Hello, Holla Forums, curious outsider here. I have a question for you all.
What is your endgame? What do you want your ideal country to look like and act like once everything is said and done?
Hello, Holla Forums, curious outsider here. I have a question for you all.
What is your endgame? What do you want your ideal country to look like and act like once everything is said and done?
classless stateless currency-less global society
No such thing. The ideal is stateless Fully Automated Luxury Communism.
What will keep states from forming again? And what if people want to keep on having a state?
Remember the Smurfs?
That, but you don't actually need to do anything. Robots do everything. You do whatever you want to do.
The nation state is a byproduct of the frence revolution. It's not the normal state of things.
FALC so I can study computer science, philosophy, and history more.
He never said "nation state", he said "state." States existed for millenia prior to the French Revolution.
A commune where only whites are allowed to live on and work in the factories they control.
What will keep currency from forming again?
I'd like to see people on the moon and Mars through the work of firms.
There would be no reason to. With no private property in need of defense the reason for the state"s existence would be gone.
That's terrible, a world with only snowniggers and no qt brown girls would be unbearable.
A world where everyone can be an Aristotle while exploring the stars 🌠🌠ðŸŒ
Sure. Once civilazation begun. And they are to end once we don't need them anymore.
If we don't need currency, we'll not have currency.
And I'd like to see bourgies in gulags on europa. (the moon of jupiter).
Define white.
Everything is automated and provided on demand so there's no need to exchange anything. Things that would still be scarce like sex or people's time would be available only via having a relationship. Yes this means we would probably return to a state of affairs where a handful of Chads are fucking almost all of the women, just how it should be.
Notice I said "a commune" and not "the entire world"
Ethnic French German English or Scandinavian
not very grounded m8
How we get there is what most of us disagree on though.
Oh! OK!
Hey, guys! Am a PoC Greek now!
Check your privilages everybody!
Both you nazis and the femidaleks…. You're both so funny.
Nigga anyone who spends time at the gym and doesn't eat shitty food can be swimming in sex. If you think it's only 10% of the guys fucking women you haven't stepped out of your basement.
Then how come lazy fat people get chicks too?
… Could it be there is more then getting fit to it?
I didn't say they didn't, I said that if you take care of yourself you'll have no trouble having sex. The idea a genetic elite get all the pussy and the rest of men are forever alone is retarded.
No, you fools. I am the Chad in this scenario.
oh okay, I forgot OP asked for unrealistic fantasies
OP also said "country" on a board for communists.
My endgame is to steer society in a direction where exploitation is reduced and freedom is increased. I have no confidence that any ideology can create a perfect and everlasting universal system. Human culture, biology and technology is not constant, so the system will have to adapt to how people live their lives. My main objective is to move humanity away from capitalism, as I see it as a destructive influence on people and environment.
Ancap society will put people on the moon when it becomes profitable, it's never going to be profitable. Aside from primitivism it's probably the worst system for space exploration.
switched the > >'s
but I'm confident you'll figure it out.
countries existed long before this cucklord. They form naturally over time as s result of shared culture and heritage. prove otherwise
Transhumanism! Everyone on virtual reality, being the gods of their own worlds while fed by machines.
No its because of culture you spirtless cuck. I know this because I've ridden the tiger many many times. Read Evola.
Sure that's part of it. But the notion they formed after the French revolution is patently false. And given the complexity of the planet as it is, with competing ideologies and beliefs, nation states make sense. Most Brits don't want to live under Sharia law for example. A 'global community' with common laws would likely end up with Sharia imposed. Do not want. Anyone advocating for one world government/state is arguing for the oppression of individual liberty.
There's a muslim behind every corner user, and only you can stop them!
I have more in common with the man down the road than I do Abdul in Islamabad do I not?
Literally a fantasy. Every argument laid against anarchism is also valid against 'stateless' socialism. But just to give you a nice solid example, what stops muzzies in a given region deciding they won't give their oil to jews?
I think I have far more in common with a maoist in Hyderabad or a Zapatista in Chiapas than I do with my next door neighbour.
t. never read any leftist literature and never will
Classless, currency-less and stateless, with a very strong emphasis on science and space exploration/colonisation.
to kill alll white men
Socialism, worker ownership of their own production.
As a national anarcho hoxhaist posadist, I believe that us Aryan supermen should build bunkers without state intervention. That way when the nukes come, they will cleanse global capitalism, the state, and degeneracy while sparing those who are worthy. We will then meet the aliens and have truly harmonious anarchy.
It's impossible for you to say the moon will never be profitable. Value will arise initially from ambition. It's the new Everest.
so not much value then
the cost will vastly outweigh the gross income for the next hundred years.
My endgame is the ending of all bankers all statists and all who consider themselves masters of other people who do not care to know them.
Have people read Iain m banks 'Culture' series? It's what I would like to see in the future.
Sapient organisms living throughout the galaxy with sapient AI that provide everybody with everything they want. People live on ring worlds or massive space craft, no money, no private ownership of production, you just enjoy your life with whatever endeavors you choose.
Great series, especially for communists.
Yes. And I hated it.
It's not communism, imo.