Life Outside University

Sup Holla Forums,

So I found out the hard way that women are snakes, and I'm being accused of raep. I go to a cucked politically-correct university which is likely going to take her side because wymn's rights, meaning I'm probably going to be kicked out.

I was interested in engineering but that might be a no-go because of aforementioned events. I figure I could go to community college and get into CS, since I could work from home and no one will really give a shit what I'm accused of if I do a good job.

tl;dr How do I get into STEM without college. Also general life/self-improvement thread.

Polite bump

Learn a trade. Become a tradesman.

Your shit's fucked.

I went to this college back when I was retarded and thought it was worth overlooking the PC culture

you're pretty much fucked at this point. No refunds. Sad to say but it's true

post the story or fuck off

I can't innawoods or something?

I mean, I was going for engineering, not really trying to be a wage slave for the rest of my life

Find a union hall and get them to pay you to be an apprentice/helper. Highly recommending being an electrician.

If you can find one that does the whole "pay a fraction of your first year's salary", try a code camp.

Also, Military. Chairforce if you want to be a damn POG. If you want to kick ass, just go kick some fucking ass already, son.


Say that its impossible for you to have raped her becausd you are gay. The leftists will have to face a difficult choice.

drop out and write your own compiler you fucking nigger.

Check to see if you have any texts from her that would implicate consent and save them on multiple devices if you do.


Don't have any

I like your first suggestion, going to look into it

Trades are the best way to get into a career. I say this as someone who did major in comp sci. CS jobs mean constantly fighting with H1B visa retards. They're complete dipshits and they drive wages down. You end up in front of a computer almost all day. Even if you work from home, your life is basically wake up, sit on computer, work, get off work, sit on computer.

Trades are good, you get to be outside, doing physical activity, etc. I would take it over CS if I were to start a family and get serious.

Seriously I only opened the thread to read what happened, more people will contribute if you open up OP.

To be completely honest, I haven't heard of trade school, but I'll look into it.

One moment user

I got lucky, my old man is really good with trades. Welding, plumbing, electric, mechanics, carpentry, etc. I can't imagine not knowing a little of them. He taught me a lot. They're good to know and not a lot of younger people are into it. And lots of people have degrees. Supply and demand. Too much supply of college degree kids, too much demand of trades.

Is IT a good career choice?


They can only kick you out if you allow them to. This is no longer a climate where false rape allegations will be tolerated. Go straight to the administration and lay out your innocence, then let them know that any action against you will result in the destruction of the university's reputation and legal action. The big fish don't care about whiny femcunt #21375310, but they will take note when you threaten their bottom line. No one is going to want to step out of line and become the example that fascist demon dictator Trump is going to make of such worthless colleges.

You have the power, beat them senseless with it.

The problem is, if I make a big fuss, people are going to attach my name with this bullshit claim. Getting a job is going to get damn near impossible and grad school is still something I'm thinking about.

It's not for everyone.

Do you think such things will be possible at all if you don't fight it? Rather, fighting and beating this will in fact bolster your resume in the eyes of anyone with whom it would be worthwhile to associate. If such a claim has been made, your name is already attached to it. Now you have merely to decide what weight that claim will carry. Destroy her credibility publicly, then destroy any administrator who tries to defend her.

Don't forget

Then only kick up a big fuss in retaliation for their cuckery. Threaten legal trouble and the whole thing will quietly go under the rug. You just have to make an impression that you actually have the money to through with it.

Become an assassin OP, start with the cunt for prac

People want my story so here it goes

That's pretty much it

No shit. You don't say?


You're a drugfag degenerate too, eh? Skip reddit, go straight to >>>/suicide/ .

I quit drugs user. Not proud of my decisions. Not that it makes much a difference at this point.

you asked for it.

First off, never tell a girl you love her until you've both had sex and she says it first. Second, become a technician. You normally only need an associate degree for it and it'll get your foot in the door with good companies. You'll also be hanging out and working with engineers, which will be great for helping you advance further.

So you have a witness
And an official police report has been made

Did the cops say anything? If they won't come after you, threaten the university with legal action by email right now. They might still toss you for the drugs, but you can beat sexual assault.

Cops didn't say anything, though they did take my phone to try to find evidence.

Still don't have it back, which is a huge pain in my ass

don't say anything. lawyer-up. win. learn your lesson. get your degree

I can have a lawyer there, but for some fucking reason, he's not allowed to speak. He'd be pretty much there to watch me burn.

Besides, the school usually takes the side of the "victim"

Wow, I was expecting you to have at least had casual sex with her. That would have been mildly degenerate, but your actual story is just pathetic.

So call him as a witness to confirm that no sexual assault occurred. Admit you were on acid if you have to, they (probably) can't kick you out for that unless they catch you with it.

Fair warning though, going down the rabbit hole of what actually happened during an acid trip may not end well. For example, based on your description what you perceived as cuddling at the time may in fact have been pretty one sided.

doing drugs first mistake
second was not recording the pertinent parts so you could disprove her rape allegations.

Third was talking to anyone before contacting a lawyer after the accusation was made
and finally being a beta.

I got into stem by completing an enlistment as a tech rate in the military. It's no shocker that endless companies are always hiring veterans with a wide variety of hands on experience, training, and other skills learned from service.

I had my new contract signed before my enlistment was even up. There is an entire headhunting industry revolving around departing military tech rates and the companies that hire them. Orion Corp is who got me a job.

I was willing to put up with 6 years in a steel prison underwater to avoid student loan debt and the university sham. It worked.

The school has a retarded policy of only allowing me to speak. So regardless of who I bring, lawyer, friend, witness, etc. they can't say shit.

Are trade schools really worth going to?

If you can afford a lawyer, have him there and utter not a single word. Have him announce that any action taken against you which is not supported by a valid legal decision will be taken as defamation, fraud, and conspiracy to commit fraud. Don't play their games, club them to death with actual adult civilization.

That's how I know you're a faggot.

You have several options here. One, you could deal with the girl. One way to do it is to find a way to settle, but if you can prove your innocence to her parents or any figure of authority that she has you can simply strongarm her like that. Do this fast enough and meeting with the Uni will be painless. DO NOT MENTION DRUGS OR ANYTHING THAT MAY INCRIMINATE YOU. ALSO DON'T ACT LIKE A BETA OR A PUSSY.

Two, deal with uni. Like I said, if you'll say that you will sue them and if you'll look like you absolutely mean it they may just give. You'll want to hire a lawyer sooner than later though or read up on that shit yourself. Insist that you're innocent, cite cases that highlight double standard when it comes to things like those and maybe you won't get fucked. Note that if you let slip that you did drugs with the girl you'll be fucked.

Don't give up, your shit's not fucked yet.

How new are you?

Strike one
Strike two, I've fucked plenty of girls and never said I love you, why user?
Sounds about right
I doubt she'll win in court user, they won't find a single abrasion or anything on her (unless she punches herself in the pussy), and a rape kit will show up negative.

Okay, well throw the stupidity of that in their face. Have your roommate show up and just stand there so you can at least point to a person in the room and say "he saw it too and would confirm my story if you would let him talk." Again, this assumes he actually would; keep in mind that people on a group acid trip tend to have pretty different experiences and therefore different perceptions/memories of the same events. Have you talked to him about the allegations and asked what he remembers about them?

Sage for going off topic here.

Generally admitting that you were on drugs isn't incriminating. School policies may vary on this, but from a criminal perspective it's not in fact illegal to be high; it's illegal to possess the drugs.

Get schooled by your lawyer. Seriously, go do that right now. Also take into account.

Wouldn't they just kick me out anyway? They have the police report where I already talked, so I'm sure my unwillingness to cooperate would be what they need to kick me out.

The school told me not to talk to her at all. And my lawyer said she can't stop this once it's started.

I know you're telling me to sue, but I don't even know where I'd begin with that. On what grounds?

This. The school's policy on drugs is kind of weird, but I'm pretty sure they have a strike policy. I doubt I'd get kicked for it, not sure to be honest

This story just keeps getting worse and worse. Are you 18 or just an idiot? What did you say to the police?

Did you tell them you took drugs? You realize LSD drops out of your blood stream in 2 days right?

We still don't know whether OP had them or if the girl did. If the girl did, OP could go to her parents and tell them to call off the whole thing if they don't want that coming up.

Refuse to attend the universities hearings and demand they make any accusations or actions against you in writing to your lawyer. Then use said lawyer to file suit against them for libel in civil court for publicly accusing you of a crime you've never been convicted or even accused of in a court of law.

If they expel you without hearing your lawyer then sue them for failure to deliver on the contract implied by your enrollment.

You have a list if rights longer than your dick. Swing it around one time.

This is actually a tremendous opportunity to skip the working life and go straight to retirement via lucrative lawsuit.

Freshman, yeah.

Pretty much what I told you.

And yeah, that was pretty integral to the story. She was on it too. She also drank.