Police officer shot during standoff in Mount Vernon, hostages believed to be inside home

My money is it being a nigger.

Mount Vernon Police officers responded to a domestic disturbance where a man was shot around 5:30 p.m. Thursday night, near Laventure Road and Fir Street, according to the State Patrol.

komo news.com/news/local/police-officer-shot-during-standoff-in-mount-vernon



some user has this stream mebbe?

The second American civil war is about to start. This shit is irrelevant.

I can't find it, it might be on goybook live or something.
He can't keep getting away with it!

dubble dubs checked and keked.

bump for interest.

No, it's not. Shill harder


The edgemaster is here folks.

So it grazed him?

the jew-hypocrite understudy is here folks


Because the only people who hate cops are niggers themselves and edgy underaged teens like yourself.

cops are pieces of shit, and if you don't know that then you're a fucking faggot. most cops, if you sit down with them in private, will even tell you that. these are fuckers who barely got through HS with a gun and a powertrip, who routinely break the law.

stop thinking in either/or terms you halfwit. the only people that think like that are cops and niggers – which is why they both should die and you as well – kys

You sound like a nofunz faggot who would call the cops the second a nigger looked at you.

You got told off for skateboarding in the mall, didn't you?

I've trained cops, one of the reasons I agree with
Grow the fuck up faggots. Rare ones are ok, but cops aren't your friends. They like their boots licked because they are bootlickers themselves.


and? most of them arent niggers, and most of them arent that corrupt. You sound like a lolberg complaining that cops let each other off without a ticket but always make you get out of the car for a search + ticket for sperging out.

Meanwhile all you have to do is be nice to them and appeal to their ego and they will treat you the same way.

Niggers on the other hand are all scum of the earth

I'm not talking about them not being fair. The vast majority are outright corrupt, they do as they are told and steal from people for a living, they won't be there to protect you if you are the type who needs it, they aren't interested in actually stopping criminals, and they will kill you because they are morons. While they are the only people you can't defend yourself against. The only time they are useful is if you got attacked by a nigger, they will probably side with the white guy. They may start actually interested in doing the right thing, but are prevented from doing so. Bad apples spoil the barrel.

Was your father weak or nonexistent?