Nativity Scene Could Offend Muslims, Priest Says
Nowhere near as offensive as that reddit spacing tbh lad.
That's the original article's spacing. you incompetent shill
inb4 (anti)Pope Francis condemns the priest for complaining.
The real reason is probably because he doesn't want sandniggers knocking over gravestones.
Europe is basically held hostage by violent trash just like in America since forever with old farm equipment.
The Supreme Court making abortion legal offended Christians. We should get rid of it.
Christians follow a slave morality. There is no purpose in doing anything for them. It won't change their behavior.
That's not how slave morality works.
All this stupid priest is going to do is bring negative attention to himself, probably lose much of the congregation, and someone else will set up the nativity anyway.
It never pays to be a cuck.
Pretty much this, Italian parents are already up in arms against the "war on Christmas carols" in most of the cities.
Are promiscuous people overmen?
The people who said there are no stupid questions were trying to avoid hurting your feelings. A successful organism will do what is necessary to ensure successive generations of offspring are strong, capable, and numerous. This also includes killing one's self if they have inferior genetics, like you.
Kikes have been getting nativity scenes removed for decades, I have a feeling they're just using muzzies as a proxy for this to make sure cucked Christians still worship jews and Israel.
This makes me angry. Why is Italy so cucked, where are the nationalists? I know the current Pope is a bitch, but there should be some proud Catholics or Christians, right?
Then he is stupid as hell because appeasing mudslimes doesn't work, it emboldens them. They believe everyone should be mudslime, their slaves, or dead. Only then will they be happy.
Is that what caused them to kill all the Native Americans and soon kill all the jews in a real holocaust? I guess leaving some alive was a sign of weakness. Won't happen again.
Think of Sweden. Done? Well, now imagine the exact opposite. Welcome to Italy, a place of love, beauty and casual racism dropped when and where you least expect it. Make no mistake: the average Italian openly hates Muslims, blacks and migrants in general. Migrants are openly called parasites on national television and told to go fuck themselves back to their shitholes. We're not just vocal about our dislike for diversity, it's something that is accepted and seen as normal. Social justice warriors do not exist in Italy. The alt right does not exist in Italy simply because there is no real need for that. And believe me or not, according to some statistics about 25% of the Italian population hates Jews. That is a lot.
Italy is not cucked. Italians are probably some of the least cucked people in Europe and do not stand behind bullshit like the one described in the OP.
That was done by passive disease transmission.
Won't be Christians who do that.
lets face it christianity had a good run but its a cuck religion now
hope he cancels mass on sunday because it too might offend someone, like me, I am offended everytime anyone prays, can you please just stop, thanks obama
These wild atheists roaming around beheading people.
once you offend them enough, he is wise to anticipate attack, all ancient chinese hisotry
If we do nothing, they will take from us everything.
oh no, we better abandon the core of our religious belief and worship because some people might be offended
Even if pandering to kebabs was logical and an okay thing to do..
Why would they be pissed about Jesus? He's literally a Prophet to them.
If anything this Year has shown that Everybody is Tired of hearing that word and that it's formerly devastating effect is Rapidly Wearing off.
Only subversives espouse such bullshit
Its the perfext result for someone working in league with satan, willingly or through ignorance
I like the way you think, user.
Its probably a publicity stunt. Media will take you wherver they want you to go, what they dont want you to know is not published.
Muslims love Jesus though, it's in the fucking Quran.
He's trying to shrug off the fact that he's spreading his asscheeks for Muslims, what a cuck.
Christianity introduces values into people's lives, which is very important to keep society from collapsing. The priest in the OP is succumbing to his feelings, which are not the point of Christianity. Webm related
The newfags have been trying to force that reddit spacing meme for a while. Personally, I don't get the appeal of typing like a lazy nigger.
You and I can watch that video and see two different things. When the person mentions values, what he is really talking about is other people's interests.
If the person drowning is an African immigrant, then he has negative value. He is coming to my country to live off my taxes, kill my family, and rape my sons and daughters. Even in his own country he lives only due to foreign aid and charity. Giving to him ensures that people who could provide value receive nothing. The dog is an investment, he has taken time to train, he could be a hunting dog, be used as protection, or as a companion. The dog provides more benefit to society. Your value judgment is the reason many animals in Africa are threatened to extinction. Not all human life has value to your people. This is what you need to learn.
As a universal principle cheating can be seen as bad, because it invalidates the purpose behind the test, to measure ability. Unfortunately, in a society where the same scores are not equally beneficial, the test itself is invalidated. A person could ethically cheat to an extent that would provide equal rewards for the effort required.
I will spare you an existential crisis.
I am no fan of Christianity as a religion. I see nothing in the Bible that could offer any guidance for the European races in these times. That being said, the Christian heritage of Europe must be appreciated just as much as it's pagan traditions, the works of art and literature by Europeans inspired by Christianity are invaluable to us. Go to any great museum in Europe or the Anglosphere, and you'll see for yourself the indispensability of our christian history.
He should get fired for even considering such a heretical idea.
In a bit i believe they are gonna need lot more than that litle corner.
That faggot admitted that he studied the Talmud at an Orthodox Yeshiva
definition of ''CUCK'
why is this news
Another attack, lads. A bot is bumping threads to try to keep us from connecting with real Holla Forumsacks
Good for you Italy! If you like I can donate you faggots a wonderful wicker man. You will really like the wicker man, as you faggots already have so much in common with bundles of sticks in human shape ;^)
Get him, Mehmet.
If any religion or culture asserts enough its right to exist, it will invoke the wrath of every other culture and religion to destroy it utterly out of spite. It's only Europeans who try their best to affirm and assimilate other values into their own. Jews do none of this. That is projection on the part of Europeans. That is, European culture affirms all it can - assimilates. Jews do not accept any values but their own and see every demand of them as an imposition, a suffering that's necessary so they don't get found out. A European assimilates and affirms.
Now the Jew wants Europe to affirm Islam. That's not going to happen. Islam must adapt, not Europeans.
The most hated of histories in the world have disappeared because of resentful people that destroyed it all. Like the library of Alexandria.
Italians are based as fuck. They openly call for killing shitskins.
Stay autistic.
How long until someone dumps pig carcasses on the muslim graves?
Indeed; too bad we are not breeding and are caught up in the strangling grip of hedonism.
I don't hate migrants, I just can't stand when we cannot control how many and who comes to my Country. Also: if they do not adopt our culture and way of life, we should send them away. Like my boxing trainer (a 70-something old man who had a sexual drive which would put to shame our generation) used to say: I am not afraid of Italy becoming a multi-ethnic Country; but I will never accept a multicultural Italy. Even Mussolini was against racism, but I uppose if I try to be realist n how to preserve my culture and identity I would be called a xenophobe by the left and a cuck by the right. Btw: I'm a Catholic, and I would never accept taking down a nativity scene for fear of offending Muslim migrants; if they don't like seeing them, they can go back home.
Christianity is not the problem, it's the ideological take on it which came after the 1968 sexual revolution which is the cause of the cuckoldry we see today. It's not Christianity, it's the rancid juices coming out of its deceased fake, which are flowing to the same cup into hich the corpse of Communism is dissolving into this "post-Communism" which makes my grandmother (the founder of the Communist party in her city) sick to the stomach…what hae these two poisons in common? They both preach a false "tolerance" which is submission to "feeling good" rather than doing what is good. We squandered our culture, traditions and religious values in the name of this "feel good" ideology. The Christ was a pacific person, not a pacifist; He was good, not a moralist nor a hippie. Too bad too many Christians signed up to these lies.
I hope you're right. Europe and America are facing a lot of problems and no one seems to want to fix them.
Believe me…our old guard is made of steel. It's the generation of my parents who is weak, we young people are trying to regain a sense of dignity and purpose. But a tree without roots is weak and dies: we need to link ourselves back with God and our Fatherland, without racism and elitism but also wth honesty and using the brain above the "heart".
I still have hope, but we needto fight back our own problems if we want to fix those who come and cam from outside. We need to be whole again before fighting the enemy, not an enemy of flesh and men who bleed as much as us but the insidious lures and snares of these times, in which the mad dogs of Hell have been set free.
Selfish people bred by hedonism bring barren wombs, and from those wombs hatched the snakes of modernity: homosexual pride, politcal correctness, this fake Christianity…Italians need to learn to be proud and strong, they need Christ in their life and they need to read Evola, Mussolini and other rebel splinters of thought against modernism and its brood.
Exactly. Think of all major religions. The only one that dislikes but still cares about Jesus is Judaism. Of course maybe the church is afraid of offending Satanists.
Easter's the core; not Christmas. Still, this priest needs to be first in line for the rope.
Indeed; we need Pius XIII for real! Maybe after this Pope (who I firmly believe was a punishment to the ungratefulness and cowardice of His Church), God will send us a good one.
5 star post
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new MOTTO potential
Pagans don't need to love their neighbor.
Honestly? He should be killed.
Just send him to the Middle East…
Good idea.
The priest knows sandniggers will destroy it and the police will do nothing about it. Better to keep it inside where it will be safe from multiculturalism.
There are plenty, but I dont think most media wants to give them a voice.
They're rotting in the fires of hell, Father. This is exactly the time to rub it in.
we should not hide God, even when He's just an infant born among the animals.
Fantastic bait though, I'll give it a solid 8/10
We should further hurt their sensibilities and disrespect their faith by ending their inane fucking occupation of Italy. Send them to the fucking roach den they were spawned from, they have no reason to be in a Christian nation.
While Christianity is garbage and one of the reasons we are slaves of the Jewry, even then I can not accept it when it's being killed for anti-white reasons. If it should become a dead religion then the way that has to happen is for it to be replaced by a European religion based on worshipping ones own race.