Trump Campaign Memo: Primary Strategy Was To Provide ‘SAFE SPACE’ For Voters Called ‘Bigots’
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Trumpenproles will defend this.
post this to Holla Forums and see how fast you will get banned
i need my safespace because it hurts my feelings when people call me names :
>using :< at all
pls go
you get banned for having non retarded opinions on Holla Forums ?
I Voted hillary.
Just look at them.
they are special snowflakes.
top kek it's fucking real. Someone please make an infographic with screenshots of the document and laughing anime girls.
No really? Attracting people excluded from the democlaps by identity politics? A populist? How preposterous!
kill yourself.
Makes sense.
After all Holla Forumsyps are just reverse SJWs anyway. Two sides of the same coin.
Are we all elitists here? I'm sure many of us would be called something similar in its negativity by the elites.
it only confirms what we already suspected.
**attracting them with a different form a idpol
This is fucking hilarious
Holy shit, this sounds like every SJW ever.
Yeah trump rallies are just group therapy
Imagine the amount of damage control that's going to occur when Trump loses
I remember the Holla Forums fallout when romney lost in 2012
it was fantastic
but they werent nearly as invested in romney
this just made my day
That's why I'm looking forward to this the most.
All this hasty justification
Ha took them less than 5 minutes to ban me
no surprises here
I'm still not banned yet somehow
Someone needs to make a 4/pol/ thread on this too.
post ban
Fucking triggered
rightwingers are all big on their masculinity but when push comes to shove, when faced with a real fight, they get merked
reverse the leftist and Trump in that paragraph and you literally have every Tumblr justification for safe spaces
I wonder when they'll start making tree forts with "No girls aloud" signs.
The level of cognitive dissonance with Holla Forums posters is always a treat.
An user in the OC thread already mentioned this but we need to stockpile on memes to fully exploit their butthurt when trump loses.
It's unreal!
It's going to be glorious
It was glorious laughter for fucking 10 min
nice move OP nice fucking kek tier move
250 posts worth of Holla Forums sperging out over their safe spaces.
Well done OP
Because America is just full of poor fascists being beaten and persecuted for their views.
The projecting is real.
can anyone post that pic of Holla Forums sperging out at pertubator.
much thanks.
make up your minds already m8s
I find it funny that the anti-Trump thread isn't bumplocked, but the Sander-buy-a-house-threads actually get bumplocked here.
All this damage control
It's like everything was going alright until some dudes start shouting cuck then the guy was totally fixated on not being called a cuck.
Pic on that post looks like Shrillery had a kid with Mr. Plinkett. Article reminds me of pic related, I think he knows his audience.
I think someone said it was dull, and I have to admit it does come across as weak to me.
But yeah, I agree it's futile raising that point when it borders on personal taste.
Reacting to something and people will call out on it.
oh Holla Forums
Your cognitive dissonance is a glorious thing.
The polls say otherwise.
Trumpenproles will lose their shit, or Shillary liberals will.
Either way, it's going to be entertaining.
I fucking love you faggots.
It's called freedom of speech
You guys make some great cheerleaders.
delet this
Fucking amazing.
I'm so glad the future of discussion is among all the people rather than pundits, these people just expose how monstrous right wingers are
Thank you faggots for making an otherwise shitty day fucking awesome.
>>>Holla Forums7079250
Looks like the holaforumfags are there too.
That's a good ass movie m8. If you haven't seen it yet you're definitely not gonna be disappointed.
I've heard great things, it was that or The Last Time I Saw Richard but I've already seen that.
That can't even see how they are becoming a parody of themselves, can they?
These mental gymnastics would win them gold in the Olympics.
Jesus Christ the cognitive dissonance
You should see what they say when you tell them Trump is pro-Israel.
Are they all autistic?
The board title is such first and foremost because it's a spin-off from Holla Forums
We're not politically incorrect because despite advocating for the destruction of the current economic system we aren't whining about niggers and kikes.
Replace "shitlibs" with "white people", "affirmative action" with "privilege".. It's hilarious.
At this point it's honestly more sad than funny but I can't stop laughing.
Trump is objectively not going to win at this point.
You should be encouraged by that. Because both versions are late capitalist nightmares.
I just want my late capitalist nightmare with a nice helping cup of Holla Forums tears
I've never understood how people on Holla Forums can see the world and somehow think that college feminists control the country, especially while they constantly make fun of them for hiding away in safe spaces.
Also, where I live at least, most people would casually dismiss both sides of this argument. Honestly communism would be the only argument to be immediately demonized in most places.
Wow! Such aspirations!
Why do you give pol any value?
Because watching them get furiously upset they never got their way again is objectively the crème de la crème of the internet.
You shouldn't deny this either. We both know it's true.
With the magic of the internet
now you can
Will you show me your books?
I was offline for a while, like 10 years almost. I came back around 4-5 years ago. But only in the last 2 years did I even find out about what SJW/alt-righters were & this whole muh privilege thing. Most people irl could give a shit less. Most people are working 9 to 5 & have much more important things to worry about. If we were to encounter these muh privilege or alt right people on the streets we'd just laugh at them, like the idiots they are.
Alt-righters & regressive leftists are a match made in Heaven. They're equally retarded & focused on the wrong things.
Of course I do agree censorship is wrong, no matter who tries to apply it. But we should be targeting our anger/energy onto the government, the ones who really have the power here. Useful idiots should be shamed, but we shouldn't waste so much time on them or give them the attention they crave.
maybe one day
Just a cover or spine? Even a title?
I agree with this sentiment, but I'd like to add that we should also not disregard private entities.
Yeah, Facebook & Twitter blocking wikileaks during the DNC leak is a good example.
And let us not forget Hillary is the Google candidate. That they manipulate search results which has a huge effect on voters & the general populous.
We shouldn't disregard that.
>Holla Forums is still whining
Thanks OP. Thanks for these laughs.
What about when antifa got BTFO by the traditional workers party?
Hey Holla Forums.
Socioeconomic factors weigh heavily on IQ results. Access to education and healthcare/nutrition are obvious factors.
IQ can only increase 5 points throughout one's lifetime.
Also black children raised in upper middle class white families still had lower IQ scores than poor whites.
Also alleles responsible for intelligence have been discovered.
Thnaks for the trips, Kek.
A research design that shows the extent of behavioral similarity in relatives that share the same genes and environment– in comparison to unrelated individuals– is found in the family study. Some have asserted that heritability of IQ is quite high and their is a tendency for those similar in ability to marry and that the innate cognitive ability of the offspring will be reinforced by the supportive environments of the "intellectually elite", such as: separate neighborhoods , private schools, special interest groups, etc.(Herrnstien and Murray 1995). Limitations in this type of study include the difficulty in ascertaining whether factors such as socioeconomic status (SES), or similar variables, are causing spurious results. Strengths of the design are in its finding of zero coorelations between unrelated individuals raised together who share family environment but not genetics; therefore, the correlation between family SES and offspring IQ is due, to some extent , to genetic influence.
Stephen Ceci, professor of developmental psychology at Cornell University:
Richard Nisbett, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan:
It's also funny that in a thread about Donald Trump & Holla Forums's hypocrisy you bring up black people & IQ for some reason.
Reminder that you cannot accurately test someone's IQ more than once within a 10 year period.
Nope, just pointing out times in the thread when you got BTFO.
I thought this one was in bad taste, but here's another to choose from
Ah, the 'ol cherrypick of the Holla Forumslack.
By your own link, it specifies it's not only from genetics. Meaning.. There are many different factors.
user, there are no winners in all of this.
Must explain why he's a socially awkward fucking dork
Good thing he doesn't have a 156 iq
Big [citation needed] on those images.
Trump is literally Paul Mua'dib and if you ever even dare to suggest otherwise I will cry about black people
As in "dictator for life" Paul Mua'dib? The one that launched his followers on a genocidal jihad across all the known universe?
I don't know if I've ever seen something so beautiful.
They're so mad :^)
Can you tell sarcasm
But genetics is the biggest factor. 20 points a good jump, but it's far less than a 50% increase. You're not going from 85 to 140.
IQ can accurately be assessed by examining a person achievements. Trump owns 515 businesses 7 of which filed for bankruptcy 508/515 = .986407767
If you scientifically critique my precious pets I will throw a shitfit and cry like a bitch.
He isn't a master negotiator.
I don't think I can cry any harder than you're crying right now Holla Forumsyp
Omg.. Is this real life?
All my participation trophies are paying off!
You are new here, aren't you?
I didn't make the connection between this post and IQ posts; also was thinking about dictator thread.
I call up the media telling them they're doing a bad job throughout the 80's by pretending to be a guy called John Baron because they made fun of me because I am a super genius do you understand
I don't care how obvious it is it's me
t. Donald "The Mastermind" Trump
Let me guess, he just knowes people from the black infant sacrifice rituals that all of the bourgeoisie porkies attend
Acting smug doesn't hide the tears.
Reaction images don't invalidate facts. Just because they conflict with the writings of a borderline learning disabled philosopher who you happen to like doesn't make them false
Showing tears doesn't hide tears either.
Please provide evidence that personal achievements can determine IQ, especially a specific number like 156
Please provide evidence that personal achievements can determine IQ, especially a specific number like 156
Wow sounds a lot like you're conspiracies of what Jews do.
He inherited most of his wealth from his father, who actually was good at being a porky.
Also I love you don't know how to spell the world "Knows"
You're the one who getting emotional. You don't even post arguments, you just post smug reaction images. You are clearly in an irrational state of mind. I'm just speaking down to you from a point of wisdom in a grandfatherly manner.
The last form of proxy IQ measures examined here are original tests that provide an IQ estimate [the North American Adult Reading Test (NAART) and the Shipley Institute of Living Scales (SILS)] and school achievement testing. The NAART (Blair & Spreen, 1989) is an estimate of premorbid IQ and taps a relatively well-preserved function, pronouncing irregularly spelled words. The SILS (Zachary, 1986) is a two-subtest measure designed to produce an estimated FSIQ and two subscales. The conceptual quotient (CQ) is a measure of impairment, and the abstraction quotient adjusts the CQ for age and education (Zachary, 1986). Finally, we examine a prominent standardized school achievement test, the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS; Hoover et al., 2003).
The current article examined 11 proxy measures to determine their level of agreement with WAIS-III FSIQ across the entire sample. Two measures, the Barona and Crawford demographics formulae, were originally formulated for use with the WAIS-R. Since they are still in use, clinically there were examined to see how they related to the WAIS-III. The sample was also divided into three ability levels to determine how well the proxy measures perform at the tails of the IQ distribution.
He only started out with a million dollars. That;s not enough to produce a good movie. He managed to multiply that million dollars by 4500. Plus inheriting money doesn't guarantee success. Most lottery winners end up broke.
No I'm not
Funny because that's probably all he has
This autist is amazing
We should give him a participation award.
Okay but how does personal achievement have anything to do with IQ. you're talking about tests
Tippity toppity kek
Yes you are. You're just trying to mask it with smug images. Your behavior shows it.
Your baseless comments show you are not thinking rationally, and therefore are in a state of emotional distress.
Proving you wrong in a calm manner with minimal use of ad hominems is the opposite of autistic.
Because smart people tend to be more successful.
Trump voter: I like Trump because he says what he means.
Trump: You second amendment people might be able to do something about Hillary if she appoints SCOTUS.
Trump voter: He didn't mean that.
That's not a citation, friendo.
I already linked a source proving the first claim, as for the second math is the best source.
Correlation does not imply causation. That being said, Medical OCCS have the highest IQ range, over 130 ,but well below 156. Unless Trump moonlights as an anesthesiologist it seems your figure might be a tad bit off.
OMG! it is still up!
I'm dying over here, guys
Finance and real estate is still high up there, and that group isn't entirety composed of high level moguls like Trump. Most people in that area are accountants, insurance agents, and real-estate agents. Easy mistake to make.
You are clearly distressed, you should take a shower, or smoke a nice cigar. Clear your mind and relax.
man this really turned out to be a great thread
For me, but not for you.
Distressed from laughter
m8 I don't think you even realise how much of an ass you made of yourself
but by all means, keep going
Distressed as in frustrated and angry as result of being contradicted with facts.
If you guys were proven wrong by an ass then what does that make you?
I've been banned from here fore proving you guys wrong. Don't act it never happens.
What facts? The copy-paste you provided itself shows that IQ is influenced by a number of factors, and that genetics isn't the only one.
What are you trying to prove, again?
So spamming and/or shitposting
but i have never been banned for shitposting here
That still doesn't justify your figure of an IQ estimated at 156. Try again, buddy.
like pottery
Judging by the flag, shitposting is probably all you do.
But it is the biggest influence.
"Another study, commissioned by the editor of the journal Science, looked at genetics and IQ. The Minnesota researchers found that about 70 percent of IQ variation across the twin population was due to genetic differences among people, and 30 percent was due to environmental differences."
Genetics is key.
I just got Banned…
This is fucking glorious.
Keep it up comrades this is gonna be fun.
emancipating the working class doesn't mean supporting anything someone from the working class does you fucking idiot
You are the exact definition of autism
Proving you wrong is not the definition of autism.
I just changed the definition of autism. It's you. You can't do anything about it.
We are reaching levels of distress that shouldn't even be possible.
Let's see how long it takes me to get banned.
Shit post as hard as you can you fucking skeleton.
Think again, buddy. Simply put, the vote of labor class is not monolithic and Trump by no means is a majority shareholder.
Did you reply with a halo reaction image p
Doesn't mean I play the game. Also nice argument
Do you have autism I'm genuinely asking
God dammit, someone start a new thread
I nominate anfem to start the new thread
You have good triggering bants. I'm not so funny.
yeah do it anfem
nothing like you to rile up the rabble
Do eet famrade
Ehhh lads I would but its 2am. I'll certainly post in the one someone makes however.
Nah the TWP guys ended up being literally chased down the street by antifa, I think antifa got more injuries because one TWP guy pulled out a knife, the Nazi's which didn't have knives and fought with their fists got btfo.
Yeah, I haven't slept all night otherwise I'd do it. maybe after I catch my second wind.
That thread went to post limit & it was glorious.
I hope some one screen capped it.
You've been posting here in this thread almost all day and you're telling everyone else to calm down when we're just laughing at you.
Just look at the absurdity of this situation from our perspective, and stop trying.
woops replied to the wrong post
Maximum triggered
That thread is pathetic
There are adoption studies where a black child was placed with a white parent and has a substantially higher IQ, heavily suggesting societal factors.
My gott this is perfect. Someone make a new thread.
Why are you guys so low energy? :^)
That's a good thing.
As long as the NYT, the HuffPo, TYT all the elites in business, HRM, media, education, etc. don't call you "bigot" you're doing something wrong.
what the fuck rebel
And yet they were still lower than the white average. Genetics is 70% of the equation.
I wish we could have a genuine genetics discussion, without the racist overtones. That makes people disingenuous. If you're seeing what you want to see, you won't be able to have an actual discussion about it.
What about people who are illiterate? They can't by default have a lower IQ, if that's to measure knowledge ability, because they can't reasonably be tested.
Because of all these holes, maybe IQ tests should be considered pseudoscience.
You can give an illiterate person a raven test.
While this is fun to take, it only further makes the point it's pseudoscience. Definitely not an exact science & we shouldn't treat it as such.
proof it's pseudoscience? It's been used for decades. Also you can accurately predict IQ from SAT scores.
Just by the definition of the word.
There have been plenty of sciences practiced for some time, it doesn't make them valid based on that alone.
Has the scientific community rallied behind IQ tests as infallible or based on scientific method? That seems a stretch that you could accurately predict an IQ score from a separate test.
I'm not claiming anything as fact, and I can't. I'm not an expert on IQ or its methods..
If I had a reaction pic for every non-argument in that thread I would run out of hard drive space.
Why should we have to? We win either way.
Hey, nothin' wrong with Halo.
What do they mean by this?
moderation? neckbeards?
that one retard edited a GMIL comic thinking it's an anti-Left comic.
I don't think you get it, Trump has realized that there is a huge potential vote in the disenfranchised proletariat. Workers are alienated, he is appealing to him.
Of course he lies (like all porkies do), but he's doing what the democrats ought to be doing. Trump offers solutions for union workers, Hilary does not.
I saw that.
Which is funny, because apparently we are also an echo chamber.
You gotta be fucking kidding me trying to spin this marketing shill shit into a positive about how he respects unions.
Like that maid's union or those construction unions he's continuously fucked over his entire self centered entitled brat life. But I'm sure it was their fault not poor little precious baby Trump's
They both offer the same "solution" of "get fucked prole". You have to be a huge classcuck to think Trump will do anything to help worlers.
He's giving them an answer: I'll bring your jobs home. Meanwhile Hilary doesn't say anything.
Know who Steve Rattner is? He's the porky Obama put in charge of moving GM down to mexico. The UAW's remaining members want reasons to vote for Hilary, but she is not providing them.
Trump acknowledges their anger and their plight. His solutions may not actually work (and he might not actually have any intent to solve them in the first place), but the fact remains that he speaks to them. This is a big deal, it's how the Democrats used to run their party (and successfully so).
That has fuck all to do with unions and I highly doubt he will since he's relied on off shore labor for the past God knows how many years
I don't think I've ever seen a more faux populist sounds like it was made behind a shit eating grin sentence in my life to defend the hilarious idea Trump's campaign wanted to market "safe spaces"
It has everything to do with the unions: specifically their erosion. The Democrats won't acknowledge it, Trump will.
He's a charlatan but he knows what to say. People believe him as they got nothing else to turn to. Desperation begets radicalism.
And he's going to fuck them over anyways. Why is it better if he rubs their feels a bit before?
Stopped reading here
Trumptards come in here periodically & try to pass him off as a "worker's man". Then when they get called on it, claim they know he's full of shit, but "the people will believe him, he's a master negotiator". Some idiots will also "believe" Hillary. It's not a reason to vote for him.
Stop acting like there's actually a choice here. Neither care or will help the people.
It doesn't matter, as right now before the election they believe him.
I'm not fucking endorsing him. I'm stating what he is doing. He's clearly a liar but there's a reason why otherwise sensible people are supportive of him.
Honest question what's the difference between playing Devil's Advocate and disrespecting yourself
No, there isn't. It's a fucking meme. People have become too emotionally invested in MUH HIGH ENERGY GOD EMPEROR and won't let go of the fact that he's just another neocon shit head and not the harbinger of their nonwhite mass murder fantasies or 21st century Crusades.
what does that even mean? I don't care if I disrespect myself
yes, that's ==exactly== my point. People are emotionally invested in him, even though his ability to deliver on such promises is hugely suspect
We also have eyes, user.
I guess SJW just means "not Hitler and Trump's personal dick sucker" these days
I always use Reactionary Identity Politician myself. It works for both liberals and stormcucks.
If Trump was the same as Hillary the media wouldn't be on his ass 24/7. Nor would you have Talmudist pawns calling for a coup if he wins.
Yeah I guess if you count niggers and beaners the working class support is lesser. That implies niggers work though.
The AMERICAN working class has rejected your bullshit in favor of nationalism. Rent-seeking invaders benefit more from globalism.
wow start thinking anytime
But rent seeking invaders would benefit more from globalism.
should I start a new thread?
The point of the article is that Trump's core support likely come from the petite bourgeoisie.
It's hardly surprising. The petite bourgeoisie have always been the pawns of fascists.
sure, but also make a 4/pol/ one
and on 4/pol/ the mods are less active, so you can make the OP really obnoxious b8 and rub it in their face
Do it comrade. Come back when you're done.
Anarcha-feminist is a know shitposter btw. Just ignore her - everyone hates her, including most here.
Here you go.
I bumped it
this might actually be as good as the last one if this keeps up.
Christ it's even worse than doublechans pol
Don't forget "muh IQ".
You mean like being a nigger?
8ch was funnier because they actually tried to argue against it
halfchan is just sad
It was too easy.
They pretty much gave up
No his dad loaned him a bunch of money and contacts do you not understand how nepotism works?