30 electors ready to block Trump says Harvard (((professor)))
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30 people shouldn't be hard to locate, not when there will be 65mil enraged people looking for them.
They would get sued to oblivion would they not? Do they not have to keep their word and the will of the people?
If they really pull this shit, they'll have millions of "gun nuts" looking after them, and not just them. I hope the kikes are actually this fucking stupid.
This faggot is probably telling them it's legally feasible to do that and not face any consequences. They should be driven the point that by doing that their homes and families would be at severe risk, even more so than Trump Tower is right now.
Standard bullshit ploy. "Join our cause, 30 other people already have!"
In reality, nobody except that cuck Chris Suprun has.
This is gaslighting. (((They're))) trying to meme this narrative home in the five days before the electors cast their votes.
Would those 30 electors be enough to cheat him out of the presidency?
harvard is shit
just did some stupid ass study on mturk an hour ago from them (mturk/extra money)
pic related, you can guess what it was about
An Ivy League twat sucking up to the Democrats. Shocking. Remember the guy in Washington who decided he was just going to eat a $1,000 fine instead of voting for Clinton? We don't hear about him anymore because it doesn't fit the (((narrative))).
I can't. They tested an algorithm by input-output experimentation instead of looking at the algorithm and then concluded there had to be some sort of bias in the algorithm?
Who is this faggot? Does he have a daughter or something? If he fucks up the election I will fuck his whole family.
tfw (((they))) are doing everything to start third american revolution
no, they just wanted your opinions on how sexist the algorithm was
immediately after that was shown, they asked a bunch of questions about why you thought the algorithm picked what it did
they were looking for people to say the algorithm was clearly sexist and needed to be changed
once the study is done it'll be put into (((official science journals))) as "proof" that algorithms / society is sexist, institutional sexism/ muh gender gap etc
they also cherry pick the shit out of these studies, there's no way to prove they didn't, and dump any responses that disagree with their narrative.
I see. Sounds more stupid than I could have imagined.
The algorithm is a lie, they just put that picture together in mspaint lol
They'll be dragged through the street.
Not good enough.
Hills only had 232 from the states she won. 30 Electors isn't even enough to swing the entire state for their full share, depending on where they are from.
Say she got 5 from NC and 2 from wherever.
Not sure how that works.
Either way electors don't get a final say. It will go to the house to pick the president if they can't get their shit together.
Things that never happened.
You could do the same thing."I know 500 people who are going to fire Larry Lessig out of a cannon. Be afraid and demoralized."
Dream on fag. You go into the bog.
i'm sure this was also a version, but i didn't get that roll
Fucking big time. I don't think this is about this year's election results. They know Whites in America are awakening. This whole narrative is to delegitamize and lay the groundwork for doing away with the electoral college. It's doing its job too well. They want shitskin filled, liberal cities deciding the president from now on. Trump was not supposed to happen.
Go ahead. Trigger the civil war
They know this. Trump is president. They are trying to delegitimize him so they can fundraise for the next four years on le ebil unpopular unelected racist drumpf memes
Do they honestly not think that The Millions of People who decided The Election won't come after them?
Honestly what kind of dreamland are these cucks living in?
How does this Harvard professor know these electors? What the hell? Hes just a professor…
Lawsuits are the least of a traitor's worries. The sad thing is they probably don't even have a kike bunker offered to them, they'll do it for free.
It's goo to pay attention to, but stealing it from Trump is never going to happen. It would be the most interesting time in modern history if it did. The right would see it as a form of legal treason and executions would begin and not end until Trump was put in office. The faithless electors would all get doxxed and they'd be lucky if only they were killed, and not their families also. Next would come the House and Senate members who voted with the electors. Then members of the media who promoted the Russia hack hoax. Also other influential people who pushed on the left.
I wouldn't call it civil war, because the right probably wouldn't kill too many everyday citizens on the left, who will be hiding under their blankets.
There wouldn't be any tears, like we saw with HRC faggots. There would be protests, but protesters probably wouldn't burn and break shit. They'd be talking and organizing.
The rationalization would be, I imagine, that all of those people would need to be killed to secure the electoral process worked in the future and that the outgoing administration couldn't pull Russia/China/Aliens interfered with the election, so electors can vote for anyone they want.
this professor is another real winner
failed run
He also writes for the (((huffington post)))
And what do you know he also shills books
"Lessig serves on the Boards of Creative Commons, AXA Research Fund and iCommons.org, and on the Advisory Boards of the Sunlight Foundation, the Better Future Project, and Democracy Café. He is a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Association, and has received numerous awards, including the Free Software Foundation’s Freedom Award, Fastcase 50 Award and being named one of Scientific American's Top 50 Visionaries."
Apparently FSF is all about him.
That's because Creative Commons is to general creative works as the GPL is to software. When it comes to copyright I have no real issue with him.
They could pull this off.
Don't underestimate Lessig. The guy knows what he's talking about. That he's failed at some things he set out to do means nothing. So have most people, and he didn't fail that hard. I didn't bother looking at the article until I saw his name then my blood ran a little cold.
Remember that the electors vote anonymously. Their identity might be learned after the fact if faithless votes break state laws, but in most cases they will not be breaking the law.
And the House may well pick Paul Ryan or John Kasich.
Democratic electors need to be made aware of this. If they are smart they will vote for Trump and assure that he is who they will face in 2020. Most influential democrats are smart enough to know Trump isn't going to cause that much havoc over the next four years, and they believe he will remain unpopular or become more so.
They will not want their party to face a well-liked centrist in 2020.
They won't want a president who can get his court appointments through the Senate without a fight. Many, many lower court appointments, the sort of appointments these folks lose sleep over.
They may be uneasy forcing Democratic members of the house into a position where the considerable Trump support among Democrats means being challenged in the primaries or even recalled.
The question is how do we reach out to these people without hardening them against our position, and which ones do we focus on? A dumb letter writing campaign won't do. Look over the list of electors for your states and the states where you have friends who lean democrat and may be on a position to get a letter opened and looked at. As an example, I have thought about this for much of the morning and it's just occurred to me that I have contacts to state officials through old family friendships.
Put on your thinking caps, niggers.
This is serious shit. We can't just sit on our thumbs for the next week and hope really hard. The recounts may well have succeeded in fucking us over if we hadn't mobilized and leaned on key people to get lawyers and observers out to those states in force and work hard against her. We are in that same position again. Do nothing and we still might lose this.
Nothing is going to happen except more liberal tears my friend. Dems are fucking scared and they should be. If Trump succeeds in not being a complete fucking failure at the minimum, they will get destroyed again in the midterm elections with a huge number of seats up for grabs.
It would take 38 in total, and, even then they would all have to go to Clinton or the election would go to the House of Representatives where I don't think the Republicans would dare vote against Trump when they have actual election consequences
I used to read his blog when everyone was trying to fight the DMCA and clipper chip and shit. He seems to have lost his mind at some point.
We may be at an advantage now, but that just means we need properly cement our victory, no matter how boring or unnecessary the mop-up actions may seem. It's like fighting an infection: if you slack off and leave behind any surviving germs, chances are they'll just mutate into a stronger strain and cause more trouble later on.
The libshits are trying to buy enough time to mutate into another threat like the disease that they are. We can't let them do that. We need to keep the pressure on and keep on winning at all levels, even if we get tired of winning.
Oy vey Harvard undergraduates are only 51% female, this is an outrage.
checking the trips of truth
Have a rare Pepe.
Trump is only the first step. He is not Hitler. He was never meant to be. He must be held to his campaign promises. All trump can give the US is time. Hopefully he can stop the worst of the bleeding. His successor in 2024 must be further right than he is. Holla Forums must continue to be the vanguard in shifting the Overton Window.
You're right that the leftists are scared. Personally I think the kikes, the ones pulling the strings especially, are more outraged or offended that their plans went awry than scared.
They have the power to try to force Trump's hand and influence him. They have control of the media, popular culture, and the education system at all levels. And for now, they have time. It must not happen.
Trump is the breathing room to fight back and ride the wave of outrage at leftists and their systems. Whites must make sure the next 8 years count.
This Thomas Wilson seems pretty cool, I'd definitely hire him. The other ones look kind of crazy.
don't overuse the (((parentheses))) faggot. pretty sure this guy's not jewish, just an ugly literal egg-headed autist, and not all professors are jewish so the parentheses are retarded
maybe. normally Holla Forums would be writing threatening emails and doxing everyone by now. what gives?
If the Electoral college votes against the results, all electors should be punished
if digits then they are punished by death
Jokes on them. Congress must ratify their results. A bunch of faithless electors won't get past a congress that wants to be elected again. The faithless electors principles will not outdo the lust for powerful office of congress.
Gee whiz, it's almost like businesses try to hire those they can pay the least unless its a position that requires real experience.
It's like you're afraid of the DOTR.
This crap doesn't deserve any attention.
I don't buy it. Think it's just them trying to convince the electors it's ok to do. But if it is true, we'll know who the traitors are. And we'll know what to do.
I hope they elect shillary and it triggers the civil race war. The happening of the happenings.
Trips confirm
is that right?
who is that lessig guy anyway and why should i believe what he says?
how do I know hes not getting paid to lie and that only 12 or so electors who are obliged to vote for trump will vote against him?
so lay down and take it up the ass as controlled opposition?
I'm down for this, hope they get commiefornians and jew yorkers on board.
Is the Holla Forums RWDS ready to go out and eradicate this scum? Traitors to America must be purged.
Yes. I live at
935 pennsylvania avenue, nw in DC. Give me a call sometime at 202-324-3000. Let me know what you're planning. We can probably work something out together.
If its stolen from Trump what do the majority of us, in all seriousness, do? I'm not going to to charge out with guns blazing thinking I'll have any chance at all. But something must be done. So what?
I'm actually a little worried that this may be part of their endgame. Sure they can't possibly win an outright war but starting such a one sided war not in their favor defies all logic.
Either they are as stupid as we believe or there is some game they are playing that we don't understand.
FYI: Electors are publicly elected officials and threatening them with bodily harm or death is a crime on par with threatening the President.
The FBI is always watching.
The currently sitting congress is the one who canvasses the Electorate. The new congress doesn't get sworn in until January 6th.
you can legally say that you wouldn't mind if they all got brain cancer
Must be rough being an elector
No they aren't. They are members of private political parties. I do have to look into how independents would work as that gets muddy. In some states they are elected in a caucus. In others they are selected by the party's ruling committee. They are not politicians. They are basically federal delegates.
You are either retarded, a shill, or European.
Section 11b of the Voting Rights Act (52 U.S.C. §10307) makes it a crime for anyone to “intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote.” While this has been applied in the past to ordinary, everyday voters in federal elections, the language does not limit it only to such voters. Electors who are casting their votes for president and vice president are also protected by Section 11b since the Electoral College is an essential part of the federal voting process. This is supported by Section 14(c) of the VRA, which says that “voting” includes “all action necessary to make a vote effective in any primary, special, or general election.” Obviously, the votes cast by Americans on Nov. 8 will not be effective if the electors they chose are intimidated from casting their votes in the Electoral College.
Most of them have never visited a red state and see America as the no man's land between San Fransisco and New York. They probably don't believe a million people even exist there.
Threatening the POTUS and a voter are not the same thing.
Well, then, you go right ahead and see what happens.
One gets a visit from the USSS. The other gets a report filed at your local PD. How do you not understand that they are different?
Whatever, kid. Enjoy federal prison.
As a follow up, please provide evidence that electors are provided USSS protection.
Cool story bro.
Threatening an elector is a crime. It is not the same as threatening the POTUS, Please refute that.
If they start a civil war and we're not willing to fight in one then they win.
This guy attended the 2013 Bilderberg meeting meeting.
There's your problem right there.
It won't be 'you', on your own - we will march on Washington, physically occupy the city, and take control.
If you make such action via peaceful means impossible, then the course via violent means becomes inevitable.
It won't be chanfaggots doing the fighting, or rather - executions. Chanfags will be doing the doxxxing, of the faithless electors etc. One percent of one percent of the 60 mil who voted for Trump will be doing the killings.
It will never happen. It would be far more interesting than Trump actually getting into office. It would be endless lulz of leftists getting executed - the media, politicians, and others in influence. It will never happen.
Kek willing, it will happen.
And the Tree will get its watering.
Still waiting concernshill nigger.
It will be literally irrelevant who runs against Donald Trump in 2020. He is sure to be one of most thoroughly entrenched incumbents in all US history.
2024 is the year that will decide if Western Civilization turns back to its previous head-on crash with destruction, or continues on with its rise back to it's former glory.
My bet is on Don Jr. taking over the US helm then.
That would be the single largest traitorship on the part of electors in all US history lad.
If they really gave a shit about "muh popular vote", they would have done this back in 2000 with Bush. Back then, just three faithless electors would have been enough to tip it to Gore. Now, they need thirty-eight (thirty-seven if they're planning on doing a House vote and giving it to Jeb).
Once national voter ID is implemented Trump can finally get rid of the EC and prevent this kind of childish, feeble and ultimately meaningless saber-rattling from happening ever again.
Will he be old enough to take office?
Wouldn't that fuck over the rural areas? Most of the population lives in largely blue areas.
What, yes. He already is user. (38)
Yes, and that's exactly why the voting system works the way it does, to ensure the 'little guy' has a fair say in the process. But the issues were framed in the context of the smaller states vs big states (not cities vs rural) by the Founding Fathers back in the day.
Goddamnit, Holla Forums, read your Constitution.
Trump won, and the Left can't do shit about it. This is just one big temper tantrum to delegitimize his decisive victory.
That requires a Constitutional amendment, which Trump cannot do.
Would you call them traitors if Clinton electors voted for Trump?
Trump doesn't seem too concerned with the electoral election.
I hope he's got something up his sleeves.
Ofc, CTR.
>BTW, It's not what I'd call them that counts heh.
At first I thought they would steal the election and trigger civil war (which actually is good news as it will keep Trump in check too).
But for Trump to win by a landslide AND we still get civil war.
Hot damn
pls no more mr. trump my body cannot
How naive are you?
Regardless, I swear to fuck if even one of you betrays the trust of the people endowed to you
Where were you when Larry fucking 'get-corruption-and-money-out-of-politics' Lessig outed himself as a Democrat operator and another scumbag who wants to alter the win by changing the rules of the game after the fact?
37 Electors bound to Trump would have to defect for Clinton to get to 269 so Biden can break the tie. It's not happening.
Never surprised when these civil disobient liberal "populists" turn out to be globalist plants.
I almost won't this shit too happen… almost
After this blows over next week, I hope at least one of you guys sitting in a RWDS drives by and disappears this kike and his goy traitor wife (apparently, they're both commies).
Do it proper.
You know, I've always said if there ever was a 2nd American Civil War it would be the left vs the right and right would probably win because they have all the guns.
What can we do?
did his wife or him have something to do with aaron swartz' murder?
Szelena Gray worked on DeBlasio's campaign and now works for "DemocracyWorks" or some shitl
She's related to Larry Lessig.
Fuck do I have to keep digging for you guys?
Just wait for the leader, Emperor Trump, to call for his supporters to storm Washington, DC with their guns. He could be encouraged or persuaded to make this call I believe. He would have significant support from the police and military.
If he doesn't cross the Rubicon, then there probably isn't anything that can be done.
Look at the Supreme Court case Ray vs. Blair.
There is precedent to remove and replace any elector that votes against the will of the people of their state. This is a bunch of "smart" people being dumb.
Yes, then whoever vocalizes their support for said electors has their fucking limbs torn off, and that's given any success.
Trump is in.
can someone who ran for president of the democrats (Lessig) be head of and counsel to these "Hamilton Electors"?? Isnt that illegal?
This is what a lot of us burgers over at /k/ lowkey fantasize about, really.
here's his wife's tit. You're fucking welcome.
Fuck you for posting that.
it's public, she didn't protect her stupid pixabay account. just search her name. moron.
you're finished Lessig…
That's not Lessig, that's esr, aka Open Source gun nut.
Nobody asked for that.
quit shilling, lessig is going down.
It most definitely IS him. Here is he sailing with Elena Kagan, Supreme Court Lesbian…
I'm talking about my picture you dolt. Not the one of him and his woman, and the one of her boobs that nobody asked for.
who gives a fuck, all intel is usable intel. they're tits, get over it.
All the people I used to like: Lessig, ESR, etc turned out to be such cuck losers in the end.
ESR ought to be doing some soul searching about how he and his generation failed to prevent the marxist takeover of the tech sector, not hand wringing about how Trump is too far to the right.
You're wrong. Trump need 270 electorals to officially win. He currently has 306. That would leave him with a reserve of only 6 if 30 won't vote for him.
Clinton still needs 37 to defect in order for her to win, and that would also require Biden to break the tie, or 38 to win outright.
It's highly unlikely that will happen, but if it did, the country would effectively shut down, and I would forsee a new constitutional convention because there would no longer be any confidence in the system.
I expected a lot more happenings after Trump won, but it was just a week of lame marches by faggots roleplaying.
Are they going to chimp the fuck out for real when EC confirms him?
Biden doesn't cast a deciding vote in the case of 269-269, it would go to the House where every state gets one vote.
No, I think they're tired out. This still has me on edge, though.
Obviously a fake as fuck plastic doll barbie girl who paid someone to do her photo's. + White background is annoying
Looks unhealthy. Perhaps trouble with sleeping? and the smile looks forced as fuck ( notice the eyes )
Looks like a total bro. Gray-ish background makes it easier to look at. Genuine or atleast put effort in the smile. ( Notice the eyes )
Of course this shit is cherry-picked. Would be hilarious if algorythms were deemed sexist
The reports from electors being harrassed say they are getting their emails flooded with death threats along with letters being mailed and phone calls. Then this weasel Lessig calls them up to discuss how they can flip their vote and promises nothing will happen to them. This is a common shakedown tactic. Threats and intimidation followed by a promise of protection if they do what they are told. They would like to convince enough to block Trump, but their secondary motive is to demoralize enough electoral voters so they flip, which would give them a platform to push for abolishing the system by portraying electors as putting themselves above the electorate. Make no mistake, Lessig plays a central role in this scheme. His role is necessary for it to be effective.
The House picks the President. The Senate picks the Vice President.
Did you get the "needs headphones AND speakers" one with some woman crying about being in a racist video?
Oh, and the steady stream of Trump themed kvetching. Feels so damn good to select "Conservative - Extremely" on those.
It goes to the House if neither candidate has a majority.
(and the Vice President in his role as President of the Senate breaks a 269-269 House tie)
The people are sharpening their pitchforks and oiling their torches.
To dangle a victory in front of them and then snatch it away would make the people start lighting the torches.
Any unfaithful elector's career in politics would be destroyed, and they'd be some of the most hated people in the country.
How can anyone make a promise like that to them that means anything?
30 isn't enough.
Give it up, user. Trump must lose and we lost already. Hillary Clinton will be president in a month. We can do nothing but lose.
im so demoralized. im definitely just going to lay down and rot now.
He has what 307?
I wish nothing more than to abandon my cuck nation of Sweden and fight evil in the US.
You have GOT to be shitting me.
What's stopping anyone from hijacking their election if that's the case? I don't believe you. If that's true Lessig's story could just be a pre-vote groundlaying.
They could pull this shit off so easily, all of these articles could be pointed to as proof after they fake the election.
late 2016 and 2017 is going to be fun.
selling my laptop and buying a rifle. this may be my last post. I'm headed into the woods.
Now that would be grand. Just imagine the salt mining.
dear kek I don't even really have a laptop. I was just meming. What is your will?
If you don't fight the evil in your own country, why would you fight in someone elses?
Talk about cucks, cuck.
The trips spoke. You will buy a rifle and head into the woods.
This guy got raped repeatedly at his boarding school lol
THE NUMBERS. I KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN. Apparently I'm buying a rifle and heading into the woods.
I'll shut up but I don't even have woods around me. It's all desert. I guess I need to find a forest and make it mine.
Why the fuck would I fight for people that would rather want to become Swedistan?
Fuck that, Sweden is suicide due to the fact that the kikes has us by the balls. No legal weapons and most Swedes don't give a shit about anything.
Except not being racist, that is really huge here. If you get called racist then you're done.
So what's to stop a Republican bound to hillary from switching sides just to counter this shit?
Not being an asshat. I know that's too much to ask of republicucks, but still.
Every elector who votes against their constituency ought to be hanged from the neck until dead and then displayed out in front of the Lincoln monument.
I know a fuck load of people who are prepared to head to washington with all their guns if electors pull this shit. And they will be on social media 24/7 broadcasting their actions for all the world to see.
So. My warning to the feds monitoring this board, you'd better send word up the chain. There will be armed insurrection if Hillary's shills pull this shit. And you will have to explain to the American public why the federal government murdered people so that they could very publicly commit dereliction of duty.
I predict a whopping 12 electors will vote for Kasich and/or Cruz. Sanders will get a whole one. Clinton and her retarded devotees will cry in their straightjacketts mumbling something about Russia over and over. And on January 20, 2017, despite all of what Obama the Half-Human, his handlers, and the puppet media shills can muster, Donald J. Trump, Sr., will be inaugurated as your president.
Learn how to make your own rope, a satisfying day is approaching.
I want to know where I can place a bet that there will be leftist violence in a number of cities, including DC, on inauguration day.
I hate tying knots. Can I just use a machete?
I find it interesting that he's so sure that democrats will maintain solidarity when they've spent the last few years eating each other alive.
For every Republican Elector that gets a retarded bug up his ass and decides to "vote his conscience" there's likely a few democrats who are watching this shit and saying "What the fuck happened to my party?" because they've been trapped in a bubble for so long that they didn't realize what liberalism has become.. And what have "liberals" been up to for the past few months?
There's got to be more than a few democrat electors who are watching this shit and saying "No. I cannot allow these idiots to put our political system is absolute gridlock for even longer."
"Vote your conscience" goes both ways. Exactly as it did when these faggots spent millions on those voting commercials that said just how important this election was. They expected everyone to do exactly what they wanted, not understanding that telling them how important the election was meant that Hillary could not be allowed to win to very many people.
Is it really hard to believe that Hitler was not as bad as (((they))) say he is? Check the archive.is link.
There are procedures for enforcing faithless electors to do as they were told, and a #nevertrumper installed by this variety of coup would be even more illegitimate than if the electors put in the pant suit demon. Not happening.
Even towelheads aim better than this.
But seriously, if they've felt threatened by HRC supporters imagine how they'll feel in two years after they think they've gotten away with it and a rogue autist shows up at their house with a chainsaw.
Get digging