Tech was right again!
Sorry I keep posting ET; they're just my favorite site
Tech was right again!
Sorry I keep posting ET; they're just my favorite site
Other urls found in this thread:
Intel is fucking dumb. I'm buying a used PPC Mac on ebay and throwing my Intel shit in the bin. Fuck this.
Is it at all possible to remove an Intel CPU from a thinkpad and replace it with something made by AMD? Is there anything made by AMD that's compatible? Or should I just figure out how to get Linux running on my GameCube (PowerPC + ATI graphics)?
Well you can try PlayStation as well, it's AMD CPU and GPU, and fairly decent performance for modern age.
The second choice is your best bet, but based on the sheer and utter retardation of your first question you probably won't be able to pull it off.
I'm sick of doing work for shitty OPs.
The Intel AMT is designed to allow administrators to access and update PCs, even if those PCs are turned off. All they need is an internet connection and a wall socket and they can be updated. That’s a useful tool for large multinational firms with far-flung employees, but it’s also a potential security risk. F-Secure has published information highlighting how easily an attacker with even brief local access can gain full access to an entire machine. Here’s how they describe the problem:
Neat. I need to go find the GameCube's broadband modem on eBay, then.
I'll refrain from asking such stupid questions in the future.
It's worth emphasizing that this is a local-only exploit (at least initially) and it can be mitigated by accessing the AMT and changing the password. Chances are nobody here will be directly affected by it, and it continues the merciless nightmare for Intel and especially their management engine, so cheers all around for Holla Forums.
Unfortunately there are no Ryzen Thinkpads yet. Soon.
Please Holla Forums does nothing but post shit about the work other people do.
Honestly, you should just buy a wii instead. I'm pretty sure the wii itself will be cheaper than the boradband adapter.
You can just use a usb etherenet adapter which you should be able to find fairly cheap.
If it's newer it probably has a soldered-in CPU, if it's older then you'd need to replace the main board in your device. Basically you'd be better off buying an AMD laptop of your choosing.
PowerPC after late 2005 is vulnerable to Spectre, so having a Gamecube as a desktop would be no better than having an AMD box; in fact since IBM has had problems patching their POWER chips, it might be worse since that seems to be going smoother for Team Red. However, certain G3 and G4 Apple devices are practically immune to these security flaws due to peculiarities in their design, but they are a decade old so be aware of performance tradeoffs going into a transition to those devices. See
Also, as an addendum, while Gamecube is older than the G3's and G4's linked above, it's a 400-500MHz processor and would be difficult to use for daily tasks, if you can even get anything running on it. I was thinking more along the lines of the Wii, which IS modern enough to support a desktop system with some success but would have the post G5 PPC Spectre vulnerability. Either way, PPC consoles are unlikely to have any patches issued for Spectre.
The PS4 CPU is weak as fuck and its PCI bus is bridged behind an ARM chip. Don't buy one for casual jailbreaking or you're in for a world of pain.
Again, nobody tells if it "works" on macbooks and other apple hardware. WTF is it too hard?
"Potential security risk." Let's call it what it is: a fucking backdoor.
Why is this garbage even sold to home users who don't need or want it? Is it because NSA are the admins now?
Y'all niggers better start boycotting. Don't worry about Intel going out of business though, they still make CPUs for the military. This is just about letting them know you don't like being assraped, speaking to them in the only language they understand: money. BOYCOTT INTEL.
Holla Forums -LARPNiggers
This is in addition to the one found last May?
I think not since the article you cite links to the following:
BIOS password and settings are irrelevant to an exploit of AMT.
Are you sure about that? The CPU is based on the G3 architecture.
Not him, but I posted here before that you can easily run Debian (Whiite Linux) on a Homebrew'd Wii with IceWM and even Dillon as the main web browser fairly well as long as you had ample SWAP space, which I just had dedicated to a USB flash drive
Would still never use it as a daily driver though. But it was a nice little novelty nonetheless.
that flash drive isn't going to live long
X86 is such a steaming pile of botnet shit it needs to die.
Its really pathetic that you spam this shit in multiple threads. Begone LARP Goblin
I'm right behind you user.
Why do you care? Is somebody forcing you to use x86?
My boss. A lot of big orgs use proprietary software that only x86.
Sucks a massive dick, but there's not really a convenient way around it.
So, on another note, are there any CPU architectures that aren't a steaming file of shit?
So why do you care about that? You don't own those computers do you? What your employers decide to do with their business ought to have zero effect upon your personal life.
Actually, it is my personal computer. I won't get into why - it's a long story.
But, regardless, we also FORCE clients to use some of this software in order to communicate with us. I've also had to deal with clients where they've forced me to use software that is OSX only.
The fact of the matter is that in the real working world, compromise is necessary. It's hard to escape this. Not only are we in debt to (((them))) by way of usury and fractional reserve banking practises, but they've placed their brackets all around Silicon Valley too.
() parentheses
[] brackets
{} braces
Learn the difference, it might save you face
Regardless, you completely dodged the rest of my post.
This post is correct. Only my fair lady tier bongs call them all brackets.
I'm not the same person you were replying to. Why the fuck doesn't Holla Forums use poster id's anyways?
The general purpose desktop as we know it needs to die. Say good bye to Windows and Linux both. We're going to have to start using the video game console model, everything compartmentalized and specialized and locked down to a strict set of supported hardware so that it can be optimized as much as is humanly possible with absolutely no room for "a complete standalone OS embedded into the CPU for the purpose of remote code execution and spying".
o i am laffin
What's better than one big botnet?
Drawn yourself.
And if they're specialized and compartmentalized you can just remove them, you double nigger.
And after that you can finally drawn yourself, because you have exactly 0 hardware and 0 software to work with that isn't botnetted you fucking idiot.
Oh Jesus Christ in heaven!
Where do faggots like you even come from anyways?
It's gonna keep happening if you still a class collaborationist.
Stop being a retard
It's okay lainon. One day they will see the light.
No thanks, I'd rather a no-frills libre motherboard standard every piece of consumer desktop HW is strictly required to follow.
The dent in their profits is going to be undetectable. Indistinguishable from noise.
Don't buy Intel because they will fuck you over. But calling it a boycott and acting like it's going to achieve anything on a larger scale is a pipe dream.
this violates the rules of this board, cease and desist immediately
Hi (((Holla Forums BO))).
why are traps so ugly irl?
also who is the guy getting sucked off?
Because they're not 2D.
because it's a dude wearing makeup in clothes that doesn't fit his body.
Are those pig songs added, right?
It's not gay if you wear programming socks.
For the record, proper programming socks must be toe socks.
x86 has always been shit.
By 2020 the plan is to have BIOS removed. So you couldn't even write a self-booting disk/usb stick if you wanted.
The worst home computer architecture won the battle in the 80s. Now it's fully infiltrated and controlled.
It turns out open source software was a red herring. Linux was a distraction. No degree of security or autonomy over a Win10 user. The hardware was fully backdoored long ago. The compilers, including gcc are now nearly fully backdoored. If you're still using x86 for anything but jerking it and checking the weather you're a fool.
One of the most intimate and publicly embarrassing, sometimes incriminating information there is. What else am I going to keep secret? My Stallman folder?
The BIOS has a lot of legacy bloat. It should be removed and replaced with something more lightweight.
s/The BIOS/x86/
Well at least SPARC is alive again.
Maybe someday RAPTOR will actually ship their POWER9 workstations also.
they'll ship around the same time star citizen does. atleast if you give them 10 grand you get a cool jpeg and an interactive model
i couldn't even afford a stick of ram for that
Fucking hell.
Everybody go and read Reflections On Trusting Trust again. This user has, obviously.
Linuxes were good until 2010 then suddenly went to shit due to systemd, Grub2, touchscreen DE's and other things. KDE and Gnome also went to shit.
Be serious. Admittedly Windows can be hardened better than Linux. At least Windows firewall lets you block specific programs and not just ports for one thing. The 1980s called, they want their Gufw back.
True, proof is Intel ME and similar crap we know of.
For this claim do you have proof? "Nearly fully backdoored", as in "nearly full of shit"? Proof (file, line of code, refusal to patch, disassembled compiler) or it's opinion. I remember that VS2015 has some stupid telemetry crap that it adds to what you build, but that's been found out, fixed in VS2017 and GCC doesn't have that.
Linux is what, 8 million lines of code not including the user-space?
OpenBSD is 4 million, but that includes the user space and X.
TempleOS is 100000 lines of code.
Forth can be 1000 lines or less, with the ANSI standard dictionary.
>I remember that VS2015 has some stupid telemetry crap that it adds to what you build, but that's been found out, fixed in VS2017.
Not surprised that an openplacebotard would be so gullible.
Insult attempt != argument. Proof please? No proof?
Not so fast, in current year Pajeets at MS are personally asking you why you Googled a specific framework and used it in your program instead of using MS's do-alike. There was a thread on this a while back.
Paranoia and rumor cheapens this thread.
Keep it tight with proof and shiet... so you're saying VS2017 still has telemetry added to user projects or what?
LOL nice one, outing yourself so boldly.
This was covered here, the Pajeets had a log of what the programmer searched for. If you lurked you'd remember.
Lurk two years user.
Gigabytes of proprietary software is impossible to audit or trust. You are a hypocrite for trusting it but denouncing free software like systemd. You just want to push people to proto-proprietary software like the BSDs or all the way to M$ etc.
Oh fucking please. Everybody knows systemd is pure cancer by now. It's larger than most historical OS's and subsumes much of their function. It's too big and swiftly-moving to be audited.
Pretending that it's the only thing going on Linux is not going to get you anywhere here kid.
Clarify because that's ambiguous. Searched for what, where? Searched the web page (the extension names) or his own open project (the code)?
VS2017 IDE telemetry can be disabled (choose no participation in VS Experience Improvement Program from Help->Send Feedback->Settings) or at worst it can be firewall blocked. Firefox is no better off, check it.
But I wasn't talking about VS2017 telemetry in the IDE however (and I'll laugh in your face when systemd adds telemetry of its own, enabled by default, in addition to leaking DNS to Google). I was talking about covertly adding telemetry stubs to user programs compiled with it, which VS2015 did but VS2017 doesn't do anymore... unless of course you have evidence to the contrary? Which I'd like to see? Pretty please?
I have the following conspiracy theory and I'd like your opinion: what if systemd is designed as a secondary kernel and its only purpose is to increase the attack surface on all Linuxes that use it? Because it sure as hell isn't just an init system anymore. It's a high-level kernel now. If its purpose would be just to help user apps interface with Linux that would be an insult to Linux. So naturally I think its real goal is evil.
The last MINIX convention got cancelled for lack of speakers, despite being inside every single AMT chip Intel-Aviv has sold for the past what, 15 years? This is what cuck licences do to projects.
Minix has only been part of ME since 11.0 which I believe came out with Skylake.
MIT/BSD licenses protects developers, but the GPL protects users
Ostensibly false
This is really depressing because I just built a very expensive Xeon server as a home lab :(
shoo-shoo, what a fucking surprise! breaking news everyone woo-woo
Developers are also users, that's the whole point of the GPL.
No, developers are not users. They are two distinct and different states. When you are developing you are not using. When you are using you are not developing. While a developer may at times be a developer and at other times be a user, he is never both at the same time.
And normalfags aren't aware of even a single one. Why haven't we been using this whole spectre shitfest to spread FUD?
it was used pretty much to it's full extent. people don't care until their bank accounts are empty.
I tried pressing ctrl+p on my amt-enabled laptop (with tpm perma-disabled in bios) and nothing happened, what's missing?
you are not developing allah is developing
Didn't you hear him? He said PLAYSTATION.
so i guess this guy is basically fucked now right? the fbi can just use a spectre attack to break into his encrypted unpatched macbook.
So, what are developers using to develop the software users use?
So a commie pc?
Nope still gay
No, more like a #2 Phillips screwdriver. A purpose built tool designed to restrict the user without restricting its use. Forget about PCs and say "Hallo" to the special purpose computing appliance.
Imagine a painting tablet that only runs a single digital painting application, A technical drawing table that can only run a single CAD application, the IRS tablet that only runs your income tax form, a video cutting station that looks like an old film editing station and only runs a simple video editor, and a video FX station which only runs a selection of video processors, and electronic book that will only display a single ebook format, etc. pp.
I don't agree with the post you replied to, that this will spell the death of the generic work station or home computer, but I do see this as a desirable future for consumer computing. It would solve all of the security problems and most of the usability problems with consumer computing. And it would put a clear barrier between "us", the people who actually create shit, and "them", the people who leach off our creations.
To expand on the last sentence: It would be like the 70's again. When only the military, scientist, big corporations and nerds who really cared had computers.
I keeps happening and getting worse.
Year of AMD, maybe ?
We just need more secu-crypto researchers looking for massive exploits.
Then blackmail the said companies to remove such exploits otherwise threat them to crash the market by making the exploit public. You may also bluff if you like.
The problem is they'll make even stronger botnet instead.
Wat? Shit's just gonna get more bloated and full of bugs. Look at the shit languages they're pushing now, like Rust and Go. They're just excuses to write shit code and pretend the language will fix all problems. No you dense fuckers, only writing good, solid, simple code will fix anything. Terry Davis got the fucking message, and nobody else did apparently. So there's gonna be shitloads of botnet and bugs in the future.
I kind of agree with that user.
Multitasking was a mistake.
How about cartridges?
Cartridges (ROM)
Cartridges (R/W)
Hub (optional)
Peripheral1 (1 as in I/In)
Peripheral0 (0 as in O/Out)
Cartridges in general are throw-aways. Makes it easier to discard the botnet.
^this idea is Public domain DO NOT PATENT
Yeah, there's too many people out there born in the mid 70s.
Just immune system at work. Good load off of my mind and x86_NSA_3PLA can go die finally
Yes, there is no other reason to add this to consumer CPU's in which 99 percent of the time won't be used, unless the NSA believes you're a journalist that needs to stop publishing information that it doesn't want you to publish.
If you want to know something even more interesting there is a so-called ‘halt and catch fire’ instruction that was discovered inside Intel's' x86 processor. This instruction, executed in ring 3 from an unprivileged process, appears to lock the processor entirely. To rule out kernel bugs, the instruction was tested against three Linux kernels and two Windows kernels, yielding the same results. Kernel debugging with serial I/O and interrupt hooks appeared to corroborate the results. At the time of this paper’s publishing, the vendor has not been provided sufficient time to respond to the issue.
If you would like to see all the undocumented x86 instruction sets your CPU has you can try it with sandsift here github.com
if the computer is still on they can dump characters from ram but that is about it.
Trading one evil for another.
Yes, and only one Playstation console has AMD CPU and Graphics.
The PS4.
You do realize it's going to be replaced by UEFI (which is orders of magnitude more bloated) and nothing else?
UEFI is orders of magnitude more flexible in the bootstrapping process. Legacy assumptions about bootstrapping is done away allowing any number of features that BIOS backwards compatibility will not allow. It's also faster.
Why is it so difficult to get a UEFI-compatible boot disk going? MBR is the easiest thing in the world.
Proof of trust is a difficult concept. Turn off secure boot if you're having so much trouble.
I think one of us is misunderstanding something. If I turn off secure boot, how will that make the UEFI partition a non-requirement?
Not sure if people on Holla Forums actually use thinkpads or if it is just a meme.
Botnet and slow. What is the point?
You're talking about the UEFI boot partition? I'm not sure what problems you have. Maybe I'm just lucky but it just works for me.
Used Thinkpads are unusually cheap considering their specs and quality, and no more botnet than their contemporaries. They're shit in the ways all computers are shit, but they're pretty good compared to the alternatives.
But aren't they 100% intel? Why would you want that? If your trying to be retro why not just get an old AMD laptop or PPC Powerbook?
Sadly yes. I don't understand why things have to get slower and more bloated overtime instead of less.
If you want retro, get a Z80, 6502, or something of that era (except Intel). The AMD and PPC are probably pozzed too. I wouldn't trust anything past m68k tbh.
68k was the shit. If Carmack had started to write software for the Amiga instead of PC and if Commodore hadn'tt made all the blunders they in the early 90s, computing history could have played out much different than it did.
Or if he managed to get away with stealing that Mac from school...
learn what "remote" means first, skiddo
keyword: physical
in any case AMT is some homo shit that shouldn't even exist, and I knew this long before the skiddies started talking about it
It's like you want to be cucked by the CIA
You forgot normalfags.
It was alive the whole time, Fujitsu never stopped making their own SPARC processors. They're expensive as fuck Big Iron stuff though.
Forth is a programming language not an operating system.
The same reason make-work exists: to provide an excuse for existing. Without this fake believe purpose in life, many bipedals would die out of sheer boredom.
How exactly would one go about accessing the AMT? I never accessed this shit and recently lost my job so a new MB and CPU is out of the question. My BIOS is incredibly barebones and won't even let me turn off IME which is extremely unfortunate. At least I know what version it is!
I'll just paste the title:
Intel reportedly notified Chinese companies of chip security flaw before the U.S. government
I'll check back with my relatives in the MSS PSB to see if they knew about it beforehand.
Without jumping to conclusion, what do you think the reason for this was? It's a bigger country, more focused on cyber security because they are renown for having many cyber criminals, and obviously an important market to try and hold given their main competitor (AMD) is aggressive in the area already.
Do you think they ordered their alert list based on something like liability, user count, user importance, and/or maybe something else or should conspiracy be assumed (I don't think so just yet)?
It can, and has been used as an OS. Ditto with BASIC.
Unless you like cutting your teeth on what is essentially a shitty PPC G3-tier CPU, I wouldn't recommend it.
A saner alternative to this Spectre-Meltdown madness is to just get an old pre-2013 Intel Atom laptop/UMPC or Raspberry Pi 3 modded into a laptop. You can get a good netbook for ~$30 USD and a killer UMPC for ~$130. Typing this from pic related running Void Linux.
gamecube was made in 2001, faggot.
Wrong. Forth and BASIC are USERLANDS, not complete OS'. The Commodore 64 for example, actually had a level of abstraction between the kernel and BASIC interface, the "KERNAL" and the KERNAL in fact used its own separate ROM that people could bootstrap other interfaces to like JiffyDOS. In overall function however, many consider it closer to a BIOS found in IBM PCs
A saner alternative to all of this would be to stop using computers.
Computers were a mistake.
Frankly that sucks. Your world is completely throw-away. What needs to happen is all general computing devices (which is just about anything electronic now-a-days) must follow open standards or that the hardware must be open or else face a very hefty VAT.
enjoy your dildo, user
Interestingly enough, the C64 RAM was actually 64K, but many areas of the memory map are occupied by ROM. However the 6502 is smart enough to know that you can't write to ROM, and redirects writes to the ROM area to RAM instead. You can then change the area the VIC][][ chip uses to a ROM-occupied area to use previously unusable area. This can for using the KERNAL area for video memory, for example. Unfortunately this means you cannot read screen memory.
Where were you when Intel was slowly raped into bankruptcy over a whole year?
I already knew that, but the OS is a lot more than the kernel. That said, you can write a kernel in Forth at least.
Not sure. But this shouldn't happen considering the tense state of China-US relations after that HK guy was detained for spying. I wonder if it has to do with China making their dragoncore processors, or just flat out threatening to fuck into over a la google style.
My relative in the MSS said there wasn't anything that he knew of, so probably just shitty planning on intels part thats gonna get spun into, "Intel help the chinese fuck the US gov over!!!?!?!"
I guarantee you exactly 0 chipmakers see dragoncore as any kind of threat.
Are you a Chink? Why do I continue to see you shill Loongson processors all over this board?
That's a realization too late to make. If all computers became disfunctional right now, society would immediately collapse with niggers running amuck looting anything there is to loot etc.
Not shrilling. Just saying its possible although it's outsourced to fab in Germany so and a single core costs 1000USD roughly soo.....
It's not a realization, it's just hyperbole. Intel was the mistake, any other choice was better.
You don't just fucking pick the worst ever architecture and then say all computers are a mistake. You picked the shit computers, now you got shit. That's how it fucking works.
IBM could have chosen Motorola instead of Intel, but didn't. John Carmack could have been working on Amiga and could have made his groundbraking 90s games for it, but didn't, and they became PC killer apps instead while the Amiga died. Oh well.
The bigger mistake was when Microsoft picked C instead of Pascal or PL/I. Segmentation was created specifically to improve high-level programming languages and the OS environment. The main problems with C are null-terminated strings, the flat memory model, and arrays that suck.
If you want to fix hardware and software, you have to dispel some myths.
1. Programming languages are too hard to understand unless they look like C.
2. There is no point in replacing C with anything unless it's gigabytes of garbage per second PajeetScript.
3. Languages without a GC like Fortran, Pascal, and Ada are not worth learning, so you should use slow PajeetScript which has a runtime written in C.
4. All problems can be solved by abstraction and throwing more hardware at it so there is no need to care about the lower levels.
This problem is not permanent unless you want it to be. I read on the Mill forums where he said he would have built a capability architecture but it wouldn't be able to run C programs, and I think that's sad.
I guess implementing MMUs were a waste anyway. Who doesn't have the memory to cover the entire address space anyway?
it's not technologies fault that people are low tier consumer whores obsessed with shiny things. We are by default doomed based off societies average IQ alone
By definition, the average IQ is 100.
A one-L NUL, it ends a string
A two-L NULL points to no thing
(But I will bet a golden bull
That there is no three-L NULLL)
The main overhead and complexity in operating systems comes from file I/O. Virtual memory was created to get rid of internal file I/O by treating the entire disk as if it was persistent RAM. That's called a single-level store and it's extremely powerful and scalable. Most of our OSes treat RAM and disk like paper tape. Null-terminated strings come from a paper tape convention. They do the opposite of single-level store. They remove parallelism and random access and make things more sequential.
Does this mean my IQ score will go up as more niggers are imported into my country?
Time to de-botnet bois
it would be more practical to buy an Acer ZG5 bth
Shit thread.
This is not an Intel flaw. This is an a motherboard firmware flaw. In-fact Intel motherboards don't allow access to the AMT configuration before asking for the password.
You terminate strings by (void *)0 ? See
very good computer for pentest ops
you can turn on pre-bios passwords in nearly every system i have ever seen, its just disabled by default and nobody seems to use it
my backspace key broke so i put the capslock key where the backspace was.
Have you tried not dunking your camera in vaseline?
I have actually compiled gentoo on one of these. Jesus christ it takes so long.
Enjoy your lawsuits.
The company said the remaining two suits were securities class actions, where the plaintiffs allege that Intel and some of its officers violated securities laws by making statements about products or its internal controls that were later revealed to have been false or misleading.
sorry. the front page threads were getting stale so i want people to check the catalog and hopefully we get some better discussion on existing threads or get some new threads posted.
I wonder how many exploits have been developed and deployed so far? Will we find old malware from before this was a known problem which takes advantage of these issues? I would bet every state-level actor and a bunch of non-state actors are busy as beavers with this right about now.
dont do that shit ever again, if you think the topics on the front page are boring, gtfo or better yet come up with something new.
This is an ongoing crisis and it’s fair to discuss it here even if the thread is old.
aggreed, but 'bump' isnt a discussion, its necroposting, and if my theory is correct, the guy is a cannonical shill who only came here to bump 10 threads in order to bury the ubuntu thread.
i am not a shill. if i wanted to be subtle i would write a bot to necrobump 2 - 7 threads over the course of a day and leave it running forever to shit up board quality in general. bumping them simultaneously makes it obvious. i'm simply tired of the same shitty threads sticking on the front page. people need to learn to use the catalog.
why not instead:
if you had bumped them slowly it would not have gotten burried, thats now 2 excuses youve made that make no sense, now im even more sure youre a shill. the fact of the matter is that if you dont have anything of substance to add to a thread, you should have no reason to believe that anyone else has anything to add either...
thats why all the threads you bumped are back off the front page already, youre luck the BO is offline, if you didnt notice, nobody else tries to pull the shit that you just did, because theyd be banned in a fucking second.
fucking spamming piece of shit
i wasn't trying to slide threads. only to stir them. if i bumped them slowly but sustained it would shit the entire board up. instead i've triggered you. let that be a lesson to you. i hope you've learned to use the catalog.
in case you didnt notice, nobody is replying to the threads youre bumping anyway, the only reason youre still here and still trying is that youre a fucking shill.
lel what am i shilling sweetie?
youre shilling for canonical, trying to bury the ubuntu thread, keep it up, i personally will keep that thread on the front page all week, your job will be 9x harder than mine, and your shit stinks from a mile away, so even if you evade your ban, it wont be hard to see its you when you come back, you may think im triggered, but this is a game for me, glhf.
Why do you believe that's it's buried? Everything in the catalog is up for viewing!
congratulations: you answered your own question, before you even asked it!
i'm not him you stupid motherfucker
All me
The high priest Terry believed that x86_64 was a perfect foundation for the temple of God, but the catastrophic events have shown him that he had been in error for all these years. His hard work has been all in vain.
congratulations: you skipped over half the conversation, and you get bonus points for unironically saying something that he would sarcastically say!
Compare WPF/Silverlight (open source) to Universal Windows Platform (closed source).
Nobody is using the latter, ever wonder why?
This forced meme is kinda lame. NUL is just an abbreviation in the ASCII table, just as BEL and LF.
He was obviously refering to the null byte used to terminate all C language so-called "strings". Prove that you're a human and can parse natural language like one, else we'll just write you off as one of the markov bots that haunts this forsaken place.
time to change to AMD and develop a standarize the use of an open source processor architecture.
Hahaha I can't wait for the Russians and Chinese to start (continue?) using these flaws.
Without a doubt any intelligence agency that isn't shit already uses it, or you think most 0days last forever?
Pure coincidence
This vuln is now old af but no real fixes yet.
Thanks user. I've never legitimately laughed out loud on an imageboard.
effectively, yes. IQ changes based on the average. It's funny, but most naysayers who claim that we aren't headed for an idiocracy-esque future cite that the average IQ is climbing but fail to realize that that is relative to a fixed point. Of course the IQ is climbing, the average is going down, so today's 100 is last decade's 95.
'\0' is semantically distinct from (void *)0 .
Bots need to fucking die already.
Oh look, Intel’s Israeli branch has been busy making up flaws for AMD.
Sure smells Jewy.
they even look as jewy as they act
No, NO! Don’t post images like that you filthy goy.
BTW did you notice the CEO was in the IDF’s cyber security 8200 division? That’s their digital blackmail squad.
Isn't this already exploited in the last year
I'm starting to think kike genetics make it impossible for them to tell the truth.
Fucking Intel schlomos spreading FUD. Nuke Israel when?
Kek, I don’t get it either. That’s hilarious.
My hand instinctively clutched my wallet when I saw him.
So Holla Forums on a daily basis? ineffective.
better angle of that guy, source: youtu.be
I'm using Raspian on an overclocked Raspberry PI 3. I'm not claiming x86 has to die, or other nonsense. But Raspi3 is enough for surfing, if you don't open to many tabs. It's not vulnerable to Meltdown and Spectre. Alternative single board computers might even be more secure, and it helps with compartmentalization (don't do all you shit on one computer).
Linux is the Kernel. The other mentioned technologies are ok or even good, but you don't need to use them. So what? Ever heard of Distrowatch?
every time
Pi's are all invulnerable to Spectre.
Cyberwar? Espionage against other countries. Americans tend to forget that they exist, sometimes...
It's like someone stuck Mini-me's face onto Fat Bastard's body.
New York
San Francisco
....Lots of targets.
Did intel ever fix this?
Explain yourself.
Search for "raspberry pi speculative execution"
On one hand I hate this soyboy cuck supreme, on the other he supports the eradication of one of the most prominent mental illness' to plague our current society.
There's a thread up about this Schlomo.