How many other liberals have the balls to do that? Morning Joe is kinda red-pilled half-way (or playing devil's advocate… who the hell knows, was mika on it too when she let everybody know clinton wanted her out just like that? it's jericho all over again, keep trumping)
fuck off
yeah, hurts I know, they were all supposed to be mindless drones, if they have feelings the whole deal with russia is off
In case anyone is curious, here is the webm
oh wow thanks, is there a website/program that does it automatically or did you youtube-dl it and upload?
That's an mp4, retard
How many of these do you fucking need you insatiable retards?
Thanks. This is what OP should have done.
Yeah, you can dl it and upload, or maybe there is aplugin that does YT link and does it itself? you know like a script to make human life easier retard
1. youtube dl
2. filesize math
3:48 = 228 seconds
12 * 8192 - (228*64) = x
x / 228 = video bit rate
3. ffmpeg -i cenk.mkv -b:v 360k -b:a 64k output.mp4
you can make the output .webm but I do mp4 because some people like to browse from their goiPhones
oh wow, TYT is now CTR, let me know when and how to get my paycheck, thanks in advance
You're an idiot and a cuck just looking for views for them and giving them props for doing the bare minimum after they shilled hard for Hillary. Kill yourself Cenk.
ok so bash script, thx (btw can't you use one of the YT default formats for that? youtube-dl has options to dl the mp4 or pure audio etc)
No, turning off the computer and killing himself is what OP should have done.
I don't fuck with it much. I never learned much more than the rough webm creation for quick jobs and I have a better 2 pass I use when quality is needed.
I thought similar, but he caught me off guard twice now (second was him calling whole fake news paranoia for what it is), you got the mp4 now so no views to them, what do you think?
I think you're shilling for them you sack of shit. It is clear and obvious that he is just trying to make it seem as if he is impartial after the bullshit he pulled shilling for Hillary and having a meltdown over Hillary losing. You would have to be the biggest idiot on the face of the earth who thinks he has anything resembling integrity or has any ability to be honest for honesty's sake.
Kill yourself you shilling fuck.
I think The Young Turkroaches have a long way to go before they get any credit on here. Mildly praising Trump's clear victory, while signalling against him by trying to downplay it, does not win you points here. Try reddit.
thanks, ./youtube-dl -F to get all formats, 360 mp4 is usually 18 so: ./youtube-dl -f 18 will get you the mp4 so no need for recoding
Typical semite behavior tbh.
Wow that's handy
oh sure, but coming from ultra-fucking-left to even admitting anything good about trump? srsly if more ppl did it we wouldn't have culture wars, take his co-host ana 'women who voted for the other option: you're just dumb!!!' kasparian
I have this guide though I never delved in it too much.
Thing is, he has no choice but to admit it's good. Imagine Cenk saying keeping jobs is a bad thing. There is no way to do it without sounding completely batshit insane. It just proves he has a few brain cells left in his roach brain.
youtube-dl does ffmpeg by itself, so one more png to forget about :)
Yet all other MSM outlets (is tyt msm… kinda I guess?) tried their hardest to either build up crony capitalism narrative or just forgot to mention that
You really do notice it when you're trying to cram a ton of nice quality into the 12mb file size limit. For rough jobs youtube-dl is fine, but doing a couple passes is great. I did the nice versions of the Scott Foval videos and the difference between the rough jobs and the 2 pass videos was staggering. Opus is black magic for audio.
oh yeah, they definitely have one setting (or optimised for speed or middle ground, not sure) when recoding, so you will get better if you dl manually highest available and recode yourself, but the 360p ppl see on yt is the one youtube-dl downloads, so no losses there
True that
still better than blackest obongo movi.epub, gotta run, gn gentlemen, if cenk was just a whore as usual, no harm done, if he actually can see through his hate, worth noting
I don't think it takes balls to be a retarded turkroach, OP
Find another turkroach that acknowledged anything by trump, if he started from we-love-hillary platform then bonus points, but doubt we'll need to get above mvp, cya
Just to put this in perspective, don't forget Obama called Kanye a jackass on national TV. West is probably loving getting some measure of revenge.
And I am in the wrong thread. Wew, embarassing.
I'm a little surprised that he didn't shit all over it like usual.
Like how protestors put a hole in an oil pipeline on some "sacred land" and blamed it on the big evil companies that rape their women and steal their children.
What a faggot. He admits Trump is right and it hurts him so much. I just can't believe the audacity of these niggers.
For once I hope this faggot is right and the Democrats do feel embarrassed.
Posting this obese shitskin (probably Iraqi not Turkish) should be a permaban offense.