Enter this thread and type the titles of all the works by Karl Marx you've read. If you want, you can include smaller stuff like articles and letters.
Let's see how many of you are even done with the Manifesto.
Enter this thread and type the titles of all the works by Karl Marx you've read. If you want, you can include smaller stuff like articles and letters.
Let's see how many of you are even done with the Manifesto.
Other urls found in this thread:
Capital vol.1&2
Critique of the Gotha Program
The German Ideology
18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
Making my way through capital vol 3 rn
Forgot flag.
Capital vol. 1 and 3
The German Ideology
Letter to Abraham Lincoln
The Communist Manifesto
Wage Labour and Capital
almost finished the communist manifsto audiobook.
Capital 1 and 2
The Jewish Question
OP you realise the only people who are gonna post what they have read are people who just wanna show off right? I've only read half of Critique of the Gotha program (so far) and I wouldnt come into this thread just to tell you that.
Your methods for determining if Holla Forums is retarded or not is pretty bad. It should be obvious to begin with.
But if that's the case, which it probably is, then the amount of replies can be used to measure the board's familiarity with Marx's writings.
Wage Labor and Capital
Capital Volume 1
Working on Volume 2 atm.
The Manifesto and … does the manga of Das Kapital count?
Just the manifesto, plus excerpts for sociology class.
Want to read German Ideology and Das Kapital, really want to read Marx's refutation to Stirner (but have not finished ego and its own yet).
The perils of being a slow reader.
But then I would not have time to play JRPGs in my Gameboy advance emmulator.
Sword of mana is gorgeous, much better than literature.
The Haunted Mask
Say Cheese and Die
Monster Blood II
The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
Deep Trouble
Cuckoo Clock of Doom
Do audiobooks count? Not everyone has time to sit and read, and you can out them on in the background while you're busy with something else.
You know communism makes a lot of sense if you don't think about it.
I tried reading Capital but i guess I'm retarded so i couldn't get past the first chapter.
really makes you think
Maybe you should watch David Harvey lectures on Das Kapital first, then. His explanations are on point. Or try reading the more historical chapter of Capital first (like 24 and 25 from the I volume).
The Communist Manifesto
Das Kapital vol 1
the commiefesto.
a few pages of capital 1
i haven't read much of anarchists either though.
The Culture of Critique.
Very redpirring!
Gotcha program
Wage labor and capital
-On The Jewish Question
-Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts
-Parts of German Ideology
-Critique of the Gotha Program
-Capital Vol. 1
-Origins of the Family
You guys should seriously consider the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts. That, and nothing else, won me over to communism.
The Poverty of Philosophy
Critique of the Gotha Program
I haven't finished Capital, but I'm working on it.
proof gommies don't even understand their own motivations, lol
So a Marx dick measuring contest? k
Manifesto of the Communist Party
The German Ideology
The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
Theses of Feuerbach
On the Jewish Question
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon
Critique of the Gotha Program
Sections of Capital, I won't pretend I've read even close to all of it
Is my Marxpeen big enough, Holla Forums?
Capital vol 1
I just lurk Holla Forums and various other leftist websites and piece together what I can, I tried reading das capital several times but I'm seriously too dumb for it to hold my attention longer than a page.
What can I say I'm just really dumb but I don't have to understand the ins and outs of Marxism nor do I have to be able to effectively debate in its favor for me to agree with it.
Carl who?
Erm.. well.. I read The Iron Heel?
The manifesto
About a quarter of Capital vol 1 until I got bored
mostly secondary lit on marx tbh
A whole bunch of bits and pieces that I was curious about plus the Manifesto in its entirety. I've read a lot of secondary literature, working my way up to him.
The basics: Manifesto, Capital, Critique of Gotha Program, German Ideology, Feuerbach (Engels)
Some minor stuff like "on Jewish Question". Also, parts of Grundrisse and some other stuff I can't remember (Marx arguing with Bakunin, Proudhon; also history, IIRC).
Still reading Civil War in France.
That's either Marx's one page of scribbles or Engels' work.
Theses on Feuerbach was written by Marx and published by Engels. It was essentially a rough outline of the beginning of The German Ideology, which they couldn't find a publisher for in their lifetimes. It's also the source of that famous quote which is on Marx's grave "philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it."
I'm not going to lie: I don't remember
The manifesto and countless hours of my life that i will never get back arguing in the internet
Capital volume 1
Manifesto (not really worth reading)
Bunch of snippets of other stuff
On the Jewish Question
Hegel philosophy of right
The Paris Manuscripts
The Condition of the Working-Class in England
I read them a year ago and almost completly forgot the content and my notes back then were to meh to learn anything back. The Condition of the Working-Class in England is a verry good introduction in Marxism tho to get a general historic perspective on how the working class lived back then. Its easy to read and understandable where Marx and Engels come from when they want to liberate those folk.