Share your X hate here. I'll start:
Clipboard and copy-paste is garbage. If you don't know, copy in X11 is just highlighting the thing you want, and pasting is middle click where you want to paste it
this is completely retarded
Share your X hate here. I'll start:
Clipboard and copy-paste is garbage. If you don't know, copy in X11 is just highlighting the thing you want, and pasting is middle click where you want to paste it
this is completely retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
I've never had this problem.
Set browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll to false.
Problem solved.
Alternately, open a new tab before pasting the URL.
With Firefox you can do ^L and it highlights the URL, then hit Backspace to clear it. That doesn't copy it, since you didn't use the mouse. To copy it, you'd have to do ^C instead of Backspace. And then ^V in other program to paste, but not programs like xterm where instead you have to use the middle mouse or Shift-Insert.
Are you writing all this down OP? Now hold on, that's just the start. There's a lot more to this.
The clipboard stuff is shit but that's not the reason. Your issue is fixed by knowing there are 3 separate clipboards.
The big problem with it is that it doesn't just copy the content into a buffer somewhere. No, they had to make it so that a window owns a clipboard and then talks to the other application through a communication protocol. This communication can cause lag spikes when pasting.
I smell autism
Xresources is such a wonderful concept
wish UI toolkits used it
It would be if the attributes had unified names.
all browsers do this, faggot
also, this still isn't ideal, because it would be faster if you could simply click the bar and hit backspace.
Furthermore, if the URL in the bar is larger than the space provided in said bar, you would click it, and then have to arrow over to the right slowly. Or you could click and drag to the right to get there, but that would be highlighting which puts us back in the same situation.
opening a new tab could be another workaround, but that's ultimately what this all is.
They're Workarounds to a fundamental design flaw.
did you read the fucking OP?
The thread is about general autistic complaints about the X windows system, not necessarily just my particular issue with copying and pasting. Hence the opening phrase
Incorrect. Although that is indeed a handy shortcut that I didn't know about, highlighting the URL with ^L copies it, even though the mouse was not used.
also, your statement about having to ^C to copy is incorrect, because as we have established, copy-paste is select and middle click. I am aware that ^C also copies, but that appears to be a firefox thing or something, and does not relate to the clipboard I am referring to. It also does not solve the problem.
This is a bad thing and needs to die.
never experienced this. If it's true, then X clipboard is even worse than I thought.
kill you're self
It's almost as if people forget X was designed to work over a network.
It's almost as if people forgot VNC exists
That doesn't excuse it though. Storing it in a program means that when that window closes, you lose whatever you copied. There are other ways places you could store it for that not to happen.
You can use the normal copypaste, it's 2 separate clipboards.
what normal copypaste?
this is from irssi. There is only one clipboard option
Good thing it's getting replaced by Wayland.
can i run wayland over a network, ssh, multibox, etc?
they want you to run wayland + X, why the fuck would I want to do that.
Wayland is more nuLinux cancer in image of systemd and rust. fuck wayland. There's nothing wrong with X.
But wayland is pozzed right now. You lose the window management freedom that we have on X, there's no standard for server-side decoration at all. It's yet another step for the redhat takeover of GNU+Linux.
better check your privilege cis white X people.
It could be worse, how many corporations who contribute to freedesktop projects are member of the todo group?
it is worse. apparently all projects got the cancer.
I don't believe Sway is being developed by Redhat
Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing anything about Redhat developing Wayland either., GStreamer, Wayland, Mesa, are all cancer now.
I can't think of a way to not use these things anymore without dropping the GUI all together. There's no way around using these.
You're using Firefox aren't, you millennial reddit fag?
Young people use chrome.
Look, I don't agree with (((their))) politics either, but I'm not going to judge the software based on that. That would be retarded
There's lots of other things to judge it on.
Like the fucking clipboard shit.
Pale Meme. Eventually planning to switch to GNU Icecat.
I would never touch mainline Firefox with a 10-foot pole
That's like the worst possible ending. I don't want to run either Wayland or X, much less both. A simple framebuffer ought to be enough to do everything graphical I need. I'll never understand this demented fascination everyone has with making huge, bloated, inefficient, buggy software and trying to pretend it's the best thing in the world.
Not to mention if you close the program you copied a line from you lose the fucking copy.
Just tried it. It doesn't work
Just tried it. You're right.
This just keeps getting better and better
I really wish I could just ditch X altogether but there's some things I need a GUI for like web browsing, reading PDFs and such, Photoshop in Wine, and a handful of emulators. And I really don't want to do those things solely on my phone because I hate using a touch screen.
What do you mean it doesn't work, did you even highlight the fucking text?
it doesn't work.
What terminal emulator are you using and what are the preferences?
If I am running a X program off a remote machine where would it store it locally?
VNC is a PITA If I want to just run one program like an email clients it's much nicer to just to 'ssh -X' to the machine and just send that one program over. On the local machine it looks like just another window.
It is interesting the X cut-and-paste seems to Just Werk with OSX. Maybe this is all a GNU problem?
I cut and paste between firefox on OSX and claws-mail on remote BSD machines all the time.
X protocol works poorly over a slow network when using an application that's using a recent toolkit. It's a poor argument, sadly.
first time I tried it, control-shift entered a mode to enter special characters, so I set
urxvt*iso14755: false
urxvt*iso14755_52: false
and tried it again. control-shift-c just gives the standard kill command.
It doesn't work.
I wouldn't say it's a GNU problem. I haven't tested it, but i'd be willing to bet that *BSD would have the same issue on X11.
The reason why OSX just werks is because it uses the super key essentially as a second type of control key.
Did you try shift + delete? I'm getting info from here:
on a fucking laptop?
My panny tbook, Eee, and Dell all have delete keys. What kinda shit laptop do you have that doesn't have a DELETE key?
will it make any sense to port xenocara to Linux? I kind of forget why OpenBSD forked it in the first place. running without root privilege must be a good thing but beside that what kind of change in functionality did they introduce?
getting a GPD POCKET tomorrow and it has a delete key.
fucking laptop user probably means that this key is too awkardly placed to use normally on his particular laptop.
that GPD Pocket btw is a replacement for my old Zaurus, which I ran fvwm2 on, under OpenBSD, using X.
it was completely fine.
I also used X in a networked configuration on a secret squirrel platform where everyone had root and full access to each other's display
one day taught some fellow squirrels how to run 'xkill' on a friend's terminal
they went a little overboard with this knowledge...
X was fine :^)
src> cat /etc/sysctl.conf
machdep.allowaperture=0 # See xf86(4)
But frankly, you're better off without X altogether. Then you can even use non-x86 game console that doesn't have buggy CPU or Intel ME shit, but has limited RAM. Or you can get Beaglebone Black and have big RAM disk, to avoid lots of SD card writes.
BTW you won't be able to lower that variable all the way to 0 and still run X on some graphics cards. I use the non-accelerated wsfb driver instead, but again I don't like X/Wayland type shit to begin with, so no loss there.
src> cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "wsfb"
urxvt has a special kind of autism. Use ctrl+alt+C.
your retarded OP. what your complaining about is so stupid. delete your fucking thread faggot
Psst, hey kid!
Standard X forwarding is slow and barely usable. But something like X-2Go works like a charm
nah it's pretty legit. X11 doesn't need three fucking clipboards or whatever. I don't like to compliment proprietary (botnet) operating systems, but Winblows and OSX are proof that just one is perfectly fine.
what the fuck. I never had any of your problems. Ctrl +c to copy, ctrl + v to paste. Same with shift when in terminal. Clicking once on the url bar usually selects it all so you can just paste your n.a. link and it will replace it. If it doesn't select all text and instead drop the cursor in the middle of the text press ctrl a to select all.
LXDE master race.
I only have 100meg internet at home and it responds almost exactly like running off the LAN at my office. That was a valid complaint back in the dialup and adsl days but today I don't see it.
Why do autists insist on running gui applications remotely this has never made sense to me. If this is a thing people need then we really need a distributed operating system similar to that of Plan9, gui running locally processing done elsewhere.
DirectFB could save us if only it wasn't abandoned, now we are stuck with either cli, or X11 + QT4 + QT5 + GTK3 + GTK2 + Wayland + Whatever else (((they))) can possibly smear into their applications.
Alt-C Alt-V should be copy/paste that way is doesn't conflict with the classic ^C ^V of unix. Ctrl-C Ctrl-V copy/paste is a windowsism.
What a surprise.
100mbps isn't that expensive unless you're in the middle of nowhere. Even then you can't pay 1k for it since it won't be available.
Sorry I'm not buying into your new meme display server thinger.
It works slowly over fast networks two, even with two machines networked directly together using gigabit ethernet, firefox and dolphin are unusable. Somehow, remote desktop programs transfer more information and have more functionality and still somehow aren't slow as shit.
There are certain programs that are GUI-only that can't be run remotely without either X or remote desktop. X gargles dicks and remote desktop is overkill.
Charter internet is $69 month for 100/10.
Frontier is selling FiOS for $74month
ATT 1gig FTTH is $80 a month
Comcast is the biggest ISP in the USA and selling 2 gig now.
100M is kinda weak in current year+2. Do you live in a trailer park?
You realize the USA is an enormous country and that significant portions of the whitest areas only have cable or DSL don't you?
I realize that a faggot in a big city with their fiber to the home must think that buffering their 4k stream is an outrage but you have to have some perspective. Unless you watch or pirate TV all day massive bandwidth is practically irrelevant you know.
is there something safe from this fucking infection? jesus....
Apartheid linux.
this, a good part of the U.S. doesn't even have cable, your stuck with DSL, and another significant portion doesn't even have that, your on dial-up or expensive sat connections, or if your lucky 4G for $200/mo for a home connection.
It's the penalty for freedom and wide open space and not being surrounded by niggers and other undesirables in the cities.
10mbps is all you need if you're not some manchild who needs 4K everything
dude I fucking wish I had 100meg. I just got from 20 to 70 recently.
Well their idea is to take X11 out of the mix. The XWayland shit is just for compatibility while the transition takes place.
Also, changing the bindings for copy-paste might not be a bad idea.
Windows using ^C and ^V, MacOS using super+C and super+V, and GNU/Linux using Alt+C and Alt+V?
Makes sense.
Ubuntu ships with it.
Fedora ships with it.
Debian 10 will ship with it.
You sure this is still just a meme?
Apartheid uses X.
I live out in bfn western pa and have Cumcast. They are dicks but at least their internet is decent. It's at least 200. You have to be really innawoods or poorfag to still be on dsl or dialup today. The "most Americans can't get internet" is a meme the NNfags love to push because they want free government internet.
Terry can stream HD video 24/7 from the fucking desert and you can't get internet? Ya ok.
Nobody here's saying they "can't" get Internet, just that in a huge nation the size of the USA, you might not be streaming your 4k soyboy shows at 200 megabits. Most people don't care, either - the vast majority of people will never utilize their high speed internet except in small bursts a few times a week, and only if they're pirating or streaming HD video.
For those who don't realize, the US has fewer people per square km/mile than Apefrica. In Tokyo, Paris or Jew York you lay some fiber and can sell it to many people, but in places where you can drive ages without seeing a soul it'd require laying a lot of fiber to sell to one guy. China probably has the same problem in places where few antpeople live.
I have 100mbps through a cable line out in the sticks. Only problem was it didn't get here until 2012 and I had to pay $20,000 for the line to be run in. The towns next to me had cable television in the 80s and internet by 1997 or so. I'm not even that isolated either. They simply do not run it where it isn't profitable to do so. There are entire isolated communities near me that can't get anything better than ISDN.
Terry hangs around near Vegas, where they have cell antennas on highrise rooftops.
Try to get the same kind of reception when you're actually in the middle of the desert with no nearby cities, or in some areas of the Rockies that have mountains and trees all around. You might not even get any cellular reception at all in some of those places.
Wat? To copy I have to Ctrl+C the thing I highlighted.
newfag detected
Last I checked...
I see nothing wrong with this.
That's because nobody uses it LOL
your dumb