nice cozy home in a 5 acre plot.
There would be stairs on the other side. Since it's so tall, it may even have elevators.
There's no bathroom. How are you supposed to shower, brush your teeth, wash your hands or drink potable water?
Shared bathrooms have existed since ancient times. Bring your own drinking water, buy a water filtration system.
This is all really talking past one another. When we talk about the housing crises of cities, it is housing for your 7-11 workers, maids, janitors, and others who really don't do work that is valued high enough by other humans to allow them to afford "reasonable" housing within that city. The word "reasonable" here is defined however is politically convenient. These low income people have three options:
1) Live outside the city proper in cheaper run-down suburbs.
2) Pack more people into an apartment.
3) Live in smaller apartments.
All of these housing projects are targeted to middle and upper class people, and the problem is at the lower class. However, the lower class has trouble paying their rent, so doing any construction for them is accepting a large pool of risk. It is, of course, politically convenient to ignore the moral hazard that those asking for the low income housing to be built will not be financially responsible for that housing's financial failure (due to unpaid rents).
Ghost cities occur because housing is built for the well-off without the economic prospects to bring the people out there. China has both ghost cities and overcrowded cities because of economic opportunity: ghost cities have none, overcrowded cities have it aplenty.
Amerifats don't understand that not everyone can afford or even want a copy and pasted cardboard house in a shitty suburban area. This is a great concept, it's unique and is actually trying to solve a serious problem while a copy pasted house creates problems. I like it.
What's the fucking purpose of putting all houses, and nothing else, in one place? Is it to make it easier to safeguard against niggers?
I have no idea. I worked at a city planning office a while ago and our boss would always show us pictures of US suburbs and said how we under all means avoid it. It's just awful. No infrastructure whatsoever, only McMansion after McMansion after McMansion.
Are you seriously telling me you would rather live in a copy-paste high-rise apartment over a copy-paste McMansion? Or that you're too poor to afford a suburb?
My dream house is in a nice quiet suburbam McMansion, the one with an attached Garage in front, a quiet street with little to no through traffic for my kids to play on and be relatively safe. China would rather pen their people like animals it seems
How long until the bug people start stacking coffin-sized Hexagonal hostel rooms like bees?
You mean these things?
The 'house' is comprised of two pipes. One for living space, and the other for a bathroom.
Looks like my place but smaller. A proper white man needs a garden space to connect him to nature, along with nearby walking trails. You're also going to want a home with an adequate workspace (even if it's in the garage) for any wood working or even any electronics projects that you wish to undertake; frankly a man without creative hobbies might as well be a worthless Chinese worker drone.
Those aren't efficient enough. The final evolution of bug technology will have HEXAGON shaped rooms that can be stacked very high for optimal capacity. Those shitty boxes aren't structurally stable enough to stack high.
I know this feel way too much
I live in an apartment at the moment with no real working space. No private area for me to tinker with shit. I'd be in a garage all day tuning and rebuilding the V8 in my car and doing something with the old 2-stroke scooter I have laying around if I just had somewhere to work in privacy. I know I'll have it someday...
Just keep that in mind and use it as motivation. Right now I have the space, but I'm limited on time. For me, and I don't care if it takes until I'm 60 years old, I'm going to someday play around with ham radio.
I remember that Holla Forums used to have threads like this every so often. The general consensus was that people will continually migrate to urban areas as job markets in rural areas and small suburbs dry up; leaving large swathes of land useless and a luxury of the wealthy who can afford it. I really don't know if things would ever escalate to those extremes, at least in the US (as long as the population doesn't explode to chink-tier).
Perhaps that is because OP remembers when Holla Forums had better days