FE & Holohoax

This guy Eric Dubay is a Holocaust Denier and probably the biggest name around YT on flat Earth theory. If nothing else, he's got a shit load of followers that will be woken up about the false narrative of NatSoc Germany. What do you guys think? Do we live on a sphere or circle?


Other urls found in this thread:


Both. Space time bends, not the objects themselves.

Flat earth is a false pill don't swallow.

Well poisoning.



Overall this is good. It almost seems like theres a slow awakening of the holohoax. The more criticism of it even if its not denying is will lead to more discussion not just circle jerking about muh 6 gorillion.

But beware of flat earth. Its a very jewish pill.

Get the fuck off kike.
Also, flat earth is the same stupidity as UFO's are. It destroys your credibility on legit stuff.

and simple sage



That guy is a shill. He combines legit redpills with retarded nonsense. The latter is meant to discredit the former.

what does that picture have to do with this thread?

If this guy pushes holocaust denial and flat earth, then we must assume he is trying to discredit the holocaust denial movement by associating the two in the minds of people.

I would also take anything he says about the holohoax with a grain of salt as he probably will make up false arguments just so liberals have an easy time discrediting the theory. This is how they sunk the sandy hook theories.

Pushing flat earth is a sign of being a shill, and it is telling that many flat earthers are known shills, like Firestarter media.

I suspect OP of being a faggot for bringing up this subject.

We should vocally separate ourselves and real revisionism from his bullshit, but at the same time it's very good for us. Whenever a new retarded conspiracy pops up, we should be taking a page of the jew's playback and making sure they know who the real the enemy is.

Flat Earth is a lot like Ancient Aliens.

They are both disinfo to discourage anyone from taking legitimate questions seriously. (((They))) don't want us to question our history for obvious reasons. They want to destroy the history of our Aryan ancestors along with all of their accomplishments, their wisdom, their religious beliefs that could serve as a strategy to save humanity from global Jewry. So they associate questioning the evidence of advanced technology and ancient civilization with ayyylmaos so no one will take it seriously. It's a thought-terminating psyop. Same with flat earth.

Flat earth is disinfo to discourage anyone from taking legitimate questions seriously, and to prevent those looking into to to look past "LOL THE EARTH IS FLAT". Something is definitely going on, but that doesn't mean the earth is flat. NASA literally means "to deceive" in hebrew" for fuck's sake. Admiral Byrd, Operation High Jump, Operation Fish Bowl, the Antarctic treaty; they are all EXTREMELY fucking suspicious. (((They))) are definitely hiding something. That doesn't mean we have to assume the Earth is fucking flat though. They could simply be hiding something in Antarctica. The truth is we don't fucking know, and anyone who claims they do without proof is either an idiot or a shill trying to spread disinfo.

It's one of the biggest Kikeploy to take a reasonable theory and mention it in one breath with unreasonable bullshit to taint it. Where do you think all those alien documentaries on TV come from?

He reminds me of how David Icke worked. Icke used to appear regularly on television talk shows. He would talk very well about the Bilderberg meet ups, global goverance, pedophile networks etc.
Everything he said on these topics was reliable
and first class. In closing, the interviewer would
ask him about "your interesting theory on
the Queen of England and other prominent
figures". Then Icke would say with a straight face that the elite were alien, shapeshifting reptiles from another planet. Cue audience
Ten years ago I was in college and I tried
to get people interested in the Bilderberg
club, the menace of global goverance, or
even to read 'Foreign Affairs' the journal
of the Council on Foreign Relations that
our library subscribed too. Invariably,
when I began to mention these topics
people who say "David Icke" and
start laughing. "Space aliens, ha ha!".
I really grew to hate David Icke.

At least Icke (kind of) names the jew.

Shills and braindeads are the ones defending globe model. Any serious inquiry reveals the earth is flat.


Go fuck a nigger sinead

ge almost got banned from canada because jews were convinced that 'reptilian alien' was codeword for jew. It was like they were claiming the guilt Icke put on the reptoids for themselves. The mind of a jew in action



Even hitler knows something.



If you honestly believe this, look up map projections, globe mapping, and the mercator projection.
You will very quickly realize that all the Flat earth tards base it off the fact our maps dont make sense, which that much they have right, they dont, but they are designed to not make sense for a reason. So you can, idk, actually travel a globe and not end up in kaz fuckistan.

Flat earth is a payop to discredit "hollow earthers" which is really about an underground cavern network and an underground ocean. An ocean which was recently scientifically proven to exist, 600 miles deep, though I suspect it is far shallower than thdy are willing to admit, at least in places. Further, the Nazi regime sent people to Tibet for this reason, and into the deserts. When the kike took over china, as soon as they were able, they fucking nuked the evidence in the deserts. The same deserts that Aryan mumies were discocerdd, and hushed up about for years.

Wasn't Hitler a hollow earther?

I would say its plausible except for the fact that when they attempted to drill the deepest hole up in russia they only managed to drill 12 Km down, and at that point, their drills were breaking constantly because when they got taht deep the internal temp of the earth and pressure caused the rock to act more like plastic then actual rock.

That said, i think its highly possible there are underground tunnels, caverns and what have you, but to the extent that hollow earths suggest, no.



No but seriously if you even think of it as possible that the earth is flat please kill yourself


We must find Agartha.

I don't remember saying flat earth. Who are you talking to?


Did you follow the YT link in the OP and hear what he was saying about the Holohoax? Seemed pretty spot on :/ idk maybe not? I was pretty impressed.


So, let's say I told you exactly where to look, gave gps and everything, what would my fellow anons do about it?


I watched a couple of videos of this Eric Dubay guy. And his stuff looks legit. It fits perfectly with the materialistic world view of (((them))). Furthermore he is calling out a lot of flat earther who are controlled opposition.

All of the major scientists who shaped our worldview on space were either masons or (((scientists))).

So you're saying they don't fake their images? Is that what you're saying?

Truth is truth, faggot

That's why nobody will ever debate him on the subject. Keep following your black science man priest goy.

Based trips

How will flat earthers ever recover from Antarctic midnight sun.

We live on a plane and i am sick of these motherfucking ball earthers on this motherfucking plane!

Oh look a brand new edit put up YESTERDAY! How convenient. What happened to the last one with the watch where you could see the second hand stopping before the sun came up again?

Get the fuck out and stay out.

Holla Forums will never ascend until it takes the flat earth pill. next level memetics are on the horizon but wont be realized.

You are literally able to go out tomorrow, buy a weather balloon, go pro and gps tracker and find out for yourself.

THIS. Only thing keeping this place greenpilled is anons who genuinely fear their mongolian origami website might be "discredited" in the general public's eyes.

What's your point? You still haven't found a problem with this. It's an original video. It has nothing to do with the fiveredpears video from last year which was probably a fraud.

Assuming it's not edited how does anyone know that's Antarctica? Looks like an oil base of some kind and those aren't allowed (along with exploration, flight paths etc) in Antarctica.

Can you at least pretend to try? The exact geolocation is in the description.

Agreed, its in the same vein as "reptilians" and other shit like that. I mean everything from "hollow earth" to "flat earth" to reptilians and ancient ayyys to whatever else (hell part of me thinks the entire "end times" prophecy stuff that was so big in churches in the 90s was a psyop to push people away from the church). Theres no conclusive proof, and even IF any of it were true, it would require a complete re-do on the laws of physics and our history as we know them just to make them possible.

But more to the point, "normies" cannot entertain or discuss an idea w/o on some level accepting it as possibly true, and they WONT do that with many of these various theories. At best they set about to immediately disprove it and write it and the people pushing it off as crazy, and they'll use whatever go-to factoid or "problem with the theory" they can instantly come up with. Its a sort of basic defense mechanism, and its VERY deeply ingrained in humanity. Whatever the "norm" is at the time, people will do anything to prove its right and stoop to any level to disprove and discredit those that dont follow the dogma.

And by associating any realistic or reasonable idea with those fringe ideas, you discredit both, and anyone who takes seriously either of them. Thus, all this flat earth shit and anything like it, is done by either morons, or disinfo/discredit shills.

It's a form of pic related

Saging because this topic doesnt deserve any more bumps, especially not for fringe theory discussion

But lets say the earth is flat. What does actually do for any of us? How does it effect anything about our time, past present or future? Sure it might make us re-consider not only our place in the universe, but how the very laws of physics work. But even if the "sphere" theory is wrong and disinfo, how does that change our ability to use memes, or the situations with the mudraces and (((globalists))) destroying our nations, and so on and so forth?

Even if you're into the esoteric spiritualism side of things, how does it change THAT either? Maybe you believe in Odin, or Yahweh, or maybe you have some more personal lesser deity you expect to see when you die and go to their halls.. or maybe you believe in astral projection and other planes of existence which can only be viewed through the unconscious mind, or whatever else. How does the shape of our planet CHANGE any of that or hinder it in any way?

I fail to see what the earth being flat and all of us knowing it, would possibly change about anything. The very BEST it could hope to achieve is throwing a wrench in jewish science and all its descendants that probably already misunderstand our universe and physics in general and so they come up with any halfbaked theory to fill the holes left by general relativity and other such things. But would it even discredit the people who pushed it all? They could simply claim ignorance, that they themselves didnt know this truth either and were simply trying to understand what they COULD see.

Then it's an edit. Unless you seriously want to argue that the first, definitive proof of antartcic midnight sun after years of fakes just came out yesterday and has less than 100 views.

Did you realize that every video starts at zero? I just uploaded it after I acquired it. I know a guy from the Air Force that is down at McMurdo right now.



Kill yourself.

You're a shill faggot. The building obviously matches up with the geolocation.

Okay then, flatfag, can you explain…


Notice how it says Mcmurdo is on the south pole now look at the map on the website. Far from the globular south pole and on the AE/FE map it's just a jut from a 200ft wall of ice. Your friend is a literal gatekeeper.

Totally not obvious you filthy kike.

Still doesn't make sense. If FE model was right, the amount of daylight this time of year would be about 6 hours. Still no explanation for a time-lapse video over five days at -77.89 S. Close enough to the south pole. You can view the midnight sun at the north pole as far south as 66 degrees north.

So sage the fucking thread.


Daily reminder to sage and report firestarter shill threads.

le perfect sphere is also a false pill

Daily reminder firestarter is used to derail any thread not just FE.

If the earth was flat, then why don't ships fall off the corners?

Not even listening to what he's saying and he still sounds crazy.

Antarctica is a meniscus the oceans are in the middle of.

And that's when I realized I was in a slide thread.

Anyone listening to any of this bullshit see

There is a difference between "redpill" and "conspiracy theory", and shit like flat earth falls into conspiracy theory.

Good video.

There is a video somewhere on youtube where a guy proves that the earth is flat. But I can't find this fucking video… If someone watched it in the past too, please post it.

This guy was doing hiking trips with his wife as a hobby. So after hearing about FE he studied maps for days and found three mountains in a line (approximately the same height) where if you look from the first mountain you can see the second but because of the curvature of the earth you shouldn't see the third. He researched that he choose indeed the right mountains and took the official heights from a couple of different sources. He then undertook several trips to find the spot on mountain 1, climbed a tree and sawed a branch of to make a couple of photos and a video. And indeed, he could see the tip of the third mountain, which should be impossible, especially because the heights of the mountains were officially researched in a couple of sources.

Everyone who wishes can replicate this experiment. If enough people do this, then we'll have empirical evidence from different people in different places around the world (don't dox yourself). Cold hard numbers.

The ball earth theory falls into the conspiracy theory category. The flat earth is undeniable truth.

I can prove it to you in one sentence: The horizon is a straight line, which is impossible on a ball or concave earth.

Don't try to associate Holocaust denial with flat earth bullshit. This is a classic jew tactic to try to stigmatize all questioning of the Holocaust narrative (which is built on such a flimsy story that it falls apart with the slightest investigation) by associating it with absurd conspiracy theories – such as the earth being fucking flat – and then normalfags refuse to look into the Holocaust truth because they think questioning it is as silly as questioning if the earth is round.

Perfectly spherical earth is just an approximation used because it works for everything but space exploration.

Also, for you flatfags out there, I live in Alaska, and currently the sun crawls over the horizon at about 10:00 AM then promptly fucks off by 5:00 PM, while in summer it's already up at 7:00 AM and doesn't leave until 10:00 PM.
Explain this bullshit.

Talk about classic jew tactics. The holohoax was faked from top to bottom, the only people who are in denial are the jews and their puppets, who run from the truth like a nigger from his pregnant wife.

FTFY, shill



any nigger with a bunch of voat accounts?

saw this shit and I gave it mine.
http s://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1495129

There are hundreds if not thousands of good FE vids. Dubay is best when it comes to citations and economy of words but if you're just starting out and don't know about either model I'd recommend this one. Mark sargent's Clues series is good for newfags too.

Line of sight is cool and all, but how do you explain seasonal differences in length of daylight?
Round earth has a fairly tight explanation in axial tilt, but applying that principle to a flat earth would produce one standard change in daylight, as opposed to different latitudes receiving different amounts of daylight like we can observe.

I think he's just a hippie living in Thailand, not a shill. I actually was first red pilled thanks to an article I read on his website called Jew World Order almost 4 years ago. It all clicked there, and I moved away from his site to greener pastures.