(((Susan Goldberg))) tweets:
>We just published our historic special issue of @NatGeo on the #GenderRevolution. Get one at 1-800-777-2800. nationalgeographic.com
(((Susan Goldberg))) tweets:
>We just published our historic special issue of @NatGeo on the #GenderRevolution. Get one at 1-800-777-2800. nationalgeographic.com
The comments on the twitter post are pretty good.
And of course that child he/she is in lewd pose. The filth need to be cleansed from this earth.
Each "Revolution" they bring eats away at our moral fiber.
We're still reeling from the sexual revolution.
I think this is the issue Corey Maison said she was going to be in.
Absolutely Disgusting
8 years old and already a broken person.
That's thing is only 8?
When I was 8 I wanted to be a pilot and an explorer. Now boys want to be girls on the cover of magazines.
Remember that video about these made up gender faggots by Youtube that got a shit-ton of dislikes by almost every single normalfag? Yeah, they might not be redpilled on rapefugees or jews but they sure are tired of SJWs and special snowflakes, mostly thanks to the media and GamerGate.
It looks around 8-10. I don't know exactly what the age of this freak is.
Do you see the (((peace signs))) on his pants? Probably a lot of pizza hidden messages to their fellow chosen there on that picture.
She's actually 14 in that clip. She's been on puberty blockers since she was 12 iirc, that's why she looks younger.
But that explains it.
Fuck. I didn't even notice that.
What in the fuck.
It's kind of funny thinking about all the pozzed middle-aged faggots who thought they were being trendy in the '90s for "coming out", withering away, watching in envy all these little boys going full trap.
I know we're "too extreme" for google and all, but that's just fucking gross.
Reported tbh.
Faggot gtfo
Another word that no longer has anymore real meaning. What are some other words that have gone by the wayside?
Fucking disgusting. When will it end
Fuck the replies are so great, we truly have unleashed the JQ.
fuck off and go back to /a/ you maximus queer
Holla Forums, you did it, you know? The normies are well on their way to full-1488 now. The fight against the eternal civic nationalist is being won. (((They))) overplayed their hands big time.
Ever been to a pedo chat? they hate the Hurtcore Moloch pozfags. When they're not too horny that is.
Did anybody read the article? Did NG treat it like they discovered some Tribe in the wilderness or was just more pozzed LGBTQrst Pom-Pom cheerleader shit?
No, download the pdf file here.
No room for polar or space explorers on this cover.
Back when faggots used to hang out in their bars and generally leave everyone else alone I could tolerate them somewhat. These days they're begging for death.
The biological parents of that thing should be horsewhipped.
Other than not kill themselves.
A lot of the butt ugly trannies just come off as guys who get off on role playing as girls (Bruce Jenner) with the whole sex change shit just being the logical conclusion to it all.
Another thing I want to touch in is when the fuck did 'sex change operation' become 'gender reassingnment'?
It's as if they want to get gassed.
I don't think Bruce Jenner is genuine. I think the jews paid him to do it. The same jews that paid all the females of that family to be open mudsharks.
It's one big jew media psy-op, so now the niggers can point to Bruce Jenner and say, "Haha, look at that White faggot, no wonder they all going Black! We winning!" etc.
okay what the fuck, TIME, national geographic the newyorker, why is every major publisher pozzed? when did this happen?
They were always ran by Jews, retard.
Gee, I remember when National Geographic was an educational publication that focused on geographic things.
Dammit, I want to like all the other stuff in Nat Geo but they keep pushing this garbage. One recent issue compared questioning global warming to moon landing conspiracies. Another pushed refugees as the "New Europeans" (although the American copies had a different cover story). The current issue has a cover story about "the healing power of faith" but it was really about the placebo effect because religion is silly.
I think I'll stop getting the regular Nat Geo and get the History magazine, unless I can find another decent Nat Geo-like magazine.
I've never watched the show but from what I can gather the women are unbearable.
Bruce probably was just too pussy to pull the fucking trigger.
When did Nat Geo turn into tabloid rag #987943?
If you're a paying customer you should be able to chew them out in the letters to the editor for printing this crap.
What science? There is overwhelming empirical evidence that suggests that gender is genetic and not a (((social construct))).
This is disgusting. Trannies only make up like 0.5% of the population right?
Couldn't we realistically round them all up into one place (you know, for their safety)?
At least they don't breed
Jews niggers and gooks in the other hand…
Maybe we just need bigger places to gather them all. Blacks, jews, LBGTWTFBBQ, spics, and leafs.
One big camp where they can all be gathered and taken care of by the government just like they always wanted!
Just waiting for the 'Corpse Lovers Revolution', presented by your friendly neigbourhood (((person))).
Of course they make the only seemingly heterosexual male an African. Of course! What else could they possible do?!?!?!
These kikes have no idea of the doom they are bringing upon themselves.
Black males are the epitome of maleness, goy. Every other people should "explore" other avenues since they can never match up to the superior black buck.
What's hilarious is that there is significantly more of this crap in the black community
It's just no one talks about it
Hell is forever!
Chink insects changed that massively.
But it's called "Social Sciences" in college. :^)
it still looks like a guy to me
It can be hard at times but one has to accept that all that which we once held as institution have been corrupted beyond repair. We are going to have to rebuild, rebirth our culture. Saying goodbye is hard, mourning is a complex process but National Geographic is dead.
How does that boy have tits and why is it okay for natgeo to put that shit on their cover?
the one child policy was restricted to cities and has been changed to allow for 2 kids.
Skimmed through it. Corey didn't make the cut :( Too many mudpeople filling up the pages.
Minors can get breast implants, the laws vary by region.
There's nigger boydicks inside the issue. Once again, National Geographic dispels the BBC myth inadvertently. It's hilarious.
As someone working in STEM at a college, this grinds my balls to dust every time. There is no scientific method in what they do, there is no repeatability or reproducibility, there is no quantitative measurement. If there is any quantifiable metric, it's typically pulled out of their ass. When academia becomes red-pilled, they will be the first to go.
I'm not even surprised by how deep this degeneracy rabbit hole goes anymore.
And then you realize that this whole scenario is considered a fine achievement in today's world, one of bravery and conviction, an example of human greatness and possibility. A mentally ill person using a toilet. A mentally ill person… and a toilet.
Would it be possible to trigger libshits into attacking Corey for being a FUCKING WHITE FE MALE and hogging the cover that should be given to a "beautiful" trans-POC?
Gas yourself, Holla Forums.
I can't even be mad anymore. It's just hilarious. I tip my dick to these (((people))). The bantz are schizo but they're consistently hilarious, and I admire their devotion to their goal (even if I find it repugnant).
fists clenched, tears in eyes
This needs to fucking burn. All of it. There's just no explanation anymore- bisphenol A, extreme urbanization, none of it explains why this vile shit has been somehow made part of our culture.
It. Is. Fucking. Evil.
What the hell happened to us? When does the robot uprising start? When can we have an ultrapowerful AI show up and just eradicate everything?
Never thought it would come to this.
History major here, tbh, the lack of any sort of data or measurable anything in the humanities is laughable. You don't know the half of it.
I had a research paper for a class last semester. I was examining the rate of household turnover inside of desegregating areas year-to-year in the 60s, to statistically show the detrimental effect desegregation has on housing value and neighborhood stability. I set it up like an actual experiment, showing what happened year-to-year when neighborhoods of similar income, primary industries, racial mix, and geographic location desegregated vs those who did not. After 4 months of compiling that, I presented my findings to my professor. This woman, a doctor, nonetheless, looks over them and asks me to throw in some diaries, newspaper, or written entries to confirm my findings. Like the lack of those invalidate the entire research. Humanities seems to think that "science" is "reading things in a way that fits my agenda and then writing about them persuasively in a journal."
Along the way I read tons of past studies, generally from the 60s-70s era, dealing with the same sort of information I was looking over, some with more pagespace devoted to carts and tables than words in historical journals. It made me depressed AF to see what happened to the humanities. ;_;
NatGeo used to explore the most beautiful and interesting places on Earth, now it explores anal cavities of faggots.
The most depressing thing is how that professor immediately dismissed your work because it didn't include enough anecdotal evidence. Anecdotal evidence is shit-tier when it comes to backing up an argument. What are they thinking?
More related to gender theory is video attached, 7:00-8:45, where these stupid fucking (((social scientists))) think their studies somehow trump empirical evidence. It boggles the mind. No wonder people are becoming increasingly more suspect of academia.
Those are one of the deadest eyes I've ever seen.
That's not even it. It's that anecdotal evidence - and particularly, your interpretation of it - is now taken as superior to empirical evidence. The girl next to me in class turned in a paper explaining the gender dynamics in 1910 penny novels. Blankly, the gender dynamics were men and women, yet she turned in a paper explaining how transgressive various themes she highlighted were to the gender norms of the time, and how penny novels lead the way for the opening of gender roles in WWII, what with women in factories and whatnot. It's entirely based on her take on anecdotal evidence, no study on the effects on the readers, or effects on anything substantial, it's just 20 pages of her saying, essentially "this __ demonstrates the _ in ____" without a single number in the entire paper. Opinion is given the same weight as data.
…Another thing that I just thought of. Our class was given examples of previous papers, from the 1996-2006 era, to look at as a guideline for our papers. These were all 40 pages, single spaced. In just 20 years, we've degraded to a "research paper" being 15-20 pages, double spaced. How depressing.
That's because it is one. I'd be shocked if it didn't
No wonder the Muslims hate the west.
muslims hate hindus, buddhists, atheists, other muslims, and probably themselves too for being such a toxic human waste
Do they mention Money and his "work" in there?
NIce vine, faggot.
In the 1960s we were preparing for and succeeding in going to space. Space for fuck's sake! And THIS is what's heroic now. Fucking jews.
I know everybody hates "le reddit black science man", but he's absolutely right in this video.
I don't need it.
Whoops forgot video.
That's nice but Germany didn't land man on the fucking moon. America did. That's one of the most important facts that makes America the greatest nation the world has ever known.
is this shit still selling? looks like a publicity stunt to cry victim and sell some more
Absolutely is a publicity stunt, and NatGeo has been hurting ever since the Internet became a thing just like all of the other paper rags. Actually now that you mention it, this reminds me of the SJW pozzing that's hit comic books too. Seems like these parasites have an affinity for targeting dead or dying mediums and taking over. Must be easy prey.
This is the start of the cull, they want to get rid of white men do they? OVER MY DEAD BODY THEY WILL!
we stopped dreaming alright. Humanity is waking up, and the NASA con-artists are out of tranquilizers.
Is he a relation to "Iron" Mike Tyson?
That actually sounds like a really interesting paper any good reading on the subject? Or if you don't have to worry about doxxing yourself the paper
It really is great. Since about mid current year I haven't been able to get through an entire comment section without seeing Holla Forums tier comments and our memes. The future looks bright, especially with generation Zykon.
webm 4 u pleberino
they don't breed.. yet.
the problem with them is they are pushing the agenda so hard that it is harmful to children. 10 years from now all these trans kids are going to be in the news either saying how they regret making that decision so young or offing themselves.
She'd be a solid 9 with better makeup
Chamber time, Chaim.
Whether or not they can breed seems besides the point if they can adopt or otherwise raise children.
I must paint a couple of horses with black
and white stripes and then invite National
Geographic down to do a photoshoot of
my Zebra herd from Africa.
A mentally ill child even. A mentally ill child and a public fuking toilet.
I used to read Nat Geo as a kid whenever the library would get a new copy. It helped spark my interest in space and science. If this edition came out then, I would have believed their bullshit on gender, being just a kid. This shit is brainwashing the vulnerable, every jew must hang
Her dick is still bigger than the amazing atheist's
Their histories and world culture stuff still seems okay … I've bought a few things about eg ancient Persia and the rise and fall of Rome. Good bathroom reading if nothing else.
Why bother with camps when we could just put them up against the wall?
What a surprise.
That's just a horse with painted on stripes!
Sam "Jews rock" Hyde
I really cant take this anymore. This is pretty much mental torture for me. Waking up everyday, seeing all the degeneracy and filth everywhere. This is torture of the soul at this point.
https ://redice.tv/news/jazz-jennings-and-the-zio-conspiracy-of-transgender-kids
But user that will make a big mess
No mention of the father…
Why are you archiving tweets? So I have to sign in as not a robot to view a screen capture and not see the comments? Enough with obeying the paranoid faggot on Holla Forums
wtf is bi-gender?? my poor sides
Like tranny 2.0.
work with a chick who came out as a transman recently. she's barely five feet tall. wtf why would anyone want to be a manlet?
I'm just done.
What I don't understand is why they complicated it so much. If you don't pass as the gender you "are" then tough shit faggot. They honestly expect people to be mind readers and guess which pronouns those freaks prefer.
It's not a revolution. It's a spiral into madness. But I'm preaching to the choir here.
These Jews couldn't be more obvious, could they?
That's a mexican lesbian in that suit! It's a clip from Gotham.
bloody merchants
Did you become a pilot?
Oyyy veyyyy…
pic related
Firestarter kike kill yourself.
Does anyone have a link to the ((())) plugin for Firefox because the one for google apparently got shoahed
Yes it's a kike. You can even tell by the nose and shitskin.
She might be a retard, but she has done some good work.
Indeed fellow white nationalist, a jewess burning coal is a public service.
proofs are lacking
The level of bias has gone way up since GOLDBERG became editor, what with opinions being implied on religious, climate change, and even abortion subjects…
The level of quality has also gone way down since the change in (((management))). I've been reading NatGeo since childhood… I would even read ancient back issues at my Grandpas house. It was full of intelligent research and info regarding ancient cultures, animals, geography and of course photographs of the strange breasts of tribal people. Now the magazine is slipping in dumbed down infographic shit and even cartoons to explain facts… it feels insulting as a reader who expects more from what used to be the pinnacle of geographic periodicals.
Hahahhaa, I took a Human Sexuality class in college because I needed extra credits.
It was so ridiculous. I basically played the "stupid" kid by asking passive aggressive questions that basically argue against all the crazy mental gymnastics the professor is saying.
Funnily enough, the good looking people are all in agreement that this is fucking stupid, and the fat women in general agree to it.
I remember it getting so heated up because the feminist just started spouting nonsense about how "men dont really get raped" and I couldnt stop sniggering because she was literally being shouted at by the alpha males in the room for being an insensitive cunt.
The professor had to change the subject immediately the moment the environment started going against her favor.
Top kek
The only cure for a tranny is a high speed lead injection.
What the hell? When I was 8 I thought girl had penises and were no different than boys other than they wore pink. How do these kids have any idea what it is to be a girl?
On plebbit you can see it in the comments, especially when king nigger is involved. There's more talk of roping a black man than I would have ever thought possible in the current year + 1.
I noticed that the women on the right side of first picture. They are not wearing the bra. Geez, that's very embarrassing. Don't they realise that the people will consider them to be attention whores if they act like sluts?
Remember when NatGeo was about science, nature, etc?
Yeah. Good times.
Its liberating patriarchal bigot.
Ok. GLP's always been a bit racist, but until now, 'culture' has been the explanation. Look at this thread. It had 4 stars on it with like 50 votes. It's happened. The path of progression for Trump memes was basically Chans -> Reddit/Alternative Media -> Facebook. Now, far more promising memes are starting to take that path. The difference now is that we have alternative media is now acting as MSM for civic nationalism. This Great Wall of Breitbart must be overcome. Comment sections appear to be the best way past it.
(polite sage for OT)
realize that most of the degenerates are advocating for such behavior.
also what's the deal with the one "male" in the picture and why the fuck is he fucking black?
god damnit national geocucks
It's 2016 nigger, anything is possible!
Gas all of them. Best part is we have lists of who subscribes to and propagates this gave degeneracy. When these kids grow up and actually understand how the pozz culture fucked them up they will pull the levers themselves.
Not even hiding their intention, disgusting.
Go on a solo camping trip, user, and get off the internet for a while user. We all need a break sometimes.
Once faggot couples started putting their grade school aged male children in dresses and paraded them around in the media I knew they were seriously fucking up from a PR perspective.
They don't seem to realize how dimly this is viewed by even your average pleb. Given this National Geographic cover it seems they're still without a clue.
I had a complete set of late 70's to late 80's National Geographic issues that my Uncle gave my younger brother and I as kids in the 90's our older cousin's hand me down books.
All of the content I read, from articles about life in the Soviet Union to generic (Not in the pejorative sense) definitely sparked a wide vary of interests that still persist in my adult life.
God Forbid how I'd turn out now if I had this garbage shoved down my throat growing up.
Spreading awareness of the horrors commited against white south Africans and the allied war crime of Dresden are nothing because she was once in a picture with a nigger. Isn't that right TRS?
Similar situation myself. Pre-internet it was always a treat to come across a batch of 2nd hand issues. Kept me occupied and out of trouble for hours on end. It's a shame to garbage like this issue being printed.
DEGENERATE. I consider myself pretty far to the left of Holla Forums average in the domain of sexual politics, but once you start pushing this shit on kids, it goes radically, horrifyingly over the line. I think infant circumcision is an atrocity bad enough. And now you want to take a five year old who might like to play with barbies once in awhile and cut his dick off? Get the fuck into the oven, kikes.
*too see garbage
Once you're 18 you should be allowed to make pretty much all the bad choices you want that don't pick another person's pocket or break their legs. But there is no fucking way a 5 or 10 year old really has any understanding of the issues involved, and it's impossible to believe any of them came up with the idea of voluntary hormone replacement or surgeries themselves. This is Münchhausen by Proxy shit for the sickest and most "liberal" of social climbers. People who think their child is nothing more than a status-signalling accessory.
I had a TA who believed that because women can't penetrate. Of course, this was California, so no one complained, but I pointed out the existence of dildos. Everyone's reaction was hilarious.
More stories plz. This shit is entertaining.
It really is madness. And here we have what was one of America's most loved popular journals promoting this shit.
You're compromising in a bad way (would that point of view be considered libretarian?). Actions do not exist in isolation. By an act being allowed it society, the passive act of allowing it has implications. Regardless of what it is, it leads to a slippery slope effect where we go from: "hey, who cares if two gay people have sex behind closed doors?" to "hey, who cares if children are exposed to genetalia and people wearing freaky costumes during a gay pride parade through town?"
Exactly. You can consent SOMEWHAT at 13 but cannot give INFORMED consent. You don't have the life experience, you're not fully through the adolescent changes, hell your fucking BRAIN hasn't even fully developed yet. You lack context. Guaranteed, the 30-year-old Corey looks back on the 12-year-old Corey with a different perspective. It's the parents' job to feed, clothe, shelter and love the child until they're fully finished developing. Making all of the big choices until they can handle it. This is not at twelve.
We can't prevent every act of sodomy; or every interracial marriage; or every drug-assisted suicide. But what's been proven is we can win the war of ideas. When families are strong and right wing opinions can be expressed without having one's personal and professional life destroyed, degeneracy will collapse. We can't solve every problem - but then, we don't have to. We just have to establish a cultural aegis, and those who chose to remain outside of it won't significantly undermine our influence.
That's what's even more disturbing about it. It's bad enough they're wrecking the child's life by pushing this degeneracy onto an innocent and fragile mind - but they do it for the shallowest of reasons - to promote themselves as progressive and tolerant. The poor kid is just the vehicle for their sickness, to be tossed aside when they've been used up and some other new degeneracy becomes fashionable.
They don't get it do they?
Nazism becoming popular again seems to have taken them aback. To be fair, I'm a little taken aback myself. We're now the cool kids on the playground.
When I was a kid in the 1980's, the crazy conspiracy theorists on the right jibbered on about how the leftists were trying to erect a socialist government that stratified according to gender, sexuality, and ethnicity and sought to castrate men.
Now, here we are. The left are attempting to erect a socialist state that stratifies with the progressive stack and pushes male castration as a virtue and method of gaining social position.
Jesus fucking christ.
I'm one of the anons that exposed TRS shilling on Holla Forums. Both can fuck off for their kikery. The only thing Firestarter, and their jewess, will be remembered for is their flat earth shilling on Holla Forums, actively using said shilling to derail threads, being cryptos, and their shit-tier, cringe-inducing anti-Trump memes and pasta. They're useless and incompetent, and have no influence here or anywhere else that matters.
For the entirety of the last decade they've been screaming about how racism and neonazis are everywhere and now they're stunned when they run into one online.
They did not meme responsibly. Shadilay!
To be fair, he was probably (((helped))) to come to this decision. It's less a case of him being a freak/thing and more a case of him being a stupid boy with abusive parents that encourage this nonsense.
Still better than India.
Interestingly, he does actually sound like a girl there. Probably because he hasn't hit puberty yet.
Hitler was actually a direct descendent of Abe Lincoln
Here's something interesting to consider;
Let's say one of these poor brainwashed tranny kids gets molested.
Do you think their parents and the "community" that pretends to support them will go public with it? Run to the police and demand the pedo's head on a pike?
Or do you think they'll cover it up, even probably continuing to allow the molester access to children?
I think it's already happened. Multiple times.
Historically speaking, trannies are a response to a demand for prostitutes where women aren't available.
Wait, really? Makes sense considering their similar approaches to monetary policy.
Me too, 70's and 80's actually. The social decay is very real and we've come close to the breaking point. I had to grow up seeing hippies and their progeny acting like complete degenerates but at least there was still a very conservative White core that would've thrown these parents in jail.
If we don't get this cleaned up substantially in the next 10 years or so it's all over.
I was more worried about having to fight the Soviets and East Germans in Western Europe or the continental U.S. and/or living in a post-apocalypse Mad Max world. Little did I know it would be millions of illegal beaners, de-industrialization, endless global terror wars, out of control niggers and to top it off, faggots openly dictating policy. Complete insanity that probably wouldn't have sold were it written as a novel back then.
I don't normally yell reddit spacing… but for fuck's sake man, did you just get off the boat?
I am sorry to be a dickhead to you but just ignore the reddit spacing so the thread don't get derail.
actually it's OC
I delete my imageboards folder every six months and autistically shit out another round of OC at breakneck pace before exclusively drawing from my own pool of images and relevant memes
have some moar
"Rage Comics" new friend. and they predate your weak degeneracy blog memes.
you have to go back
did you do ? i like it
They're actively selling their kid's ass by seeking this publicity in the first place.
That is pretty quick user.
Go back where, nobody has posted on 4chon in two months exactly.
Yes, meant to post that one.
Wew. That's some reality warping.
Funny thing is even good a old Jeb! tier cuckbot would get the same treatment and then grovel for mercy from these faggots. Now they've run into an entirely animal and it does not compute.
therapist, when broken up is "the rapist"
think about it…
*Now they've run into an entirely different animal and it does not compute.
in other news water is wet
Hellstorm isn't that unknown. That still doesn't dispute my point in that she has done beneficial work. Yes flat earth shit is retarded and I'm not disputing that. But her (beneficial) work shouldn't be dismissed because she didn't agree with your choice in a election.
Also is there actual evidence she's a kike? I'm genuinely interested
the ones you did look good too.
F-fuck's sake, user. This must be how we ended up with so many furries.
Who's to say that these kids going tranny is because of the rape? Needless to say we better keep an eye out on these freaks. Unfortunately, those kids are as good as dead.
I always thought furry "culture" was a post 90's thing.
I just like 80's animation/movies. (before anyone asks, i'm not a Holla Forumsmrade).
They aren't going tranny because of rape. They are going tranny in preparation for the rape.
Where is the thread going to? Gay…..tran……furries…..pedophile….They claimed that the slippery slope do not exist and now look at it. How will they explain this shit?
Drop that shit bro. This thread is about kids getting turned into freaks. Why the fuck are you letting yourself get distracted by bullshit?
is tranny rape relly a thing?
vast majority of them don't even pass for (ugly) female, and they have a high rate of std's and other infections (usually because of I.V. drug use).
Any parent that allows their retarded kids to go through these operations should have their children taken away. Kids aren't supposed to be political tools; especially not to this point. All these kids are going to wind up killing themselves probably in their 20's when they realize how much they've fucked up their entire lives
Not saying that the tranny thing ain't prep work for taking these kids to pound town but I'm sure we can get some numbers on it.
Yes but you don't want to know though.
We can't get numbers if these kids' parents are covering it up.
Dude, they're forcing alot of these kids and converting them into shemale freaks. Probably letting some fucked up CPS agents have a go at these kids.
Yeah, i read about faggots pretending to be women getting dicked unwillingly. Gross stuff.
This thread seems like the right place for this question.
So I'm watching this PBS documentary "Growing up Trans" and right away there's this mother on there that says her 7 or 8 year old child had specifically told her she wanted a penis. Webm related.
What are the actual odds of this actually being true? That children are telling their parents that they want to be a different gender, versus parents forcing their children to become transgender (notice the (((pure coincidence))) of transgendered kids that were raised by hardcore feminists, lesbians/gays, etc).
I mean I guess now there are strong links between gender dysphoria and autism, but can such a discrepancy manifest at a really young age like that? Assuming that these children really are telling their parents they want to be the other gender, where are they getting a point of reference from? Is it the cartoons they consume? Is autism linked with estrogen/testosterone imbalance?
The ride is getting more spooky.
Alice Dreger, a bioethicist and transgender rights activist, was disowned by all her LGBLTBBQ colleagues for having the nerve to point out that 90%+ of non-gender-conforming kids grow up to be happily-gender-conforming adults.
These virtue-signaling liberal parents are pressuring their kids to permanently change their bodies because they view their kids as social leverage, a way for them to earn brownie points with other liberal parents. To them their children are nothing more than billboards they can use to show everyone how liberal and progressive they are.
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong place, Holla Forums is one board down.
Those comments are heart warming, a lot of normies are waking up to (((them))).
The kikes should really consider stopíng it before they get shoahd all over again.
Hahaha like they are capable of thinking ahead. No they won't stop it.
Looks like even the trannies are getting blacked.
in the futute it's not enough to mutilate your organs, you'll need to change your skin color to be accepted
Sadly this happened.
she had an ugly tomato nose, whatever she was it definitely wasn't full white. most likely a crypto jew of some kind.
What the fuck is that thing?
That's a fat nigger. In most black communities, the fatter you are the better, because it means you don't have GRIDS.
Exactly this shit. Jenner was the iconic picture on the FUCKING WHEATIES box. This cultural symbol of masculinity. Then he becomes a woman.
This is how the jews work. They do this shit for fun. They transvalue every fucking thing. If they want to destroy you they will take whatever your more positive value is and turn it into a negative, and probably find some way to profit from the process. If you invented some great life-saving technology the jews will show up with some story how it is terrible. If you got perfect grades in school jews will turn that negative, doesn't matter, I can't even think how because I'm not a jew but they fucking would do it.
I didn't even know who jenner fucking was is the saddest shit. I wasn't born when he won the olympics and I don't follow fucking kardashians. But I knew of that fucking picture because I've seen in it every store every other week of my life.
Jews know this. jews had him turned into a woman because of this. but why is the question. does he owe a bunch of jews money? for drugs or gambling? Or was he recruited into their esoteric tikkun olam kabal?
when I was that age I wanted to race go karts and have a dad in my life
neither happened.
A big guy.
penis envy is common among women. but that doesn't mean you're a boy or even that you want to BE a boy, it CEMENTS that you're a girl. holy shit, if every girl that envied the penis was really a boy then there would literally be no girls.
this is how fucked up our world has become, you're set up so that you need to find a partner of the opposite sex to be complete. that's how nature and God incentivizes us to reproduce. But I guess in our libertine age fuck finding a partner of the opposite sex to complete one another, instead just change your sex!
Apparently, after being raped, they then repeat the same process on children when they, the tranny, reach adulthood. Kike Yiannopoulos admits to losing his rectal virginity, consensually being raped, as a young teen to a tranny nigger. It doesn't even compute for these people that they were abused and/or raped. They reminisce being used as fuck pigs by adult trannies, and other degenerates, as normal, appropriate anecdotes for use in conversation.
New thread theme.
Fuck off.
Fascism is societies immune response to Marxist induced degeneracy. It comes from the hearts of the people.
The Planet of the Apes
What the hell would a 7 year old girl know about penises, unless she was abused?
good point.
The next generations are egocentric monsters.
You're not kidding.
Watch the Corey video, he's clearly consenting to the hormone replacement therapy. Are you retarded? The rest of my post argues why it's not informed.
The mods have been building the new gay Holla Forums with the CIA for years now.
A child cannot consent to ruining their life and body like this. Fuck off kike.
check my dubs every time I tell the truth
Notice who the only normal gender, namely "male", has on him…
Get #BoycottNatGeo trending?
Big Pun, he exploded a while ago.
People in grape vine are saying that old people are canceling their subscriptions over shit like this.
I imagine some of these kids are enthusiastic about going tranny to soothe their ailing egos about being weak, dominated, or raped, or maybe the parents sell, encourage, or enable the idea to make the kids shutup and accept their lot in life because the parents just don't care. Instead of choosing to face their pain, the kids take on the identity of a woman, because that justifies them being treated as such. The alternate identity enables avoidance of pain at the cost of preventing emotional growth.
One way to look at is:
>You don't have to grow up and become a stronger, more responsible person, sweetie. You can be a girl instead.
Holla Forums if you want your children to be emotionally equipped to defend themselves against this kind of mental immaturity, have them experience reasonable physical pain early as in exercise or lifting weights. This is not a magic spell that can never fail, but if your kids have a decent foundation this will add some strength to it. Also, don't be a helicopter parent. Let them fall and scratch their knees and get bruises from horseplay.
Physical and emotional pain activate similar brain regions, so there is good reason to believe this can work.
Whatever these youngsters claim to be, they all still have an ass that can be beaten.
I remember cancelling my subscription to NatGeo like 5 years ago because they started printing sociology shit as real science. And that was before I was redpilled. Glad to see I made the right choice.
A Jew spreading degeneracy? I'm shocked, just shocked.
See what happens when you let those parasites in? The host is a shell of it's former self. Who the fuck is going to buy that shit? FUCK THEM.
I personally think it was because it opened up (in their minds) an avenue to inject this crap into sports, he was even brought to ESPN's award show that no one watches, specifically to rub everyone (the athletes) noses in it. it was Kaepernick before Kaepernick, but no one gave a shit and trannyism is a bridge too far for most regular people, much less sports fans. just look at what the anthem stuff has done to the NFLs ratings, and it figures to get even worse if they don't replace Lady Gaga for the Super Bowl halftime. people will even turn football off because this shit is so obscene, let that sink in
This shit is essentially Munchhausen's by Proxy.
Big Pun, Puerto Rican rapper from the Bronx. Died of a heart attack 17 years ago. Got up to over 700 lbs, went to fat rehab, lost like 200 pounds, got released, ate it all back in a few months then his heart exploded.
As a kid he used to eat to calm himself when his dad was beating the shit out of his mom. Even ate fucking drywall and crayons. Great irony that he became a wife beater himself.
'Oldfag' (to use your term) burgerman here.
Back in the 50s, 60s, 70s and hell even early 80s you'd get the piss beat out of you if you were a faggot. There was no remorse what-so-ever back when I was in school for fags like this. I witnessed a girlyboy getting his ass thrown into a thorn bush once, with his bike thrown on top of him… just for acting gay.
What in the hell happened? How is this considered acceptable now?
This is a boy.
You know, I think I might prefer it if gays went full-on "I'm a girl" than if they stayed masculine in appearance. Watching Independence Day 2 last summer, it was disgusting to see two old, bearded men call each other "sweetheart" and kiss. At least with trannies and traps it's not so nauseating.
Faggots or at least partial faggots made great warriors and thinkers in ancient societies like Greece and Rome. These fucking degenerates can't even finger fucking paint.
If you fancy them, fucking rape them before you hang them. But these people are a fault line and a weakness that will destroy western civilisation if they are allowed the same rights as a real human being.
That's the trap though, pun not intended. Making it more acceptable will just turn us into faggots. I mean look at degenerate doujinshi: the traps are basically girls without tits or a vagina. You can actually masturbate to it easily because it looks entirely like a female only it has a gimmick to it. It's less depressing than some of the other stuff out there though which shall remain nameless…
This world is mad. Why is male+female so fucking complicated to people?
Are you kidding? Traps are more nauseating. They are men pretending to be women to fool you into letting them suck your cock, or worse.
At least masculine gays are straight up with what they want.
I would hang any rapist, even ones doing it to the enemy, just like if a guard in a German concentration camp did something wrong he would receive the death penalty.
Sounds like you were raped. What's the diameter of your asshole?
NdT understands part of the equation, but there's another thing poisoning the culture in STEM fields right now. To mention it is to sign away your career.
Underrated post.
no. the only reason you're saying this is because you see pictures like that one online with a weird camera angle hiding the shoulder:hip ratio and HRT since puberty.
go look at some of the disgusting fucks in a Holla Forums thread, they're weird looking men with shitty tits and nice hair sometimes.
why did I even consider the alternative
Can't say anthing about the odds but it certainly does happen that children want to be the other gender even without raging SJW/faggot parents it happened to me, and I knew literally nothing about LGBT shit.
in my experience, from deep within their hearts. they experience a deep, metaphysical sense of being, longing to be, or of having been meant to be the other gender. The intricacies of the human mind can't be explained in material terms alone.
you faggots have been deflecting criticism as 'she just narrates! her psycho cunt isn't really involved! now give them money' but now you claim that is the actual contribution she has made.
It's unknown by us because anyone who knows her didn't want to hear her. She has done nothing but D&C and get orbiters like you to shill for her. Just cut your balls off now if they're still there. How much time did she spend attacking the right and/or Trump vs attacking
Traitors hang the highest
I know right m8. I still can't believe that we are living in a very different world now.
Really I don't see them fucking everything up as much as women do, you faggot literally gave rights to irresponsible children. I fail to see how faggots could be worse, Oh no they demanded gay marriage and now they can get fucked in the ass by the divorce courts like the rest of us.
I'd say a good portion, 70-80% if I had to guess, of trans kids are forced into it by their parents, but the destruction of western masculinity has something to do with it too. Why do you think there's like 3 times more MTF than FTM?
Look man, same thing happened to me, but you have to realize that even if you didn't understand LGBT stuff, you are a product of this feminized, cultural marxist, culture. 150 years ago both of us would have been given a purposeful masculine identity, but today we latched onto the only garbage available.
That's the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard. Gender is not metaphysically quantified according to any scientific or philosophical principles.
You wreak of shill.
what am i doing on this earth
my dick just flew up into the sky
Actually I think trannies are much less harmful to society and gender roles (or whaterver is left of those) than femminine "men"/masculine "women".
Transgederism is a form of mental illness (and in a perfect world it would be treated as such) but if the choice is between that and growing up to be a litteral faggot or one of those "supposedly" straight dudes who enjoy getting pegged in the ass by their gf I think it's honestly the lesser evil both for them and for society as whole, to the very least they wont contribute to the destruction of traditional gender roles.
Posting pure slav qt eye bleach in degeneracy thread.
I don't need your shitty accordion music or slav women, I have my waifu's lovely face in Yule regalia gracing both my monitors as I listen to Bruckner symphonies with her.
She's not a slav. She's a fingolian. More specifically she's from one of those tiny finno-ugric tribes that live in russia.
that pic sexualizes a 9 year old boy
She's ruthenian, you basterd.
Yes, but what really matters is that the horse identifies as a zebra, bigot
Jesus christ Trannies are fucking disgusting
There aren't a lot of them left these days are there?
My mistake. I guess you learn something new every day.
The cover of this made it onto Imgur's front page today … Based on the comments, there was also general disgust.
It's a shit site, but it's good for gauging normalfag opinion on large news events at a glance, I've found.
and yet many throw themselves into hyper-masculine pursuits (sports, military, etc.), whether from pressure of their parents/peers or an internal drive to be normal, only to tranny anyways 10, 20, 30 years down the road (if they don't kill themselves instead). Trannyism persists even in the presence of aggressively masculine influences (both internal and external), so I really don't think that's the problem.
What fucking school did you go to? I studied History and my college was pozzed as shit (still is, actually; a rchive.is/C2AzX) and they still stressed the importance of primary sources and using evidence to back up your claims. I had an entire class on historiography that stressed the importance of solid sources and damned empirical evidence. I graduated 2.5 years ago, have colleges gotten even more pozzed since then?
Sam Hyde really did troll the fuck out of Adult Swim. Praise Kek
Another case of fat niggers dying from their chitlins, collard greens, and watamelon oh lawwdy
If they didn't learn after the last 106 times over the last 2,000 years, then they'll never learn. They can't have that many extra lives left, what with the world being so connected by technology 'n' all. Where could they possibly run to the next time they get shoahed?