Women, Fags, Cripples, and Niggers Required for Future Movies


The short version: these "award" institutes are the de-facto policymakers for the film industry. Now they're openly saying you need cunts, niggers, faggots, and cripples not only featured in your movies, but as main characters.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm already not watching their shit, the only reason to care about their jewing is them feeding it to others.

Does anyone remember when a couple of years ago half/b/ started a petition to have the next James Bond to be played by someone with Down's syndrome? That was hilarious

Fuck. We should push this hard actually. It'd be a huge shock to the masses. They really can't argue against the push for a retarded James Bond without looking immoral.

Ultimate trolling.

Arent they already required for UK tv? What a spooky country.

But user, I was just told in another movie thread that if we don't watch normiemedia, we're hurting ourselves?

What to do?


I just want to say, it's fucked up and retarded that every time there's a new star wars movie, or some SJW Sony shit, we're expected (and mods allow it) to have at least one thread on each movie near the front page at all times.

Fuck this shit

Good thing Russian Hollywood will be churning out good movies then

If Russia keeps telling the truth on news events (or at least closer to the truth and with any details, like they have been for recent events) and then also offers inspirational entertainment, they'll win a culture war without firing a shot or hacking anybody

You know what I noticed missing in all commercials for Rogue One? White men. It's funny how 'diversity' means no white men anywhere.

Oh but I'm sure all the Stormtroopers are white men, for slaughter by heroic niggers.

You really don't understand the impact that movies have on the public, do you?

I'm burt out on viking shows though, give me ancient greece, rome, space, sci-fi, and more than just a slug fest and posing.

they'll just mental gymnastics their way around it

if hes white, its under-representation of minorities and women
if shes white, its misogynist
if shes a black transexual, its racist and making fun of transexuals
if hes a cis black, its racist

i was thinking… why does Holla Forums care? why not just convince normalfags to stop watching movies (for the most part anyway). w/o a market they'll lose influence

and on the idea of the market…. isn't China the emerging TV/Movies market? So, two things here… if the commies in Hollyjew want to create nation-wrecking cucked movies for the Chinese to consume, then shouldn't Holla Forums let them? Also, sort of the other side of the coin: the Chinese hate niggers and all this retarded shit, so won't Hollyjew have to uncuck their movies eventually? it just makes no sense to me

They're eagerly looking for a trans retard parapalegic for the next James Bond.

oh not, not the trophies

I'm glad I never became a movie buff. I'm glad I stopped giving a shit about movies and TV 10+ years ago. The signs even then were clear, now it's utterly blatant. If you're still trapped then you're pretty much lost for good.

The enemy can do whatever they want with these organizations: they either created them or currently own them. It was never set up for your benefit.

Expect mediocre to terrible films with low returns in the future.

I guess now I can take these pointless awards even less seriously.


Holy shit, now I'm interested.

More incentives to read more books. Older books that is.

Independent films will be the way to go.

Looks like we're about to get more black Victorians.

Not fucking happening.
Just as Holla Forums will binge on reading books, exercising and shooting, the normalfags will binge on television, video games and social network. They're a necessary evil that needs to be used to steer the mass to the right course.
Not saying that the kikes are doing the right thing though, they're abusing them to control and dumb down the mass instead of using them to steer the mass through encouragement and inspiration, because they know that the moment the mass wise up, there will be a shoah.

This is only going on with the BAFTAs, Britain's award for movies.

There's still honestly tons of nice movies that come out on a regular basis, but they're often lower budget movies. You just need to get used to not watching just the major blockbusters that come out of Hollywood and instead look for those relatively smaller movies, which may be shitty in some respects, yet still put forth nice/entertaining stories.

I think it's more important to tell people to abstain from movies. This SJW push thrives on the confrontation.

I understand that many disagree with me. But most of these movies are banking on nonstop free advertising from of opposition of "altright" or whatever bogeymen. Okay, Starwars is going to get a lot of viewers no matter what, although I'm quite tired of it because at the rate they are releasing those movies now, it's about half on half off for "we need to make opposition to our character choices and exploit clickbait media". But the barbie movie? Best ignored completely. It only exists because of the opposition.

I mean that after a movie is released and things fade, it's only a matter of months before the next one is banking on our outrage for clickbait authors to spam social media for another equal amount of time. It's incessant


It's like that article in another thread (I think), "Alt right has a problem with the new star wars, go figure…"

Jesus Christ lets not play their game. If nobody cares, nobody cares. The movie has no merit on its own. if it gets no created hype, it fails

And it's not hard for even a star wars movie to fail today, the rate they are pushing them out on a stale property


Creating and disseminating our own non-pozzed movie/tv list would be a good counter to what's currently happening



I don't even know what movies to recommend but there are a lot of older movies (before the 70's) that are fairly decent. New recommendations would be nice

imagine the scene where Q attempts to demonstrate his newly invented gadgets to bond.

What's this from?

Funny that they understand that yet gave this exact help to Trump.

They didn't mention more Muslims or Jews?

Good then it'll backfire no matter who stars in a movie the progressives they are trying to lure in will hate and of course normal people will be put of by it, I hope they go all the way so it ends quicker.

Nice thing about old movies is that they can be watched over and over again. If they're really good, you can learn something new with every viewing.

New Hollywood doesn't ruin anything because Classic Hollywood is eternal.

I agree, it only furthers their agenda and delegitimizes us when we start sperging out about fucking star wars. If you want to fight the cultural battle, don't engage on their terms, and guess what, trying to dissect and analyze something as goddamn vacuous as mass entertainment is just that; fighting their battle. Instead, redirect to authors/moviemakers who may have our interests, or better yet, encourage people not to consume this utter dreck.

It's about time! Goldstein and Silverblumentalberg need to take a knee so Tyrone can finally shine. Let's not settle for just the cast; it should include the production team/directors/writers/etc.

we're pretty much already at that point

politics is downstream from culture. unpoz the culture and the rest follows.

there was no anti-white, anti-family garbage back then, either. i can't watch current media without turning it off a quarter way through. everything has a pozzed agenda to it. watching that stuff is nihilism inducing.

old movies are best

Hahah y-yeah me too man every day haha you know it

The Invincible Armour (1977)

Don't worry your quickly diversifying neighborhood will help you stay focused!

I'm expecting them right now.

dubs confirm



they are all jews

pretty sure mark hamill's a goy


off by one

Let the left just take media? that shit influence people , explain the retards that used steven universe as a guide to talk to their right wing relatives during thanksgiving , look up that shit yeah that was a thing. You still got idiots out there who still for some reason listen to the daily show , christ

Clearly this is the kind of toxic ethnocentrism that must be fought!

Well I guess the cinema business is officially dead. Jay and mike were right movies are shit and always will be.

Drive them agaisnt eachother.

Use their retarded logic to find something insulting about every movie they make and scream and complain.

it really is demoralizing. Even if you're redpilled and can clearly see through what they're doing.


This is from this season of Vikings. A show that I found enjoyable. Absolutely no dramatic or plot-driven reason to have this material in there.

Taking capslock off for a second, it's true though. They have done so much to further this end. It's not anyone's fault that no one wants to watch Hidden Figures, or whatever that nauseating, Oliver-Stone tier, piece of shit about the Apollo program is called, except for the dimwits who went to the trouble of making such a hilariously transparent fanfic into a multimillion dollar financial endeavor.

This could be edited right after the punch with so many amusing things. The meme potential is mind boggling.

Could be worse but that's really no consolation. Pretty glad I never got into this show either even though lots of faggots here watch it.

A lot better than Spartacus, no webm please.
BTW, that shit is inaccurate as fuck, the "lower" is the one given pleasure.

Then bongistan needs to portray a gay black Jew quadriplegic that falls in love with fully abled genetically superior white aryan Muslim who refuses to convert to judaism for him to be truly diverse.

Stronk indypyndynd warrior wymwam is a lesbian now? When will she get a neon colored tumblr haircut an an extra gender description? lel C'mon, we need more inclusivity, hamfist that shit in.

That show put me off from the getgo, they made up the gross hand lick thing and had a lot of kosher relatives of the producers etc. playing as norse caracters. It was uncanny valley-tier bullshit.

And the christian askelad thing made no sense either, it was a hole where some compelling narrative could fit, but apparently they didn't come up with anything worthwhile so they implied one instead.

You can watch it if you're wise to the realities of Hollywood horseshit, but don't ever pay for it or give it views anywhere.

The one I downloaded didn't have the full scene, are there uncut versions available?

Shes just a lipstick lesbian on the show, they make out like both of them still want the dick.

but game of knockout was exclusively played by black people on white people. ha. why did they just twist the facts around like that? really makes ya thank.

Lesbianism happens, but warriors got oral, not qts used by them. Again, that shit is inaccurate as fuck, reality was exactly the opposite.

They also played polarbear hunting on asians.

I guess our money isn't, OP.

How do you know if someone is gay? Are they saying that sucking cock should be part of all movies now? hahaha

FUCK JEWS. Destroy their power base and boycott it all. READ.

lol fuck sake I love this place.

You need to add some trans in that though if you want to win awards; preferably a minor undergoing hormone therapy to feel more comfortable wearing his sister's dresses.

It's Disney's Star Wars now. Continue to call it for what it is so the distinction is enough to meet their [normie] minds


Agreed, specially since there are many interesting history of the white race/Europe that hasn't been touched by film makers. We need more films that inspire and show white history, heroism, masculinity (Not this fake "You aren't masculine if you don't have this X, Y, Z"), tradition and much more.

It isn't "dissecting" and "analyzing" when the writers literally tweet that the Empire is "white supremacist". They fucking say it outright.

We've been over this so many times, the IGNORE strategy doesn't fucking work. It hasn't worked since the beginning of SJW nonsense. If Sony or Disney wants opposition and we aren't providing it, they'll make their own. It doesn't matter how many people speak up, it can literally be one fucking egg twitter account and dailydot will spend a month talking about vague "alt right" whining about this strong empowered disabled trans xerson of color playing George Washington in a summer blockbuster called "Founding Mothers" or some shit.

lol, they sure want to kill their own industry.
these kikes make no sense. no wonder they are going extinct.

the good news is, whereever there is shit and no alternative, new alternatives are created for the starving customer - be it drugs, money, or whatever.
i'd pay more than a dollar to NOT see another remake of "robocop" (not that i'd watch it, but the news having to read such kike tripe invades my rage receptors. enough is enough!)

a politically incorrect, nigger hating, fag destroying maniac cop movie is just the thing you need these days to unwind, fuck their agendas!!1!
back to the stone age!

Western shows have shit like this all the time and I never see anyone sperg about "disgusting creepy fanservice for manchild virgins." But god forbid if an anime so much as obliquely suggests the possibility that human sexuality exists. People start immediately talking about the need for a third bomb.

I love this movie, and think most of Holla Forums would too… but there is a fag character, just because.

(Seriously, if you haven't watched it already, do it now, you won't regret it)

Same thing with most media I would recommend for inclusion.
What is have been thinking could be done is edit them to change what we don't like. For stuff that is just tacked on it's a simple matter of cutting it out, but when it's like in this movie where the gay character is in scenes of value, advanced technology is required to replace them, possibly re-shooting the scenes also. Just not feasible currently.

That is a great movie. I love that it didn't portray the 50s characters as "evilracistnazikkkwhowantstokill60millionjews!!"

The movie reminds me of Pleasantville, except Pleasantville fucking sucked

Trailer. It fails to showcase how awesome the father of the protagonist is, but it has a sample of how un-PC it is by today's standard.

why hasn't anyone mentioned this an oxymoron?


Seriously, I dare you to watch just the first five minutes.


I watch the motherfuckers of disney saying that "we are going to make Star Wars franchise more rich and diverse". Fuck this shit, I tough you were exaggerating, but Holla Forums is always right.

This is some of the most shameless kikery I have ever seen in my entire life.

Does anyone care about these awards?

After The Great Gatsby got completely side-lined I stopped taking any awards seriously.

Greedy jews who want free publicity do.
Virtue-signaling grand-standers will care now, too.

You have absolutely shit taste in literature.

Game of knockout scene but every time the nigger is knocked out The Nutshack theme starts playing

I fucking lost my sides.

I guess that's really what this all is, isn't it? The culture of Western European society is under attack by the culture of Globalism and diversity (Spread by the Kikes). Maybe that's why our memes have been so effective, because culture is spread by many different mediums, entertainment, music, art, memes can be all of those things and more.

They are starting to pull all of their connections now, politicians, bankers, false flag operations, MSM, Hollyjew. It's all a war on culture. They know they would lose if it became a physical war, whites have proven to be made for it, plus Burgerland whites have more domestic firearms than the US military.

Whew lad.

Couldn't we pump out movies with all white casts as long as we include cripples, invalids, and deaf women in leading roles?


The Russian Vikings show is 10x better with no Jew shit

That aside, amazing concept, never see movies like this made anymore


And that is why they had to change the end for Inferno. Because normies would come to realize something they never been exposed to before.
I liked the book and only watched the movie (korsub, only wanted the end) because i wanted to see what the result was.

I felt like punching a wall after this.

Might be a bit off topic, and i don't know what the general opinion of Dan Brown is here. But Inferno as a book is fucking based and the fact that they changed the end could be something to point out when talking about the movie industry in general.

Good. Movies will turn to shit and people will turn their back to the stupidbox.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Some qt3.14 is hinting at wanting to go and see WE WUZ NASA N SHIT the movie. I'm almost tempted to go in order to try and redpill her about forced diversity and white genocide.

They"ll just cast random niggers in those roles and work in some ancient lesbians

Old movies drive me nuts because they all affect stupid fucking accents, the men all brusque and clipped and the women breathy and cutesy. Drives me fucking crazy


That movie was occasionally fun. I remember when movies were occasionally fun.


Scott Fitzgerald was known for anti-semitic rhetoric, it's most likely why the film got sidelined.

Wolfsheim was essentially how he perceived kikes, but clearly you're informed and know this already.

Do you read anything apart from Mein Kampf?

Good movies to watch with children

I'm sitting here with my two cousins 11 and 13, I want to watch a movie with them, but I don't want to watch trash like 99% of what there is to choose from. And I can't seem to find anything worth watching.
It must be morally strengthening, and psychologically enriching and it must have a good story.
No pro pop culture shit
No pro diversity shit
No pro tolerance shit

Anything wecome.
You name it


Angry Birds.
Redpill them young while you can.

Well, The Snow Queen 1951 I liked. There is this one section with a cute poor gypsy(?) girl, but overall I don't think it yields the pro-diversity message.
This wouldn't fall under "morally enriching" or anything, but the 1980s cartoon versions of Sherlock Holmes are pleasent (you can find the above two Youtube).
Although anime, I enjoyed Fantastic Children. I don't know, some of you might consider the ending cuck-ish.
That's all I really got. Although, what's up with this, they should be doing math or some activity, not watching cartoons.

What the fuck are you?

Godzilla flicks are always pretty good

A grad. student in mathematics.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Their father is pretty redpilled for a normie, So I'm not too concerned, but I wan't to influence their young minds as much as I can. They can easily be impressed, and they look very much up to me and my brother.

Yeah, they should be doing math, but good luck with that when they are on holiday visit.
I would rather want them to learn values like why they should be doing math, like through a movie or something entertaining for them.

It's almost like people discuss things without consulting (you) first. Oy vey!

We need to unfuck his shit up.


I mean if you REALLY want to redpill them hard, show them some early anime movies (before the degenerate shit) Like Princess Mononoke and what not. Anime is shit but there are still gems very much worth seeing. Plus the nips are still very redpilled.


They're doing this to children's cartoons (gotta indoctrinate them young!) too.
Look at dogshit like Steven Universe, constant lesbian bullshit, ugly multiracial everything and fucking disgusting.

There is some sadness to your post:
Isn't man's ability to have forthought one of the principle elements that makes him human? Therefore, the inability to realize that focusing on certain aspects at a young age can lead to a large change in one's overall life be a sign of a detrimental flaw?
It doesn't have to be math either, for example, consider the kid who says "I want to be a football player when I'm older". Well, unless this kid realizes he should be practicing often even then and studying the subject at that point, it will never be (or, at minimum, the probability will go down significantly).
If man truly wants something, then why does he not do what is necessary to ascertain it? Is this to mean most peoples' desires are trivial and not things they truly seek? Where are those who have a goal and will forsake everything to attain it?


Courage the Cowardly Dog

Well the young mind is very programmable, and very easily impacted, and that should never change. The world today is distracting us and leading us down undesirable paths. So I want to counteract it with something strengthening.

Heeh, I love that show. It used to be my favorite cartoon as a kid.


It's the best, and the underlying message is you have to do the right thing even though it may scare the crap out of you, good message for kiddies.

True, and thanks. I will definitely play this for them

Show her who the black protagonist is really based on. For added effect show it by demonstratively typing her name into Wikipedia rather than some image you have saved.

I will show them show of that, thanks.

While she no doubt was important, people are acting like she did literally all of that herself. They had entire teams of incredibly intelligent people working on that, yet they're acting like it was all her doing.

If you don't you are a degenerate.

Clint Eastwood is currently one of my favorite American film makers. He's not perfect, no one that gets consistent work in Hollywood is. But in his last film 'Sully', the main hero is an outstanding model of a white man and his co-star is the same. It's bizarre to watch because the entire thing is like a celebration of white people and what they can do. It's essentially about the professionalism, responsibility and high moral sense of two FUCKING WHITE MALES! An extremely rare type of film these days.

Best movie idea ever…
The march back in time:
Tons of fags, niggers, spics, gimps, sluts, mudslimes, kikes, ect, getting the ever living shit beattan out of them for three hours and forty five minuets.
Its all inclusive, long enough to be considered some kind of special art piece, gives the correct people who matter something to enjoy.

old? like twilight?

Pleasantville was literally

Check, agree. Exgellend movie.

Every fucking time.

Yeah, but it's Dave Foley, who plays his Kids In The Hall Reilly character and he plays it camp as fuck. Reilly's not supposed to be likeable, positive, or a lure for the innocent. He's just there for a man raised on 50s values to completely misinterpret. Reilly's an unrepentant slut and a bitch. He's actually pretty Holla Forums-accurate.

Also, shame on you for not mentioning Walken's version of Ward Cleaver and Sissy Spacek's "incredibly drunk housewife." Not to mention the cultists.

I'm forgetting. I actually can't remember the last time I saw a new movie without wondering what fucktarded thing the cast or crew was saying on Twitter.

I'm so fucking pissed about this that I can't help but sperg out whenever anyone brings the movie up to me. You want to talk about someone who was crucial talk about Von Braun or talk about his Russian counterpart Sergei Koralev. This woman was just a cog in the machine, not someone that it would have all fell apart without.



That could have happened under Hillary's presidency. We dodged so many bullets.

Please tell me that was at least recent and not something pre-disney

It's Disney era.
It's still a sign of how bad Disney is fucking things up.


Are they even trying to hide it anymore? Anyone with two brain cells could see the forced narrative here.

There's also an Asian slave woman who the main character takes as a wife because the Norsemen were supposedly polygamists in Mortyzcowicz Goldsteinenblat's fantasy world.


I was under the impression that women were a commodity back then. Most men died during war with the promise that they would be given a wife after their success.

If you want to fight a cultural war against Hollywood, do everything you can to undermine their copyright in retaliation. If they are losing money, they lose power.

What if i made a movie where the hero of the movie was a gay that gets killed by a woman and a nigger and the plot twist is that a cripple was pulling the strings?

This sort of trolling could seriously undermine the Jew and Hollywood. We should make this a permanent op directed at these faggots. Ruin every single TV show and movie in existence through their own ideology, costing them billions.

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