Assange suggesting DNC leaker was assassinated

i thought this was common knowledge

Oh shit, is that why he offered a reward on twitter?

Now I see why Banjo Fenders doesn't dare oppose Clinton anymore.

Does this reporter have shit for brains?

Like everyone else in the propaganda machine reporters just do what they're told

Assange needs to learn how the shut the fuck up

CIA please leave

Mate, look at his remarks in the past previous months

Don't you realise that the easiest way elites can come up to discredit projects like Wikileaks and Intercept is to be able to call its leaders biased and/or whacky? "They edited the leaks" is already a standard line for them.

Assange should tone down and when asked about why he does what he does or his political views, he should parrot the most clichĂȘ, politically correct, insipid things he can come up with.

Make it look/sound like serious professional journalism instead of something Alex Jones would do.

Maybe I'm not pessimistic enough but I don't know if assassinations of white/western people are still really used by governments, it seems like they just use their money and influence to marginalise or arrest anyone that says something they don't like.

Yeah straight-up assassinations of civilians were rare even during the cold war. Those who died typically died on the hands of local authority and shit.

Plus, these people stage coups. They can make an assassination look like a robbery if they want to.

I mean american civilians of course

You're reading into that interview a bit much I think.

It's not he's fault no matter how much shit Hillary did she still get away with it


You'll hear all about corruption and so on. And will anyown care? NOPE!

Cause people don't vote for president. They vote "against X". Or "Party". That's what happens when you have no actual opossition to the dominant ideology. People don't care anymore. Same thing happened to the USSR.

They don't need too, they have the whole media to distort the truth.


I always knew white left wing people are biased and think their countries are an utopia compared to no-white's.

Just ask that British Spy who "put himself in a suitcase and asphyxiated" after hacking Bill what he thinks about that.

Western country corruption is way more deep than in the third world.

In the third world they just get in government positions to get a quick buck out of the few money it has.

In western countries like the US, having a legitimate control of the worlds largest armies and economies is what they strive and use to make money.

There is a huge list of "suicide" victims just on the clintons pay account