Hey Holla Forums I'm a man and I'm an Intersectional, Radical, Marxist, Eco-Feminist, or Ally if you prefer, I've read different preferences on that matter. I'm also sex negative.
In my natural predilections even before I was educated on Feminism I didn't tend to speak over women or trust women's judgment or input less. I had three older sisters and I believe this had a positive effect on me.
However, I am a scholarly person and read a lot and tend to have a lot to say about most subjects. I make it a policy when discussing Feminism to speak with the voices of women I have read rather than my own reasoning, but I've read a lot of women, and not every woman I might speak to necessarily has an excellent education on Feminism.
So it becomes slightly excellent, especially if you start talking about radfem stuff, women will say, who are you to tell me my feelings might be the product of harmful patriarchal inculcations? And I'm like, no one, I'm referring to this thing I read over here, and I could be wrong, I'm just saying this and such a thing could be excellent. I don't know how I might approach that differently, I feel like that's as yielding and appropriate I can possibly be. Yet I'll get some remarks, rarely but still sometimes, about mansplaining or like analytically trying to invalidate someone's feelings, which are both things I spend active thought trying to avoid in all such interactions. I also actively pay attention to the fact that conditioning gives me more power in all conversations and so I use yielding qualifiers on everything I say and make sure to give women time to speak and listen carefully to what they've said before responding. At the same time, if a woman is saying something that is a textbook patriarchal inculcation I will be more certain of Feminist theory than of their experience. Am I wrong?
Maybe that's the best men can do, maybe I can't talk about Feminism without having that effect from time to time. I remember I used to wonder if there was a way I could carry myself on the street to appear less threatening. I have a threatening physique and I would worry every single time I passed a lone woman on the street that if I walked with ordinary confidence and happiness that I might seem like a threat, or do some unconscious thing to reinforce the idea that women tread through male space. Maybe if I lowered my shoulders, my head, arrange my gait to take up less physical space. Eventually I realized that I simply am a threat, that this is the grand inheritance my ancestors left for me, that I'll never know the ways in which my power makes me harmful to women, and that by this mitigating actions I was just trying to absolve myself of responsibility for rape culture, but I am responsible and I am not exempt. "That I am not a bit better than the meanest on Earth, that while there is a lower class I am in it, while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free." My Feminist education doesn't absolve my moral culpability, at least I feel that way. I don't have the right to signal to a woman on the street not to be afraid of me, she has a right to be afraid of me. I'm afraid of me.
So maybe it's like that? It's just not in the realm of possibility to care about this subject and be aware of my muh privilege and power and yet still not suffer from it from time to time? It's just, I don't perceive it, I feel like I'm doing everything right, and I don't understand where people are coming from if they say that about me, it just feels like some kind of conversational trump card that's aside from the intellectual core of the disagreement. I mean, naturally I can never say I'm not mansplaining, I don't have the epistemological position to argue that. Yet I can know with absolute certainty that I'm personally not speaking from a place of thinking my judgment or reasoning are superior. I speak calmly and without a desire to be "right," just reiterating experiences and analysis I've read from women in the hopes that they will be useful.
Is there more I can do to avoid this problem?