Take a look at the video. It appears that Trump washes the shit out of a little mexican kid until he becomes white. It's 1954 prophecy.
Trum appears in old soviet cartoon
Looney Tunes is a billion times better. This cartoon explains why the USSR lost.
Yep that's Trump alright, no doubt about it.
Even back then commies couldn't meme.
Well, to be fair the soviets did produce one of the most beautiful animated films ever created.
Чебурахнулся чтоле?
Jesus christ, this is a fucking stupid thread. OP is a faggot as always, go back to 4chan with this garbage.
Soviet Era animation in the Eastern Block outside the USSR itself were much better, more deep, and more intellectual satisfying. For example. this surreal short film that offers a critique of Communism and Totalitarianism which hitherto was not allowed. With the creation of the Glasnot, criticism of the government was allowed. This film, much like other Eastern Block films of the time, offers a surreal look into the criticisms of the government by the author, Priit Parn.
It is a truly beautiful story based entirely around characters in the infamous painting The Breakfast on the Grass.
Soviet Era animation in the Eastern Block outside the USSR itself were much better, more deep, and more intellectual satisfying. For example. this surreal short film that offers a critique of Communism and Totalitarianism which hitherto was not allowed. With the creation of the Glasnot, criticism of the government was allowed. This film, much like other Eastern Block films of the time, offers a surreal look into the criticisms of the government by the author, Priit Parn.
It is a truly beautiful story based entirely around characters in the infamous painting The Breakfast on the Grass.
Russian animation was ahead of it's time.
I think that the reason that the whole of the Eastern Block's animation is odd and bizarre to the outsider a parallel comparison to Miranda's view of English commoners engaging in degeneracy in The Tempest. Due to the complete isolation to the outside world, the culture has no influence of other human population groups, kept ignorant, and gradually the knowledge achieved from a time when freedom prevailed is left. Miranda saw the degeneracy of the commoners and thought of it as a beautiful sight, exclaiming that London is a brave new world of insight and love to her. Miranda grew up on an isolated island with a population of a few.
In this case, the perspective is reversed, not in the view of the isolated, but in the view of the free observing the introverted society. Everything we watch is Esoteric to themselves. They, as a whole, understand their films, but to the outside it is hard to comprehend.
Another theory I have on this is that originally the surrealism was the only way to allow criticism of the government, hiding it deeply much like how the novel Alice in Wonderland was a hidden critique of the reign of Queen Victoria disguised as a children's novel. When Glasnost came to prevalence, there was still deep seeded psychological fear and the surrealism in animation was actually the standard. This is why they did not (and still do not) stray away from the Surrealism.
Also, I think it's safe to say this is now a Soviet-Era Animation Thread.
Honestly, the Soviet era cartoons are beautiful. I watch the Snow Queen (1951) and love it. Then I compare it with modern Russian animation which looks like Disney 3D garbage and want to vomit. Although, this should be more so a Holla Forums thing.
>the original title of the painting was Le Bain
This video is definitely jewish. They have a brand, and this video has that brand. I have to go look, but I bet there's a whole pile of jews behind this.
I assume this article? huffingtonpost.com
This article is unrelated to this film. It appears that it is under the same name because they were both made by Estonian animators, but this film appears to be made in 2014. It links to the film, which I have seen, and is not the same film.
This article provides an opinionated analysis on the film, which is beautiful. skwigly.co.uk
It's russian rhymes for children
But at the end, the one shit-covered kid jumps in the lake and the shit doesn't wash off…
Just seems golden horde eesti, but dubs don't lie.
i didn't know the ruskies had their own version of looney tunes back in the day.
what the fuck was that
if it was released during communism it might have been hidden. I get both anti-capitalism vibes with anti-communism
That's… Estonia was part of the Soviet Union.
Eastern Bloc countries outside of the USSR were Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, etc.
jesus what did the commies do to estonians
It's 'dirty boy' in original
Looks more like an anti-drug PSA given how he's hallucinating