Loyal lads
The sextus incarnation of our glorious UNCUCKED thread is now upon us. We are now reaching the epoch of a new order as, in desperation, our enemies begin to ramp up their psychological assault on our culture and freedom. With the advent of these absurdly orwellian anti semitism laws, our future becomes ever more uncertain as the (((rootless cosmopolitans))) and their quislings desperately attempt to consolidate control before the current awakening reaches critical mass. Despair not though my brothers for once again, the enemy, in their time honoured fashion of pushing shit too far, have overplayed their hand. An almost impossible to enforce legal minefield, coupled with strong opposition from all sides of the spectrum will hopefully stymie this outrageous new law and strangle it in its crib. Do not succumb to defeatism and blackpillery. Do not let the chilling effect take hold. The enemy, now wounded and filled with fear after the Trump victory is hastily attempting to consolidate its power in our nation where our traitorous elites are still willing lapdogs for globalist interests. But in their hubris, the enemy again have overplayed their hand and their pathetic whining and arrogant demanding of special victim status immune from criticism will only serve to foster more hatred and resentment against them and, ultimately hasten their demise.
Beware though lads, for a beast is at its most dangerous and vicious when cornered and things will have to get worse before they get better.
In the meantime, we will continue to do what we have always done and we now wait on the advice of anons lawyer who user is consulting regarding the laws that could potentially effect us and, at worst land us in a progressive gulag.
Stay resolute lads, people are fast becoming tired of their shit and their whining and special victim status will only serve to drive more disenfranchised normies towards the unstoppable rightward march of western man. Remember what happens when they push too far lads. Remember the Hungarian revolution…
legal disclaimer: This thread represents nothing more than theoretical discussion from satirical and absurd perspectives, more legal sheeit to follow, read it all lads, triple parenthisis signal establishment social climbers
Loyal lads
Other urls found in this thread:
Good job lad
first for portents
2nd for /brit/ tbh
low energy thread tbh
Anyone who doesn't suffer from aspergers you're welcome at >>>/brit/
Thanks lads.
Its not lad, its just the site is having problems with big posts so we are going to have to post it in 3 parts
legal disclaimer: This thread represents nothing more than theoretical discussion from satirical and absurd perspectives, more legal sheeit to follow, read it all lads, triple parenthesis represent establishment social climbers
A quick reminder of the golden rules for the uninitiated.
These GOLDEN RULES are the tried and tested method for keeping our loyalist Brit/pol/ UNCUCKED and it is vital that they are followed by all anons posting ITT if we are to remain a cut above our wayward bretheren and keep out general free of cancer and faggotry.
"Follow the GOLDEN RULES to keep brit/pol/ uncucked"
With the formalities out of the way let us proceed with this threads topical newlinks for your perusal and delectation.
Let the thread commence lads and may the based druids bless us with more portents.
who /loyaltothebritishpeopleandnottosomelarpingyanksandahalfcastemod/ here?
Can a based mod put a title in this please? It wouldnt post with it.
Brit/pol/ #6 : Orwellian Chutzpah / LATE NIGHT MEAT BINGO edition
Lad, we are all loyalists here apart from the /brit/ interlopers who seem intent on causing trouble. They are like the goons of Holla Forums tbh
You are the traitors who bent the knee to notorious kike imkampfy
fuck kikes israel is horrible
Wew tbh lads…
we got there lad. Teamwork.
Im mad as fuck now thats taken ages to post and is no way near the quality I have grown accustomed to here tbh. Let me have a beer and then I will regale you with tales my lawyerly excursion.
portentious dubs confirm /brit/ is majorly asspained by our existence and they cant stay away because they know the inherent superiority of UNCUCKED compared to their goon tier shitpostfest
Couldnt be helped lad, its not our fault the site is playing up, that is jimothys remit ever since he fed cripplewheels to the pigs At least between us we got a thread up now.
Fill us in on the lawfags verdict once your refreshed and ready.
Whats this place?
1. If you dont already have a VPN, get one. There is dispute over the data exchange betweek UK and Phillipines, to be confirmed soon.
2. A post on here is classed as an accusation/allegation - watch how you phrase things lads.
3. Memes and infographics can now fall foul of the law - DO NOT GET CAUGHT WITH THESE. Unlikely to form a case by thselves, but add other antisemitism and you are done.
4. Any holocaust questions or denial is a grey area, best to avoid for now tbh.
5. Criticism of Israel is fine, provided you do not blame jews (I know lads…)
6. Snoopers Charter - data will be recorded from January 2017. Take note lads.
Basically, they've royally fucked us. More info to follow next week. VPN up lads, now.
Lets hope based Duterte tells May and co to go fuck themselves like he did with obongo
Fucking hell. It's really habbening isnt it…
Fucking thalmor, thinking they are above us, fucking with our internets, flooding our land with dunmer and khajiit subhumans and outlawing our worship of Mighty Talos.
Is there no lows to which they will not sink?!?
making fun of joes cock is not antisemitism is it lad?
I dont want to stop posting tommy memes
Hopefully lad. He said that there is no legal precedent for anything like this. One of us will be the first to be tried for something like this. He couldnt say whether a public jury trial would be to our benefit tbh. Further advice for if shit really hits the fan is to leave the country. I am not even joking.
Get emailing lads, I am not shitting you.
If it comes to it lads, remember how the elites are all reptiles. I know we dont discuss it much, but perhaps we should, for clarities sake. It really is this bad lads
Didnt ask about International Tommies tbh lad, but they seem like satire to me.
This, make judicious use of metaphor and satire.
I cant see this going well for them though lad. Lkike you say this is unprecedented. They have never gone this far before - not since the soviet union anyway - and I think such a drastic overreach will be counter productive for them and an absolute nightmare for the legal system who im hoping will shut this down. Its fucking ridiculous.
The globalists must have some fucking top tier dirt on conservative party members to get them to go along with this.
we all know what they're doing with kids
I cant stress enough how important it is to preface particularly remarks or posts with either Praise Kek or Reptilian Bloodlines or something. Make it clear atleast once per thread that you think the Illuminaughty are just lizards in human skin. Or equivalent. You will have no defence if you post unironically or non satirically. Even that is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
D.Icke is convinced that Trump is an Israeli/Mossad plant or a rothschild stooge. Very disappointing.
wews has some faggot on stream.
This tbh.
Happy friday GCHQ lads, are you ok with this blatant pedo ring?
Icke has always been a bit nutty and new agey tbh lad. You just have to sort the good info from the crap. Hes not a lefty though so theres that. Hes pretty oldskool kook tbh but wa ahead of his time.
You dont have to agree with everything he says lad. Thats the beauty of free speech tbh.
Email him about it lad. He will almost certainly have a conversation with you. Ive done it a few times about the relationship between the holy grail/ bloodline of jesus and his reptilian bloodline thing. Hes a nice guy tbh.
Isn't posting here putting you at risk of doing 10 years in a Polish safehouse also known as a British prison?
Not explicitly lad. They have given us hoops to jump through though.
So, how much shit are we in, posting here? are we ok as long as we don't name the you know who?
Technically none, until they designate Holla Forums or Holla Forums or individual threads as antisemitism supporting, terrorist glorifying or terrorist supporting groups. The next step is confirmed to be orginisation status for websites. (Loyalist meme may have to be retired lad, UVF posting is very risky, if you ditch the Irish aspect we can keep it - we are loyal to Holla Forums et cetera)
Tbh I think we are ok. The amount of resources it would take to find and prosecute anons on image boards, of which there are thousands of posts happening daily is a mammoth task that would stretch agencies to breaking point.
More likely they will use this to go after more prominent voices (jewtubers, twatter and normiebook accounts etc) and hope it has a chilling effect. Look at it realistically, to v& us all and put us all through individual court cases just for shitposting memes on an obscure fillipino miniature painting board is something that would be more trouble than its worth. No to mention the costs and police/court time.
The Thalmor will use it to go after high profile Talos worshippers & nationalists with reach, not anons imo.
still keep safe though
Thanks lad, This is pretty fucking bad, difficult to protest without being labelled as hitler mk2 too.
I dont want to have to burn my hard drive tbh, I worked hard to collect all these memes…
Iv always used the LOYALIST meme in the 40k sense Horus Heresy (SPESS MUHREENS etc) so we can keep that unless they plan on outlawing 40k too
Well fuck, that is then. Can anyone recommend me a good VPN to use?
40k user has a balanced view of this, Ive been scared shitless by my lawyer tbh lads. Be fucking careful though. If they tug you for unrelated issues, be sure they will make an example of it. I paid for this advice from a native english lawyer.
You are right lad. I am calming down slightly now Ive had a drink. I am worried as fuck though.
T-they wouldnt dare, w-would they?
*that's it then
Fucking typos, just got back from the pub
So have I, and it really doesnt matter until they claim we are an organisation.
portentious double dubs confirm that we need to chill out a bit as us being scared is exactly what the thalmor want. Remember that its your lawyers job to cover all possibilities and his good advice is there to cover all our backs but it is worst case scenario stuff - none of that is happening yet. Remember we are just anons in each others company on a fairly obscure board, not youtubers with 10ks of subscribers or twatter users with millions of followers or whatever. We are probably fairly low priority in the grand scheme of things and id only be worried if you are involed in other "activity" - thats probabably the only way they would end up using this places posting against us is if we were 'caught' doing something else, in which case, posts could possibly be used as evidence. But I dont think they will feasibly be coming here and plucking anons out of the ether and prosecuting them for hate-memes.
I dont want to trivialise it because it is fucking NKVD tier but I also dont want us to panic and we need to look at it with cool clear heads.
Right, lets not get black pilled until that happens lad.
We need to keep an eye on it for sure though…
No lad. The feminists and sjws couldnt take 40k from us, and niether shall the thalmor. Its too niche.
Agreed. We keep tabs on it and use humerous and satirical nomenclature while continuing to do our thing on our own little dark corner of the web where we dont bother anyone and dindu nuffin.
Agreed. Sorry to have gone all armageddon on you lads.
Einstein was wrong.
Irrelevant in the context of the quote lad. Kek.
That cunt wews is arguing with is infuriating & insufferable tbh.
Its kraut & tea tier bullshit, hes just fumbling and stumbling to rationalise away obvious truths. I think I dislike these anti-sjw smug moderate hyper individualist leftists more than the sjws tbh. They are a bigger threat in the long run because they will probably take control of the left and will be our opposition and they will want to take us back to the bulshit egalitarianism of 100yrs ago
lad you did us a solid because we have legal advice for a worse case scenario.
I seen brit linked your post in their thread too and took it seriously
I dont mind tbh because its top tier advice and as much as I dislike them sometimes, they are still our bretheren, (although wayward as fuck and bretheren I dont want to be around because they are spergs and autists) and I dont really want them falling victim to thalmor predations any more than us
We have good advice and cool heads now. We will be ok
(Potent Portent)
Thats likely I guess - when all of their social crusades about equality are over, it will be the ones who stand up and proclaim others to be superior who get the attention. That political strategy only lasts one generation though. If we get to that point, Shariah law will be t minus 5 minutes away.
Dubs confirm they will unwittingly lead us into sharia so their ideaology must be nipped in the bud and destroyed. Haggiswhale is destroying him though, anyone with a brain can see that. Fucking edgy spinosaur or something. He wont accept wews positions because his grandad was part roma gyppo so he expects everyone else to be a hyper individualist deracinated mutt like he is.
Fuck me we do get so many dubs, trips and double dubs in our threads dont we lad. Like in a far higher proportion to any other threads iv ever been in. The based druids are truly with us, guiding us through portents and the numeromancy of repeating digits. The PORTENTIOUS meme is a real thing.
Thank you for the portents based ancient druids tbh
Im going to neck a few sleeping pills and get out of the matrix for a bit lads, goodnight.
Night lad
Before I go, some Inspirational Nige quotes for you lads. Stiff upper lip, chin up, as always.
Thanks to the lad who posted the imgur link last thread, was exactly what i asked for.
The easy defense here is to fill your meme folder from all corners of the internet so your 'illegal' images are just another shitpost in a sea of shit.
Cant help against other allegations, but it should neutralise your memes as a serious factor if they're just one part of a greater mix.
I'm squeaky clean other than posting here so i'll go in dry without a VPN so we know if they'll seriously arrest people for shitposts, i'll get a family member to report in if i lose access to the internet.
Brave lad, you are our proverbial canary in the coalmine
If a based mod sees this please can you stick a title on our thread as it wouldnt allow us to and we had technical difficulties when trying to post it (& had to post it in 3 parts too)
The title is meant to be:
Brit/pol/ UNCUCKED #0006 Orwellian Chutzpah / LATE NIGHT MEAT BINGO edition
thankyou in advance based mods
that sounds a bit suspect
First pic in the OP lad.
its just a viz meme lad dont worry no homo
Alright lads, what is the plan for today? Anything interesting going on?
Not much lad, just racking my mead and getting ready to brew some beer tommorrow
Fucking typos
Look at this lads.
Needs moar redpill comments tbh
Look at this labour cunt bradshaw blaming brexit on Russia!
The pants on head retardedness of it is getting too much for me.
Fuck me how stupid do they think we are? I fucking hate these traitors so much lads.
upvote for spurdo
Nice octo-trips there lad. Very portentious.
There are a few good comments there already but we need to add to them tbh
Good shit lad, what are you brewing tomorrow?
Am I the only one who finds the choice of song inappropriate?
My first reaearch on the anti semitism provision has been successful. Book purchased from charity shop: How Israel Lost. Quote on the back breaks the condition that jews are not responsible for Israel as a whole.
Anybody want to get hold of the ADL?
I'm going to try and make a cinnamon pale ale lad, shame it won't be ready for Christmas but hey ho
Do you put the cinnamon in with the mash, or after? Sounds tasty tbh.
comments have been censored now
Love watching are Nige on burger tv, bet it annoys the shit out westminster that he's so successful over there.
near the end of the boil lad, and if there isn't enough flavor, then during ferment
Just found some etizolams from before the ban… Im going to have a very relaxed night tbh lads. Anybody got anything interesting occurring?
what are they lad? Sleepers?
They were legal diazepam equivalents. Ive got about 20 1mg (=10mg Diazepam) and 10 2mg (20mg diazepam). Still legal to possess, kek.
Pics related
Aren't they banning VPNs in bongland?
Not that I know of lad. Link or source?
Nevermind it was dropped. David Cameron wanted it last year.
The cheeky, slippery cunt, I didnt even hear about that!
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Reminder that Joes Cock would have been imprisoned under the new anti semitism laws. Thomas Nair killed a vocal opponent of and activist against Israel.
topkek lad
good shit lad, jealous tbh. Getting hold of diazi's is rare as hens teeth these days
What the hell are we even doing AHAHAHAHAHAB
afternoon lads.
1 week till christmas. You done all your shopping? Iv not. I awlays leave it until the last minute. Doesnt help though that I ask people what they want and they are indecisive:
>"What do you want for christmas?"
I have decided to male a yule log and decorate it with 40k minis. So it will be a mini diorama on top of a cake. Icing sugar will represent snow. The chocolate cake is the frozen mud and earth underneath as the yule log displays a furious life and death struggle between embittered combatants. I think such a thing will be absolutely fucking glorious & it will make a marvelous centrepeice for the chrismas spread. Its getting done lads. It is to be made. The druids demand it as tribute for all the portents.
anyone having trouble posting?
Goto the login and type
Username: Anyone
Password: 0
And you will be able to post again
Just seen this on BBC, notice anything strange?
Common purpose infested police force laying the groundwork for kids to grass on their parents?
Also archive that shit pls lad, we dont want to give the bbc clicks out of principle
not that, if you watch the vid it resembles something broadly English with not a burqa or nig nog in sight.
Yeah, I did notice the ethnicity of the kids in question was fairly homogenous. How white is Durham anyway?
Homs-style cooking?
Syrian fried Assad-ines?
What diorama are you doing lad? Sounds good, I did a bit of shopping today, tbh I am just going to re-pot some of my little succulents and cacti in christmas pots and give them out.
Valhallan ice warrior guard vs orks probably lad. They fit in with the winter/snow theme nicely
have you seen this Gatebox device?
From the comments:
yes tragicomic
kek reminds me of ancient memes
no one here is 100% sold on Trump, he needs to prove himself is all.
Only time will tell.
I don't like mondays tbh lads. Anybody got any heartwarming local Christmas news to cheer me up?
Its no new (happened last year) but here is some news that is local to my area that might bring you some cheer lad.
Top kek, it looks like some sort of london dungeons rubbish.
My Rourkes Drift miniatures still havent arrived yet lads, so I bought myself a new toy, first pic. 177 CO2 revolver, 2.5ftlbs. Im buying second pic for myself for christmas, and third pic I have, and am modding to look like 4th pic next year. Anybody like airguns?
Lovely little pistol that lad, i had one of them in 177. It was powerful as fuck with 10 pumps.
Found a good podcast lads.
filtered & reported for posting the one rhodesian Holla Forums doesnt love.
You can pump it to around 24-28 straight from the box, and with mods it can be as fast as 1100fps in 177 or 900 in 22. Proper little rabbit / squirrel killer, kek.
How much are the crossman pistols these days?
Mine was about 80£ or 90£, I bought it at the same time as my KaBar and some other shit, with my Trump winnings. The rifle and all the coming modifications are gifts from him being elected tbh. The guy at the surplus shop is pretty liberal, so its always a giggle going there tbh.
They are nice funs lad. Might have to ease back on miniature purchasing and invest in one sometime. Would be nice to have an air pistol again tbh
Dubs confirm your plan lad. Get a CO2 pistol tbh, unloading 10 shots at a target is great fun. I have the 3 in the pic for instance, and the blue one I will buy as soon as I sell one of my rifles. And more tbh, I like airguns and knives like you enjoy miniatures lad
Ive got a Daisy Red Ryder too lad, its great fun, get your kiddies on that tbh.
I had a .22 webley nemesis a while back too. Miss that. Regret getting rid of it. Stupid things we do when we are young.
Kek, I still have my red ryder pop gun. I give it my son but then my dad nicked it because he thought its too collectable and rare to give to a kid and he wanted it for himself. Saves it getting trashed I suppose.
Pic 1 or 2 lad? The Beeman that I want comes in 177 or 22, and is styled after the newer Nemesis. Pic 3 is my pistol wet dream tbh. Atak Arms Zoraki HP01, clone of the webley. But its 3x my handgun budget. It exceeds my rifle budget this year too. Next year maybe. A man can dream tbh.
2nd pic lad but in all black rather than chrome finish on top. It was a nice pistol. Would go a good half inch into tree trunks at about 20 feet.
I have the one you're planning to get. It fails to fire on every 3rd shot.
Feels horrible being a full time tax slave peasant disarmed by my government while millions of muslims allowed to flood into the country.
The Beeman or the Atak? Your advice is appreciated tbh.
Id go for the Beeman and save a few shekels. Doesnt harm your budget as much and you can still buy other things.
Lots of happenings today lads. The turkroach assassination of the russian ambassador, the swiss shooting at an islamic centre, the truck attack in germany. How long before something major happens here do you reckon?
Thank fuck, not been able to post all evening lads.
Been a while since we had some habbenings to comfy for, the turkroach one is pretty crazy and the Berlin assault truck is pretty scary tbh.
Not checked in a while, are the bbc on damage control?
can any of you lads explain why the Russian ambassador didnt bleed much but his shooter spilled claret all over the place? not claiming false flag, just curious as what thats about tbh
I dont know lad but iv seen a lot of shooting videos with very little blood so it doesnt mean its not real.
I have a close relative who is a coroner and he thinks the turkroach would have bled more because the adrenaline was flowing and his heart would have been pumping furiously while the russian ambassador just got it in the back while he wasnt expecting it so make of that what you will.
Thanks, I tried to ask in the relevant thread earlier but couldnt post all eveing for some reason. That sounds plausible, just struck me as odd when I saw the videos and pics.
I am still shocked we've not had an attack here in a while (outside of the odd kebab trying to snackbar people at tube stations)
I thought we would get one during isis's summer of fun tbh.
Meanwhile, Trump is a few votes off generating mass salt and a billion articles shitting on the electoral college…
Our intelligence services are at least competent tbh lad. They have stopped fucking loads.
you'd think a few of them are probably on our side considering what they have to deal with. Thy must see the way our politicians act and like us, be met with dismay and disgust
I'd bet we have many as yet unknown allies in the deep state who will play their hidden hands only when the time is opportune
Dubs confirm gchq should be Holla Forumsacks tbh.
No doubt about that but its not as easy to stop some mud from driving a truck into a crowd surely?
Big terror plots get foiled, I understand that of course but the "lone wolf" attacks isis promotes these days are much easier to pull off. I guess far less of the filthy deranged cunts buy into the afterlife and 72 virgins meme after all kek
More portents in consecutive dubs lad. Based druids tbh.
We've had lone wolf style attacks though lad. Lee Rigby, that italian grandmother who got her head cut off by that hulking great wog and the stabbing of the lady in lester square over the summer. Also attempted ones like "you aint no muslim bruv" - all in london mind you. The lugenpresse did its usual job of branding them as "mentally ill/disturbed" etc then quickly memory holed them. We are probably due something like what other euro countries have had tbh. it will only galvinize more folk against islam though.
That's true, the media did a good enough job burying them I suppose.
Fucking hell lad, this is surreal viewing from aus.
You have this semi autistic seeming based aussie nationalist with sick gains on this show that looks like its hosted by a young chris morris clone and i swear the rest of the panel are like fucking charactures of the worst stereotypes the left has to offer including a problem glasses white femicunt who has converted to islam, a cuck and some freakish abo thing. He does a fairly good job of triggering them tbh. I thought it was satire at first but this is an actual televised debate in australia. Its bizarre tbh lads.
not gonna complain tbh
I dont reckon its too hard to stop vehicle access into a large open air market tbh. Do you lads remember driving around london in 2012 with the olympics? They had thousands of tons of concete traffic barriers all over the shop for fucks sake.
Apparently all the christmas markets round london have armed police patrolling them now. Thats yet another price we have to pay for the unwanted mass immigration foistered up us - an ever more encroaching police state.
Because pairs of armed police are very effective at stopping 18 wheelers travelling at high speed. A colleague said today that there is no way to prevent this happening again in another location. There obviously is, deport them all immediately.
Blimey look at that huge Aryan mofo. That's the type of guy that should lead a nationalist party.
Farage links Jo Coxs widower to extremists
In response, Nigel Farage to be sued by Brendan Cox and Hope Not Hate supporters
Hope not Hate:
From Wikipedia:
/brit/ have a word filter that changes spies to include searchlight and lowles.
Why do you always start these threads with this cringeworthy garbage instead of with useful, relevant, current events like every other nation/pol/ thread?
I fucking hate brendans cock. His and his corpse bride have forever fellated the fucking white helmets and he has soros cock so far up his arse, he coughs circumsized penis. Are nige was 100% right - im sick of these bullies tbh. Its about time organisiatons like hope not soap were treated like the traitorous bullies they are.
Tradition lad. Its important to remember why we are here. And this thread suffered from posting difficulties - look a few posts down for the links.
Sick of fucking varg too and his blackpill LARPagansim.
Varg can fuck off. Hes a prick.
reeee tbh lads. I just want to see some proper pushback now instead of cucks STILL kowtowing to islam and blackpill edgy nihilists just shrugging it off.
Hes got his own movement in oz called United Patriots Front (UPF) apparently
If you dont like it fuck off
Happy News for the Sheepshaggers
Read this if you want a quick giggle
Greentexting so you dont need to go there
kek, I remember the nipsters from a while back lad.
Harsh to say these victims deserved to die, but having aggressive foreign wars and open borders is the height of stupidity. Bomb the fuckers if you must but keep the borders shut.
Agreed lad. But fucking hell dont start rationalising the death of innocents tbh. You know full well who deserves to see the consequences from decisions made about immigration and the importation of terror on a global scale, and it isnt innocent civilians lad. Never civilians.
I only mentioned it because I looked up what the Wikipedia definition of a hipster was, because I just thought it meant 'massive cunt' tbh, this was confirmed by the article.
Nipster sounds like a Japanese music download client tbh. I hadnt heard of it till earlier. Was that a thing here then lad?
Im with you lad. Just varg being a smug fuck about it does no good at all. I feel bad for a good portion the krauts tbh. They have been hit with levels of propaganda and artificially induced shame and guilt not seen in other countries. Germany is not exactly a big player in the bombing of the middle east anyway. You cant hold the civilians of a nation responsible for the actions of their corrupt, globalist aligned goverments, especailly when they have been as socially engineered as hard as the germans. The cucks can fucking die for all I care but just normal folk visiting a christmas market dont deserve this.
Well said lad.
no i think it was just a kraut/euro thing. Most rightists would rightly baulk at the though of adopting the fashion of the hipster faggots.
Youd never catch me dead in skinny jeans & lensless nhs two-ronnies specs tbh.
Surely they were just normal hipsters ironicly being right wing? I cant imagine anybody with a cock and balls wanting to wear skinny jeans either lad. I am legitimately baffled.
Heartwarming local news for you lads
On an unrelated note, can anybody suggest christmas presents for my dad? He probably doesnt want a small plant, tbh
Lad, do you even bloke?
Last day of work before crimbo tomorrow too lads, 2 weeks off, excited tbh. Got pic related earlier, going to drink it tomorrow evening.
Dont be silly lad, Im not going to go shopping till saturday afternoon, I just want some inspiration. And I am ordering stuff off amazon on thursday and friday.
Good lad, In that case I'll suggest some of the classics:
Any of the generic dad albums they release this time of year (rock ballards, driving anthems etc)
The yearly dvd's (think clarkson/topgear or his fave tv series)
A bottle of his favourite booze.
A comfy dressing gown and nice slippers.
Some aftershave.
Tools (if he's that type, a decent set of spanners is always appreciated)
All standard shit that is easy to get last min.
Get him a bottle of whisky (or whiskey)
Some ideas
Sharpe dvd boxset
Hornblower dvd boxset
Master & Commander on dvd
Leatherman multitool
I bought my dad a repro waffen-ss dagger a few years back. He was pretty chuffed with it tbh.
Fucking Madman
fucking toothache today lads and no nhs dentist coverage. Miserable tbh
Thanks lads, I reckon a multi-tool and some whisky is the way to go, although a Hornblower box set would be a good present as I would probably borrow it later tbh.
Snoopers Charter illegal
Investigatory Powers Act inconsistent with EU law
wew, has the EU actually made itself useful for once?
This is just a carrot in the EUs gambit to keep us in the EU.
Or maybe I am too cynical.
Akuamma seed will get rid of the pain, and a chunk of myrh resin can be used as a temporary filling, but you need to get that fixed OP.
Nigger where do you buy myrhh in Britain? Or fucking Akuama seeds for that matter?
Okay now I have looked the seeds up they sound alright tbh - are they not controlled substances now lad?
benzocaine gel and penecillins done the job lad. Gonna have the fucker extracted next week.
It's actually a case of the EU being the fucking EU.
>Gets blocked by our own fucking courts in 2015 on account of our own goddamn laws (Technically EU law, but it's shit we'd logically keep even after leaving)
The kicker is that DRIPA (Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014) is what was declared illegal and it expires on midnight new years eve, and its already replaced by the Investigatory Powers Act 2016.
Coincidently just like the Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2009 was replaced by DRIPA after being declared illegal.
Jesus christ the cringe is off the fucking charts!
What on earth is wrong with that woman? Her subs are no better, they all encourage her.
All the thirsty pakls think they could be the next one
Morning lads, just slept for 7 hours straight, going to try for another 2 tbh. Anything good occuring today?
Not much tbh lad. I'm gonna do sum last minute Christmas shopping and get me haircut I think
Fuckin hell lads your letting the thread slip. Dont let LOYALIST brit/pol/ die a death.
Listening to some retro tunes for the nostalgic buzz when pop music wasnt so fucking shit.
Even the wogs could belt out decent tunes 25 years ago. They dont make good music like this any more. Puts so called 'modern' music to shame tbh.
P.E.R. is that you?
Not him lad but I suppose I do somewaht share some of his musical tastes tbh
What is UNCUCKED loyalist new orders signature tune? I thinks its either this……
……or this.
What do you reckon lads?
Love a bit of this
Fucking reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee at this tbh lads
yes I know its (((the rebel))) but just listen to the story
Why?! whats wrong with a British shop in Britain?!
Lefty purge when?
Seriously though is there more to this story? I find it hard to believe they got attacked in store so much a member of staff left after one day…
apparently someone came an and starting yelling at him to close the shop because it was an insult to joes cock or something. The corpse of joes cock has become a kind of virtue signalling club they now wield to try and guiltshame anyone who disagrees with them into aqueisence. It will be the same people who you saw throwing the tantrums in the remain march videos doing this. They are mentally imbalanced and their delusions have been warped into hating anything british. They are unsalvageable imo.
That's a prison? Looks like a fucking school.
I've said it before but I realised they had lost it when they had that weird viking burial sort of memorial service on national tv for her, I was dumbfounded at the lengths they went to tbh.
That's because prisons are probably way more fun than actual schools these days, they can get whatever they want in there and there's no real punishment involved any more.
I'd have them breaking rocks from dusk till dawn tbh…
The starter motor on my van has just packed up lads, I am stranded for christmas tbh.
the taxi will cost about 80£ each way, kill me.
where you at, maybe a loyal lad can give you a lift
I dont want to be v& tbh, Ill take a taxi, kek
Cant you bump start it to get home?
which is your favourite trad Christmas music?
whatever happend to goodwill to all men at Christmas
Fucking hell, all it sells is tat with union jacks on it, its not even anti europe or anything like that.
Fuck these people.
I am now in a shitty mood.
I am home lad, its on the drive. I need to visit family for the next 3 days, so I am trying to rearrange shit and book taxis. Shit tbh.
Gotcha, google your nearest motor factors lad, see if you can get one first thing tomorrow (may all be shut now though)
You could change it yourself if you have tools?
hire car could be cheaper than taxis
I dont have a bank account lad, theyd never let me pay cash to hire it I dont reckon
Thats my plan lad, get up bright and shiny tomorrow and get looking.
Good luck lad, I hope you find somewhere that has one in stock, is it in a 'good' position or is the job a total cunt?
Lords food and wine Brompton Road central london, off the top of my head. Run by Indians of whatever subtype, full of overpriced Union Jack stuff. Are they racist too? Kek. Im reeeeeeeeeing internally too lad, but stiff upper lip They will trip over themselves very soon. Find every UK or British themed shop, send the complainaints the details, watch as hundreds of thousands of people collectively REEEEEEEE at the velcro-shoe retardedness when their local shop is targeted. This is my only hope tbh.
Its parked reversed down an inclined driveway, so not terrible tbh. Easily tow-roped out, probably not pushed as its about 20 degrees. Its a little Berlingo van so its not too heavy to tow with a car.
I meant the starter motor itself kek
Sometimes they aren't too bad to get to, mostly its a pain though…
Kek, its not too bad, I reckon with axle stands I can do it from below. I used a 300mm extension bar to tap it and try and get it to turn, so its probably about 200mm up from below - Ill scrape my knucles for certain.
UK Christmas #1 lads
But of course lad…
Working on cars depresses me no end, its as though they got together and designed contraptions to be as annoyingly difficult to take apart as possible.
Shit, sorry lad…
Wasnt there some song about a dead woman? Didnt auntie hype it up excessively to be no.1? Haha. Ahahaha. Etcetera.
I don't even want to watch that, fucking song is bad enough.
Seems like dubs to me, oh wise and generous mage.
yes it was supposed to be that dogshit but instead we're getting a race mixing single motherhood sob story
No words can convey my level of mirth tbh. Kek.
Dubs confirm racemixing mongrels. Its a song about muh strong empowered single mothers. Where is the father? She is merely a slag tbh. Slags fuck off.
40k user will be well chuffed.
That's even more savage than her murder tbh.
I can use my sexy Bluepoint ratchet spanners, and I can legitimately buy a nice new Halfords Expert socket set. Oh jesus Im nofap too - damn these sexy sexy tools
Ooosh lad.
Waiting for the sale at halfords to get me a nice ratchet set tbh.
I missed black friday tbh, I was working all weekend too, so I didnt have £150 cash on me in london tbh, blacks and that Im just going to pay £175, its a mini christmas thing at the minute.
Machine Mart have Draper Pro sets in offer all the time, tbh they are better than the halfords expert ones, more ratchet teeth, better handle length etcetera. Usually about £25-75 depending on the set size. Ive got a shitload of the Pro handtools like breaker bars and torque wrenches. much better prices than halfords even on sale.
Compare it to an equivalent snapon set and £175 will look like a fucking steal.
Ill look into them though, cheers for the tip.
Thats made my fucking night lad
Just realised you meant teeth in the mechanism.
Ill be quiet now…
I may have the Pro and Expert the wrongway round, I have had a few beverages tbh, forgive me for any errors
Sheapeard Neame 1698 Ale
Sheapeard Neame Bishops Finger
Jennings Cumberland Ale
Brakespear Oxford Gold
Hatherwood Ruby Rooster
The images are in wrong order, sorry autists
There is no adequate retort except
What's your opinion on Fullers lad?
Got a couple of bottles of Black Cab and London Pride recently.
London Pride is a pretty solid brew mate, on tap in a pub its hard to beat. Its pretty expensive outside the M25 tbh, its not in Lidls or many paki shops so I dont see Fullers much at all. Have to go to one of the big 5 pleb shops to find it.
I always get mine from a local beer specialist.
His prices are reasonable and I like to support local business when I can.
Went to the Fullers brewery tour with a bunch of landlords I know a few years ago, we were the last group of the day and because everyone worked in the industry the guy doing the tour let us stay longer in the bar at the end, we all got wankered with him tasting all the brews kek.
I go to the Anglo off licence when I can, but I cant afford £2.50 a bottle for 330ml of beer, granted it is very very nice. I drink 5 or 6 bottles of an evening, so its Lidls and Shepeard neame, gift sets or else its whisky tbh, kek. Cant stand stella or heineken etc.
4U lad
tfw I enjoy girly drinks like malibu and baileys more than anything else these day
Iv a raging sweet tooth tbh. Mackerson is nice.
enjoying a nice glass of Advocaat right now
Top kek lad, thats pretty accurate tbh. I like my whisky too, but a drinking session doesnt last long with me and whisky, kek. At least ale and cider last a while when you buy a pint and socialise And when you shitpost or 'contribute' too tbh. If I stick with the spirits I go over the edge too quickly. Im no scotsman, put it that way.
Last day before christmas lads, you all ready?
Ive got to do a walking tour of the local shops today lad, now I am a pedestrian again. Pain in the arse tbh. On the bright side, Im going to the surplus shop for some more knives and an air rifle. Bit unsure of the legality of taking an air rifle on a train?
Apparently you can carry a bagged or cased air-weapons and unloaded firearms on public transport with a reasonable excuse. Purchasing is a reasonable excuse, so I am golden. I need to buy a bag or case for it which is a bit of a pain.
Kek, exactly lad. I am much better off drinking session ales tbh, much less pointless violence and embarrassing situations. And I dont like cheap whisky so a night on most of a £25-50 bottle is very fucking expensive. Plus the taxi fares and inevitable fines for public disorder and public urination. Oh god the memories come flooding back.
nice post yet summed up in two words FUCK JEWS!! no more allow them to subvert us whites …..
I decided to bosh a big glass of kratom and a couple of my etizolams for the journey, got a couple of beers too - fuck knows what I will come back with tbh. Wish me luck girls.
Captcha: bum ezp - What does it mean?
Which post lad? That sums up almost every post on the board tbh lad. Praise kek.
russia is an ally and should be treated as so remember they saved our asses when we revolted against jew rats across the pond.They are all white and can be a perfect ally.
You what? When?
No, some are muslim lad.
Her Royal Highness Shariah Mays christmas proclamation to the proletariat
Rick Parfitt carks it, smashing the Status Quo status quo
'Ring of steel' planned to prevent terrorism IN THE MONEYLENDERS CITY ONLY (Square Mile)
I was trying to find confirmation of the Jo Cox tributes embarrasing, shamefully pathetic attempt at a single, all I can find is pic related
This is a good idea lad, I keep meaning to add a bunch of relevant new links every now and then.
Could be a portent regarding bums.
Did u make it home in one peice lad? alcohol and vallies have got me into misadventurous 'situations' in the past
Kind of thanks lad, I now have 5 bags of random shit from fuck knows what shops. I threw up on the train station on the way back, though I reckon that was the kratom, kek. Im debating whether to neck another one or two etizolams for the evening. Not going to risk drinking anymore with them tbh, you are quite right that they get messy
Yeah, fuck it, neck 2 of them lad, its christmas eve. Iv got some malibu and baileys for later on. Not gonna mix them though, will have to decide on one and stick to that else ill feel like shit tomorrow especially mixing it with zopiclone
Just this once, because Jesus was born tomorrow, I will allow it and partake. Ive got some Nytols as well, hopefully I sleep well enough that Father Christmas doesnt wake me up when he brings me my new bike and action man and Viz anthology. Drinking Malibu and Baileys together would curdle up a treat in your stomach lad.My vote is for the Malibu tbh
alcohol & pharmaceuticals, eh, we are a right pair of reprobates aren't we lad
Modernity has driven me to it lad. We wouldnt be pill popping insomniacs if the left and their cohorts hadnt ruined our society. Truly we are the chemical generation..
The societally acceptable alternative is drinking in the high street establishments, either pulling a drunk slapper or getting into a pointless fight and therefore a free night at her majesties pleasure. Sitting at home and taking the edge off things seems like the lesser of two evils tbh.Kek, I wouldnt say we were reprobates lad, a pair of twats certainly, maybe even a couple of knobheads, but definitely not reprobates.
To any puritans reading: I am aware there are alternatives to alcohol and drugs, but we cant all be Stoic Aryan Puritans tbh, I ask the Lord to forgive us our sins.
eh, just watched it now, I think she's a stripper/pole dancer so it's clear she's a pretty trashy, shit tier person
Merry christmas lads.
You took a moment on the eve to greet your brothers, cant ask for anything more than that.
Merry christmas lad.
I hope santa visits you all and brings you what you want lads. Action men, airguns, militaria, tools, alcohol, warhammer40k - the fucking works. You all deserve it for being based and
So I sincereley hope you get something good from father christmas. Christ knows we all deserve it. A happy Jesus's birthday to you lads. Its been a hell of a year - we are in a much better place than we were last year and I see big happenings for the coming year of the fucking fire cock. The fire cock will rape leftism until its arse disintergrates. Then it will skull fuck its corpse. I know it lads - the druids told me through the portents and repeating digits. We will be there to witness it and we will celebrate in our usual fashion.
I raise a glass of baileys to you lads. Theres presents all over the fucking living room and freddy kruger is on the telly.
Id also like this opportunity to say fuck the niggers, fuck the muslims and fuck the thalmor for not letting us worship talos the fucking scheming cunts. Also fuck christmas pop music lads reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i fucking hate it tbh if i have to listen to fucking wizzard or wham or any of that shit for another second I swear im going to visit violence on something close. Seriously I hate it lads its the worst part of christmas is the fucking shit they pump into your ears. Still at least joes cock did well at a hundred and forty something eh. You could almost say the chart debut amounted to
and we can be eternally fucking smug in the fact that unlike icons such as MJ, two pack and elvis fucking pressley, the corpse of joes cock was unable to sell records from beyond the grave.
Anyway lads im rambling now so ill wish you good night and a merry yuletide.
I read this when I woke up lad, it was absolutely ace tbh. On par with the Queen tbh.
Have a fantastic Loyalist Christmas lads. There's no snow this year the sun is out where I am, but don't let that spoil the fun. Glad tidings to you and yours lads, seasons goodwill to all men.
Have a good day lads!
Good old fashioned pagga in Woking
Queen to miss Christmas service due to illness. Get well soon Our Liz tbh.
Nightmarish Charles Dickens-esque urban center out of touch with rest of country, now also out of water.
Apparently theres a place called Loyalist in Cucknada, top kek.
they will get to remember how it was before they come to white man country
I really hope all you lads have had a nice christmas tbh. Merry christmad faggots.
Right lads, minor blogpost. What with my broken van, I have had to get a lift home from my younger cousin. Alls well and good youd think, right? Wrong. We have just picked up the guy she is seeing. A Kurd. What the fuck lads, hes on about how he has a large family here and that
Sorry lad, that sucks. is the car journey long?
Thankfully its just finished. He was a swarthy Peshmerga supporting cunt. I am so mad I have no reaction image strong enough tbh. my cousin gave me some of the herbal jew as compensation, so I can smoke the hate away
They are a pretty bad combination of two really shit tier things. Their only positive is they aggravate the turkroaches somewhat.
Thats a very weak premise for any sort of redeeming feature lad. I hate the turks, but thats not enough to justify the existence of the Kurds tbh.
not really a redeeming feature lad, just the only positive I could find in their entire existence. Saddam had the right idea when it came to dealing with them
I agree with you then lad.
I just smoked a joint for the first time in over a year, I think I am dying tbh lads
Just sit tight lad, it'll be over soon, watch a dude weed lmao film and have a night off from feeling rage at society.
My all-consuming burning hatred of everything modern has subsided somewhat tbh, I will try and enjoy the evening, Ive got How High saved on a memory stick somewhere, time for some nostalgia. And food tbh.
I don't even bother torrenting popular culture any more. Every time I watch some hollywood shite it feels like an insult to my intelligence. I watched World War Z a few weeks ago, bored shitless throughout. Then I torrented that Bourne film and got through about 10 mins and could tell it was crap. Had to torrent Beter Call Saul season 2 which was pretty good. Now I've started Deutschland 83 about the stasi infiltrating west Berlin. So far so good.
My knowledge of 'popular films' ends in about 2003 tbh, they infuriate me beyond belief so I cant watch them alone, and if I watch them around anybody they get annoyed at my anger. I try to stick with youtube documentaries tbh, I havent downloaded a movie for at least 3 years still torrent AutoCAD design programs though My new years resolution was no cable or satellite television (including Iplayers) for 12 months, and I havent broken it yet.
That will do the trick lad.
Back to hating nigs in the morning…
Fucking this. New films don't interest me in the slightest and I haven't gotten into a tv series for a few years now.
This had better not be a ruse lad…
Holy shit.
My money is on GRIDS or "sexual misadventure"
The old strangle-wank?
That or a Barrymore-esque bum related death.
Most likely GRIDs though I bet.
Im rolling for a combination of GRIDS related immune problems complicating a serious foreign-body related anal trauma. A non-sterilised action man to the anus. An honourable death, no doubt.
They could have spent that money on convicting and deporting the shitskins that RAPED kids.
(christmas check)
Ahhh but they have already had to spend the budget policing the right wingers, how could they possibly afford to stop the rape-pakis as well?
This. My missus just told me and I thought she was taking the piss but its real. Im guessing he got the AIDS cruising all them LA khazis in the 90s. He probably has the same strain of AIDS as charlie sheen got. Its the best kind of AIDS tbh - the degenerate celebrity killing kind. Its kind of like how kenny everet, graham chapman and freddy mercury all got the same AIDS - although consequently I didnt wish GRIDs death on any of them as the kept their faggotry in relative privacy and made decent music/film/tv. Michael was just a faggot who made shitty pop music and contributed to the cultural decline and was instrumental in the muh pc ghey acceptence that started rearing its ugly head in the late 90s.
Common filth will be having a great christmas kek
CF was weak imo. Not cut from the same closth as us. He immersed himself in the filth that is sepshul snoeflaek tumblr & he became embittered, blackpilled and infatuated with said filth. It broke him because he was weak. Us image board anons are made of sterner stuff however. Early Holla Forums threw far worse at us than tumblr ever could and yet we came out strong moral loyal anons, not bible thumping pessimists who end up peddling the very filth they sought to oppose with cries of 'muh bandcamp' and "white girls fuck dogs". CF is almost a lolcow at this point - cantwell tier.
He is 100% a lolcow.
He just doesn't sperg as bad as an sjw type would. His spaghetti comes in the form of a twitter block and maybe a quick rant in the next cfradio.
Indeed. Anyway, night lad, hope you had a good christmas. Iv had too much rich food & baileys and shit and im drifting away like the spirit of george micheal phantasmogorially departing his emaciated AIDs ridden corpse so I best go to bed.
Hope all you lads had a good christmas tbh
Night lad, Im not far behind tbh, now that Im coming down from my ill advised nostalgic cannabis foray.
Cozy dreams and long lie-ins for all lads tbh.
Annunaki == Ashkenazi?
Anybody braving to Boxing Day sales today? Im going to browse some tools and sheeit I reckon, maybe buy myself some new headphones. Mine are pic related.
Portentous dubs confirm they are some mighty retro headphones user
Poor fucking bloke.
it's a glimpse of our children's futures
tfw went to the the trafford centre about 12 years ago and saw barely any wogs or pakis
Fucking look at it now. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tbh im fucking sick of seeing them everywhere. The greatest crime in existence was the attempted replacement of the noble british with such a shit tier race. Mere words cannot express the hatred I feel for labour and their globalist masters, who are responsible for our disenfranchisement. If I had one wish, it would be for the labour traitors to see the rope. Everyday I pray to God that it happens. The thought of the traitors being punished (capital - seeing the likes of blair, straw, mandelson et al dangling from a rope and voiding their bowels) is one of the things that keeps me going.
I hope they burn in hell along with joes cock the fucking treacherous filth.
im mad tbh lads
Ok, now im mad lads.
Are Nige is a fucking hero for all his work he put into getting us out of europe and these smelly fucking hippies treat him with no repect.
Reeeeeeee tbh lads.
They are filth. They remind me of the crowd that killed Jesus. Im sick of shaing a country with these people tbh. We are diametrically opposed in almost every single way. i dont think we can co-exist with these people. They resufe to have any discussion and instead just shout, scream and no-platform us. They are not interested in compromose - there is no way we can meet in the middle. They are like petulant spoiled children who will shit all over, hamstring and destroy and real progress we make.
I just want a war now tbh. I want a war with the lefty/remainer/sjw/progressive/pro-EU/labour/traitors. I dont see any other way round it. Its not like they are willing to conceed to our points and acknowledge our very real concerns. They just use the power of the state to silence and prosecute us, all the while while they portray themselves as plucky underdogs and victims. They are making peaceful coexistence impossible. They are asking for violence tbh and if they continue pushing at the current rate, they are going to get it sooner rather than later. And when it comes, it will be furious indeed. I dont know about you lads but the leftcucks, globalists et al have angered me to the point that I would genuinely delight in any pain and suffering that is inflicted upon them and I hate them to the point that I see them as a blight that needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth if we are to have any chance at peace in the future.
Just the way I feel lads. I dont think we can continue to peacefully cohabit with these people. There is no making peace with the left now, after what they have done and I wouldnt want to anyway. I want blood tbh. An eye for an eye. They try to essentially destoy us though soft genocide and populations and use legislation to criminalise any blowback they get. How are we meant to respond to that in the long run? I cant see this being resolved in anything other than violent civil war tbh.
Lads for your own sake i hope you have VPNs, dont forget we're a legal police state from the 1st.
Just saying I see a conflict on the horizon tbh lad and should it come, I will welcome it because it will be better than the impasse we are at now. They can h8speech me for that if they want - dont really give a fuck tbh because its just pointing out the obvious. Surely im not the only one who notices that the political and existential divisons in society are reaching a point now that usually proceeds civil conflict. The extremes on both sides are drawn now (the progressive left/sjws/minority coalition and the new/alt/uncucked right) with a fuck load of normies/moderates currently fencesitting and waiting to see which way the wind blows.
#whitegenocide is trending on shitter lad, I wouldnt be surprised if this all comes to a head very fucking soon. You are right about the extreme polarisation of society being a precursor to civil war. Until my VPN is in place I couldnt comment on my feelings about the value of a civil war, but they should be implicitly clear as I am posting on Holla Forums in the first place. I am struggling to think of lawful responses to any of this and am falling short. Even holding an opinion that differs from the mainstream is a crime now, with the Protected Persons Act (Semitic Edition) 2016. They will try and v& us all eventually anyway lads, fuck knows what moves we can make now.
I agree its coming to a head soon, i'm just thankful to live in a place full of old folks, for better or worse my family isnt going to be in the thick of it once the other shoe drops.
Mostly because a lot of the grandads here still keep their 'momentos from the war' in good nick and ready to use at a moments notice.
My home town is still majority white english, but in the town centre I foresee there will be some trouble. The suburban / semi rural areas will be largely untouched.
'After war, the men who melt there swords down to make ploughs will be ruled by those who keep theirs stored safe and ready'
I think my daughters hamster is dying. Its hit me right in the feels tbh lads.
The feels where you realize that you've brought someone into the world that's just as frail and mortal as any hamster?
The very same
Thats harsh lad, poor little fuckers. Was/is it a long lived little blighter?
Im thinking of buying meself a rat or something soon as a meme-wizards familiar kind of deal
Had it about 2 years. I thought it was on its way out last night but I gave it some cheese and that seemed to revive it a bit. It just seems incredibly low energy, pulling itself along like a crawl, then sleeping and breathing really fast but its still lingering. Perhaps it will pull through but im expecting the worst tbh. Just gotta wait and see what happens.
Put a multivitamin in the little fuckers water, sprinkle some broken up vitamin on the food pellets etcetera, try some sugar and salt, it could be deficient in something. All the best lad with your animal hospital lad.
Thanks lad, ill give it a try
Snake or a Toad are particularly good choice for a meme-wizard, roughly the same amount of care involved too.
Im going to go and check out 2 pet shops tomorrow, Ill see if I am drawn to any particular animals. I want something I could interact with, are toads social? Ill look into this soon, kek. Thanks lad.
Toads simply don't care, like cats on steroids.
Some are social, but it's rare. Frogs have more social species.
Whatever you get make sure it doesn't escape, that's how we got invasive cane toads.
no surprise there tbh lad. Ill bet a shit ton of these degenerate celebs are jacking up or at least chasing the dragon.
Hell yeha, rats! I adore these little critters.
They're fantastic pets. I bought a pair on a whim 4 years ago (currently have six) and I know I will never not have several rats as pets at any given time, they're a real delight to play with and are affectionate right back. Do this. Get rats.
You mentioned getting one rat. For their health and well-being, you really need a pair. A lone one will most often develop mental health issues - they need at least one buddy to live with unless you can commit to keeping it company all day every day. They're low maintenance, whatever incremental cost providing for a second rat to keep eachother company is negligible.
You probably want a couple males. Males are chill and will rest on your shoulder while you perform great acts of meme wizardry. Get the pair at the same time so they grow up together.
tl;dr lone rats don't fare well psychologically, they need at least one rat buddy
I do always wonder about this tbh. Id imagine the vast majority of the celebrity degenerates are coke or meth (or ecstacy) heads, but Im always unsure about brown. You get people like Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse who just look fucked constantly, then theres guys like Prince and George Michael who were clearly degenerates but not necessarily in the same way as Doherty etc. How widespread do you reckon it really is? We know about politicians having coke and whore parties regularly, how many are opiate addicts too?
Thanks for the emphatic advice lad, a pair it is then. Im going to do a bit of research tonight tbh, I kind of want a toad as well, so I need to cost all of it up.
I once heard a radio program about secret heroin users, they interviewed a bunch of people that were all addicted to smack but held down jobs or had families etc.
It was really eye opening because the standard image of a smackhead is a zombie like trainspotting extra but these people were all "normal" on the surface. Most of them had fairlly easy jobs tbh, one guy did nightshifts as security in an old building so he never really did anything apart from sit at a desk and get wasted but it was alarming how well they were able to hide it, much easier than hiding alcoholism for instance.
Mate of mine used to keep mice and rats and all sorts of exotic pets, can confirm rodents are good pets.
(potentious checkery)
Digits confirm that heroin abuse among celebrity is far more widespread than one would think.
Essentially has it right. You get the stereotypical image of the skag head as the filthy tracksuit wearing emaciated hooded vermin but they only account for a portion of them. There is a sub strata of respectable society that uses opiates in one form or another (drs and pharmacists are notorious for prescribing themselves pethadin as is evident in many cases.) Up until the 60s controlled substances act, morphine was perfectly legal and could be purchased in chemists in the UK. A lot of folk used it habitually and were able to function normally providing their supply was maintained. Lewis Caroll and Charles Dickens were both habitual imbibers of morphine. The same goes today except the substance is now controlled. If you have a private doctor and pay for healthcare you can get him to prescribe you morphine for addiction (I saw a programme a while back where this was the case with a respectable stock broker who was prescribed morphine sulphate and laevo-amphetamine from his doctor)
Iv had my issues & misadventures, in my case with prescription painkillers so I have a bit of experience with opiates and I think a lot of it rests on the personality of the addict tbh. There are those with self contol and discipline who can indulge in certain substances while still living a normal life and there are others who have no understanding of moderation and/or are using said substance to block out trauma/hide from some facet of their life or whatever and they fall down the path of ruination and addiction.
The opinion may be unpopular here but im of the belief these things are better tightly regulated and monitored than they are outright prohibited and proscribed as this just tends to drive it underground and allows a black market to flourish and unscruplous criminal elements to profit.
Also when you have an underclass comprised of a former white working class who have been disenfranchised and robbed of purpose and their communities are flooded with cheap, dirty drugs cut with god knows what, then you have a recipe for the clothed vermin we see haunting the fringes of society today.
Iv known a few smack heads in my time and they are a mixed bag. Some were the scum of the earth and you could tell just by glancing at them that they are full blown skagheads but some you wouldnt know. I used to know one lad who worked as a fucking designer at british aerospace and he used to chase the dragon off tinfoil in the toilets there on his lunchbreak. The problem is smack gets flooded into former industial towns/small market towns where there are no jobs and tons of bored youth end up on it (the pakis are a big part of that - they are instrumental in bringing it in from pakistan and afghanistan then distributing it via their mosques & filthy ghettos) Its a symptom of a sick society tbh. Pre 1960s it was legal in clinically pure form yet there was no where near the amount of smackheads there is today. That should tell folk something about the current state of society.
Your dubs reconfirm our suspicions.
I think they probably get access to doctors like in the stockbroker story you describe.
Arthur Conan Doyle was a cocaine injector, they were all at it pre-1950. You are right though, it was a diametrically opposed culture to the 1960s.
Well said lad. Disenfranchisement drove the early 90s, late 2000s and the current heroin booms in my home area. Unemployment spiking at a time when immigration was rising, every instance generated thousands of drug users in my home town alone.
Definitely. Its being covered up massively, but only a tiny minority of the drug sales in my town come from natives. As soon as you start buying anything, pakis invariably end up on the radar.
Most of the people I grew up with are involved in cannabis to little or large degrees, and Ive seen how widespread it is, peoples grans and shit tbh, I can understand the argument for regulation of it rather than a ban. I base that partially on personal experience with purchasing cannabis in some shady fucking carpark or some degenerate dealers flat, which leads to meeting people involved in more unsavoury shit like cocaine and heroin. If you remove the circumstances in which most people encounter heroin, you would be going some way towards minimising its acceptance and spread.
I think we just had many many more functioning addicts, as only more wealthy people could afford enough Bayer Heroin or GlaxoSmithKline Cocaine or whatever to get addicted. Thats kind of what I reckon we have currently with the chemically dependent celebrities - stay with the program and doctors will stop you dying from your addictions, deviate and you are on your own (Prince, MJ, Kobain etcetera)
Now we have a black industry designed to take advantage of poor towns like you say - very strong, very cheap drugs that you can get on credit, with your knees being collateral. Recipe for disaster for the poor. Two tier society at its fucking best. Im pretty annoyed tbh.
Whats going on today lads? My fucking van is booked in to have its starter motor done, but I cant bump start the heap of shit so I am awaiting the RAC. Any links lads?
did you get your van started lad? Iv still got toothache. Gotta goto dentist tomoz to see if the infections gone so they can extract the bugger. Be glad to have it out tbh. If food gets stuck in it its agony.
Eventually yeah, running it down the mechanics tomorrow now, the RAC showed up at fucking 3pm, too late to get to the garage. Is your toothache making the insomnia worse? And does the Buprenorphine not help? I guess that makes normal over-the-counter shit completely pointless.
Nah the bupe does nothing. Iv been on it so long it just makes me feel normal taking it and it also negates any codeine a try and take all my own fault tbh The one thing that does work is the benzocaine oral gel - fuck me lad, that stuff is a god send. Only downside is its highly carcenogenic so prolonged use is not recommended. Im hoping the infections cleared when I go in tomorrow and they can just pull it and be done with it. Its a back one so it wont effect my smile if they do. Its too far gone for a root canal and reconstruction anyway - the hole is that big now I can poke the end of my tongue into it.
Thats a fucker lad, I partially empathise - I had a bit of a codeine / dihydrocodeine / tramadol fetish too - I got an abscess once, a day after I finished some Oramorph, the Solpadols from the dentist did fuck all - serves me right too tbh. Its a shame you didnt load up on Kratom before the legal high ban - I suffer badly with my teeth lad, bad genes and old bad habits - a nice kratom tea helps me through the pain. I pretend its better than munching pharmaceuticals, but its still degenerate I think that cunt who keeps wanging on about the Akuamma seeds might be on to something - Im trying to find out if they are legal here. Ill keep you updated.
why are you always shitting up the threads talking about your fucking drugs? who the fuck cares if you are taking some benzo whatsits? you massive nob jockey
Lad its nice to know what the situation is with everyone tbh, plus if the threads slow & Im bored I will try to fill it so we dont lose it - I am very sorry If I bore you lad, would you mind putting some effort in too then?
How you doing today lad?
Calm down lad, anons not a know jockey, he contributes loads to these threads. Anyway there is nothing wrong with discussing medications. God knows we are all under enough stress, dont begrudge anons trying to take the edge off. There are far more destructive vices than the odd vallium. High blood pressure is a killer you know. Its not like we are discussing hitting the crack pipe & shooting up smack to come down or something.
Im all good thanks lad, Ive actually just been down to Holland and Barrett to refill my 5HTPs, Ginko Biloba, Omega 3,6&9 fish oil and various ginseng & guarana. Whats everybodys opinion on some natural remedies? I am avoiding the SSRI zombie jew drugs tbh
I couldnt find Akuamma seed there sadly, that will have to wait. Did you get your tooth out?
David Icke has become surprisingly based these days lads. I think he sees which way the wind is blowing now and he has toned down the kooky fringe stuff and is focusing on geopolitics. The fact hes part of the alternative/new crowd but he didnt succumb/sell out to progressivism (a lot of these folk did around the time the fabians decided to attempt insert russel fucking brand into the alternative media movement to subvert it away the truth because said truth was leading to anti globalist populism) is laudable.
No, someone called in sick so my missus had to work and i didnt fancy lugging the kids down with me so iv rebooked my appointment for tomorrow daytime
Malibu and cocodamol will see me through lad. Tomorrow it ends.
The gloves are off now with The Icke for the second time, he is going full anti-zionism, I like it.
He is still a bit new-age 'lets all work together' shit but I think thats probably entirely down to the amount of hallucinogens he takes.
Anyone watched haggisniggers hangouts over christmas? Better format tbh rather than just letting a load of unknown spergs on stream to yell over each other. No kikemarez shitting everthing up. The Morgoth one was best by far imo.
I take it the faggots didn't find and lynch him in the end?
What are we all up to today lads?
All quiet on the Wews front, Ive been searching other forums for reference to him but it seems he is still evading them. Good lad I say. Ive got some catching up to do on his vids tonight before I pass any comments on his current content.
Im off up to Tonbridge to look at a leaking roof, not looking forward to the country roads in this pea-souper tbh lad.
Just mining some more salt with this guardian article.
Pic related is the view from my window lads, looks like fucking silent hill where I am.
Not driving in this tbh, good thing im comfy as fuck right now…
Just returned from the arse-quivering terror that was the A26. Dont go out tbh lads.
That was by no means all that I saw - I tried to find a big project in each area - add anything you find out.
nice links lad, good to see all that investment in list form.
Breddy awesome of JCB to give all their lads that bonus too, makes the workers feel appreciated.
Keep an eye on who exactly is funding these new houses / flats lad, i'm currently contracted to a rich guy thats organising the construction of a fuck ton of flats up and down the country and he has a great dislike of pork.
Only reasons i havent walked away from it is that it's earning me around 15 grand per flat and he wont be the landlord, but i still feel disgusted at the end of the day.
Youve got a point lad, which is why I am moving away from my current full time construction employment to focus on my windows tbh, less foreigners and less (((disproportionately represented peoples))).
Thanks lad, I will try and include some more details about contract holders and beneficiarys etcetera in the next
Brit/pol/ Construction News
JCB deserve our staunch support tbh lads.
From ProtectedPersonPedia
This is why I like him though..
They are good lads tbh.
I laughed more than I should have at that tbh
Lol, seriously though I remember reading about JCB being pro Brexit before the referendum, fucking good on them, they were one of only a few companies that dared to go against the grain. Makes me happy they have done well.
To expand on this:
The burgers did a little "Buy Anglo" campaign after Brexit - how effective it was I dont know, but we should be grateful for the efforts of our brothers none the less tbh. Thanks Burgers. Pic related.
Do we have an established list of companies we should support? I have a long list of breweries and cider mills that are owned by local families, I know of several manufacturing firms unconnected to me, for OpSec reasons that employ native english people and support Brexit - would it be worth compiling a list of companies to try and support? For instance, Id buy my snuff from a tobbaconnist nearby to an user if it was english family owned, or maybe order my air rifle pellets from a surplus store thats struggling near some other user… Maybe I am talking shit but I reckon some sort of exchange of support-worthy buisnesses might be helpful. What with internet shopping and all. Im saging because my idea is not complete. Please rip it to shreds if you like. I reckon we could do something with this though. Maybe not exclusively on Holla Forums, but I havent thought that far ahead yet.
Sorry if you hate my idea lads, Ill just kill myself and suck nigger cock or whatever
Its a good idea lad, I recall a small list of British business' that supported Brexit on old Brit/pol/ but never bothered to save it.
Always worth knowing who's on our side if nothing else tbh but im sure it could be handy for all us anons.
I may not have explained well enough the fact that internet shopping is key to this. I might order £75 of airgun or knife related shit a month (that my local shop(s) cant get in) from random online stores, but I would rather it were from specific places worthy of support, that anons may see the benefit of.
>stores internet buisness, & maybe foot traffic, increases slightly hopefully
>store stays in buisness even more hopefully
Fucking depressed tbh lads. Stupid bitch locum dentist wouldnt extract my tooth (despite the regular dentists assurance she fucking would after a weeks course of amoxil wich I took) and has packed me off with moar antibiotics - only this time, she give me the ones that knock you sick if you drink on them………the day before fucking new years eve.
She didnt want to take it out because she said it might shatter and shes only there as a temp and basically didnt want the hassle of it. Had to go half hour on the bus too because I lost the place at my local dentist and was in a foul fucking black mood when I got back. The news depressed me with the japester fella who put bacon on the mosque door literally left by the authorites to be bullycided to death in jail by kebab filth that infests our prisons in massive numbers. Even dylan roof is afforded protection from the wogs inside but the same is not afforded to us if we insult the fucking invaders. Makes me reeeeeeeeeee so much lads. Then my missus bought these horrible fucking dumplings for tea with chicken in them which i fucking loathe and I lost it and fucking launched them at the wall and ended up pissing her off for the remainder of the evening.
Black fucking day lads. Only thing I enjoyed was the fog today got it really thick here because im on an island & by the sea which gave the whole town a nice spooky silent hill vibe. It was that thick you couldnt see the top or the church steeple for it.
Anyway sorry for blogpost lads but its cathartic. Im going to retreat into some escapeism and play skyrim.
Toothache is a bastard, trick is to slam painkillers and do ANYTHING to occupy yourself to take your mind off the pain.
Your problem is that taking two neurofen an hour more than the box says to isn't going to cut it, dont know what to suggest for that part im afraid.
dont forget to say sorry to the wife too lad, you'll need her for sympathy all next week
Bumping for BREXIT
Not a brit, else I'd have offered to take the thing out.Not a dentist either, but trust me goyim, I know what I do
Bit of a redundant question that lad, the reason she isn't more hated is because she hasn't actually done anything of note yet.
She has the worrying history that makes us here wary of her tbh.
Dont have time to watch it, but here's a video about the snoopers charter tht apparently 'explains it'
Thanks lad, iv just about patched things up with her after being relegated to the sofa last night. She got to work a late shift tonight then an early so shes staying at my parents for the night (their house is in the same village that her workplace is in) so im stuck on me jack jones with the kids for new year (not that I could drink anyway thanks to these antibiotics…)
The way its feeling id probably take you up on your offer providing you were able to sufficiently sedate me first. I keep thinking of the scene in 'castaway' with the toothache and the iceskate…
I dont think she has a soul tbh. I think she sold it long ago for political power. Thats the price to be in their club. Total shabbos goyim. Its worrying because she has said so much shit in the past that is diametrically opposed to actual 'conservatism'. Shes a childless harridan who only cares about 'muh party'. The fact shes rubber stamped the snoopers charter and the 'you cant criticize schlomo' law and also banned NA as fucking terrorists while blm chimps were allowed to grind heathrow to a standstill with zero consequence is indicitive of her nasty authoritarian streak. I dont like it one bit. Id have been much happier with Leadsome tbh. I love our country lad but I absolutely loathe our governing, media and political class and pretty much all of the royals bar Philip. Genuine bitter and furious hatred that I never used to feel in my youth. Id happily see all of them joes cock'd or hanging from a scaffold after a fair trial of course
Its the unnacountability for their constant fucking us over and the smug arrogance that they exhude gets me more than anything else.
The list is long and includes:
>pandering to muslims and enabling their shit seriously I just want governance that cracks down HARD on the muslims instead of the current policy treating them with kid gloves
>tolerating soros and his NGOs he fucked with our currency and openly admits it - WHY is he not taken to task for this?!?
I get so angry at it tbh lad. I fucking hate them. I hate london too. It is their hive of evil populated by bubble dwelling metropolitan cunts in the middle and surrounded by third world invaders we are expected to pay for. The whole situation is obscene and iv long lost any hope that we can vote our way our of this mess. The only solution is future balkanisation and reconquista. Its like living in sodom & gomorrah, actually KNOWING that a pissed off God is soon going to BTFO the whole rotten corpulent society but being unable to get away, instead dragged down by the rest of the degenerate scum.
My greatest wish is that we will see punishment and retribution meted out on those responsible for bringing about the current mess we find ourselves in. They cannot be allowed to retire rich and fat and die peacefully in their beds. They must at some point answer for their crimes against us.
Despite the brainwashing, apathy and nihilism rife within our folk there are a growing number of people who are aware of the extent of this treachery and they are angry. Ordinary folk I speak to every day are livid - they are sick of the bullshit, they are sick of muslims, of immigration, of austerity and of the lies they are force fed. That gives me some hope tbh. When enough people reach snapping point then something will happen. I feel like we are sitting on a tinderbox with kindling piled high and its just awaiting the right spark to ignite. And when it comes, I will welcome it with open arms, despite the deprivations that it will bring because anything is better than the limbo like existence we are in now.
There was a few lad. Only the white ones ended up in court though and got let off scot-free
Ah that's right, I only saw the pics of the toff nosed cunts that got wrist slaps for shutting down a major airport for an entire morning.
BLM nigs and virtue signalling ruperts shut down heathrow for hours causing chaos and disruption, get no punishment whatsoever and are even lauded by certain sections of the lugenpresse
The double standard is painful tbh.
Just getting that in now in case by some miracle I can be arsed to go out later tbh.
Happy new year lads, stay loyal
/brit/ btfo'ing Holla Forums over in >>>8643215
Not seen a single bomber harris either, they are handling their own against the same d&c usual suspects that caused all the shit here in the first place. I can recognize some of the exact fucking posters
End me tbh
I know that feel lad, Ive just fucking woke up. I think Ive started to hibernate or some shit.
This is what sticks in my craw the most tbh. If we lived in a forgive the pun transparent dictatorship that cracked down on every protest, we would all know where we stand. At the minute, we have the left half of society thinking they can shut an airport because of some niggers feels, and the right half too cowed to do anything when legitimate orginisations get proscribed because of the feels of the smallest minority.
Buy her a bottle of bubbly or something when she gets back lad.
Romper Stomper is a good shout lad, loved that film, not seen it in years.
That thread is fucking weird lad, its like a double-triple bluff - some posts are Holla Forums calling /brit/ the d&c, some are the reverse. I dont know whats going on on it tbh.
Yeah, I see that now, its turned into a massive shitshow.
Staying out of it tbh.
Add dune and ayylium and you have some of my all time favorites there lad.
tfw also like obscure pierre paolo passolini stuff from the 70s even though he was a homosexual deviant
Passolini's Canterbury Tales is the business lad if you can find it anywhere
You see Tom Baker's cock in it though
It's been a weird thread, but we BTFO'd the fuck out of Holla Forums.
t. OP of that thread
You're not bad, even if you do cuck for the mods
best way tbh lad, unless its to spam a few LOYALIST memes. Although I would like to point out that iv noticed that Holla Forums has developed an unhealthy fascination of the IRA of late though and I do feel that needs to be nipped in the bud as there is a romanticised version of it being shilled that bears little resemblance to reality. Pointing out that the IRA are fucking marxists and their former leaders are happy to march in fag parades, get photo ops with trannies and flood dublin and belfast with nigerians should be sufficient to correct any wistful thinking on the part of any naive Holla Forumsacks dumb enough to buy into it. I feel it is our duty as BASED LOYALIST anons to educate any wayward bretheren on this matter.
Dubs confirm youz a gud boi. It needed to be said
The mods leave us alone now lad, mostly. No need to cuck for anyone.
What he said tbh.
tbh I feel the divide between us is unnecessary. I don't think there's much disagreement between us, just a lot of miscommunication.
I know Helmer feels strongly about this too. The mods massed banned us for no real reason and you praise them for continuing to ban us. But I know what it seems like from your side so I don't hold much against you.
You lot only get b@ here when you harrispost or something like that tbh
Helmer has been back a couple of time im pretty sure too, the mods aren't that bothered, they sperged out that night and b@ every thing that wasn't nailed down but it was just a sperg session.
We don't hate you lads either the fat lad needs to stop though
We're virtually all permabanned on Holla Forums and only a few of us have VPNs. Harrisposting was just done to trigger Holla Forums when they starting hating on us, it's not our fault they can't into banter. But we do realise that it has questionable origins, especially since one guy (who has since been booted) was behind all the Harris OPs. It's still funny though tbh
It doesn't undo the damage, since we're still largely permabanned. Anyway, we're enjoying our splendid isolation while Holla Forums continues to decline.
>the fat lad needs to stop though
22st is largely hated now, at least by the Anglo-Saxon majority. A number of Celto-Brythonics have rallied around him though. I feel that a purge is coming soon tbh, SA and Helmer have warned him repeatedly to stop, and he isn't.
Why the fuck are you lot posting without VPN's lad?!
But I've seen helmer post here i'm sure of it I might be wrong tbh he was "permabanned" that's why he was so salty about the purge right?
(portentious repeating zeros)
Im the same lad. Ill sum it up from my perspective as best as I can - All we really wanted was rid of the harrisposting, the ginnie/NEET/CIVIC shit etc that became intolerably cancerous and was taken too far by the more autistic members of the board. Some of us were frustrated that their antics were tarring the rest of us reputation on the board - not as individuals but as brit/pol/ anons and it used to shit up any discussion of britain outside of brit/pol/ threads with the rest of the board tarring us with the same brush as the autists. It felt like they were spreading a mountain of shit across the board then proudly planting our nations flag in the mess for all to see. It felt like elements were sabotaging any chance we had to have meaningful discussion. Then you had that shitshow thread where the mod flew into a rage & went full on purge and whatnot but there were a few of us who saw that as an opportunity to be rid of the cancerous autistic elements and also, in true british spirit we were determined to keep the homefires burning here rather than migrate because we enjoy Holla Forums as a whole and like participating in other threads apart from the soley british oriented ones (ie it was nice to celebrate the trump victory with the burgers tbh) I suppose we also had tenacious spirit to hold onto this place and with the harrisposting ect gone we saw that as on opportunity to refine the community somewhat and although downsized we like to thing the posts of usually of a higher quality than old brit/pol/ something we pride ourselves on tbh
Anyway no ones banned unless they harrispost or whatever lad, your all welcome back as long as that shit doesnt start up again. We kept the hearthfires burning - a true little british colony on an obscure filipino miniature sculpting board.
The mods dont bother us either and they usually pretty good at banning anything we report (the imperium poster tries it on sometimes) And the rest of the board is more tolerant of us now so discussion of britain outside these threads is less cancerous for any anons who want to use the rest of the board.
I dont really bear any animosity towards /brit/ anymore either. I just like our little board here now tbh lad. Weve carved out a little niche for ourselves with our own maymays and shit. I dont think thats a bad thing.
This, 21stone is concentrated cancer
Romper Stomper for any bored lads
Ignore me tbh lads I cant find the right embed now
That pic is awesome lad, found some of my old miniature the other day, ill post some pics when I get a chance.
Most of us don't care about Snoopy May tbh, and the Based EU will sort us out.
I can't speak for Helmer but I doubt it.
It wasn't a purge, if you go to /brit/ and ask they'll get you the board logs from the night, I don't have them saved myself though. Virtually everyone was permabanned.
Here's a post he made a short while ago >>>/brit/116029
Well, the mods let this continue for a long time. The harrisposting isn't a problem tbh, the ginnieposting is banned on /brit/, NEET shit (ie 22st) is looking ripe for a purge atm and the civic stuff is just a meme that doesn't crop up often. I feel I should point out that we got rid of the /politcs/ lot which reduced shitposting massively. It's why we're on /brit/ not /britpol/, because the latter had zero moderation.
Well, the view on /brit/ is that Holla Forums is retarded. The IRA apoligism, the white globalism, the Trump/Hitler circlejerk, the general daftyness, is all too daft for us tbh. We don't like Holla Forums we've decided. We're not above discussion with them, but we don't like them. Clearly you still do, for some reason.
This was the aforementioned /politics/ lots, unless you're referring to Harrisposting (which is rare now tbf).
Not really. No one is here except for a few dedicated posters and the occasional Holla Forumsack. Brit/pol/ is on /brit/, and that's minus the shitposting (largely, but 22st's days are numbered) since the shitposters are on /politics/ now.
It's not really that high quality here tbh, I've had better discussion on /brit/. That said, 22st and his friends fuck things up a lot but it's only a matter of time before the mods bring the boot down on him.
We still don't bear any hatred for you. Most either pity you , I simply feel that you got lost in the confusion and did what you thought was best.
I don't think reunification is off the cards tbh, but we'll see.
I think vertical dioramas are a much neglected form of the hobby. You dont often see them any more - they were a Mike McVey thing from 80s oldhammer and rogue trader 40k. They look good and you can hang them up like a picture frame on the wall.
Look forward to seeing your minis lad.
Thats true lad, lurking is much more bearable with some of the shitposting curtailed.
I doubt that anybody responded with reports cohesively lad - as you say, some of the old lot were dedicated to pushing Holla Forumss buttons, if a thread with hundreds of UIDs seems to allow this manner of posting, why would the mods have intervened until it annoyed too many foreigners, that is?
I dont agree with the extent of the ban, but in the circumstances it was justified. As 40k anons particularly vivid shit-pile & flag analogy explains, some of the conduct was excluding the rest of brit/pol/ from other threads.
They are still few and far between, Id say 80% of the posts are still one word responses or worthless input. Its still like 4chan lad, it moves too quickly because of all the filler. We strive for quality here lad, we certainly dont guarantee it
We can dream. I like most of you lads. not you fatboy
A place isnt dead until the last honourable man leaves it lad. There surely is an increase in all of the hated D&C and misinformation, but who do you think could be behind it? Why should we bow out to the tactics that we can see plainly? It makes no sense to split into every smaller factions celtic-brythonic / anglo saxon for example. Divided we fall.
Hmmm, I simply give less of a fuck about the mods going ban happy I guess, I genuinely think helmer is massively oversensitive about it unless im wrong about him having been back a few times VPN's are cheap and easy lad, it doesnt have to be about not being scared of gchq, its just good sense imo…
The way I saw it, we had it fucking coming, lots of us had asked for the autism to be toned down so many times in the run up to that night, there were the bait threads "Brit/pol/ has to go" that riled Holla Forums up even more and they STILL carried on poking the wasps nest, it was inevitable we would get a spanking eventually.
Totally understand your stance too though Holla Forums can be ridiculously highly strung and its getting worse they all know it too tbh
Will post in the morning lad, found a wolfguard terminator, a warp spider exarch and maybe a few catachans.
Succinctly put lad
1) Start running
2) Cut down drinking alcohol and energy drinks
3) Continue to resist the ZOG in any manner possible
Wish me luck girls.
good luck lad
wews new year 8hour shitshow is on. Do you think kiekmarez will be on?
Good luck lad, im going to step up my /fit/ antics too, need to add some cardio, may try running again.
I am tentatively hopeful.
Fuck me how many people are waking up?
Oh lord this is good.
Some Loyalist OC 4U lads I made this on my phone, so stick it up your arse if you dont like it tbh
Heres to the year of the Fire Cock, chaps. I dearly hope we are all still here in 12 months time.
thread up already
Very nice lad.
happy new year lad
Its like gaza out here with the fireworks
Same here, and im the sticks ffs
A drink and a cigar for all lads tbh.
Its gonna be a good year lad. The druids told me though those portentious digits there
The gunmen were dressed as Santa apparently. I smell a psyop of some description tbh.
Always listen to the portents.
Happy new year lads, bring on current year +2
Twp portentious sets of repeating digital posts in a row for new year! Dubs confirm turkroach santa shooting is fishy as hell.
Druidic as fuck lad
Yes it is. I know you cant drink properly lad but I dearly hope you have had a sip with your ancestors - At 1:11 I will pour glasses to the earth for my druidic forebears
fuck me just noticed that!
Have a drink for me. Thanks lad.
Goodnight lads, I am very glad nothing bad happened in any western capitals tonight tbh. Praise Kek.
Happy new year and goodnight lads, you'll always be my only true friends.
Fuck pakis
Happy new years day lads. Hope your hangovers are not too evil.
I drank some malibu last night. I highly regret it
Its not too bad lad, I was up and reading the news nice and early, plus I got the airpistol out at 9am this morning for a good new years day target shoot tbh, my neighbours fucking hate me now, kek.
How much malibu?
2014 crime statistics as a new years present for you lads. I am looking for later ones at the minute - anybody know where better to look than Office for National Statistics - ONS?
about 350ml approx
I know hes not popular here nor is he on our level but I cant bring myself to hate Carl/Sargon. Occasionaly he does a video that hits the ball out of the park. Hes one of the less obnoxious members of this so called 'skeptic' community on youtube. Sometimes hes an egotistical cunt but occasionally he makes a cracking video.
I dont hate him like a lot of Holla Forums do because he is an entry point into right wing thinking (despite his muh classical liburul speil) For example a lot of the folk on the wews stream last night were new converts to the right (a lot of them had been berntards and leftoids previously) and a good number of them said they they had found sargon as an entry point then moved on further right to people like wews. Hes an obnoxious sperg sometimes and a bit egotistical but I dont hate him like I do other skeptics kraut&tea & that edgy spinsoarus prick are fucking intolerable Credit where credit is due, his year in review video is pretty good. Cant really fault it, agreed with everything he said & it and it was a good watch.
tfw he'll probably say or do something stupid in the next few weeks and piss me off into disliking him again
Fucking weakling.
I didnt get hangovers until I started paying proper taxes lad, just you wait tbh.
Well done tbh.
Mohammedans may use chemical attacks in uk
That bn had very little to do with street drugs and mostly to do with people ordering things that fix or treat their problems, without paying off the pharmakikes.
Fucking this. We're not all teenagers here. In high school one night I drank four big ass pitchers of beer at a party, did about a dozen shots, smoked two packs of smokes, and got fucking blackout drunk. I woke up the next day with some mild indigestion and my hair full of baby powder.
Things don't work like that anymore.
was it so they could outlaw kratom?
They outlawed fucking nootropics. If it's good for you, they outlaw it. If it's bad, they push it everywhere.
I think it was the nootropics mainly - stop the goyim buying anything that helps them cope with life. The "research chemicals", ie the clones of recreational drugs, were sold by shady internet companies and high street head shops - I think they banned the latter to prevent access to the former.
After profiting heavily from the latter - ie the MPs son who sold research chemicals - they were all fucking in on it though GCHQ sort these cunting fuckers out please, I pay my taxes
I know the feel lad, I used to stay awake for 3-7 days straight 'strung out' I think yanks would call it, sleep for 24 hours then be ready to work at 6am. I cannot imagine doing that now tbh. or going to work still buzzing after a long weekend - doing bumps in the toilets to keep going Im glad I am an old cunt now tbh. I like sleep and ale now, rather than chemicals and techno.
He's a fat twat but yeah, agree with all you said lad, especially about kraut and spinosauruskin being massive faggots.
Sargon is fun to watch every now and again for some low hanging fruit based keks just dont read his liberal virtue signalling blog twitter
Can confirm lads, the older you get, the worse hangovers get, If I go mad on a night out I can be dying for two days + depending on what I drank.
Is Kratom really that good? I always thought it was a meme drug.
Can confirm Kratom is a good buzz. 1-3gs is like relaxed caffeine, 3-6g is like codeine, 7+ is like dihydrocodeine or tramadol etc. Source: 2kg stash, still legal to possess.
And what of the supposed "super power" benefits? The increased concentration and all that? From the sales blurb you see online it just looks like a too good to be true scam.
A couple of grams in a tea or capsules is like all the best bits of caffeine, so its not all bullshit tbh. I got into it as an opiate replacement / painkiller - its worth its weight in gold tbh lad
Thanks for the review lad, maybe ill see if I can get my hands on some in future.
I dont do twatter lad so no worries there.
Fair play lad, I don't do facebook so I tried it out and found it to be a good source of amusement.
The salt mining alone from Brexit and Trump this year has made it all worthwhile tbh.
I have a semi respectable normie one for blending in purposes and a few sock accounts for mischief.
the normalfag account is fucking infuriating at time as I follow a few cunty leftists to make it convincing
Now im no christcuck but I can fucking bet that they'd have no issues shoehorning in the daily quran lessons to schools that lack "diversity"
My jimmies are somewhat rustled lad…
Im certainly not a Godly man either, but what rustles me most here is that the objections that they raise to this:
The same shit that happens in the Mohammedan schools up and down the fucking country.
This is some alternate reality doublethink bullshit right here.
You almost see the problem but then you get lost in your ignorance.
See, the problem is RELIGION in general. ALWAYS has.
That's what I meant lad, the list read like a description of islam to a tee.
Its just another "push the public to see how far they bend over" exercise.
Cunts tbh.
t. fedora
Exactly lad, its not even the typical 'diversity and tolerance' bullshit we are usually fed - If they purely took issue with religious education as a whole, then fair enough. Its the unequal application of standards that is so galling - it is actual racism being used to erode our society.
portentious dubs on that post
What does it mean lad?
Maybe she thinks the UK would be easier to control if it really was under Sharia law.
So she's just letting it happen.
Conservative values…
Christ, it would be so easy to just let it happen and then she wouldn't have to worry about it any more…
The imams would police their areas like local warlords, are the tories going to cut public spending by handing control to the saracens.
she really is sharia may, fug
Sunday Science==
How we doing today lads, what are we all up to?
Last day of the christmas holidays before the kids go back to school for me. Cant fucking wait tbh.
I want it to be 1992 again lads
tfw we will never live through the 1990s again and that particular state that was unique to the 90s can only be reached through nostalgic meandering
Interesting read but its monday lad, don't want you getting trouble for not going in to work tomorrow…
Doing sweet F.A like the rest of christmas, it's been lovely just relaxing and reading and not rushing around. Not looking forward to getting up early tomorrow tbh.
A time before facebook and smartphones, when vidya wasn't shite and men got savagely ridiculed for wearing womens jeans instead of praised and accepted.
I want to go back too lad
Fucking embed not working bullshit…
Have this instead.
Have some of this as well tbh lads…
Fugg thanks lad.
Not a great deal today, back to work tomorrow sadly.
90s is best decade tbh
Good stuff lads. The 90s will always live on as long as we keep its memory alive. It was the last decade before everything properly went to shit, before the culture became toxic, multicult tripe aimed at the lowest common denominator and most people still had hope & optimism that the next generation would have it better than the previous. It all went downhill after that. Looking back I think I can pinpoint a few years where it all went wrong
….we will see lads. I have high hopes for this year. Anyone have an any predictons or care to make some?
I predict that this year will see a huge number of people shift to right wing thinking, more so than the last 10 years combined.
I think that most people already have right leaning tendencies, maybe not full right wing but people aren't as stupid as the left thinks. A community filled with ungrateful immigrants and left to rot is a community full of people that see the truth of the "refugees welcome" lie.
People are aware all over the UK and up to now its been the lefty's use of the words bigot, racist and nazi that have kept them quiet. The acceleration of the social justice movement has been their own undoing tbh, it showed in sharp relief just how fucking mental they are and has rendered all their favourite buzzwords useless. In short, no one cares for their ranting any more.
I think your prediction is correct though, the right will swell its ranks and the left have only themselves to blame kek.
Its Europe im interested in now, Brexit is going to drag on and on and will likely be a fucking shitshow, purely because the govt are incompetent as fuck but its happening eventually so im happy enough for now.
The elections happening over the EU this year are going to really be the exciting part, will others follow us out of the ponzi scheme? Will the right gain more ground? Austria cucked out but only just and they haven't had half the enrichment that France and Germany has had. although I honestly believe Germany are too far gone and will fuck it up tbh
Whatever happens I am looking forward to the continuing decline of the left in general, Hoping for the grauniad to at the least go out of print soon and be forced into an online entity for instance.
Most of all though, I hope and pray that the left will continue to keep being the obnoxious cunts they are.
They practically do our work for them these days…
Ffs, why lad?
It's fun. But also to convince you of what utter dolts Holla Forums are.
Lad, we know they are autistic at times but there are still good threads on here.
Contrast that with /brit/, I went on for a lurk last night.
22st was running amok and there was even a faction calling for him to be modded for fucks sake. I notice he has an obsession with that poor lass that posts kek
Don't get me wrong lad, there isn't one counter argument in that thread but its not like we didn't all know that would be the case, you act like we cant see that Holla Forums is an echo chamber…
Did you ever conside the fact that most of Holla Forums probably havent even read a book on the fucking Boers, let alone have a thought-out opinion on them. Just like with the fucking IRA - if you dont give them the right information, how will they know the truth? You just rant about how stupid Holla Forums is, with condescending and wrong-spirited OPs. Fucking hell lad, spread knowledge, dont belittle others for lacking it. You are indeed D&Cing, but not in the way the majority of Holla Forums thinks. Stop being a fucking moron, you are not wrong with what you say, but the way you say it is inflammatory and you absoultely know it will help nobody.
see >>>/brit/122997
Holla Forums is completely retarded.
No mods were on last night. We're introducing new mods now as a result. 22st won't be one. It's all good now, if you go there.
Then why not move?
It wasn't mean spirited, it was history. Pure history and they couldn't handle it. It was hardly d&c, stop apologising for them.
You know my opinion on that lad.
And you are a massive fucking cunt for not educating the ignorant. You aimed for conflict in that thread, and you succeeded. You have no moral high ground.
So is /brit/.
You were D&Cing the crowd lad.
Holla Forums is obviously not one person, I am using shorthand
Perhaps you should reconsider. We're really cracking down on any remaining shitposting after last night.
I did educate. I explained the history. And if people know nothing, they're on the internet, it's not hard to educate oneself. I make no apology.
Would you rather we allowed the shitposting, then? Because that's all that gets banned.
I suggested that perhaps they weren't right. Is that a crime?
That's stretching things.
Ill clarify for you lad - I lurk your board and post when it interests me, I have no desire to move there. I like most of you, its the lack of content that make it pountless to browse. 750 posts in a thread, atleast 2 threads in 24 hours, maybe 20 posts worth reading, but I must wade through 1500 posts to find them. This is going over old ground so I will sage this.
You could have done a Boer education thread. But no.
Read your posts ITT lad.
Maybe if you moved and posted. This place is a corpse.
I basically did. And Holla Forums knows nothing about the Boers, then it's up to them to educate themselves on the basics. Holla Forums themselves despise spoonfeeding.
Well after they reacted like they did they proved that they were retarded. It wasn't in the OP, and that's the point.
Tbh lad I post in lots of other threads most of the time - Im sure others do the same.
No you didnt, be honest with yourself.
My opinion of this is that all you faggots do is try and prove Anglo superiority through shitty bait threads. You knew how Holla Forums would react, and yet you did it anyway to prove a point.
Yeah they really let the mask slip didnt they. I think it was because the millienal sjws lacked the planning, tact and cunning of their cultural marxist infiltrator forebears and proceeded to plough forward with the agenda like a bull in a china shop. Their special snowflake 'the world must cater to me' ethos that they had been brought up with under the new education programs of obongo and blair denied them of the critical thinking skills that are required for successful subversion. The acted like they had already won and dramatically overreached. Its both horrific and hilarious at the same time. Poetic justice that they will end up hoisted by their own petard by going full retard
Holla Forums is not one person lad. Iv been here years and im not about to leave because some elements of the board are a bit daft. They just need educating and that is the job of the oldfags - not to flee because we have wor to do.
So much this
You're just cucking for Holla Forums now. I really did attempt to deal with the problem of Holla Forums oversympathising with the Boers, and they spat at me.
It's not 'elements' at this point. Holla Forums posters who have common sense when it comes to the Brits are few and far between.
The reason they have no sympathy is
1) Because you act like the so-called britkikes they detest (tbh you annoy me with this tedious bullshit too)
2) Because of the shit that happened before your exodus
We are trying to repair that damage, you lot torched the pub without paying, and we stayed behind. Dont ruin it for us as well lad.
3) because they are paid to d&c
You're just cucking for retards, you know that?
Its about tact though lad inb4 muh pr You knew that thread and the one before would not elicit a thoughtful and intellectual discussion and you never wanted it to, you do it because it amuses you to anger le super cereal nahdzis tbh.
There are 28 UIDs in that thread, twenty of them are the same that were in the last thread that were likely in all the old threads before the exodus, I'm convinced its the same four or five of you arguing with the same fifteen to twenty of them ever since the first harrispost tbh.
White mans burden lad, look it up.
I am fucking angry, who do I contact? Heads must roll tbh.
What shape were they before lad? I cant notice the difference, mind you, I've not had one in years.
They were solid wedge shaped, now theyve got a significant depression, ie: less orangey chocolate goodness. Fucking tight chocolate making pricks tbh.
Old ones attached
then educate them instead of antagonising them. You just want to stir them up, then sit back and laugh while those of us who still want to use the board deal with the fallout. Its another form of harrisposting
Wait. that's not a defect?
Its the toblerone scandal all over again…
Some bean counter approached his manager with the figure didn't he?
Just leave them to it lad, they don't give a fuck and never did, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them still post on halfchan tbh.
No point trying to talk them out of it, shitting it up for us is a bonus to them.
This used to be on a website years ago, great for procrastinating and remembering the 90's
I learnt to mix with that song, and embed related, kek.
Good stuff lad.
The many faceted LOYALIST UNCUCKED takes on many forms -The many faced deity that is UNCUCKED/british/LOYAL/portentious/druidic/NEW-ORDER/hobby/pol/ now ads retro/pol/ to its pantheon!
Muslim rape of 1400 underage girls doesn't matter because white men also rape.
Who here /hadapairofshittysoundlabdecksandanhorridmixer/?
How did I forget Altern-8?! thanks lad.
I hate her so fucking much.
She's been getting shit for it all day too, her argument basically boils down to:
She's so fucking awful lads, I wouldn't mind but young girls look up to the horrid slag for some reason…
Satire surely, Poes law? or Occams razor? I am in hysterics lads, contain my sides.
Pioneer mixer with an old school serato thing by Yamaha (just a box to connect the laptop with the mixing pads as 2 channels), one Technica and one Roland turntable, a laptop, Limewire and shitloads of CDs. And fuckloads of shit speed. Late 90s acid house & techno reporting in.
Some superior smarmy cunt white knight, using personal attacks
The majority of the white working population
Pretending at knowledge with a shit false equivalency
The whole fucking thing is a shit show. How can these people look themselves in the mirror?
You some sort of millionaire lad? pic related was my first mixer back in the day.
only joking lad, I lusted after the pioneers tbh
Fucking normalfags, we need a new plaugue tbh.
wow, it actually was possible for her to make me hate her more than I already did.
No millionaire, kek, we just had regular squat/warehouse/woods parties and that back in the day - charged a few quid entry to pay for the inevitable equipment seizure by the old bill. No reason not to buy good equipment when tbe costs are covered tenfold, kek. I only learnt a bit tbh, when JungleTec DnB and that came in I couldnt keep up. Certainly not PsyTrance etcetera.
If you can reduce the essence of what you want you want to say to just a face, dont say it tbh.
I dont know about you lads but I get the impression that the user base of uncucked is older and wiser than the majority of /brit/. They post like a bunch of college/uni students and im guessing the average poster age is around 18 while I think we here, are mostly a bunch of grizzled 30+ year olds. Could be wrong lads but its the impression I get. Its probably why I prefer it here tbh.
Im not quite 30+ not just yet but I think your impression is correct tbh. What about SA and Helmers?
Yeah, I feel the same way.
She just gets worse and worse.
Chippies - You will likely see this soon - looks promising tbh, more work for carpenters is always good - If it replaces, say, I and C beams in small home developments like lintels in extensions, which are done by builders, not steel workers. I cant see it competing directly with steel for larger projects for a few years, but I suppose most steelwork firms dont specialise in purely steel as such and could diversify. Sorry for the ramble, I havent really made a point have I.
Nice ice cream dubs, but this is one of the most tangential posts I've ever seen on Brit/pol/
Kek really does move in mysterious ways…
I thought it was interesting, I want to bring some near-futurology in, and my speciality is construction. What with all the automation and UBI threads and whatnot.
I started on vinyl, didn't try dvs until about six years ago, I used to think cd djing was absolute heresy but had to admit dvs is fucking wonderful
Think you're right tbh lad.
Kek wants us to be up to date on changes in the construction industry lad, maybe he needs us to rebuild our sceptred isle after Brexit, when we emerge stronger than ever before…
We didnt have USBs when I started, I think it was around 2000 we got those - made it so easy to transport your tunes, but the sound quality was normally shite. We had vinyls still do but they were precious - when you have an hour long set that took a day to organise and weeks to learn, and the old bill seize it all - it makes the bad sound quality not so bad tbh. Its much easier than having cars coming and going with stacks of records over 2 or 3 days.
cdjing was and is considered heresy - but impromptu parties could be set up by unskilled people very easily - you could fill the gap between proper read amateur but good DJs with any old mug and 2 cds and a laptop, with mixing software obviously, and it wouldnt sound too awful. Easier than having to find enough people who can mix to fill a 72 hour party.
True, now any cunt with an iphone and a audio lead can "rock a party"
Top kek
I miss those sort of parties, far more preferable to going to some wank club and paying too much for beer, or worse,having to fuck about with trains to london to be surrounded by dindus looking to mug white lads.
Swarthy middle easteners and blacks started to appear in 2012/2013 ish, the result of Facebook invites and the desire to sell drugs. Also eastern euros. They bought heroin, meth and violence, made it too unpleasant to go. Parties still happen, but its very very cloak and dagger now.
Cant be sure but I think my mate had a hand in organising that rave kek
Police beat him up quite badly when they moved in after it was over if I remember.
Fucking grass smh…
Kek, any of these ring a bell?
That was the last one I know of a few months ago down here. Most were involved in both of the parties I posted.
Recognise a few names but not the one I'm thinking of.
Fucking awesome lad
It's about repelling invaders.
Kids TV these days is about accepting strangers, and understanding that there are 50 different genders.
I'm still watching it kek, thoroughly enjoying it tbh.
fucking ace lad, wheres that from? Reminds me of terrahawks.
I was partial to vid related as a kid. That was also about repelling invaders but this time guerilla style that ultimately fails at the end
It's from an old 80s KIds TV show called "Star Fleet X Bomber".
Was top stuff.
Brian May did the ending title theme, awesome track.
Here's some more.
I like how the invaders are all dark, degenerate, mixed up weirdos.
I think the entire series can be found somewhere online.
Terrahawks was funny as fuck. Mmm-motherrrrr.
All way before my time sadly lads, Im in the original Simpsons / Cartoon Network generation. Im watching the first one though and I wish that sort of stuff was on rather than Wacky races and fucking Saved by the bell, however
it was tbh.
Star Fleet X Bomber Volume 1
Top work lad, I prefer this to any of that anime crap.
Muh dick tbh lads…
Worth a read tbh, they were staunch Brexit supporters.
Some of this shit that you kids think is AESTHETIC, I'll never understand
Its so
it hurts.
take me back to the 90s
90s are never coming back lad. You have this to look forward to instead
Why would you stand in the way of the inclinations of the madam who sells you deep fried porridge at a hefty "discount" or your elected representatives that offer you the same?
What do you have to lose than clay that isn't yours?
I-Is this a raid or are you a bot having a stroke?
Banner potential right there lad.
we had an autistic jewish kid at school we used to call sceetch because he looked like him. He fucking hated it too.
Lol, no. I just don't want to be subjected to Nürnberg procedures, thanks to you "people".
Of coursh
Anything you'd like to share with us, Will Munny?
Lad, I haven't a clue what you are on about tbh.
You wouldn't, now wouldya?
You killed my best friend, Nige. You decorated your salon with him.
He should have armed himself tbh.
2 versions. Those are the dimensions right?
Requires more Theresa May pretentiously pouting over Chinese made nuclear reactors.
It's better with the apple, btw
Morning lads, frosty morning today. Debating whether to bring the guinea pigs inside or not. On one hand I dont want them to freeze to death but on the other they shit all over the place. They are pretty hardy critters right? They live in the Andes mountains so im pretty sure they are adapted for cold weather.
It is bloody cold, the van didnt like it this morning. Are they in cages in the garden? Can you put them in the garage or shed or something?
So where the fuck were you before Friday then? I had to go over to /brit/ thanks to you.
That lot are all right tbh
I've had to put ice packs in my guinea pigs' cage for the last few days because its been 32 degrees celsius here down under. They've just been chilling on top of them like a pillow. Anyhow, apparently they have a similar feel of the climate to us, so If you are too cold to be outside, then your guinea pigs are probably too cold. Maybe just place them in the bathtub if you don't want a mess all over the place
They live in a hutch in the garden. I pack it with hay and theres two of them so they have each others body heat too. Might stick em in the garage if the temperature continues to drop tbh.
U wot m8? We've always been here.
Some of them are, others are complete cancer. Its slower here but the posts are generally of a higher quality.
Thanks for the advice aussiefriend. Bash some lebs for me cobbah!
From Reuters:
I just posted in a non Brit/pol/ thread, mistaking it for this thread.
Expected friendly banter, got lots of shit.
Why is Brit/pol/ the only bit of Holla Forums that's actually nice?
Dunno about "nice" lad, I prefer "civil" or "courteous" tbh. Even
Holla Forums stands for im/pol/ite
It hasn't helped that /brit/ have made two bait threads that triggered the fuck out of Holla Forums last few days tbh, loads of them are on the warpath.
Top kek.
Interesting that the figure is lower for older ones. I suppose they older, wiser kebabs know that the time isn't quite right to push so openly for sharia ye,t whereas the younger crowd are more impressionable and idealistic, much like the wave of marxism that's affecting universities here.
Fuck me, did an MP just say something that wasn't complete bullshit? he's only doing it to appear less of a saracen tbh
I'm not /brit/ but I don't think those were bait threads. They could've done a bait thread in less time and energy. They did seem up for actual discussion. I know /brit/ can be annoying but you shouldn't make excuses for Holla Forums's lack of quality. Let's be honest, this board has really gone off the deep end recently with all this nonsense.
The IRA thread called yanks 'plastic paddies', this Boer thread told Holla Forums to stop cucking for Boers. Both threads had copious amounts of Harris etcetera. Tell me again how they werent bait threads?
I agree lad, but sage and report shit threads and participate in the good ones. What else do you suggest?
Is /brit/ basically leftist infiltration aimed at D&C or what?
That's pretty typical banter lad.
I think there was one Harris in the Boer one. Hardly copious. Though I do admit there was some baiting once Holla Forums failed to respond with any dignity.
We are few in number. We're outnumbered massively by the newfags and retards. If /brit/ cut down on the shitposting maybe they wouldn't be so insufferable but otherwise all I see is eventual migration to a new site.
I don't think they're trying to d&c but they lack patience with Holla Forums, sperg out, and turn them on the rest of us.
Baiting is not "lacking patience", it's trolling.
Yeah, they do troll. I don't think they're infiltrators mostly, anyway but they do seem to be perfectly happy to piss off Holla Forums. But I don't think they were trying that in those recent threads. Maybe they underestimated how triggered Holla Forums would get by the banter, this board can be incredibly autistic sometimes.
When was the last time they actually did anything useful or productive?
Shitposting and baiting sounds like D&C to me.
They stick to their own board mostly. They did seem to get rid of a lot of the worst posters though, but that fat lad is still there. You could have a look or even ask to see what's up.
They didn't underestimate it, it was exactly as planned, if you cant see that then there's not much else to say lad, I get where you are coming from about the quality of Holla Forums going downhill but that's been the case for a long time now tbh, what you are ignoring is that Holla Forums lost patience with us a long time ago, the run up to the exodus was fucking ridiculous, multiple threads all over the catalog, harrisposting as the OP, constantly baiting the burgers etc, I know that the mods went mad with the banhammer but we fucking had it coming tbh, /brit/ keeps moaning about how retarded the mods are but they left us alone largely up until that point, we had free reign to conduct our threads as we saw fit and we chose to let the autists annoy the rest of Holla Forums.
So finally, after a bunch of d&c threads about us and yet more harrisposting and baiting, they lost it and reamed Brit/pol/ out, can you honestly blame them?
The main reason lads left is because half of them are allergic to VPNs for some weird reason, Helmer spergs out about being permabanned but if he had dropped the trip and just been a fucking user he could have stayed, same for all the others, they took it needlessly personally imo, I'm glad they're happy over there lad but ive lurked the threads and most of what I see is fucking flags, lads overdoing the LOCAL meme and the 22st shitting the place up with his crippling autism.
Thats worst case scenario. I agree with 40k that they are probably just college and Uni edgelords, who enjoy shitting things up. GCHQ engineered the split though
They do stick to their own board, and have very hardline isolationist tendencies that goes with that. Why would a germanon or a swissfag or whoever go to /brit/ to watch the inane rapidfire banter about pakis and dafties? Certainly the burgers wouldnt read what you write there lad. What can be accomplished by the circlejerking? in a circle smaller than Holla Forums that is, kek.
Whats the score with Bogdanoff? Is there a redpill in there somewhere?
This is why we needed brexit. The continent is filled with eurotrash tier weirdness and decadence.
Just saw this, 3.8 isn't that big is it?
They look so fucking weird, how old are they? Do they really have as much power as the op of the thread about them claimed?
Want to know something weird?
In the /x/ thread someone mentioned their mother burned coal. Checked on wikipedia last night and it confirmed this. Now that information has been edited out from the article on them . Someones shoah'd one line where it mentions that she had an affair with an african american singer called Roland Hayes (yet its still mentioned in the references) Im 100% certain it was up last night but now its gone. I dont know how to use wikipedia but im sure someone could look to see when the edit was made.
Intriguing… Just had a look and you click on "view history" on the top right of the article, there were a ton of edits made yesterday, ill check a few now.
It just makes them look ridiculous, can you imagine going for a piss and seeing that in the bathroom mirror every day?
Edit was made at 8:49 by an unknown user, I think, not entirely sure what im looking at though tbh
Im interested but I need to get some sleep, I was a fucking zombie at work today, fucking christmas break, fucking with my sleep pattern kek.
Might look into what all the mechanics of editing posts tomorrow.
Yanks are plastic paddies and you're a faggot for not sticking up for your country tbh.
Ok, it looks like someone moved some lines about and took out a few bits but the bit about their mum having an affair with a nog has been changed to just her having had an affair…
Ip address of the editor is in Argentina, I have no clue what im doing or what it means so im going to bed now.
Forgot to check these portentious repeating digits
I think they have that michael jackson syndrome think going on where they want to look like white people but just end up looking freakish through multiple botched surgeries. These uber richfags exists in the worst kind of echo chamber where all manner of degeneracy is tolerated and because of their wealth, there is no checks and balances on their excesses - just toadies and paid yes men.
Id still be rich though tbh lads. Id just move to an island or something and have my own right wing paradise. Thats a healthier echo chamber than the one that allows the likes of bogdanov to flourish unchecked in their delusions
Thanks lad. Seems there is a member of the BIDF in HELLO MY WHITE FRIEND land who wishes to defend the bogdanoffs honour from slanderous truth on the chans.
Fucking weird world tbh lad.
There was no thread here for days.
So, are you faggots gonna brexit or what
Lad check the times in the posts of this thread, we've been here all along.
Lad, it was a couple of hours at most and another user made a bunker thread.
Their hubris and ignorance will contribute to their downfall.
Yeah, eventually…
The lefty fags are doing all they can to subvert it though but to be fair, it might do us a favour, the eu is going to make it hard for us to leave, no question about it, they will do all they can to give us a shit deal as a warning to other members like France who are already making noises about leaving.
The longer these delays go, the closer we get to those countries moving to right wing leaders that will have a better chance at taking said countries out of the eu.
PREVENT agent Comrade Kikemarez Posts Video Admiring Spies Within White Nationalism
Who are these freaks?
I thought we were rid of him and he'd quit the nationalist scene in ignominy after the stuff about PREVENT came out but we was on the wews new year stream again (although not given free reign to shit it up this year)
Seems, like herpes, kikemarez is very hard to get rid of
The Bogdanoff bros lad. French tv personalities and powerful aristocratic illurminarty members if rumours are to be believed.
Kikemarez seems to be an admin in Woes' new discord group too.
Mchamplanet seems to love to keep that guy around.
I Just don't get it lads, I know they're filthy rich and clearly degenerates that want to remain young but this type of atrocity is getting more and more common, how do none of them see the result and think: hmmm may have gone a little too far now, I look like a fucking monster tbh
Especially these two, they are twins, it must be like looking at a living mirror, did neither of them look at each other and say: bro, you look like a massive cunt, we should stop this now…
Fucking hell, what does haggisnigger see in him? My guess is he probably befriended him before realising what a hypersperg kikemarez was but hes too soft to tell him to fuck off. That or bagpipenigger is keeping cmdr kikemarez around to trollshield & make himself look good by comparison
I think its because richfags like them exist in the worst type of echo chamber, surrounded by toadying flunkies and yes men who just serve to enable their delusions. You are right though lad, how they can think that look is anything other than freakishly hideous is beyond me.
I think it may be the former - Kikemarez kisses Woes ass, and Woes likes that, so he keeps him around as someone to perk him up when he inevitably hits rock bottom every now and then.
Interesting case here lads
On one hand I approve of the seemingly lenient sentence applied to a man willing to fight for a foreign people for a cause he believes in, on the other, I worry it is applied to islamists and mohammedans all too frequently. I do not suggest double standards - In a sane country there would be no sanctions against fighting Islamic terrorism and fundamentalism in any form, it would not be punished as (((terrorism))) in the same manner as joining fucking ISIS at any rate.
Fatcat Wednesday
Blatant communism disguised as wealth inequality concern. Fuck Auntie for pushing it and fuck communists in general tbh
Yeah portentious dubs confirms that is the most plausable and likely reason.
Top work lad. Did the guy have any previous convictions?
Doesn't seem to have.
His wife was jailed too, for 6 months. She would have got out about the same time he died. I wonder how she is feeling about all this?
Personally, Id rather no one went over there and risked becoming a beheading video for propaganda, I respect him for having the balls to though and im glad they didn't fuck him like
Fucking disgusting putting him in jail, even more so now the poor fucker is dead.
For doing an edgy teenager tier prank? vid related lads.
Source on his death? Not in either article.
Suspect as fuck tbh.
Thanks lad -
Just in case archive.fo is compromised
He got done by an islamic gang, without a doubt. That cunt leftist judge threw him into a den of feral arabic wolves because he made a joke which was distasteful to some. RIP Kevin Crehan tbh.
Officially he just had a heart attack.
At 35.
But even if that's the case, it would likely be triggered by the stress of being put into that environment.
I've been trying to find out the demographics in that prison. Bristol has is a very vibrant and diverse place, so it's likely its prisons are even more vibrant and diverse.
And that poor guy was thrown in with them all, for a prank.
Morning lads, cold one again today, anything enjoyable occuring?
REEEEEEEEEEEEEE its keith cutler all over again. Not much I loathe more than a progressive judge who fucks over his own people.
(druidic tbh)
Not much lad although the tips of my ears are numb with cold. Did you hear about the nigs in chicongo abducting and torturing some autistic boy on normiebook?
oh and nepotistic ubercunt mcvirtuesignal wants to sue tommy robinson after a twatter spat.
reeeeeee hate that cunt so fucking much tbh
(thabks based druids)
Fucking Silly Barren should just unplug her computer tbh. But private prosecutions for social media shit is scary af.
Yes I saw it. I have no words tbh, how can anybody think that they are our equals?
He's not white you silly cunt.
I'm amazed at how many "Americans" here think he's white though. They're as bad as south America now.
Lillie Allen is a fake cunt who pretends shes a cockney who really went to private school she does the whole (((fake chav))) thing to get her records into the charts. Her dad was an evil cunt who made a deal with the British government and got a (((fat pay off))) for not exposing in his film unlawful killing of how the British monarchy bumped off Princess Diana for having a Muslim baby. Look it up. Unlawful Killing - can't even torrent it in the UK becuase it's illegal.
They thought he was white. It doesnt matter if he was indeed white or not. They were attacking Whites as a whole.
Using it because the niggers thought he was white and thinking he's white are two very different things.
It matters that there "Americans" on Holla Forums that think a fucking mestizo is white. The threads are still full of fuckers that think he's white.
Get some perspective lad. It is more serious that blacks attacked a supposed white man than it is that yanks think he is actually white. What will you accomplish by attacking americans, you moron?
You clearly can't fucking read, you moron. I acknowledged that it can be used, mentioning my disbelief that many actually look at him and think he's white isn't an attack you yankcuck.
If you can't see what's wrong with Americans legitimately thinking he's white then you're as bad as they are.
If thats the cast though, I dont really blame the royals for offing diana. She bought shame upon them. Never liked her tbh - always thought she was a hypocritial whore who courted the paparazzi then proceeded to whinge about them in the same breath.
Fuck keith allen though hes a lefty prick and his spawn are some of the worst fruits of nepotism we are currently inflicted with. I fucking hate his spoiled cunt of a daughter with a fury usually reserved the likes of labour party members and EU commissars. Hardly anyone likes her tbh yet the media still seem intent on inflicted her and her dumb stupid opinions on the rest of us. Really makes me rage.
I've only seen a quick clip of them forcing him to drink from a toilet on my mobile first thing this morning, the grainy footage made him look hwhite, I think you are overthinking it tbh, most people aren't going to know until his photo is plastered over the internet anyway.
Until then its a good way to get normies to get angry at blm and all the uppity nigs.
Fucking checked.
She is fast becoming my most hated celebrity.
it genuinely pains my very soul that he has such a big platform to spread her lefty nonsense.
All the "yassss queen!" and "slayyyy!" replies when she argues with someone calling her out on her virtue signalling worries me. So many impressionable teenagers think she's clever.
Depressing tbh lads…
The guy was white, they attacked him because he looked white, and said "fuck white people" as they cut bits off him with knives.
Only D&C shills are trying to start arguments saying he wasn't white, to try to detract from the gravity of what was done, and the fact the MSM are not even touching the story.
The druids also dont like her it would appear.
It worries me too tbh, I doubt 25% of her followers know who her old man is or anything about that era.
(based druids as always)
Trips confirm d&c shills & treachery are afoot. The guy was white for all intents and purposes.
I think we've found a strong leyline tbh
Fuck off and don't come back
Screenshots attached of which parts I queried for clarity regarding Holla Forums and us in particular - Search for Phillipines data exchange UK treaty in your favourite search engine, gov.uk link with a PDF. Or I can do screenshots of it all, if anyone wants to assess the situation as well
1)They are bound by treaty to pass on data (read the images)
2) We are very likely protected under the same treaty (second image highlighted)
This is the best I could do - he offered to represent me in anything like that so he sees some ££ signs and a win - only problem is that by saying we all subscribe to a single political opinion (or small variations of) we could be classed as a group. This is extremely unlikely, and lawfag suggests any individual with any opinion would be covered. What is not clear is the relationship between the nature of our beliefs and the supposed crime. If explicitly accused of antisemitism or hatespeech, they may not refuse to pass data on (they might have already) based on political opinions - as antisemitism cant possibly be a legitimate political opinion in the modern world (see Duterte apologising to the jesuits - Id find the link but I am eating toast tbh).
tl;dr: We are on some shaky shaky ground lads, watch what you post even with vpns.
can we have some sauce on that pls user?
Only source so far is a screen grab of a message in a Skype group.
Where's the whole screengrab? Im tempted to call you a ruseman with that weak evidence tbh.
Not posting whole screen grab as I don't want to assist in doxxing anyone else, even a small amount.
Block the names, block some content, whatever, but I want to see it in context. Thats tiny image is far too easy to fake lad.
That's the best I can do at because I'm on my phone.
Meant for
Ok lad, thanks for the heads-up, Im not sure if I believe you, but keep us informed if you have any other news.
Take a look at the ban page, lads. I went to have a look at it just now and it seems like there's some shit going down in the Jungle.
What the fuck is going on over there? That list is madness, like a hornets nest has been kicked. Who have they annoyed?
I don't know, something to do with the fat ald.
Also what's all about? Are we fucked?
Thats a new one on me tbh, kek.
Where's the Holla Forums specific bans page?
pls no bully
This is the board logs, if that's what you want.
Thanks user.
Hope this isnt true, poor haggisplanet…
Maybe. Very grey area at the moment, careful what you post is the only advice we have. Fuck all use I know.
Looks like 22st spread the usual cancer and got banned, evaded several times and got permabanned, his fanclub whined and got banned too kek.
Top of the page menu lad, the circle with a line through it.
No lad, I got my lawyer to explain it all, and its pretty much inbetween best and worse situations. Essentially, use a VPN or don't be "Antisemitic" as described by the new laws, as although the Phillipines would refuse to hand our details over politically, they would be obliged to comply with any legal requests, within the boundaries of the treaty. So if you are not under investigation for any crimes, you should be fine. With the new provision it is more likely we will be accused of a crime sooner rather than later though, food for thought.
Excited tbh
You're welcome lad.
I see then. This police state is depressing sometimes tbh, why must we be accursed with Sharia May?
Is it not the portentious 7th thread next?
thanks for ruining the thread title and posting that night codemonkey
Speaking of which, whats the next thread title going to be?
I thought sextus was 7, maybe I'm wrong.
I like it, sometimes speaking plainly is best.
40k user will correct us soon Im sure, I think sextus is 6, septus is 7.
Hmmm, then maybe it should be
Seventh I believe lads.
Gets my vote so far tbh.
Scrolling through the jungle earlier reminded me that are Nige is starting a new show on lbc
I like this one even better…
Oh, that's right, yes. Shame the new thread had to be made when codemonkey ruined everything yet again.
Even better, kek
This is brilliant lads, we should try and call in.
Its a daily show mon to thurs so there's plenty of time to come up with better bants than "keek"
The neets over at halfchan will no doubt spill spaghetti over poor Nige most evenings of course.
Fucking right, have you seen the premise?
Our Nige is inviting anybody to debate him on air. This is going to be excellent. Imagine how many triggered faggots are going to call in after Brexit and especially about Trump? Bloody hell Im excited for this tbh.
He was on a couple of nights ago and cuckchan managed to get on. I want fullchan to get on now, with an actual question that might help our cause.
I almost can't believe it, it's 4 nights a week every week, it's fucking fantastic.
But I don't have facepuke lad. Somebody do the deed and enlighten me please.
Bit unfair on the liberals tbh, they just think he's an old racist and wont be ready for his savage debating skills.
The halfchanners are always so autistic, I love it kek
Can you at least link to the page lad? I dont do facebook and a google search just has his other social media
Nige is going to slaughter them.
Wews facebook requires logging in to view, any lads who aren't faggots able to post some screenshots corroborating the dox?
Ok you whining cry babies, here is the screen grab
Nige on now lads
I doubt we will hit post limit tonight, but I have a small thread lined up for tomorrow (unless 40k or anybody wants to do a proper job as I just phone post) please do, I nearly had an anuerysm doing the last one can you look out for links that you want to see in it? I might have to just post what Ive done so far ITT and someone else can push the button on the new one when its needed, I can only do an OP at lunchtime or after work.
I'll look up some links to help lad.
Here's a few links lad:
God Emperor to meet sharia may in feb
New UK ambassador to eu after previous remaincuck in job wimps out tbh
Good boi who dindu nuffin gunned down by evil police on motorway for no reason whatsoever
Are Nige gets own radio slot on weeknights
Nice work lad thank you, Im going to get an early night and jump back on in the morning, if we get to 725+ posts by then (unlikely) or more likely lunchtime (1.15pm ish) I can do the thread, if not Ill post my OP here and someone else can experience the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that comes from using codemonkeys 1929 vintage punch-card input system.
Goodnight lads
Hes had his face out there for years though so i suppose it was inevitable. He just didnt anticipate the new laws. I dont think they can feasibly presecute him on anything though. If its real it sounds like hes spooked by the lugenpresse harrassment.
Yeah, I'll dont mind doing the thread if you want me to lad. We'll just have to decide on a theme lily allen hate/wews doxing are both potentials to incorporate but its still wide open
Also if you can posts some of the links you want lads, that is appreciated as every little helps.
It's worth remembering that Woes is suffering for all of us.
Posted some here lad
thanks lad
poor wee haggisnigger tbh
An attack on one is an attack on all.
We have to support Woes in this crisis.
Indeed. Hes one of us. we will mobilise the rest of Holla Forums if we need too. Wews literally dindu nuffin except discuss ideas. I suppose thats why the lugenpresse hate him so much.
I bet kikemarez is the one who gave him up to PREVENT or whatever organisation got its claws into him. This is the kind of shit they would pull. Not prosescuting him but hounding him & trying to ruin his life through media and "activists" scum. Fucks me off so much tbh lad. The bloated bagpipewog wouldnae hurt a fly. And now ill bet they are stirring up socialist jocks against him to harrass him and his family if they can.
Days of rage tbh lad.
Whats the score with this spat Holla Forums is having with TRS lads? Seems silly and pointless to me tbh. I cant abide infighting and petty squabbling. The energy would be far better spent attacking actual enemies instead of some rival right wing forum. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth tbh lads - it stinks of external meddling trying to exploit fracture points between different right wing factions and where have we seen that before….?
Rustles me tbh lads.
Good taste lad. I had this on vinyl back in the day.
My feelings exactly - its another textbook D&C attack to distract some of us.
Thought crimes lad, we are fully in IngSoc 1984 now.
I wonder who could be behind it?
Just heard on Radio 1 that PewDiePie will not retract a supposed racist video or something - I know fuck all about it, anyone else? This is all strangely coincidental.
Infestation status: Confirmed
Read this lads.
Multiple dead in shooting at airport.
Fucking lol, I hope this is good…
Religion of pieces again?
No word yet which usually means yes
Gunman in custody though which usually means no
Too early to tell, my digits decide…
Oh well…
I fucking hope its not a false flag after the retardnapping incident.
Inb4 its an "evil alt-right" gunman.
My money is on religion of peace tbh lads.
Its getting weird lads, reports of gunman shouting "Im not jewish! Im not jewish!" and he was wearing a starwars T-shirt.
Now hearing that more shots fired in the carpark.
Fucking odd tbh.
Thread here
thanks lad ill have a persue now
Its fucking mental lad, multiple shooters possibly now.
Police scanner feed here broadcastify.com
We need the new thread up tbh. Ive just been in the thread I linked about that jewish blokes insane ramblings, and coincidentally theres someone or some group on the board playing both sides, we are in for a fucking housefire soon. They are going all in for the race war, I hope you lads have some means of personal protection in the cities.
Outside influence confirmed, also confirming Holla Forums take direction from high level marxists like that jews plan.
ill start work on the new thread now and post it when we are nearing bump limit. What do you lads think the edition should be this time?
My vote is still for lilly cuntface allen tbh
Unless we get decent proof of Wews dox that is, all ive seen is two shite screenshots for ants.
It was a bit suspicious wasn't it tbh lad - the user only provided easily doctored snips and got pissy when asked to link directly to the source so im also taking it with a pinch of salt for now until we get solid conformation. Could just have been the shill brigade we are currently swarmed with fucking with us Ill defo incorporate cuntface mcnepotism in there somewhere though.
My. Fucking. Sides.
It's established now. Woes has been doxxed by the media - some pro-SNP newspaper - and is talking of going on the run.
I've seen it lad, its not proof, it's a tiny screengrab that's easily faked, not saying it's not true I can well believe it and we all know it's only a matter of time but two suspect screenshots don't convince me tbh.
I'm telling you it's true, you're just being a lazy arse, expecting people to hand you 100% proof while you sit here doing nothing.
Why don't you make some investigations of your own?
Don't you at least know someone that knows Woes?
Are you really that disconnected? In which case you are probably a shill anyway, so nobody should listen to you.
Now now, you either know solid proof is required or you are not from here.
proof or gtfo. Its not hard to link to the source
No, why would I?
Fuck off lad, filtered again
There isn't a web source yet, not on a web site anyway, except the Facebook group, and that's already been posted here.
Woes hasn't made an official statement, and he may never do.
All there is is screen grabs from skype.
That's as good as it gets I'm afraid.
New threads ready when this ones done lads
My mum got me a chocolate marmite jar for christmas, I dont know if Im brave enough to try it tbh. I love marmite but Im doubtful about the chocolate.
Because Woes is extremely easy to get in contact with
I got my mum a champagne flavoured marmite a couple of years ago and it was alright. Dont know about chocolate though. Im not a fan of sweet/savory mixing fucking heresy tbh and marmite is one of the most savory tastes I can think of so mixing it with sweetstuffs is going to be a vomit inducing clash of flavour.
Seems like it was a crazed spic who done the florida airport shooting lads.
Well shieeeeet
He was ISIS though, a radicalized weaboo spic.
Puerto Rican.
This whole shenanigan has got my tinfoil crinkling tbh.
Indeed. One could be forgiven for suspecting that such an event might be engineered to draw attention away from other more inconvenient news.
The whole things a heafuck tbh lad.
Im going to upload the new thread now lads. that leaves us 16 replies to bunker up again should it go tits up like last thread
reeeee codemonkey tbh
Im not sure if its Assanges threat to nuke CNN or the niggers torturing the crippled boy, but they are sliding something hard. Maybe its something bigger that I dont even have on my radar. Maybe pizzagate found something real today.
Lucky dubs confirm prudent course of action & the site will play ball.
Threads up but it ate my title lads. Im trying to get the mods to either title it or delete the thread so i can re upload it with a title
It would be a bad portent to have an untitled 7th thread
Can you help me report it to the mods so we can get it sorted lads?
I already have done once, will do again shortly - its a portentious as fuck thread too - check the end of the timestamp and post number
Thanks lad. We will try and get it retitled then.
Obamas empty military farewell speech
Probably partially being slid tbh, looks embarrassing.
New and titled thread is up lads