Do you know what time it is?
It's time for another issue of the stronk blx womyn of color, AMERICA!
Other urls found in this thread:
We get a guided tour of America's childhood who no-one asked for!
America does some dumb meditation shit and somehow figures out what to do
This shit isn't canceled yet?
The nose ringed ultra genius self insert of what's-her-face who's writing this makes an entrance in a aircraft with missiles that they supposedly built somehow
And that's it. Hey, while I have you guys here can you tell me the name of that one comic where the super villain is a really rich guy and the police commissioner of Washington DC stops him or something? It's at the tip of my tongue and I can't find it
I think it's called Nemesis. The one with the guy in the white suit who does stuff like putting bombs in some lady's vagina, right?
This is so bad
Marvel needs to die faster
Yeah, thanks.
Thanks for the fresh serving of sequential suffering.
The over saturation is real.
This comic is an encapsulation of all of the lies they told way back when. Their lies about how they wanted more female/nigger/fag characters in comics.
They lied to us. They never had any intention of making characters at all. This is the fruit of their deception and treachery.
God is dead, and we killed him.
…Is it just me or is this entire X-Men sequence just filler to cover that the kidnappers Chavez is supposed to be after are no threat to her? There doesn't actually seem to be any reason to have any of it here.
Shit/10. Thanks for posting OP.
Every single one of these books has been insanely disjointed and nigh-impossible to follow because Gabby Rivera is a fucking crazy person with a defective brain.
I hate to say it but she is genuinely worse than Kate Leth.
Well I'm stealing the concept of AMERICA colored hair for use in the future. Everything else about this should be drowned in a storm drain though.
I'd say they are about the same. The same disjointed non-stories. But at least rivera didn't have an affair with a dude with cancer….I think.
How is it that japan can create series like Cutie Honey and Keijo!!!!!! that have gratuitous amounts of fanservice and yet all the women in those shows are infinitely better than just about anything we make in the west?
This is so bad it's beyond my capacity to mock. Only disgust remains
mfw never noticed that logo graphic
It's because Japan isn't obsessed with "positive representation". They're obsessed with characters.
Because they write their females as actual characters and not feminist mouthpieces.
Compare the two. Sure, the girls Japan writes fall into the typical anime archetypes but they have been given more character than the girls in Western comics. The girls in Western comics are just puppets for the author to speak through, not given a character let alone any character archetype.
They're only obsessed with positive representation when it can be used as propaganda for how great the country/military is.
Holy hell
Honey is great.
Yep. Japan at least somewhat loves itself. Probably because everyone else is going to hell.
Have you ever been to Japan/talked to a Jap?
Just because you read their fappable cartoons doesn't mean you have understanding of their culture
Maybe in the 80s, Japan's manga game's mostly controlled by a mild counterculture. You occasionally get shit like that NSDF masturbation that is Gate, but that's not the norm.
I had talked to Japs. They have their nationalists and they have their western wannabe Westaboos that want to learn English because they believe the grass is greener here.
How wrong they are. I'd sooner learn Japanese and move there. But I wouldn't wanna impose on them or their systems. Maybe if I had a wife their or something it'd be justified.
They aren't that wrong, Japanese culture is going to pure shit.
Don't the women there are notorious gold diggers.
You won't be allowed to own a proper house there unless you married into a family there. Japanese laws are shit compared to American law but is better than European law. Discrimination is a thing, though that depends on which part of Japan you go to. The population is xenophobic but the younger generation is more open minded to foreigners as long as they behave and contribute to society as well as assimilating. Bullying in Japanese schools are more brutal than Western schools, they are passive aggressive.
Damn shame. Least they aren't Europe.
Women everywhere are gold diggers. Westerners go to East Asia thinking they would have a submissive cutie but then realize they aren't any better. East Asians would look for Western women finding out they're more or less the same.
fuck off fag.
Yet both men had a better time dating latinas.
Fug, I would make a wrestling comic with brown christmas cakes qts and it would pass the Bechdel test
Wouldnt be better for profesor x to help murica on her feelings and not being a cunt?
They also fuck their sons when the husbands are away for to long.
If only.
I think that's only in mothercon hentai.
So what's stopping you?
Yeah, I'm gonna have to ask you for some kinda source there, buddy.
That's just a weird trend among upper class corporate elite lately, it's not a really common thing. But it does bring up another problem, which is that they apply caste system values to a now economic class based society and it leads to rich people acting like fucking Victorian era nobility.
Do it. Nobody is stopping you. Be an independent amateur comic writer.
You're probably reading too much Japanese incest anime porn.
Damn it, I thought mothercon only exists in 2D.
user, I…
Happy mothers day, I guess
Holy shit, mothercon is real. That explains why there's so much hentai of it.
Where the fuck do you get this from? I've never heard of anything like this.
The 3D mothercon or the caste system stuff? Also please sage when discussing heresy.
Wish I could be a mom
I wish I was those boys with the cute moms.
The caste stuff. But if there more where came from, the incest too. And on that note, damn.
Also, heresy policy noted.
The Pacing is just awful. In the space of 3 issues, she's been to college, to WWII, to the X-men Danger room, To some other world/Dimension.
All of her enemies have been chumps so far, and there has been no real threat to her.
Nigger, 90% of Japs hate the idea of having a military. They're eternally embarassed from the shit they pulled as an imperialist nation. You're right about the country, bit though.
Why and how the fuck is it possible for you to get a boner from a kid fucking his mom.
It will have at least six issues, so that Marvel can sell it either as a bundle or a TPB.
If you are an artist, you have a pretty good shot. Marvel is already outsourcing quite a bit of their art duties to foreigners.
In my experience, it's standard "We can (and will) complain about our country, but no one else can."
Well they adapted straight from a feudalistic society to a capitalistic industrialized one so I assume that's why it happened. As for evidence, you can see it in the way they treat and discuss rich people in pretty much all of their media. They treat them like fucking royalty, and not just the old money, they're treated and expect to be treated significantly different from normal people. They've even been known to have political marriages between members of rich families who head companies, the kind they'd have between royal dynasties.
Thank you, I'll read up more myself instead of shitting up the thread with spoon-feeding.
I'd be okay with fucked up mother and son relationships as long as it's with a hot step mom.
Why can't you niggers ever have normal fetishes. Even stupid shit like feet fetishes.
Being okay with it is fine. Who cares. Getting a boner for it is dumb.
Huh, that sperg on Holla Forums wasn't wrong about there being an influx of newfags.
You must be new. Porn sites, especially hentai, generally use tags and recommendations that slowly transition you into more and more specific fetishes. Basically they desensitize you and then through something slightly weirder and more fucked up in your face until you need extremely specific crap to get off. Mothercon is entry level, it's pretty much the next step immediately after /ss/, which even normalfags are into.
If this stuff caught you off guard you are undeniably new, either lurk more or get out.
What the fucking hell…
"Oh no! I sense my friend Zu is being shot at by one of these faeries with a beam of light! I'd best gather my senses and get up! If I don't move quickly then that beam, travelling at the speed of light, might hit her! I sure hope I can get there quickly enough to jump in the path of that beam, travelling at the speed of light!
Shall I push her 6 inches to the right, moving her out the way of that beam, travelling towards her at hundreds of millions of meters every second?
No, I'll heroically sacrifice myself!
Then why are they trying to rebuild their military and do away with the whole peaceful part of their constitution?
sauce for that webm?
Because only like 15% of the population actually votes or gives a shit about what the government does, and it's all old people.
Im kinda okay with this.
Trust me, you don't.
sauce for all of them?
Just search the tags mother, incest and shotacon. Prominent artists who do such doujins are Agata and Yuuki Ray.
You seem to be underestimating the size of that genre
Fucking this!
Why didn't they call for help? They could hack a computer send a message and explain what was happening!
And this shit right here:
Why?! What the fuck do you expect to happen if not to get your ass kicked? Get a gun, make some molotov bomb, get some broomsticks at least.
Because its pure love? Nothing is greater than the love of mother and son
Jokes on you faggot, I have always been a vanillafag, but I dont like incest, but stepmother/stepsister stuff its ok with me, cousins are ok
Hue here.
Someone put a bullet to the writers head please;
Am I still on a chan?
Well said, mate.
What the fuck is any of this? How was all of this squeezed into one issue? Why does the art change when she goes into a different dimension? Why … What? Why does Buffy get mentioned? What's with the dialogue about 'she won't admit it, but it's her favorite show'? What the fuck?
Also, I knew they wouldn't make those female pee oh see truly evil. There'd have to be a catch. And… Why is America so racist that she only connected with Latin Americans, without knowing their culture or who they were, specifically because they 'looked like her'? Should she even really be considered a Latina?
…okay, I'll bite. Are you speaking from experience?
They're really dragging out this faggoty hipster sorority gag way too far. I'm starting to fear Gabby Rivera may actually think these are likable characters that people want to see on a regular basis… I mean, look at this shit. One of them is wearing a goddamned view-master on her face. Is that the joke? That they all look retarded? Or are we supposed to be enamored by their "quirky" badass-itude?
Why are they even super powered? How the hell does that work? What are their powers? Why are they always around? Who the fuck looked at this script and said "yeah, this band of sassy retards in stupid ironic clothings makes perfect sense and should be in every comic we publish! Oh and don't forget to have them say their stupid name as much as possible!"
Prolly time I guess, can't dedicate yourself to doodling when you can't eat cause you don't have a job.Not that user so I'm just assuming.
I don't know about mothercon outside of Japan. Are there any good Western ones?
Your choices are shitty 3D models made in blender, Milftoon, who make some of the work comics known to man, JABcomix, who have such a blatant disregard for plot, consistent art and anatomy that's it's funny, then a bunch of one-offs by artists that you have to search for.
Go to e-hentai and search for incest and mother tags filtered to western.
I'm a nigger and still don't have an exhentai account, so I don't know if there's much western stuff on there; I only know it has heaps of Doujins.
It shows that this writer is a latina in name only. I've never been south of the boarder, but I'm sure that the average citizen there is hospitable and eager their culture to anyone interested, not just people who look like them.
I hate how These EsJayDubyas keep trying to make it like white people don't have a fucking culture and don't want to share their experiences with people from different cultural backgrounds.
This. Leth's stories are godawful but they at least make sense as grandiose retellings of her own life, these are fucking insane
All I wanted was revenge on drones for starting man of murder posting
Never thought it would go this far
In Japan, women are still expected to be housewives, so there's something special and unique about in action girl. They are an exception that proves the rule and everyone delights in seeing them.
In America, we raise our girls to think they're badass nazi-scalpers, so ALL girls have to be "action girls." So instead of a nice surprise, it's an over-saturated cliche that glamorizes something stupid.
Obviously you can't have very good quality control if you're publishing over 840 comics a year. If you fucking reduced the number down to 25 you'd spend a lot less money, time and resources on stinkers nobody reads and could focus on core characters. If giving alternate characters and stories is so important to you, just release an anthology book.
Maka should be closer to the front of that picture, she's one of the the most grounded badass chicks in anime.
There's also a difference in conception between East and West as far as what generally constitutes an "action girl."
In Japanese media, action girls typically have a core of femininity which is not compromised by their doing action things (or if it is, then it's significant to the character, and haw she interacts with the world around her). Westerners tend to have a dumb, blunt, simplistic conception of masculinity, and then they just apply their dumb, blunt, simplistic idea of masculinity to a woman and call it a "Strong Female Character."
So basically, Japanese action girls are girls and american action girls are just shitty men?
3 fucking issues and they finally get around to saying this retarded school is in another dimension. The most basic aspects of writing and set up and no one thought until now to make that clear. Embarrassing.
I bet they only came up with that after people pointed out that you don't name a university after a living, sitting Supreme Court justice.
She is from another fucking dimension/planet of course she is not latina
Maybe because the writer its a member of the LGTBBQ community and a minority?
Exhentai has the loli/shota stuff that ehentai doesnt
What is with that stupid bint with the viewmaster on her face doing?! Is that suppose to be some kind of fighting pose?
They're trying to ape Jojo and its poses without understanding the charm of it.
I think is a yoga pose
It's like the most basic yoga pose there is, right up there with standing still and laying on the ground.
I'm a fucking slav and this is the most un-american thing i have ever seen in my 30 years career.
If this is a standard overseas then you are fucking lost!
That post on the bitch in the sotoma shirt seems very familiar.
Criticizing this comic feels completely pointless, because there's nothing to it. Its a byproduct of Marvel's over-saturation. They're publishing 70 fucking comics this month alone. 70!
There's no quality control over there. How can there be? You can't publish like 100 comics in a few weeks and focus on every single one.
I wouldn't mind if it was just this one or maybe just a couple. But if you look nowadays, almost every goddamn comic is shit. Rather than a couple which are shit, and others which are alright, it's the opposite in which a couple are ok, and the rest aren't worth the paper they're printed on.
pic related
And next to none of those books will even be in the top 50 because Disney is churning out so many Star Wars comics that people actually want to read that they end up knee-capping Marvel's "all new all different" faggot comics, which they can only sell remotely well by forcing them on children at bookfairs.
so if i lay on bed i am practicing yoga?
Because Gabby doesn't actually like super heroes. Anyone else with even the tiniest interest in the genre would use this as an opportunity to introduce their own original heroes into the main universe. Instead of setting up the potential for a spin-off series the "coolest" thing she can think of is tacky background dancers that dress like toddlers and directly reference a 20 year old movie.
The comic I posted is pretty gud, though it's more comedy centric.
off topic sage
Is America quite possibly the worst comic ever published? I mean, Nemesis was terrible, but it was so terrible it was good. It was so over the top it made no sense, but it still had some literary consistency. This is… just plain terrible, it doesn't even make sense.
Hit the nail on the head.
Incorrectly referencing that movie, no less. The line is "Leloo Dallas Multipass" but that's a drop in the industrial sized drum of dumb shit that is this series. The obviously fake fan-letters are pretty shit too. They put more effort into those last two pages than they do the whole comic..
But I think your point about wasting an incredible opportunity is really telling. This is a new Marvel comic being released at the fever-pitch of Marvel's resurgence as a cultural icon. The movies are bigger than ever. Everyone is constantly talking about them. The comics are selling like ass, but they are looking to the comics for the next animated series or TV show or netflix special or even movie plotline to pull.
Someone approaches a talentless young adult (translation: utter shit, too awful to even cut it as a normal author for adults) author and says "You get to write for our comics and you practically have total free reign!".. and what does she do? She writes the most disjointed, haphazard, tone deaf, idiot shit book since Hellcat. She could be writing a character so awesome that it gets fast-tracked into it's own series. They could introduce new characters and villains and flesh out the deep recesses of the marvel universe and work with all the famous names in the industry… And we get ANGRY LATINX LESBIAN AND HER GENDERQUEER POLYSEXUAL DANCE CREW
That's beyond shitting the bed. This is like.. Shitting in your dead mother's casket.
Gabby, like her colleague Kate Leth, doesn't care about cape. They care about themselves. They're only interested in capes because it gives them a relatively competition free audience to lavish them with attention. Working in comics allows them to get paid to be attention whores while they bore everyone with their vacuous lives and their banal opinions.
Just read their books. They're not good. They're not making any sort of statement. They're just going on and on about themselves.
I have to agree. It's not as insufferable as the Unfunnies, but America has a certain quality that feels like they cut out a piece of your soul. If I had to compare the experience reading America to anything, I'd compare it to staring into a black, endless void. Imagine a pit infinity deep and unfathomably empty. Like a hole in the universe, and pondering it makes you realize the utter futility of existence.
That is how America makes me feel. Of all the terrible comics I have read, it's the only one that has made me wish I was dead.
I really think it might be. It is somehow even worse than Hellcat or Moongirl, and that's quite a feat.
I almost want to send Rivera and her editor a letter expressing this, but a) it would fall on deaf ears and b) if it didn't, they might wise up and start using their influence in even worse ways.
Hellcat is just a really poorly executed set of boring ideas when you break it down. It's biggest fault is that it's Kate Leth writing self-insert fanfiction where she's friends with all these cool faggots and super-dykes.
Moongirl is okay artwise, and it's storytelling is at least cohesive and easy to follow (it's supposedly meant for children, but that seems like an afterthought, considering 99% of comic readers are over 20 years old) but it's biggest weakness is that Lunella is a boring, annoying character that the writers badly want everyone to love for reasons that have nothing to do with the actual stories they are telling through her.
This abomination though… America Chavez under the pen of Gabby Rivera is a bad fever dream put to print.
Is there a reason you guys read this? Nobody seems to buying this or really following this, so I don't know why we are. There are only a couple good capeshit series anyway, I don't know why whole companies are based around them.
It's cathartic in a way. Not just speculating that something is garbage, but finding out that it is below garbage. It is so unbelievably shit that you stare in awe, wondering how such a truly awful thing could reach print. Marveling at the fact that not only did two dozen people have a hand in this, but not one of them stopped to say "This is bad. We shouldn't waste the resources publishing it."
Pretty much hit the nail on the head there
Most people who aren't super into media just want to consume the good stuff. "What's a good movie to watch?", "There's a new series out on netflix that's really good.", "Check out this cartoon, it's the best!".
But I'm really into cartoon, comics, anime, movies, music, etc, and I fucking love consuming the shittiest products available just to see how bad it can get. To find out things I take for granted and should be standard actually get butchered badly by incompetent, unknowledgeable hacks. Seeing bad garbage anatomy, garbage composition, cringy and confusing dialogue, stupid camera work, convoluted stories make the good counterparts seem even better.
Laughing at how these visionaries don't even have basic skills you could find in above average online hobbyists who do it for free is really fun too.
I like consuming a lot of media and consuming bad media is just one facet of it.
It's something between masochism and schadenfreude.
this comic is more racist than Keemstar