i want to ejaculate in her mouth while I hit her head with a baseball bat and it explodes like a watermelon
No kidding, they LIE about EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
The CIA Connection With Lying MSM
user, what's the man's name in >pic related?
it wasn't the CIA; it was Russia, silly
Robert Levinson: The American, Former FBI Agent, 'Left Behind' in Iranian Prisoner Release
The 67-year-old Levinson, who served for more than two decades with the FBI before retiring, disappeared off Iran's Kish Island in March 2007. For years the U.S. government said Levinson was working at the time as a private investigator, but in December 2013 his family acknowledged that he was, in fact, working as a freelance "spy" for a rogue CIA operation.
Family attorney David McGee told ABC News then that he felt the CIA and the FBI had betrayed Levinson and tried to hide the fact that he had a long-term relationship with the CIA, spying on Iran's nuclear program and on the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah.
"The CIA sent Bob Levinson to Iran to do an investigation on its behalf," McGee said. "[R]ather than acknowledge what they had done and try to save Bob's life, they denied him."
thanks anons, i did some more research and supposedly he was doing freelance work for the atf on Kish Island. Seems legitlol. Makes you wonder if they can sell out one of their own, then they could sell out any other citizen of the US.
Skip to 13:23 where she reks a Norwegian reporter who tries to smugly and off-handedly suggest that she's a tin-foiler. Lugenpresse in action.
She deserves children.
Didn't know that.
Kek be praised.
Good redpill material here.
Good god that woman is one smart cookie. Extremely impressive.
As long as it's for the greater good, goy. They'd sell their own wives, children, and mothers if they thought it would buy a low-level politician in a third world dictatorship.
Assad for Mr. Hitler 2016
bump, important video
Whats that at 08:025 or something like that?
Is that Kek? Something green, i couldn't manage to capture the frame.
I think it really is kek, but kek has grown huge because of this thread, so we can't see shit
I know it's pretty much impossible due to immediate legal persecution but any of these people posing as journalists not naming the Jew I can't trust. Even when they do… Russia isn't a "good guy" as far as I can say. Maybe they are the better side if this war… They haven't somehow recovered or completely changed from the Soviet regime. They just sold off all state businesses to Jew friends and made things a little more transparant. As far as I know both Assad, various "terrorist" groups funded by the Saoudis, the "moderate rebels" funded by the West can all be just Jewish based powers driving people into a war for the end of making either three come out the victor rather than some independent, non-religious group of Syrian natives. We all know Israel undoubtedly likes to see it's contender for Golan heights, adversary crumble completely, remain or become controlled. This clusterfuck has more levels than the 16th sequel to inception would have. Remember that the "cold war" was also just two Jew ruled empires driving the rest of the world into their influence, under their control like they did to Europe to the Germans. I don't see what would've radically changed. They ousted national leaders that threatened (((British))) oil interests, which fought in the 1948 Palestine war against the by establishing the Ba'ath party. Killing Qarim Qasim and thousands more. As far as I see it's a move to speed up "progress", destroying the European identity, people through mass migration when they realized Europe was turning away from "EU" and "leftist" governments more radically, faster. Endangering their plans of destroying the chance of a united Europe with permanent D&C populations. It gets rid of a hostile neighbour of Israel. It provides a great deal of well deserved anti Muslim sentiment which plays into the hands of Israel which feared support for Palestinians. Truly, for the Israelis the war in Syria and the accompanying, organized "refugee crisis" are only winning bets. They even get to sell weapons and further ramp up our national debt to their oligarchs. As far as ISIS goes… Of course they have a hard core of Rashidun Caliphate larpers (Muhammad the ultimate OP) but their sponsors and perhaps even leaders could be controlled by Jewish interests.
Like the how Taliban were funded and thus partially controlled by the Americans. I don't think it's that difficult for Mizrahis infiltrants to get influence through their connections and start militant groups. When the Saoudis (which I also suspect of being old Jews or certainly allied with Israel) then back their infiltrants, insurgents they can become the dominant groups. I can't understand how they could be in the Sinaï and only start attacking Egyptian forces for example. There have been multiple examples of ISIS leaving Israel alone or perhaps even getting help (I can't verify any of that, naturally) from Israel where they focus on destroying Assad's regime. Maybe Assad, like Saddam, eventually went rogue. Where they abandoned their role as puppet state or (((Western))) backed regime, group to pick up on nationalism, the thread they ousted the last leader for in the first place. In all the clusterfuck you can perhaps excuse me for being too far-fetched. This is what I come to see as an explanation. In tune with the Jewish elephant in the room everywhere else. Of course smaller reasons for the conflicts and ideologies not being completely irrelevant… But rather used in terms of this Jewish one that dictates the events rather than the main cause of the problems. Not being OR: Assad is the asshole OR the Islamic State Rashidun larping state is the problem OR Iran and the Russians are the problem OR Israel just stirring the pan to destabilize it's neighbours being the problem… I'd say a combination of all of those fired on by the mirror of Judaism, Islamic extremism and mainly Jewry itself trying to play it's interests through various puppets. The one more cooperative, directly controlled than the other. Assad wasn't too 'anti-Israel as far as I could gather'
Could it just be that Putin is exposing the lies to free Europe?
But you'd hurt your dick if you did that, user.
Suggest implies subtelty. He pretty much outright called her a liar so she fucking reached down and pulled his asshole out through his mouth. It was beautiful. Of course if this video spreads I'm sure she'll be accused and "revealed" to actually be on the Kremlin's payroll or something.
Well he already has the gas part down.
This woman is the sort of inconvenience that tragically dies in a suspicious accident or a robbery-gone-violent in which nothing is stolen. She may just trip down some stairs landing on several bullets which unexpectedly fire through the back of her head.
Someone better webm/download this. It's good redpill material.
Useless Canada, never change.
That was great. His entire angle to discredit her was "lmao so subjective where are your poll results?" and she immediately completely fucking destroyed him by outing the corrupt and vacant organizations that he would use to source his narrative. Then to even satisfy his hardon for polls, she cited the election. Absolutely perfect.
The Reagan administration provided financial support to Saddam's Iraq while they were fighting against Iran in the 80s; three years after that war ended, Bush Sr. was in power, and Saddam was suddenly Arab Hitler for trying to annex Kuwait. He was also providing $25,000 aid packages to families of Palestinian suicide bombers. That Hussein immediately launched SCUD missiles at Israel when the US invaded doesn't make sense, unless Desert Storm was done at the behest of Tel Aviv and Hussein knew that.
The Zionists who run the DoD and State are perfectly happy to fund terrorists and dictators of any stripe, so long as there's a payoff for Israel in the end. Israel is the missing piece that makes all this puzzling behavior in the region come together and make sense. Irritatingly, without Jewish control of the US government, none of the problems Israel causes in the Middle East would even be possible.
The Jews have done a magnificent job marketing themselves in America, especially to the Evangelical community. The Christians who support Israel are almost entirely ignorant of the fact that Jews hate Jesus, hate Christianity, and hates Christians. They don't know that Judaism isn't just Christianity without Jesus, and they don't know that the "liberals" who are responsible for banishing Christianity from American public life are almost entirely Jewish.
Much of the support for Jewish causes in America would dry up if this became common knowledge.
Israel is hostile to every country in the world. In countries they don't control, they're shunned rather than venerated. Hotels in Thailand won't rent rooms to Israelis. Israel is one of only three countries (along with the US and Japan) whose citizens are prohibited from entering North Korea. In China, Jewish control of US media and banks is common knowledge, while in the US itself this idea is, ironically, mostly considered a lie.
The Yinon Plan may not require Israel to annex the lands between the Nile and Euphrates Rivers. If Tel Aviv can simply control these territories through loyal puppets, like they do North America, South America, and Europe, they may decide that's good enough.
In that case prepare to see a "progressive" and "westernized" socialist Kurdish state where "Jews are safe from persecution" (read: protected by "hate crime laws" from those dirty mudslime goyim, which probably won't extend to other local minorities)
Yesterday on the radio (NPR & BBC) they were almost saying there's a genocide in Aleppo right now, with clips of Samantha Power at the UN.
Oy vey! Don't trust the thin lipped white goy! She lies and is antisemitic!
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
You can't hit a fly on the ceiling in less than three tries?
oy vey, the gentile blood withdrawal took over haha
And in other news rain is wet and cats sleep all day….
An unmonitored voting process amid civil unrest where millions were uprooted but still somehow 73% of people conviniently managed to go voting to ensure Assad runs for a third term.
Assad studied to be an eye doctor in London.
I watched a tube video interview with him and at that point I realized everything the media said about him was 100% (((israeli))) inspired and directed.
Well maybe the fact that Assad is the one person who prevents Qatar from building a gas pipeline through Syria which would undercut and undermine Russias political and economic power has something to do with the fact that Russia and the Zogbots are fighting a proxywar in Syria.
Just a thought.
Assad is Honorary Aryan.