What's up Holla Forums. I'm creating a new political party dedicated to alternative leftism. Come check it out. You might like it, you'll probably hate it. Come join the fun.
What's up Holla Forums. I'm creating a new political party dedicated to alternative leftism. Come check it out...
nazi go home
Nazis pls leave
this has nothing to do with workers
nationalism leftist
Kek no thanks Useful Idiot
Are you faming kidding me right now fam
You're anti-immigrant, right? Because I think that's the only redeeming thing about nationalism. Fuck those 3rd world scum tbh fam
Using an easily-recognizable and well-known Fascist symbol as a party logo isn't exactly the best way to be sneaky about your "alternative" politics, you know.
neat. Will give it a look. You familiar with Socialist Phalanx? If so how will your site compare?
Awesome. I'm sure your dozens of party members will be much more successful than the existing stormcuck parties.
If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain. England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs. England would still rule you to your ruin, even while your lips offered hypocritical homage at the shrine of that Freedom whose cause you had betrayed. Nationalism without Socialism — without a reorganisation of society on the basis of a broader and more developed form of that common property which underlay the social structure of Ancient Erin — is only national recreancy.
Fuck off. Straserism is a form of communism just like Maoism is. Idiot.
NatSoc will kick out the foreign {{{investors}}}
Besides, a large part of OP's theory is presumably socialist, hence it being posted here. left/pol/ doesn't hold the monopoly on socialism.
maximum autism
good site comrade
dont give a fuck about this reactionary cucks they only put us down
this is why leftism is needed
D&C Holla Forums shills really are the worse
Saying "we'll deport the jews" isn't even close to addressing the issues presented.
Making fascism and calling it leftism is such an old trick nobody's grandparents should be falling for it.
I'm not even going to address the contents, but
come on, are you even trying?
all these dogmatic armchair class warriors will give you shit about anything Useful Idiotist but I for one will give you a suggestive wink and a pat on the bum.
what a lot of these fags dont understand(probably because they have their nose buried a little too deep in a book and have forgotten to keep an eye on the enemy) is that the powers that be get veeery uncomfortable when the seemingly right wing crowd starts throwing around words like globalism and god forbid CAPITALISM, instead of say, setting indian restaurants on fire
this combined with any kind of pro-russian or even an anti-anti-russian stance makes the whole mess even more unsettling, its basically the self-admitted nightmare scenario of the ruling anglo establishment, and it has been for quite some time.
I dont think this is because nazbol/strasserist/altleft is necessarily right on all counts, I think they fear it because it represents a rejection and even a dissolution of the left-right paradigm
the left-right slapfight has been really useful for keeping people busy, its the ultimate DnC especially in the US, any serious threat to this divide would probably be met with a cointelpro level of animosity
he was right, especially about the bankers, but that in no way negates or refutes nationalism, nor does it demonstrate that it is incompatible with socialism
what it really demonstrates is that imperialism has evolved greatly, its tentacles are manifold, it already took a lot more than a physical revolution to free oneself 100 years ago, it would take even more effort, understanding, strategy and foresight now.
the issue is, faggot, nationalist self-proclaimed left wing parties like these will always be willing to cooperate with the capitalists for national interest over workers interest, just like limonov did with putin and Useful Idiot did with hitler.
Seriously, have you heard of Eurocommunism or Social Democracy?
Every movement has it's revolutionaries and reformists.
Did anyone actually read this? It's fucking awful, one of the worst things I've ever read, honestly considering making a video on how bad this shit is.