Kurt Eichenwald (guest on Tucker Carlson's show) just got sent a gif that caused him to have a seizure.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't get it, someone's wife had the seizure, shitty OP.
This was the guest on Tucker Carlson's show tonight. He got destroyed by Tucker, then Kurt got on twitter and ranted about Tuck until this happened (and Kurt consequently stopped tweeting)
I think he is just joking
The mods deleted the thread earlier, this was a great event, he went on Carlson for libeling Trump, probably commited a Tort while he was on, acted completley spastic and Tucker was laughing in his face saying he was mental.
Then had a meltdown on Twitter, then had to delete the libel tweet, then got a seizure from a gif and his wife said she was calling the police on a user called Jew Goldstein. Fucking Great end to the day.
Yeah it was fucking amazing. I absolutely love how retarded he was on Fox. He acted like a mentally handicapped degenerate
The guy is in meltdown mode, he is not capable of joking at the moment, he is probably just being a genuine kike trying to get sympathy for one of the worst days in his career since he was caught with child porn.
He was the guy who originally started the Russian bullshit.
Wait he originally started it?? Are you serious?
It's Kurt Eichenwald, he is one of the worst anti Trump kikes around.
Actually fuck it was the tax bullshit and then the bullshit Castro article but still applies.
What the fuck happened to men not being cry cry little skirt babies?
He literally has epilepsy, it probably isn't a joke. I'm still laughing. He might be the first casualty of the meme war(?)
His wife did the right thing and responded to the mean tweet before helping her husband. First aid 101 right there.
He's trending now, if he was capable of feeling shame he'd probably jump off a bridge, but that is an ethnic impossibility.
Perfect, if true.
Are we sure he actually had a seizure and wasn't just impotently trying to scare somebody who probably made that sock account from a vpn and a payphone?
Are we sure he actually had a seizure and wasn't just impotently trying to scare a guy who made that sock account with a vpn and a payphone?
Fuck, I need to go sterilize myself.
Lol I couldn't stop laughing with disbelief. He needs to go back to jew school, I don't think he's doing it right. Are we literally breaking their sanity?
link to the assravaging?
Wouldn't want the thread to get deleted by an autist mod,
What even is illegal about funposting on twitter in the USA?
Twitter autoplays tweets? What a stupid website. Or did the dumbass click it?
It autoplays if you scroll to them.
Sounds on videos are muted though.
http s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs1LABi5eCA
He literally goes full retard it's fucking hilarious. Possibly the funniest Tucker vid I've seen yet!
Pretty common for jews to have disorders like this. A very dysgenic people, on account of being an anti-race ever since diaspora, traveling the old world breeding with the dregs and outcasts of every society they encountered.
wew haven't seen this in a while
back when Holla Forums was uncucked they went to an epileptic support forum and used stuff like this as their signatures. Its one of the things that started moralfagging
lol some hipster cuck from buzzfeed is tweeting about this thread
Well you should mask your IP to make and use socks regardless, easier to dodge bans that way, but I'm pretty sure there's precedent in court that triggering medical conditions is illegal. Assault?
pick one cunt
Holy shit, my sides are devastated.
crying in pain as they strike
Potato quality with audio, done with youtube-dl. Maybe somebody can do it better with ffmpeg properly.
SOS Save Our Sides
For general education purposes:
This gets you a list of formats, by number. use that number like this:
to combine two streams into one.
So I did this:
>youtube-dl -f 278+250 'youtube.com
embed related
Talk shit get hit… with a gif?
Brandon Wall
I disavow Jew Goldberg and the 25cm gif he shoved up Kikenwalds ass
I remember that. It was quite a kerfluffle!
Just going to assume hes a coal burner
this is buzzfeed personified
Hey Brandon, we aren't "Alt-Right Nazis", we're just Nazis.
Nice of him to blow his cover for such a stupid reason.
I'm laughing my fucking ass off; make thread and it gets picked up by fucking BuzzFeed, the most cancerous of all shitty sites
Both Benito and Hitler were right buzzfeed.
You must be literally shaking right now.
In all of human history has anybody ever spoken a Jewier sentence? You hear it all the time too, and anytime you do you can be sure it's followed by a good 10 minutes of the interviewer saying "Please answer the actual question" and them dodging.
Watch webm related of buzzfeed faggots producing industrial cringe.
1 in 373, fuck
Even better
The Great Blinking Holocaust when?
well i know how im spending 2017
Oy vey goyim i'm reporting you to the ADL and the SPLC and the NAACP and the poopee peepee double pee
and user just planned a tiny shoah, all possible from behind a computer. What a day it has been.
We can thank their fathers for not walking a mile after shitting according to the Talmud, Gitten 70a.
And if he just kills one kike his will be more of a success than Hitler's non-existent one.
Hello Buzzfeed!! Hope you have a Merry Christmas.
I find it funny there's a Buzzfeed cuck faggot lurking right now and signalling to all his other cuck faggot friends like that will mean anything
Lol this is Trump's America now, get used to it goyim
Its the slime the slips right through your fingers.
Its the duck, dodge bullshit that makes you understand why they get kicked out of countries or machine gunned into pits.
TBQH Eichenwald belongs in a mental institution.
They also get triggered by waifus
Top fucking yid.
I don't know that I've ever seen a more Jewish argument; it's right out of Mein Kampf.
Award presented by a wife murderer disgusting
Like this?
The goyim can't keep getting away with this!
checked and keked
You forgot to put a period at the end of your edit, jackass. kek'd anyhow
of course they do
the jew hates beauty remember
This is true
Chicago guidelines state that you don't put a period at the end of a sentence if the sentence ends with a trademark that doesn't have a period.
Dubs confirm he's in a coma and about to have life support removed by his shekel farming jewess.
Can someone post all the tweets and the deleted one of this guy losing his shit? I missed the first thread.
Epileptic seizures really can be lethal I think. Pretty sure this is actually possible.
Pictures like these work too.
(Checked and corroborated)
Maybe if his wife was there with him she saved him. Not really sure, anybody know more about seizures?
Kek has blessed your checking.
only if you swallow your tongue or choke on your own vomit or something similar
too bad he wasnt driving to his local synagogue, checked his phone, went full spastic and put his hummer through the front door of jew school
We did it lads, we finally memed someone to death
let this shoah be real
isnt really a whole lot you can do for someone having a seziure, other than help them get on the ground and move shit out of their way, so maybe.
I was gonna argue this, but it is stupid enough to be true. Citations are the work of the Jew. Good job.
A good reason to use your cellphone when driving! Twitter addiction kills, RIP in pieces Kurt.
Nah, I made that up. Sounded good though.
tucker strikes again!
The pixels around the pizza are partially encrypted cp do not save.
His profile picture is literally fake news. It's obvious he's delusional. I think he needs a Kanye style mental evaluation….
what? hows that work?
i seriously hope you havent saved any of the pictures ITT.
Well, he is a chubby bastard.
The tweet that killed a man tomorrows headline
what kind of a faggot gets mad about that
What does metadata have to do with pixels? Pixels don't sound like metadata.
this one this is the tweet. the last one was this thread.
I'm saving your moly
am saving them all cuz i dont believe yew..
Nice bait
Of course he didn't die. Nor did he have a seizure. Do you really think his wife would hop on his twitter and respond about a tweet giving him a seizure instead of just taking care of him or going to the hospital?
The asshole just wants to leverage it as a story and get attention. Any angle to be a victim is a good angle for people like this guy.
Moly is a nut. Were the political situation any different, he's he kind of guy I wouldn't want anything to do with. People with intense parent issues should typically be avoided.
Official statement to any kikes reading this thread: we know Eichenwald claims to be an Episcopalian, but
1. We don't believe him.
2. Even if he is a gentile, he's a shabbos goy traitor.
im gonna take this as a win tho :3
(((They))) once wrote a hit piece on the German Asuka Langley Soryu and the antisemitic themes in Evangelion.
Checking. It's getting comfy in here.
Moly is a nut. Were the political situation any different, he's he kind of guy I wouldnt want anything to do with. People with intense parent issues should typically be avoided.
I feel like strangling this kike with my bare hands. Why are Jews such nasty debaters?
Also, why is this kike pretending the CIA isn't one of the most criminal organizations in recent history?
Oh shit, satan confirms it.
They hate being reminded German wafiu best wafiu.
protip: he says he's "Episcopalian," normal people call themselves Episcopal
Also, Eichenwald and his wife are both Jews.
hey may actually be kill
So when we say gas the kikes we were actually meming Epilepsy the Kikes?
kek works in mysterious ways
I get seizures from time to time. Those gifs absolutely do not cause them (for me at least). My condition is fairly under control so I'm allowed to drive. I'm thinking that for his own safety, he should not be able to drive and that he should be committed for a psychiatric evaluation.
Heil Kek
Some epilepsy-induced gore for the buzzfeed faggots.
because the CIA's interests are the same as the kikes obviously
On the basis of that interview alone, if for nothing else. I wish he was more openly/obviously jewish. Would have been a great redpill right out there on fox news
*cuck the tuck
i fucked up. kill me.
Can someone link to the video of Carson wrecking this dude verbally before we killed him?
Haha funny
If he really is faking it, getting counter-memed as dead is a pretty cunning counterbants. It forces him to come out and say he's still alive, making himself look like a flagrant drama queen.
it's ok user. It was good.
Random idea. Should we spam the seizure hashtag on twitter and tumblr with seizure gifs?
This yid is a completely unhinged lolcow. You could fuck with this idiot for decades & still get stupid, histrionic reactions.
KEK is here
In this thread
How could he be more???
He's with us, lads.
fuck off you d&c shill. reported for offtopic faggotry
Made a high quality webm.
not in a thread that has nothing to do with your crusade. go be cancer on halfchan.
We censor all sorts, rightly so, but yeah banning people for posting Dicky's documentary in the Atlantic is insane and someone should be told to fuck off for it.
Listen buddy, I don't like it either but we have no power to change the mods and all the "alternative" sites are pathetic. If you've got a productive suggestion then say it, don't cocktease. Otherwise shut the fuck up and quit spamming other threads.
My sides have seized.
filtered for cancer
I recently discovered that I'm 0.01% jewish. This was completely unknown to our family, and after extensive research it was discovered that the gene came from some long distant (1500's) relative who was expelled from Spain during the inquisition. I can now say that I have a personal connection to the inquisiton, and I have no choice but to grateful that it occurred, because otherwise I would not exist.
>what is >>>/polmeta/
A suggestion from a few days ago is that we move our lit threads to >>>/pdfs/
E-celeb policy is retarded, and we are getting shilled by people who take advantage of it by causing gay drama. For example, that Shoeonehead thread, single line op, delete on sight. A content thread on a WN, leave up and don't ban the OP lel, that is the most worrying shit I've seen on here.
Our jewdar is finely tuned though, your perspective is skewed. The average normie doesn't notice a jew unless he wears coke-bottle glasses and his nose opens doors for him.
That's the point bitch.
I don't know man, he looks like a hollywood stereotype to me.
lol wtf
Is there anything more hilarious than trolling Jews on Twitter?
Well if this isn't a copy-pasted shill post, I don't know what is. Poor attempt, click on some gifs ITT
HOLY SHIT who's Will?
Any more backstory to this?
A buffalo? Make him an elephant! Longer nose.
Fucking hell, it's true. This kike, Eichenwald, is a literal "MUH RUSSIA" nutt.
Maybe somebody should just make a moly or youtube-celeb board. This is Holla Forums man, as long as it isn't CM fucking with us, we don't have to abandon all hope just because some board mods aren't going our way.
Forgot to break the link.
Here's some more backstory:
https: //www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2016/10/did-newsweeks-kurt-eichenwald-use-threats-and-brib.html
Shoah from across the network.
Right wing gif squads!
Would it be possible to redesign out sites so that there's a constantly flashing background? It would be irritating, but it'd be risky for the kikes to come here.
I'll take "phrase I'd never think would make me smile" for 6 million, Alex.
Devilish idea.
Hi buzzfeed, let me tell you about the top 1488 reasons the jews need to be wiped out.
Or, and this is a fucking no brainer, the mods take some vitamin D for their autism, and allow content such as Tucker Carlson eviscerating a kike and one of the worst enemies of Trump, instead of deleting it and watching it go viral then 7 hours later having a flood of threads.
Election Molly threads should have been allowed also, not just any Molly threads now, and Dicky Spencer Atlantic documentary or MSM interviews being deleted and banning OP's is work of compromised mods, or retards.
Lol, I remember that kike getting BTFO by Sam Hyde.
It should be random so they'll never know when it activates, something that the mods and/or BOs can utilized as a secret weapon when obvious kikery is afoot.
Why is there always a child porn / sex connection with these people?
Check out this tweet thread:
A. Wyatt Mann also fucked his shit up
I just felt compelled to post that for some reason. It's the truth. I'd not have even come close to approaching the % levels for gassing in germany, and if CRISPr tech will be good enough by the time I have kids to remove it. It's just funny to me that I have a personal connection to the Inquisition. I guess you could say I never expected that.
He deleted a bunch of his tweets.
Ramblings from the asylum.
jews like to rape three year old goys in case you didnt know
there is nothing worse than a man "tl;dr"ing on twitter
let me tell you about the Jews…
I hope you archived them.
Fucking hell, I hope this degenerate drops dead.
I got them from twitter.com
this picture pretty much sums up that interview
Full screenshot of tweet thread.
Because these (((journalists))) are one of the gatekeepers to pizza. No run-of-the-mill goy will be allowed to enjoy the fruits of the chosen. The only goyim allowed to enjoy their pizza are the blackmailed ones.
That's mildly amusing and all but I'm guessing your talking about 23andme. Giving your DNA to google? Really? Furthermore, they say everybody white is 1% jewish, it's a bullshit number. You could be zero percent jewish and they'll say it's in the margin of error, then round that up 1%.
He's the only Fox host I've watched in years, bar the odd Hannity for the Trump link, him laughing in the gibbering messes face calling him mental was tv gold.
When I did a 23andme test, I didn't give me ANY percent Jewish.
Kikenwald confirmed for Hillary speech ghostwriter.
bretty gud webm you've got there.
Are you Asian or something? I've never heard of it giving Europeans 0% jew.
t. The real Ari Goldstein
are jews more likely to be epileptic or something?
Have you read what rights to your DNA you wave by paying for the service? I'm curious to what they are.
Here are the full images of this tweet which you have to click on to be able to read.
This blatant kvetching and lieing through his fucking teeth, his accusations, distractions, delays, all of it. It makes me as sick as some bad gore videos. It makes me sick in my soul. I am ashamed to share a planet with this thing let alone a 'family', 'genus', and 'species'. I finally understand what hitler wrote on debating jews on an intrinsic level but I do not know why he did not feel the need to vaporize these things.
Send the man some scoops—
Oh, right. He paid to watch some guy's child pornography collection. He gets really asshurt when you ask him about it on Twitter.
I know they collect statistical information but I wonder if they hold the right to keep the DNA after it's analyzed.
100% european. Jewish wasn't even listed in my results.
Oh, look. They banned me and deleted all my posts.
Textbook jewish schizophrenia.
Meant for
this is a very dank article
I have a message from the CIA:
You're a big guy
Current fucking year. Where did everything go so great?
The number of jews we will kill via .gif
Forget ovens, what we have is much more efficient. Every time you run across one of (((them))), don't forget to send a pretty picture.
For who?
Why would war-machine germany waste coal or fuel burning jews?
Is there any leftist in the media who hasn't lost their mind since Trump won the election?
we should create an anti-jew twitter army and share .gifs. can call each account them something similiar, like RWGS_username
I don't think they're mandated to destroy it, but by practice they do, supposedly. I've made a few doctors, even while overseas, draft and sign contracts ordering the destruction of whatever genetic sample they obtained from me after the purpose of it's removal etcetera was completed. Have never sent a sample of my DNA to a lab I wasn't physically present at, though. But I'd be weary, especially if you doing anything fertility related.
Holy shit, he's completely deranged. How did the left get whipped up into such a genocidal rage at Russians? How did it get this far?
it was a "christmas present" that the family did to tie in to my aunt's genealogical research. I was younger, and we were good goys.
this is a great idea
faggots here with epilepsy better install web developer beforehand
I love it when professional sophists are backed into a corner they can't escape from.
what the fuck
Blockhead Joe! I wonder what he has to say about all this.
It's an unlikely scenario. They've all collectively lost their minds, but that was always a likely outcome for the mentally ill.
Is he implying that Donald J. Trump has transcended beyond matter and is now a phase shifting entity that can both be and not be in a location at the same time?
He was a slav, not mexican.
This is how we rule.
Who sounds like a drunken mexican.
Hebrew down, we've got a Hebrew down.
You could teabag their Red Sea pedestrian killer of Jesus nose and take a selfie.
And a little something called the periodic table of elements.
They're a victim of their own creation. They've been pushing it so hard in the media that after a while they actually believe what they're saying. This is the real danger of the left (((echo chambers))). It's like a nuclear reaction where the chain gets exponentially larger as time progresses.
These people claiming Russia is practically worse then ISIS have absolutely nothing to back it up. Who, what, when, where, and why did they hack? They can't answer any of it. All they know is that they must have helped Trump win somehow because that's the only way he could've won so they're the devil.
I don't remember the whole media in an uproar for weeks when Donna Brazile from CNN got caught giving the questions to Hilary before the debate. Oh that's right, secretly giving debate questions in advance to a candidate isn't interfering with the election. But posting clickbait headlines on facebook is.
programmer user?
Absolute madman.
seizures can go on for a long enough time that people just die
Why are they always so cocky yet complain about the right when they are too?
Wise words. Good post.
http s://twitter dot com/jew_goldstein/status/809619499095851008
Guilty as charged I'm afraid.
Because jews HATE the goyim, and they have to tear apart and destroy anything and everything that isn't jewish. The more pure and innocent the better. And nothing is more innocent to peoplewhites than a child. So when a jew defiles that which what we hold most precious is the greatest thrill and the goal of every jew at every level. Even polluting their minds with common core, promoting all those LGBT mental disorders as normal and healthy provides the jew with enjoyment.
Did you notice that his happens every time they lose an election? How much fucking time and money did they waste fighting Bush?
Good stuff, here's some with the link on it for sharing on twatter/fagbook also the archive didn't take all the pictures, not sure if normalfags care about such things.
This is exactly what Hitler was referring to in his quote.
Too a tee. It's almost uncanny how right Hitler was.
So in the 16 minutes in between his wife helped him, called the amberlamps, found the trigger tweet, and called the police.
Trips confirm
Then again I never got the impression that Hitler was much of a joker. Even before I was redpilled and despite all the "ebil Hitler" the world shits down everyone's throat, I had always felt that Hitler would have been the sort of person to be brutally honest. That's probably the only thing that bluepilled me would have agreed with the current me about Hitler.
Wary, you dingus.
there are a lot of people who don't deserve seizures on twitter
do it
God will sort them out user.
but autocracy and pogroms in Russia was his people's forte
You got it the other way around, it was done at the start of chanology when every cause imaginable was pitched as the next crusade Anonymous must take up. Scientology had been pissing off netizens for over a decade by that point and it made sense that the first chaotic collective internet protest of this type would fight it in the manner it did.
They were trying to sully the name to prevent Anonymous from turning into what it is now. They obviously didn't do enough.
2016 is best year
You cease being a journalist with you cry like a faggot on social media.
Who's the semen demon in front of him?
A bridge troll
Virtual X86 in Javascript. You can loadin your own binaries.
We are the newsmakers now, the parasitic "journalists" just fly over this place like vultures and take whatever scraps they can back to their dying audiences.
That's pretty damn slick.
holy shit he can't be honest at all. wtf is this shit?
"this is performance art" kek'd
The guy is literally having a mental breakdown on television
dem some memories
It's useful for testing.
I found this too
Jesus Christ I should have known that was Jebby from the first picture.
Also I nominate this thread as the best on Holla Forums right now. Holla Forums may have killed a jew and didn't even need an oven. Hitler would be proud.
Lel, imagine the faces of anonfags these days if they knew this is what user was actually about
Think if you are in the libshit universe and you have to believe everything this guy says or else Trump wins. Their minds must be so fucked by now.
does the gril lurk Holla Forums?
those are some fresh dubadub
FUCK YOU IMKamphy for chasing all the smart anons away
Nice one user
WTF does that mean you fucking retard?
WTF does that mean you fucking retard?
Stop spazzing out. Here's a summary.
An ABSOLUTE MADMAN sent Butthurt Eichenwald (known patron of child pornography) a pretty and glittery animated GIF via twitter, and his not-fake wife hopped on the microphone rapping about how that image made his malformed brain melt down. Apparently (((they))) have an inbred defect that causes freakouts when missiles are launched at Porygon, or when Autobots and Decepticons battle over a pond full of liquid invulnerability-metal. Some are offering dubs unto Kek, with the hopes that a man whose money has no doubt gone to steal the innocence from more children, is taken from this earth and used as a blood sacrifice to the creepy god Moloch, which sounds like a joke from MST3K.
Read the thread you fucking dumbass
cuckchan got flooded with shills, still regularly shilled
then it got filled with 'new right' cucks, nigs, poz and jews
cuckchan people just never bothered to migrate back because of that
==crypto-cuckchanners== and newfags
and i just proved i'm one'o'em
Do you really not know who Eichenwald is? One of our eternal enemies man come on.
Jesus christ, lol. I guess I earned that crypto-code. Is he really pro-Pedo?
Somebody sent this kike a basilisk image. We cyberwar now.
More faggot nerd talk I cant translate after being on Holla Forums for 3 years
you should check out /r/the_donald bro. They're chad nationalists all
Read this article:
MGTOW talk is fucking lame too.
nigger what the fuck is wrong with you? read the fucking thread.
Tuck needs to just start assaulting these people for talking over him
So it's kind of like The Ring of mental seizures?
Do it!
FYI: this is Eichenwald RPing as his wife, and also RPing that he has some seizure disorder. He played this trick some months ago again where he wrote an entire fucking article about it.
He's going all out.
Newfag detected.
Don't forget the Japanese watermelon man.
ok I stared at it…. If I go insane I'll post to Holla Forums endchand
oh he's definitely lying about the seizure. it's all just an excuse to write some whiny kike article about muh evil trump supporters
Putting my normie glasses on for a moment, I don't see a slam dunk on Eichenwald. I think Carlson could have given him more rope to hang himself with.
But continuously grabbing his gay binder with Tucker Carlson quotes reminds me of that loser kid in high school that's always pulling weird stunts and trying too hard. I don't know how to describe it exactly. Like you told him he didn't have any friends so he wrote out a long list of his friends and showed it to you to prove you wrong.
reading comprehension is the key.
Someone needs to put this guy out of his misery.
not that I don't think he is a slimy kike, there is nothing inherently wrong with paying your sources. they put themselves at great risk. even assange says it isn't unethical, although they don't do it.
This is physically painful to watch.
and what are you great contributions?
This. Hope you're enjoying this thread buzzfeed. Tick tock, tick tock…soon you'll be joining your buddy Eichenwald in Buchenwald.
The fuck am I reading?
A science fiction short story that takes the form of an FAQ page.
Holy shit. Going to Home Depot brb
It's difficult to get the humor in Mein Kampf across in a translation (not kidding btw).
What the fuck is he talking about?
The Jew actually did pretty well on Tucker's show. He stood strong and always acted like he held the high ground; at worst it was a draw. That's damn good for an appearance on someone else's show when that someone else is clearly hostile to you. He put on the face of an exasperated teacher dealing with a promising but childish student, and never let Tuck rattle him. Annoying and supercilious, yes, but it worked.
I'd like to agree that Tuck btfo of him, but that's not what I saw. Watch the video and decide for yourselves.
He was equating it to being a loaded question by comparing it to a well known example.
Horseshit. Even a normalshit could figure out that this Yid was dodging the question, because he's full of shit. Taking amphetamines != being in a mental institution. I like to eat pizza in New York, so that must mean I'm a pedophile? Typical Kike, they won't actuall answer the question, does dance around it until they can spin it to look good. This particular Yid isn't very good at it; long, drawn out stories are easy to rip to shreds. The reason why it looks like the Kike won is because Carlson never goes for the throat like Buchanan or O'Reiley would. Give him time, I like Tucker and I like Hannity too.
I see, thank you. This must be typical Kike behavior or something. Tucker makes a claim that it appears as if Eichenwald is shifting towards a partisan outlook, which is certainly true. Instead of answering, this Yid calls it out as a "loaded question."
Clearly, but he stayed calm and composed. Tucker started getting visibly frustrated, laughing nervously, interrupting, wildly changing his tone of voice, etc. He at very least held his own in hostile territory.
it was a pretty loaded question tbh but i found it funny
To me he looked like an asshole. "Life doesn't have simple questions, Tucker." You don't need 45 goddamn minutes to answer a supposedly verifiable question. Was Trump in a mental hospital in 1992, yes or no? This doesn't need explanation. Organic chemistry mechanisms need explanation, yes/no questions do not. I'm not sure what normalfaggots see when they watch, but he looked like a whiny Kike. I honestly wanted to call him a fucking kike piece of shit, if I was tucker.
He went "You're not letting me answer your question!" for almost 10 minutes straight, when he wasn't desperately trying to convince the audience with "No one is buying this Tucker, everyone can see what's happening". He was a mess, even a toddler would be able to see that he's not telling the truth.
I wish it was a real seizure and not a ((seizure)). Would have been nice to score a kill.
Yeah, but it worked. The Jew asks himself a question (why did you make that tweet?). Watch carefully: the question he spends the whole time whining about being unable to answer is one that himself asked! Tucker let him get away with that shit. If Tuck was on the ball, he would have made this clear in one of his countless unproductive interruptions.
The best part of the interview was when the Yid was talking about people working in the CIA for low pay, and Tucker asked him to answer the question, where he goes "oy vey do you not care about these patriots?" Classic Jew tactic if I ever saw one.
GTFO faggot no one cares what you think
fucking russians
Honestly it wasn't. A loaded question is phrased in such a way that it relies on a damaging premise. "When did you stop beating your wife?" relies on the premise that the responder has at some point beaten their wife. Asking "Have you STARTED beating your wife?" (read: injecting partisanship into your reporting) does not rely on a damaging premise.
We all know what this calls for.
Hi Buzzfeed!
Is the first pic real ?
I find it too clean to be and the worms look like grains of rice.
Those are very nice teeth
I'd like to know if there's actually any truth to the idea. My yid-sense is tingling: a great way to enforce censorship would be to claim that some data is literally a biohazard.
low energy
your right, but it was still clearly a question meant to provoke kikenwald right from the start. im sure tucker wanted an emotional debate but he probably didnt think it would go so hilariously
This is a great thread. We have the greatest threads.
Kek tbh.
Honestly, I've always preferred Rei
I'd pay a large sum of cash for the audio from that call.
Is he eating shit out of a cup?
Blah, it's nothing.
Only jews with their giant pupils could get a seizure from it.
Brownies and hot chocolate. What are you, some kind of Chad?
I think it's a reference to an /r9k/ post about a year ago. An user alleges that he was talking to a girl, and took a screenshot of his phone. He wrote out something like, "awww yeah, gonna put the brownie points next to the hot cocoa." He was subsequently bashed for sounding like a try-hard beta faggot, and this meme was born. If I remember right, it was in their yearly OC thread, where they try to come up with 1 new meme.
I wasn't trying to get more dubs I was just checking the previous ones.
user I think you're out of your mind. He was the very opposite of strong, calm and composed. He started out laughing like a nervous nutjob and spent several minutes claiming he wasn't being allowed to answer a question he was given every opportunity to answer.
The most damning moment for the kike–and the moment that can sum up this kike's entire farce–is at 5:26 in the video.
"Let me answer the question"
"Go ahead"
"Look you're not fooling anybody, you're trying to stop me from giving the answer"
The Jew cries out as he strikes you. He accuses Tucker of doing exactly what he's doing, and it couldn't be more obvious.
There was nothing nervous about Tucker's laughter. He laughed because this kike's desperate act was getting more and more obvious and he was making himself look like a fool.
I hope you're being disingenuous with your analysis. You couldn't possibly me more off-base.
Truly we live in extraordinary times.
My husband is flobbing around on the floor, am going to get on the computer and use his account to send a message to someone I don't know.
These fucking Jews are such pathetic liars.
Because they fuck children? The guy claimed to have no idea what the $3,000 he gave to the underage twink cam boy was for hahaha. Oh and he had admin access to the site. The shitbag belongs in prison.
They have to believe what they're saying as the alternative, is living with the knowledge that they're liars and that's untenable.
stared at this for 15min as a screensaver in a dark room.
Did I died?
Lou Dobbs is great, but he's on Fox Business News.
Olbermann invoking Hamilton is hilarious, because he was a white nationalist, extremely nativist and an aristocratic republican.
Please leave.
He's pop culture now because of that nog play on (((Broadway))) so all the low info libs have to invoke his name because everybody knows Hamilton was totally an SJW
I am lost, I don't know these two celebs. From my point of view, the one with hair keeps changing subjective and the bald one don't want to budge answering the "first you say this tweet, then you say that tweet, that's hypocritical" one.
Is this correct?
What I want to know is whether Eichenwald was serious when he name dropped CIA agents that he supposedly knows in relation to him having knowledge of Trump being admitted to a mental hospital.
If he's lying, then it means he's either under the impression that he can lie using the CIA's name as a crutch. If he's telling the truth and someone who said they're CIA gave him this information, then it either means that the CIA agent is legit, or possibly someone LARPing as a CIA agent. Knowing the quality of the rags he writes for, I don't think he would know the difference.
Either way, the last 30 seconds of that Tucker Eichenwald interview was pretty bizarre.
The one with the hair is Tucker Carlson, check him out on Y-tube. Pretty good stuff.
This guy is on RIGHT FUCKING NOW! Shitpost hard!
This guy is a fucking retard. The seizures must have really added up.
I doubt, he was having a fucking meltdown
Instead of making one question at a time, when he sees that his question was retarded, he want to interrupt the bald dude and change to another in the hopes of making him look dumb.
he is a prick
Also post pictures that have a small delay and then flash hard. He will be wary but if he thinks its a non gif then the will more likely read it
the bald guy is the one who changed the question, he literally ignores tucker, poses a completely new question for himself, then drones on about trump getting a divorce.
you can also get the direct link to the video file with VLC:
I agree with the bald faggot that the more appropriate question would be "Why would you tweet that" rather than "Don't you think that's hypocritical?", that's as far as he went to change his own question.
Then he did not budge on answering the accusation of being a hypocrite.
How much does it cost to rent most or all of the screens in time square?
well i agree tucker was being intentionally provocative with his phrasing but eichenwald could have at least answered "no i dont think its hypocritical and heres why" then go on actually substantiate his claim with evidence beyond foggy insults and "the cia told me"
Oil Driller, user.
Coal goes IN a furnace. Your big, shiny drill PENETRATES for oil.
He started explaining what lead to his post, he was doing exactly what he should have
Would it be attempted murder if the mods set it to only happen to certain IPs that were clearly shills?
He was just using his time as a platform to make more unsubstantiated attacks against trump, proving tuckers implication of partisan bias exactly right. accusing trump of being on meth and having mental breakdowns is not a good explanation and neither is claiming to get "messages from people in the cia"
fair enough
This calls for some OC. Hello mother, I finally made it. I'm famous.
I heard buzzfeed was monitoring this thread and I found this video of a car running down a homeless black woman and then Trump gets out and screams "White power! Stronger by the hour!" is this something they would be interested in?
Stop it you're helping them expose our racism! Reee! haha lmao
They've always been lurking here. Those cucks don't want to avoid pain, they want to experience it every time. There's a reason why leftists have sexual fantasies about Nazis instead of communists.
The CIA just made a guess, not a concrete fact. They made that same probable guess about active WMDs in Iraq and they turned out to be completely wrong.
Why do you want to compromise with the press after all the shit they've done to you? Fuck cuckfeed.
Just quit posting, faggot
Normies are already commenting on it on twitter and neogaf.
It didn't sound like he was linking the CIA to the mental hospital. It sounded like he was going to link the CIA to the Russian hax, but instead he just left it dangling, talking about how great the CIA were.
Found another target.
He's saying that he's going to supoena twitter and prosecute. I'm pretty sure sending a GIF isn't a crime.
nice b8 faggot
just fuck off back to reddit
He's tweeting about how consequences will never be the same, full meme ahead.
Can you change your backgrounds or icons on twitter to have blinking gifs?
If not, you can pin a tweet of a blinking gif your profile if he investigates trolls.
Not everybody, but yeah, it's bullshit. They do the same thing with .1% nigger sometimes, don't trust any percentage that small.
Anyone know his email address so that he can expand his documents?
I think this is likely the case. Certain people like (((Eichenwald))) must always play the victim, even to an absurd degree.
Watched it. Holy shit the thing where he fakes a laugh then immediately lunges into attack mode is disturbing.
>mpv youtube.com
I re-named it and gave it a friend.
Cross continent famalama
So when he comes back, if someone wanted to shoah him remotely, would using an offshore VPN help in terms of getting away with it ?
Every time.
I would think so, and also the more that partake in this, the better. I'm pretty sure his threats are totally hollow.
This is user's 10/10 pure Aryan girlfriend. user had a seizure and I have called the police.
That should be fun.
Nope, face is way too clean. I'll post some real decaying corpse pics when I have the time.
This is anons 10/10 pure Aryan gf. I came in to find my epileptic bf (user) having a seizure because of this gif you've posted. He's currently recovering at the hospital and I've informed the police of your malicious activities. There will be consequences.
will they never be the same?
How is this not a party hard thread yet?
Eichenwald sounds suspiciously like Eichmann Buchenwald.
Consequences will never be the same.
Holy fuck. What an enormous asshole. That is the Jewiest Jew I've ever seen Jew in all my life, so far.
His wife is lying. I know this because she's married to this fuck.
Please continue tweeting seizure gifs at him anons.
It's obvious they're both lying, when someone has en epilepsy seizure or whatever they're called you don't go to twitter you go to the hospital.
Alert the SPLC to dis new Natzee hate symbol!
TUCKER I'm your motherfucker CARLSON
TUCKER Strobelight insterstate trucker CARLSON
This has become one of the best threads in a while. I'll never see my sides again!
This motherfucker made a prop.
That post seems as if it is defending "new" 4chan? Why differentiate?
i don't recall trump ever saying anything about kikenwald
My sides! Oh God, my sides!
slick tip!
Why hasn't some drawfag redone the dancing frog meme with a Pepe yet?
That's one cocky yid!
Is it even possible to induce seizures with a .gif? It sounds like total horseshit.
Anything with flashing lights can do it.
Hmmm…. =^) Sounds nice.
Didn't some tell him they called an amburlamps for him causing him to delete his posts?
This kike is acting
If leftists were completely honest, then there would be no leftism.
Banner potential guys?
R'ing a shoop capable user to do the business…
I dont like his chances tbh…
Supposedly using these colors will intensify the effect.
Tucker, Hannity, and Dobbs are solid.
This is known as "Incestuous Amplification"
Jews are honestly the most despicable and dishonest people on earth.
delete this
if buzzfeed sees this we're sunk
Hannity was a big shill for George W. Bush, fuck him.
Sure, why not?
Whelp, anons, what does it feel like knowing we can trigger the kikes as hard as the Father and the Son?
Someone already did that for his wife.
They b& my account for posting pics related.
It was a good account…it severed me well during the shitpost wars of 2016.
This is what this fat greasy kike really looks like. Fucker is so vain he's photoshopped the shit out of his profile pic for twatter.
Fat, greasy, balding kike
can someone give me a pastebin with all of the pizzagate info. There's no way to convince people by telling them to google it, and finding anything supporting it through google is impossible too.
top kek
I'm not sure but I think this did me in
Keep shitting on him
Account got shoa'd
Just got a twitter ban for partying too hard.
I do wish that the strobe tweet featured Tucker's face laughing at him. There's always a next time.
Stallman is my favorite autistic kike.
Nice music.
Mine too.
So he acted like Kurt Eichenwald then?
Lawfag here, if the user that did this is ITT, I will represent you for free. Give TOX or throwaway and we can talk. You will win this case.
Enjoy being v&. I hope you were using a proxy
There's no case. He's trying to scare people like the Jew he is.
To the based user that did this, I've some experience with cybercrime. I'm not advocating doing anything illegal but I've beaten cyber bullying charges linked to the suicide of a teenage girl. They also got my info (IP, email (real email and IP-NO proxy)) and sent local pd to my house. I actually was booked and went in for and interview. I didn't talk, called my family and attorney and waited for them to finish questioning. They informed me my electronic devices were being seized and investigated. As I'm not a normalfag, I realized after seeing the news story on her suicide that they'd come after me. I followed the "microwave your hard drive meme" and placed it back in the tower. I then wiped my phone and posted my account details on a paste bin in hopes of someone changing the pw, using a free vpn service. Wiped the phone again, debated smashing it but decided not to. This happened in the span of a few hours leading up to the arrest the next day.
When they called me back in the following day, they questioned me again. I responded to the hard drive being wiped due to a coffee spillage that occurred after I freaked out when I found out my accounts were hacked. They didn't buy it but it didn't matter. Keep your mouth shut, rehearse the lines in your head, don't tell the truth to anyone, not even the attorney. The next week I just sat in my house and waited for them to arrest me. It never came though. They were unable to prove that I had made the posts. I was let off from the charges but was still featured in a smear piece in the local tribune.
Couldn't even make it to the courtroom, as my lawyer threatened to launch a counter-suit.
Looking back, I'd say wipe the harddrive, install a new one, download ransomware or a few Trojans and leave the PC going. It's challenging for LEO to prove you made the post, this point will save you.
KEK. Source?
This is why you need two harddrives, one for shitposting like that and the other for ordinary business and shit.
Hot swap bays are where it's at
Use a burner app for when they ask you for your phone number or don't bother going back at all.
More importantly, get a trayless hotswap unit that goes in one of your 5.25 bays, or work with a laptop that has a quick ejectable HDD
Or just buy Straighttalk SIM kits at Walfart, pay in cash, $60 a whack for burner phone numbers with data service included
could someone be a friend and describe the contents of this webbum for me
You're speaking my language. Although having a burner laptop is an option for those who can't shell out the shekels for the fancier shit.
Mexicans acting like Mexicans.
Get thyself to ebay, search "Latitude E6430", business grade burner laptop for three hundred shekels
Sorry if I sound like a redditor but you probably should not talk people into killing themselves, nobody who really needs to ever does it
Man, those are a good steal. I'll have to jot that down for a rainy day.
The weak should fear the strong
A seizure, you say? Good heavens, how horrible!
They are my go-to general purpose laptops for boomers and dumbshits who bitch about computers being too expensive.
Rock solid machines that are easy as shit to fix, those things are the anti-macbook
She wasn't confused at all
Somebody tweet this at Eichenwald.
This is his wife son, were going to sue all you goyim for a trillion shekels!
I was more thinking of taking a bunch to the range but that works too.
Hello fellow ayriNevermind, fuck off faggot
Is this crazy kike really attempting to sue over a fucking gif
Kikes will sue if it makes them a fucking penny.
The Triggering 3: Pokemon Go!
I guess you can say that he was literally shaking
Kekked even though I should have been expecting that.
Jewish behavior.
holy shit you're too autistic even for *chans. Fuck off, faggot. This place has always a mix of shitposting and quality discussion, the two not always easy to distinguish.
I didn't even have to make many changes. This is the true successor to Navy Seal Copypasta.
Isn't that a distress signal?
They think America is in "trouble" now that they've lost almost all control.
for fuck's sake…
haha fags
Nice sevens Carlos, but you have to go back.
I came here to post this.
More like you're a fucking retard. His wife is posting with his twitter account to say he had a seizure. Like holy shit, you are so stupid.
I wonder if they thought we'd cool our shit a little if they let us get away with winning the election. Don't they ever learn? The minute you start giving into political radicals, they take that as a sign of weakness and slither in for the kill. We're only going to get more effective - and radical - from here.
I don't get it, why is his jewess wife threatening legal action? Epilepsy seizures are not a serious thing, it's not a threat to the epileptic in any way and won't harm them. It's just inconvenient and makes them spaz out for a while.
Didn't that ruin your microwave?
God that actually hurts to look at and I'm not even epileptic.
Guys how do I make a Twitter account without giving my phone number to them? I want to bully kikes with memes too but I will not give my phone number to some jewish corp
Bullshit, this jew didn't have a seizure. Doesn't he have to prove he had a seizure? Top fucking kek, he's lying.
I remember reading that case. Good job beating the false accusations.
HIs wife will be a witness I guess.
This is supposed to be fiction, you know.
So he mentions these as negatives the russians are responsible for but does not mention communism…….Coincidence
I wish 2016 would never end
They're so triggered they can't even write 4chan, they are so in awe of even cuckchan that they have to block out a letter like kikes do with god. They successfully memed themselves helpless.
Does this make us gods to them?
Steganography. An image in uncompressed form represents each pixel with 3 bytes. If you change the lowest bit of each byte, it remains imperceptible to human vision, and you can use those bits to encode any other message you want. It could be another picture, or just a secret message.
Here on 8/pol/, I guess that would make us gods they don't dare to even spread rumors about, that, or we're so much more powerful than their deepest understanding of their enemies - that they don't even know we exist. We are black fucking ops to these people except everything we do is open, announced, and unencrypted for anyone to view.
They probably think of us as the Final Boss of White Supremacy. A name so steeped in hatred and bigotry that merely saying the word is anathema to them.
OOOy vey you evil bastid. Im gonna get my wife's son Hershel to sue you for 6 gorllion dollars. Im am seizing on the floor as I write this and phoning the Washington Times to tell them about the evil internet frog worshiping nazis that are trying to kill me through the internet with gifs of Tucker Carlson.
We Ba'al Hadad now
pantheon of memes
8/pol/ is really intimidating to them
We are 2*(4chan) - cuck population.
Do they actually know we exist? It's actually better if they don't; every time 4/cuck/ gets blamed for something we did, I laugh a little harder. They're such a useful scapegoat, shield, and distraction, and the little bastards do it all for free.
I see 4chan mostly as babby's first redpill than a distraction shield but i guess. Then the worthy advance here. That or a newfag stumbles here by accident and stays forever.
Mang, I remember when 4chan was blaming Ebaumsworld for raids. Later, Reddit. It's still strange to me that 4chan has now itself been reduced to the status of shield by a higher energy internet presence. I wonder if Holla Forums is, or will become, a shield for something even higher tier.
Dear Diary, today SP was not a shill
It already is.
this gave me a funny feeling in my head
reply if you got a seizure (for science)
oops that wasnt set to loop
yeah this one definitely tickled my neurons a bit
But seriously, they peeled off a guys face and chopped off his hands, then pussyfoot around decapitating him while guns n roses plays in the background.
Its why we need a wall, but its not niggers kicking cats level bad.
Is she shaking with anger, or just having another seizure?
Eichenwald… Well I don't know I cant put my finger on it, I can't think of where that name would originate. I JUST CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT
I'm a ubermensch so I'm not allergic to anything nor do I have any mental ailments, but that made my eyes go out of focus easily, so probably seizure worthy.
Intense parent issues here; can confirm.
Does is have to be blue and yellow?
Do certain colour combinations work better than others?
So… he still hasn't answered the question.
if he has epilepsy and shitposts on the internet in the age of animated ads all fucking day, especially on a fucking social media site that automatically plays videos and animations then it's his own goddamn fault
Did you not read the thread ?
Blue and yellow are supposs d to be the best but any combination of flashing lights or colors can do it.
'blue' and 'yellow' didn't return any search results.
It sure is a
This is some potent shit. I've never had a reaction to epileptic content but that made me a little queasy.
That gif gave me a seizure I'm– I mean my wife is calling the police.
wew. Made me go cross eyed.
There's definitely something going on with that gif. I feel a bit lightheaded now.
I like this, it feels like being on acid
How about we start sending him slightly shopped pictures, and then ask if he has new glasses or something, is that why he looks different. Pic related, but I can really into photoshop myself.
They can't keep a good shitposter down.
We will rise again brothers .
is this supposed to do anything? I feel nothing
I bet Russia did this
Well then we'd better make long enough GIFs.
So you're saying we have the cure for Jewish Autism
The other one was worse
Hmm, none of this stuff works on me at all. I kind of feel like I'm missing out.
I wonder, is it because I'm left-handed? Maybe the dominant hemisphere of your brain matters.
Yeah Keith, because Hillary isn't Saudi Arabia and Israel's whore.
It's because you're not epileptic you dummy
send your best gifs fam:
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
We should spam the guy's twitter with Tucker's question over and over til he snaps or claims question trigger his seizures as well.
why do people think its a good idea to read giant blog posts on twitter, when it jumbles everything up and is a mess to read.
Anytime someone writes that much on twitter you can guarantee they're just flailing and slamming keys.
In a way. In this case it's not turtles the whole way down though.
Ok, whatever, have at it hoss.
They complain about Trump but at least he knows his to use Twitter. Journalists are expected to be every bit as serious as politicians.
Some user should make that image into a .shoahgif.
I'm not the user who did it but I'm interested in doing some remote shoah in the future again this jew, can you explain the details of why is this winable please ?
Damn, it looks like Jew_Goldstein is fucked. The kike is going to get his info.
If Kike'n'bald can actually get JG charged than we really have lost the first amendment.
Why couldn't have he used a throwaway account with a VPN like everyone else?
If this is a reference to what I think it's a reference to, you should be ashamed
Ppl are we sure we want to setup those seizure squads?
We are sure to be counter-attacked. Do we have some sort of tin-sunglasses or something to protect us from basilisk disaster?
Kurt A Eichenwald, 6935 Orchid Ln, Dallas, TX 75230
Any geniuses here know how to trigger seizures audibly?
Ban assault tweets and getaway VPNs
National Epilepsy foundation says it is possible. Until we find a better basilisk, just play Cruel Angel's Thesis on airhorn or something.
Or pokemon battle scenes. It wouldn't be strange strange for Burmese gingerbread art aficionados to share that.
weapon readied
a long time ago on /i/ on 420 we spammed an epilepsy forum with flashing gifs. it was the greatest fun.
for christ sake you can clearly see taps on those shower heads
This is what losing the culture war looks like.
Does he think that you type like a child after having a seizure?
top fucking kek
His Facebook phone ends in 88. No lol.
I want this fucker in the ground in 2017. I guarantee you he's still jerking it to twinks. Probably has a guest house with a teenage runaway living in it. He stinks even for a Jew.
He needs to get 100s of .gifs everyday.
Just mental illness bro.
I'm back and shitposting, God Speed Jew Goldstein
he's a fucking idiot if he wasn't using a vpn
WTF? he can't post a link on Twitter to a blog post that's readable?
Twitter will hand over data on the user who sent a seizure-inducing tweet to a journalist
"Four days ago, an unidentified Twitter user tweeted a seizure-inducing animation at Newsweek and Vanity Fair writer Kurt Eichenwald, who has epilepsy. Now, Eichenwald has taken the first step toward identifying the user. In response to a civil suit filed by Eichenwald this week in Dallas district court, Twitter has agreed to hand over all relevant subscriber data for the user in question. The attack came in apparent retaliation for Eichenwald’s aggressive coverage of President-elect Trump.
While Eichenwald has yet to file criminal charges, the civil suit was sufficient for an ex parte order from the district judge. Twitter subsequently agreed to expedited relief, declining to challenge the order or demand further evidence from Eichenwald. The next step is likely to be a lawsuit against wireless carriers or service providers implicated by Twitter’s records, who will have records linking IP addresses and other metadata to the attacker’s legal name. "
Hope he isn't American.
The judge is named Bonnie Goldstein. If they get ahold of him he'll be made an example out of.
Natural selection tbh. Every website should have this gif on it to weed out the weaklings.
I just all of the sudden realized unmistakeably how shit-tier Holla Forums has become as a whole, just in general. With it's boring ass threads that are usually 5 fucking hours behind the days relevant news cycle, even in the midst of a massive fucking happening. Yesterday, seeing the slow, little, utterl useless >MUH TRUCK ATTACK HAPPENING info thread, which had retards asking dumb assa questions and even bigger retards responding with "I dunnos" in response to said dumb ass questions because legit no one here knew shit about shit to even tell any new niggers to the thread who came to get filled in on stuff so why THE FUCJK even bother??. Im pretty much just ranting right now and not gona go back and edit, but just to be clear, since I think I was kinda rambling before (been awake wayy too long), I just wnat to reiterate.. that THAT truck attack thread was SO shitty that I was much happier to go and to visit a piece of shit 'live' reddit thread over this place, at least that place had relevant links, media, etc… however full of cucks and libshits I want to litterally ax to death it inherently is infested with… Every thread is basically nothing but constant streams of Holla Forums-tier platitudinous bullshit everyone has been well aware of since fuckin 'Nam, lots of par for the course shitposting, and low-effort as fuck, soporific nonsense.
It just hit me,what a slow, but steady decline this has been opver ther past 3-6 or so months. Has the traffic dipped massively lately compared to qwhere it used to be around a year ago? Anyone know? Am i just an extra dumb turbo-faggot who doens'ty even realze you guys' geniusness? Or has the CTR-tier shill faggotry been mega amped up lately and I am just feeling the effects of massive shitposting from leftist D&C'rs and shills who are trying to ruin 8/pol/? [proabbyl most likely to be true IMO, now tha I think about it. If so, it doens't mean I still wouldnt ebnjoy beating them to death, but these fuckers are doing a pretty good job shitting up this place and you can see these communist pieces of shit getting better and more sneaky/effective with their fuckery, derailing, etc……….
Anyways, I'm sick of you faggots.
''Here, allow me to lead by example on how not to be a faggot and attempt to make an interesting, novel contribution:==
Someone post (((EICHENWALD)))'s fat tittied, big nosed cunt wife's home, cell, and work phone numbers, and I will attempt to reach her throughout the day today, and hopefully establish contact under the guise of being a Buzzfeed reporter in the middle of a rather in depth piece of 'alt right anti-semetic onljine attacks' r some bullshit, and let her know I will be covering hers and her husbands seizure st3ory from the other day, and ask if I could "hopefully get a comment or two from such an upstanding judas as you, who did nothign to deserve such hate, to put in the piece about husbands seizure and the preogrss of the lawsuit, police reports, etc. (since we know they are lmsot certianly full of shit, this would be my angle if I coudl manag eto speak to her)"….
I'm a pretty copnvincing person tbh, and a good actor, so i think if I could somehow just get on the phone with her or get her to call me back upon leavinga message, I could at least produce something worth posting, and maybe even something good.
Will of course record, and post phone calls if I end up being able to reach the cunt.
Gay as fuck, tbqh fam. kbye niggers. brb lat3er.
send him these gifs
A thread from a while ago exploring using fake female accounts on matchmaking sites to exploit the tendency of normalfags to listen to any insane shit women ramble on about to redpill them.